Whale Communicator Joy McEntire

Northern Right Whale

Whale & Dolphin Communicator ~ Discover whales and dolphins through their own eyes!

... an amazing journey of discovery with Whale Whisperer & Dolphin Whisperer Joy
UNPUBLISHED Whale and Dolphin Journals
Given that my published journals only go to 2018, it looks like I simply stopped.

However, that is NOT the case!

I just don't have time to get my notes out there... I barely have time to enter my notes into my journal, let alone, edit them and cross-check to reference them to other existing entries, and then get them published.
So for now, I decided I HAVE to put these not-yet-finished notes out there, so that my readers KNOW that the whales and dolphins are continuing to connect and can follow along a little bit in the evolution of these fascinating experiences.

Their stories don't need to end, just because I can't find the time to publish them. (The entries on this page are database-driven, so as soon as I add a new entry, if I decide it's okay to share it, it will show up on this page. )
My "friends" (the whales and dolphins) are VERY anxious for me to get all of this out there. They not only want you to know about them, and get to know them, but they would also love to have the "feedback" of how readers perceive them, as it also helps them to understand many of the new (for them) ideas more succinctly.
So these are my rough notes, not all of them, but many of them. For the sake of timeline consistency, I've also included the published notes, so that you won't need to jump back and forth between the rough notes and the published notes.

These entries are in a raw format, i.e., just the rough notes that I may initially have captured in my journal, but not yet edited for publishing... Often, there is just overview info of a day, a conversation, a connection, an event, or something like that.
*** Please note, they are NOT proofread, they're full of typos, and often unfinished thoughts or sentences, but they are, after all, "rough notes". Please forgive this. I thought it was better to get them out there in some form or other, even if they're not perfect. I think you'll like them anyway.  ***
Some of the journal entries are pretty close to okay, and I could potentially publish them, but I haven't had the time to figure out what's what, so here are most of them.
Also, many of these are still written in the 3rd-person format I'd been using initially, as at that time, it allowed them to come through with their own voices and stories. Now, I write ALL of my new journal entries in the 1st-person narrative, and they've figured out how to "interrupt me" just fine and add their own words. (They are smiling here, because they think it's silly for us to have used the name "Joy", because they love to call me "Funny", to be playful!)

I will be updating those original entries, but time is one of my biggest challenges...

Oh yes, I also have all kinds of hand-scribbled notes all over the place, on sticky notes, in notepads, and on other bits of paper that have been paper-clipped together so they don't get lost, and more, that haven't even made it as far as the database. Hopefully, they will also end up here with the rest of these notes, in time.
I hope to make these entries searchable... I have the code ready to go, but I'm "chief cook and bottlewasher" here, and I manage my own technology, and I'm hoping to get this moved over to a different hosting company, then add an SSL certificate, so that it's a "secured" website, and nobody will worry about it being unsafe. I'll eventually get there.
So without further ado, here are the journals. Happy reading!

ALL Whale and Dolphin Journal Entries (including both published and unpublished, and also rough-note versions)
362 records found.
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11/30/2015      Dolphins     
Dolphins enjoy happy "energy"

Dolphins are very psychic, and they love playing!

One day, I was getting some notes ready for one of my sessions, and I was going to write about the dolphins. As I tried to write my version, what actually came through was "… the dolphins are my friends when the energy is light enough!"

Sometimes the dolphins are more joyful than other times, and I find it's often when I've been having a wonderful connection with them.
They start jumping more around me, and it's the most fun thing to see them surfing the waves too!
I love feeling their happy energy!
I referred to this particular group of dolphins as "my dolphins…". This was a group that spent their days at the end of the summer and into the early autumn months, in the ocean at the beach that I am so fortunate to live close to…

Usually they're gone by late September or early October or thereabouts, as the weather gets colder, and they move on farther south, wherever they're migrating to… (The dolphins showed me on the map that it's a stretch of ocean between Myrtle Beach and Charleston, South Carolina.)

They had been gone for about a week or so, as the weather had gotten colder at night, and I was told they were gone for the rest of the year.

However, the day before Thanksgiving, I played with some energy that must have been especially nice and very deep, because on the Sunday right after Thanksgiving, I was at the beach doing a few exercises, and I kept looking hopefully out to the ocean in the event that there might be dolphins there, even though they had all told me they were gone for the year.

This day, I didn't even ask if the dolphins were around… I had asked a few days earlier and was given that they were many hours away already… somewhere near Morehead City, which would have been a little bit too far away to come back easily in the 20 minutes or so I might be at the beach.

However, about 15 minutes later, I saw little flashes that I usually recognize as the dolphin fins in the water… and when I looked more closely, there they were!

Next thing I knew, there were about three or four of the dolphins, joyfully connecting with me, and they came very happily riding the waves towards the beach, just in front of where I was playing. I could feel their joy!

I asked "Are you my dolphins?"… and the answer was "Yes, of course we are!"

They had apparently been connecting with the light new spaces and had "followed their joy" [their words] and in doing that, followed the energy pathways that they are connected to, right back to my part of the beach in Virginia.

Oh what fun! … but I was so busy having fun with the dolphins that I didn't pay attention to the incoming tide, and a huge wave came rolling in.

In a big hurry to back up and avoid getting wet (after all, it was autumn, and the weather was chilly, and I was wearing long pants and running shoes…), I tumbled backwards and fell down in the middle of the big wave.

I laughed, as the dolphins connected with my "silly grin over this mishap", as they put it! I was a little bit cold (okay, very cold and chilled) for the rest of my time at the beach, but decided to stay and play just the same, hoping that the dolphins might continue to stick around for a while… and they happily did.

I finally said good bye and headed home for a cup of nice hot tea and a warm shower.

01/08/2016      Dolphins     
Staying for the winter
Published 01/21/2021

I was at the beach this morning, and there were the dolphins! Again!!! They keep on showing up!

It's January now and usually they're gone by early October, but this winter, they keep coming back.

This would have been my Group 2 dolphins, the second group of dolphins who came in to this part of my beach, attracted by the "energy". They indicated that they now want to stay for the winter, to keep being there in this "energy".

One of the dolphins let me know that he was aware of some of this energy that I was playing with, and wanted to "learn"… and he was asking to be friends.

I asked if this was like a dolphin who might be a leader, but the answer was no… rather, "one who might help the others awaken more, like a shaman" (in our experience)

I asked to feel his personality, and I was really surprised… It felt strong, masculine, very definite and very aggressive.

I asked if that was just him, or whether most of the others also would feel that way to me, and I was given it was who they are as a group.

A few days later, as I wrote this, I was aware that the females are soft and gentle towards the males, but the males aren't aware of this. The females didn't know how to connect to me any way other than through their dominant species energy, i.e., like the males.

As I played with "the energy" there on the beach, the dolphins said they were doing that as well. They apparently play along when I play with the energy at the beach.

Note added years later, Jan 2021, as I went to edit my original note (above), as I'm finally getting around to finishing and updating some of my very first entries… In those days, they had no idea how to "write" with me, and our communication patterns were just beginning. The moment I started writing, now, though, they "jumped in" and began wanting to contribute, and explain something, and my journal entry went a completely different direction! I've now put the original note back at the top, and added the new notes here.

Now, in Jan 2021, they would like to add
"the ideas that we were struggling with back then."
So this is them, adding their notes with me, years later, about early January 2015.

To continue from the first line of my journal entry, above: They keep on showing up! … and they continue with:
 "… but we would like to know 'WHAT?', but we didn't understand it then."
They indicated that they wanted to keep being there in this "energy", regardless of the weather. Whatever this energy is that I play with, it seems to me that it must be very fun and magical to them… but they're indicating now, very emphatically, that "It was 'fate', but NOT energy, and we KNOW when someone is fine to be with and play."

"Not fun, but very enlightened," some of them are trying to say here, so that you might understand that
"It's not 'play' that we need, but 'research' and 'Who is God?' ". (They're definitely using their expanded knowledge of what they've learned by hanging out in my space all these years… they could not have expressed those ideas at that time, it seems, but the language of "energy" is universal, and even now, they're aware of what was there then.)

As I'm checking on those words they're writing  about "God", this is NOT Sunneshine (my bottlenose lady whale who has learned in late 2020 about Christ and all the "light" that seems to be there when He's present)… Not that they ever asked me those questions, or in that way, but "we see and know when it's God there through others, but Joy is kind, so shows us the 'Christ version' of life and less stress in your society."

Okay, yes, I work a lot with "consciousness", "Christ Energy", "changing vibes", and more, in the work that I do as a healer. So the words they're using are not all that surprising. They're saying here, though, that "We MUST come for this 'energy', because nobody else who has stood on any beach anywhere near us exudes this, or anything even close to it."

And then, their next thoughts were:
"She MUST be a dolphin, as well, because we can read her ideas. Nobody else is shy about loving us, and we feel it just a little bit [what people feel when they see or connect with dolphins], but we can't 'connect'. With this energy here, it's 'just another dolphin,' and just perfect. We connect."

There's more, but they show that they can't come close to putting it out there in a way that will make sense to most people.

They're trying to say "She sees everything as kind, and is just a kind lady," but they're not expressing what you think they mean at all! Lots of people are kind…   

According to them, they kept showing up "because we could show others of our group what was what…"

What they've expressed to me over the years is that would see (third eye, they're saying) that whenever somebody would walk past me on the beach, that person's aura would change and become nicer, and it would remain that way, even if that individual was back on the beach several years later… and at the same time, they also weren't at all shy about letting me know that initially, when someone else's aura got nicer, mine got all "muddy" for a while, and it took some time to clear again… and if all they had ever seen was the "muddy version", they wouldn't have bothered coming!

As it was, they say
"We know, because we watched this happen over and over."
Now they're laughing, though, and trying to make you laugh too, with
"Yes, and it amused us to see change, so nobody is coming to see Joy, just the aura's changing!"
They're kidding! We do listen to the occasional radio comedy shows together, so they NOW "get" humor!

Actually, they indicate it was more of
"We want" they say, "so if Joy changes auras, then help ours."
As you can tell, writing my journal entries gets just a little bit complicated sometimes! However, I wouldn't have it any other way!

Another note:
In writing my notes up in 2021, I asked whether the dolphin "who might help the others awaken more, like a shaman" [earlier in this entry] was PeaceBringer, but it is not. I can't feel the energy "connecting", or making that match.

However, it feels like this one knows PeaceBringer… like maybe they're related; they're indicating "Just a younger half-sibling, or something like that." (Not that they really understood a lot about the siblings yet at that point, or even now… )

01/16/2016      Dolphins     
"Dolphins and Whales"
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

I had been getting the words "Dolphins and Whales…" for a few days. I wasn't quite sure why...

A few days later, one of my neighbors asked me if I had seen the whales…

The whales had been in the Bay, and my neighbor had been out on a boat and had seen them.

A friend of mine also later said she had seen a huge, great big splash out at sea, one day in January, and she had been sure it was a whale.

01/18/2016      Dolphins     
"Aren't you cold?"
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

It was January, and it was cold!

My group 3 dolphins have stayed around so far, and they have kept coming in to the beach every morning when I am there.

I can dress warmly to stand on the beach, but I am all-too-aware that the dolphins are in water that must feel pretty cold… (Isn't that why they disappear for the winter? They go south where it's warmer…)

"Aren't you cold?", I ask them.
"Yes but…"
I told them, "Off you go then… go somewhere where you can be warm!"

However, the following morning, the dolphins were still out there…

A month later or so, I checked with them again about the cold. "It's wintertime, aren't you cold?", I asked them.
"Yes," they replied, "but the 'awakening' is more fun…"
I told them to go south and get warm, but they just said "We'll see..."  and some of them (fewer, though) were still around after that.

I tried sending them on their way again, with "Okay, just go on then, to where you need to be to live." This time they listened.

(Please note: These were days of more preliminary communications… we weren't using lots of words yet at this time… it was much more just "ideas".)

04/13/2016      Dolphins     
A Christ Dolphin

I was curious, and so I asked the dolphins a question: "Do you know Christ?"

"Yes, we have a Christ dolphin," they replied.

At this point, I wasn't sure whether they actually had a dolphin (i.e., a dolphin in one of their own dolphin groups) who was like Christ, or whether they knew about Jesus.

A little while later, I understood that the dolphins actually knew many of our historical individuals…
...but they were also sure that all of those individuals are also "dolphins."
As I understood it at the time, they think we're all dolphins!

(A note added Feb 2019: That would be my east-coast dolphins. My west-coast dolphins think differently… They don't think we're dolphins like they are…  but maybe that's because I haven't had as much of a chance to spend time on the beach, connecting with them from there!)

06/19/2016      Dolphins     
The dolphins and Atlantis

The dolphins love connecting with happy energy.
I've found that any time I'm around and anything really significant comes up (energy- or information-wise), they respond by jumping more.

On this particular day, I was connecting with very early history.

Wherever I go, I am usually "tuning in", and with that, sometimes I'm asking questions about things and receiving information. Oftentimes, when I focus, there is a steady stream of information. Often it's fascinating… (and the dolphins are hoping to add here that it's "beyond-interesting"!)

So the thread of information on this day was about times long ago, and information that included Lemuria and Atlantis… before human beings.

As I stood on the beach, asking about this, the dolphins were nearby. They had been quietly weaving, i.e., doing their usual dolphin thing, although as usual when I was nearby, they were going up, down, back and forth… always staying near where I was.

I don't remember the exact thread of what the information was, but it was something related to Atlantis and dolphins.

At that moment, just as the information came through, the dolphins put on a spectacular show:
Within the space of about 10 seconds, eleven different dolphins joyfully jumped high up into the air, and came down again surfing a wave.
There was an excitement with this that was so grand that it was like the "grand finale" of a fireworks show.

According to the dolphins, in that moment, they had connected with the memory of this as a "moment of truth", i.e., a knowing, and something they just felt, deep within their core.

The dolphins are always "light" (they would add the word "conscious" here, because I'm aware of their spirits, they say) and they often play more when I am at the beach (increasing steadily since 2014), but this was really exceptional!

06/23/2016      Dolphins     
"Do I know you?"

It was a lovely summer late summer afternoon, and I enjoyed going for walks to the beach, which is quite close to where I live.

"Are the dolphins nearby today?" I asked as I arrived at the beach.
The answer I got today was "no... but..."
"Hmmmm... I wonder what that means?" I mused.

I looked around, but there were no dolphins to be seen anywhere.

Shortly thereafter, a little ways out and farther down the shoreline, I saw one of the little telltale signs that there are dolphins... At the moment, it was just a single fin.

It wasn't long, though, before there were a few more.

"Wow! Dolphins!" It always lifts my energy and brings a very big heart-smile and a "high" when there are dolphins nearby.

These dolphins, though, didn't bring quite the same "high" as usual.

"Do I know you?" I asked.
"Nope... We don't connect," was the answer.
I checked through the energies of the pods of dolphins that I already knew and called "my dolphins".

Group number one? Nope... Number two? Nope... Number three? Nope… Okay, here's a new one. We'll call you Number four. (How inventive of me… At the time it worked!)

By the way, I DID ask all of them if their pod had a name… but ALL of the groups have given me the same name for their pod: "Wide Horizons"… and they are all surprised that the name is not unique just for their pod…

I decided it was simplest just to name them according to the order in which I first learned about them.

Back to these new dolphins…

Their answer "We don't yet connect" was just the beginning.

"Connecting" is a process that changes our vibration.
I am, at my core, someone who "plays with energy"… and that is what has brought through the healing that comes through me, and which is also at the root of my being medically intuitive, right to the level of the DNA. I "connect", and "figure out the pathways" (the dolphins are helping me to explain).

So now, I could feel the vibes beginning to change. The consciousness of the dolphins began to connect, and I was aware that other dolphins were nearby, lifting my energy, and the new group of dolphins started connecting with the other dolphins ... mostly group three, because they were the closest at the moment.

Soon there were many dolphins around, and most of them were directly in front of me. Some of them were even quite close, but I noticed that there weren't any farther down the shore. They were all in front of me!

Dolphins normally just head on up the shore and gracefully move on, but the more times I play with them, the longer they learn to stay around. They say they enjoy the "unique vibrations."
(I can't write here that "I noticed [that the more times I play with them]"… They show that they KNOW that was the case.)

This new group indicated to me that during the summer, they're normally near this area, but they remain on the other side of the water, up the strip that goes by Chincoteague and then Ocean City, Maryland. They sometimes go as far as Delaware. (You get there from Virginia Beach by going across the Bay Bridge tunnel.)

A note added later, at the end of the summer: Group number four subsequently "stayed around" and came in to visit me for most of the remainder of the summer… as long as the group number two dolphins weren't around; that part of the beach is group number two "territory" during the summer months!

07/18/2016      Dolphins     
Dolphin "Whale Tails"

It was very early evening on the beach, and I had just connected with something wonderful and new, as is often the case, given that I work with energy all day long.

This particular day, it was really neat. As I've already mentioned, my dolphins responded to "energy", and the "more of it" there is, as with this new space, the more they "get carried away"… (that's their words)

My group 1 dolphins were there, greeting me, and they were happy!
They were, as always, "aware"… so if I had something fun happening, they were happy too! (Group 1 is the group that has been around I the longest time.)

There were many of them, and they were quite close to the beach…
They played in a way that I had never seen them playing before, and they were staying put for a long time, which the dolphins don't usually do, as they prefer to keep moving.

The dolphins kept splashing… playing… using their flippers to splash, and also often, their tails.

What was really neat was that they let me know they were doing somersaults under the water as well!
… and, I would see their tales up in the air, like "whale tails" just before they dove under the water…
I had noticed that I had been seeing much more of the dolphin tails lately… but the dolphins like me to call them "Whale tails"! They're VERY definite about this!

We weren't at the point of "conversations" yet, but there were definitely words and ideas exchanged.
They were PROUD of their Whale Tails, as they (the dolphins) thought they were "huge" this day… just like this "big energy".

I could feel their delight and their "beaming energy", as they put it… It made me smile so deep inside…
They were indicating "We don't know just what exactly this is, but we love you!"

There was almost an overwhelming sense of huge connection between me and the dolphins, and it felt  "WOW"! There was a feeling of ecstatic fun.

There were several other people and families standing at the beach, watching, drawn by the happy, splashing dolphins.

I clapped with enthusiasm at their antics, although the ocean waves drowned out the sound.

Dolphins actually love it when people clap… it's not the sound, but the energy waves that are created by clapping.
I had never seen the dolphins stay in one place, splashing and playing like this any other time before. It was breathtaking!
The dolphins splashed and played like this for about 15 minutes… then they gradually moved away, doing their much more normal "dolphining" away from the shore… but even then, they still often took dives that showed their "whale tails", and continued splashing on occasion. It was a beautiful, happy energy.

P.S. The dolphins indicate that there was no possible way to capture their joy and "big energy" using words and descriptions… it was indescribable…

08/11/2016      Dolphins     
Dolphins migrating… and dolphin "territories"

It's that time of year… Mother Nature begins to call.

The dolphins, group 2, has been around all summer. They've been the ones mostly coming in to connect with me…

Every time I see the dolphins, my energy goes way high… and that's every single day. I have really enjoyed it!

However, the last few days, the dolphins have let me know there are changes coming…

Group 2 lets me know that the energy is pulling them on south for a bit. (They'll probably be back again… moving off several times, coming back, again and again…)

Group 4, which is usually across on the other side, i.e., closer to the Eastern Shore, has begun to be around a lot more often.

Actually, it turns out that group 2 had been choosing to be here, and so the other groups mostly just pass through, but don't stay, because group 2 "prefers" it that way.
"Territorial" would be the correct word!
Group 1 had also stayed near, but farther down the beach, as well as farther out in the ocean. They would have been closer if they could, but group 2 was letting them know that my end of the beach was "not available".

An interesting thing happened when I next connected with group 2… They became aware of something new. "Territorial" is what dolphins are, but now, in my space, they are finding that "caring" is there, and that I love all of the groups.

This was like an "Aha!" moment for them. From this time on, more dolphins from various groups are allowed near my part of the beach… at the same time! (Please note, though, that they were still keeping themselves very distanced from each other).

Group 2, while territorial, is also "the friendliest" group. They enjoy people.

They've been around the guided kayak tours all summer… coming close when the kayakers are out in the water, and sometimes being right there in amongst the kayakers.

Sometimes when I have said to the dolphins, "The kayakers are about to head out,", they have replied with excitement, "We're on our way."

Occasionally, though, as the season has been changing and migration is coming, they "hide" until the kayakers are out in the water, and then they'll suddenly "show up".

Dolphins are apparently really great at doing that. They can be nearby, but keep most of their telltale signs hidden, until they are ready to be seen.

Today, they wanted to let me know that they will be disappearing. There have already been fewer of them around for the past two weeks or so, and the day before, group 2 let me know that they had headed off, and that I wouldn't be seeing them again for a while (… although I said "okay, but who knows how long that will be?!")

… and then, this morning, the dolphins didn't really show up for the kayakers. They were there, though.

They said there were two of them out there, two females they let me know, just before the kayakers headed out. They stayed pretty much hidden though, and didn't "mingle".
They said the rest of their group has gone on, but they're still here for a little while longer, as long as the kayakers are there.

The dolphins connect with different energies.
Group 1 is the most conscious and light, the most interested in the energy that I "play with".
Group 2, however, is much more heart-centered, and they prefer nice warm heart connections. This is actually what makes them "friendly."

They let me know that when they are with the kayakers, the kayakers' energies are nice, and they can connect.

Group 3 indicates that they will be back around in the area in a while… they have a more "northern" migration route than group 2.

Group 1 is still around, but tends to stay farther out… at this point. They're more interested in the "energy pieces" and they don't need to be as much in the vicinity in order to connect. They stayed connected all last winter, even though they were only present some of the time.

08/12/2016      Dolphins     
"Friendly" dolphins

My group 2 dolphins are what I call my "friendly dolphins". They enjoy people more than the other dolphin groups do.

It's my group 2 dolphins that always come around the kayakers who are out in the ocean enjoying their kayak tours… and for whatever reason, they especially enjoy the light-colored kayaks, like the white ones and the yellow ones…

At this point in time, they are unsure as to whether the kayaks are sentient or not (note that they're wondering about the kayaks… not the people in them!), and so they come near to explore.

On this particular day, as I was standing on the beach, my group 1 dolphins became aware of the idea of being "friendly", and they wanted to know more about that.

Back in the spring, I had connected with my group 3 dolphins and asked "What do you feel like?", meaning, "What is your overall energy… How would you come across to me if I knew you well?"
One of the male dolphins had given me a  "dose" of his energy. I was completely taken by surprise.

I was expecting that dolphins would have soft energy, and would feel kind.
It was actually a very strong energy. I would describe it as aggressive! (Surprise!!!)

At that time, I also asked to feel a female dolphin's energy, and it also felt very "strong" and not at all soft or feminine as I had been expecting it might be.
Once they "experience", though, how I "feel them", they understand. It's a big deal, like
"Do we really come across that strongly?"
… and then, "naturally, we can update", they indicate.

So after this, my group 3 males felt more kind, but the group 3 females didn't yet know how to connect with me, because through their dolphin culture, it's the males who have always been the ones talking and interacting with others.
Please note that even within the other dolphin groups, the females don't interact… yet…
… however, see journal entry for 9/12/2016 for how the dolphin ladies first began reaching out to interact.
Anyway, on this day, my group 1 dolphins wanted to align with much more "friendliness".
They were already feeling the delight of the people on the beach as they dolphined by. "That’s a very new thing for us," they said.  

It was interesting and "unexplainable" to them as well, because they were unsure of what it is (or was) that keeps them "dolphining by", close to the beach. (My note: I had become very aware that the more people there are at the beach on warm days, the more likely that the dolphins would come closer…)

Gradually, they've learned that "people love seeing dolphins", and that's what keeps "calling them".

By the way, most dolphins (at least my east coast dolphins) are sure that everyone else is dolphins also. They use that idea so that they might be able to connect with them.

They know that those "people dolphins" (people) on the beach enjoy their vibes, so the dolphins will come close to the shoreline. The more "people dolphins" on the beach that are happy to see the dolphins, the "easier" the dolphins feel, and so they "dolphin by" more easily.

Now, group 1 began connecting with not only receiving the vibes of others (especially my energy for now), but also about how they respond back.

They became aware that it begins with their own vibes, and the females have been the ones to integrate this new "softer" pattern first… The females are much more "kind" already, and there is now very little of that "aggressive" energy that I felt back in the spring when I had first asked how they would "feel" to me.

… but don't worry, they show me that they're still VERY aggressive when they need to be!
"When it's about survival, we come first" they indicate.
The group 1 males will understand it soon, but for now, I'm aware that the females of group 1 respond with softness, at least towards other dolphins. (At this point, it's not yet acceptable for the females to interact with someone outside of the dolphins who live in the water.)

08/15/2016      Dolphins     
Almost swimming with the dolphins…

After talking and playing with the dolphins all last year, I decided it was finally time to get in the water with them… and so I went swimming in the ocean!

I had watched the dolphins playing near the kayakers several times, and hoped the dolphins would come close to me like that.

No such luck the first time! Actually, it was the boogie board…

I started my adventure with a lovely pink boogie board that had been stored away for several years.

The dolphins said that the boogie baord was too "slow"… They meant the vibration, of course! They couldn't get the right connection to it…
"Does it have a consciousness?", they asked.
Then they said,
"Leave it sit around in your home for a week or so, and we'll begin to feel your energy…"
But since I was already in the water with it, I just went swimming and paddling on my boogie board, enjoying the waves and the sunshine, the warmth, the blue sky, and the beautiful day.

Even though they weren't right there, they kept talking with me. That was group number 2.

They said they'd be more likely to come and play more when they had adjusted to my "in-the-water" vibrations, which were very different than my "dancing-on-the-beach" vibrations, which they had come to enjoy. They gave me feedback, so that I would know better what to do near the dolphins.

Breast stroke?
"No," was their response, "...but swim on your back, and gently move your hands at your sides, and that is nice."
Jumping in the water? Nope…

"Yes please!!! Round and round a few times… we like that!"
Group number 1 wasn't even nearby, but they also gave me encouragement.
"Try again tomorrow," they said the whole time I was out in the water.
"We can feel your energy, and we're liking it. We like your heart… and we need to raise our vibrations a bit, you see."
It's interesting, because group number 1 has the much greater consciousness, where they often connect from wherever they may be, without being present in the vicinity.

08/16/2016      Dolphins     
Finally swimming… and dolphin dances

Today, I went back to the beach and went swimming again… and today, both groups 1 and 2 of my dolphins were around.

As I was getting ready to get in the water, the dolphins began coming closer. They were playing A LOT! There was lots of splashing, and we'd say "horse play", but of course, that would be "dolphin play"! That was my group 1 dolphins…

Initially, I went out into the water alone, without my boogie board, so that the dolphins would get to know me more easily today. What else could I do after their previous comments about my boogie board???!

The dolphins were coming very close and were connecting with me… and they were splashing around a lot and putting on a great show!

There were a few other people nearby, and they also began gathering in the water and watching the dolphins, attracted by all the splashing.

The dolphins let me know that they didn't care much for the group of older ladies in the water closest to me, because there weren't any young people with them, but the next group over had some kids, and the dolphins let me know they were comfortable. (Not to have anyone take this personally, please! It's just that kids have a young, happy, vibrant energy, and the dolphins understand that energy… but they don't know what to do to interact with someone who doesn't have energy that they don't understand… yet.)

The dolphins kept asking me to move my arms. What they meant was, "please play with the energy!"
The dolphins were enjoying the energy, and were coming very close. They say it was to "try to understand what all the vibes were about". (Those "vibes" were related to my healing energy, and whatever I'd been doing that day…)

After a while, I got my boogie board and went out farther with the dolphins. That's where my group 2 dolphins joined me as well.

They came and stayed close by the whole time I was in the water… and they appeared to be having a lot of fun too. They also kept asking me to keep playing with the energy while I was swimming… So there I was with my boogie board in the water, singing away, playing, and clapping at the antics of the dolphins. They always loved it when I clapped for something they were doing!

I was fascinated and almost overwhelmed by this dolphin experience today… it was so beautiful and fun, and the dolphins let me know celarly that they were also "feeling" the vibes.

Occasionally, along our Virginia Beach beaches, people will see dolphins riding the waves, but that's more often when the waves are bigger and fun, like when it's been really windy, like after a big storm. However, mostly, dolphins just move along the shore much more gently, showing their dolphin fins, and just being "dolphins".

My dolphins today, however, were shining! It was fabulous!
It was my first time experiencing this much fun interaction with my dolphins.

They were in smaller groups of 8, and 4, all of them together splashing, playing, jumping, somersaulting and very often showing off their "whale tails" (that's what they love to call them now!) By Whale Tails, they're referring to sticking their tails straight up in the air, right before they disappear, just like the whales do! This was definitely a new thing for them!  

… sometimes there were three of them jumping all at the same time… and the water was constantly full of their dancing splashes… You could see the water showering around, even from way far away!

At one point, I felt something extra-special, in the form of a tremendous heart response from the dolphins who came the closest to me.
There are no words that can possibly describe the amazing dances the dolphins were taking care to choreograph (that's the word they used for it a few days later), and the beautiful soft, sweet energy that was there.

At one point, I asked if there were visible differences between the males and the females, so that I might be able to distinguish them when their fins and bodies where often up high above the waves.

The dolphins tried explaining the difference between the fins of the male and the female dolphins, but I didn't quite understand it. The size of the fin is a little bit smaller in the females… and just a little bit more "pointy", apparently. I couldn't tell the difference, without asking whether that was a male or female that had just dolphined by.…

Eventually, I had gone so far out that the shore was a bit far away, and the dolphins sent me back closer in. "That's far enough," they let me know. They were trying to make sure I would be okay!

Back at the shore, I found I had drifted way down the beach, and had to walk back to where my towel was.

Group 1 was waiting for me back where I had first begun. This was really magical!

They were still having a really fun time, as they explained to me that the energy was "great". (This "energy" stuff is hard to explain… but it's what initially made it possible for me to "call the dolphins".)

Group 1 stayed around, close to the shore, continuing being really happy… splashing playfully, jumping (even though there were no big waves in the ocean at all), and somersaulting in the water… many dolphins together...

However, shortly thereafter, the rhythm changed. One of the tour boats came by, but it was a tour boat that the dolphins didn't appreciate so much, and usually hid from. This boat comes roaring through, making a lot of noise before they eventually slow the engine to give the tourists a chance to enjoy the dolphins.

Additional note, added later:
Much later, in September, I finally understood. Group 2 communicated that they have had two dolphins injured by the propeller of this fast-racing tour boat over the past few months, and "it's a sad way to leave", they say… meaning the two that were injured.)
Two of the other tour boats are quiet, and the dolphins love to come out and play for the tourists.

Not quite so here… the dolphins dispersed, and disappeared. That was the end of the happy energy.

A few of them came back in quietly later, when I was playing with the energy again, but they weren't jumping and playing as they had been earlier.

08/19/2016      Dolphins     
My Dolphin Groups and their Routes
Published 02/04/2021

These are several pods of dolphins who have been coming to play with me…

Group number 1:
These are the most aware, consciously, and they love to listen for where the nicest energy is.
They are the first ones that came to see me near Virginia Beach.
They communicated with me that during the spring and summer, they usually have a really wide range, usually from the coast of NJ up through to Nova Scotia, Canada. That's where "home" is (was?), they say. They mean Nova Scotia.
Beginning with the summer of 2015, however, they stayed around Virginia Beach, and up the coast as far as Delaware.
During the winter, they initially showed me being near the southern tip of Nova Scotia, but when I specified "the cold time of year", they quickly rearranged their information, and showed going south, as far as Charleston, and maybe Savannah.

Group number 2:
Group number 2 is the friendliest group… (although as of late summer 2016, the other dolphins are asking to learn about that, and wishing also to be more "friendly").
They are the ones that were around "my beach" in Virginia Beach, all summer long (2016).
They love being where the energy is, and would come when people "ask", such as anyone hoping and expecting to see the dolphins, like the kayakers, and many of the sightseeing tour boats.
Spring and summer: Normally around Virginia coastline, and a little ways up the eastern shore. In the wintertime, they head down as far south as Miami, Florida.

Group number 3:
This is the group that stayed around to play with me, all through the winter of 2015 to 2016.
Spring and summer: Up the eastern coast, as far north as the northern end of Long Island, and sometimes a little more north than that, such as around the small islands around Rhode Island.
Wintertime: Usually down around Nags Head area down as far south as Wilmington, NC and Myrtle Beach, SC, and sometimes as far as Charleston, SC, but last winter, they remained between Virginia Beach and the Nags Head area.

Group number 4:
Spring and summer: Virginia Beach, and up the coast to somewhere near Ocean City, MD. Occasionally in Virginia Beach area, more often a little farther up the coast.
In the winter, usually as far south as Myrtle Beach, SC and occasionaly as far south as Charleston, SC;  however, last winter, they remained between the northern part of NC coastline, as far south as Nags Head. (Group number 2 was monopolizing Virginia Beach area, but group number 4 was aware of the energy here, and stayed closer.)

08/19/2016      Dolphins     
"Can I imitate you?" … and "lallygagging"

Over the next few days, whenever I was playing in chest-deep water in the ocean out beyond the breakers, I would often lie on my back, just floating, looking up at the beautiful blue sky, relaxing, breathing…

I call this "lallygagging around". It's such a wonderful, comfortable space!

As you probably know, dolphins are known as great imitators.

There was one dolphin who had already connected with me often. (You'll recognize him later as the one who asked me to call him Peace Bringer… see the entry for 9/12/2016)

As I was lying there on my back, this dolphin connected with me. He let me know he was there, nearby.

First, I found that I was crossing my legs as I was there in the water, and I understood this to be his way of making my shape a little more like his… a "tail", as opposed to two legs.

Then, he kind of asked me to see if he might be able to do the same thing… "lallygag around".

I said (or more like I "thought" to him) "You're kidding me, right? Dolphins swim already!!! You're an expert in the water!" I thought that surely there was no way I would have anything to offer a dolphin related to being in the water!

"Nope… not so," the dolphin said. "We don't know how to be at the top of the water," (meaning "just float for a long time").

Okay, so the dolphin and I played together for a long time. I lay on my back in the water, breathing easily, and the dolphin helped me to synchronize my breathing and also the holding of my breath, with his breathing.

In the beginning, it was slow. He showed me "holding his breath", and the muscles in his body relaxed a bit, but the moment that happened, he had to breathe again, very quickly. He wasn't quite able to get the hang of "lallygagging"... yet.

I indicated then that if he could hold the air in a way so that it actually would stay put in his lungs, that might help, because it was the "air bubble", along with the relaxation, that brought the "floating", or rather, "lallygagging".

This dolphin, however, kept trying to explain to me that the movement of the muscles in his body and the entire body language says that the tail needs to keep swaying, and through this movement, the oxygen pushes its way through to the muscles, rather than staying put in the lungs.

He indicated that because the tail likes to keep moving repetitively and it wouldn't stop, it was a challenge to get his dolphin body to relax…

This dolphin, however, learned it nicely, over several days. He kept on practicing, especially every time I was in the water, and then some, and he managed to "get it". He found a way to hold the air near the top, despite the tail movement!

So, a few days later, he was able to "lallygag" for a minute or two.

Needless to say, though, it was a lot easier for this dolphin to "float" on his front than on his back, because the blowhole is near the top of the dolphin's body (whereas I breathe through my nose, which means I lie on my back).

The end result, though, is the same. Lallygagging.

09/01/2016      Dolphins     
Before hurricane Hermine came through

On the Thursday morning before the big Labor Day weekend, I headed to the beach as usual, to do my morning energy routine.

As it happened, the sun was shining and sky was blue, but I knew from the weather forecast that by afternoon, it would be cloudy and maybe even raining a bit, as Hurricane Hermine was already beginning to affect the eastern coast. Friday would be rainy all day long, and for Saturday, the forecast was for very strong winds, as Hurricane Hermine would be passing along the Virginia coastline.

A few dolphins came to play as I did my exercise routine, blissfully enjoying the morning sunshine.

The dolphins were from my group 2. They were just having fun, splashing, "business as usual".
I asked if they were aware of the "weather" that was coming, and they said "no". As far as they were concerned, it was all just sunshine and blue sky…

They became aware, then, that I knew that the waves would be getting bigger, but it didn't make much difference to them.

I then had a little interesting conversation with them… about "time". I said I had "40 minutes" total to do my energy routine, get in the water, swim, race back home again, and be ready for a client appointment. Except that they didn't know what "40 minutes" was… Time, yes, but how long is 40 minutes?
(You'll no doubt be thinking here, "duh!!! How on earth would a dolphin ever know what 40 minutes is?" But bear with me… they eventually got really good at estimating time, my way!)

Okay, 5 minutes they knew: "Short".

A "day" they could relate to… yes, a sunrise to another sunrise.
Take that and divide it into 24 parts to make 24 hours… where every single hour had 12 sets of 5 minutes ["short"]… Okay, that was a bit too complicated… at least for this time.

The fact that we take our time and divide it into such "compartments" was alien to them.

Later in the afternoon, I needed to take a break from what I was doing, and decided to head to the beach again, before the rain came. Chances were, it might be several days before I was able to go back again, unless I wanted to go out in the middle of the rain and wind.

By this time, it was cloudy, and the wind was beginning to pick up. There was a bit of rain, on and off, and the waves had more peaks than they'd had in the morning.

The dolphins (a few from my group 2) were there, and were really active. They were making their way along up the shore, but going really, really fast, often jumping along the way. "Porpoising", it's called.

I asked them if they were playing, but they said they were not.
"We're trying to go up the coast, before the big waves come. We must stay ahead of the waves. Someone is angry, and we are trying to get out of the way."
They had the idea that if they kept on heading up the coast, really fast, they could stay ahead of the waves. All they knew about was the waves.

I gave them a visual connection with "weather systems" (aka, the weather.com radar maps), indicating that people now have lots of information, and that the big waves were part of a "storm" that would be coming.

The dolphins quickly connected with the idea of currents moving, bringing air that moves, and creating clouds.

The discussion moved to seasons, storms, and weather, and the fact that a storm could move along.
I explained that at this time of year, the changing seasons brought temperature differences that created many more severe storms than usual, and now there was a very big storm called a "hurricane" on its way.

They were delighted to learn this… not happy about the hurricane, but knowing that it was actually something called a "weather system" helped them to relax.

The idea that a storm could pass by, and also had a path that we could closely pre-determine, including the area covered, gave them something to think about.

They asked about "the boom noises" during the rain. I quickly understood that they were referring to "thunder".

Thunder made them uncomfortable, because they assumed it was like a big-time "upset", as if someone (someone quite big and VERY powerful, somewhere) was very annoyed.

The idea of the clouds creating fronts where different temperatures could cause such violent repercussions was actually a nice thought for them… "Mother nature balancing out" is a much more comfortable thought than the idea that somehow, there were angry giants or something or someone causing it.

Along with the thunder comes lightening, which also has uncomfortable repercussions for the dolphins, as the lightening could hit close to where they might be.
"It has caused injuries", they tell me.
I broadcast to them that "by counting the space between the lightening and the time you hear the thunder, you can know how far away you are from the storm."

… and the dolphins said they understood that they would be more safe if they could stay far away from the storms, and the understanding of the lightening with the thunder could help them to avoid being in the direct area where the storm was.

But… there's more. Almost immediately, they asked,
"How do you count? "How can we know how far away the lightening is?"
I thought quickly… Fingers? No, let's try "dolphins."

"Okay, one dolphin, two dolphins, three dolphins," I say, broadcasting a visual image to them…  " One, two, three…" It seems they were able to follow this.

(A note added 12/15/2020: I don't think I've written much more about lightening, and thunder, and counting, but MANY times over since then, one group or another of whales or dolphins has quickly come through to "show" another group how to check how far away the lightening is…)
"By knowing about the weather, we could stay comfortable," they said now.
Up until now, they had just hoped to keep moving up the coast ahead of the big waves, and maybe be okay.

However, they let me know that they had memories of doing that before, and STILL often ending up in the middle of a really uncomfortable time… So this was all very helpful for them, they figured.

By this time, some of my group 1 dolphins had also showed up. The group 1 dolphins, though, had had a different set of experiences than the group 2 dolphins:
"We were aware of something coming already early this morning," they indicated… "and as for time, 5 minutes, 40 minutes, we know what those both mean!"
They do have a bit of an advantage, though, as these group 1 dolphins have been near me for several additional years…  they were around before the other groups learned to connect with me.

As we continued connecting, I outlined the path of the oncoming hurricane, as well as the expected time frame.
I also talked about the satellites that give people the information.

That's when it began to get interesting.
(12/15/2020 note… these were my earliest interactions, and they weren't yet comfortable expressing themselves that way the whales and dolphins do now… Maybe I've just learned better to connect with more individual personalities… it seemed to be much more of a "group" connection back in September 2016. So trust me… if they knew then how to "write" with me, my notes would be MUCH more fun and interesting! But this way, you kind of get to see how they evolved.)

Group 2 initially said that they would like to continue on up the coast, as they had been doing.

However, group 1 indicated that they knew it was much easier to stay nearby, now that they had "information" about what caused the big waves.

Hearing that, group 2 decided to hang around for a little while, and then decide.

I suggested that maybe the groups could connect with each other, and do an experiment… one group could go north, ahead of the waves, as usual… while another might go east a little ways, and another group could decide what they might like to do.
(There's groups 1, 2, and 4 at the moment. Group 3 was the winter group last year, and were currently much farther north.)

I asked "Do you know each other? Like, do the Group One dolphins know the Group Two dolphins?"
"Ummm… well… no." … came from ALL of them at once.
Might they be friends… or become friends? "No…" was their response. That did change, though, with time.

My understanding is that they had different ancestors, and they hadn't thought to intermingle, even though they've all been together in the area over the past few months.

Actually, if you'll recall, group 2 had been quite territorial, so while the other groups might have been nearby, they were not coming to my beach quite as often. However, as soon as my group 2 realized this in August (when I became aware of it), they quickly began allowing all the dolphins to come to the beach.

I indicated that the world, as far as people and countries were concerned, had also once been that way (more separate groups, and often very territorial), but with the event of television, computers, internet, phones, video calls, airplanes, and more, that people were now connecting in ways they had never thought possible before.

There were many more discussions, and by now, my group 4 dolphins had also joined in the conversation.

I now asked the dolphins if they would be okay during the storm.

They indicated it was usually really terrible, but they shared that
"knowing where the bit waves will be [all over], and that it will eventually pass by, will help us to relax."
They normally preferred to stay a little closer to the shore during the bad weather, but they understood that being farther out made sense this time.

Then one of the dolphins asked me if I would be okay through the storm.
It will help here if you recall that these dolphins all think that people are dolphins too… but they know we move "outside of their area."

I gave them a "visual" of our homes, with walls, and doors we can close. They were puzzled, and thoughtful, but it was apparently the idea of a roof that they found the most intriguing. I assured them that I would be warm, and dry, and very safe.

By the time I left the beach, all of the various groups had decided that they would remain in the vicinity, just moving out farther, away from the storm's direct path.

09/02/2016      Dolphins     
New dolphin decisions!

This was now Friday, the day after I had explained to the dolphins that there was a big storm, a.k.a. hurricane, coming. The hurricane was due in Virginia Beach on Saturday.

Friday morning was windy but not raining, and the sun was actually trying to peek through a bit in the morning, so I headed to the beach for my usual morning energy play.

I wasn't sure if there would be any dolphins there this morning, because I thought they might all have already headed out farther, to stay out of the way of the coming storm.

However, as very often happens, several dolphins showed up as I was doing my exercise and energy routine.

What a surprise! They told me that they were six dolphins, but WHICH 6 turned out to be a surprise! There were two from group 4, and four from group 1. TOGETHER!!! Wow! This was certainly a first!

They told me,
"We decided to do like others in the world are doing, and start getting to know each other."
"How are you getting along?", I asked.

Often the energy is so very expressive, and words can't even come close to describing it.
The gist of it, though, was,
"Well… hmmmmm…, we're trying … but it may take a bit of getting used to."  
(Read a lot of sort of hesitation into that…)
Okay, that was really, really neat that they were trying to get together.

The results from yesterday's conversation had been that they had decided that they would all try different paths during the storm, then "compare notes" (as I had suggested), and see "which group had the easiest time."

Apparently, though, a few of them had decided that since the hurricane path wasn't yet close, that they would try staying close to the shore initially, and then head out later.

I hadn't been planning to get in the water to swim that morning, because the waves were getting big and strong, and I hadn't worn my swimsuit to the beach.

My guidance, though, was encouraging me to get into the water.
"I could just sit in the surf in my clothes", I said, very tentatively.

It's fascinating, but the dolphins always respond to the energy, and to my thoughts, tentative or otherwise, and this was a definite "Yes!"

In response to my thought, three dolphins immediately jumped all together at once… nice and high... and one of them did an amazing double-jump! You know, like when you're skimming rocks, and it goes skip-skip… the dolphin double-jump was like that!
The waves were really fun, so I couldn't just sit in the surf. Clothes and all, I went in to ride the waves.

There must have been something in our connection that made the dolphins happy, because they let me know that "the water became more happy and inviting" when I got in… something to do with the energy all around me, at least that day. (They're laughing here, letting me know that once they started connecting with me, and I began coming into the water, that that was actually "the norm".)

Later, as I walked home from the beach, dripping wet and smiling, the dolphins continued asking me to continue being aware of them as they swam (although they don't like the word "swimming"! … Call it "dolphining" or something like that, they say!) out through the stormy water.

They let me know as well, that their pods were much more upbeat and felt way more normal, despite this "weather" than they normally would be… because they finally understood that
"a big storm is just nature. Not anger."
Imagine, if you will, primitive tribes, before scientific discoveries… Thunder storms? "Someone must be really angry… What do we need to do to calm them down?" You get the picture. Knowing the cause and the effect makes all the difference in the world.

09/02/2016      Dolphins     
Part 2: The Internet?

There was actually a little bit more to the day's tales…

With the idea of always being able to know what the weather was because of the satellites, Group 1 of my dolphins quickly came to the realization that they could connect with the satellites themselves and know what the weather patterns were. In that way, they wouldn't need to rely on anyone else to let them know what was coming… especially if there were hurricanes.

This is where a really light consciousness and the idea of "connecting" comes into play. They're trying to explain a different level of what our society would call "psychic", but they say it's way different than that.
"When someone is in that space, everything can be accessed. All information is known… but the question is, do we have the consciousness to connect with what we need?"
I had done my best to give the dolphins a quick overview of our society in our current day and age, where everyone now just uses the "Internet".

"Anything you want to know, you learn just by going to the Internet", I tell them.
Try explaining the Internet to a dolphin…!!! Where to even begin??? I wasn't sure if I had been successful.

However, that evening, while I was at home, I was aware of some of the dolphins connecting with me.
"9/11?" they asked… (We were about 1½ weeks away from our 9/11 anniversary, which is still remembered every single year.)
"I see you learned how to access the Internet!", I responded.

(note added 12/17/2020: If you read this journal entry before today's date, it would have read, "Audubon?" they asked…  At the time, the 9/11 energy still felt very sad to me, and I tried to lighten it at the time… using "Audubon" just to show that they had "searched the Internet" [without a computer] and come back to let me know! Now, a few years later, it's much easier for me to use the original "9/11" that they actually came through with.)

But they smiled with me, when I told them, "Just don't ask me to explain this to other people… How is it possible that you found this information just by reaching for the internet? People need a physical device that uses physical means to access the Internet."
"Physical means???" They were teasing me here… again!
"Oh," I say. "Of course… Wireless signals. That's all you need!!!… okay, along with consciousness… Maybe people will understand that, somehow."

They tell me, though, that it's only because they connect with me, and that I've been in the water, right around where they are, "so we are around your circuits. Without that, we would not be able to access the information… and the knowledge of weather is so very helpful."

(Go figure, I can't explain this, but they seem to know what they're talking about!)

 "Maybe one day, dolphins will have their own computers…" I said. It felt like "just kidding" to me at the time, but my  dolpins were really intrigued by the idea, and think that someone might invent one for one of them to try out. (They feel quite hopeful here! Might it be possible some day?)

09/03/2016      Dolphins     
The hurricane

Saturday was the day that Hurricane Hermine came through. The hurricane brought with it very stormy weather… roaring winds and some driving rain… but at least the temperature was fairly mild.

A neighbor of mine said he always went into the water every single day, even during hurricanes… so I decided I would brave the weather and get into the water as well. After all, if my dolphins were out there in the weather, in the big wild waves, I should at least have some sort of idea what it might be like for them.
On the beach, the wind was whipping the sand around, and I had to turn my face sideways, away from the pelting weather, and I had to talk really loudly to be heard over the wind and the waves! (Not that anyone would have been listening, but I usually found myself talking out loud with the dolphins… not that they could ever hear me above the waves, but it just happened to be the way it was.)

The waves were huge, and everything was just white in the overwhelmingly huge surf.

I actually had fun! It was wild, and it was amazing! I stayed where it was shallow, of course, and just jumped the huge waves.

I had been checking with the dolphins… "Are you okay?" I would ask them, and they let my know they were okay. (There are more details that came the day after… please read the 9/4/2016 entry.)

They had shown me on the weather map with the radar picture, that they were out beyond where the actual storm front was passing through.

As I checked with the dolphins again while I was IN the water, they told my they loved that I had come into the waves, since my energy carried through to them somehow, and they felt more peaceful, despite the other stresses the storm was creating for them.

Although that really surprised me, it made me happy, and I LOVED connecting with them while in the water, and so   I stayed in the water much longer than I had originally intended. (That's not surprising at all, because that's often what happens when I connect with the dolphins!)

09/04/2016      Dolphins     
What do dolphins do during a huge storm?

…but first, e=mc2
On the day after the storm, the dolphins communicated to me that they were waiting for me to come and see them.

When I got to the beach, the waves were still really, really big… with lots of very powerful white surf, and whitecaps all over the water.

The first thing the dolphins wanted to know was
"Why aren't the big waves gone yet?"
They were wondering
"If the storm is over, why isn't the water okay? Why weren't the waves kind and soft, like they usually are?"
I tried explaining about the wind whipping up the waves, the momentum that is there, and that it takes time for the momentum to die down…

I tried explaining "momentum" in several other ways, but it wasn't working.

The moment, though, that I said "Okay… Einstein… e=mc2" they "got it"! Instantly. (By the way, that "2" is supposed to be "squared", but my database doesn't give me that much formatting ability!)
Einstein, e=mc2: When an object is pushed in the direction of motion, it gains momentum and energy…
They understood it quickly, and decided then to stay and play.

The question is, HOW could they understand this "equation" more easily than all of my explanations?

So the dolphins are asking me to explain here that often they "get" (understand) an "idea" more easily than lots of words. "e=mc2", and the explanation of the equation, are a universal idea. The more "universal" the idea, the quicker they "get it".

I think it's related to that "consciousness" idea. That little equation is "understood" by so many scientific minds, that the consciousness lifts immediately into that space, which quickly encapsulates the "image". It's kind of like when I talk with them, and I give them a "visual", like a picture or idea in my mind, and they don't care if there are words around it. Like "a picture is worth a thousand words", and the words are never needed.

Could they explain e=mc2 back to you? They're shaking their heads. "Not."

(See also the June 18, 2017 dolphin journal entry, when it's published, for more information about communicating with thoughts rather than lots of words.)

So, what DO dolphins do during a huge storm?

I asked the dolphins how they had fared during the storm.
The dolphins that had stayed close to the beach during the day right before the storm and then headed out later that day, fared the best… and so they were the most relaxed.

All those who had been able to connect with me during the worst weather had also been able to be more calm through the storm than they usually are through a huge storm like that. It helped that they knew they would be soon through it…

However, my group 4 of dolphins had had a much more difficult time than the others. They were very anxious, as one would expect during the big waves of the storm…

During the storm, I had asked generically, "My dolphins, how are you doing?"… but I hadn't checked in with the groups individually. Group 4 did come through okay, and they showed me they had tried to go east and south to stay out of the storm's way, and while they had been well out of the way of the main storm front, there were a few other smaller storm paths around outer perimeter of the main storm. They had ended up going through one of those, which meant they were in the direct path of some thunder, and had to avoid some lightning af few times. It had apparently hit too close to where they were.

Group 4 said they would love to have had more moral support, and indicated that they would have had more ability to regroup and hold stronger if I had been able to connect with them… it could have helped them to be safer and avoid the lightning, they let me know. I felt really bad for not having understood at the time that they had not been able to respond to my question when I asked how my dolphins were doing.

The other dolphins, however, had let me know that they were more okay than they usually are during a storm, because they understood that it would be over in time… that it was a weather system passing through, as they had learned 2 days earlier.

However, some of the groups indicated that they had still been worried.
"We weren't exactly safe this way," they show me. "We were worried and agitated, just the same, while the waves were so powerful, and we weren't sure which way to look."
They indicated that they had kept "trying to find a way to calm the wind", as they would usually have done during a storm, but they also realized that this was from instinct. "It takes time to get used to new patterns," they say.

The thing that made the biggest impression on me, though, were their descriptions.
They described the effort that it took to try to keep breathing through the huge and rather violent waves…
Apparently, the effort that it took to constantly try to stay on top of the water so they could breathe, was huge.
It would probably be something like running a 2-day marathon, or longer… without any ability to stop and take a breath.
They said that some of the older dolphins and a few young ones hadn't been able to manage it and were no longer with them. They were grieving them, and not knowing how to find peace.
The dolphins were unhappy that storms mean some of them may not survive.
A note added on 12/21/2020:

This is about a later understanding on my part, because I have questioned this so many times, but they have assured me that this WAS IN FACT their experience, and there's nothing "quiet" about being in a "big storm" [hurricane].

You might ask, why do they simply not go down deep in the lower parts of the water where it's quiet? Why does it feel so much like a marathon to them?

As I was trying to add my own notes here, they began changing it, so here is what they would like to add:
"This has a lot to do with the amount of time it takes to go down that far, and we don't like the air with so much anxiety, so the noise crashes, and our group is fragile, so we can't guide. Each one of the group is so sure when we are safe [weather is nice], but it's uncertain, and we can't hear so well [the noise is big], so our systems are not okay. Joy also assures us that the 'heavens' are our guidance, but we can't vocalize to ask 'which way is this?'"
I think I DO need to interpret here [I'm still writing from info I have now in 2020]… We, humans, have maps, and we know the geography. The whales and dolphins use the "awareness of the movements of the heavens" as their guidance, and in a storm, the clouds and wind and everything else, means that they have no way of finding their bearings. So before they've even started, they're anxious, and fraught with uncertainty about WHERE they are, or where they will be by the time it's over.

Now, I have great laughter coming through, and another set of voices wanting to add their own version of something here:
"We, the whales, will use this another year, to show the baby dolphins how to test the earth and learn to gather their ideas to see where the feet are, to guide then into the depths, to find the correct way back again."
They are sure here that they "will figure out how to interpret the human routes and ways of seeing where we are," and we can teach the young ones and the littlest dolphins, as they will remember and teach theirs."

They do mean they've been trying to understand this for many years now, but "seeing what the dolphins are writing is very heart-rending for us, so we will sure finish in time, to learn this way."

They're still laughing! This is that very lovely "big whale consciousness" I've mentioned on several occasions. They try to help, when they know there is a dilemma, "and this is sure a big one," they say. (I think it's LandLover, who first connected with me soon after this hurricane… [it's like we're playing time-travel games here] and he says "yes, but several others as well with me." He means other species as well. He hangs around in my space a lot too these days… )

Back to the original notes, after the hurricane…

I asked the dolphins if they had any awareness of an "afterlife."

They didn't, and they didn't agree with me that it was possible. "It's over" they said. (I was very surprised about this… as the dolphins have such a very high level of consciousness… much higher than most people.)

I explained that most people on earth have a belief (along with nowadays, a huge amount of evidence), that the end of the physical life isn't "the end", but that there is a continuation… although, of course, there are exceptions. A belief in some sort of afterlife seems to be widespread through all nationalities.

This comforted the dolphins somewhat, but they wanted "proof".
(It's hard enough to give people "solid proof", let alone dolphins, who have a very different environment… so I gave them a few thoughts to think about, and then let it go.)

A few weeks later (9/15/2016), I have an update to this:
After having had an opportunity to let the idea of the afterlife "sit" for a while, they still hadn't accepted it.

Just the same, some of the females show me that "we are happy to understand your ideas, and happy that they may help people."

"Continuing on, surviving on the land, must be much easier when you believe you're going somewhere nice," says a dolphin named Hope. (See 9/12/2015 to learn about the naming of Hope.)
I felt, though, that they were just accepting that we "might have different versions of what is okay" [what we expect, or believe, maybe], and giving us permission to continue believing in an afterlife.

I think I will need more time to learn the dolphins' perspectives and ideas about this. I would like to learn more about what ideas they have.

Back to the storm, though…

Immediately after the storm, the dolphins were so worn out by the storm, that when I put out a thought along the lines of somehow being able to create "safe havens for dolphins during storms", they loved the thought, and indicated that they would be high on the priority list to go there, if such a place might be created.

I ask if such a thing would ever be logistically possible, and it's possible that it's not, but there's always "maybe…"

Another note added 12/21/2020:
By this time, they say "We've worked with Joy, and we understand, and are preparing for the hurricane season, pre-training even. We will be okay, through the years, but the design of a 'safe place' to be is okay, if some would like to be there."

They're indicating
"We know now how to adapt, but a safe-haven might STILL be very welcome along the coast here and there, for the elderly, now, maybe, now that we live to expect 'kind'."
This is with more awareness on their part of
 "how life expectancy gets much longer with remembering how to prepare, and heal."
They're referring to much of our medical technology these days, and
"that even elderly people expect to make it through storms and other adventures, just as much as young people."

(There are other journal entries for other years, showing how they've evolved with storm-preparations. It seems that they're still in my rough notes for a 09/15/2019 journal entry, available in the "unpublished journals at this time.])

09/04/2016      Dolphins     
Do dolphins swim?

This journal entry is ALSO from the day immediately following the hurricane, as there were several interactions that day.

I think you're going to laugh at me for this journal entry, but they WANT me to put this information out there. They are very adamant about it ("pink faces" they indicate, meaning they're almost angry that I wouldn't want to write this!) You can imagine my perspective, though… I want to shrink out of sight… Imagine trying to tell someone that dolphins say they don't "float"?!  But okay, here goes…  

The dolphins were near the beach when I was there, and they wanted to connect with me.

Today, more of them wanted to try out lallygagging, which one of the dolphins (Peace Bringer) had already learned a few weeks earlier when playing with me. (See the 8/19/2016 journal entry for more information about "lallygagging".)

What was interesting was that SEVERAL TIMES today, while we were playing, they told me that
"Lallygagging" (holding their breath and simply floating, and "relaxing"), "would have allowed us to rest more during the storm."
So because the hurricane had been just the day before and it was still fresh in their memories, they wanted to learn how to "Lallygag"… at least for today. From what I could see, they apparently practiced it a bit, so that when they came in close enough for me to see them, they were just "relaxing through the big peaks of the waves".

That was something unique and new. I hadn't ever seen them do that before. Please understand that normally they "jump" and ride the waves a bit, especially in the big waves following a big storm.

Peace Bringer said that he didn't remember to try out the lallygagging during the storm, because he was trying so hard to keep going, and the storm brought with it anxiety. The dolphins said they have to work really hard to keep the group together during big waves, since they communicate using sound, but during a storm, that method doesn't work too well, as everything is too noisy, like the waves and the wind.

The dolphins have NEVER let me say that they are "swimming".
"We don't!"
However, they say they will continue to use the word "lallygagging" as they learn more about holding their breath.

From what they've communicated to me, though, I now understand why they won't let me say that "dolphins swim": Swimming is all about floating, and then propelling, whereas the dolphins don't float. Somehow, the way I understand it, they keep pumping the oxygen through their bodies, and they don't hold it in their lungs like we do.

Today, the dolphins told me that they realized they have actually been holding their breath when they've been splashing around so much and playing over the past month or so… They tell me that it has changed how they use the oxygen at those times. (i.e., during those times, they HAVE been doing something much like "swimming", with air inside the lungs.)

According to them, the splashing is with their flippers, and their noses are up above the water, and they aren't breathing, but rather, just holding the air in.
They're laughing, with lots of giggles from the young ones, as I write this.
"This is unconventional for our type of group!" and then they add, "but we like to see you laugh, so we play, and it pleases you."
I had no idea!!! That is funny to me… I just thought they were playing! I guess that's why dolphins and orcas have enjoyed performing for crowds in non-wild situations… because they love the admiration of the onlookers.

In any case, they're also planning to play more with "lallygagging", and they hope to use their new breathing (rather holding the breath longer UNDER the water) through other storms. "Floating and lallygagging would have saved a few lives," they told me.

As for the big storms, they love the thought that someone, someday, might connect with a retreat idea… to give dolphins a haven to rest in during severe tropical storms and hurricanes (if ever there were a practical way to do that, and to let the dolphins know about it!)

09/05/2016      Dolphins     
Dolphins response to definition of "Swimming"

I looked up "human swimming" in Wikipedia several days after the hurricane was gone, and sure enough, it says there that "the science of swimming relies on the natural buoyancy of the human body."

Wikipedia also says:
Human babies demonstrate an innate swimming or diving reflex from newborn until the age of approximately 6 months. Other mammals also demonstrate this phenomenon (see mammalian diving reflex). The diving response involves apnea, reflex bradycardia, and peripheral vasoconstriction; in other words, babies immersed in water spontaneously hold their breath, slow their heart rate, and reduce blood circulation to the extremities (fingers and toes).
The dolphins responded to this with
"You see, we KNOW. We weren't actually swimming."
It was the "vasoconstriction" they already knew about… they do that automatically, they say.

As for the "apnea" part, which is holding the breath, they say
"…we're learning it. Slowly, though."
They indicate that they are moving the air internally via the movement of the muscles, which is very different than simply "holding the breath".

And the bradycardia, which means slowing the heart rate, they say
"It's fun. It's now a new thing."
They continue with,  
"So we're learning to float."
There is a fun National Geographic article about Dolphin Intelligence at
"Dolphins are notoriously talented mimics and quick students."
Peace Bringer, the first dolphin to imitate me when I was floating, indicated that he originally didn't have the "buoyancy" part of the equation, and that their heart rate won't actually slow down when they take a breath.

After finding this information about "swimming", the dolphins were finally able to help me to understand that their bodies won't hold the air in their breathing hole near the top, where it would help them to float. In other words,
"we can't keep the air together as a balloon," they show me.
Rather, they reiterate that the movement of their muscles and their entire body language says they need to keep swaying their tails, and that means their dolphin bodies can't relax… and through this movement, the oxygen pushes its way through the muscles as they move their tails repetitively.

… but, they're trying out this new "lallygagging" thing!

09/06/2016      Dolphins     
Dolphin Calls
Published 02/09/2021

Today, the ocean was much calmer, and I went swimming. I went beyond the surf, and swam way far out, and the dolphins stayed closer today. They showed themselves sometimes, but they let me know that they were very close.

I had watched a documentary movie about the dolphins since the previous times I had gone out with them, and in the movie, there was a lady (who happened to have really nice energy) with an underwater camera with microphone, who recorded dolphins and their various sounds. She was hoping to find clues as to how dolphins communicate with each other.

The dolphins let me know that my energy was different today, and it was apparently because I had been watching the video of someone who swam in amongst the dolphins. According to them, I was radiating more of "being with dolphins as a friend" as well. Swimming with dolphins is a very new experience for me, so I thought this was really neat!

According to them, they love my vibes, but it's the physical presence that exudes the chemistry that the dolphins will respond to. The more times someone has swum "with" the dolphins, actually being present in the water, the more the dolphins will accept that individual.

I first began actually going into the ocean only three weeks ago, this year, and the previous year, I hadn't gone into the water at all, so I hadn't built up any in-water physical presence that the dolphins could connect with. Before that, the dolphins and I hadn't been communicating at all!
Okay, apparently not true at all, as I feel their grins and smiles as I write this.
"We were aware of you", they continue, "but you didn't heal others like this big field now, that carries over the water, so we just noticed, and couldn't find your voice."
So perhaps, had I been able to communicate with them in previous years, maybe it would have happened sooner.

Today, as I was farther out, they were willing to begin connecting more. According to them, the documentary movie that I had watched about dolphins allowed them to see me as "someone who sees us", and they wanted to have some fun time.

First, they let me know that they wanted me to try keeping my eyes open under the water. This is Virginia Beach ocean, though, and the water is not at all clear, so you really can't see anything, even with your eyes open!

Then, I lay on my back in the water with my ears underwater, and I heard the dolphin calls… I'm sure these calls were nothing new or different for dolphins, and probably only a limited portion of their vocabulary,

Just the same, to me, it sounded as if I was hearing two different sounds, and initially, they were both there: The one was higher-pitched somewhat intermittent calls, but the other one sounded just sounded like "static", like something that was very present and continuous, like bubbles.

The dolphins were surprised to hear that description, because they described it as "full open chest", and "giving you so much of our noise" as they called.

09/08/2016      Dolphins     
More dolphin stories
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

There was a LOT of splashing and playing on the part of the dolphins today again… AND they made a point of doing lots of "whale tails" again!

Groups 2 and 4… question of the storm… i.e., it's gone, no worries,  no trying to prepare for another time.

They asked about the 4-legged walk they had seen me do regularly on the beach. It's an exercise I can do really easily on the beach… it's much easier than in my home! It looks sort of like a bear walking on all fours. I'd been given that it has a lot of health benefits… only to find out shortly thereafter that this particular exercise seems to have become very popular in parts of China, I think, where you'll see videos of people out in their public parks walking like this… with protective gloves on, apparently.
"We are there, so we know it's healing", they say, "and we can't walk, but we'll splash like that," they tell me.
They mean that they're aware of me, even when I'm not in the water. After all, it was all the exercising and energy I play with that originally had them connecting with me.

I was also trying out handstands on the beach today. My attempts are dismal compared to what they would have been when I was younger. I think I need more practice! So this morning on my walk back home, as I was approaching the bench on the boardwalk walkway, they suddenly wanted me to do a handstand. They were probably just hoping that I'd come back down to the beach…  

I'm very fortunate to live at the end of the beach where there are fewer people overall … yes, it's still crowded in the summertime, but not over-crowded. So I attempted a handstand… and they were happy!
Somehow, they like handstands because the kids do them so easily, and they have such happy energy!
… but of course, a handstand puts me head-down, and that probably makes them happier still, because it's kind of like when they do their whale tails.

More dolphin sounds while I was in the water today… all kinds of chirps and whistles… It was all fun today.

They swam very close today… there was another young man out swimming; he joined me because he saw the dolphins were close to me.

The dolphins didn't care for him at first, because he was trying to get to them.
I told him to relax and ask the dolphins to come closer to him, which completely changed the energy, and the dolphins came even closer, and opened their hearts. (group 2)

This time, though, they were doing their usual "dolphining", they said because someone else was with me.

They say they do like it, though, when several of us are together. It would seem that because they are in groups, it makes them more comfortable as well when we are in groups.


Also, it seems that the dolphins learned something interesting, as I was swimming today.

It took me a long time to get back to the land, because I'd gone a fair ways out, and the currents kept moving away from the land. I never go out farther than I'm comfortable, but I also do NOT like swimming the crawl, so I just take my time and swim at my own pace. I was using my legs to help propel me, and I happened to comment that a tail, like the dolphins have, would be helpful.

For the first time, the dolphins were aware of something "different". I was surprised they hadn't noticed before.

From what they've told me, at least these particular dolphins, have always thought of us as "dolphins".
They know that children have two "somethings" (legs), but they say about children, that
"we're still their dolphins, and they're easy to be with, so it's okay."
With adults, though, it's different. The dolphins have a much nicer time connecting with kids.

They don't have answers, and it seems like they're unsure what to think…

Then they tell me,
"The lady who dolphins with other dolphins like us in the bahamas, is a dolphin. She has two 'somethings' [legs] also. We don't understand."
[They're referring here to a lady on one of the dolphins videos I had watched… a lady who is trying to interpret dolphin language, and they really liked her… apparently, she had also done pretty well, according to the dolphins, in "interpreting"! Unfortunately, I no longer know what the name of the movie was, and I can't seem to find it… ]

They want to know about her, and other people:
"Why are you caring about us if you're not a dolphin?"

09/09/2016      Dolphins     
Higher "whale tails"
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

The dolphins are migrating, and they show me that there's about 25% of their usual numbers around right now. There are some from each of the groups 1, 2 and 4 around, while other dolphins from their groups have gone south.

I was surprised to hear this, because I thought they would have migrated as a group, but they indicate this year is very different.
"We don't all feel l like leaving just yet," they indicate.
I first went out into the water without my boogie board today. I swam out fairly far, but the dolphins stayed well away from me… at least in the beginning.

There were a few tourist-group kayakers, and also one of the dolphin tour boats came through today while I was out there, but the dolphins didn't play. The tourists were probably a bit disappointed. They may have seen a few small dolphin fins, but no big response. (That was group 2 of my dolphins.)

Finally they let me know that I needed to have my "safety" along, and sent me back to the beach to get it. They meant my boogie board, of couse! (This isn't just a baby boogie board, but a very sturdy, high-grade, thick, wide, pink [!] board.)
"This is why we stay far away today," they show, "but when you are safe, then we can be closer."
Then, they also asked me to dance while I was out of the water and on the beach, to bring more movement again.

They wanted a different song today… it was group 4, indicating that they would like a new selection. "Rock and Roll is here to stay" (from Grease) is what they asked for (limited, of course, by the selection of music on my iPod.)

As I danced, wading in the water, and having fun with the music, as always, another group of dolphins showed up… group 1, this time. They started playing… just like some of the previous times.

Sometimes all that I could see was splashing water… and more splashing water… and then… ohhhh… a (dolphin tail…) … we mean a "whale tail"! Today, many of the "whale tails" were higher out of the water before they disappeared, often splashing as they went under.

The dolphins were trying to tell me that this time, when I was seeing the taller tails, that rather than diving back down, they were just "flirting" and playing, and not going down, just staying close to the top as they went down.

They splashed and played for quite some time, in various groups.

When the tourboat that they DIDN'T like came by, they quietly moved away from it, but continued with a few milder antics, well out of the range of vision of the tourboat. It was the one that usually comes roaring through, and then slows down, but today, it came much more slowly, which made the dolphins respond with more willingness to be visible for the tourists.  (You can see the entry for 07/10/2017 "It even looks hungry!", to learn more about this tourboat.)

Actually, when the tourboat first came, I was back in the water and listening to the dolphin calls as I lay on my back in the water. I heard the dolphin chirps, and they were nice, but there were other calls through the chirps, which I knew were unhappy.

I asked the dolphins about their "unhappy chirps", and the answer came that
"We send our disturbed sounds back to show our unhappiness."

"We are trying to get the boat to understand," they showed me.
Oh, I wish the tourboat could actually hear them, and understand… or maybe the people that run the tourboat company. This tourist attraction is greatly disturbing the wildlife they're bringing their clients to see and learn about.

After the tourboat left, they continued with many more big splashes and high "whale tails", and then eventually quieted down, because the "movement" energy was gone.

They indicated that they are trying to learn to stay close to the top of the water, as in "floating", and as they splash with their flippers, they stay afloat. They tell me that it's very different than their usual "dolphining", which lets them sink down as the oxygen they've taken in distributes within their bloodstream and moves to their muscles. (That's what they indicate to me, anyway.)

They say they will keep practicing, so that the next time there are really big waves (like a huge storm again), they'll be able to be more relaxed. This "splashing around" allows a different distribution of the oxygen, which makes them "float" more near the surface.

They are not quite "swimming" yet, they say.
They've never let me call their usual "dolphining" by the name of "swimming". It's not swimming, according to them!
Swimming involves more buoyancy, and they're practicing to learn that.
This all initially came about with my "lallygagging around in the water", floating on my back, and just letting the waves lull me, while I basked in the sunshine.

"We would like to be able to be like you," the dolphins say.
… although I float face-up, and "we'll be content to simply face down," they say.

They dolphined by very close to me several times, before I headed back to the beach.

09/10/2016      Dolphins     
Whistling … and counting
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

The dolphins have been having me "Whistle" … a "Dolphin Whistle".

Up until today, I had no idea where this was coming from. I had been finding myself making a whistle sound near the throat, at the back of mouth and up under the roof of the mouth. I found I was forcing the air through, and all of sudden, there was a whistle!

As I was standing on the beach today, I "got it", and they were delighted! They wanted me to do it again and again!

Normally, when we whistle (the regular way, through pursed lips), we can change the pitch. With this "dolphin whistle", however, I can't change the pitch.

They were then having me "Whistle through the groups" … Just one whistle for group 1, two whistles for group 2, etc. Then they were happy. This is somethiing they continued asking me to do, for months following this.

"That's how we see you doing it", they indicated.

We had been talking about music several days ago… about notes, and many tunes coming together to make a medley of sounds… and about harmony… and about various forms of instruments that we have made. So after I figured out how to do the "dolphin whistle", they wanted me to whistle the way people do… the way I was taught. So I showed them how I had been taught to whistle, just by pursing the lips, and how one could whistle different notes that way.

I wasn't very good at it, as my lips were too dry, and I couldn't get the whistles out correctly, but they were interested none-the-less. However, the dolphins were connecting with me, and showed me tightening their throat anatomy as the pitch of the notes changed.

The dolphins indicated that they need to use their chests to make their noises, such as dolphin chirps, blowing the air sideways through some parts of their throat (which they're having difficulty explaining to me, probably because I don't know the correct anatomical language for dolphin bodies).


They dolphined close to me much of the time I was in the water today (again, after first disappearing almost completely when I went in without my boogie board.)

Later, counting.

It started with counting the dolphins.
We've done preliminary counting before, like 1, 2, 3, 4 (like my four groups of dolphins), but today, I wanted to learn how many dolphins are around (given that many have already left).

I'm given that it's something around 30…
10 fingers on both hands…
10 fingers… once, and another 10 fingers… so 20…
Okay… counting, with repetition through the digits, i.e., single-digit numbers, then the tens, then the 100's, and the patterns as we count, e.g., four becomes the leading digit of "forty", "six" becomes "sixty" , etc.

On to multiplication… you can count three groups of 10 dolphins each, and you can add them all up, or you can say "three times a group of 10 dolphins"…

You get the idea.

The dolphins were amazingly quick. They came back with "How would you mark (write) the digits for two hundred and five?"

Alphabet… language… handwriting… becoming more commonday…

The dolphins asked me about keyboards. They showed fingers moving quickly.
I tried giving them what I thought they were asking about… i.e., a computer keyboard, which marks a letter… or number… or anything else… onto a computer screen.

"Did I answer your question?" I asked…
"No. What is a keyboard?" they asked again.

This time, I thought maybe they meant the keyboard instruments, which they had talked about earlier.

"No. What is a keyboard?" they asked yet again, and again showing the fingers typing many keys at once.
"You mean texting?" I asked.

"The little thing," they said.

I realized that they meant people using their cell phones to send information and messages.

We were getting there. "Yes, the non-existent keyboard," they said.
"Oh, yes, it's a virtual keyboard," I responded.

"How does it do it?" they asked.

They were interested in hearing about the many functions of a single small device, i.e., cell phones (and also tablets), which can be used for phone calls, texting, looking things up, taking photos, playing games, and so much more.

They idea of communicating with others with the fingers, and in being able to send a message to many at one time. "The heart is aware," they say, "because the fingers connect there."


The dolphins remained very active the whole time I was at the beach today… most of the time in the water, some of them played nearby… many were dancing and splashing much farther out in little groups.
It was a beautiful, warm Saturday, and there were many people at the beach.
The dolphins always love playing more when there are many people around.
(The more people are giving them attention, the more they come.)

I also heard many different dolphin chirps today, as I lay lallygagging around in the water with the dolphins.


Healer dolphins!
Very few pods have one…
The healer dolphins are very effective at bringing healing.
They move away the sources of body illness (the energy).

Possibly add the following note (which didn't fit after "That Man!", which had originally been part of this entry here):
Just another note, and this is related to the "loudspeaker"… which is about how well we hear.

So I think that they must also have much better hearing that we do, because they have indicated that they can often "hear" me (or people), when we're on the shore, but had I been in the water, with the sound of the waves around me, I couldn't have heard someone on the shore who was simply "talking quietly".

… and on this particular day, they said they could "barely" hear me, although they were fairly close to the shore at that point…

They let me know that  
"We actually don't need 'sound" to carry, but rather, it's a universal energy which is available. We don't use 'words' or 'voices' to 'talk', but rather, it's just a 'knowing'."
From my perspective, it comes through complete with emotions and feelings… so that I can "feel" what they say without words (all the non-verbal language!)

09/10/2016      Whales      Lost Bottlenose Whales
I befriended a group of bottlenose whales today
Published 09/16/2016

Today marks a new beginning: I befriended a group of bottlenose whales today.

Actually, the whales would put it the other way around: They came to me… not in the water anywhere near me, because they aren't close enough to do that, but they asked me to connect.

You see, they are lost.

It all began after the storm, after Hurricane Hermine had been through. (See the dolphin notes from 9/1/2016 through 9/4/2016.)

I figured that if I would be helping dolphins learn about weather systems and storms, and other things like that, that maybe it was about time that I watched some movies to see what I could learn about dolphins.

I also found a video about whales, and decided to watch that as well. It was called The Great Whales, by New Dimensions Media, and it gave a quick overview of Blue whales, Right whales, Humpback whales, Sperm whales, and Gray whales.

Today, the day after watching the video, several whales asked to connect with me. They were so glad to connect.

Wow! They gave me a LOT of information, and it will keep coming! You may find yourself being surprised.

The biggest requests were from several different groups of whales, who had completely different issues.

There will be more about the other groups of whales soon.

For now, though, think Whales.
Think big.
Think food.
Understand that they are wondering, "Can we feed ourselves?"
This is a common concern among the whales, and it comes through very loud and clear.
"Why are you so hungry?", I ask the whale who is connecting.

"We don't have enough food," they say. (Okay, well that makes sense…) The energy feels very strong, deep, and low, but so very sad.

"What type of whale are you?" I ask.

He communicates that he is a bottlenose whale. (That was very interesting, because there weren't any bottlenose whales in the video that I watched, and I was aware that there are bottlenose dolphins, but didn't even know there were bottlenose whales…)

"Where are you?" I ask.

He communicates that they (a group of many) wandered away from their usual hang-out waters several decades ago. They got lost, and couldn't find their way.

"Your satellites are in our space," he tells me.
"They're leaving us without our homing signals," he continues by way of a quick for-now explanation.

The whale connects to me with a big, soft heart space. It's a soft, warm, comfortable feeling.

The beautiful whale indicates that before satellites, they were SURE of everything.

Now, however, they indicate that they are interrupted all the time, and can't begin to unscramble things. That means they're having trouble figuring out exactly what they need.
Their information comes through now always feeling heavy and very sad.

The whale indicates again that our satellites interfered a lot, and so they don't know where they are.

Apparently, before these satellites (like maybe mid-1970's?), they would have been able to find food and maybe even to find their way back home.   

But now, they're sad, and they're hungry. They would love to be "home", back with their friends.

They were hoping that I would be able to "see what they need."

"I've never met you," I say. "How can I help, then, if I don't even know you?"

But of course, my heart has already gone out to them.

I feel their great sadness… it feels so heavy overall… but there is also so much warmth, and giving, and honor, within their space.

Ever practical, I asked the whale to show me where they were, using my print-out map of the world, and he guided me to somewhere off the coast of Japan. That was a surprise, because Bottleneck whales primarily inhabit the northern Atlantic ocean.

Food is not plentiful where they are, and they don't know where to go to get it.

On top of that, they have been anxious the entire time they have been there… they weren't quite sure why, but it's because of an underlying awareness that whales are hunted near there.

Now, they would love to get home again, where the main grounds are for their species.

"Let's connect again tomorrow," I suggest.

09/10/2016      Dolphins     
"That Man!"
Published 07/10/2017

It's now July, 2017, and I'm FINALLY getting around to finishing my notes for this entry… and given that I've recently begun writing notes in the first-person narrative (beginning around June 2016), I'll continue with the first-person format here (and they'll still come through and add their own "version" to what I'm writing…)

This is one of my very favorite stories to tell!

The dolpins came through so very animatedly… "That Man!" was a really big concern for them! I've told it many times to various people, and more often than not, the response is the same… you should "video" a telling of this story!

So it begins with the Rudee Flipper. If you've every visited Virginia Beach, and gone on either a Dolphin tour, or a Whale tour, you may have ridden in the Rudee Flipper.

There are tour boats that the dolphins REALLY like, and others that are so-so, and one more that they actually hide from… (unless there are maybe lots of little kids on it, because they love playing, and children emanate a "playing" vibe. You can read about the boat that they hide from in my July 10, 2017 entry.) The Rudee Flipper was one they really liked, and it's because they "played" under it.

On this particular Saturday, I was on the beach having various conversations with my dolphins, when the Rudee Flipper toured in and stopped somewhere nearby so that all the tourists could see the dolphins.

This tourboat (and one of the others as well) would often stop nearby … quite regularly, like REALLY often! (With all the miles of oceanfront, they were nearby for a greater percentage of time than accounts for any given stretch of beach.) So maybe the dolphins liked being there… but also, the dolphins DID enjoy showing up for this particular boat.

Now the Rudee Flipper is a boat that is sort of like a catamaran, so there is a hollow space between the two sides of the boat, as in, the center is not a boat bow as most boats are, but rather, it's like a bridge. (See https://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1305&bih=853&q=rudee+flipper&oq=rudee+flipper&gs_l=img.3..35i39k1j0i24k1l4.1057.3412.0.3837.

The dolphins LIKE to swim inside of that space when the boat is stopped (or drifting), and they feel it's okay to play there. (This would be mostly my group 2 dolphins, but also the group 3 dolphins are expressing curiosity, apparently [July 2017, as I'm writing this].)

I had only recently been having actual "conversations" with the dolphins… probably that started in August when I began swimming in the ocean. (For all the years I had lived there, I had been too busy to go get in the water. What I missed…!!! I should have gone swimming a long time before that!)

Anyway, maybe it was because they wanted to begin understanding things more, following what they see as "the beginning of understanding new ideas", which came through our connection around the time Hurricane Hermine came through, just a week and half previously. (See 9/1/2016.)

So as the Rudee Flipper got ready to leave, the engines started up, and boat began "turning around"…
It was actually "rotating in place".

The dolphins, who had been happily playing in "the bridge" under the boat, immediately became really agitated.

At this time, I hadn't yet understood that they consider boats to be "sentient". The boats. They interacted with "the boat," … and they add here,
"… and the boat knows our vibes, because it didn't bother with us."
As in, it didn't care. It left them alone.

They thought they "were fine", and that's all they know.

So the boat began turning in place, which interrupted their "play", and they had to "move", they indicate, meaning go more to the center.

Immediately, they said (very "argumentatively", they agree), "WHY is it doing that??????"

They felt very stressed to me, and they were SURE that the boat was doing something "abnormal".
"Why does it do it that way?" they asked. "Why doesn't it go in a curve, like others do?"
As I understand it now, they were fighting through churning waves that came suddenly, and if the boat was a creature (sentient, like they know it could be), then "Why would it do it that way, when it can move around by going forward?"
As far as they were concerned, going "backwards" was way incorrect and not just "why is it going backwards", but also "how?"
(They don't "go backwards at all. Ever." Not quite so, but maybe we'll leave it at that for now, so that I can get on with the story!)

So I got out my crayon and paper (okay, so maybe it was a little twig, and some sand… which turned into a "regular thing"), and began drawing and explaining for them.
"Writing something, and making quick 'sketches' helped," they indicated then.
I explained about boats needing to maneuver in small places, and that boats, and all other vehicles, need to have a "reverse" gear.

They were delighted and relieved.
"That's why it's so way awry. It moves in tiny places, and so it needs to do that," they said.
And then I gave them a mental image of taking my car every week, and going for my shopping, to the grocery store, for example, to bring home "food" (for a while!) … There were lots of new thoughts for them there.
"A vessel, something that carries you, and us as well?"
(think dolphins, generically, like related to Sea World and such… this part about them is a new, July 2017 awareness, though)
"Changing direction with your hands?" (steering wheel)…

… and "backing out" of a "hole."
(My comments here! This is funny! I drew my driveway for them, and at the time, they must have perceived it as something going down into the ground, which it doesn’t, and there's no garage either!)

Anyway, in the process, I drew for them an idea of roads…
and then my "home" (another idea, like "no rain?") …

… and the driveway in front of my home, and how the road goes along ("without moving…" they need clarification)

… and how I need to turn the vessel (car) to move in front of the "building"…
… and then I showed how there was nowhere to move forward again when I got back into my "vessel" (car),
and so it "had to be created to go backwards and then forwards."
(These are their words, so you can see they're grasping the concept… that was at the time. They have a much easier time with not only our ideas, but also the "lingo" these days… they've been "online", in case you hadn't understood the 9/2/2016 journal entry, entitled exactly that: "Part 2: The Internet?" These are THEIR comments and interludes!)

So to move on with the story as it happened at the time:

In the process, I was describing that the boat is actually an "inanimate object", and that it would therefore have a cockpit (just like "the boat that is in the sky"), or some place where there would be controls, and I visually connected them with the "round things" that show speed, and more.

… and THEN, that's where it got more interesting yet. I explained that there would probably be someone "in the cockpit", who knows how to guide the boat, and is comfortable with all those very many controls, and they now call it someone "who 'gears' the boat." (These are all their words, now, today… July 2017.)

However, at that time, the moment I mentioned a man who steers the boat, using a steering wheel, and other controls as well, the dolphins immediately again became really agitated!
"THAT MAN!" they exclaimed.
I asked "That man?"
"THAT MAN!" they said again, "HE'S TERRIBLE!" (This came out so strongly!)
I was really surprised. "Why?", I asked. "What's wrong with that man?"
They meant it was really loud!
If you've been paying attention, you'll probably be laughing just about now… either that, or thinking "Oh my god! The poor dolphins!"

They meant, of course, the loudspeakers!

Anyway, I explained about "tour guides", and also about sound.

For example, I explained how I wouldn't be able to hear someone who was standing as far away as the dolphins, and with the noise of the motor of the boat, and the ocean waves… so if somebody was being a tour guide, and saying
 "Now if you'll look off to the right side of the boat, you'll see a few dolphins…",
that nobody would be able to hear it.

And so there is a loudspeaker that amplifies the voice of the tour guide, or the captain, whoever is speaking.

They immediately changed when I explained that the captain might even be telling the people about THEM.

That loved that part, and immediately did the "how do we seem?" question (like somebody checking their appearance in front of a mirror!)

They liked it even more when I said that the captain or tourguide might even tell them some things about dolphins, like which type they might be, where they go, how they live, and understand many things.
They're fascinated how we find them, when the water is so murky or "not-seeing-through".

They would like to be hidden, and don't know how we find these things if we can't see them… and they're sure we don't see them except when they want to be seen.
(I have a few more recent stories about that theme, but they will have to wait for a while before I have a chance to write them!)

Anyway, the dolphins still didn't like "That Man!"
"They could find someone with a kind voice instead…" they indicated.
Ah, but they understood that the tourists, especially, want to know which direction to look in order to see them. That part, they like!

Following this, we had some longer conversations, because I had to explain about "tourists", and where they come from… and that involved explanations of the ocean only being along the shoreline ("duh!"), but that there are lots of places that are "inland", and so they are aware that not all people can just
"walk to the shoreline each time they wish"

… and also "some people might plan a vacation, and then bring their entire family" to the Virginia area to see the water (and the dolphins!... and many other things also.)
They were very specific about how I wrote that (above).

Can you imagine if all you knew was water?
"How 'impossible' would it seem to be so that others might learn to be awkward?"
(They mean that humans are rather "awkward" in the water, and that's already when we know how to get around in the water… So we must learn to be awkward! [learn to float]) Sort of like, "Is that it?" You can't go any faster than this?"

They're laughing most happily. It's rather funny to them to watch people swim because we are awkward, and don't go down.

All because I had to explain to them just why we need "vehicles" that can move quickly!

After this whole big long conversation, many more dolphins came by, and they were flashing their fins and splashing and showing their whale-tales, and being very frisky…

09/11/2016      Whales      Lost Bottlenose Whales
The bottlenose whales want to get back home!
Published 09/17/2016

The day after the "lost" bottlenose whales first connected with me, I again spent some time looking at online maps with them.

Thank God for Google maps!

It was rather interesting. I sat at the computer and put my hands over the map. As I checked various locations, the whale gave me feedback.

First and foremost, they were checking to see where there might be food that the whales could enjoy… and get enough of. Between me and the whales, there is a "knowing". If there is food, it "makes itself known."

To begin with, near Japan simply didn't feel comfortable… and down near the Philippines actually made the whale shudder. I quickly moved back up to Japan. (Maybe they don't have kind whale-practices yet?)…

As the whales and I (more whales connected at this time) checked the maps, they found that there was food farther out, away from Japan…

But even more relevant, going that way, they liked it! It showed them that they could migrate towards North America (like near Washington state, Alaska, etc.). It would be an easy choice for them, because they were aware that North America has "kindness towards whales", and I informed them that they would be very safe there.

"We love whales!" I tell them.

The whales are delighted, and it's already a "given" that they'll migrate to North America pretty much right away, now that there is information.

However, they're also really, really hopeful that they might be able to find their way all the way back to the North Atlantic ocean… right away! That's where they KNOW they belong, and they would love to connect with their "friends" there… friends and family. It's where they would like to be…

I did a few quick calculations based on the time of year as well as how far a group of whales might be able to travel in a day… and I let them know that it looks like it would be too late to begin a migration across the top of the North American continent this late in the year.

In the spring or early summer, when the ice is melting, they would be able to find their way, if they are able to see the map, and maybe have a bit of help.

I told them that I will keep connecting with them, and they can show my where they are on the map, and I will help them find their way.

09/11/2016      Dolphins     
New ideas for dolphins… and Voting!

Today, I was at the beach when the "nice tourboat" (the Rudee Flipper, I think) came around, and the dolphins played a bit and went close to the boat.

Today, though, what was different was that when the boat turned around to go back, and was turning around on the spot, the dolphins were happy, and they moved out of the way. The fact that the boat was going "backwards" a bit was okay with them, now that they understood about making things able to move in very tight spaces. They also understood that the hollow area, like a bridge, under the boat (a Pontoon boat), wasn't intended for them to play in…

Later, the other tourboat came, the noisy one that comes roaring through the water.  
The dolphins hid. There wasn't a dolphin to be seen… although they did show me that they were feeling a little more kindness towards the "big voice"  (i.e., the tour guide using the speaker so all the tourists could hear about the sights, and hopefully about the dolphins as well.)

They were very emphatic that they do NOT like the NOISE the boat makes.
"It makes too many uncomfortable sounds," they said.
I paid attention, and realized that it was true… most of the other boats, even when they're going faster, are much quieter. This boat, however, can be heard a fair distance away, even after it's gone.

"All of our cars have something called a muffler, which helps to quiet the noise of the car," I explained. "We also have laws about sound…" I told them. "Like after 10 pm, people in neighborhoods are generally expected to be quiet..."

The dolphins asked if boats ever have noise ordinances. They asked me to look up "ordinance", because I wasn't sure that I had used the correct words.

I found the following:
"WHEREAS, the residents of and visitors to the City of Virginia Beach are entitled 14 to an environment free from excessive sound vibration and inadequately controlled 15 noise that may endanger their health or welfare, or degrade their quality of life, comfort, 16 repose or peace;"
The dolphins had a rather intense reaction to this.
They, (and apparently other residents of the ocean, at least at the moment, those near Virginia Beach) would love to be included in the peace and quiet!

They indicate that loud noise in the water is really very disturbing to them.

I let them know that people are continuously becoming aware of new things that should be taken into consideration, and once aware of them, often things change, and new standards are implemented.

The dolphins let me know that they would love to vote in a law that limits noise (in the water).
(Should dolphins have voting rights?!! If everyone knew how to connect with them, maybe they would… they're extremely intelligent. We giggled together at the thought of voting polls set up under the water…)

The dolphins are also interested in many other new ideas… They say
"We've never been able to express ourselves  before because there was nobody to translate."
Actually, this time, it's one dolphin, a male, who is concerned and is asking me to help him understand all kinds of things.
I ask if he is a "spokes-dolphin" for all the other dolphins. He indicates not, but a general consensus is that
"yes, we are all this way. We would all of us include these same ideas."
A little while later, when the noisy, fast tourboat was approaching again, I let the dolphins know it was coming, so that they could move down in the water, to avoid getting hit by it.
They were very grateful and indicated that "this helps, and we are less stressed."

I asked "Can you hear it? Do you know where it's moving? Can you tell where it, based on the noise?"

Apparently not. Yes, they can hear it, but they tell me that for them,
"boats just make a general noise that carries in a large sound movement. We can't easily tell where the noise is coming from."
I asked "What if the boats could emit some sort of ultrasonic frequency, or something similar, so that you would know where the boat is, and where it is going?"

The dolphins were radiant.
"Yes!!!" "Please, if that is an easy thing to implement, it could help."
They say they never know what is coming, and it creates anxiety.

I feel for them… these very beautiful, dear dolphins, who play and are more aware than people have any idea…

Additional note added later:
Eventually, I figured out that ultrasonic frequencies emitted by boats would be fine for dolphins, and probably other toothed (echo-locating) whales, but that it would very greatly disrupt ALL of the baleen whales, and interfere with their health. They are far too sensitive to that type of noise.

09/11/2016      Dolphins     
… and the dolphins stayed away…
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Today (Sunday), when I was at the beach, there was a slight misunderstanding…

The dolphins thought I was asking them for "no information", i.e., not to connect, and just to let me process the new amazing energies of the whales… so they left me alone. I had actually intended only for whales to allow me to process them for a few days, before connecting more again.

So when I was in the water, the dolphins "hid"… even though I thought I was being clear that they might come close.

When I went to the shallow water, they came back… but farther away.

Someone finally helped me to understand that they thought I had asked for more time alone.

The dolphins later understood that they need to be there to connect, and that they are connecting to nice spaces with me… and they brought nice layers afterwards.

The dolphins are ALWAYS helpful!

09/12/2016      Dolphins     
Books, wind, vacation days, school, and taking videos
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Just a quick few notes on what we discussed this morning…

The dolphins didn't actually come around, until we talked about videoing…

The waves were wonderful today, and I went jumping in the waves for a while.

The wind "whips up the waves"…

We were having discussions of the wind, and the dolphins were connecting with the thoughts of the "air currents" making the waves lighter.

They call it "amplitude", re: the wind… I'm trying to say "wind speed", but they can't agree. It's more than that… there's another piece…
"Is the wind current there?" they ask. "How much 'wiggle' does the wind have?"

Barometric pressure as well, makes them comfortable to connect with the weather.
They understand "slow" as "low", so today is a high pressure system present, and they like it… even though there is wind.

It's now the second week that school is back in session again, and the beach is much quieter than it was during the summer.

The connection with "children in school" excites them. The love of life is there. They're young, and the play is fun.
(Older children? Teenagers? High school? Colleges…? Discussions for another day.)

Discussions of vacation, summer vacation (all summer for the children), but why only so short for everyone else? "We need you to be soft (comfortable)… Working brings busy, and trauma… so much high tension."

Also, the energy of a book bringing an ongoing income was of note…

"May I take your pictures?" I asked.

It was my camera first, then the idea of a video as being a series of pictures moving.
They wanted me to begin with photos…

There is the concept that if they haven't agreed to the picture, then we're "noisy". [busybodies?] We're not considering their space. We’re taking their currents with us, but not allowing them to see it.

Today, though, they had me bring along my video camera.
I hadn't handled my video camera for a very long time, so the dolphins weren't sure yet about my taking video of them…

They "tried it out" together… First I took pictures of the waves, but they couldn’t find the energy of themselves in that; they said "We don't see ourselves there." Not surprising, of course.

So I tried connecting with them, but they didn't actually want to be there in the photos, so they didn't come close. That video wasn't to their liking either. They said they couldn't feel my heart with it.

I let them know that if I had to be able to see them, then my heart space would have been very different… so they came closer, and they had me look at them but point my video camera in a different direction, to get video.

That one, they were happier with… They indicated that "our energy was with the video", even though they weren't in the picture.

They would like me to keep connecting with them with my video camera, and soon, they may agree to be in the picture.

A note for others… if you're taking photo or video of the dolphins, they dolphins will be okay with it, because you're really wanting to see them… but if you quietly put out there in your mind, or your heart, a question first, "May I?" to the dolphins, you'll be beginning your own connection with them.

The dolphins still think that if you're interested in them, you must be a dolphin…

09/12/2016      Whales      Lost Bottlenose Whales
The whales are hungry too (and love Whole Foods)!
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

This was my first "errands day" since the whales have connected.
I knew the whales were hungry…
I have become aware that they need a few things, like calcium…
They've also said they would take milk if it was available… not being able to digest it, though, would be a problem, but they're hungry.
Today I was at Whole Foods, and when I was at the refrigerated section along the back wall, there came a point when I realized that I wasn't really shopping alone.
There were some cream-based sauces there, and "the energy" was saying "We really would like this… please!"
As I checked, though, whether these cream-based sauces would be helpful for me, the answer was "no".
"So who is shopping here?" I asked…
It was the spirit of two of the whales.
They were so full of LOVE for the broad scope of everything…
"Whatever is necessary is already complete," they say.
Their energy was really strong, and overwhelmingly full of happiness that all these things were available.
I started connecting with things that THEY wanted to connect with… and it was really interesting.
"String cheese"… organic, but only one brand. It had calcium.
Ravioli… and many other types of filled pasta…
Tasty things…
… one brand of organic beef jerky…
Coconut… plain, raw please…
Cream!!!!!! Please!!! Fresh whipping cream, maybe with some raspberries…
"Fresh organic turkey would allow the absorption of calcium"
Then there was the raw, fresh shrimp. "Please.….….….!!!"
… and also "Clams… they would be heaven."
They didn't care if it was meat or vegetarian. "Just help us recover", they begged…
I ended up getting shrimp and clams (which I normally don't prepare for myself), some chocolate-covered coconut, and something with some whipped cream as a special treat.
(Most of the other things aren't helpful to me, so there was a decision to compromise, and find things that would bless both me and also the whales.)
The understanding is that the foods may not be prepared the way the whales would have them (that's their comment!), but they know the nutrients they need, and through my awareness of it, they can find what they need.
Physically, it will bless them, through strengthening their DNA.
This is the probably part that many people will have trouble understanding… that one group of individuals can do something that carries so much help for another group.
I have become aware that the whales do much the same thing. They hold a really high awareness of the planet, and somehow, that helps the planet greatly.
(… note for myself: Try again… how can others easily understand this idea? E.g., give them an anology or something as a frame of reference.)

09/12/2016      Whales      Lost Bottlenose Whales
The bottlenose whales teach me something about whales
Published 09/17/2016

I looked at the map again today with the bottleneck whales who had indicated that they are off the coast of Japan.

Based on a preliminary look at the map the previous day, they were going to head west, or slightly north-west, and try to make it across to North America.

I, of course, at this point, didn't know much about whales yet. I was going to have them go the most direct route between Japan and North America!

Now if you know anything at all about whales, you'll be shaking your head…

"What in the world is she thinking?" you'll wonder.

The truth is, that I was just so happy to be connecting with the whales, and so excited about possibly helping them find their way again, that I completely forgot to check what the energy might say. I knew it was feasible, and even likely, but I was so excited that I forgot to check the logisitics...

Thank heavens, the whales are smarter than that! They know what they need...

So today, they asked me to "zoom in" on the map.

… and, they found the string of islands that connect between Russia and Alaska.

They were happy!

They "put their energy into my fingers and moved along the string of islands".

They were indicating that following along the land is a lot more comfortable, and really is a necessity.
They tell me, though,
"It makes an easier route, as it's more playful."
They also believed that they might find a lot more food along the way, staying close to land.

They indicated that they will be content when they cross the country boundary into the Bering Sea.
"We love North America. There are less whalers there," they "KNOW", they say.
They indicated that they are connecting with a consciousness that knows.
"It simply is," they say.
Along the string of islands over between Russia and North America, they really liked the energy of the island of Atka.

From there, they took a quick look at the map to check the route north to the northern part of Alaska on to the Atlantic Ocean, which they said they might just decide to take soon, although I have reservations because of the ice they'll be sure to encounter during the colder months.

When they got to the "Northwestern Passage" on the map, at the north-eastern part of Canada, they got really happy at the community of Igloolik.
"We know we have friends there", they let me know.
They "know" that their whale friends are around the area. Baffin Bay ultimately is where they would like to be.

They connect… I can feel how very strongly they would like to make it there soon.

09/12/2016      Dolphins     
The dolphins want names, please!

As I was doing some of my energy routines on the beach, before coming in to swim, one of the dolphins asked for my attention, in a very new way.

Just as "dolphin whistling" had been coming through me as I played with energy while on the beach a few days previously (journal note to be added at some point), now there was the soft letter "R" coming through my mouth… "R… R… R…"

"R?" I asked…
"Are (R) you coming in soon?" asks the dolphin, meaning into the water to swim with them.
I guess it would be helpful to explain that our conversations are not happening in a phyiscal way where the dolphins and I are always in the same physical location. They might be way far out in the water, and they certainly can't hear me physically (waves are rather noisy, not to mention the noise of other people on the beach), and I may or may not be seeing one or more of them, and when I AM seeing them, it's not like I'm right in their midst, although a few times, we did get pretty close. I WISH I'd been close enough to physically talk with them and touch them!

Rather, our conversations just kind of "happen". I'm very used to this with my work, as I "get information" (as a psychic would) in my energy work with clients, but my "energy" has always come through very expressively, and the dolphins just come through in the same way. It's really hard to explain, but one of them is telling me here, as I write, that
"She [Joy] is not using communication that I understand, so I change, and it is that way. I learn to interpret her ideas. She needs action, but I can guide her hands."
One of the male dolphins has already shown me a hand symbol to indicate that he is the one communicating. Left palm facing up, then the fingers of the right hand placed face down on the left palm, and the then fingers of the right palm fold over them, gently clasping them.

This is a different dolphin. She gives me a new hand symbol. This one is the left hand facing up, four fingers together, and thumb connecting with the four fingers.
"Hope" she says… "Hope… hope… "
I thought that maybe she was giving me her name. "Are you Hope?" I ask her.

This dolphin finishes her idea now… "I hope you're being soft…", she says, showing my hands moving gently and going higher up in the air.

It's hard to define the word "soft" … they used it a lot in the beginning, and even later on. It means kind of "okay, comfortable, accepting…" and probably has a few more meanings as well.

This is the first female dolphin, so far, who has connected with me.
With her comment, above, she was checking, very hesitantly, if it would be alright with me for her to "come through" and connect. It was almost as if she was asking my permission, and she agrees that she was.

It had only been a few days earlier that I had commented that each of the dolphins who connects with me has been male. I had asked whether the female dolphins would have permission to connect with me, and the answer had come back as
"Well… it hasn't been that way before… It's our roles."
So another change…
This dolphin feels very loving and kind to me, and she likes the name "Hope."
"It wasn't intended, but it will be okay."
(They're trying to help me, and names are helpful.)

(A note added 1/2/2021: I don't have many entries that specifically mention Hope, although there may be several, but she was ALWAYS one of the lady dolphins who was "around", learning, playing, hanging out when I was on the beach talking with them, and one who took much more initiative than most of the others. She's still that way, she lets me know.)

I ask about the name of the male dolphin who has already shown me the hand symbol I mentioned earlier.
He shows me as taking both of his "hands" (body language can be universal!) and gently placing them over the heart.
"Love," he says.
He indicates that he gives a bigger heart connection than the others.

"Is that your name?" I ask.

He shows my hands gently tugging upwards, lifting many others.
"I am one of the somewhat more spiritual dolphins within our group," he says.
"I bring many others more peace. I would resonate with 'Peace Bringer' as a name".
More of the dolphins would love to give me a symbol, and have a direct name.

The dolphins show me that they have their own version of names for each other, but they wouldn't be easy to communicate, so any individual connection (name) that I would make with any of them, would be fine.

However, I'm not particularly creative, and I have no idea what I might call any of the other dolphins.

"I could give you names like our common names," I suggest, but the dolphins let me know very clearly that they don't care for those.
"Too much like everyone else," they reply.
It may take time to put together names. "They'll come as I learn who some of you are," I say. That's okay with them… apparently there are many more dolphins who would like to be named, mentioned and remembered…

"If I could see you, close up, and be given a name for you as I see you, that would help," I share.

I know I've seen Peace Bringer… One day, the entire pod surrounded me on all sides as they went by, and I felt like I was right there in the middle of them, so close that I almost could have reached out and touched them. I was overwhelmed. There was one big dolphin who had his eyes above the water when he was passing by close to me.

Peace Bringer indicated that that had been him, and that he had "let me see him and that he blew through his blowhole" while he was near.

So Peace Bringer has been the main dolphin who has been connecting directly with me, and he let me know that he is also the dolphin who first imitated me when I was lallygagging around in the water on that day in August. (See the August 19, 2016 journal entry.)

09/12/2016      Whales      All types
The number one big request
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

As some of the groups of whales have begun connecting with me, the number one big request from all of them, is for "Conservation areas in the ocean".

They say that such areas would help them immensely.

They mean areas of the ocean that are completely set aside for wildlife, and where no motorized boats are allowed . … like no cargo boats, no big ships… no just-for-fun motor boats or sea-doos… No noise.

09/13/2016      Whales      Hungry Gray Whales
… and these whales are so hungry…
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

I re-watched the New Dimensions Media movie about the whales today.
The gray whales feel SO sad to me … so very sad.
Very hungry.
… I took lots of notes today …  I've written them up, with lots of input from the whales. They have since been published in a journal entry for 9/13/2016, entitled 'The gray whales ask me for "caring" and to share their request'.

09/13/2016      Whales      Hungry Gray Whales
The gray whales ask me for "caring" and to share their request
Published 09/14/2016

The gray whales thought I might like to "take them along in my heart."
(By the way, the whales are "contributing to the words that are shared" here in this journal entry. The line above came from "the whale community".)

… So, the day after I first watched the Great Whales video, before the day was out, the gray whales were asking to connect to me. It was a male whale… a big, deep, gray whale.

In the video ("Great Whales", by New Dimensions Media, which you can find via Amazon.com), I had watched a long segment about gray whales.

The narrator of the video described that these gray whales may not have eaten for the four months of their migration journey… and that what they really eat is a big mystery.

This whale, however, came with huge sadness, saying that the gray whales are mammals, and were never meant to be without food. They are meant to be thriving and should have lots of food, but that they actually need some help… a lot of help in fact.
They say they are very hungry, and it has been a very long time already…
… however, first, they say, it's okay for me to bring you a (little) whale "infomercial"…

So here goes!

The whales (and this is about ALL the whales) are really in a safe haven in North America, in this day and age. Whale hunting no longer exists.

However, the whales didn't actually understand or accept that, because they didn't know.

I connected with some of the whales, and showed them (or rather, connected them with) videos of guided whale boat tours, such as a video of gray whales breaching the water (jumping out and making a great big splash) at Dana Point, where the people standing on the deck of the boat were happily taking photos or video of the whales.

The whales let me know that they can't usually feel the energy of the people on the boat… it's too tiny for them!

Please understand here, that I am aware of very big consciousness, and the whales are amazing to me. They have a huge, very deep, caring, sweet, soft consciousness, and it is so far evolved beyond where human beings are.

The bigger the whale species, usually, the more soft and deep the consciousness is.

So I had to "translate" for the whales, so that they might understand "humans".

I showed the whales that the people on the whale boat tours are actually always really excited to see whales! ("People excitement" feels really "tiny" to the whales! I tried to translate that it's actually really HUGE on the scale of excitement for humans!)

Seeing a whale breaching or a "whale tail", or several whales together, would be a really giant highlight for them!

I explained that seeing whales makes any vacation very memorable, not only the moment, and far beyond just that day… rather, that it would remain with the people as a lifelong  highlight.

People ALWAYS remember with great joy, seeing a whale breach!

This was a huge surprise to the whales. They say they have been trying to "see" what the boats are, and usually haven't even known that there are individuals on it.

Often, they are concerned that the boats are trying to "herd them", i.e., corner them as they might have in the olden days.

When I help them to feel the dignity that others are giving them, such as the awe, the appreciation, and the reverence for these huge animals that these whales are, they say they are sad that they didn't understand. They indicate that they might stay to breach more times near boats when they can feel that they are safe.

They keep trying to tell me that not too long ago, there may have been some boats, even just big old fishing boats, that thought whaling was okay. If these old boats are now used for whale tours, the whales can still feel the vibrations of what was, and so they still receive "mixed messages". (The message is that people love the whales, but in the past, whaling was still okay… and somehow, the whaling energy often still far overrides the "we love whales" vibrations.)

They say they really appreciate the brand new boats, which carry the current "whales are safe" energy.

So, as I connected with the gray whales, they are happy to know that humans would like to know more about them, and that we all want to help them… that people are aware that the whale populations went down too far, and that they are trying to protect the whales now.

They feel more hopeful, as they learn that they are protected, and that people in North America (and several other places all over the world) only want to experience the magnificence of seeing these amazing whales which have existed for several million years.

09/13/2016      Whales      Hungry Gray Whales
The gray whales are really, really hungry!
Published 09/14/2016

These are my notes from when I re-watched the whales movie a day or two after the whales first connected with me. (The movie is “The Great Whales” by New Dimension Media, a 2007 movie, and is available on Amazon.com)

The whales ask forgiveness for the sadness of the following information.

I feel their very big sadness, and it's so hard to portray it…

The whales, however, are certain that if humans have the correct information, that they will want to help the gray whales.

The Gray Whales are very sad… deeply sad, deep inside.
They are begging for our help.

They are usually found on the west coast of North America, all the way from the California coast to the Arctic Circle.

Please understand that some of the gray whales are still fine… but mostly only those who have stayed very far north, and haven't been migrating south.

As I reached out to other groups of gray whales (other than the main group that first began connecting with me), others are in various stages of going through similar things. There are those who are still being "mud suckers", as the movie calls them, and they are finding some food, but they can't live that way. Others can no longer even eat that… they are so very, very sad.

As I watch the movie, the narrator says:
“They are not vegetarian, but this one probably hasn’t eaten in 4 months, and now even a mouthful of kelp (back in California) may seem satisfying.”

Their response is "Not."
To reiterate, the gray whales initially connected with me saying that
gray whales are mammals, and were never meant to be without food. They are meant to be thriving and should have lots of food.
The movie shows a picture of a large gray whale lying on the ocean floor, turning its huge mouth sideways, and trying to filter through some of the dirt of the ocean bottom, whatever is there.

The narrator says that these whales are mud-suckers.

However, at this point, the whales respond to me with a very big plea…
“Please, NO!!! We just can’t find anything! That’s the only thing that’s anything close to what we need.”
The movie also says:
“Each day, on their feeding grounds far to the north, gray whales will consume hundreds of pounds of crustaceans called amphipods and other shrimp-like creatures, as they filter through the heavy silt.”
The gray whales, however, say that
"Amphipods are not even close.”
(They mean that they're not even close to anything that’s helpful to them).

They say they will eat them, but "it’s not nice”.
“It doesn’t give our bodies what they are needing.”
The energy as they say this is so uncomfortable, almost as if it’s unbearable.
"Really horrid” is the word that would best describe it.
The movie continues with
“… but this is California, and what food this whale is gathering here, is unknown. Scientists have long believed that Gray Whales never eat during their long migration.”
The whales are so heavy at this.
“We aren’t mammals for nothing, you know,” they say.
“Long fasts don’t suit our personality.”
The movie continues again with:
“There are few crustaceans in this sandy bottom, certainly not enough to satisfy a leviathan’s appetite, but perhaps there is other food here.”
The Gray whales interrupt me here, to say
“Not enough. Not even the kind we like.”
A mention in the movie of the “mats of tube worms” bring grimaces and dismay. The whales indicate they use them only because they are starving.
“Not even close to what we need,” they say.
The narrator actually acknowledges that we don't really know what gray whales need:
“Just what this whale is feeding on remains a mystery, but mysteries are common when one regards the great whales.”
As I continue to connect with the gray whales, they give me more information.

They show me that “50 years ago was nice.” They had lots of food at that time.
By 30 years ago, however, they were already hungry.
I tell them I can't imagine what it must be to go through that. 30 years is a very, very long time to be hungry.

"No wonder you're all sad, deep inside," I say.
They indicate to me that while on the outside, they are still large and appear to be normal, inside, they are falling apart.
Without food, the body can’t function well. (That's their sentence…)
When someone has been on a fast, they understand…
On a fast, you can still manage and do things, but it takes so much energy, and you may do something like run, and it’s okay, but you’ll quickly run out of steam. You need more rest, often.
The whales also tell me that they can no longer produce the correct enzymes for making food easy to digest, which limits their choices as well.
They say,
“This comes because food is intended to bring strength and build the body, but without food, the muscles won’t contract to push the food where it needs to be.”
These gray whales keep telling me that their species has become more than endangered. According to what they say, they may no longer thrive and then they could disappear.
(In human terms, that would mean extinction.)

Note added on October 24, 2016:
Please know, that although some of the more recent journal entries have not yet been published, there has already been some progress as the whales of this group have individually connected with me, so they are hopeful.

However, they would love to have much more support, and help on a much bigger scale, "to help their friends as well."

This group of gray whales know that they will be okay, as well as others who can "hear Joy", but they also add that "it's not Joy's job as the one who provides the information, to teach us to be okay. There are more very big things that are necessary that will allow us to begin to heal again, including helping the oceans."
Additional note, January 1, 2019:
I am very far delinquent writing my journal, but these days, when I connect with my Gray Whales, they feel happy to me… SO very different than our first connections. They have learned a lot and let me know that they're okay…
I have a few really neat entries to publish about the Gray Whales!
Another note added 9/21/2019:
My information may appear to be otherwise to what the current ideas are… but I am only giving you the information and "picture" given by the whales themselves… those who asked to connect with me.

I am well aware of nature, and evolution, and so the eating of amphipods would seem natural for the grey whales… nature has given them a body that made them develop physical characteristics that make bottom-dwelling feeding realistic.

When the gray whales indicate they "don't like it" (the food), and it's "not even close"… maybe it's less about what their nature and genes are, and more about the food sources themselves.

Later during the fall of 2016, during my interactions with the gray whales, they indicated about some food "… and you would eat THAT?" … indicating that to them, it was toxic, and not comfortable.

At this time, having had several of "my whales" cross from the Pacific ocean to the Atlantic ocean, and based on information from many of the species on the Pacific coast, the food chain in the Pacific ocean is "no longer satisfactory".

The animals on the Pacific coast show me much "emptier tummy syndrome", while the whales and dolphins on the east coast show "happy tummies". My whales" who crossed from the Pacific ocean to the Atlantic ocean show me that there's a HUGE difference in the food supply on the east coast, and that it's more "do-able", more "edible".

Animals do so much by instinct, and if food feels "toxic" to them, they simply won't eat it, or not as much of it as they might need.

Maybe these gray whales are simply objecting to the state of the food, and thus saying "it's not even close".  

I'm also aware that the gray whales have made a huge comeback in recent years, and their populations are recovering…

A National Geographic article titled "The Gray Whale: Past, Present, and Future", on June 28, 2019, stated that:
After being near extinction in the 1950s, the gray whale population in the eastern Pacific has rebounded to an estimated 19,000 animals, considered to be a healthy stock.In 1994, the gray whale was “de-listed,” or removed from the Endangered Species List.
Just the same, what the whales themselves are letting me know, is that over the past many decades, their food source is uncomfortable (and here they show me "backing away" from it, and feeling very uncomfortable with it). It could take several decades of genes down-grading, passed on the the newer generations, and eventually resulting in more health challenges… but those challenges could also take yet more years to manifest.

Somehow, these whales were showing me, THEN (2016), that they are "not nearly as robust and healthy as everyone would imagine"… and they are asking for "awareness of the health of the oceans."

Another piece that comes up as well, as part of the health picture for several groups of whales, is that the gene pool may have been reduced at some point, and a few variations that are less robust are now propogating among some of the species. (Some of that info would come in many of the entries that I haven't gotten to writing yet, let alone publishing…! I have a lovely story still to write about a gray whale who "expanded" the gene pool, and felt really wonderful!)

All by way of saying that, even if I don't know all the ins and outs of the physical details, or, for example, why they say they don't like the food, that fact is that the whales themselves come through, portraying what they know… and they may know many things long before they become apparent to the researchers and scientists. I am simply the messenger in this situation.

… and maybe this is relevant as another indicator of their situation, that during this past summer of 2019, Pacific gray whales are showing up dead in North America’s oceans and shores at a rate four-times greater than typical. Hundreds of gray whales washed up on the pacific coast, dead, and emaciated, but representing a far bigger number in all practicality, as apparently, only about 10% of dead whales will wash up on the shore; another 90% may simply sink to the ocean floor.
They're telling me here that it IS relevant, but it's another set of factors, related to something off in the water system, but not the same thing that they were giving me here, in 2016, when I was first connecting with the gray whales.

The long and the short of it is that the "gray whales are asking for help, for ALL of their species, not only those who know how to connect with 'Joy'. "  That's their words again, coming from "one who is now content, and living a long life."

09/14/2016      Whales      Hungry Gray Whales
Whales enjoy protecting their females
Published 09/15/2016

With the gray whales, as well as the bottlenose whales, it was the biggest male whale who connected the very first time with me.

What they tell me is that it's the male whales who do the initial connecting… and then when they are aware that it's okay, then a female whale has permission to connect (meaning it's okay)... but it's usually the male who takes on the role of connecting with others.

With me, however, the female whales are asking to connect, although the males are sure that they (the males) are strong and that they ought to be the ones connecting…
(I'm not quite sure why a whale would need to be strong in order to connect with me!)

Anyway, the males are often just making sure that their wives (mates) are okay.

By the way, the whales were very happy that we (people) are “aware of a long time in the earth plane.”
Wikipedia says about the Gray Whales that “This mammal descended from filter-feeding whales that appeared at the beginning of the Oligocene, over 30 million years ago.”

09/15/2016      Dolphins     
Bigger waves again… and dead man's float
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Today the waves were quite big, with lots of currents and white caps.

I asked the dolphins if they were using their "lallygagging" techniques through the big waves… but they said weren't doing that. In the midst of the bigger waves, they forget about other things and just keep up with their own type of thing, doing what they usually do.

They indicate they are easily moving through the waves, but that they do come to the top to breathe much more often than when the waves are calmer.

I let them know that "This would be a day to practice what you might want to do during a big storm."

The dolphins agree, and ask me to do the movements with them while I'm out riding the waves…
Because the waves are big today and the dolphins are farther out, I can't actually see them, but they still connect.

I try lying on my back, "lallygagging", the way I often do when the waves are calm… but today, I'm in the middle of big surf and breaking waves, which wash over my face as I'm trying to do that.

The dolphins ask about my front. "Can you face the water, and lallygag?"

I try it, but of course I have to hold my breath under the water, so it's much different than lying on my back. The waves are still turning me around.

However, I remembered that when I took swimming lessons, they taught the dead man's float! I try doing that, which means not moving at all… lying on my front in the waves, and simply letting my body completely relax. It's kind of like being a jelly fish in the water.

It works! Even through the biggest waves!

"Does this work for you?" I ask them.

One of the dolphins connects with me and is trying it out. He's actually delighted, and shows a "whale tail."

I play in the waves, face-down, doing the dead man's float, and connecting with this dolphin, who helps me to connect with his body language:

First, I have to cross my legs at the ankles, so that I have "a tail", which the dolphin indicates is the biggest problem.
"The tail won't be still..." he says.
Indeed, I can feel all the muscles in my legs ("the tail") working.
It's very clear that the tail doesn't even understand how to relax.

"Let's fine-tune this, then", I say, as they continue trying various things.

In the end, the dolphin figures out how to mimic the entire body being relaxed, especially through the torso, and the middle of the spinal area. It took a bit of practice, though.

As soon as the movement flowed through there, meaning, it relaxed, but moved really gently as the waves swayed it around, then the tail relaxed, and… it worked!

Ahhh… wonderful!

Another dolphin, this one a female, shows me that she is coming through with lots of caring, that space they call "soft", and indicating that she would love to learn the same thing.

… and with a bit of practice too, she's floating a bit!

Body "undulating"
… reiterate that this is potential practice for storm situations

*** The real issue is that the dolphins usually stay together as a group… in nice weather, there is a lot of leeway, but in a storm, they remain very close together.
This "floating", while helpful to breathe, lets the waves carry them, and they would not remain together as a group.
The dolphins discuss possibly taking turns being the ones to "breathe" while the others of the dolphin group might be able to be a lot calmer lower down in the water, because the easier breathing will let them carry the oxygen much more effectively.

09/16/2016      Whales      Lost Bottlenose Whales
The lost bottlenose whales make it to US territory!
Published 09/18/2016

If you've read the previous entries, you'll understand that there is a group of bottlenose whales who were originally in the north Atlantic ocean, but several decades ago, they say, they ended up on a mistaken journey, and ended up somewhere off the coast of Japan and up through the eastern coast of Russia. With my help, they are returning "home". (See 9/10/2016 entry.)

These whales are currently in a very different timezone, so they're doing their migration while I'm sleeping… that's their daytime.

I had asked the previous day whether they had made it to US territory yet, and they kept saying they thought they might be really close, but not quite yet.

This morning, when I went to look at the map (Google maps), they showed me that they were somewhere past Attu Station, in the Alaskan Aleutian Islands.
When I let them know that Attu Station was part of the USA, there was great joy (and the whales showed "celebrating with whale calls and breaching"), because they were now in "America".

Safe, on their way, and okay.
They indicated that they have been finding a bit of food along the way, but not enough… yet.

They then had me scan Google maps, in "earth view", which shows elevation, and also some landmarks under the water.

About a day's journey east from Attu Station (roughly about 50 miles, maybe), there is an elevated land mass in the water, meaning the water is more shallow there, going north from Semisopochnoi Island… (In Google maps "earth view", it looks something like a dolphin!)

The whales are happy, because they are aware that there is a lot of food there. (This is through their knowing, i.e., connecting their consciousness.)

The thought of food is really joyful!
They indicate that they may stop and rest there for a long time, enjoying the food.

They're especially happy because they think there will be squid there… based on connecting with me on the map.

09/16/2016      Dolphins     
Group 3 arrives
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Group 3 was my group of dolphins that arrived in Virginia Beach in October last year, and they stayed all winter long… because they loved the energy.

They have been letting me know that they were close… they spent the summer farther north, but they would soon be back at the Virginia Beach ocean.

… and today, they arrived! I was delighted.

(A few of the other dolphins were a little bit unsure, because they don't know these Group 3 dolphins… yet.)


This next note is about the other dolphin groups, not including my group 3's.

There were still bigger waves today (probably through until Monday)

The dolphins came in to see me, though, but they couldn't come really close because of the big waves.

They had not been practicing the new floating technique (the dead man's float)… because it's new.
When I am in the water, they want to play with floating… They indicate that it's nicer that way, because I "adjust things"… According to what they give me, for any new thing they need to learn that we're working on together, they become more efficient as I smooth the way for them. … and the floating is brand new.

The dolphins who had tried it the day before, needed some help… something to do with the breatthing. The floating was great, but the breathing was still "off", they said.

I tried the belly-float, despite the big waves today. The waves kept breaking steadily, so floating was challenging, especially when there were several really big breaking waves in a row.

I ended up out-of-breath… but I kept trying to float in between everything.

"Wow! It's much harder to try to float when you can't catch your breath to begin with…" I told them.

"You finally understand…" several of the male dolphins said. "Now that you see what we need, please help."

… and they figured it out, together. (This was two dolphins from my group 1, and another from my group 2 of dolphins)

I know this sounds really, really odd, but from what I could understand, this had something to do with some vertebrae being fused together in the middle of the vertebral column (????)… and when that area learned to move and to carry the undulating movement in the abdomen, then the tail, which until then, had kept moving through some sort of reflex, could relax.
(For some reason, the tail keeps moving, and as best as I can understand, the result is that they are "pumping the oxygen through the body, e.g., into the muscles, rather than holding it in their lungs like we do. It's this that helps them to go deep all the time… and this tail reflex can't just be turned off, because it keeps happening, more or less not in their conscious control.)

By the end of my "jumping the waves" time today, one dolphin was able to nicely make it work.

The dolphins and I are playing together to try to find something that will allow the dolphins to have an easier time through storms.

Yesterday's "puzzle" was… "Okay, floating could make it easier to breathe, but, how can we float easily through the waves, so that we can breathe and have an easier time through rough water, and still move together as a pod?"

The dolphins had thought about taking turns being the one to float, while the others moved more deeply in the water (rather than trying to stay at the surface to keep breathing)… but that wouldn't work so well when there were many dolphins. There wouldn't be enough "turns" to float, given the variable of holding the breath until it's that ones turn to float and breathe.

Today, it works, though. It's a newer way.

One of the dolphins who was practicing this while I was in the water, shows that he can now do it… he can float to breathe, get one or two breaths that way, then go down deeper in the water (where the current is much more kind), and stay with the rest of the group. They don't need to accommodate him in any way…

The challenge at the moment, for the others to be able to do the same, is that each dolphin has to connect with this "updated vertebrae" scenario, and they don't know how to do that on their own. When I "practice it" with one of them who would like to use the new way, it takes many "adjustments" until it works. (This ended up later being called the "tail fix" … some sort of gene update, apparently. Again, who knows!!! [????] There's no physical touch here between me and them, so I can't begin to tell you what they're doing… this is just the information, as it is given to me, from various sources.)

At the moment, it's not really practical for me to spend my time doing this with them… and I need to be in the water to make that deep of a connection with them for the physical "fix" … and the days are cooler, and the water is getting colder… and the waves are big, so jumping is the only possibility at the moment.

The dolphins are hopeful, though. "It would work, if we could get there," meaning that it would allow the dolphins to have less stress during rough waves or even through hurricanes.

09/18/2016      Whales      Lost Bottlenose Whales
The bottlenose whales reach Adak
Published 09/18/2016

The no-longer-lost bottlenose whales show me on the map that they are at Adak.

Now they know that they are well within US borders, and they relax. They now feel much more calm.

I was actually surprised to find out that they were at Adak. The last time I had checked with them, two days ago, they had thought to stay for a longer time just north of Semisopochnoi Island, because there would be food there.

However, they indicated that they needed to be more comfortable, and they quickly realized that the water was deeper than they needed for a longer resting place.

However, they did indicate that they now have nicely full bellies, and that they're really happy.
"Fish," they say… "Mmmm!"

They will continue along the Alaskan Aleutian Islands until they're closer to the mainland and can find a place that has their type of food.

09/18/2016      Dolphins     
Dolphins group 2 has gone…
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

My dolphins group 2 has gone… It's time to head south again.

However, they wanted to make sure that I was okay and in a nice space before they left; I slept more deeply last night, and woke up "clear", so they knew I was fine, and decided to head off.

The kayakers were out today … I only got there near the tail end of the kayaking tour, though…
When I asked the returning kayakers about the dolphins while they were out there, apparently they had been there a bit throughout, but they were "way better" near the end (after I got there!)

A couple yesterday who goes out in their kayak sometimes, commented that the dolphins always seem to be at "this part of the beach."

Group 4 thought they would step up to the plate with the kayakers… beginning to "connect through the heart".

Group 3 of dolphins is near, but can't make it in… The other groups won't let them anywhere near me, unless they're connecting through the heart… it's a new space since the 3's left, and it means also a completely new male-female relationship energy… no longer the "big strong male" model, but allowing the feminine to be there… it's a softer, connection with more freedom, for both genders.
(The female dolphins are enjoying it… but the males aren't really sure yet. They see the new thoughts from their mates, who enjoy the privacy of their relationships… )

Needless to say, it's very interesting for me when they give me this feedback! By the way, none of the changes are intentional on my part… it has to do with their "reading the energy" and deciding to "copy". ("What do 'normal people' do?" … Right! And whose definition of "normal" are they going by???)

(Groups 1 and 4 tried learning to guide me with whistling, and also guiding me to feel their consciousness [and in there, the body language that they are being], but I became aware that group 2 had connected in a way that brought that, and the other groups hadn't yet begun to learn it.
… so names, and playing with the floating, etc., came easily with group 2)
Group 2 had also been coming much closer to me (and with that, to others who are nearby at the time), to allow connecting.

Today, several times, when fast boats were going to going by, I let the dolphins know, and they were appreciative.
As a result, they say they are beginning to figure out better how to tell for themselves if they need to "disappear". They show being able to tell how loud a boat is in relation to how far away it is, and how quickly the sound carries. (Before this, it was just "a generic, not-comfortable sound".)
They're beginning to be able to tell if the sound is moving in their direction, but can't yet tell if it's a path that will come directly to where they are.

Here's more about the dolphins aligning with the world consciousness of everyone letting go of boundaries (now that they're aware of it. See ______________ entry.)

Today, dolphins group 1 were splashing to my left, and dolphins group 4 were on the right… and they were almost together. They say they're getting to know one another just a bit. (They're not quite ready to share food together yet, though, although they're intrigued by my descriptions that people socialize and connect to get to know each other, with food.)

It's a brave thing for each of them to allow any other to be where they are eating, because it's so far outside of their social norms, they say (groups 1 and 4, although group 2 says it might make exceptions.)
Dolphins from different groups have also been successful at "just jumping waves close to each other" (2 dolphins, 1 from each of the groups).

They are amazing! At least I think so… and I let them know that.

09/19/2016      Whales      Hungry Gray Whales
We'd love some California Mussels!
Published 09/19/2016

The Gray Whales that have been connecting with me are close to Alaska, but out in the deep sea, out in the deep waters of the Gulf of Alaska, where they hoped to find some elevated ocean floor with food.

They're aware there is food at Nikolski, in the Alaskan Aleutian Islands, but they say that right now, it's too cold already for them. (Keep in mind that because they are under-nourished, they are not as strong as they would have been in the past.)

They are so sad, and they say they are cold, as well as hungry. They had gone a little farther north in hopes of getting some food, but it didn't work out that way.

Since then (as of today), they are now aware that we have ocean depth charts, and asked to find ocean depths for places they know where they can find food. I spent several hours with them, checking places, and not one is available, or feasible. (Where they find food that they might be able to eat, the depth is far too deep for them to dive at this time.)

In the summer, they believe they can make it to Nikolski, in the Aleutian Islands. For now, they don't know were to find food that is reachable. (Keep in mind that this is a work-in-progress, with the whales giving information as it presents itself. Please just keep reading…)

They have specific needs for a food that they are able to process and digest, and as it stands right now, "from what we can tell together" their digestive system is no longer as robust as it once was, which further limits their possible food sources at the moment.

However, they recently became aware of a food that they would be able to eat. It happened like this:

The other day, I was sitting and connecting with my group of gray whales and making some notes.

I was asking the gray whales what they might eat, since it apparently wasn't the anthropods buried in the ocean floor. They weren't sure.

A while later, one of the whales broke in suddenly, to let me know that they had FOUND something!
"Someone is growing it on the rocks off the coast of Ecuador."
They sounded really happy to have found this much food.

I next had to figure out what it was. "What grows on the rocks?"
"Seaweed… kelp… Hmmm…" nope, keep trying. "Clams?"

That was closer. They showed me a memory of mine, where I was visiting Newfoundland, the easternmost province of Canada, and a very big island, way out in the ocean.

In the memory, I was sitting out in a small motor boat, which was stopped, and I was reaching down over the sides of the boat, almost to the full length of my arms in the freezing cold water, pulling mussels off the rocks, to take home to have a special meal for supper that day.

"Mussels, then!" I said, thinking I had the answer…

"Yes, well…"

I had to go to Wikipedia and begin looking up mussels and other things that grew on rocks.
There are many species of mussels, and it turned out to be specifically, California mussels, and ONLY California mussels, that these gray whales said they needed.

"Are there California mussels at Nikolski Island?" I asked.
The whales responded with happiness and a ubiquitous symbol that means "good food!"… they showed "licking their lips".

Okay… I am always trying to puzzle things out.
"Why just California mussels? Wouldn't you also be able to eat and digest other mussels and clams?..." ("no!")
… and then, "and if there were California mussels growing here, would you be able to eat them? Mussels are very small, and they're in very hard shells that are stuck to the rocks… How is it even possible that you could eat them? What would you do with the shells? Do they go through your digestive tract?"

I was really, really hesitant…how in the world could this be true?

These whales, however, were quite happy and kept smiling. They were trying to tell me something about using their tails, smashing their tails against the rocks…

Then I also noted that in Wikipedia, under "Taxonomy", there is a line that says "Many other names have been ascribed to the gray whale, including …  mussel digger …" I thought that was interesting.

At this time, the whole lifeforce energy of these gray whales is sad. They say they are nowhere near okay.

I feel their energy in a way that others can't begin to comprehend, and it's sad beyond belief.
They feel like they have only a few threads of hope.

The whales indicated that California Mussels would help them to be replenished again… and they hoped that if people knew that, then they might begin planting and growing more of them…

They also know now that way off the southern coast of California, there are some there, but not easily available, and there's no land nearby at all, which they need for their rest and comfort zone.

There turned out to be much more to the California mussels picture… it's only a beginning.
However, on this day, the whales were saying
"We need this! Please tell your marine biologists… Please make this happen for us! Please ask anyone who can help to find a way to make this come to be!"
I was just going to say "scientists", but the whales were much more specific…
"Someone who understands oceans and ocean systems please!"
"Oh, you mean marine biologists then," I said, after looking up "Who works with oceans?"
(I haven't had a lot of need to talk with marine biologists in the past!)

These whales, though, say that they are certain that if we could have the needed contacts, they will be okay.
"Some of the other species of whales are well enough, and we know you (they mean everyone) care," they say.

09/19/2016      Whales      Lost Bottlenose Whales
Bottlenose whales continue along the Aleutian Islands
Published 09/19/2016

The bottlenose whales asked me to connect first thing in the morning, and to check the map with them.

They showed me that they have made it almost to Chuginadak Island, and they asked for help with finding a route past the islands.

They like to check whether there are hidden ravines or other things such as that, and they were also interested in knowing the names of each of the tiny islands immediately next to Chuginadak Island.

They haven't found food since Semisopochnoi Island, two days ago, but they are aware that there is food at the northeast part of the island where the tiny community of Nikolski is. (The Island seems to be mislabeled with Google maps, and is shown as simply "Aleutian West", but other sources label it as Umnak Island).

They are happy, because they will be close to people again, and they will welcome that.
They indicate that it is an end to the isolation they have been getting recently, on their travels.

They "hide" from boats in places where they are unsure of whether or not the boats are okay (re: whaling boats), but now they know they are fine, and they say that they "feel the big difference when people are nearby" (meaning they are more comfortable then.)

09/20/2016      Whales      Lost Bottlenose Whales
The bottlenose whales are cold
Published 09/20/2016

The bottlenose whales today show me that they are near the northern part of Unalaska Island.

They've been finding some food along the way, but not what they hoped.

Near Nikolski, they had found that the water was too cold to dive deep, so they couldn't find the food they needed.
"The water temperature affects how deep we can go."
The whales are cold, they say! (They haven't adapted to the cold yet.) (??? Really??? But maybe it's because they got used to somewhat warmer waters when they were over around Japan… I don't know! I'm just passing on what they're indicating…)

They are wondering if the water might be warmer closer to the mainland, because their path, following the shoreline, willl take them farther north yet, before they head south.

The next place with lots of food that they're aware of is between Kodiak Island and the mainland, close to Katmai National Park, although they're not sure yet whether the food is within their diving range.

They had really, really hoped to begin their trek across the top of North America to get "home", SOON, but they have found out that their resources for traveling are very limited, based on the cold weather. They will keep going for now, until they find a comfortable warmer place to wait for spring, somewhere along the west coast of Canada or the USA.

09/21/2016      Whales      Lost Bottlenose Whales
"We know where we are"
Published 09/21/2016

I was so surprised when I touched base with the bottlenose whales this morning!

Together, we had been tracing a path for the whales that would bring them eventually down the western coast of the USA and Canada.
However, they showed me this morning that they are on the northern shore of Unimak Island.

… and that path will keep them going north, up to the Arctic Circle.
There are no more water systems to bring them back south, except for backtracking to the southern part of Unimak Island, and then continuing on the southern shore from there.
They are actually really happy today!

The water is warmer, they say, and they KNOW they need to be going north.
Their homing instinct finally kicked in, and they "know the way" now.
That seems to have come when they reached solid land (Alaska). They "understood," is what they said.

… and once they knew where they were, they pushed really hard and covered lots of ground.

They will continue going north at the moment, although everything points out that they will not be able to do the crossing over the winter months…
"We believe there is a slim chance that it might be possible," they said. They are so very hopeful.

"It would mean long journeys every day, and not very much food along the way."
There is a feeling of indescribable happiness among the whales at the idea of making it "home" before winter really sets in.

09/22/2016      Whales      Lost Bottlenose Whales
Moving at breakneck speed to get home
Published 09/22/2016

The bottlenose whales covered so much distance yesterday.

They made it from the northern shore of Unimak Island all the way to Naknek, Alaska.

They say, "We are fast." Initially they were traveling by my information, and that was okay, they say, but now that they're around the mainland, they're feeling "the pull."

"We have no choice," they say. They are trying to figure out where they are, and what comes next.

Their knowing is more steady, they indicate, and they agree to connect with the new updated waves (the water) that keep bringing them more stability.
To translate, that means that "their noses" are awake again, and the water carries information. Every inch of them feels the need to be "home". And they're able to know the way on their own now.
Just the same, I checked in with them and scanned the journey for the upcoming day. They indicated which bays and coves they'll be going into, and which ones they'll bypass.

Together, they checked a route that's within the comfortable depth range for the whales but farther away from the shore, thus a lot more direct.

However, then they also checked the route that would follow the shoreline much more closely.
For these whales, the shoreline route wins, hands-down!

Their playful energy is much more present when they follow the shoreline route, and they tell me that finding food will also be much easier.
Whales, with their very high consciousness, know that energy must take precedence. They say that they liked the energy between Egekik and Naknek, and they hope for more of these very happy energies along their route. Apparently, it's the energy from the north, the Beaufort Sea that is calling them.

09/23/2016      Whales      Hungry Gray Whales
More about California Mussels…
Published 09/23/2016

My friends, the gray whales, are still hungry. No food yet...

Somewhere over the past few days, I have become aware that there must be California mussels in abundance… but that the gray whales aren't recognizing them.

"Are these California mussels? If so, then we see we need a new supply of them."

They then tried to help me understand about the ecological changes, and more about the food supply, and indeed, the entire food chain.

They talked about the "wastewater", coming into the water, and affecting their food supply… probably beginning around the 1950's and 1960's. There were many toxic chemicals coming through at that time, and for a long time after that, pretty much into the 1990's or thereabouts.

Together, the whales and I came to understand that so many of the clams and mussels are "toxic" and not edible to them, by their standards… and not even recognizable as food, to the some of the whale species, including the gray whales.

A newer supply of mussels wouldn't hold nearly as much toxicity, for a long time.

They wanted to know, originally, whether they had any legal rights… so that they might be able to protect their habitat. (That would be wonderful, wouldn't it?)

I feel a huge sadness for them, as they are unable to explain their predicament to those who are in a position to rally for change. However, I did try to explain to them that humans are becoming gradually more aware and are putting more and more laws into place to protect land, ocean, and air, and that nowadays, there are many active conservation groups, and even some politicians are aware of the need to designate more resources.

In the end, though, they acknowledged that "it's beginning to be more kind," and they are hopeful that we know more now and they are happy to know that "we're working on it".

So moving on to something different, I had to laugh when the "California mussels" picture became clear… I said "How in the world can I explain this in a way that humans will be able to understand it?"

You see, apparently, the exact type of mussels that I had collected in Newfoundland was California mussels. (I would never have known that… to me, it was just "mussels"!)

Anyway, since I had myself harvested California mussels, and later enjoyed them for supper, I had become aware of that particular species or "brand" of mussels, if you want to look at it that way.
So my physical had at one time connected with the mussels and had produced digestive enzymes, and somewhere in my genes, is a converted gene that has all the information that's needed… and since the whales see my energy, they can find things they need… including, they say, small things, like genes. (Not that they have a conscious understandig of what that is… another very interesting idea! How can they understand something and be aware of it, without actually understanding it intellectually at all?)

So, if these gray whales now found some "clean" (not yet toxic) California mussels, they would see them as food, and they would probably digest them as well.

And then the whales asked me (not exactly teasing, somehow hopeful)… "Would you please come to the west coast for a while and teach us how to eat?" … meaning something along the lines of, "Would you please collect and enjoy some other types of seafood, like shrimp or other gray-whale-friendly food, so that we can copy your new genes?" (They are laughing…)

09/24/2016      Whales      Lost Bottlenose Whales
The bottlenose whales are making great headway
Published 09/24/2016

Two days ago, the no-longer-lost bottlenose whales made it to beyond Quinhagek, to the north, just before the shoreline turns west again. They were happy because they had a nice feed or two along the way and so they felt well.

Yesterday, then, they made it to Hooper Bay. However, they say that "their food supply wasn't there," so they are starting to get hungry.

Their spirits are very high, though.

By rough estimates, they are now traveling approximately 170 to 180 miles a day… much more than whales are usually said to travel.
"We're playing," they say. "We would love to be where we know we belong."
They say they're traveling faster than they normally would, and that they're putting in more time.

Today, they told me that they may actually head back a little bit, making a detour to Nunavik Island, where there is food. They weren't aware yesterday that there would be food there, as I hadn't had a chance to check the maps with them, and at the time, speed was of "the utmost desire".

They really, really would like to get back to where they are comfortable, which is in the North Atlantic ocean.

However, food is a necessity, and it appears to become sparse as the whales and I check the maps for their upcoming journey farther north.

09/25/2016      Whales      Lost Bottlenose Whales
"We had a nice feed"
Published 09/25/2016

The beautiful bottlenose whales had backtracked to Nunivak Island, for food.
"We had a nice feed", they told me.
They spent the day around Nunivak Island, eating.

However, by today, Google maps had begun using an image that showed ice through some of the inlets and shallow waters, even in Hooper Bay, where they were yesterday.
"While there is not actually ice here yet, we know there will be soon. We are trying to get to where we would like to be, through ice, and it may not be possible."
At the moment, they are not sure what to do, but their energy says "keep going…"

They will follow their course for now, and they say "it's okay", although they don't know where they'll end up for the winter.

09/26/2016      Whales      Lost Bottlenose Whales
The bottlenose whales have to plan for spring
Published 09/26/2016

The bottlenose whales feel so very sad again today.
They had been feeling happy, and light… blissful even, as they had been racing to try to get to their home near Baffin Bay (Atlantic ocean) before the snow came.
Yesterday, they encountered shallow waters that had already frozen, and became aware that they might not be able to make it through what must become frozen water through all the islands between the Beaufort Sea and Baffin Bay.
So the group decided to wait with the big trip, and go south again… and they are wishing for next spring already, when they can begin "going home."
They feel so very sad… I sense an amazingly great big disappointment.
However, they have already told me that the more people are aware of their plight and who are "cheering them on", the more they will be okay. They will feel everyone who is blessing them and praying for them, as that gives them help.
I am continuing to see where they are on their journey, and they spent the night in the deep water at the bend in the land north of Quinhagek.
They won't be racing to make such great distance, but will journey on south more slowly, and will probably settle in on the coast near the northern part of Washington state and southern British Columbia.

09/26/2016      Whales      Hungry Gray Whales
The gray whales are eating… finally!
Published 09/26/2016

The gray whales were really excited to connect with me on the map this morning.
They found some food they can eat, at last!!!
They indicate that they found their way, all alone, to the southeastern part of Cook Inlet.
That would have been a trek of approximately 130 miles for them in one day, which is much more than they can do under most conditions,  but they were aware they would be warm and could eat when they were there.
They had hoped to find food near Seward (a new type of food that I am aware of that they can manage), but it was so cold that they couldn't eat.
They knew that if they continued onward, they would be moving south, and
"the easier the water is to swim in, the nicer it will be to find food", they indicate.
(They know it will be cold to find their way back again, when they are ready.)
The food they found was at the tip of the mainland at the southern tip of Kachemak Bay State Park. It wasn't anything they knew… although some whales eat it easily. From what I can gather, it is shrimp.
A few days ago, they would not have tried to eat it, as their digestion wouldn't have been able to make any sense of it. They understand that as they connect with my "knowing" of their bodies, that they are more able to begin to make some sense of it, and they will keep trying.
They say they are processing the food a bit, and processing food more each time I help them to be aware of their bodies (endocrine organs most of all). They will keep learning.
They also indicate that there is other food near Elizabeth Island (Alaska), but they won't touch it.
It's still the old stuff, which they indicate is toxic to them. Our water pollution has nearly wiped out their palatable food supply, is what they tell me.
The gray whales show great anxiety at even the words "Elizabeth Island".
They're trying to show me that there is harvest there, that people will be consuming, and they are aware that it is laden with toxicity, too much for anyone to be able to process… at least according to their awareness, or of their own threshholds.
When I show them an image of what people eat nowadays, and the newer more organic food choices that many people are making, and then also the heavily sprayed non-organic versions that are available, the gray whales are flabbergasted.
"You would eat such things?" they ask.
The food supply they're indicating that is so very toxic around Elizabeth Island, is actually less toxic than most of our non-organic food.
I try to explain that people have only just more recently begun learning about the blessings of organic food, but that it's a slow process, and I explain that there is a chain of more natural food stores called Whole Foods which has actually become very popular.
These whales are amazed that it's only a very recent development that most grocery stores are offering an organic produce section.
So, "It is important for your people to understand that toxic is always not only 'not okay', but heavily unorthodox in our energy," is the message passed on by the whales. "We need pure food."
"All whales."
There is a big sigh of relief, as I get this message.

09/27/2016      Whales      Lost Bottlenose Whales
Leisurely now…
Published 09/27/2016

The bottlenose whales are taking their time. They decided to head south again, and "wait until spring or summer" to make the journey to the Atlantic Ocean.

To me, they feel really sad. There had been such a wonderful excitement as they had hoped to make it "home" before the snow set it… and now, there's just a feeling of "it's okay, but…" and with that, there is sadness.

Yesterday they moved slowly, didn't find much food, and spent the night south of Platinum, Alaska.

By the time I checked with them, they were on their way to Heigemaster Island.

It was rather funny, but they thought there would be some food there, between the island and the mainland… yet, as I checked the map, they realized that "They're not welcome there… yet".

When I clicked on Google maps where they were expecting to see food, the "location" is marked as "Trawl gear restricted area," which probably means that some type of seafood is farmed in the waters there.

They will continue on a little bit further, and expect to find some wild sources of food by evening.

09/27/2016      Whales      Hungry Gray Whales
"Shrimp likes us", say youngest gray whales
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

The gray whales were by Mitrofania Bay (which is by Perryville, AK)… only 2 of them had eaten the day before… indigestion and bloating, with tummyaches, but at least indicated that they felt full for a change.

No food today, for many of them, although the babies found a bit of shrimp.
"Shrimp likes us", say the youngest ones.

09/27/2016      Dolphins     
(dolphins… many things)
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Many things…

2;s, a few came back a few days later…

1's and 4's have been connecting, and staying "almost" together

All of them are sharing the ocean, much more… doesn't matter now if another group has been somewhere recently, another group can be there soon after

Still waiting for the 3's… did see them yesterday… once, but they're still (adjusting… apparently not allowed near me yet)

Sleep… the dolphins with the vertebral adjustment are sleeping more easily

Males… jump and splash, the females are not yet…
Gender, but also the physical… the movement through the (pelvic) area isn't there yet… role models too (Olympics)

Children… we connected with the ideas of children being able to play (accompany the adult males…) … along the lines of "How to talk so kids will listen…" etc., i.e., "You must really want to come along!"… (with parent… male… on the beach, along with the young boy that was with him and his mother)

09/28/2016      Whales      Hungry Gray Whales
(Gray whales… if we could eat it…)
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Gray whales… if we could eat it, there would be plenty here.
Too far to Nikolski, given the temperature. (Food there, of the old type.)

The first day they tried eating (see 9/26/2016 journal entry), I discovered later that it was actually only two of the gray whales who had eaten… and they had had a tummyache afterwards. Too much "air". I had tried to align a few more body places, to help improve the digestion.

One of these two gray whales was a very young daughter, maybe about 4 years old.

So some are better at getting the new food now… i.e., the babies. They had a very little bit of shrimp yesterday, and can digest it. (I had eaten fresh pineapple yesterday, as a probiotic that is needed by the gray whales… trying to help translate to them what their physical bodies need to "get".)

The babies are learning, and they're passing on the info to the bigger whales.

They are around Unga Island this morning.

09/28/2016      Dolphins     
The birds and the bees
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Another name… Adventure…
(the other female dolphin below)
… she liked the name, although it may not fit anymore after she becomes a mother. It takes a lot of energy, the dolphins show me, to be a mother. … the constant keeping an eye on their young one takes their energy.
Without babies yet, the females are happy and carefree, like the male dolphins who are in charge.
(Another time, they will give me more information about the roles of the male dolphins who are not yet older.)

It all began when two of the dolphins jumped, one after another. I asked if they were male or female, and was told that they were both females.

One of them was Hope, and so I asked about the other one. I was wondering how old the other female dolphin was…

At first, the dolphin in question thought she might still be a "young one", but when I started "counting" her years, i.e., how old she might be, she ended up a bit flustered. I counted five years, and usually, according to the dolphins, they might be sexually active by then, and might be pregnant… but this one wasn't, yet.

This led to a discussion about ovulation… and about the egg and sperm cells, and what happens.

The dolphins were very happy to learn where babies come from… the older ones, at least.
(discussions about sex education, and age-appropriate answers, even for the youngest ones, when they ask "Where do baby dolphins come from?")

*************** Finish writing… *****************

… about how male-female relationships amongst my dolphins have been changing… they know with whom they would enjoy being together, and they're touching more often.

… however, the dolphins shared that they mate together through the expectations of the pod… and there is a "method".

The females will mate with several different males, so they don't know which one is the father, and it has been keeping the pods together nicely, because they all participate.

According to the dolphins, there is, however, a definite order to the males taking their turns. It's based on the authority of the male, which often is related to his seniority. The older ones have their turns first.

Previous discussions about male-female relationships, and how in people-society, the women expect to be equally pleasured as the males…  
… about how males need the release, while women may not have as great a "need", but it doesn't mean that the women can't participate… and the understanding that if the women receive pleasure during the process, then they participate very willingly.

… This has apparently led to an increase in general "lovemaking" amongst the dolphins, including the females being touched more.

This had already led to the lady dolphins expressing more happiness… the male dolphins had been unsure, though, because they're not aware yet of how to receive the female softness that is increasing. (For humans, lovemaking increases oxytocin hormone, which increases bonding. It's apparently been having an effect on the dolphins as well, lately.)

… discussions then about birth control… as with increased lovemaking, I am aware (in being aware of the dolphins' energy), that ovulation seems to happening more frequently now… (???)

The reasons for the seniority… generation gaps… eggs most likely fertilized by one of the older males, which keeps the gene pool comfortable,

… they were really happy to learn "why" their structure was the way it was… it was mother nature's way of preventing the idiosyncrasies that come with a gene pool that is too small.

Dolphins are very intelligent, and they laughed with me about the thought of others not quite aware that they can easily understand all these ideas… the dolphins just need the information presented, and they "get it".
(… [re-word]… others are trying to measure whether dolphins are smart enough to match up symbols that they are shown, correctly… (FYI, they usually get 100%!) )

New understandings bring changes…

When it came to breeding, both some of the younger males and younger females expressed a bit of concern that they might be interested in mating quickly with one dolphin in particular… someone they are attracted to, but that they have always had to follow the same protocol.

They say they are already changing their system… but of course, it brings new ways, and change will be uncomfortable initially…

They already had questions… such as about the children that the female dolphins already have… if they then end up with a single mate, what about the parent for their existing children?

They were delighted to learn that people have already seen their way through that, and step-fathers so easily connect with the children of their spouse.

… also aware that if they're mating with others who are a bit closer to their own age, that their gene pool will need to expand, so it would probably mean joining with other pods of their same species… and then then come the questions of "if the partners want to spend their year together" (they are comfortable with the thought of monogamy for a year or so, while the female is pregnant, but may want to venture into some other relationship then when the baby is born.
(They're just finding their way through the new thoughts at the moment.)

By the way, the dolphins always express their interest, happiness, and other things such as enjoyment, etc., often with responses such as jumps, or big-time splashing. This conversation today had many more "jumps" than normal!


… another thought…

As I had reached out checking how many of the young dolphins were children of one of the dolphins with the most authority ["provider dolphins", is what they called themselves] (and thus seniority in the breeding), it was a very large percentage, like around 40%.

They had no idea…

They loved the imagery that I connected them to, about the male sperm cells swimming happily towards the egg cell, and that "the first one in" was the one that fertilized the egg… thus, the owner of the lucky sperm cell became the father.

"What a nice thought," says one of the younger ones, who doesn't yet understand why it is that he can't mate with the girl dolphin he likes before the senior dolphin mates with her.
(… meaning that he also would enjoy being a young father, not just when he's older.)

09/28/2016      Whales      Hungry Gray Whales
The baby gray whale…
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

It's evening, and I was connecting with the young whale who had eaten the shrimp in the morning… and who ended up with just a bit of a tummyache, which actually came okay with his young body when he understood that he just needed to rub his tummy.
(Oh dear, how can these whales rub their tummies? They don't have arms and hands like we do… but somehow, they got the idea, and managed it…)

This young Gray Whale, however… I could feel him. I felt such a big, warm heart feeling.

The love of this young one was so huge, so full, so big…

It actually was really funny: … I envisioned "baby" as something small that I could hold in my arms, but I had to laugh, because I could feel the energy of this "baby", and he was BIG.…. bigger than I was!

The baby was thinking about me as being like a BIG energy as well, because I am an adult, and so the baby can only think of "whale-big" as what adults are.

It was a funny picture for the baby to realize that I was MUCH smaller than he was! It was a delight for me to witness his lovely, funny smile that HE was so much bigger than me, the grown-up!

The "baby" was subsequently referred to as a "young one", understanding it wasn't anywhere near a "babe in arms" size (in whale terms) any more, but rather, a very young child, one who might venture away for a quick peek somewhere and come back with excitement again…

For a frame of reference, here is a bit of information about baby Gray Whales:
A newborn whale calf weighs between 1,000-1,500 pounds.

Babies can reach 18 to19 feet in length in their first 3 months of life, and they weigh between 1,500-2,000 pounds when they are about 15 feet long.
A little bit bigger than me, don't you think?

To me, this whale's love feels huge… it's caring… it's soft… It's difficult to explain, but it's love that's in proportion with the size of the large gray whales.

09/28/2016      Whales      Lost Bottlenose Whales
The bottlenose whales are taking their time
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

The bottlenose whales are throughout the bay area to the east of Togiak, AK, and they are finding food, and leisurely taking their time.

09/29/2016      Whales      Lost Bottlenose Whales
The bottlenose whales head south again
Published 09/29/2016

Yesterday, the bottlenose whales were throughout the bay area to the east of Togiak, AK, and they were finding food and leisurely taking their time.

Today, they are back in Kvichak Bay… on their way through Naknek soon.

They are enjoying leisurely migration now… ~ 40 miles or so per day. There is no big hurry any more, as they aren't trying to "get home before winter". They will stay near Alaska until next summer when the ice will be melted.

They show that they are cold, though. I am surprised, because their species is usually in the north Atlantic ocean. However, they are in territory that is foreign to them, and they indicate that affects them. (Maybe they got used to somewhat warmer waters over around Asia?)

The sadness is a lot less today… they've adjusted. It still feels sad, but not the really big heavy disappointment that was there a few days ago when they understood that there wasn't a possibility of making it "home" before the ice set in.

09/29/2016      Whales      Hungry Gray Whales
Learning to eat again
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

The Gray whales are still near Unga Island, and the smaller islands farther south from there…

They're staying to learn… (re: one of their young ones yesterday tried shrimp, and connected with me [make a note for 9/28]), and the young one will again adjust what is necessary today and eat some different food that's around.

The adult males are anxious (but not impatient), because they see I am only just beginning to learn their language, of eating all that's near if it's clear…
"See if you can hear our stomachs rumbling inside," say several of them.
(The adult whales are still more hungry than ever, waiting to see when they can begin eating)

The males are thinking it's time to be south… but the females are taking my learning with their hearts. "We know we're connecting with something real." They say they are knowing it will be okay, if they are patient.

They know it's happening, because they see the consciousness… "It's getting nicer."
The big energy of depression has changed.
I can actually feel "awareness of Love." (Hard to explain, but I "feel" a lot of things, energetically… just like in my work with clients, I heal through hugs as well, because I can "feel" what's there.)

One of the female whales says "It's more big. It changes how we can see everyone…"
They know they will soon be willing to change to be more full, meaning to allow other people near, to connect with their like.
(In other words, they believe that help is near.)
… that they will know how to eat and digest again. "It's consciousness first", is the whales' understanding.
"When we eat, we'll soon learn what we need so that we can move the food through and stay okay."
The males are cold, because they're not relaxed… they don't know yet how to find my space so well...
The females, however, are not cold… their learning how to eat more types of food becomes their mission, and it overrides every other thing that's there.

(The weather is in the 50's [fahrenheit], and even the nights are still in the 50's for a few days, so it isn't quite as cold as it was.)

10/01/2016      Dolphins     
Adventure… and schools and such
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

("… and don't even think we mean 'school' [like fish], says one of the whales.)

You met Adventure in my journal entry a few days ago (9/28/2016).

Adventure is a younger female… probably around 5 years old, from what Adventure can figure out.

… today's discussion was more about youth… schools… adolescents… sexual maturity (e.g., beginning ovulation) versus timing of being really ready to become a parent and give up childhood.

A dolphin year would be roughly 2 human years, so a 5-year old dolphin might be like a 10-year old child.

Adventure is not sure whether her new name will still fit in a year or two, if she's become a mother. At the moment, she feels like a happy, upbeat, young spirit… "ready for anything". Happy. Still having fun…

We had discussions about the protection of children, and that in our society, for example, children are "protected" and even protected by the law.

In our so society, children are expected to be in school until they're 18, and may continue thereafter (college and university) if they choose and are able to do that…

We [peope] also wouldn't consider sending a young girl of 10 (or 12, or 14… or even 16) off to have babies already…  
In the olden days, though, it would have been that way, but not now.

We talked about the children's ability to grow and flourish… to be allowed to have a childhood… which much more brings peace…
… and that who we are as adults now is very different than when adolescents were "expected to get on with it (and begin procreation early in life)"…

The dolphins (and the whales who were connecting with me as well) were the ones who asked me to enlighten them.
They wanted to know about it. They indicated to me that they are often sad to begin putting their energy into just survival.

They were actually overjoyed to hear that procreation is not the only thing, ever.

With new information and new choices, they indicated to me that they are glad to know that there are so many possibilities.

For example, female dolphins often nurse for a long time, and so they have a baby probably every other year… but if they have happier relationships including more time together, then ovulation may take place anyway… and why not wait longer to begin, then maybe have babies more often… still coming to the same number in the end. "How do I wish to use or distribute the same (or similar) number of babies over my childbearing time?" is a legitimate question, they say, and with knowledge of how babies are made (see 9/28/2016 journal entry), they may procreate more easily (like some of the older ones may decide to no longer need to take part in the breeding, if they are aware there are no longer sperm cells there… (There is one from group 1 and one from group 2 who, when they connect to check with me, find that they are finished… and the one from group 2 says "I thought it was odd that there weren't so many big dolphins born over the past 2 years"… Please note this one is a very large dolphin.)

They catch on so fast…

They are anxious for more ideas.

Adventure's comment part-way through this discussion was "… when I'm ready, let someone choose me for a mate based on who I have become, not just on my ability to have children."

She said this very happily… with enthusiasm. She really enjoys the thoughts of playing for a lot longer, before becoming "adult".


I have some difficulty conceiving how the dolphins and whales might implement some of the new ideas… they love the idea of learning… and having sex more often with each other (i.e., not just for creating babies). They indicate that I am a warehouse of still wonderful great new ideas, things that nobody has ever been able to talk with them about before… because nobody knew how to communicate with them at this level of awareness.

I create a visual image of dolphins with computers and blackboards and a classroom with a teacher up front… and they love it… but I can't just quite yet conceive how that might be possible. They are laughing, though. They apparently have some ideas…

10/01/2016      Dolphins     
New kayaking dolphin guides
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Today was Saturday, and still a beautiful warm day, and the usual kayaking tour company took a group of kayakers out to enjoy the beautiful day. One of the highlights for the kayakers is seeing the dolphins.

It's usually group 2 that hangs around the kayakers… they have an easy time looking up at the kayakers, and going ahead of them, around them, often underneath them… and they love the attention they get back.

However, group 2 was farther out today… they were busy finding some food.

Groups 1 and 4, however, came in to see Joy and others who might enjoy them.

They are new to trying to see others, and are a lot more anxious. They don't mind being seen from a little ways away, but coming closer made them a bit anxious.

… continue writing…

The 4's tried first. They couldn't tell how the people were responding to them… they're not used to doing this yet. They were then able to see what Joy knew, which was that everyone liked them… and then they became more comfortable…

They can't say yet that they "like" it, or that they "understand them" (the kayakers). It's foreign to them, to know that people can see them, but can't ask "who are you?"
For now, they're okay, though, understanding that not only do they enjoy the dolphins, but that "we (the dolphins) are their consciousness to become more awakened."

Group 1 then also came close, and understood much the same thing, that "they like us."

Joy notes that people think dolphins are nice, and that most are aware the dolphins have a nice consciousness, but have no way of comprehending how animals might be able to raise the consciousness of others.

"can't see underneath the skin to know that they need love too."

 were fine for a bit, when they saw that everyone was liking them.


10/01/2016      Whales      Lost Bottlenose Whales
(bottlenose whales)
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Today, the bottlenose whales say they are okay. "Just fine."

They've been making their way comfortably from Kvichak Bay down along the Alaskan peninsula, over the past two days. They are somewhat south of Nelson Lagoon.

They've been busy trying to find the Gray Whales that I have been talking with,

They love being in happy energy again.

10/01/2016      Whales      Hungry Gray Whales
The Gray Whales are feeling much better
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

The Gray Whales show me that they've been continuing slowly along the Alaskan peninsula, heading south-west, and that they're in the shallow waters just north-east of Ikatan, near the very end of the peninsula. (There aren't very many communities in the area.)

So far, 5 of them have tried eating, and they're doing fine. The others need more time yet, to adjust, before they're willing try to digest anything.

"We are aware, however, that there is food that most of us would be able to like (and more-or-less digest) around Unaska Island, of the Aleutian Islands." (The names come as I scan the map with them for food.)

Even there, though, one or two of the older ones will likely have more difficulty trying new things, even if it's a lot easier for them to eat.

"We know now that we have been causing our digestion to compensate, in the light of trying to find food. I say that the only thing to see first of all is that our muscles and other parts of us need magnesium first. Then, we'll fix ourselves more easily."

I'd been getting that there is less magnesium, and probably also less of some other minerals in the ocean around here these days, related to global warming… If there's less snow, then there's less melting ice that brings minerals from the rocks and underling areas back down into the ocean, from the mountains.

Apparently, the magnesium will help the whales to connect something within the lining around the brain, which then helps the to connect with their own natural guidance.

In listening (connecting) to my energy, they also understand that magnesium is one of the big things that can help to heal the lining of the entire intestinal tract, as well as other things in the body. The magnesium will tell the muscles of the tract to move every time they swallow.
"She knows what we need, even when she doesn't actually understand the information," they try to tell everyone.
(My note, 9/2019: I originally didn't want to publish this entry, because as we were writing, they kept trying to write their own words, telling about my intuition, and my work-related energies, and to me, it felt like a big "advertisement", which I wasn't comfortable writing, even if it WAS coming from them! Now, it's 3 years later, and I'm going back through all my original entires… )

The bigger version, though, is that the lining of their intestinal villi and microvilli has become "smooth", meaning that there are far fewer villi, and the food isn't absorbed. Initially, there would have been inflammation with no symptoms, then the digestion would have become poor. It's something similar to "Leaky Gut Syndrome", but there is no inflammation at this point. That's gone. But there has been great smoothing of the intestinal walls.
That's what it feels like, and even though that may be a small part of the whole picture, it's relevant.

The silt that they constantly got with their food has caused this, as they tried to find food sources as the earth's eco-system changed.

"Wastewater" would likely have changed the fauna in the lakes and rivers, which eventually made its way to the ocean, and we are aware there are more conditions that changed the food chain, but the net result was that the existing food supply of the Gray Whales has been affected.
Somehow, there's too much toxicity in the land (farming lands?), and it ends up in the waters.

Now, with the villi less-functional in these whales, it will be a while until they can digest normally, although, they say that when they connect with me, they may be able to "fix the villi" quickly, as they can connect with the new version, which works. "There may be more steps after this," they indicate.

"The young ones are having the nice time still, since they haven't yet created this new symptom."

The five that have been eating food today show that they are well-healed already through one of the steps that is needed, via the magnesium. The source of it? Who knows…

They like the magnesium, though, saying that
"It is fun for us all! We're feeling nice. Quite nice, you know…"

10/02/2016      Whales      Lost Bottlenose Whales
The bottlenose whales begin "dragging their feet" (or tails)
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Yesterday, the bottlenose whales continued south towards the tip of the Alaskan peninsula. They found food around Amak Island… they are moving nicely, and not concerned with food today, so that they may soon get to where the Gray Whales are… the group that has been talking to me.

"We're not sure yet how we'll make contact," they say, because it's a wide space. "We are aware we're making Joy's life nicer" … and I comment that it's amazing, and it's true, because these bottlenose whales have such a huge, beautiful consciousness, and they continue with "but we don't know how to connect with such types of whales."

I say it's really interesting, because the bottlenose whales have been aware of helping the gray whales together with me… and yet, if you were to put the two pods side by side, they wouldn't know how to "speak the same language".  

Meanwhile, talking about different species mingling, today was another landmark day for my groups of dolphins.

Even though they don't all "speak the same language", they are connecting more and more with each other, and just today, one of the groups of dolphins decided to try something completely new to them, excited to bridge gaps between their group and a completely different one… (see the 10/2/2016 dolphin journal about this, when it gets published.)

The bottlenose whales anticipate making it today to somewhere along the tip of the peninsula (also known at that point as Unimak Island).

They can gauge pretty well now, how far they are likely to travel, when they see the map. They've also been "dragging their feet" (or their tails, perhaps, to translate into whale verbage) lately, covering a lot less distance than when they were headed towards "home" (north).

It was pretty interesting… after showing where they might get to today, they followed around the peninsula on the map with me, and checked out heading south to get to the southern shoreline of the Alaska mainland.

However, as they got halfway around the tip, to Sennett Point, they became really uncomfortable.
I wasn't sure what was going on… but it came up as a huge dismay in their energy, with
"Now we're going the wrong way… we can't do that."
It turned out it was a timing thing… it's too soon to head farther south for their group.

If they stay in the general vicinity where they are, through until possibly the end of October, then they can more comfortably travel around the southern part of the shoreline, and head a little bit more south to spend the colder winter months.

They may continue on a little while to connect with the group of gray whales that's nearby, and they may decide to hang around there as well, because there's food there, but overall, they know that they will be much more safe (following their own guidance) if they remain more northerly until it's much too cold to stay there.
"We don't plan our adventures, so we'll see how things go, and how we will spend the cold months until the ice melts again and we can continue our journey "home".

10/02/2016      Dolphins     
Dolphin sign language… and beyond…
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Joy used to ask "Which group are you? Group One…? No, group two… yes!

Now, the dolphins have learned the number of Joy's fingers corresponding to the number of the name of their group. They'll give Joy hand-signs as to which group they are.

This doesn't mean that the dolphins hold up their flippers for Joy to see, but rather that they connect to Joy through her movement now, not only with word consciousness.

So, groups 1 and 4 of Joy's dolphins have been connecting more and more, and often are around each other, following one or the other as the day goes by… even when they're not around Joy now.

Joy has asked "Why the 1's and 4's?" Why aren't the 2's included here? They're friendly, aren't they?"
… yet as she knows, they like people. Other dolphins are a different chapter. (They just asked the difference between a story and a chapter, and decided to stick to "chapter".)

From what she can gather, they have different personality types… and that appears to be related to a blood type. The 2's have a different blood type than the others.

The 1's and 4's (and 3's as well), have more commonality this way. Their speech variations are similar, so they understand each other more.

The 3's, by the way, are gradually finding their way into the area. They would love to be here, but the other groups have become very protective of Joy, and they won't allow them near her until they are present with the newer spaces… including more Love… softer energies between the females and the males, a bit of some Christ Energy… etc.
The 3's would learn this easily if they were nearby, and as they come into the area through the day when there aren't any other dolphin groups there, they're picking up the rhythms. They're getting there…

So back to friendships…
This all started around September 1, with the information about our world these days… how people connect with people all around the world… help each other, fight less, become friends, marry others from different countries, and even adopt children of a completely different ethnic origin.

**** Continue writing… wanting to connect more… wanting to adopt more friendly manners towards the other group, but don't speak the same language.
"What do you do?" they ask.

(… sign language… "Sign language for the deaf…" sign language for our alphabe to spell words…

… and like people anywhere, sharing words. "Point at the sky, and say the word in your language. They can repeat it back to you, and they can also point at the sky, and say the word in their language.")
(write this better)

… and of course, there's pretty easy common body language for happy, sad, reaching out to connect with someone (like we might "shake hands"), or anything you can do to connect.

They loved the idea. This was group 1.

Groups 1 and 4 were at the beach, but group 2 was way farther out, looking for dinner.

After a while, Joy noticed that it was only group 4 around… group 1 had disappeared.

When they thought she was aware of them, group 1 came in and showed Joy that they had gone racing out to where group 2 was. (They know each other's energy by now, so they knew how to locate them easily.)

They were delighted! They were all gung-ho (they like that description) to try it out together.

A while later, the dolphins were again connecting to Joy, with pleasure.

Group 2 was connecting. They laughed. They thought to Joy, "It was fun. They are kind. We didn't think they were nice." We Love your time. It's fine for everyone."

Wouldn't you know it… as Joy thought to check farther, it was the females who had wanted to go to meet the other females.

(The males? Hmmm… they'll see…)

Also, video camera…
understanding "zoom" now… they wanted Joy to show them how "zoom" works, so they might understand why she giggles when she sees them close-up.

As they see a photograph, or video, they can understand how
aware of how far away they can be so that Joy can see them without

10/02/2016      Whales      Hungry Gray Whales
The gray whales
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

The gray whales stayed around the area they were yesterday, near Ikatan. They're hoping to connect with the group of bottlenose whales that is trying to get home, and they know that they will soon be in this area.

More and more of them are trying food, and "It's going fairly well," they let me know.
"It's shrimp," they say, "and we're cleaning our mouths out first."  (???)

I count 7 today who have been eating. There are still a few more who are still more sad, for they "need my vision" (as they put it) to see what else there is…

… more adjustments to several things,

The whales that are eating already have their thymus glands working better now, moving "clockwise" (as it must), which is the cause of the greater happiness and also the ability of the whales to move quickly through the stages that will bring them back to better health.

The thymus glands were not yet going the right way (from my energy perspective) for at least two of the middle-aged male whales. The energy was stuck related to the reproductive organs. All the hormones were correct and flowing, but the prostate gland had become larger than it needed to be.

The adrenal glands were partially the reason… their cortisol-like hormone was not correct… and there was much more of it than was necessary. This seems to have caused a lymphatic system overload. Now, howver, there is movement again.

Also, sometimes the bones are impacted from their not having had quite so much "breathing and fun". It is as if these whales had been depressed, as their bodies weren't healthy and long-term hunger isn't very easy to deal with. They didn't breach nearly as often, which means less time using their bones (like weight-bearing exercises make bones much more strong and healthy).

This means that the lack of breathing was also affecting the body, so less use of the diaphragm was a big deal as well. (These are just a few of the pieces of their "jumbled puzzle", as given to me.)

"Now the diaphragm is learning to correct itself soon and we'll be easier to see again…" they say, meaning, they will breach much more often… and they'll play soon.
(These multiple symptoms were in several of them, including several of the females… not including the prostate gland, of course!)

10/02/2016      Dolphins     
The dolphins would like more romantic expressions
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

The dolphins played gently today as Joy did her energy routine at the beach.

They were connecting with the heart, as Joy is teaching them… and the females were making really nice progress with it … the males a bit too.

The Love that Joy felt as the females show her their "Love" was really nice.

Joy wondered out loud whether the male dolphins could feel that love yet…

Oopsie! Not quite yet. (Among the 2's, it's coming in nicely… but it was 1's and 4's who were around Joy at the time.)

Joy checked what the females are giving to the males… and it wasn't soft love as she had expected… nothing like that. It wasn't there. Even though they are being that toward themselves… i.e. within the females.

Interesting question… Why not towards the males yet?

"It's about the female hip wiggle…" is the body language that came through.

"Oh…" said Joy, "it's about you 'guys' letting the females have their own say sometimes…"

These are things they are talking about with Joy, and learning quickly… but each conversation seems to bring up "the next step" again.

We have a saying, she explained: "If you love something, let it go… if it comes back to you, it's yours; if it doesn't, it never was."

The male dolphin connecting with Joy gave a puzzled expression back… "I need to control her… she's mine. What do you mean, she's not mine?"

In the meantime, 3 female dolphins gave a great big jump and went flying… two of them did that twice.

They got it, and they completely agreed!  (The dolphins always express their excitement, happiness, etc., often with responses such as jumps, or big-time splashing. This was definitely one of those times.)

They know… "If someone is asking you to do too many jobs, you don't care for that, but when you are left on your own, you'll think of better ways to do things, and you'll enjoy them. We'd like to parttake with your team every day, if you'll see us being soft," they tell the male.

As the male tries to envision this, he sees that they are softer. (group 4)

Peace Bringer (the male dolphin of group 2 who said he was one of the more spiritual dolphins) also responded, and said that he was coming through soft to some of the females, yet they weren't being kind yet to him…

When Joy checked, though, he was still dominating them, according to the females.

He felt the new desired flows as Joy pictured for him the scene from the movie "What do women want?" where the lead guy who used to be completely "macho" is now standing in the breakroom, surrounded by the women who are (finally) really happy to be near him!

That changed his energy, and quickly integrated it.

… also today, thoughts how females today respond to the softness that a male gives… by showing appreciation. Appreciation can also be expressed by taking care of the physical, like by "dressing up" a bit for a date, or by sharing something… Several of the females realized they would love to be more appealing more to their male dolphins… and they might like to lose a some weight to be more attractive.

That was another interesting idea… "Don't you need all the fat?" asked Joy? "You need to eat!" … yet they show it's more than enough, and it's something "different". (They would ask the females reading this, if you were a female dolphin, how could you show appreciation towards a male who might just be a casual date?)

They were interested in the idea of love songs, music, poetry, and such things… the females love the thoughts of being romanced.

10/03/2016      Whales      Lost Bottlenose Whales
Finding food
Published 08/18/2018

"It's easy to know where to go," say the bottlenose whales today.

They're taking their time to go to where the gray whales have been… They're in the same area, and these whales, with their lovely consciousness that carries others, are trying to help with the gray whales' situation.

In the meantime, though, they comment about food...
"Finding food is fun now…" they say.
"All we need to do is have you place your fingers along the route where we'll be, and you know where the food is already."
They show how they would normally weave in and about, in the water, looking for the food.

In other words, they're saying they've gotten spoiled!

They know that I am very happy to help those who are in need, but they're also aware that I don't always have quite enough time…

When "getting home" was important, and they were in a big hurry, and especially because they had been more hungry when they were around the coast of Japan, it was really nice for them to have me know already where to find food.
"But it's a luxury…" they say now.
I am planning to keep connecting with them, and they indicate that they are looking forward to those days when I might be able to help them to find the food early on… so they are "full". They indicate that those are "nice days".

10/03/2016      Whales      Hungry Gray Whales
Whale mothers grieve when they can't give birth to a live baby
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

By now, 8 of these gray whales have eaten.

One of them, however, had a terrible tummyache (a new one) after eating. She is a female, possibly around 17 years old…

She has 2 children who are alive. It feels to me as if she has also had several miscarriages (possibly as many as 4).

Whales are so soft… and they feel sadness also, when something is not nice.
So this beautiful mother seems to have cried more than the others, because of the babies who didn't "arrive".

(It feels as if they were miscarriages early into the pregnancy, but the mother had felt the baby move so was already aware of the spirit of the young one there.)

The males have all let her be, so she doesn't need to keep on trying to have more babies. They don't want to see her so often have difficulties… and they (the males) would love to see her have more babies but healthy ones.

Sadness affects so many things in the physical.

I aligned some new things for this mother, including digestive enzymes that have softened, after we rearranged the ovaries more so that the estrogen began connecting again.

"With the estrogen, the body is stronger, and can repair me so that I am happy," says this beautiful mother of 2. The heart, which had been open so much to connecting with the idea of more children, can learn to let go and become aware of the blessings of new things.

My note, 9/2019: I read this entry, and it's interesting to me because here, they seem to have been aware, maybe because of how the information was being given, from an energy connection, that the physical body does create children… while in later times, to the whales in general, baleen and toothed whales alike, the idea, that babies are generated inside the body seems odd, and they can't account for the strange symptoms that are there when the baby has not yet "shown up." Perhaps because I wasn't aware of their belief systems at the time, I was giving "practical information", and they adapted the information, not just accepting it, but acknowledging the way it would be, from OUR (human) perspective…(????)
They had actually wanted me to leave this entry exactly as is, without the note, because they can't comprehend, either, how it is that they "knew" at the time of what I was talking about.

10/03/2016      Dolphins     
… males versus females
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Females… quickly embracing all the new thoughts

Coming to Joy with their questions…
… they already know that their young "need more childhood years please", and they were thinking about ideas…

Also, "We don't need to go fishing…"
"We are becoming slender. We'd rather just play…"

The males don't understand. They want food, and the females aren't cooperating…

They decided to join forces and become one pod for a game… the males thought they could fish. (1 and 4). (They have somewhat different fishing methods… but are trying to share their ways with each other, "just to see". No commitments yet.)

(Yesterday… the sign-language for Love [describe]… brought some female dolphins jumping and displaying Love as well.)
(also yesterday, about not only sign language, but beginning to share words… "fish" was the only one that day… )

The males wanted to know who Joy is… and why she's talking with them.
For Joy's part, she had never, ever anticipated anything like what has developed… it all began with helping them with the information around Hurricane Hermine.

The males agree that was helpful, as it was "practical". However, they are cautious because they don't know why someone would like to care about someone who they don't belong to. (Is there an ulterior motive?)

Joy just cares, is the only answer there can be.

(Conversations about "puzzles" and "puzzle pieces", and understanding that there is a bigger picture, which goes beyond asking "What do I need to do just to survive?"

They agree… because they understand why the waves are big some days (because there has been wind anywhere at all in the world that might affect the water in their vicinity), they can relax and simply enjoy the day, rather than anxiously trying to move to somewhere where the waves might be softer… and understanding how to know when a boat might be coming their way and intersecting their path, they can quickly learn to stay safe… etc.

It was just more traditional things they were questioning. "How can I bring my mate with me? She is playing now!"

"Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus".

They tried out a few of the ideas, and it won their "okay".

10/03/2016      Dolphins     
"We'd like to try some chocolate-filled donuts!"
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

… at Whole Foods

… actually, it first was "we'd rather eat some chocolate-filled donuts than fish right now!"
… which then led to a discussion about taste buds…

… they may need to wait a while for the chocolate-filled donuts, although they would really satisfy a need for chocolate.

(They eat based on "what feels right" and enjoy feeling comfortable, i.e., food in their tummies… and this goes for the whales as well.)

When we discussed taste buds, at first, it was the topic of "the tongue".

They don't pay attention to it… but they do know they smell something correctly if something isn't okay to eat. (???)

Apparently their taste buds aren't very developed. When Joy asks them about taste, they seem to "draw a blank"…
… and they wouldn't yet be able to actually taste the chocolate-filled donuts…

Joy and the dolphins figured out together that it's probably because their diet doesn't taste very nice… it just feels wonderful after they've eaten something! They do appreciate the comfortable, relaxed feeling when they have full tummies.

The taste buds go hand-in-hand with smell, and smell comes through particles which expand through the nasal passages, so mostly there is water there, and no expansion of the molecules, so very little smell.  

They got it then: "Let's piece together the nose with the tongue."

Easy to say… but how do you go about changing generations of age-old no-longer-needed cells to update to more modern techniques?

The dolphins say they would love to feel something on their tongues… At the moment, they say they don't know what to do with their tongues. "What's it even for?" they ask…

However, a few let Joy know that they use it to help the fish move through to the throat, before they swallow, but most don't use it that way. It turns out that that's group 2 of Joy's dolphins… everyone in that group is using it, they say.

The babies, also, remember using their tongues while they nurse, they indicate, though apparently not always. (Joy doesn't have a frame of reference for how this works… but it's what they explain.)

They indicate that initially, they use their tongues, but it doesn't work very well, and they outgrow it as they develop another technique soon. Their outside lips are often not correct for nursing, they show Joy, but inside the mouth, they have something that allows their beak to break the water barrier, and they show "sucking" using that (the inside part) to create a suction. They initially thought to call it  "inside lips", but lips move, and this is something different than that.
(The three-year olds give this information for Joy.)
Again, Joy can't conceive of this because it's not written anywhere, but maybe they've not been able to discover it yet…  
They indicate that apparently people are aware of the nursing because they can hear the sounds, and the tongue curls, so they understood. However, the young dolphins say that the sound doesn't change, even when they technique becomes more evolved (i.e., when they change from using the tongue, to the way they described to Joy.)

They agree they get a taste if they're eating something rotten, so it would appear that mother nature blessed them with enough taste for helping them to not eat something that's gone bad… and so avoid getting sick.

Whales… make an entry for today, parallel to the dolphins
Whales… disappointment over raspberries… they had expected something wonderful, but it wasn't there. All they got was how it felt after they'd eaten it.

10/04/2016      Whales      Hungry Gray Whales
The gray whales say they can't survive as long as before
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

As I connected with many of the gray whales individually today, I found that many of them were sad and still grieving partners as well as others who had left the earth plane… according to them, younger than ever before, because of starvation.

This group of possibly around 11 gray whales, let me know that they had lost 4 of their adult members over the past several years… far more than would have been usual even 30 years ago…
and apparently those that had crossed over were still "younger", like maybe in their teens and twenties… just not able to survive.

There is so much sadness that this is happening. They say they are desperate, and could we (people) please see if we can create a "clean" (non-toxic, like organic) food supply… quickly.

There are many other groups of gray whales, besides this group that has been connecting with me, and from what I can tell, most of those are also greatly impacted.

Many are still during the phase where they are eating the mud and silt to get the food they need, and they can still digest it well… "but it's easy to determine that we also are moving along the same digestion path as the older whales are," they indicate. They can see the same thing will happen to their digestive systems and other organs.

Today, another group also connected with me to ask for some help with their mates who were also gone, as that had left so much sadness, and they weren't able to heal, in great part because of WHY the whales had not survived.

That group had many more who have crossed over than the group that has been connecting with me to date. "Joy is being caring and helping us to leave behind our cares, but we need help."

The gray whales, all of them that are aware of what has been happening, would ask everyone to please ask for help. "Can you feed yourselves, as you would like, if your own partner were dying of hunger?", they ask, or to rephrase so that we can make a lot more sense of it, "What would you do if you saw many of your own family members around you starving?"

In light of this, I begin to understand why the gray whales have come through as so exceptionally sad and heavy… not just hungry and worried about each themselves, but about the entire community.

They have asked me to please let everyone know that the gray whales are hungry, and several believe that if the cycle can't change, then there may no longer be any of their species around, and that would be a very tragic loss for everyone… the earth included.

I add here that people can't begin to conceive of how greatly the whales bless the entire planet just by existing… They have a consciousness that is so deep and so beautiful, and so far ahead of where humans are… even the most enlightened humans.

(10/5/2016 note: Krill, and Plankton… they say it's what they need… they will learn… won't need California mussels for a long time again … they're asking for help for them find the plankton to begin with.…)

10/05/2016      Dolphins     
Dolphins are trying to learn for the upcoming hurricane
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

… aware of Hurricane Matthew coming, and is expected in this area in another 3 days.

This time, they're no longer trying to out-distance the waves, being aware that the entire coast has huge waves already.

One of the dolphins connected with the satellite for the current location where Matthew is, and began to be aware of the disaster that the storm brings… he got a big dose of something that is "WOW!!!!!!!!"

The dolphins are trying to practice new techniques that they've been working on, with Joy, that can help them "swim" and to be able to function better through the bigger waves.

Group 2 was having the greatest difficulty, since most of that group has already migrated, but a few of them came back to be there for Joy.

Joy comments here that they have been an amazing blessing for her, and she can feel their caring. They help her to help others… as nobody is able to carry the "currents" that Joy carries, except the whales… and they are so far away. This beautiful group of dolphins blesses Joy to help her continue to be the space of the big consciousness and to help her to "hold it steady". These things are beyond comprehension to try to explain, but the dolphins are aware and trying to help Joy "hold the space for everyone … including us dolphins," they show.

Group 2 was having the most challenging time, because they are a much smaller number, and most of them are female (guess who came back to be supportive and helpful?!), and a few babies as well, who need a lot of guidance still from their mothers. So the mothers are trying to help the babies, and it's more difficult for the group to stay together.

When the other groups were aware of this, and they asked "What can I do to help?" … and Joy's group 4 of dolphins offered to come together with the 2's, and maybe help with the younger ones, so that they could make it through the bigger waves nicely.

These are such wonderful new ways, where the various groups of dolphins are beginning to connect and get to know each other.

The young dolphins were excited at the prospect of having something like a "babysitter"… for them, that's a completely new idea.

(The whales are also helping us to tune in, and lifting the caring of those where the homes may be damaged… It's interesting, but the path of Hurricane Matthew shifted hugely over the day. In the morning, it was shown as coming right up the coast, through Virginia and past, on to the more northerly states. By evening, it was shown as reaching Georgia and southern North Carolina, and then making its way back out to sea, already down to "Tropical storm" category by then, and ending much more quickly… )

Another addition here (notes I wrote August 28, 2017) … this is about "Swimmer", or "Sunny", and several others who were doing the same thing in the other groups
You see, there are roles, and it wasn't considered okay to have a female tell anyone else how to do anything.

In doing fire-drill scenarios, we were also working through "Contingencies", such as, "What if the usual lead dolphin doesn't remember how to take the lead, on this new technique?"
It really was a new technique, and as with our young people, young dolphins pick things up much more quickly… but the protocol is "Seniority"… and only males.

So we developed a little side-scenario, where Sunny could very quietly remain near one of the more senior male dolphins in her group, and if someone needed a reminder in the midst of the stress of the storm, then Sunny would be able to give a little under-cover demonstration or assistance. That would be not only acceptable, but also appreciated.

So (they) actually had a pretty important role during the hurricane.

Later, following the hurricane, this apparently helped…
Also, somewhre along the way, there is a story, maybe it's the 11/4/2016 story about Sunny, where she asked that the one who might rescue (or connect with) her … was a male dolphin who had praised her during the hurricane.
(Please put this wherever it's most appropriate… possibly 11/4)

10/05/2016      Dolphins     
A really amazing dolphin visit
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

(Add my notes about the evening when Jo was arriving, and I was at the beach…)

A few of the 2's had come back to help me to hold the space better, to look out for me…

However, it is a small group, probably only around 9 dolphins… most of them mothers and their children, with only 2 adult males with them at this point in time.

They were being the most apprehensive about the upcoming hurricane warnings.

They helped Joy to understand that it's already a full-time job for mothers to manage their babies… to nurse them, keep up with them, nudge them to stay with the rest of the group, etc.

Also, dolphins need their voices to stay together, and when the waves are big, the .….. (staying together re: bigger waves)

The 4's offering to babysit…

The excitement of the children at this idea…

The relief of the mothers within the 2's group to have help (explain again why… elaborate on the above)

The 4's came to help… 4 females first…

Got close, "then what?"

Language of mothers… but one hadn't had children yet (miscarriages only)… would adopt if she had a way to do that

the communications that took place…

"Can I trust you?"

then pairing them up, rather than just "group"… an immediate connection between two of them...

The young boy dolphin who wanted a big "dad" babysitter…

The rest of the 4's as they joined the four who had gone ahead…

The group brought more anxiety to the two's…

The males of the group (some anxiety… "may we ignore your whistles? We don't really want your 'protection' (mating)…"  
"yes, that's fine with us… it's our language, so we must give you our support in asking it of you, but you will decline."
… understanding that yet another way, by asking to feed the females of the two's… wasn't happy then…

The 4's babysitters were much more comfortable with their group nearby…

In the end, everyone was really happy. The two's were relieved and could begin to relax and be stable…

"So proud of each of you…," says Joy…
Coming to the help of another group of dolphins, not only under strain, but completely different languages, cultures, personality… so very little in common, "yet it took all of our efforts together, including the males, who even participated in this new undertaking, so very alien to all of them together."

Big "thank you!"… huge "thank you" response from the mothers in the group 2.

10/07/2016      Dolphins     
Dolphin mothers couldn't compete with babysitters
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

… write here…

Group 2 had support through the first night (10/5/2016),

Because of the language differences, the fours had no idea how they were doing… no idea how the twos were feeling towards them.

It was actually very nice, with as the two's were much more steady, and really appreciating that they were able to hold a much more steady pace.

The fours were so relieved to understand this… but then there was the question of providing food...

Later that day, there were still two of the fours remaining with them…

… but by the end of the day, the fours had gone for food with their own group of dolphins.

This morning (Friday), the twos were alone.

The storm is closer…

Joy checks with all of the groups re: being able to relax through the big waves, and so be prepared for the upcoming storm…

Reword the following as needed…

Apparently, my those of my group 2 of dolphins who have already migrated, they were off the coast of Florida, and they made it past the hurricane really nicely. We had been teaching them a whole lot of new techniques, and they were okay, despite the terribly big waves! I can’t imagine what the ocean must have been like for all the wildlife in it…

The new technique really made a difference, as the two males who had the "swim" energy were able to help all of the group (elaborate)

The new technique, though, involved some physical manipulations and adjustments that required Joy to hold the space and figure out what each one was able to connect to, in order to swim.

… wanted to make sure that several of the dolphins in each of the groups here, might be able to "float", and "undulate", as that is the big difference. No more "inhaling the water" as they try to breathe… not anxious now.

… spent most of the day trying to help the dolphins…
… something in the genes that caused the tail reflex…
The 3's haven't yet connected fully, but they had learned the new technique (the old-school way), because they said "the entire bay is vibrating with it, so we see it"… meaning, they were able to do it well.


Also, the two's had easily gotten the adjustments and had held them, because they are happy to hold Joy as a "dolphin" with them… which means she's "one of them", and they can ask her questions, and imitate her (i.e., that's where the floating first began).

The other groups had thought of Joy as human, once she began swimming, when she explained that she wasn't adept at swimming a long way out in the water, as she needed more air, and also couldn't get the hang of wiggling her "tail" (two legs crossed) in order to move herself through the water more quickly.

(ad-lib to continue here…)

10/09/2016      Dolphins     
During Hurricane Matthew… and a lost dolphin baby found again
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Joy went to the beach this morning, at the height of what was the tail end of Hurricane Matthew. (Hurricane Matthew was a category 4 hurricane which left behind a lot of damage.)

In Virginia Beach, on this day (Sunday), the wind speeds were high, and the sand sand-blasted Joy's legs as she tried to race through the sand to get to the water, where she stood, surrounded by huge waves with lots of foam… which was infinitely nicer than the stinging blowing sand!

She stood on the beach, legs in the water, talking with her dolphins, and checking with all of her dolphin groups again… although she had been checking with them often during the storm so far.

Most of the dolphins had headed across the bay to the "Eastern Shore", where they had stayed a lot more clear of the direct hurricane path… although Joy's dolphin group 2 was already back closer to Joy's beach.

The previous storm (Hurricane Hermine, about a month previously) had taught Joy that dolphins traditionally have had a really difficult time through storms. They struggle to stay near the top of each wave, so that they can get enough oxygen, and they are worried, and to them, there is no let-up, from the time it begins to the time it ends. They usually end up exhausted, and without a few of their number.

These dolphins, however, showed Joy that they were happy to be connecting, and that they were managing well, all things considered, even though this was more "rough" than the last hurricane in September.

Thanks to one of the male dolphins "imitatating" Joy when she had been floating on her back in the ocean in August, together, they had eventually created a "new technique" together, which Joy had been teaching to the dolphins, especially in preparation for another storm, or even just any big uncomfortable waves.

The dolphins say "together we learned it and made it to be… but Joy is the one who stood often and indicated that it was necessary to practice ahead-of-time". (She had explained the concept of "fire drills" at schools, and what they were, and why they were needed, so as to give an example of using a routine during a normal time to create a format to use in the event of a more strenuous time.)

Every day during the past week, Joy had held the space for all of them, coming into the ever-chillier water, and checking if all the dolphins were managing to do it every day. Before the storm, especially, she kept helping them to invent ways to breathe more fully through the big pre-storm waves.

They did so well through the first part of the storm already!

However, as Joy stood in the water at the beach in the middle of the stormy waves and driving wind, she understood that group 4 had "lost" one of their dolphins…

It was a dolphin child (about 3 years old) who had strayed from the group a bit too wide.
This usually would have been a tragedy, and the dolphins were very heartbroken.

Just the same, Joy wanted to check first. She asked the dolphin boy if he was okay, and he came back very emphatically with a "yes"… showing Joy that he had continued to do the "new technique" that Joy had been teaching the dolphins (as they had helped her to "technique " ???) (together we learned it and made it to be… but Joy is the one who stood often and preached that it was necessary to practice ahead-of-time…)

.…. Mid-afternoon, the dolphins were asking Joy to come into the water and "play". They were happy to see that she was obliging. They were actually doing well, all things considered, but having Joy in the water for a bit helps them to ground again… and it also would give Joy a frame of reference for what the water was really like.

"Only a really crazy person would do this!!!", Joy told them. The air was cold, the wind was blowing really hard, and the waves were beyond-wild.

Joy again found a sense of extreme compassion for what the dolphins and also other wild animals must go through during a storm. There is no relief… nowhere to go to escape… There's no choice but to keep trying to float and keep breathing, through the very big, rough waves… which extend farther down to the bottom in rough weather like this.

While she was in the water, she again checked with the various groups…
… they helped her to see that it was nice that she could come in… it helped to ground them around the water where she is…

However, Group 1 couldn't see her (couldn't ground with her). They said they had lost 2 of their dolphins, one of them a baby, and one an older dolphin. The baby was a femal, born just this past summer.

Joy couldn't connect with the older dolphin, who had gotten separated from the rest of the group several hours earlier, and the dolphins were very sad.

The baby, however, responded to Joy. This little one was going crazy with anxiety, and wasn't able to keep holding steady using the new swimming that it had learned just yesterday. She was able to calm down, though, once Joy held a space with her.

Next, Joy asked one of the group 4 dolphins to connect with her so that she could connect that dolphin with the baby. It was the mother that responded.

The mother connected with her baby dolphin, and began moving quickly towards it as soon as Joy could determine which way and how far away the baby was… which was about 15 minutes through the very big waves, but would have taken only around 4 to 5 minutes in any other more normal weather.
"It was a big deal to go quickly," the mother dolphin told Joy a little while later.
The baby dolphin was okay once it was aware that Joy was arranging a "rescue" for her, and she could keep moving in the waves the "new calm way".

She knew her mother would be able to find her through the technique that Joy uses to help the dolphins connect to each other in times of stress. Joy continued holding the space with the mother until she had physically found her baby.

There was such a beautiful, soft love in the moment they were reunited. The mother is grateful for any time given.

Group 3 also had an older dolphin separated from the group. When Joy connected, this dolphin was already probably half an hour or farther, away, given the really huge waves. The dolphin was struggling, and had reverted to the previous "survival mode" for the waves, but was gasping and water had entered the blowhole. It took several tries to help her to ground and to calm down, so that she could get more air.

Joy arranged a "rescue" for this dolphin as well. There were several dolphins from the group who originally connected with Joy in response to a "request for a volunteer". Joy found a happy female dolphin, about 7 years old, who was perfect, and connected her with the older dolphin who was "lost".

They agreed that two or more dolphins traveling together would make a better rescue team than a single dolphin.

Again, Joy used her beautiful "dolphin location technique" and helped them to know where each party was, and kept checking in with them as they traveled, until they were okay. The rest of the group 3 dolphins were accepting that the group would stay together as they are the ones managing the "youngsters", so the rescue dolphins and the one they rescued, together went back to the main group.

The dolphins of group 3 were relieved that the lost dolphin was okay.

10/09/2016      Dolphins     
Hurricane Matthew and many more journal entries…

I have continued connecting with the dolphins, and also the bottlenose whales, as well as a group of gray whales that has come to me for help.

There will be many, many more journal entries, but it takes time to make my rough notes from the events more readable…

In the meantime, the dolphins have been having some adventures with me, and they are coming through Hurricane Matthew much more comfortably than they did with hurricane Hermine, using some "new techniques", which I'd love to write about, when I can find the time again.

There were also some "rescues" of baby dolphins, as well as adults, who had become separated from their main groups during the storm. They are all well.

There will be more to read… hopefully soon.

When you read more, you'll probably be just as amazed at my dolphins as I is… and really proud of them, for more reasons than you can imagine!

10/10/2016      Dolphins     
After hurricane Matthew
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

This was the morning right after Hurricane Matthew, which had been continuing through much of the night…

First thing in the morning… like 5:15 am… I checked again with the dolphins.

The morning following Hurricane Matthew, I woke up early, and reached out to check with my dolphins, namely to see if everyone was okay.

Several had become separated from their groups, so I reached out to help.

Rescues… needed to help them as fast as possible.

I quickly took the scope of those who were separated from their groups…

Group 1… one youngster… but holding steady on her own (~ 4 years old) (who asked later why I hadn't helped her immediately) (see note below)

Group 2… one of the mothers was lost; the group needed some bolstering, a lot were nervous (remember they had smaller numbers to begin with, and more young ones to look after)… connected the mother with her young one, then with the group, and she found her way to them okay

Group 3 … doing fine

Group 4… had a very young one lost… for a long time already (while I was still sleeping), who had managed to stay afloat (having received instructions as a "game" to stay with the group, and also keep up… ) … this young one was strained (about a year old), but was hanging on. I helped to "stabilize" they young dolphin, and then, as soon as I connected one of the strong male dolphins in the group, help was on the way. That dolphin "flew" and made record time to get to the baby.

Scores!  (Check…) (4's) (As a group they held in there really well)
(using the "game" concept for the little ones during the storm… and the 4's had the most fun with this.)

I helped them in the order of the most critical ones first, starting with the group 4 young one, and then the group 2 dolphins… which took a little while.

For each of them, I connected them through to someone who "understood" them, i.e., "patching them together"… making a connection with someone they could draw strength from

Shortly after all the rescues, the group 1 4-year old, the last one I'd helped, wanted to know why I had left her for last… why I didn't help her immediately.

I then tried explaining the idea of "triage", which was another new concept for them. It was okay once she understood. For example…
"Do you have a pulse?"
"Are you breathing?"
I used an example of a multi-car car accident, and the first person who arrives on the scene may need to do a really quick assessment, and figure out how to save lives, and so in which order do they need help… Who is help-able… How strong is each one… and if someone is in an acute situation, and someone else is not physically injured but maybe just trapped in the car, but breathing… (etc., probably don't need to include all of this)

(There were also discussions of "teenagers" and their moms "protecting them" from any other things… and showing pride that they had done well… so we also had some older moms remember their daughters, who are no longer just young babies… but their connections seem to have disappeared.)

10/11/2016      Whales      Hungry Gray Whales
The gray whales found out how to eat more plankton
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Hurricane Matthew on the east coast kept Joy busy trying to help her dolphins for many days in a row.

Today, she finally had a chance to check with the gray whales again. They have gone farther north along the Alaska coast, near Togiak.

… and they have been eating… well at least some of them have found food the "new way".

2 of them have even tried plankton now. It's what should be a staple of their way of life, and is  correct for their bodies, once they are able to process things more correctly again. They're getting there…

Every time they try something, they say "It's easy to find where Joy is needing us to go, and fast are we then," meaning that they quickly adjust whichever thing is "next on the stack".

More of them are learning to eat the fish… they fight to see what comes into their baleen and they swallow fish as well as the other things for a day or so.

Actually, there's a rather interesting story here as well.

Yesterday, Joy re-watched the Great Whales movie.

(Please continue here… check on the little fish, re: Joy's comment in watching the movie.)

10/11/2016      Whales      Hungry Gray Whales
The whales need fresh air more than you can imagine
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Joy's group of gray whales which are now farther north along the Alaska coast, near Togiak, comment how full of ozone the air is there, saying
"The air is softer, as there is more rain around us, even as we are not enjoying the weather. Its interesting to learn via Joy that the weather for nice air is more rain."
The air around the rainy coastline "has much nice soft ozone," according to the whales.

They see this in a round-about way through the fine-tuned core of their breathing. They don't actually care about how it the air works … they know the word and vibration of Ozone through Joy's understanding and ability to be aware of all the information available about most things they need to be aware of.

For them, what really matters is that the air is "easy" and gives them everything they need. They give us their version of history, that there was ozone around people, always, until they became "too smart." They refer to technology and all the very many advances that have brought so very many changes within a short period of time.

"It's all sudden", they indicate. People have depleted everything so quickly, and there's no way for anything to flourish without more steady supply of ozone. The chapter of the soul is new."

They mean that our ideas are great, and the technology can't keep up. The trial and error path leaves many things out of balance…

Joy explains to the whales that people keep learning as they go, and that as people find something out of balance, they begin taking steps to bring it back into balance, but that sometimes there has already been great damage done, and it takes time and resources to bring balance back.

Often, people aren't aware of how to take corrective measures…

( (not sure how to go here… it's another great big topic)  )

10/12/2016      Dolphins     
The dolphins are very happy to see Joy today
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

The waves this morning, were finally a lot more calm, and it was much easier for Joy to see the dolphins today.

This morning, as she arrived near the beach, she was scanning the water already, but didn't see a single dolphin. However, just as she turned the corner past the sand dune she was coming through, the dolphins gave her such a beautiful, big, warm, happy welcome!

ALL of her dolphin groups were there… every single one of them! Many of them jumped, and then they happily waved their "whale tails" in the air, and and they were excited! Joy felt so overwhelmed. She could feel their love… their beautiful warm soft love!

Joy was overwhelmed… it was so beautiful! She clapped and they said they could feel her vibrations then.

What a beautiful thank you they gave her, along with their love.

10/13/2016      Dolphins     
Another beautiful welcome!
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

The dolphins gave Joy another really beautiful surprise welcome this morning, when she again arrived at the beach and turned the corner around the sand-dune, where she could see the ocean!

Again, several of them immediately jumped high in the air this time, and many splashed and played for quite a while too!

Today, it was her dolphin groups 1 and 2 who were already there. The 4's came in after a while, and they splashed and played as well.

This was also the very first time that Joy's dolphin group 3 was close.
(… add a note… they were finally allowed again… they had a soft reception from the dolphins in group 1. … the others aren't quite receptive yet…)

The beach is often much quieter these days, since the nice warm summer days are over, but there was a young lady on the beach this morning, who stood nearby and watched the dolphins greeting Joy. As she was leaving the beach, she commented to someone else there that she had just been watching a really neat "dolphin show".

10/14/2016      Whales      Lost Bottlenose Whales
The bottlenose whales are comfortable now
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

The bottlenose whales have been hanging out in Alaska, between Togiak and Kwichak Bay. They like the area, as food is easy there.

They have been finding their own food for the past many days, and they're doing okay. However, when Joy checks with them for food, they are overjoyed. They love finding the really wonderful food. Today, as they check the map with Joy, they know where squid is, and they really enjoy squid!

So these whales are looking forward to enjoying squid, but do they actually taste their food?

That's an interesting question! Do toothed whales taste food?

These bottlenose whales love squid, and they enjoy the flavor now, they say, since Joy and the dolphins were talking about taste buds.

Previously, these whales enjoyed the firm, soft feeling in their tummies after eating something… It's how the food "feels" after they've eaten it, that they remember.

When Joy asked them "What do you think of the taste of your fish?"… they shake their heads. But squid, they indicate is tasty… now that they're aware to check it.

They would enjoy food that is sweet, they let Joy know… apparently, not based on the taste (that's a question that might be re-evaluated if they actually had some), but rather, on some energy they're aware of in Joy when Joy has something sweet to eat (like sugar… )

Hmmm… Does it exist in the ocean? Maybe not yet.…

10/14/2016      Whales      Hungry Gray Whales
The gray whales continue to need help
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

The gray whales were happy that Joy could connect with them again today.

Joy would love to be there for them every day, but often her clients and sessions leave her needing to spend a lot of time and energy processing, and there's nothing left over. Today, she was able to connect again, after a few days of helping some clients who needed a lot of overtime.

The gray whales do nicely when Joy can easily hold the space with them, and they are looking forward to being able to digest food properly again, with Joy's diligence in helping them. (It's challenging for them on the days when Joy isn't easily available.)

They've been in the area between Unga Island and Perryville, but the shrimp and other things they were learning to digest and enjoy, they weren't able to eat over the past few days.

One of the older whales, especially, is in need of healing energy. She is something around 21 years old, and isn't functioning well. Without help from Joy, it looks like she might have only several months to stay in the earth plane. This mother has a 3-year-old baby female whale, who would be orphaned and therefore who would have difficulty surviving if her mother left.

Apparently, these whales need parents until they're at least 4 years old or so, or they may not live.
Unlike humans, they can't be adopted, as they lose their navigation system. It's sequenced into their DNA. This is what is given when Joy asks about others possibly helping the young one…
She asks whether the child's father whale would help? Nope… that's not his connection… he's not involved.
… or possibly an older sibling?
There are several older siblings at this time, who might step in, but that's a new idea to them, and they seem to be sequencing their DNA so that they might show the baby how to navigate for a few years yet. It's actually a male whale, who is "stepping forward" in response to Joy's question. This one might be something like 7 years old, or thereabouts.

For now, this young male whale is just hoping to expand his energy through helping. He's a friend for this child, because he isn't pregnant and doesn't have any responsibility for other children.
He indicates that if their mother leaves them, he will connect with his sister and step in to be there for her.

At this, the 21-year old female, the young child's mother who really needs some help, can begin to hope. She can now much more easily connect with Joy. She actually had no idea she was ill, only that she felt sad, like "slow". "Can't keep up easily," she says.

Also, she wasn't seeing anything she might eat.
Apparently, if a whale won't be able to manage a food, it doesn't even come as "food". It's not like someone can say to her, "Here, just try this…" It doesn't work that way.

So with this, Joy begins adjusting the digestion of the 2 of the older whales, related this time to the entire endocrine system, beginning with the "master gland" (in humans, that might be the pituitary gland, and whales have something very significantly different, but also near the third eye.)

More of the group also need the same "quick fix".
Joy will want to learn more, to help through a few more layers that also are impacted.
("There's much more than we are aware of" … [please connect us again])

Satellites have mixed up their signals, so that all of their bodies don't know how to function. In the past, probably 60 years or more, the whales could have adjusted, and known how to heal.

"It's been far too much," they say.
They indicate that they need Joy's help at this time, but they might, in time, be able to learn how to figure out what they need.

10/16/2016      Dolphins     
Why does the land size change every day … and "What is the moon?"
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Tides, and "What is the moon?", re: the gravitational pull that causes the tides

… also, putting "caramel chocolate" into the ocean…

Whiteboarding on the beach, and the dolphins played nicely and stayed nearby, with frequent little jumps and lots of splashing from time to time. (The 1's this morning.)

They (group 1 of Joy's dolphins) were interested in the caramel chocolate that Joy had brought along in her backpack… not just in wondering what it was like when Joy ate it, but "would you bless us with a piece of it?"
They gave Joy the body language of "licking her lips" (or they would say "licking her chops").

… so Joy held the chocolate in the water for a moment in her hand, so that the chocolate and the waves should become one, and then she let the waves take it.
The dolphins received the vibrations of the food, and said they wanted the real thing.
Joy isn't sure how to give it to them… standing on the beach, there's no way to give them the chocolate directly into their mouths, and the chocolate would sink to the bottom, so it will dissolve easily.

One of the group 2 dolphins said that he had a tiny particle of chocolate, along with some sand sometime later in the afternoon (about 4 1/2 hours later), and with the sand, it didn't go over too well in the dolphin. The dolphin said it was too little, and "more please".

Later in the morning, the dolphins had already disappeared, but when Joy was thinking about "more chocolate" (which she had along in her backpack), the dolphins, group 4, got really happy, and came back to the area exceptionally quickly to see the waves with the vibrations of the caramel!!!
(After that, they casually "dolphined around" for a long time… but you should have seen them coming in for the chocolate & caramel energy!)

10/18/2016      Dolphins     
Dolphin charmer
Published 03/03/2019

Sometimes on Tuesday mornings, early, there were military guys on my end of the beach, doing some exercises and training.

This particular morning, they were just a short way away from where I was doing my morning energy routine, which includes, among other things, dancing, a freeform graceful moving that looks like Qi Gong or Tai Chi (but maybe much faster), and sometimes I also twirled. (It's a lot of fun, and great exercise!).

Otherwise, the beach was pretty much deserted. It was mid-October, and the tourists were long since gone.

However, as was often the case, one of my dolphin pods came close, to play while I was on the beach. Today, it was my group 4 dolphins…

The dolphins, as they often did these days, were "putting on a show" for me when I was around. They had been doing a lot of this following the hurricanes, showing their gratitude for helping them through the last big hurricane (Matthew) in a different way than anything they had experienced before… or at least, that's what they say!

I also often ended up in the middle of a "conversation" with them… or at least with the moms among them. The females had a much easier time with general conversations than males did, overall, and although I did have a few interactions with male dolphins here and there, most of my interactions were with the females.

As I recall, on this particular morning, we were talking about parenting, and current-day-ish parenting techniques, such as acknowledging children's feelings.

It looked something like this: I would be doing some exercising, then twirling… and then I would stop, because I was talking with the dolphins… I would be standing there, looking out at the ocean,  absorbed in our conversation, and dolphins were hanging out there…Usually, my hands would be moving easily in the air as I explained the ideas we were talking about. (Kind of like a combo of signing and pantomiming all at the same time … I don't do it consciously… it just kind of happens.)

During these times, many of the dolphins would jump high (that's their words here… they wanted to me to add they were jumping HIGH), and splash more… males and females both.

(Please understand that the dolphins in this area didn't usually put on displays such as these… Their [previous] usual behavior was just to "dolphin" on by, and then they would be gone.)

As I looked up the beach to where the military guys were, there were only 3 of them… the platoon leader, and 2 other young men. The rest of them had gone for a long run down the beach.

One of the two young men, I noticed, kept looking at me, and then out at the dolphins… and then he would mimic all of my movements…

I was puzzled, needless to say, but I kept doing my routine, and of course, stopping to talk with the dolphins.

It must have looked like I was a dolphin charmer, because every time I stopped to talk with them, my hands waving gracefully in the air as they do when we talk, my dolphins would JUMP much higher, and more… and splash…

Personally, I rather think it was the other way around and that the dolphins were charming me, but in any case, the connection was rather obvious. We DEFINITELY had a connection!

As I twirled again, the military guy watched me, looked at the dolphins and also turned in a circle a time or two…

I danced to my music, moving my hands around in the air, and again, he watched me, gazed out at the dolphins, and copied my movements…

He kept this up for the next 20 minutes or so, and my dolphins stayed, PLAYING!

Eventually, I had to head back home again, but first, I walked down the beach to talk with the 3 military guys.

Much to my surprise, all three of them were happy to see me. I had been expecting to maybe talk with the guy who had been copying my movements… but I wasn't too sure what the others might have been thinking.

"I see you introduced yourself to my dolphins,", I said to them…

They responded by saying they knew I was playing with the dolphins, and they wanted to "add to the energy" so that the dolphins would continue to stay and play.

It turned out that the young fellow had been injured and wasn't able to go on the run like the others in the group, but he WAS supposed to exercise.

The platoon leader had told him that whatever I was doing, it was exercise too, and if it somehow got the dolphins to dance, then that was great, so he gave orders for him to do whatever I was doing!!!

10/18/2016      Whales      Hungry Gray Whales
The gray whales keep trying to eat… and many days they do really well
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

The gray whales keep trying to find food.

According to them, some days, they can eat pretty much anything, and other days, they won't touch the same things
"When you are conscious of our group, it seems that we can figure out how to eat," they tell me.
… and when I can't find the time to connect with them in the morning, they tell me they end up being hungry, as "we can't find the DNA to help us digest."

Apparently, on those days, the plankton or the krill, or even the shrimp, isn't even recognized by them as "food"… and it seems to be that the throat isn't functioning correctly, and that the food won't process… the muscles aren't moving on their own yet. (Possibly that's one of the things related to the magnesium… among other things. See 10/1/2016 entry).

Yesterday, they ate, and even the older female who hasn't been able to eat very well up until now, also ate.

This morning, they thought hopefully that "we might raise our vibrations and find food," but it didn't happen yet.

Apparently, "our energy connects highly when Joy is in the water too" they all agree, so very often, I will try to go out in the water, or at the very least, stand in the waves. (Hey, it's near the end of October, and in Virginia, "normal people" have long since stopped going into the water! I've been trying really hard, and freezing! But still, I've been going in!)

So as I stood in the water at the beach this morning, I connected with most of the gray whales individually and somehow, together, we "raised their energy of food". I regretted, however, that I wasn't able to find time to actually help them to find the food, later in the day. (I sometimes have extra-busy days and don't always know how to find time to help them know where the food is.)

10/18/2016      Dolphins     
Dolphin thank you dances!
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Later in the afternoon, I went out to the beach again…

… stood in the water, permission from the dolphins to video, but only as a "test", not to share with anyone yet.

During the time I was standing in the water (far out… low tide), the dolphins group 1 showed me 3 new sequences, or "dances" as they have learned (from my discussions about movement)

One sequence… was 3 dolphins all simultaneously, first riding a wave, and then making a big double-jump (again, like a skipping rock… jump, barely into the water and then immediately another jump)

Another sequence… was 2 dolphins going head-first into an oncoming wave… This was the opposite direction of what they usually learn to do… they usually "ride" the wave, not "go through it", and especially not head first!
(They thought it was really unusual the first time, and that it was okay. No further comments for now.)

The last sequence was two dolphins jumping high into the air in an arc, but coming from opposite directions, and so making a beautiful criss-cross pattern as they passed each other in the air!

The main lovely dolphin who played and jumped, gives her name to me as "Theo". She is ~ 8 years young, and loves to be "soft", as in friendly, and with a lovely heart-felt connection. She had asked several other younger dolphins to play, and to perform sequences or dances when I was standing out in the water today.

Theo has jumped often before, and has often made a "sequence" earlier (many times before). I always clap happily and then put my hands over my heart, and feel the amazing connection, which feels very "soft". Theo returns the favor through jumping.

(*** Add a note about WHO the choreographer for these "dances" was… at the time, I wasn't supposed to mention it, because the choreographer would have felt ashamed, but now [12/2/2020], he's smiling and learning that's the "beginning" of "changing" … He's very brilliant, and artistic as well… but even now, he's reluctant to let me say who he is… maybe by the next time I come back to this journal entry, I'll be able to write it… or maybe in another journal entry altogether)

I didn't have time to finish this entry at the time, but these "thank you dances" were yet another expression of their happiness to see me, as I had "won the hearts of several young ones", they are writing here, as I "taught them new ideas to survive" … they're referring back to helping them out after the hurricane (Matthew), and helping several of them rescue some who had become separated from their main groups, who normally would not have survived that time alone, "not knowing how to find one another immediately after the wind dies down".

10/20/2016      Whales      Hungry Gray Whales
gray whales… and swallowing
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

There are 7 various genes coming up related to swallowing… but all together ...n the same chromosome, and close together

Didn't recognize the energy of the krill… won't swallow…

If there are small fish in with it, they swallow…

… however, the fish are easily digested when Joy is easily connecting (high space for the whales), but when she's not, even the fish aren't digested… and if Joy is in a high enough space, then the whales can also swallow   (related to a friend… )

Played with the swallowing energy… and digesting is fine today … at least at the moment.

10/20/2016      Dolphins     
"What is the shore like?"
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

After learning a bit about the tides and the moon, the dolphins wanted to know the next thing:
"Also, what makes the surf?"
Joy tried to explain, to the best of her understanding, how the height of the ocean floor comes to meet the land, and "the deep waves must have somewhere to be"… or maybe that the deep water has to become shallow, and the water moves more than the sand, so the water adjusts to "fit"… or something like that!

The dolphins preferred the definition that Joy later found online:
"As waves reach the shore, the energy in front of the wave slows down due to friction with the shallow bottom."

They had also watched the movement of the waves against the shoreline in a video that Joy showed them, and after understanding the surf, and the tides, and why sometimes there is more land (low tide) and other times less land (high tide), a few of them began some new adventures.

Joy saw sometimes one or another of them coming in, often on a wave, directly towards the beach, and turning around in the water only last-minute.

She also saw, several times, only a "ring of water expanding outward" (like a round ripple moving outwards from a center in a pond), and saw her dolphins nearby just moments later. They were exploring!

They were interested in knowing why the waves were different at a particular place, and came in really close there. "There are big things in the water," they say.
The "big things" are some very large rocks that have been placed there as a boundary line.

After learning that, they stopped trying to figure it out. They know about "rocks" already… just these were so out of place there.

10/21/2016      Dolphins     
"Did I make the wind?"
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

This morning was a beautiful, sunny day, and there was lots of blue sky around.

However, there was also a bank of clouds, which moved ever-closer to where the sun was shining.

Joy was wishing to get in the water to swim while the sun was still shining, because then it might warm her up a bit more when she got out…

The dolphins were curious about this.

(discussion about the clouds… 1 to 4 miles high… the sun being ??? miles away…
being in an airplane above the clouds and it's beautiful and sunny… etc.)

Joy visualized for the dolphins the rest of the way the clouds would come closer to the sun, and eventually cover the sun… and it would be cloudy, and it was supposed to rain in the afternoon.

"Rain?"  The dolphins were really puzzled by that, because they saw the clear blue sky above them.

Joy showed them again, how clouds grow, and hold rain drops, and move, and that it's similar to the weather systems that brought the storms.

"We thought we brought something incorrect when the sun goes away," they tell Joy.
They try to figure out how to correct it, so that the sun might come back again.

"There is always rain, and we must fly," they say, meaning that it's not comfortable anywhere when it's raining, and like with the storms, they try to find somewhere safe.

"You mean we can't change it?" they ask.

Joy explains that the earth must have rain… it's part of the weather cycle, and the plants need it, and the ocean too, as well as the lakes and rivers… and people need rain so that food will grow…
"Without rain, there is drought," says Joy, and that's not a great thing to be present anywhere.
(elaborate a lot more about poor countries… and trees and deep root systems, ecosystems, etc.)

After this discussion, several of the dolphins disappeared. They said they needed to go tell their friends, who were no longer in a sunny place ("here there is sun, but over there, already, the sun has already gone away") that they were okay… that they didn't need to go chasing for a place to be where the sun was shining.

10/22/2016      Dolphins     
The tides are awesome to know about
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Today, they told Joy that since they know it's just sand, and they've seen the movement of the ocean and especially the surf coming into the beach, they have figured out what they need to know, and come close.

However, they did ask Joy if she might let them know when the next high and low tides were. They wanted to figure out how close they are allowed to come to the shore.

They are interested in correlating something else that's new to them:
They have figured out that the currents are strong when Joy reads on her "tides page" that the height of the ocean is bigger numbers (e.g., at full moon, the high tide might be 5.1 feet or so, whereas at a 60% visible moon, as it is today, the height of the ocean reaches only 4.3 feet.)
It makes it easy to be comfortable.

They tell Joy that they can feel the tides affecting her energy and also the energy of other people who stand at the edge of the water.

They are aware that things are more fragile near a full moon…


60% of the moon is showing.

Joy and the dolphins have already been playing with numbers, and several times, "fractions" have come up. Joy has had them play with her, as she might cut a piece of fruit "into many pieces of triangles" (the dolphins say), and she has them play with dividing it into many different groups, like 4 groups of 2, or 2 groups of 4, or things like that… and that 2 of the 4 groups is one half of something, or one over two (½), and 1 of the 4 groups is one quarter of something, or ¼…

"The idea of 1 through 10 is another fraction", explains Joy.
"60% is like 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6… of a total of 10."
"We understand," says one of the female group 2 dolphins, who is young, around 5 years old.
"That makes something that's 6 over 10."
When Joy asks if they know how to make it smaller, they correctly give her "3 over 5".
There is also a dolphin in group 1 who gets it correctly, and this one is only 3 years old.

"Really wonderful!" says Joy. "We've barely spent any time at all with this, and yet you remembered it well." (A 3-year old dolphin would be like a 6-year old child… so this 3-year old dolphin must be very bright.)


Joy asked if the water was cold. They said "no, it isn't…"
They indicated, though that they felt the cold air as they swim or dolphin along, and that they are chilled, so they don't show nearly all of them (jumping) because it's cold.

Although it was cold outside today (like 60° F), Joy still went into the water to go swimming.
(It helps her to connect more easily with the dolphins and the whales.)
(The whales put it as "It helps her to stay warm when she's outdoors, moving her energy more, so that her friends, the dolphins and the whales, are staying nearby.")

10/23/2016      Whales      (multiples - not yet tagged)
More about the humane treatment of ALL sea mammals
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Back to the information that the whales shared on 9/11/2016...

… they didn't intuit yet that they are safe. When they first watched the videos with Joy, they thought they were being guided to a net

(The energy of many boats is still that of old-fashioned whale ideas, where the whales would not have been safe)

The whales are also very aware that there is still hunting of animals that is not humane, such as sealing. Walruses, as well, they say.

They would rest much more easily if they were aware that that practice might be coming to an end as well…

10/24/2016      Whales      Hungry Gray Whales
"Did you find food today?"
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Joy held a space for the gray whales early in the day, as she was standing in the (cold) water at the beach.

She knew she wouldn't find time to check on the map with the whales, to help them find food, so she tried connecting them to finding food that might be able to eat, in a different way… without a map in front of her.

She asked "Would you recognize food, if it was there?"
At first, the answer was "yes", but only for two of them. For the rest, it was a "no…"

She held the space to help all of them recognize food, and then she tried to see where the food might be, and whether they might connect.

It took a while, but she was able to "see" them getting to it.

Her day got very, very busy, and she didn't have time to really connect again, although occasionally during the day, she put the thought out there, "Did you find food yet today?"
Each time, the answer came back as "no".
Joy was disconcerted, and rather disappointed. "I wish I had the time to stop and help you…"

However, the energy she got back wasn't really sad…

Late in the day, she finally found a few moments to connect again.
"Did you find food yet today?" she asked.

Again, the answer came back "no", but there was great amusement there.
"Did you eat?" she asked… almost sure that the answer would have to be "no" as well. If they didn't find food, they wouldn't have eaten.

Only laughter came back in response to her question… and then, "The food found us."

Wow! The "krill" found them, they said… lots of it, and they were able to enjoy it. All of them had food today.

(It takes Joy's dedication to help them each day. She helps each of the whales who needs her help, to be in a space where their bodies are able to recognize food as "food", so that they can get what they need. Joy is trying to help them to get to the place where they are able to do this more and more on their own. There may be more time needed, as it's a long process.)
(***please re-word as needed)

10/25/2016      Dolphins     
The Christ dolphin
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Back in April, Joy had asked the dolphins whether they knew who Christ was.

"Yes, we have a Christ dolphin," they said.

From everything that Joy could understand, they were actually referring to Jesus Christ, who lived something around 2000 years ago.

Sometime in the spring, she began understanding that the dolphins think all people are "dolphins."

Over the summer, she asked about more individuals they might know. They knew a lot of "dolphins", including many of the US presidents, a few famous singers, artists and actors and actresses, and other well-known people.

That was really interesting to Joy. They seemed to be well aware of people through until about 20 years ago. After that, they didn't recognize anyone.

Also, they didn't connect historical events… there wasn't even an inkling what they were…

The energies of the individuals, they connected with, but no events.

(Not quite sure yet, why… seems like "someone" must have thought to share the information... ???)

Today, Joy, as Joy was at the beach, she played a song on her iPod called Elijah.
"Elijah was a man, just like you, sometimes happy, sometimes blue…"

The dolphins enjoyed the rhythm and the movement, but they couldn't respond to the words.
They were, however, interested about the part of the song that mentioned you could be in the "eye of the hurricane".… that part they could relate to! (now that they are aware that those very big storms may actually be a hurricane, with a center!)

However, the moment Joy switched the lyrics to "Elijah was a DOLPHIN, just like you, sometimes happy, sometimes blue…", they said excitedly, "Yes, we know Elijah!"

11/04/2016      Dolphins     
More big waves again … and a little rebel
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Joy had been away on a big, long trip for a week. She headed to the beach today, really happy to see her dolphins again.

(put into another date entry, for 11/3/2016)
Her group 4 of dolphins had connected with her yesterday, as she was coming across the Bay-Bridge Tunnel from the Eastern Shore over to Virginia Beach. They had hoped that she might be able to get out of the car and see them, but it was dusk, and it's also not practical to stop on the bridge. However, she could feel them, and was so proud of them for coming. They showed her that they made great speed to almost keep up with her car as she was driving across the bridge…

She said "I'm driving 60 miles an hour!"

They said they were almost that fast, but for only a very short spurt.

Today at the beach, almost all of her groups came in to greet her… group 1 was first, then group 2, and last of all, group 4. (Group 3 still isn't completely sure if they're "welcome" … as far as the other dolphins are concerned. It's a big "try this time, and we'll see" response, apparently.)

The waves were really big today, all the way out through the ocean, with lots of whitecaps, and the wind was blowing the sand… something akin to a hurricane, but not quite as big.

Each group of dolphins had to jump a bit for Joy to make them out amidst the big waves. Group 2 dolphins just "floated" well, so they stayed high on top of the waves for a few moments, without actually jumping.

Joy asked how they had been while she was gone. She had expected them to move farther south for the week she was gone, where it might be somewhat warmer and where she thought they might be happier, but they had stayed well within Joy's radius, even though she wasn't there.

The 3 groups (1, 2 and 4) had stayed close together, to feel Joy's presence through their hearts. Joy was really touched to hear this.

She asked if any of the dolphins had any "stories" to tell from when she was gone.
As she asked if there were any nice happy events, there was no energy there… nothing they could talk about. It helps to understand that they're simply now just aware that people "talk" and "tell" things… The dolphins have always had a big group connection, but between dolphins, they don't yet connect.

Joy also asked if there were any sad things to tell her… she wanted to know that they were all okay.

One of the youngest dolphins of group 1 came through and said he wanted to say how sad he was, because he got separated from his pod by the big waves. This dolphin was a young boy, about 1½ years old (i.e., born the previous summer, 2015).

However, as Joy understood more of the story, she said how very proud she was of him, and also others in his group.

It had apparently happened during the night, and there had been rain, and the young dolphin talked about the "boom" noise… the thunder… that was happening when he was alone. He was strong, though, and found a smile.

His mother hadn't been keeping up, as she was tired from all the waves, and was feeling worn out, so the young one wasn't aware that he wasn't with the group until it was too far apart.

He apparently kept using the new technique that the dolphins had been using through the storm, and found a way to tell someone in his group that he was lost. Group 1 had already practiced this "connecting technique" during the tail end of Hurricane Matthew.

It was actually a young 3-year old girl dolphin who connected to the young one, and somehow, the group was knowing where to be, so the young dolphin who was alone was "rescued".

(****** Continue writing here… ******)

Group 2… the numbers… 12… had been 11… (2 more from the main part of the group farther south, which was migrating to warm places for the winter, had come back to join the Virginia Beach group 2 dolphins following Hurricane Matthew, to bring much more stability)

… a dolphin from group 4 has also joined this group! It's a female, not a mother this year… also being a babysitter, but also there because she is hoping to connect with another dolphin in the group… the young mothers of group 2 are very happy… based on belief now that the young ones need more years before becoming responsible…
(see notes from after Hurricane Matthew, journal entry _______________  )

However, as Joy had asked about the number of dolphins in the group, she hadn't gotten a really clear response, and wasn't quite sure why.

Later in the afternoon, when she was back at home, she began to understand more.

When the dolphins "lose" one of their dolphins, i.e., one of them crosses over, the other dolphins experience grief, so they know that one of them has left.
It's because there are "threads" connecting them, which are released when a dolphin leaves.

The dolphins in group 2 hadn't experienced any "grief", so they weren't aware that they had lost a dolphin…

Joy found her… it was another girl, maybe about 3½ old… This dolphin was too young to be a mother, and not allowed to bring her own ideas to the group… she had been hoping to help them to keep using the "swimming technique", but wasn't allowed, so she stayed a little ways away from the group, she told Joy, much later. (note added later: That was Sunny)
(see the pre-hurricane Matthew entries as well… info duplicated here temporarily:
Her name is now Sunny. First she thought to be named "Swimmer", but later asked for Sunny instead, since that is much more her personality.

It turns out that she had been the one very young female who had instigated many new things during the pre-hurricane fire drills.

You see, there are roles, and it wasn't considered okay to have a female tell anyone else how to do anything.
In doing fire-drill scenarios, we were also working through "Contingencies", such as, "What if the usual lead dolphin doesn't remember how to take the lead, on this new technique?"
It really was a new technique, and as with our young people, young dolphins pick things up much more quickly… but the protocol is "Seniority"… and only males.

So we developed a little side-scenario, where Sunny could very quietly remain near one of the more senior male dolphins in her group, and if someone needed a reminder in the midst of the stress of the storm, then Sunny would be able to give a little under-cover demonstration or assistance. That would be not only acceptable, but also appreciated.

So Sunny actually had a pretty important role during the hurricane.
Anyway, she had become separated from the group almost 1½ days earlier (yesterday morning), and had continued trying to get to where the group was. She was actually a fair distance away from the group, but wasn't too greatly concerned.

As Joy connected with the rest of the group 2 dolphins, they weren't quite sure yet how to connect. (The 2's are more friendly and heart-centered than the other groups, and not nearly as connected through the inner eye.)

The connection, when it came, was really interesting.

This young dolphin had hoped to make a nice connection with the older male dolphin who she remembered from during hurricane Matthew, as he had praised her during the storm.

It was a huge surprise to this male dolphin that she connected after that… and so he could find a beginning energy (something outside of his very male energy) to connect with her.

The male dolphin had become amazed that "praise" for keeping the other going using the new technique during the storm had made such an impact, or connection, for the young one.

He was really glad to respond to her after learning this… it made him feel "soft", like there was something really nice here.
(Joy indicates that we are in the process of seeing a brand new blossoming in relationship among the dolphins… recognition that praise, or even any kind of attention that is focused through the heart, brings such a new and different connection… it feels like so "wow!" to Joy, and the female dolphins say it's nice. With experiences like today's, the males are gradually understanding why it's so kind for people to know how to be in the heart.)

The young female was "rescued" finally by this older dolphin along with another one, although they needed some help in finding each other… but it was okay.

The group 2 young female dolphin says she had an adventure. (She had been hungry, but otherwise okay, and had figured that they would connect with her soon enough.)

(This was a young dolphin who had been in the role of reminding an older dolphin to keep breathing and using the new technique during Hurricane Matthew… and then the older male dolphin had held the group in that space.)

Her name is now Sunny.


What came out of this, afterwards, was several new indicators that they must now live in harmony…
to begin talking to each other...

(… and people have a much easier time, because faces and eyes are made to look at each other, while dolphin's eyes may look in different directions at the same time, so it's not easy to look each other in the face when they connect)

Ideas of practicing rescues when the weather is calm…

Ideas of having new ways to be count their numbers, such as smaller groups, just for "connecting" within the main  pod, where each group is accountable to someone up the chain of authority.…

(more things come from this regarding personal love relationships, i.e., the older male dolphin would like a more personal relationship with a special young female, but the female is not in that same age-bracket, so she has dreams and a much more enthusiastic vibration, so doesn't want to be put in the role of a "responsible adult" with an older male dolphin… she'd rather find a mate who is much more youthful. The older male dolphin accepts the energy and the pictures that Joy tries to give him, like two more older people together, who have become more mellow, and don't have been dreams… they may have more fun memories, and they connect because they're going on in their years and are similar in many ways.)

11/05/2016      Dolphins     
Next-in-line… (to Provider)
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

When Joy arrived at the beach this morning, many of the dolphins were floating and dolphining by… including a few nice splashes to greet her.

As Joy stood on the beach, she thought she would ask whether the dolphins had continued playing with the idea of creating smaller groups, so that they might do something like "role call", to be aware of any who were missing.

The "role call" idea came after the young female dolphin, "Swimmer", had gotten separated from the group a few days ago (see journal entry 11/04/2016) during some bigger waves, and had stayed optimistic that the group would eventually find her again. 1½ days later, when Joy reached out, they realized she was missing, and "rescued" her.

Joy's group 2 of dolphins subsequently decided to go with groups of 4 for "role call", and asked Joy to see if she might be able to help them.

Since Joy had just returned from a long trip where she had been with her father, all of her siblings, and the children and partners of all the grandchildren of her father, the idea of "family" was very strongly present.

One of the more authoritative male dolphins from Joy's group 2 was connecting this morning. (Please note that some of the group 2 dolphins are near Joy's part of the beach, and others have already migrated farther south. The one who was connecting today was in Florida, but wanted to make sure that the others in his group were all okay, no matter where they are.)
"DNA makes nice bonds," the dolphin said.

"Since it's important that the one that is gone is needing someone like himself or herself that will see the request to connect, we'll make family-based groups."
However, since the dolphins aren't sure where the mother received the seed for the baby, it was necessary for someone else to connect them.

So they were asking for Joy's help to find all the various dolphins who knew his energy via the DNA, by  
drawing a "chart" for this well-authoritative next-in-line "provider" to begin helping everyone to see where he had left his seed.

…and to translate, that means knowing which offspring were directly his own. Dolphin culture was created by nature in a way that leaves the fathers of the young dolphins unaware of which dolphins are theirs, so that the group as a whole protects all of the dolphins, so that there is only one group.

Knowing your own genealogy is a really new idea for these dolphins, however, they had seen how Joy's visit with her family brought more balance to her energy, and they were interested.

First of all came the information about this dolphin.
As far as Joy can tell, he is somewhere around 24 years old. He is very large and strong, as well as agressive, which means that he can support others. He will be next "Provider" for his group.

When Joy first started asking the dolphins about individual names, for each of her groups, they all gave a dolphin who would be named "Provider"…always the authority dolphin. It's the large, aggressive males who move up through the group to be a dolphin that would be labeled as "Provider".

All the other dolphins look up to their "Provider", and Joy knows now that it's not an actual dolphin name, but instead, a title. She feels the pride of the group towards "Provider", and she can also feel the sheer strength and solidness of "Provider".

This next-in-line dolphin also feels very solid to Joy. He likes the name "Maverick".
(He comes through Joy with body language that is very confident and strong, yet he can also be relaxed, or indignant, or giving orders… or many other variations.

Next, Joy found it very interesting to begin drawing each of the children of this dolphin on her whiteboard.

First, they had her draw all the girl dolphins. Joy used a symbol for female… and she found nine of them. They wanted her to place the symbols side by side, all in a row.

Then came the males. They wanted her to draw them going down the whiteboard, each one underneath the next one. There were seven young male dolphins.

Joy found that these 16 young dolphins were all 6 years and under. She had asked for his "children", and had been given these. However, she also found another four children, who were aged 7 to 9.

The younger dolphins who are his offspring haven't all been connected with names yet for Joy, although she has recognized two of them.

(not quite finished with this idea yet…)

(there will be another chart for a female dolphin… and also, the mothers of each of these children also were drawn at the top of the board)

Next-in-line as provider for the group
(We traced some of his relationships and many of his offspring)

11/07/2016      Whales      Hungry Gray Whales
Quick update on the Gray Whales
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Today, the gray whales today are half-way between Yakutat and Katalia, continuing northwest along the Alaskan shoreline to get to the food they hope to be able to eat, which is somewhere just beyond Latouche Island, and beyond.

11/08/2016      Dolphins     
"Provider" dolphins
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Today, Joy finally got around to compiling some of the many names that her beautiful dolphins have given her for themselves.

In the process, she learned new things about the dolphins who become "Provider" dolphins for their groups.

See journal entry 11/5/2016 for an introduction to the male dolphins who end up with the "Provider" title: Initially, Joy was simply given that the dolphin who would be "Provider" was always an authority dolphin, and usually they are large and aggressive males who move up through the group.

However, today, she learned many new things about the dolphins who end up with this title.

First, she learned about the Provider for group 4 of her dolphins.
This one gives Joy the name "Allele" for himself.

He is one of the older dolphins, maybe ~ 31 years old at the moment.
Allele says that he "chooses to know".
He likes assuming, he also indicates to Joy.
He means he likes making assumptions, and seeing if they are "nice"… sort of like hypotheses, and then, he says, others bring it to be.

He likes the name "Allele" because it must be "smart"… it's all about DNA.

When Joy checks, he really is very smart, and smarter than average for a male dolphin. (Checking is just one of those really easy things for Joy… any question, and the answers are always very accurate.)

In other words, it's not only being large and strong that brought him the title "Provider", but rather, his greater intelligence. It has always meant that he is often one of the first to be aware of the best strategy.
Next, she learned about the dolphin who is  "Provider" for her group 1 of dolphins.
This one gives her the name of "Mystery" for himself.
It turns out that Mystery was actually the "director" and "choreographer" for the beautiful new dances and sequences that his group of dolphins performed for Joy after Hurricane Matthew (see the 10/18/2016  journal entry).

At first, Mystery was really hesitant about others becoming aware of this, and he was trying to not admit to it… but once Joy understood, a lot of things "clicked".

Having such a variety of creative talents actually shows that he is multi-talented.

Joy showed him that when children and young adults are in school together, it's often those who include music, theatre, sports, and other extra-curricular activities, who often also achieve the higher grades.

Theo, the beautiful young lady dolphin who performed some of the many new sequences (or dances, as they would call them) after Hurricane Matthew, shows that he (Mystery) "learns to see what is needed," so it leaves everyone feeling productive.
***** Add the info for Group 2 Provider… who gives the name Atlas (as wise)
… and who is very gentle, yet a nice director.
*** Ask if Group 3 also would like to give some feedback, and let us know a name

11/12/2016      Dolphins     
Natural aptitudes in dolphin children
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

James (was first named Picasso)
Female ~ 3½ years old (2016)
James is for James Wyland, and artist who does really neat whale and dolphin art
See journal entry _________________  (~ 11/12/2016… )
James is a young dolphin with creative talents

James is really happy with her choice of name… as long as everyone sees it as a dolphin.

Sometimes when Joy starts to draw something on her whiteboard, maybe as an example for someone, she tries really hard to make nice shapes on her own, but she just doesn't "have it" when it comes to drawing!
James is a young female dolphin who connects with Joy and helps her to correctly draw the silhouette of a dolphin… or a whale.

When her dolphin group learned about this, they were very surprised, and it made James feel really nice.

Her father (or three of the older male dolphins, because sometimes they aren't actually sure who the father is, because of their mating practices… but her real father was actually one of them who asked, in this case, according to Joy) was very happy as well.

Her father(s),  noticed the changes immediatel in James, as she was allowed to draw. It brought more confidence, and also more smiles, to James. Others responded to her loving kind energy with more generous kind energy as well…

*** Continue writing ***
… discussion about what to do…
… how is this nice? (i.e., why?)
They all wanted to encourage it…
"What do we do with this?" they wanted to ask…
"What happens from here?"
"If we don't encourage… then what?" (not liking that)
"How can we continue with this?"

… discussions of "helping each child to shine"…
… different children have different aptitudes (some are more hands-on, some efficient, some creative, some mathematical correct, some understanding concepts more easily than others, etc… and even those who don't seem to stand out in one way or another, may just be more caring perhaps, or something else)
… showing how encouraging as a child, they show more maturity earlier… and also become more self-sufficient as they mate, so the GENES are softer, more heart-based, and they know it's nice.
New recognitions

The dolphins would agree to help each other to bring more soft energies to their groups

… brand new understandings of why civilization is more happy now
… also related to less need for survival… more efficient, idea of having trading partners, etc.
… the less need for "survival", the more leisure time
… the more leisure time, the greater the talents… each person has aptitudes

Male, group 3 dolphin
~ 2½ years old
Also helps Joy to draw

Female, ~ 3 years old (2016) (group 2 of dolphins)
See journal entry 11/4/2016
She had gotten separated from her group, for 1½ days… had taken on a role of helping to keep the "swimming" technique through hurricane Matthew… helping one of the more authoritative dolphins, who then kept the group using the technique.
Swimmer also has "interior design" aptitudes… uses this in interesting ways… positions everything by aligning for the best flows. E.g., helped arrange her entire dolphin pod so that it moved and flowed… some mothers were together, so they might provide moral support for each other, positioned dolphins together who got along, also based on their seniority, and those who like to catch up later (i.e., lag behind often to see what else is around)…
The whole pod likes the idea, and they agree it works.
Ideas also about the young dolphins, like the children of any group… they can easily adapt.
E.g., young children learn languages really easily, whereas adults may be put into another culture, and may never learn to speak the language fluently.
(Joy explained about some of her childhood experiences, like going to school in Norway, and quickly learning Norwegian, and remembering much of it, because of several opportunities to live there again.)

Apparently, some of the dolphins experimented soon after this, and a few young group 4 dolphins played with group 2 dolphins, and soon spoke the same language as the 2's. "They can be fluent easily," according to the group 2 dolphins.

Joy is hugely proud of her dolphins for learning!
They so easily try out new ideas… and they come back with smiles.

Will the young group 4 dolphins remember group 2 dolphin language?
Not yet, but we'll see. (It may be a while before they have a chance to reconnect, as the group 2 dolphins aren't yet adapted to very cold water, and maybe won't be back until early next summer.)

11/14/2016      Whales      Lost Bottlenose Whales
… heading for warmer spaces… soon
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

The bottlenose whales let me know a few days ago that they would soon be needing some warmer water. They headed to the southern part of Unimak Island, and around the tip, so that they might journey now along the coast towards British Columbia…

Yesterday, they let me know that there was snow coming, and indicated that they were really ready to move to newer places.

(I hadn't been as aware of their energy as I needed to be, and didn't realize that they were relying on me to connect them with their routes and travels…)

They asked me to trace the route with them, so that they would be aware of things they needed to know, since these are not comfortable waters for them… they are so far beyond their normal known routes.

This morning, I was able to reach out and help them through some of the shoreline, and so today, they found their way to Chignik, and some ways beyond that, to Sutwik Island.

They are currently traveling north and east along the southern Alaska coast, and so that will take them through some colder weather before they are able to head south again.

11/17/2016      Dolphins     
Exercise for leanness?
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

All of the dolphin groups near Joy now easly use the new swimming technique that they learned together with Joy to help them through the hurricanes and other times of longer big waves, which often left them tired.

So now, many times, near Joy's part of the beach, you'll see the dolphins just lazily "floating". They're still moving along, but it's much more gentle.

It looks a bit like dolphins relaxing… just "lallygagging" around for a few moments, then disappearing as they like to do, then slowly being just relaxing in the next few waves again…
It looks similar to before, but much slower.

So now, the dolphins are expressing an interest in the next step. They are not expending nearly as much energy as before, so they're not getting their usual doses of "exercise".

One or so of the female dolphins has fond that her weight has increased. Wow!

Joy usually does some form of exercise at the beach. The dolphins wanted to understand.

"Why do you spend so much time breathing?"… meaning, after she's been running, and she's just a bit out of breath.

Joy explained about aerobic exercise, meant to get the circulatory system going, etc.….

… many forms of exercise…

The male dolphins were interested in the weight lifting, but Joy couldn't figure out a way to make that work for the dolphins. (She couldn't quite visualize them in a weight-lifting room, lifting weights, because the buoyancy of the water would change the weights too significantly! Well, that along with a few other key things…)

The dolphins were wanting to learn more about sports… teams… what types of sports… Joy tried explaining a round ball, and dribbling the ball, like in basketball…
Women's sports… men's sports… olympics… swimming as an easy one for the dolphins to compete with other groups in the people's olympics…

They also thought the idea of "penalty shots" was really great…


Metabolic rate…

Time for leisure…

… more sedentary lifestyles, the next things come up, as in need for oxygen and exercise…


11/17/2016      Dolphins     
Two more new dolphin groups
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Group 5 of dolphins… like the 2's, very friendly… related (not the same language though)
(They enjoy the word "lingo")

They are much more acclimated to colder weather

They usually spend their winter months near Virginia Beach… just a little bit more south

Group 5 first allowed Joy to connect with them, as she found one of their "lost" babies during Hurricane Hermine, and connected the dolphin with the group, and helped them to find their young one again.

Since then, the group 5 dolphins have occasionally come to Joy's end of the beach, but they remained out of sight, and didn't connect.

Today, they learned it was okay, even though there are many other dolphins around.

Today, there were also other dolphins present. As Joy asked "Do I know you?", they indicated "no".

They often winter over across the eastern shore, and expected to be there all year next year, to stay around the light that's now in the area. (They say that normally, they are a lot farther north over the summer.)

Joy asked "What do you feel like?", because she didn't know these dolphins yet.

The first time connecting is usually really, exceptionally strong! There is so very much raw strength, and Joy can hardly move at first, because it's so very "male-feeling" to her. Even the females feel much the same.
The dolphins always energy-check themselves after that, and find a more kind energy. It's something that's always a treat to them, they say. It's a previously unknown.

After that, whenever Joy connects with them, they feel much more light.
Especially, the females always feel soft any time after that, but even the males come through much more softly.

11/17/2016      Dolphins     
Thanksgiving… dolphin celebrations… and 300-year old whales…
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Thanksgiving is coming soon!

I was trying to explain about Thanksgiving to my dolphins.

I also asked if they have times of celebration, and they laughed. "Yes, we all must have celebrations," they said.

They seem to enjoy celebrating around the same time as our American Thanksgiving… somewhere when the summer is over, the weather is changing, and they are all safe, and they have new life… with so many new young ones.

"We jump and we leap!" they say. They feel kind and loving to me.

That's apparently why people can see dolphins jumping after storms… they are celebrating and giving thanks.

They've explained that to me before. "We are letting people know that we're okay," they said. "We made it! … and we're happy inside."

"The jumping is 'okay'," they indicate… I had thought it looked like fun, but they say that's not why they jump.

I now understand, of course, that getting through all the storms is a pretty big ordeal for all the dolphins, something that most people hadn't even thought about. Myself included, apparently.

Anyway, as I was explaining Thanksgiving to the dolphins, I explained about the pilgrims and the early settlers, and our celebration of the harvest.

I wasn't completely sure of the timeline at the time, but I put out a date that might have been, maybe early 1700's. As I thought of that time period, there were maybe 2 whales who came through to let me know that THEY WERE THERE! They remember!

In other words, somewhere, there are still whales around who remember that… they would be 300 years old or so!
(I guess they mean that they were alive at the time … [or maybe it's an ancestral memory? But they indicate it's not…], and they have a resonance with that time.)

At the time, I had no idea what type of whales they were, but they told me they were farther north, maybe somewhere off the coast of Labrador (Canada).

There are bowhead whales that are known to be over 200 years old… they live within the Arctic Circle. They let me know, much later, that they are indeed part of that group.

7/2/2022 note:
As I'm checking here, re-reading this journal entry, I can still feel one of them responding. It feels like a "she". The other one doesn't seem to be around any more… but 300 years would have been a very long life indeed!

11/18/2016      Dolphins      Names
Dolphin Names, 2016 to 2017
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

The dolphins have been VERY specific about names… they want a name that they really resonate with.
This is my "list" from the time of around 2016 to early 2017.

Group 2 Dolphin Names

Peace Bringer …
See journal entry 9/12/2016 ("The dolphins want names, please"),
and also 8/19/2016 (lallygagging)
Male, "Provider"… for the group 2 dolphins
One of the oldest male dolphins
Says he is very soft (caring)
(Atlas meaning map)
(no real initial journal entry)…
The info about "Provider" is first introduced in the 11/5/2016 journal entry ("Next-in-line…")
"Provider", I understand, needs to be a title.
See journal entry 9/12/2016 ("The dolphins want names, please")
Hope was the very first female dolphin to interact directly with Joy.
See journal entry 1/3/2017.
Jewel is one of the more older dolphins. She was the first female dolphin who asked to have the "tail fix" for swimming, before Hurricane Matthew came through. (I may not have written about the "tail fix" yet… It's still VERY clear in my memory, though!)
(probably born ~ 1991, so 25 years old summer of 2016)
Female, ~ 5 years old
See journal entry 9/28/2016 (Adventure "jumped" along with Hope)
Adventure was the dolphin whose info began a discussion about sex, re: possible ovary not yet sending eggs…  and the discussion moved to "How are baby dolphins created?"
Adventure was 5 years old in summer of 2016, but didn't yet have any baby dolphins… mostly by age 5, they do… or rather, have had.
At the moment, she resonates really well with the name "Adventure"… still youthful, full of fun, doesn't yet have to keep up with her own children…
Swimmer… now named Sunny
Female, ~ 3 years old (2016)
See journal entry 11/4/2016
She had gotten separated from her group, for 1½ days… had taken on a role of helping to keep the "swimming" technique through hurricane Matthew… helping one of the more authoritative dolphins, who then kept the group using the technique.
Swimmer also has "interior design" aptitudes… uses this in interesting ways… positions everything by aligning for the best flows. E.g., helped arrange her entire dolphin pod so that it moved and flowed… some mothers were together, so they might provide moral support for each other, positioned dolphins together who got along, also based on their seniority, and those who like to catch up later (i.e., lag behind often to see what else is around)…
The whole pod likes the idea, and they agree it works.
(Create a journal entry for this, ~ 11/12/2016)
See journal entry 11/4/2016
Twinkles is the dolphin that Swimmer remembered as having praised her during the hurricane. He is the dolphin that Swimmer / Sunny asked to connect with when she had become separated from the group, in November.
Male, ~ 24 years old
See journal entry 11/5/2016
Next-in-line as provider for the group
(We traced some of his relationships and many of his offspring)
No specific notes… but another wonderful young male dolphin who wanted to be remembered.
Group 1 Dolphin Names
Male, who is "Provider" for the group 1 dolphins
(no journal entry yet, but can add it for 11/5/2016, where we talk about "Provider" as a title)
Mystery was actually the big director for the beautiful 10/18/2016 new dances that the group 1 dolphins performed for Joy (including Theo). At first, he was hesitant about others becoming aware of this, but it actually shows that he is multi-talented, and out-performed other dolphins, which made him "Provider".
Female ~ 8 years old
See journal entry 10/18/2016
Theo was one of the lovely dolphins who performed some of the many new sequences (or dances, as they would call them), after Hurricane Matthew.
James (was first named Picasso)
Female ~ 3½ years old (2016)
James is for James Wyland, and artist who does really neat whale and dolphin art
See journal entry 11/12/2016…
James is a young dolphin with creative talents
James is really happy with her choice of name… as long as everyone sees it as a dolphin.
Sometimes when Joy starts to draw something on her whiteboard, maybe as an example for someone, she tries really hard to make nice shapes on her own, but she just doesn't "have it" when it comes to drawing!
James is a young female dolphin who connects with Joy and helps her to correctly draw the silhouette of a dolphin… or a whale.
This is the dolphin who began the whole idea of encouraging "aptitude"
Female, born in 1993, so would have been 23 years old (like people age 47 or so) in 2017.
See journal entry 2/24/2017
She volunteered to be an adoptive mom for the baby of a pregnant dolphin, who, it felt like, might not make it through the birth (possibly with something like placenta previa).
I named her TrailBlazer, because as far as I was concerned, what she was doing was amazing, and very unique
Group 3 Dolphin Names
~ 2½ years old
Also helps me to draw (see journal entry 11/12/2016)
Group 4 Dolphin Names
One of the older dolphins, maybe ~ 31 years old (as of summer 2016)
He is "Provider" for the group 4 dolphins
(no journal entry yet, but can add it for 11/5/2016, where we talk about "Provider" as a title)
Allele chooses to know. He likes assuming.
He likes the name "Allele" because it must be smart… it's all about DNA.
(When Joy checks, he really is very smart, and smarter than average for a male dolphin.)
(11/18/2016 ~ date of this note)
Possibly around 19 years old.
Azure is one of the beautiful female dolphins who "accepted" being able to see Joy…
(Joy's private note: She is one who helped to surround Joy with female energies, especially at a time when Joy was needing help… i.e. to sleep well.)
(11/18/2016 ~ date of this note)
Says he's 6. (quietly, privately, Joy counts 4 years)
He is so happy to be a strong male, and more like a grown-up
… however, today (11/18/2016), Joy talked about "play" with the young dolphins, like games like people-children play, like tag and such … also other things like teams, maybe even young girls on one team and young boys on another team, and trying to get "captured players" back again…
Sky thought it would be okay to be young too, and play.
(11/2016 ~ date of this note)
~ 7½ years old.
(just a dolphin who likes the name)
(Fall 2016 ~ date of this note). She's the one who decided to connect and learn how everyone else is, and what they are about. In order to do this, she began taking frequent bathroom breaks, because they are now aware that people "go off somewhere" to do their private business", and she started going off to do this, always groups of twos or so, so that they might converse together.
Born summer 2016 (June 2, 2016 or so?)
A young Virginia Beach dolphin who was around in my space around Christmas, 12/24/2020 …

… In Dec 2020, she would now be 4 years old, but remembers the energy when I was there. I't's not surprising that she's a group 4 dolphin, because it's the group 4 dolphins who undertook the "child-raising changes" that they decided to incorporate (based on some of our discussions, and their awareness of "new norms")  

Others, not sure of the group…
Legende (see 2/17/2017, "Teenagers")  (female), ~ 8 years old.
Also a reference 3/3/2017.

11/18/2016      Dolphins     
"Play" for the children
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Joy still went swimming today… although the water is getting VERY cold, and the cold air outside doesn't help.

The dolphins seem to be getting along okay, though, despite the colder weather.

Azure… another new dolphin name
Female, group 4
Possibly around 19 years old.
Azure is one of the beautiful female dolphins who "accepted" being able to see Joy…
(Joy's private note: She is one who helped to surround Joy with female energies, especially at a time when Joy was needing help… i.e. to sleep well.)
Male, group 4
Says he's 6. (quietly, privately, Joy counts 4 years)
He is so happy to be a strong male, and more like a grown-up
… however, today (11/18/2016), Joy talked about "play" with the young dolphins, like games like people-children play, like tag and such … also other things like teams, maybe even young girls on one team and young boys on another team, and trying to get "captured players" back again…
Sky thought it would be okay to be young too, and play.
Today, Joy and several of the dolphins talked about play again… including play for the younger dolphins.
(See the note for Sky above, and write it for all of the young dolphins)

They were intrigued by the idea that they might have teams, and that sometimes the more feminine dolphins might have different ways of "getting around" situations rather than sheer muscle power… although the females thought they could be pretty fast.

11/18/2016      Whales      Hungry Gray Whales
The gray whales are migrating
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Joy's gray whales have decided to move on. After all, Alaska is cold.

As Joy connects with them, they find the way they would like to keep traveling.

Joy has learned that as she traces the routes with them, they can find where it's nicest to "cross" (like across open harbors, or criss-crossing over to some islands where they would like to be), and so on.

Many of these gray whales are now able to find food… Joy often checks in with them late in the day, and asks if they have found food, and if they have been able to eat it.
Often, as she does this, they learn new spaces.

They are able to swallow now, much more consistently. That was a bit deal before… the tiny krill wouldn't go down, because they didn't feel it there, and weren't swallowing, but eating some bigger food, like shrimp, or the little fish that might scoop up together with the krill, helps them to swallow.

Do they digest these little fish?

That's a sad "not yet… it needs time," and we're still very sad.

Joy wishes she had much more time so that she could find their next steps for them, for eating more and digesting well.

They are recognizing the krill, though, now, which is another step forward. They were no longer recognizing it as food a while ago, and it had been that way for a long time already.

Joy learned something else about the gray whales… She hadn't studied much about whales before, so they are teaching her what she needs to understand. She is also putting pieces together as she watches movies about them, and she can see their responses to the situations they are in.

So she learned recently why her lovely gray whales had become very anxious at the idea of meeting her lovely bottlenose whales! Of course it makes sense NOW… At the time, Joy didn't have a frame of reference.

The bottlenose whales have been very soft and understanding, and helping Joy to connect more with the gray whales, so as to be able to help them. The bottlenose whales thought it might be okay if they might actually see the gray whales, because then they might raise the consciousness of the gray whales, and be able to help more.

However, each time Joy tried bringing the bottlenose whales around to the same area as the gray whales, the gray whales became very anxious, and thought it best just to "leave trails". The bottlenose whales agreed just fine to this… they would just wait until the gray whales were gone, then they would go to the same area, and learn the consciousness from the "energy".

Well, the bottlenose whales are toothed whales, while the gray whales are baleen whales.
The gray mother gray whales, trying to bring their babies north to their northern feeding grounds, have sometimes thought that it would be much easier if they didn't have to worry about the orcas and other whales like that, who often ask to have the baby. It's really sad for the mothers.
(Joy says, "See how kindly they put this? Even when it's a very hard event for them, because of nature's food chain, they still find the kindest thoughts…)

So the bottlenose whales also could bring them stress, and so they prefer to not actually meet them, although they are hopeful of one day being kind to each other again.

They gray whales show Joy that over 200 years ago, the food chain was more soft… the orcas used to see the lighter energy, and the gray whales say they were safe.

Joy isn't yet sure of what has caused all the changes, but it is likely that more species are having difficulty finding enough food. Maybe soon she'll connect with the orcas...

11/18/2016      Dolphins     
Bathroom breaks and "Do you like fish?"
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

At some point after the hurricanes, as I'd been connecting more and more with the dolphins, one of the group 4 dolphin ladies began telling me about her new patterns … and she came through with a very big impish energy … She had decided to try out something NEW.

She would like to be called Sunshine, because she has a very outgoing personality, like the sun.

This was a time when they were discovering a lot about themselves, and began seeing themselves as individuals, because that's one of the big things they appreciated about our connections. I wanted to learn about THEM, and as they connected, they found they were all very unique.

Sunshine decided to connect with others in her group, to learn more about them… in a new way.

Since the group energy sort of overrides individual interactions, she found a rather unique way of doing this!

For starters, they were aware that I sometimes took "time out" to go to use the bathroom, and that that was "private". i.e., people don't follow other people into the bathroom… and Sunshine decided to try this one out.

What she showed me was a habit of beginning to "fall back", behind the group, "to do" [her busines].

That was only the beginning, though.

She began taking frequent bathroom breaks, but always in groups of twos or so, so that they might converse together.

She was very curious, and was asking some of the other ladies many questions, to see if she could "learn who the other one is, but with new questions."

Her questions were things like "Do you think it's nice to eat?"

(To ask aother dolphin something like "Do you eat because it's fun, or because you enjoy the taste, or only because you need food, or to play, or what other opnion do you have?" wasn't quite a usual question in the group!!!)

To be honest, I don't know most of the questions she asked, but it felt like she would make a great gossip (only in the nicest way, of course!), because she was trying to "engage" the dolphins around her.
It felt like it was really GREAT "girl time" together!

I was also aware that a few of the males were wondering WHY she so often left the group, and took so long too… (so much time "trying to converse", apparently!)

One of her questions, I do know. It came sometime after my discussions with some of the dolphins about chocolate-filled donuts, and subsequently taste (10/03/2016).

Sunshine had thought to try actually "tasting" what their food tastes like. To them, taste wasn't important before.

On this one day, she asked another dolphin lady, "Do you LIKE fish?"
The other one decided that she also did NOT like the actual taste of fish.

Eventually, though, like a few weeks later, they had decided that it was in their best interests to either not actually taste the fish, or if they did, then to learn to appreciate the taste of the fish, so that they could enjoy their food!

At the time, Sunshine said "As everyone learns to 'see', I have become a leader for many."

Note added 2/18/2021: It doesn't seem that "falling back" is a practice they have continued… nobody "falls behind" right now to "do", according to my group 4 dolphins, "but we chat", they do indicate.

Sunshine doesn't feel that she is a leader at this point, but as I check with the other lady dolphins, they show that because of her, they are
"much more inclined to 'speak up' when we need someone to hear about our issues."

11/18/2016      Whales      Names
Whale Names, 2016 - 2017
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Gray Whale Names (Joy's first group)

Very young female (~ 4 years old during the summer of 2016)
See journal entry 9/28/2016
One of the first two whales who ate shrimp using Joy's One
Female, ~ 8 years old (2016, so born probably ~ 2008)
Another beautiful energy… very kind
Grace was one of the lovely whales who brought through lovely feminine energy, especially during the time when that was helpful to me (for a space that brought kinder sleep and healing)
Grace's name is about just that… "grace", i.e., giving someone grace, just because you are soft.
("How do you describe these soft, soft energies?!" It's really hard for me to find the words sometimes.)
Young female, ~ 4 years old (2016, so born probably ~ 2012)
She just likes the name… feels it could be nice even as she is a mother (which isn't yet)
Bottlenose Whale Names
The first whale ever to connect with me. (9/10/2016).
This came the day right after I first watched a video about whales.
He is the key male whale who has been helping "the lost bottlenose whales" get from off the coast of Japan, back to North America…
(he would love to be in the people's world, and he expresses near-miracle awareness of things we have.) (he has consciousness of them, and would love to participate.)
*** See the notes I wrote when I actually "introduced" LandLover… 5/23/2017
Born maybe ~ Feb 3, 2004
Female, ~ 8 years old (as of 2016)
Born early in 2008 (February)
Note: North Pacific bottlenose whales reach sexual maturity at about 8-10 years of age.  Females are thought to give birth at three year intervals and most calves are born 15 feet (4.6 meters) in length during the early winter through the late spring after an estimated 10 to 17 month gestation period.   Calves are weaned after a year of nursing.
Female… who had the baby along the way, who had post-birth challenges (sepsis), but lived

M & M (bottlenose whale, girl)
… no specific notes, but she really wanted this name!
(Maybe she'll still come through one day and we'll write about her… )
(3/9/2021… it doesn't feel like she's over in the Atlantic ocean, so still in the Pacific. She's showing me north up the west coast, southern Alaska, "Elfin Cove". Wow… we need to connect!!!)
(renamed from "Sunshine" to "Sunneshine". She also really likes Solange, also meaning Sun. )
One of LandLover's bottlenose whales that I saw after I was on the west coast… December 10, 2017
There are many, many entries about Sunneshine.
Most likely born about 2010…
… but updated that on 2/13/2022 when we actually checked the calendar together.
March 2009 is what comes up…

Timeline for Sunneshine:
12/10/2017, our first "meeting", at the Dungeness Spit.
It was because I actually saw her, big-time, that she began showing up in my space regularly, a while after that.

Spring 2017
I'm driving several times a week from Sequim to Poulsbo, a 1-hour drive, through mostly rural highways, with beautiful scenery, During this time, I'm listening to a few audiobooks along the way. I start to be aware of this regular presence of one of the whales "listening" as I go. That was Sunneshine, beginning to be present…

08/2017 … LandLover's group's first attempt to cross from west coast to east coast (over the Beaufort Sea)

08/2018 … LandLover's group successfully crosses from west coast to east coast, but Sunneshine isn't among them. She's staying on the west coast for now, deliberately so, as she's connected with me, and wants to stay around, physically present.
(She's not the only one around, as I'm listening to my audio books… there is one dolphin I know as well… but they're taking turns, they tell me.)

11/17/2018 … a visit to the Hansville lighthouse, and I'm beginning to find Sunneshine trying to show up where I'm going to be at the water… she wants to be around where I am.
This is when she finally gets her name… it's a toss-up, between Deannae (for DNA) and a sunny name, and so she became Sunneshine.

3/19/2019 … at Cape Flattery, I had a connection with Baird's whales, who later "knew" Sunneshine, and some of them are in her notes later … especially Ray, who is her escort /friend while she's alone on the west coast, and also Photo, whom I met this day on Cape Flattery, who became a big help for Sunneshine and Ray, and has become one of my very famous "regulars" here. I talk about him a lot! (Haven't written so much yet, but he's one of my favorites here!)

8/2019 … Sunneshine, Ray and Photo make the journey together from the west coast to the east coast, via the Beaufort Sea. Ray and Photo accompany her so that her chances of success are increased, and it seems that in many situations I'm aware of, the female needs a male presence along, in order to protect her and the species.
The first of LandLover's bottlenose whales that I saw once I was on the west coast… December 10, 2017
Born early 2015
(No additional notes or connections with Will, after the 12/10/2017 connection… )
Visiting Bottlenose Whales to VB, 2016-2017:
(more notes to add for these)
I'm not completely sure how old he is … born probably ~ 2003, and would have been 13 or 14 when he was in Virginia Beach when I first met him, in 2017.

I saw Miquelon!

I was a on a whale-watch tour with 2 friends of mine (02/11/2017), and I'm almost positive he was one of the whales we saw, because there was this HUGE connection and a "recognition" energy there! He was one who was alongside the boat for several sightings, over the space of about 4 minutes or so.
He later told me that he had "taken a short run alongside the boat"!!!
He was SURE it was HE I was seeing, both at the time, and later
… and his energy connects in one of those "loops" where the dolphins or whales I've actually SEEN keep showing up, over and over again.



(NewfieGirl's baby [no name assigned] )
… a female, I'm given, born female, born approx March 9, 2016 (?), so 10 months old at the time around the time I first learned about her, Jan 2017)
Toasti (~ 4 at the time of Jan 2017)
She was named this because the very first thing she said was "It's toasty warm here!"
That was the Virginia Beach ocean in January, which is cold! But I guess that compared to offshore Nova Scotia, it probably felt like bathwater to her!
Skye (Toasti's escort, who forgot her and headed north without her, equinox 2017, VB)

11/19/2016      Dolphins     
Thanksgiving celebrations
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

re: our discussions of Thanksgiving yesterday (or day before)

Group 1… splashed way far out as Joy arrived at the beach this morning, to let her know they were on the way.

Didn't take long for them to get in…
They arrived with great big fanfare!

Many of them arrived "riding on the crest of a wave", followed by a big leap into the air!
About 6 of them created this sequence, all within a few seconds of the group's arrival!
It was, again, like another "grand finale of fireworks…" except that this was the grand arrival!

Several of them did a few more jumps and dances today.

There was something that looked much like a 5-jump, like when you skip a rock and it goes jump-jump-jump-jump-jump! This was apparently two of the female dolphins making this sequence… taking turns jumping sequentially. (they said it was easy for them to do, and that it is fun to play… to do these dances.)

When Joy asked about the occasion, they showed her "Thanksgiving!"
"We're celebrating, leading up to your Thanksgiving!"
Remember, they had showed Joy already that they "jump" and "leap" to share with everyone that they are fine… that they made it through another time
(… check on the wording here)

They were celebrating having come to this time of the year, and all being well.

Joy added a few thoughts, that many people express gratitude for many, many things… whatever they are feeling in their hearts, especially family and friends, living in a world with so much freedom, and in a free country, and gratitude for health, and for beautiful days with blue skies, dolphins, oceans and beaches, whales, and anything else that touches their lives.

The dolphins aren't so sure about these things.
"We celebrate being alive."
They add their Thanksgiving celebrations to everyone else's, as people in the United States look forward to their special day.
Joy thinks that being alive is a wonderful thing to celebrate.

Joy headed to the beach late this afternoon again, this time to swim again.
The dolphins weren't exactly nearby at the time, so Joy said "I brought you some choclate!"

You see, they have let her know that they really enjoy it, when they are able to get some of the bits she tries to send their way. Actually, it's the dark chocolate (like 88% cocoa powder) that they like, and Joy has put it into the water for them a few times… sometimes as chocolate shavings, because then it floats a bit. Otherwise, the chocolate pieces sink, and they don't always get out far enough to reach the dolphins, if Joy hasn't been able to get into the water to swim and take it out farther.

Yesterday, she sent some bits of chocolate into the water, and several of the groups all let her know that they got some of it. They can't taste it, they say. (Joy says "You're missing all the fun!")
… but they say that they can't taste much anyway, and it's the "full tummy" they enjoy feeling. That comes from eating something satisfying… meaning that there are several things they need in the food.

Would they take chocolate over fish?
Hmmmm.…. Great question!
Nope.…. not today. Just sometimes. "It's got to feed ALL of us!"
Okay, Joy admits, they couldn't feed all of them with chocolate. As a dessert, that would be nice… just a little "something extra".

Anyway, Joy's group 4 dolphins hurried in when she promised chocolate!
They also arrived with great leaps into the air, many of them jumping several times to make it fun for Joy. Joy stood on the beach, clapping, and feeling their lovely energy… and since it was a slightly warmer day today, there were a few more people than usual, with many young children (and photographers)… and many of them noticed the dolphins and stopped what they were doing to watch them.

The group 4 dolphins were puzzled as to why the many tourists are there… if not to see Joy's aura. They are teasing, though… the dolphins come for the energy (and the chocolate)… while others come to enjoy the day.

11/21/2016      Dolphins     
"What are babies for?"
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

This morning, when Joy asked the dolphins if they had questions or anything they wanted to put out there, one young male dolphin (~ 6 years old) wanted to know "What are babies for?"

As Joy asked "What do you mean?... What is it you want to know?", they all discovered that it's the same question that people have been asking for all time:
"Who am I?"
"Why do I exist?"
"What is the purpose of existence?"

… also asking "Is it solely for survival?"…

Joy asks, "Are dolphins intelligent? … does this answer your question?"
(By the way, scientists are aware the dolphins are self-aware creatures, but they have had no actually talking with the dolphins, so far, to understand things from the dolphins' perspectives.)

11/21/2016      Whales      Lost Bottlenose Whales
Age-appropriate activities
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

(This one is actually relevant to all of our groups, and comes as a result of discussions with the dolphins over the past bit of time…)
(Shopping at Whole Foods)

Figured she might do some figuring out how to budget… learning to buy foods for others, checking prices e.g., quality versus budget… "Do I need this?, or can I go without?"

Joy asked "… and how old are you?"

Joy and the dolphins and whales have all been having discussions about women… or… are you maybe still "girls?" (They are so very relieved, that their youth might have some extra free years before beginning to be sexually active. [their words])

Radiance, as it turns out, is 8½ years old, as she was born in February of 2008.
So by whale standards, she is ready to be a mother, and already is one.

However, if you might translate her years into people-years, she might be like… okay, very young.
(if you say 1½ bottlenose whale years for each human year, that might make her ~ 12 years old)

So Joy indicated… "Okay, so this is like a Home-Economics class then… You're just young, and it's okay to stay playful."

Radiance was really happy to adjust, and delighted that one might learn how to bake and cook in classrooms! The nature of her interactions became much more happy… like "I don't need to be this serious yet? I really don't need to learn this properly just right now?"


Looking around at mothers and how old they were when their first child was born…
… direct correlation between mothering age and their happiness.
(Like for a young one who became a mother maybe around 19 years old… "So soon?... I had other plans… We're making it though, and it's okay.")

By the age of 25 or so, the genes are ready, and the whole energy becomes much more happy for childbearing… The energy then is much more like "I know more of who I am… I've had time to play, see what I needed, learn, complete my education, mature… and even my whole body frame is ready now…"

Also, the children are so much more well-adjusted around parents who know who their children are, because the children see themselves kind of like their parents… and their parents are so much more confident. (This is an observation by the dolphins, actually, who are also determining to become more mature, even those who already are young mothers.)

There are entire discussions happening here, around "survival", and moving past pure "survival"… and how that completely changes the lives of the individuals and their cultures.

Just another thought…
Joy put out the idea to see how a mother might respond related to a 15-year daughter, or thereabout… Most people will get the picture.
"She's only 15!!! Marriage? Are you out of your mind??? Can I drive you to your soccer game???"

11/22/2016      Whales      Lost Bottlenose Whales
Clearing the path…
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Joy had been spending many days trying to trace the route for the bottlenose whales to make it up the southern coast, east and towards the mainland of the continent…

However, every time Joy got near Wide Bay, something got uncomfortable.

Joy tried many times with the bottlenose whales to find a nice path across, and always, there was anxiety, and "can't". Going across via the islands, that wasn't working either.

Joy finally understood that there is some very big energy in the bay, of a predator. (The bottlenose whales believe it might be a very large, old octopus).

… Joy tried to connect with it, and asked for "safe passage" for her two groups of whales.

Whatever it was, said it might be willing…

Today, it's no longer sitting in that north-eastern corner at the top of the bay, but has moved down into the more south-western part, where there is more land between the opening going across.

The bottlenose whales were deliriously happy… They shouldn't be surprised, they say…

They all express sincere kindness with heartfelt gratitude towards this old long-time predator.

11/23/2016      Dolphins     
Group 5 (rename this)
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Group 5 of Joy's dolphins (re: the baby rescue during the storm) has been coming in a lot more often…

They took over the ocean this morning at Joy's end of the beach.….

(still had been "that's our perogative, isn't it?")

… understanding more about harmony… more options, etc. (later in the conversation)

Pure testosterone still…

Tail reflex… one female, ~ 8 years old… She got it…

Suddenly, all the dolphins (many) began coming towards the beach (i.e., perpendicular direction, rather than their usual parallel) … much splashing, and way softer energy!

11/24/2016      Whales      Lost Bottlenose Whales
They make it to the next place…
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Yesterday, Joy checked in the evening where the bottlenose whales were… and they indicated that they were past the "big thing"!

This was the end of "that thing."

Actually, they were surprised… they had unknowingly gone across the opening of Wide Bay, in Alaska, where they had previously not known how to go past it… (see journal entry _____ )
(Also add to that journal entry, that had it been warm weather, like summer, going across would not have been a big deal, because there was lots of food, but through cold weather, food is scarce, and "that thing" sees only that it needs food. Just the same, the whales know that it has become kind to them, but even more so, they are happy that it moved to a different part of the bay, to give them safe passage.)

11/25/2016      Dolphins     
Are dolphins self-aware?
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Interesting question…

(movie… Ocean Giants… )

Someone experimenting with dolphins and mirrors… determined that "yes, dolphins are self-aware"…

… and yet, the dolphins were still not sure… "Why is that one there?" they asked.
They didn't put the picture together. They were fascinated by the other dolphin in the mirror, and thought it must be somewhere nearby. (their words)

They asked Joy to go look in a mirror…

They thought there was someone there. Maybe her twin sister…

They didn't understand that it was mirror image of Joy. Joy is soft. That one is not even hardly the same. They are checking the unique patterns (not quite energy yet, but ideas) … and somehow, in the mirror, they don't see those.

Joy kept showing them that it was herself, but they couldn't understand why she was so different (because they were looking for the patterns, and not "seeing" the shape of the image even).

In the movie, they were looking in the mirror, and fascinated, but often just by themselves.

Joy then thought to see if they were there in pairs, what might happen.

Immediately, another dolphin put herself into the image, by playing in a way that they can only do with Joy… where they see the way she puts things, and they can energetically be present.

From that point, a huge awareness was present.

The dolphin thought Joy was trying to rearrange the movie… "like you show us in YouTube" she thought.
(Group 2 dolphin, Sunny).

If you see that is there, then I can sequence you, says the young girl dolphin.

"Every time Joy puts her hand somewhere on the physical body, in the mirror, the unique pattern is present."

"Seeing it as a second individual looking at a different parent, then we are seeing your patterns."

Joy would describe it much more animatedly… The dolphin was amazed that every time Joy wiggled a bit, the mirror image also moved. The dolphin asked Joy to move slightly sideways, and each time she checked Joy's in-person presence and then the image in the mirror.
Sunny asked Joy many times to keep moving, and kept looking between Joy and the mirror image.
She also moved, and was amazed.
"We are the same energy!", says Sunny.

Joy comments that they don't fathom yet the idea that they have physical bodies that are a certain length… and more (couldn't see waist and below… but if there was "in heat", it would be there… also, partly, they can't connect with a division i.e., two legs, "so if you put something tall here, such as a chair, where I can be higher up and see the bottom of this energy, then I could feel your legs." (The mirror is approximately 2½ feet from the ground.)

It was fascinating to Joy, that after this encounter with the mirror image, some of the many dolphins around Joy began checking themselves. "Do I look nice?" they were wondering.

"The energy smiles. They are soft, and the mirror image is kind." (the dolphins' kind soft words)

Joy asked them questions, like whether they might have encountered reflections in other places, like in a calm water… and they responded like "We don't know who they are…" "Why is that other one being so polite?"

Then Joy asked about the "ripples" that might be in the reflection, and they smile, saying "We didn't know it was ourselves!"

With this idea, their entire notion of being "aware" expanded. "We behave like someone else we know," they say, meaning everyone all around them. "We can only see what they are, and we mimic their energy."

… the idea of all the old portraits… so stern and solemn… they probably were that…
"Once someone sees who they are and can reflect their space, they feel aware, and like the smile, and so they will smile more easily."

They have seen themselves as soft, through Joy, and so they are soft. Others (dolphins) aren't aware, they indicate.

Joy smiles and says "Maybe that's why you like interacting with me… It's because I can see your fun side, and then you can be that." They understand, not quite agreeing though. "You are smiling, constantly," they say, "so we have to smile."

What about other dolphins who are near people, like in aquariums, and those who play with balls and perform?
They dolphins ask again, "Who are you? Why are you so interested?"
… meaning, "You can't see who we are, so we'll adjust, and stay quiet. We'll take your thoughts of who you are, and reflect those."
(Joy says, they're not going to understand that… They respond with "The dolphin trainers try to see who we are, and it doesn't come close.")

11/25/2016      Dolphins     
A very young healer
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Joy Bringer first… now "Little Sweetheart"
Group 3 of Joy's dolphins, 1½ years old… (born in 2015)

Knows how to rearrange energy…

Came through as aware of many pieces of energy, as Joy was "whiteboarding" and trying to change an energy pattern of a client. (Trying to lift a migraine headache, before it began, following all the Thanksgiving festivities of the previous day).

"May I?"
"… a very small time of several days", is the decision of the group. "We understand the light." (of the young dolphin… that she is a young one.)

Joy assesses this young dolphin's ability to learn ideas as equivalent to a 12-year old in people terms.

11/25/2016      Whales      Hungry Gray Whales
More fish!
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Joy's lovely gray whales are becoming nice.

The "fish" they thought was hilarious (see journal entry _______ ) turned out to have brought many new brain stem cells… and it was okay. "We digested it, only the bones were too big."
(Joy doesn't know how the bones get finished… they're not easily digested but it didn't go out, and it's not stuck inside either, but the body doesn't complain. They're digesting, apparently, just not too fast, so don't see it as a task, and it will be okay.)

(Joy asks the humpback whales how they manage it… and it's easy… you just chew and the plates are allowed to bite.)

Even the bowhead whales believe that they've become toothed whales… Joy tells them that they are baleen whales, and they say "No, we eat fish. We must eat it with our mouths."

The gray whales expect their brain stems to be bigger, and then the lessons are going too. They see that their bodies were starved, and couldn't make just sex so that the mothers need nourishment and not seed.

Joy translates this… It's in having looked at our human populations, where children are allowed freedom and youth, and are not becoming parents until their mid-twenties, and often having now only one or two children. So according to what Joy sees (energetically), the mothers are kind because they're more fully developed, and they can easily bear children at that age, and the children are more easily nourished by the mother's milk, as the mother hasn't become small by bearing too many children…  and because the children are healthier, and the mothers are bearing fewer children, the population ages more gracefully, and people live longer, and so the population base gets bigger, in a different way. "We thought to become more (grow our whale populations) by having children, but they aren't enough. They can't survive. They are not nourished."  

11/25/2016      Dolphins     
Provider dolphins and a survivor dolphin for now
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

The other day, Joy asked if there were any dolphins around who were all alone.
One large dolphin said he was… and was with another young male, but they are not with a pod.

He indicated that he knew he was an outcast, but it was not comfortable.

To Joy, he felt very downtrodden, and she encircled him with her wonderful caring.

As it turned out, there was a story… and it must be told, say some of the other old male dolphins.

Provider… new provider… ceremonial fight, which can't be often won by the original provider…
(First, please read the journal entry _________, re: Mystery, and the Provider "title"

Then there is a new provider who already knows how to be that…

"What happens to the old Provider dolphin?" asks Joy, only to be told that they are then outcasts, and as they don't have a group around them, most of them don't end up surviving long. (Within a year or so, it seems, most are no longer there.)

Joy is feeling the suffering…
These provider dolphins are so kind… they give, they listen, they keep the group together… most are so smart…

Joy asked the provider dolphins of her dolphin group if they are aware of this… like when they are next ousted, what becomes of them… they didn't know. They aren't asking. It isn't time to become that yet, so it's not something to think about at this time.
(Joy found that after the first hurricane this past year… once the hurricane was over, there wasn't any need to think about it again… nor any use in preparing for another one, or anything like that. "Present moment" thinking, was their agenda.)

This morning, it was Atlas, who is the provider dolphin for Joy's group 2 dolphins, who asked Joy amazing questions. "Can  you find a technique?"… meaning, says another group 2 female dolphin, "How can we begin sequencing this away from the old thoughts and begin something new?"

Joy quickly learned that it wasn't easy for any of the previous provider dolphins to stay with the pod.

Discussions of "title"… "retirement parties"… etc., and other ideas, that would allow the provider dolphins to remain within the group. Nothing seemed to work…
(elaborate, e.g., not playing that role… helping to train in the newer provider "no way!"], becoming just like a "grand-parent"… but nothing was comfortable.)

Joy asked for suggestions from the dolphins.

Immediately, a younger female (Hope), showed a really easy way… "Just not to be one of the mating dolphins."

Wow! That hit the target and brought smiles all around.

It turns out, it's all about DNA, and how many children are near you.

If you understand DNA with a higher consciousness, you'll understand that the more of your own DNA is nearby, the more grounded and stable you are. So the more children you have … (finish the idea)

The male provider dolphin gets to flourish, and have many children…

Joy asked how many children the lone provider dolphin had… and she counted only around 21 (females).
"How many were there?" she asked… and that came back as 39, who made it to adulthood.
"What happened to the others?" she asked…
Their response came back, "Where did you go? We didn't do as well without you there…"
They are still with the pod, but no longer as active.

Joy asked how many children Atlas, who is the provider dolphin for her group 2 dolphins, has at the moment. That comes back as around 41.

Joy laughed, and put it into current-day human terms.
"Okay, so if you're going to be a great parent according to our current day, that means you have 41 college educations to pay for… all kinds of new things to teach ALL of your children… let alone trying to counsel each of them with their own ideas and help them understand their own strengths… Wow! You're going to be a really busy father! Do you really think you need more children?"

… mating with a single elderly dolphin only… no more food to provide for his own.

The dolphins all cry and laugh together. "It's magic… to put it in your society. Too many then…"

"I guess I can quit with all the children… no more needed."
"Then it's okay if you can be near the group," says any (all… and more) of the dolphins. "We are in reverence."

The other dolphins are joyful, and Joy feels the reverence towards their provider.

The dolphins who had come in to visit with Joy at the beach this morning, had mostly disappeared… they were giving privacy for the discussion… except, as always, they "hear" or bring awareness as Joy asks for suggestions.

11/25/2016      Dolphins     
"We came a very long way to see Joy's lovely friend"
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Joy's group 2 of dolphins is a warm-water group, and normally migrates to southern Florida during the colder autumn and winter months.

This year, however, many of them liked the idea of staying around a lot longer than usual. Most of the big group migrated already in late August… but several stayed, and after Hurricane Matthew, a few more joined them in Virginia Beach to provide stability for the group.

Now, it's late November, and the water is cold by now, and the air too… and they agree, they would like to be warm.

It's not only about "would like," though, it's also about their body build and their genetics.

Joy has learned that when she goes out into the ocean these days, if she leaves her head in the water, they circulation slows down, and she gets very lightheaded… so she knows well that there logistics involved.

They have said for now that they intend to keep moving up and down the coast, to get a little bit warm, and then come back again, and then slowly move down the coast. Maybe one day the'll align with staying farther south, but for now, they're around.

The exciting, thing, though, is that Joy has a wonderful friend, who came to visit Joy over the Thanksgiving holiday, and the main group of Joy's 2 group of dolphins let her know that they were on their way up the coast, because they wanted to meet Joy's friend! She has very kind and loving energy, according to the dolphins, and also some amazing big caring… and that caring for Joy.

So yesterday evening, they arrived. Wow! They asked Joy and her lady friend if they might make it out to the beach, even though it was dark outside already. Joy and her friend went to the beach to connect with the dolphins...

Peace Bringer was among those who arrived, and as Joy and her beautiful lady friend walked along the beach, and called the dolphins, Joy could feel Peace Bringer's really big, caring energy.

She can always "feel" the softness and the hearts her group number 2 dolphins more than the other groups, because they are the friendliest of her dolphins. (The other groups all have other attributes, such as more happiness, more dancing and splashing, etc.)

Peace Bringer is the first dolphin who connected with Joy, and so there is a very deep connection.

11/26/2016      Whales      Hungry Gray Whales
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

…eating… fish!
4 of them, and not the young ones…
showing Joy happiness… and "chomping" … jaw chomping up and down!
Feeling nice!
… little fish… more fish please… we are seeing you. People… humans… and why you can survive (the toxicity) … because you are eating more big food.

Joy asked about the humpback whales, and how they learned to eat fish, because they also are baleen whales…
They replied that they had been aware of the other whales, who are toothed whales, and they are eating fish. So they copied… and they are so big (the humpback whales… they mean the populations are big).

11/26/2016      Whales      Lost Bottlenose Whales
… weather affects their route
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

… They are following the coast along the mainland, and have come close to Kodiak Island and Afognak Island… It's nice there today, and they'll go that way.

With Joy, they were not able to find a route to cross over Cook Inlet (i.e., from Katmai National Park, across over towards Kachemak Bay State Park)

… however, there is a blizzard warning today for parts of Alaska, and there will be much blowing wind, and some "blinding snow" (as the whales put it).

If they wait until tomorrow afternoon, when it's more clear again and the wind gusts are more level, then they can cross, and continue their journey.

Now they understand why they wanted to follow the route to spend the day on the north-eastern shore of Afognak Island (the side that faces northwest)... it's because they will find shelter there today, from the weather.

11/27/2016      Whales      Lost Bottlenose Whales
Other bottlenose whales
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

The whales hung out near the same place for all the next morning and afternoon, even after the weather had calmed down again.

They now know that there are whales nearby… "We found a relative," they let Joy know.

They had been hesitant to go into the inlet at Cook's Inlet, as they looked for shelter, preferring to find something on the shores of Afognak Island.

(not sure how to write this just yet… Joy reached out to check for other whales in the area… and found these North Pacific bottlenose whales, in the southwestern portion of Cook's Inlet.

Joy's beautiful bottlenose whales decided to detour over to that part of Cook's Inlet, and spend a day or so in the area…

(Afterwards… at first they were happy and excited, but in the end, they didn't end up actually meeting the other whales… probably, apparently, because Joy wasn't holding the space with them over that time… it was Thanksgiving weekend, and Joy had visitors)

12/04/2016      Whales      Lost Bottlenose Whales
A new young one…
Published 04/26/2020

Two days ago, on December 2, a new young one was apparently born to my group of bottlenose whales.

The baby feels "soft"  and fresh to everyone… to the whales and also to me. ("Soft" is a word they have me write a lot… to them, it means "okay", or simply "nice", or "fine"… but often, I think they mean "no stress there").

Now, the whales are staying put for a few days.

They are currently in the area on the coast of Alaska between Kachemak Bay State Park and Kenai Fjords National Park.

I didn't learn about the baby until today… I had reached out to ask if there were any whales or dolphins who had anything to share, and that's when they told me.

I was wondering if the baby was full-term, and apparently, it is. It's a young girl.

The mother is happy now, since I am asking about her.
She says "my name is already there… it's Azure", and she also says she "likes the soft day when the sky is like clear and high above". Those are her words coming through as I'm typing.

She says she wants to connect with me, so she says "I'm taking my time to write."
It seems that it's usually the babies who receive all the attention… not the moms at all. (I have been learning this from the dolphins).

Azure, is maybe around 9 years old, I think, born in 2007, maybe ~ November (although it's possible she's older than that…), and she's happy that the day is over. The birth was okay, but not easy, she indicates.

She left the other whales to give birth, and they haven't seen her again, although they seem to know where she is.

There seems to be an idea that the mother is "not quite okay" to be with the other whales… I wonder whether maybe she's leaking a bit of blood from the birth, or something like that.

I asked about the baby nursing, and the mother seems to be having some difficulty with that. I'm surprised, but what do I know? As far as I can tell, this is her firstborn.

As I learn about her difficulties nursing, another young whale from the main pod of whales leaves, to head for the new mother, who is probably around 30 miles or so down the coast from the main group. This is a male 3-year-old who "remembers what it must do (to nurse) and will teach the new baby."
He volunteered to be the one to go...

I ask if this one is going to go alone, and the others are letting me know that it's the best way… (I have been working with the dolphins about teaming up when they need to make a trip away from the group…but that's different, I guess, because in their case, we're talking about "hurricane rescue" situations.)

The new mother knows how to care for her young one, she shows, but this "feeding" is not comfortable, she says. Mabye as we connect her with the norms, it will be okay…

Her new little (big!) baby says she needs time to adjust to the water, and learn to breathe outside of the womb.
I'm almost certain this must happen effortlessly, but they're telling me that it can take a bit of time to adjust.

However, as I ask more (other) bottlenose whales about their after-birth nursing experiences, they indicate it can happen almost immediately, once the birth is complete.

It seems that while these bottlenose whales were near Japan (apparently they've been there for several decades now, until recently), they lost hope, and they indicate that changed some of their patterns, including their norms. (They had lost hope, apparently, being so far away from their families and friends.)

The bottlenose whales are saying they are finding this "rather informational." They indicate that they don't often remember anything from the other times, i.e., "before".
"There is more, we are aware. We need to learn what else has changed, so that we can get home and belong."
"There are ideas, and they are kind," they say.
They "see that it's young" … they mean they're now aware that 8 or 9 years old is really young to have babies… by human standards. They wanted me to highlight that. (I also have anecdotes amongst my dolphin journals with some fascinating stories about how the various dolphin groups are deciding to begin "protecting" their children … meaning they are interested in learning how they might make a difference for the young teen females, so that they don't need to jump straight into the responsibility of motherhood, but might be given extra time first, to have a few years of freedom, simply to continue maturing, both physically and emotionally, until they feel they are ready… "not simply just what the males are". They are trying to say that they must "have our own ideas, maybe not what the males are hoping, and it ought to be fine.")

12/04/2016      Dolphins     
Many new ideas… again (reword)
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

.. So much…

Mirrors… brought connecting the expressions…
more than just "patterns" (which is light… aura…)

Expressions bring new ideas… "Am I really that???"
(many frowns, no eye contact… no nice physical interactions)

More smiles, gradually… but each group is learning their own ways.

The 4's had immediately put "protection" in place for "children", so that they remain children and can develop, protected until age 10 or later (tranlsate that 20 years old for humans).

(Joy's group 4 seems to be the most forward-thinking group.)

Also, this morning, around 10 am when Joy was thinking about them, her 4's went "shhhhhh.….our babies are dreaming"
… naps… more sleep… less cranky as the day goes on.
(From what they have shown Joy, until lately, they have normally only slept around 2 to 3, or sometimes 4 hour per night, often late in the night…)

A few days ago, a "renegade" group 1½ year old young dolphin male had been "found" by Joy… he had left the group, and wasn't doing so well, but he WOULDN'T go back.
"Why?" He was sad… he saw other young dolphins (in the 2's group, for example), being HAPPY.

His group had not-happy expressions yet…
He would have gone back, would have found his own way, but didn't want to.

Joy's group 2 is the kind group, and they had immediately implemented "play" for their children… "Let's play together, and have fun", say the children and their young parents.
So today, when they came close to shore and Joy was there, some of them did their usual "dolphining by" (several times, going in wide circles to come back again), while others just splashed.
There were many jumps and some high jumps, even though it's cold outside. (They prefer to almost-hide during the cold weather, because being out in the air chills them greatly.)
Nevertheless, they brought big smiles for Joy, and they were happy. (Joy always claps for them, and they love the attention.)

So today, Joy's group 1 of dolphins was also there, several times, long before the 2's…
They began understanding things, mostly from the group 4's.
First, they saw the understanding of protecting children.
… the gist of it is that when there are many children, it uses the resources of the mother, and each child brings a diminishing of the mother's own health, state of happiness, ability to be a happy, functioning member of the group, etc.…. And as each consecutive baby is born to a mother, the baby is less strong, because the first ones took the main resources (e.g., bones)

They also became aware that as the day goes by, the young ones get tired, and it takes more effort to be functional, and everyone (dolphins, of course!) become more cross (not deliberately, just too tired to make an effort)…
The 4's, on the other hand, see the brightness of their children return after their naps (past few days), and it makes it easier for everyone to be happy.

… rewrite all of this…

By the time the 1's adjusted and rearranged their attitudes, their young 1½ year old who had left the group, was okay to come back.

It's about becoming who you are…
The young ones are playing games, to help the older dolphins become aware.

Within the groups, visiting hasn't yet been okay… nor smiles to each other… but various dolphins have been going off on their own sometimes now, to be able to have some alone-time.
Often two females have been going off together to "use the restroom" (aka "do their business", as they're aware that humans do), and they use that space to connect and learn how to interact.

Also, a few days ago… 4's… trying to find a way to bring more appreciation… the babies are appreciated… they are allowed to smile at young ones, but by a year, the young ones have adopted the "no-eye-contact" and evasive energy of the adults…

Mothers going around the group, with their young ones… "this is MY baby!"… the babies are appreciated, and so the mothers earn recognition (this is brand new)… they may be proud.
They nurtured these babies inside their wombs, and gave birth…
The recognition of their part in this brought new connections, and smiles too.

Also, discussions today with Joy's group 2 dolphins, about touch, especially with the females.
They appear to have become evasive about touch...
"Can I accept you?"
… thus, what are our models these days, e.g., do I know you? Are you my mother, in which case, I might allow gentle touch (e.g., gently rubbing the back, or rubbing circles over the tummy on a very young one… sometimes more comfortable with other family members as well
Touch with strangers… more just "hand grasp", or a touch on the shoulder, or something like that…
… being allowed to say "Not". (Hands off… no touch from you at this time.)
It's from all the time of touch meaning mating, and they're becoming more private.

12/04/2016      Whales      Hungry Gray Whales
More friends for the gray whales
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

The other day, Joy reached out around Alaska where these gray whales are, and asked if there were other whales around… "and only any who are similar to Joy's whales at the moment, please"

She found two other groups of gray whales…

One of the groups was up within Cook's Inlet, on the southwestern side (across the inlet from where the group of Northern Pacific bottlenose whales were, close to Homer, Alaska, and sort of in some of the fjords).

The other was on the north-facing part of the Aleutians East peninsula… while the gray whales have stayed on the south-facing side, hanging out mostly on the stretch between Ikatan and Chignik.

They've decided to stay there for now… however, they did wander to Nikolski Island, to check out the California Mussels that are there… although, by now, they say "We don't like it." ("Too many shells.")

They have seen that the gray whales within Cook's Inlet are adapting and aware of the updated eating desires… they are finding food.

The gray whales would love for Joy to tell them how fine they are… they are holding spaces for Joy… some of them have names now… there's Bubblegum, a .….….….…..  , and Grace… a really lovely sweet female who has helped Joy on numerous occasions (by being soft, and nurturing, and helping Joy to relax… [re-word])… and then there's Turquoise, another of the females… .….…..

As Joy asked about their yearly migrations to California (elaborate), and the fact that they're missing out on that this year, Joy was asking a lot more questions…
e.g., "You go there to have your babies?"… it seems that it's the females, and the males stay farther north…
"Not just there for that…"
"We love talking"… it's a place for socializing.

They are missing it this time, and it's a lot sad, as well. They enjoyed being there… and then they're also happy to go back to the rest of their group, up near Alaska. "Home," as they will say.

12/04/2016      Whales      Bottlenose Whales
Bottlenose whales in the Virginia Beach area
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

A few days ago… a group number 2 dolphin was away from the main group, talking to the bottlenose whales who were in the area… from a bit farther north… there were two… an older female, and a younger male… and apparently, there were three then, so a new young one bottlenose whale baby… a boy (even though it's now December)

(these were a different group of bottlenose whales, and Joy didn't meet them… they apparently were coming to this area for the whale to connect also, but the young one came soon… Joy thought maybe they had come south a ways to have a warmer place for birthing the baby)

They have left already, and headed back north (not so far north as many of the others, though)
(this one nursed her young one almost immediately, she says)

Sperm whale in the area… has been here and around, but hasn't asked Joy to come close to him (he thought she needs to be where he is… Joy showed him the map, and that she needs to be on the land… and the beach land, so it's harder to find a place to come close…)

12/04/2016      Whales      Bottlenose Whales
"Can you keep a secret?"
Published 02/09/2017

My bottlenose whales (those near Alaska at the moment) had said that some of their friends from the east coast might want to see me, and meet me. I wasn't surprised, therefore, to learn that there were two bottlenose whales on their way down the coast to visit me.

I became excited, and asked to see where they were on the map. They showed me that they were around the southern tip of Nova Scota, and near the northern coast of Maine. This is their migration, and in the winter months, they are all along the coast of Maine.

They were planning to arrive somewhere just before Saturday, December 3, to visit with me on that day, but changed their plans along the way to adjust to my schedule and my planned day off, so that I might visit with them.

Several times along the way, I checked with them, and followed their progress… and even asked if they wanted help finding food, which they did, because I seem to be able to know where food might be.

They were planning to stay only 2 days, they indicated, and then they would head back home again. That was their plan, at least.

… and initially, they said it was okay to tell others… but that was before they actually got to Virginia Beach!

So it was somewhere around December 4 that I first got the signals
"Shhh.…. There's a really big SOMETHING around, but keep it quiet… and don't tell anyone…"
(By the way, I looked up info about Bottlenose whales shortly after this, and found that Bottlenose Whales are well-known for being "skittish", and "staying hidden".)

I wasn't even supposed to write it in my journal, so I initially just "snuck a note about it" into my dolphin journal.

Apparently, these "big somethings" didn't want to be identified or seen… or even to have anyone learn that they are around. (I took that as a sign that "they" had arrived.)

It's now February 2017 now, and I am finally moving the note over into my whale journal so I can publish it!

12/05/2016      Dolphins     
More sleeping time, please
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

… Joy's group 1 of dolphins… came in to see Joy today…

Much just "floating"… like floating along, not "dolphining"…
You'll just see them relaxing, letting the waves carry them… you'll see a fin, and then it just disappears for a moment, and reappears in almost the same place… just floating
(Others have commented on that also)

The male group 1 dolphins were "trying it out", because when Joy commented on the "floating", several FEMALE dolphins quickly showed her that they were there, and dolphining is okay… but they were holding vigilence so that their male dolphins might try sleeping.

You see, more sleep = more kind physical energy, like those happier facial expressions that all of Joy's dolphins are trying to get to…

For this group, the males wanted to "make sure it's okay" first, before allowing the rest of the pod to use it. (In the case of the group 4 dolphins, they've already implemented nap times for their young ones… but the females don't know how to sleep deeply yet, and the males haven't got it either)…

You see, dolphins normally sleep with one eye open, and one eye closed, and they slip into a sleep pattern with half of their brain at once, so that they may remain alert as they sleep.

That's a pretty hard habit to break!

They are trying to learn how to "leave waking consciousness", you see… like people do… where they wake up, and they don't remember much other than that they put your head down on their pillow many hours ago… or they may remember a few fragmented dream bits…

Well, you see, there have to be a few more logistics involved for dolphins… so this is most definitely a work in progress!!! (Those who have gone deeper love the freedom).

For one, dolphins must continue breathing regularly, and that means being close to the surface of the water regularly…

… and the other thing that has come up, is "how will the group stay together?"… because the waves are apt to carry many dolphins in different patterns…

They've already played with that part, and they've found something that seems work… at least for now. If two or so dolphins keep moving around the perimeter of the group, giving out ultrasound which everyone knows helps to guide dolphins (according to the dolphins), then the dolphins can stay together.

What about those who are giving out the ultrasound?
Well, there's an age-old idea of "keeping watch", and taking turns doing that…

So now, back to Joy's group 1 male dolphins…

They couldn't quite master leaving waking consciousness!
Not surprising… their existing "sleep" patterns have been part of their genetic makeup for a very long time…

Joy tried many various ways of trying to help them to find the way to "leave waking consciousness", and they came close… but the dolphins asked why she was doing it "the long way around." "Why don't you switch a few genes?" they asked…

"Oh, that!" says Joy. "Let's see… I count 4 different chromosomes here that are relevant… and there are several genes on the first one… Oh!!! Then the next chromosome aligns, and guess what, the third chromosome slips into place with the alignment of the one before it…Wow!..."
"… and then there are some genes on the last chromosome that easily can change."

That did it!

Apparently there will be a few variations in the chromosomes involved in some of the other dolphin groups, but this will do for now.
Actually, they dolphins checked back later, asking Joy to find ancestors… like a very long time ago… who might have slept… which Joy did, and that connected the dolphins with the old genes… Well maybe some of the whales gave some input… and helped a bit.

(Another note here, re: the Amazon pink river dolphins… the Boto … and their ability to move without constriction… no more fused vertebrae… "What's that really neat thing you do with your head?" is a question that some the male dolphins are now asking the young ones of their group, and again, there are possibly some genes that have gotten aligned along the way, following an experience… this was a few days ago already...)

12/08/2016      Whales      Bottlenose Whales
Making headway…
Published 02/11/2017

This note is about "my friends", who were visiting and getting to know me… that is, those friends that are skittish… those very large mammals that live in the sea…

(I ask you to note that these notes were written at a time when they were still "hiding", and I wasn't supposed to really mention them… not even by writing about them. Imagine, if you will, a young baby who is playing peek-a-boo! The baby can't believe you saw her, because she can't see you. It's a little bit like that.)

So they've been around for the past 4 days… except that I haven't really seen them.

The had come south to Virginia Beach, expecting to see me, spend about 2 days here, and then turn around and go back north again. They thought it would be simple to see me, since the dolphins see me. But they hadn't thought to talk with me about their size, and where they would need to be in order to see me, so they were disappointed when they couldn't see the beach. They couldn't get close, because whales should stay near the "high water".

They kept showing me on the map where they might be near, and between me and these "big mammals", we figured out that they would probably need to come in fairly close to the beach in order for me to see them easily. This meant some learning and trust on the part of the whales, as they don't like shallower waters. We're talking about a sandy beach, and they would need to be as close as maybe half a mile to 1 mile out for me to see them, which probably isn't actually very deep.

They also needed time to get used to the area, and to learn about this place and adjust to it, as it's not on their usual route. According to the whales, when a toothed whale is in unknown territory, they say, they stay hidden, and this was the case here.

In the meantime, my dolphins had also become well aware that I was expecting a large whale. They were actually the ones saying "Shhh…", so as to not "give away the whales".

… and yesterday, there was a very young male dolphin from my "Group 1" dolphins, who is around 2½ years old (born in 2014), who would love the name Aristotle, who indicated that he wasn't with the rest of his dolphins.

But he said he wasn't lost, either… These very young dolphins come through oh-so-sweetly! They are cheerful, and have such a lovely youthful open heart.

Aristotle said he might be "somewhere around…" and at the same time, he secretly indicated that he wanted to go and find the "big mammal"… and he was helping me to connect with it.

He saw the whale(s), ("plural, please", he indicates), and stayed there for a very long time, hoping that they would become aware of him.

I asked if they did, but the whales wouldn't connect, so Aristotle says "It's okay, I'm going to try to talk to them." I am so touched at his sweetness… this dolphin was trying so hard to tell the whales to go to the shore, so that I might see them.

Today, about an hour before dark, I learned that I needed to "get going!"
"Go to the beach!" I was given.

I checked the map quickly, to see if any of my dolphin groups might be around, but when I checked, it was the "big friends" who showed me that they were thinking about coming closer. At that, I RAN to the beach!

My group 1 dolphin friends were there… I asked the dolphins if there were really whales there, but it was the whales who connected with me…

The answer was "we're down".

… and then they showed me, "no breathing…"  With these words, they had me hold my breath, also indicating "no breathing". However, I couldn't hold my breath that long, and so I had to breathe!

… and then they let me know "… but we'll come up for air in around 10 minutes or so…"

So my group 1 dolphins had me talk with them instead, and dance to my music, and move more, because that's the "fun" they indicated. (I often listen to my music through my headphones at the beach and dance along, and the dolphins love the movement and come to play.)

It wasn't long before I got a 2-minute heads-up from the whales. "We're both coming up for a quick breath…"

I was fascinated. Somewhere around the 2-minute mark, I looked out towards the horizon, in the direction where the whales were, but I didn't see anything… however, I "felt" the breath… and it was over, just like that!!!

"More?" I asked. "Is that all I get?"
"We're on a 14-minute deep-routine… so that's it for now," was the reply.
They meant they take a breath, and go down for around 14 minutes, before they come up to catch another breath.

I, however, could feel all the energy of the dolphins, who got really happy, and began splashing, and a few jumped several times, and many showed my their "whale tails" again and again, so that I understood… THEY knew the whale was there by the change in the energy.

Then came the question, from many angles…
"Are we okay?"
You see, the dolphins were apprehensive, just in case the whales might be a predator, because they are BIG, and they wanted to hear from me that they were okay near the whales, and that there would be no harm coming…  

… and the whales (the largest of the beaked whales), were wondering the same:
"Are we okay near the dolphins?"
(Bottlenose whales eat fish… and they are not at all like orcas, but they were trying to make sure that the dolphins also were not predators.)
I helped the whales understand that they were very highly welcome, and that my dolphins were so happy for me and also welcomed the whales… As well, my dolphins wanted to protect me, and make sure the whale was okay (comfortable) for me…

So I showed the whales how kind the dolphins are (well, "my" dolphins at any rate), and how my dolphin groups have grouped together and have even become friends over the past few months.
The whales were still unsure… and asked for "more".
"The dolphins never even used to share their part of the beach before," I told the whales, "yet here they are, caring, and all the dolphin groups are welcome now, and share the beach. See?"

Then a most amazing thing happened, almost a miracle, because the dolphins decided to demonstrate this:
Within a few minutes, my happy group number 1 dolphins were dolphining up the shore in front of me, and my lovely group 2 dolphins, were coming dolphining down the shore, and they actually met in the middle, the two groups inter-weaving, right in front of me, and they put on a display! WOW!!!
Believe it or not, this is the very first time they have done that!

The whales were aware of the dolphins' happiness at my sense of warm, peaceful, grateful gratitude for their amazing "display"…

"What an amazing blessing", I said, hardly able to believe this. I could FEEL the energy! "There is so much love!", I said.

The next time the whales came up for air, I was so busy watching the display that the dolphins were STILL putting on, that I didn't see the whales… they were much farther out than the dolphins.

After that, though, the next time the whales came up for air, they had me do some "big breathing", so that I would be connecting with them more quickly.

I was interested to note that it was like trying to learn how to connect in little bits and pieces… not a lot at first… more like "Let's just start to get used to each other."

It was amazing, and unlike anthing I have ever experienced before!

The dolphins stayed playing for as long as I was at the beach (and they tell me they disappeared immediately after I left)!

12/09/2016      Dolphins     
… always more!

Just because you don't see it, doesn't mean it's not there!!!

There are constantly new "journal entries" happening… with new stories usually every day… they just haven't been published yet.

Every day, I go to the beach… and more often than not, the dolphins come to visit me, even though it's cold!

The dolphins say,
"It's not much fun to be above the water when it's so cold."

… so they usually don't show nearly as much of themselves, but they still "play"…

...and despite the cold, they are sometimes jumping and leaping, splashing, and now even also "breaching".
That’s like doing a big back-flop… their version of our belly-flop!
The questions they are asking are really amazing and fascinating, almost beyond words.

A fairly young male dolphin recently asked "What are babies for?"
What he meant is "Why do I exist?"
Isn't that the age-old question?
"Who am I? …and what is life about? Why am I here?"
… and, do dolphins self-identify?
"Do they recognize themselves in a mirror?"

Now THAT'S in interesting question!

Do they see the dolphin in the mirror? Hmmm.….

I have a different answer than the currently-held belief.
There are more fun stories… please keep checking back.

(For various reasons, life has been extraordinarily busy. A cross-country move is a big deal. I anticipate that there will be more time again for publishing the journal notes, eventually… It's March 2019 now, and I'm still slowly working on it… along with adding new journal entries as they come along...)

12/09/2016      Dolphins     
"Who made me?"
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

… (this was whiteboarding from Joy's home, initially)…

… re: previous family tree, for several group 2 dolphins…

… Joy was wondering if they were able to figure out on their own, who their families might be…

Whiteboarded several for a few of the group 1 dolphins, as they asked first…

The male dolphins wanted to know which ones were their children, and the female mothers wanted to know which male dolphins had been the fathers of any of their children…

One of them made some really accurate guesses, along with one or two that were not quite correct…

…  another got some (again, mostly correct)

… Little Sweetheart did some magic and figured out how to connect genes with their children… (a different method than the other dolphins were using)

The group 1 dolphins "got it"…
They saw "patterns". "He (the younger dolphin) is that one's rump," they giggled, showing Joy wiggling  their behinds…

(some worries over some who don't want some of the features… just like a young man worrying that he will be bald, like his father!!! "I want my TEETH please, when I get old!" is one of the concerns here…)


Today, Joy asked her group 3 dolphins if there were more comfortable coming in to her part of the beach yet…
They weren't quite sure… it has to do with the being alone there, just their own group.

Joy's other dolphin groups, the 1's, 2's and 4's learned to get to know each other, beginning with Hurricane Hermine near the beginning of September, but the group 3 dolphins weren't around at that time, and didn't "get that part".

They've been a little bit awkward, not sure why it's not sure to be there, when the other dolphin groups are all around at the same time.

They asked Joy to reiterate about the globe… and around why it's easy for the others to be in the same space.

So Joy went to Google Maps.

By the way, all the following paragraphs are words that come directly from the dolphins, so you'll find their laughter within it… It's not quite "people lingo", they are aware.

(As Joy checked later, it was a very unique female, from Joy's group 4 of dolphins, who is about 2½ years old. She would love to be a happy name… What will it be? She will practice to become an idea-maker. She initially used the words "technical writer", but then "I am a young one, and should not spend big time doing this…" and so it became "an idea-maker".) (Name… "Idea Maker"  *** Please add to the dolphin names page ***)

(Joy says, "Aren't you so very proud of these fabulous dolphins… they integrate new things and immediately "catch up", i.e., "young ones need play time!")

On the computer, Joy showed all the dolphins about all the countries… and how they talk with each other… those boundaries that are kind, where people expect to go back and forth through the countries easily, without problems.

They became aware how people in Indonesia or the Philippines, might actually have a nicer, happier life now, because they bless many companies in North America by using the "phone" (a different idea to dolphins… and they know what it does, and that people stand and talk on the beach, when there's nobody there)… and how making things in some countries is a neat thing, but then to bring it to North America.

They were fascinated to check what it was like hundreds and thousands of years ago, and to see the military just wanting control, but this way it's nice.

They found the map interesting, because "There is land, and water, and more people again (another continent), and then water, and you're back.
(The earth is continuous…)

That way, you see the world. There are dolphins, throughout everywhere, they became aware… not just Joy's part of the beach!

This knowing changed their ideas, and they see that it must be soft… you can't control all the others, just be happy.

The dolphins then add this to interpret it as "being fair to the others", and let them be okay.
It's a brand new concept.

Joy's groups 1, 2 and 4 have been aware of this, but couldn't be aware of the impact, like how much more water is everywhere… and that you can go farther and farther and get back to where you began.
(They're not quite sure yet about how you might go around the world… not yet. They see "flat".)

They have, in the meantime, become aware that others are taking video of dolphins where they are doing something really neat, such as becoming their own mirror images, or learning innovative ideas for finding food… but they couldn't imagine the amount of water to cover the ocean.

12/09/2016      Whales      Bottlenose Whales
The "large mammals"
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

(originally part of dolphin notes)

(and the "large mammal", twice today, morning and late afternoon)
Came much closer
Joy knew she saw one of them, but it might only have been a glimpse… but the energy said "it was"
… also, more time near the waves, breathing a lot more often, today… more comfortable.

(Joy notes that this has become something like taming a wild animal… you get to gradually get closer and closer… and even see them a bit…)

12/11/2016      Whales      Bottlenose Whales
Names for these visiting whales
Published 02/11/2017

I have now caught glimpses of the two bottlenose whales who are visiting.

They haven't come in near my range of visibility yet… they don't know quite yet what that range of visibility is, i.e., how close they will be "before you can see us".

They aren't yet quite there with showing themselves either, but they're being a lot more "hide-free" when I am on the beach… that is, if there aren't other people around!
When I am there, they don't go into their usual 14-minute periods of going deeper, but rather, they stay close to the surface, and keep on coming up and showing their "breath".

Yesterday, my group 2 dolphins said they (the dolphins) were just a bit apprehensive, and so they weren't coming close to me, because they were out checking whether it was safe, because of the whales.

You see, the dolphins were aware that the whales were maybe quite hungry, because they had chosen to come close to spend time near me rather than go out and find food...

Please note that bottlenose whales eat fish, and they particularly love squid (!!!) (that's big-time), and that my dolphins are actually quite safe from them!

Nevertheless, I sent my whales for food after that (like "Go on then… go get some food!"), and so then my group 2 dolphins were fine. That was yesterday.

… and today, the dolphins were happy to be around, at least in the beginning.

They were happily playing near me, but then they "disappeared", letting me know that they were leaving so that the two whales might be much more likely to come a bit closer.

I asked the two lovely bottlenose whales if they would like to choose names for themselves.
The young (child) male came back with the name "Hercules" please…

That turned out to be funny, because a little while later, the female told me that she wanted to be called Hercules… instead of the male.

She let me know that SHE was the one who was bigger (although she thinks she might be "almost as strong as the male.")
They wanted names that were "big", because these are the very first whales that I have seen in-person since I've been talking with dolphins and whales.

Then, however, the beautiful female whale thought that the name "Hercules" might cause too much really "big" energy for herself (i.e., it might be a lot more "masculine" than she would like), and so the name might not fit quite right for her … but she had already claimed it, because she was bigger than the male, so he couldn't have the name back!

I asked about their sizes and was shown that the male whale was quite a bit smaller than the female. (Lots of smiles are happening here, as I am writing… The whales are telling the story with me! They think it's a great story!)

Today, the male whale said he would be named "Champion". He loves it.

The female whale said that she might like the name "Atlasine", like Atlas, who held up the world, but with a feminine ending. Altas was a "titan", or a "giant deity of incredible strength". Atlasine is really delighted with THIS name, because she is so giant!)

In the meantime, I said that the male whale (now named Champion) felt like a "young one", and I asked how old he is.
"I think it might be four," came the reply. I checked, and agreed.
I then asked to check his size now… which turned out to be quite a lot smaller than the female…
… and then I checked what his size would be in another year or so… and it was bigger!
… and another year after that, and it was bigger still!
… and one more year again… and he may be then be done growing, or at least slowing down!
… but then he will be just a bit (or more than a bit) bigger than the female whale here (Atlasine), and will ALWAYS be bigger. (He's happy!)
Champion was pleased at this awareness… he thought he was already "big", and so he felt really proud, and he didn't realize he was still growing.
He now loves the name of "Champion"!

Atlasine is much more feminine with her new feminine name. She may be about 7 years old, and may just grow a little bit more before she's done. She wants to let others know that "she's happy to be smart"!
(There's a little bit of "I told you so!" in here… from her to Champion.)
At this, Champion accedes, but with a really impish attitude, like "If I must…"
I am very surprised that these whales are on their own, coming to visit, because from my perspective, they're so young.
Champion feels like a child to me… and Atlasine feels like a girl, a little older, but nowhere near a teenager yet.
I think the age of whales more or less corresponds with human age, i.e., a 4-year old whale is like a 4-year old person. (With the dolphins, it's more like 2 years, so a 4-year old dolphin would be like an 8-year old person).

However, from the whales' perspective, these two whales are considered "young but independent".

As I was writing up my notes to get them ready to publish, I had to ask what this would be like if I could really see the whales, and see their expressions… but I couldn't imagine it.

In imagining it, I just see solemn whales, but where the whales are not aware that they are each of them completely "unique."

It turns out that all of this fun and "expressing themselves" is really something new for them (whales and dolphins alike).

They mean that it's about learning who someone is, deep inside.
"Who are you?", and expressing who they are…

… except that this is something that they didn't even know was there…
but it's apparently the "big reason" that the dolphins keep coming back when I'm around at the beach… because everyone "plays"!

You should see the really sweet, happy, delighted energy of these dolphins, especially the younger ones, who are still "learning quickly", as young ones usually do.

Some of the other BIG (young) whales (sort of like Champion), are now just checking whether they might be really sweet inside, or more playful than they knew, as well.
"It's fun," everyone says.

12/12/2016      Whales      All types
… always much more still coming
Published 12/12/2016

Just because you don't see it, doesn't mean it's not there!!!

There are constantly new "journal entries" happening… with new stories sometimes every day… they just haven't been published yet.

It takes time for fingers to type letters, and sometimes "quick notes" are all there is time for… and they need to have much more added so that you'll understand what actually happened and smile as you read…

In the meantime...
… my "no-longer-lost" bottlenose whales are still on the coast of Alaska…
… my group of very hungry gray whales is no longer hungry and they're smiling more often
     (although some of the other gray whales are still hungry and would love some help too)…
… there are other whales who are happy to learn new feeding techniques…
… and there are a few more nice happenings that you'll enjoy reading about
I hope to have them published in time…

(For various reasons, life is extraordinarily busy at the moment. A cross-country move is a big deal. I anticipate that there will be more time again for publishing the journal notes after the move is complete.)

12/14/2016      Whales      Humpback Whales
Whale voices saying "Got it!"
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Whale music…
Humpback whales… re: A few days ago, I finished watching the Ocean Giants movie…

It finished with a bit about the humpback whales, and their songs… (get details from the movie)…
There is some sort of "annual group connection" or "concert" that they make over several days, and covering vast distances.

Comments from the scientists were that they are "not sure yet…" (why)

But I get it. They're telling me that they're calling out to each other.
Here's what they thought you might like to know, if you're curious…
"Are you there?"

"Yes, we're here, and it's well."

"Are you doing fine?"… to another one somewhere else…

"No, not quite, but it's light, we're learning how to adapt again…"

"How are you?"

"We're also doing some rearranging and it's cool…"

"Are you there, _____"

"Yes, I'm here, and it's okay."

"We're calling to __________, and how are you?"

"Not here now…", and he says he's near the entrance to the light, though… and that is sad for all of them.

"We love you", they echo back to that one, who is still near with his love for the whales…

"Are you new?" they call, "Please add your thread to our talk, and tell us the whole story" (like female, or the time of your birth…)

"How are you, then, dear body of the young whale that is being born right now?"
"Okay, but it's comfortable…" the young new one responds…
Now, the whales are just playing as I have been writing… it's, as usual, their frequencies connecting and bringing the information.

Another note… it's not always been joyful connecting…

As I reach out across various centuries, the "concerts" must have been sad, as the vibrations come back with
"No, you're not there…"
"You too… " and with that, their thoughts, "How can we bring back more of our whales?"

1000 years ago, apparently, "It was nice".

400 years ago, "It was already too much to know what to do… there were many not responding…"

and 200 years ago, it feels to me like it was exceptionally uncomfortable.
However, now, their choruses are beginning to be nice again, as they're seeing their new ways connecting…
Apparently, "Where are you?" has now become time-consuming, because so many of them feel they're "all nice and doing well… much more happy too" … and with that, they indicate there is more "chat-time!" ("At least, to check if another is fine.")


Then, this is Christmas month, so I am singing… and walking along the empty beach, singing with great enthusiasm the Hallelujah (spelling) chorus from Handel's Messiah… with all the magnificent choir voices coming through my headset from my iPod…

The dolphins are playing with this, and pretending to be there, taking their parts
...even the males, because there's a US Army chorus singing one of the renditions, so the elder male dolphins decide it must be okay too to sing loudly! (Dolphin story… add a journal entry for that)… and include the lovely voices joining in… sounding some choir variations (i.e., the various parts and harmonies)
(Not quite sure what it would sound like… probably nothing we could ever recognize as Handel!)

Then the gray whales begin humming…
… then breathing more deeply…
… then they ask me to check on the map with them this morning, and I find that they are now in two different groups, and one group has younger, vibrant whales, and they are singing! (off the shore of the mainland across from Korovin Island)
(the others of their group are down farther around Akutan Island)

They're unsure yet of what's coming out, but they can find the resonance and see it… and that finds each other.
"And the glory, the glory…" they are vibrating out…
"… of the lord…" comes the answer from the others of their group

The others are finding more… gray whales.

"You need to move…" they show…

They apparently had a realization: That the humpback whales should have nearly been gone already, but they have survived and are flourishing, probably in part because of their voices… "and they need to be heard, so they SING!"

12/18/2016      Dolphins     
dolphins and whales, both… vocalizing… just notes
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

So my dolphins have been excitedly singing most of the choruses from Handel's Messiah…
… and the gray whales also have been doing this…

Today, a right whale somewhere close to me also joined in…
(~ 5 years old, a male, born in 2011)
(See Journal entry for the whales, also 12/18/2016)

Back to the dolphins…

I was researching about the humpback whales, and sound, and whale songs…
And in Wikipedia, I was reading that, under the heading "Purpose of whale-created sounds" that
"The question of whether whales sometimes sing purely for aesthetic enjoyment, personal satisfaction, or 'for art's sake', is considered by some to be 'an untestable question'."
At this, however, a very sweet male child dolphin from my group 1 dolphins (like 1½ years old), connected.
"Yes!!!" "We are singing, for enjoyment. NOW we do this…"  
It's since I have put on my Christmas music and I listen to the main choruses from Handel's Messiah as I am walking or standing on the beach.

Actually, the dolphins have been more or less bribing me to stand on the beach, and they tell me they're listening and singing along to my music… Actually, they're NOT coming close to the beach, until I'm there and SINGING… and they told me as much today!

Yesterday, they left, because I wasn't singing the key parts… I was trying to help males find their way into the music… they won't sing, unless it's the entire group at once (males and females), and they were figuring out the instruments rather than the voices…

My comment to anyone who is trying to follow this, is simply "Don't even ask!"
I'm not sure I know how to explain! You see, I'm not really sure what they're doing under the water, but they're showing me my arms in the positions of playing the violins, the right hand moving the bow, and violin tucked under the chin, and the left hand sequencing notes… or they enjoy the slide trombone, once I had put that idea out there for them as well."

It was this morning that I understood why the male dolphins aren't singing… they actually would love to, but they're not asking for any mates at the moment… and singing "asks that question"… and if they do, the females are responding with a "nope… not this time" … and the males don't want to be rejected, so they're postponing the choir.
(They're smiling as this writing is coming through… they would enjoy the songs, but don't know how they can quickly change the response of their females' genes so that singing doesn't just mean mating.)

There's another story here… and it's also about songs and mating… and about my lovely gray whales up in Alaska, who just a few days ago, were also bellowing out the Messiah (not in tune, apparently)…

So this morning when I checked with the gray whales, one of the females was away from the group, "but with others" was the information.

So this gets rather complicated… It was time for this female to be mating, apparently…
… but later in the day, I asked the question whether there was a connection between the "vocalizations" (singing along with me to Handel's Messiah), and the "mating" that was happening today.

You see, gray whales don't sing… at least, they haven't been noted for doing that, and they have told me they're so depressed and quiet, why would they sing? … until lately, of course… with my enthusiastic renditions on the beach… and the dolphins joining in…

So apparently the gray whale songs brought more gray whales present… and they responded with "mating energy" because they thought they were "being asked for that"… and apparently, some female responses to the male vortex of mating energy, meant that the female actually responded with the correct hormones…

So the "singing" (which was new), triggered big hormonal changes…

Then later in the day, having finally understood this, they tell me, they are trying to make some sense of this.
It's an interesting puzzle…

The singing has brought joy… it has brought connections… getting to know others nearby, rather than being solitary again (my group of gray whales sticks together in a pod these days, through me… so they can learn… learn how to thrive again.)

They would like to learn about singing, without mating… like people can do. It's the end result of being "soft" and connecting with others, that's so much more making caring again.

12/18/2016      Whales      East Coast Right Whales
Joining into the singing
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Joy's dolphins have been exceitedly singing most of the choruses from Handel's Messiah… (See the dolphins journal entry for 12/8/2016)
… and the gray whales also have been doing this…

Today, a right whale somewhere close to Joy also joined in…
(~ 5 years old, a male, born in 2011)

However… this right whale hasn't had any idea "what's what"… "What is a day?" "What is a year?" … living just without any idea… although that is only like for the past 50 years or so… no rhythm, biology is mixed together with human signals, i.e., the satellites, again, interfering… he also indicated they are hungry. He doesn't feel like a young whale to Joy… very slow, not at all like the "young" more upbeat whales and dolphins that Joy has connected with…
… but this is more or less the way that the right whales have been coming through to Joy… and they have previously also connected, asking for a lot more help.

Add here also, about the idea of the buoys recording the Right Whales' calls, and alerting ships so that they need to slow down to 1 knot (knott?) per hour… Way too slow, as this was actually causing more head injuries than before, since the whales would like to know "What do you need?" "Why are you stopping?" "Do you need us for your energy?" etc.

… and that Joy was doing her best to teach them, rather, about ships, and how to avoid them… and to understand better… (elaborate)… weren't sure about this date, as we hadn't made a record for it, but maybe Dec 15 or so… and elaborate, on the website where you can go to check (and hear the Right Whales' noises too)

12/19/2016      Dolphins     
Welcoming leaps
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Lately, almost every time Joy's group number 1 dolphins arrive at the beach when she's there, they come flying in with a grand entrance… which always brings a huge smile to Joy's heart!

As soon as they arrive and are close enough for Joy to connect to them, they begin leaping…
… but these are no ordinary leaps!

They make double- and triple-leaps, orchestrated by several dolphins at once, often side-by-side… or sometimes two dolphins side by side doing a double-leap, and another two dolphins side by side making a triple-leap, often within a few seconds of each other… It's really gorgeous!

They are amazing to Joy! (Often people comment on how many dolphins there are around… and how very unusual this is for this time of year, in Virginia Beach.)

12/21/2016      Dolphins     
Boats passing by
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Today, Joy's group number 6 dolphins were at the beach this morning when Joy was there. This group has only recently been coming to Joy's part of the beach.

This morning, there was a somewhat smaller-sized boat moving along the water, parallel to the shoreline.

Joy has developed a habit of letting the dolphins know, and showing them how far away from the land the boat is, what direction it's going in, and how fast it's going… although to her groups 1, 2 and 4, that's become old, and they no longer need the information. They've figured out how to stay out of harm's way.

This group, however, hadn't been around during the summer, when Joy had helped the other dolphins to learn how to stay out of the way of "boats"… and what boats are!

That was interesting to Joy… in other words, just because "some" have it, doesn't mean that they all know how to do it yet.

"The boat is just 'noise', and we don't know anything else yet," these dolphins share.
Joy translates that to what she learned earlier in the summer, that all they are aware of is that there is a big sound front.
"Can't you tell how fast it's going… or even which way?" she asked, but they said it was just "noise"… that's it.

So these group 6 dolphins, asked Joy for a few quick explanations. "Draw a picture in the sand, please," they said, teasing her that they had their "pads of paper ready to make notes"! ("These dolphins are amazing," says Joy. "They do enjoy making fun out of things… they make me smile all the time!")

So Joy drew in the sand.

She drew the water… and a BIG boat in the water, that goes down deeper in the water… and by comparison, a small boat, which is only just a very little bit below the water…

Then she showed them which way it moves, and where the sound is (as if she knows!!! She's just drawing pictures in the sand, but has no idea what it's really like under the water!)… but they are telling her they feel the vibrations in front of the boat through the water differently.

These dolphins tell her that "If it makes the boat scared of us, then we'll put on our angry faces…"

With this, they help Joy understand by showing her a very aggressive posture, and non-smiling "keep-away" faces.

What Joy understands is that they think the boat just goes past and that it didn't see them, because they put out their "stay away" energy… "and if the boat has passed us, we still show our faces, and it stays away."
… and then, if they think nobody is aware, they'll see the waves (the wake from the boat) and enjoy coming along a short way.

So Joy shows them that the boat doesn't have any idea at all…
"There are dolphins (people) up higher within the boat… and they may not see you at all." She draws where the dolphins (people) might be, way up high not even near the water.

On the way home, she stops at a bench, and touches it. It's solid, and it's man-made. The dolphins are learning… "So it's not even a part of nature," they say, becoming aware that boats must be the same thing… made by the dolphins (people).

The dolphins (and the whales as well), think that because the boat is moving, it must have a personality, and the thought that it is completely not aware of them at all is a really big eye-opener.

Joy can feel these dolphins relaxing, just by understanding this.

Just imagine that you lived in the ocean, and every boat that came through, you thought you needed to be fierce to protect your pod, that might take a lot of your time.

"There are many with kind hearts," the dolphins know…
"If the boat is slow, we go around it and ask 'are you seeing us?', and we think we feel your sunny smiles."
… meaning, that sometimes they're coming and are aware of nice things, and often those nicer things will be kayaks, or small boats with people … and they especially feel the soft energy of children, or younger people, if there are any on the boat… but they still think it's the boat that's responding.

Joy's other groups of dolphins say they thought the boat was alive. (Joy has had this conversation with the whales, about the boats not having any idea that they're there, and somehow, she had thought the dolphins knew this as well.)
However, they say "We have learned to check if people are there in the boat, and if it's a treat to see them, we go… and it's okay if it's just nobody."

Joy learned then, that her group 1, 3 and 4 dolphins used to do the "angry faces" as well to keep their pods safe from the boats, but they don't any more. Her group 2 dolphins, which are the really kind, soft dolphins, always made friends with the boats, and didn't show any worry… rather, they would go there asking "do you need us to be soft?"

Recently, the group 2 dolphins are asking about the babies and the children… "Are there children on the boat?", and if so, they might see them… and otherwise, they still ask the boats, "Do you need us?" even though Joy says they're not aware.

12/21/2016      Dolphins     
Dolphin bedrooms…
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Joy was at the beach late in the evening… the stars were out, and there were lights moving along the ocean at various speeds… indicating boats of many different shapes and sizes making their nighttime journeys.

(They say, "Joy has been putting the dolphins to sleep every time she's there…")

You'll remember some of the earlier dolphin journal entries, where the dolphins are learning about naps for their younger ones, and how that allows them to be happier all day long. Some of the groups have been having naps.

Often, Joy asks the dolphins about sleep…
Do you sleep? How long do you slee? Are you aware that you're sleeping?

You see, dolphins to date have always slept with half of their brain… one eye closes, and half of the brain goes to sleep, while the other eye remained wide open, and continuing on with life (because they needed to keep coming up for air, and stay aware in case of predators, etc.)

Mostly, they tell her they average around 3 or so hours of sleep, usually very late in the night. Sometimes it's much less, only 2 hours...

But lately, they've been interested in sleeping.

The new "float" and "relax" techniques mean that they can go longer times…
Some of the groups are indicating they might sleep for 4 or more hours these days…
The young ones and the females seem to be getting the hang of sometimes "leaving waking consciousness",
(the males are resting, and accommodating the request to lowere their frequencies, so they're relaxing better, but still remaining "aware" … but not necessarily "alert" these days… as long as they have two or so posted males guarding the group)

Anyway, so Joy sat under the stars, and was asking how the dolphins were doing with sleep.

Continue on here… thoughts about people going to bed… having a bedroom, a bed, blankets that they pull up around themselves…

The dolphins were aware of this, and seeing the ideas. "What a comfortable thing," is the thought.

"Yet it's okay for you to be anywhere in the water," says Joy. "You may be in a different place each night…"
… but the dolphins show her they like a nice place again and again, and that if they might know such a place, where it's very quiet, they could be there.

They would like to be safe, they say.

"The boats cross our spaces," they show Joy.

Joy says, "Think about it from a dolphin's point of view: They must stay aware enough to keep out of the way of the boats… and the ocean isn't like roads, so the boat could be anywhere, especially the little ones. There is no 'private space' for them in the ocean… nowhere they can go where there is a 'Private Property' sign… If they're sleeping somewhere, and a boat happens to come through that space, they need to stay out of the way. In some quieter, more isolated places, that might be okay, but we're along the very populated east coast here, and there are never 'no boats', unless perhaps it's during a storm. Even all night long, the boats are moving."

Joy was thinking about it from a standpoint of private space. If you have a home, and a bedroom, you can sleep in your bed, and be fast asleep all night long, without worrying that a big truck will come driving through your bedroom in the middle of the night… let alone many trucks over the course of the night!

The dolphins are agreeing with Joy… "We see what you think, and it's right… and, we need PEACE, they said."

"The noise. It's not easy to pass through a place that the boats are going through," and Joy can feel their stress. They have no way to avoid this.

Joy pictures a home near a train track, where the trains might come during the night, where the noise and vibrations can be cause stress, even if you might learn to ignore the noise and sleep through… but the dolphins say it's much noisier than being near a train track… it's more like being right beside an airport.

They really enjoy the idea of having a peaceful place to rest, no matter which part of the ocean they choose (and keep in mind that they need to be relatively close to land, where the boats are going constantly).

All of this was a new thought for Joy… no longer just a picture of happy dolphins closing their eyes for "a few winks" during the night… but a thought that they have no way of finding peace, or privacy… something that people just take for granted here in North America.

The dolphins end with the idea, "We would enjoy peace, and we would LOVE bedrooms too!"

12/22/2016      Dolphins     
Facial expressions?
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

The journal entry about boats passing by (12/21/2016), made mention of the dolphins "putting on angry faces" to keep away the boats.

This raises another interesing point. In the Ocean Giants movie, there is a place where the narrator keeps saying that dolphins don't have facial expressions, so they mustn't be able to tell how the other dolphins are responding to them.

As Joy watched it, however, the dolphins kept being upset by that idea.
"We DO have facial expressions!", they say, very emphatically.

They show Joy something around the temple area, where they show what they experiencing…

When they put on their "angry faces", they expect that everyone knows it!

12/23/2016      Dolphins     
Tails again!
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Today, my group number 3 dolphins came to visit while I was at the beach.

The young one, Swirly, who is one who often helps me to "draw" (especially dolphin and whale shapes), brought some happy energy along with him…

As usual, there was lots of splashing, and a leap or two…

… but Swirly had a "tail move" he wanted to try out… This was a "sequence" he made, where he waved his tail high in the air, straight up, then next, almost tipping it over, and then… all the way over at the end. Wow!

I am always so delighted when the dolphins do their wonderful sequences, display amazing affection, they say, for me. Wow!

You know, they actually LOVE it when I clap enthusiastically when they're doing their displays, each time they do something "wow"!

It was really delightful, as all along my walk on the beach today, the dolphins were playing!

12/23/2016      Whales      Hungry Gray Whales
More gray whales…
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

As Joy checked with her gray whales today, they showed her they were ending up not being able to see the newer types of food again.

Apparently, all the "singing" (from Handel's Messiah… these lovely whales singing along with Joy as she exhuberantly had been singing on the beach, with the whales energy nearby)… had ended up in more gray whales showing up (initially because they thought they were being asked to show up for mating, but the whales began sorting out the pieces of their puzzles and understood that it didn't need to necessarily be about mating.)

Anyway, the way it's presented to Joy, is that there are more gray whales around the group of Joy's gray whales, and they aren't happy yet like Joy's whales, because they are also grieving all of their mates who have left far too soon, because they couldn't make it, because they weren't well, because they haven't had enough food.

These other whales are not eating, not knowing how to be okay yet… and if they're eating, they're using the now-outdated digging in the sand way.

… and so Joy's beautiful gray whales are letting her know that all the gray whales need help… help to release their sadness, help to digest again, help to rearrange their bodies to get the nutrients that will help them… and help to leave behind the patterns of digging deep into the mud to get to the food there, as that brings with it the mud and silt into the intestines, which damages the intestines.

Joy's gray whales are having difficulty holding their own space and being able to follow the new ideas, when they are near other whales who are so sad…

It's hard for Joy to conceive how, having learned something new that's happy and helpful, how that can be impacted simply by sadness around them, but that seems to be the case here.

Joy agrees to help these new whales. She can connect with them as well.

As she connects, she feels how very heavy and sad they are. She remembers how her already-friends gray whales felt the same way when they first connected with her… but it's easy to forget just how very sad that feels, when there has been such an improvement.

She also is aware how these new whales are not able to move their swallowing muscles…

"Let's start you off with some shrimp then…" she says…
… but they come back saying "how about some tail wiggling instead… more joy and allowing ourselves to move again would help everything to begin going the right way."

That means breathing… and beginning to trust that they might be okay.

Actually, Joy could feel the biggest change in ther energy the moment she gave them the ideas and the understanding that all the whales are much better off again… that in our culture, everyone is doing their best to hold the whales in a better place, by no longer hunting them… by providing information about them and all of their type (the gray whales)… and that there are even conservation groups focused on "just helping whales."

She feels them taking breaths of relief: "We can smile again. We may begin coming back to who we were!" It feels really hopeful… wonderful… like despair just falling away…

They will need some help to learn what Joy's group of gray whales has already learned, so that they might become healthy again… and happy. They ask if they might keep connecting with Joy, as that's the way they know they can go, and it's Joy's big happiness to see that they might teach her some new things as well.

Joy's answer is the same it always is… she is so very happy to help them, although she knows it's a big commitment as well. The time it takes is time that is not easily available in Joy's life, so she asks everyone's patience… and says that a few extra resources would go a really long way!

12/29/2016      Dolphins     
Rainbows, clouds, and rain
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

...Sunshine in part of the sky, with big dark clouds moving in…

… then came some a big downpour…

… Joy was leaving to go home to get dry and warm again, but the rain stopped quickly, so she went back to the beach

… there was a little bit of a rainbow

Joy asked the dolphins if they could see such a thing.
(She is learning that the younger ones may see some things that the older ones don't… the older dolphins tend to see "patterns"… whereas the very youngest dolphins still use their eyes in a way like adult people do, and they see more of the physical things … see the journal note about the mirrors to get an intro about the "patterns")

At first, they couldn't. They said they saw the pink clouds on the opposite side of the sky, but they didn't see the bit of rainbow. Joy pointed it out again… the red… orange… yellow… and a bit of green.

Suddenly one of the young dolphins of Joy's group 1 could see it! He was happy to be able to see it as well.

They don't see many in our space (Virginia Beach), but it seems that "back home" (Nova Scotia, Canada), they can see them. Maybe there are more there, or maybe they're more pronounced there? Or maybe the dolphins are more at home there, and notice things more? (the latter)
(There may be more rainbows there, because of the weather)

This rainbow was just the tail end of one of them, but the dolphins asked Joy whether she meant "the arc" that was light… They're aware that sometimes there are many colors, and it's nice (patterns, not the physical… more like a color around someone or something), but not like people see.

However, Joy's other groups of dolphins don't connect with rainbows… so it isn't just that these dolphins are more aware of them because they're closer to home…

They wanted to see if they could understand why… "Why are there rainbows?"

Joy spoiled it for them, by giving them a quick introduction about prisms, and the light spectrum, and the light refracting into it's many visible colors that we can see.
The dolphins see something different, they say.
The young ones see what people see (as best as Joy can tell)… while the others (like 4 months and up) see a clear piece of something… (in an arc). They don't see the refraction. It's our eyes that do the calculations, apparently.

Back at home (Joy being back at home, that is), they loved the rainbow pictures in the Wikipedia rainbow page (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rainbow), especially the first one.

Somehow, with Joy scanning the pictures with her hands, they "see" the photo, and they had a really soft and lovely "Wow!" reaction… and they agreed, "Like that! (back home)".
Not over the ocean, but around some rocks. Maybe the rocks and such cause them more, because it's not all just "flat" like near the beach.
"Like that!" meaning like a BIG great heaven… the roundness (the arc). They also must see "more" than people do, because for them, the rainbow is much more deep, on the violet side… (and Joy knows they are aware that they are seeing different things than we do… from what she can tell, the colors would extend beyond the human visible spectrum, and given enough time, people might see more as well.)

Under the "Explanation" heading in Wikipedia, under "Mathematical derivation", there was a diagram indicating the mathematical derivation, complete with formulas and angles drawn in, which they (almost all of them!) got excited about, because they know NOW what they need to "adjust" within the body to refract their own light, to see more different variations of light.

What Joy understands is that another time, more of the dolphins will know that there is more to see, and they'll begin putting together a different perspective, and that sometime over the next few generations, there may be new sight (which includes "rainbows and such").

To put it a little bit differently, Joy understands from this experience that humans have developed the ability to see more color… and rainbows… within the genes. Once someone "gets" something, their genes shift to accommodate, and it can begin to be passed on, and can grow into "all humans seeing the same thing".

Evolution, because we enjoyed.

So the dolphins are asking Joy to bring them a dolphin-version of a gene ("a very different gene than people have", apparently), asking her for the "bringing of rainbows to us".

(They know it's there, because they've had many various "updates" from Joy… and all they need is for a "gene pattern" from Joy to get the update.)

By the way, the females were the ones wanting to see the rainbows… their mates were busy seeing if "it's okay" … they may veto it. (Joy says, "Uh-oh, here we go… the females are saying "no way… just because you think we might need our non-color sight, you don't see this as something beautiful?" Then they all laugh together. "It's nice, and we'll find it." )

They've done this part with Joy before too… "What happens when…?" … "What is the next thing that comes up, and how will that affect our dolphins in the present, and also for the future?"
Like when they were first updating the first configuration for "floating" to possibly help them through a storm, it wasn't correct initially… when Joy "connected with the results", she found that long-term, this could damage the carbon dioxide balance, which would affect other things, and significantly shorten their lifespan… so they found the next "work-around".

"So what happens if dolphins see?" is the question.
We'll have to see… (no pun intended).

There was more…
After the rainbows, the question came about the rain… and where does the rain come from?

"It comes from the clouds…"

But they don't understand what clouds are. All they see is that "the light isn't around".

"They look tired, and not kind," say the dolphins. They think the clouds are dense, like something you could hold.

Joy tries showing them "ideas" of the clouds being, like "not there"… like you could "walk through it"…

"Yes, but how?"

Put yourself in Joy's shoes for just a moment… How can you explain "water vapor" to a dolphin?

They know that fog is unusual, but they didn't know what, or why it's weird. Joy explained that clouds are like very fine water droplets just hanging in the air, but very easy to move in. She thinks about a kettle boiling, and the steam that's there, and how people can see and feel the steam from the boiling water, and understand… but try bringing a dolphin home into your kitchen!!! Not going to work… "Okay… How do I explain this?"

By the way, things are easy to explain when she's at home, and can look something up on the computer. The explanations are scientific, and they seem to be able to understand those… but there are also "soft" versions of things, like "what does a cloud feel like?"… with the image of an airplane flying through the clouds, where it's all foggy and dingy, but it's just "mist", and then you get through to the other side of the clouds, and the sun is so bright…

… but standing on the beach trying to explain something without the computer is where all the fun is.
It's learning what the dolphins world must be like… how they respond to the environment…
… and the dolphins add, here, "… and how frail things are when you have only ideas, but no real way of connecting to "reality".
Joy pictured a "tall hill" (she called it a mountain), trying to show the idea that you could walk so high up a mountain until you were up in the clouds, because the top of the mountain was so big.

Even though they know the smooth ocean floor has valleys, and shoreline, they needed the idea of "up and down" within the outside land (where people are), because they don't see it, and because Joy hasn't shown them anything different so far.

But thanks again to the computers, Joy was able to help them see hills and valleys and landscapes, and they were amazed. Washington State… the breathing… fresh air, with the big climate changes (more seasons and bigger variations). They're so aware that the energy is something so soft there…  They come through Joy with huge energy that feels so "wow!" ... the joy… the beauty, "of something so kind" they say… the valleys… Where is that?  

… just another quick note… it's about "understanding"… like avoiding being out of the water when it's more cloudy, or raining, and staying hidden much of the time…
… but as they are learning new techniques for floating and are breathing deeply as well now, they "see"… they are spending much more time near the top of the water, and it's easy to see the sky more times.
(They like the sky, and the sunshine, "but why the rain?" The sad days… the "heavy" weather (they feel it, something like the "low pressure" that comes with the rain.)

… anyway, floating more often is bringing a change in so many other things, like being more accepting of "red sky" (like "red sky at night, sailor's delight" … "that's a new thing". There are so many things.)

12/30/2016      Whales      Humpback Whales
"That Man!"… again! (Virginia Beach Humpback Whales)
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

There was a Virginia Beach news story about a guided whale sightseeing tour, about a humpback whale who breached 5 times within 2 minutes, on December 26.

Today, Joy went to check it out… and watched the video that had filmed 3 of the breaches.

As Joy watched the video, the humpback whale connected with her, as sometimes happens… but this was much more likely because the whale was in the vicinity.

The whale wanted to know HOW it was "being there", meaning, somewhere that Joy … and everyone else … might see it (the video).

At first, it was a little bit upset, and of course, disoriented as well.
("How can I be there, doing that, when I'm here, doing this today, please?")

"This is," they see.

As Joy writes her notes, they see. They experience the "capture" energy (vide), and they see it's being soft… that others will remember… and they enjoy it.

At the time though, it was a different story.

As usual, with the dolphins at least, the whales were aware of only the one… i.e., one boat.
This whale believes (for the time being), that it's the boat that is the thing they need to connect with. "It must be," the whale believes, "because it moves."
(To translate, the boat self-propels, as far as the whale can see, so the boat must be sentient.)

Joy tries to explain that the boat is actually an "inanimate object".

She pulls up pictures of people on a boat, whale watching, near Virginia Beach. She outlines the boat, and the shape of the boat in the water, and she shows that the boat is "man-made", that it is made out of materials. The whales feel the shape and hardness of Joy's desk and other things around her, through Joy's hands, and they are accepting. It's solid, and not alive. The whale wants Joy to reach out and touch many things around her, understanding now that ______________.
(Joy would like to note that this was a rather interesting reaction.)

Joy then shows them "the people" in picture, crowded around on the deck.

The whale starts to understand. "That's what this is…"

This picture happens to have a huge whale tail right in front of everyone, and the whale understands. It (the tail… and the whale) is BIG, and the boat is big… "so I see only the boat."

When the whale learns that this boat makes trips expressly for the purpose of finding whales for tourists, it begins to smile… and the big stress that Joy has been feeling that is the whale's concern, just fades.

Moreover, once the whale learns that people even pay money to go and see them, the pride jumps in! She (the whale) shows the body language of the chest swelling out, and the fingers rubbing on the chest to show "how amazing am I"… as in, "I can be proud."

This is a revelation. Like almost all of the whales that Joy has connected with, they believe they are being coralled, and are still cautious. They are so delighted to learn that they are safe, and more than safe… even protected, and loved.

Joy asks why they breach, when the boat is there.

"What are you wanting?" the whale is asking the boat, as it begins spiraling and breaching.

The whale expresses that there is something calling, as if they might feel the energy of the people who want to experience them, and they want to see "what" is there, and see if it means anything…

They can't figure out what it means, though.
 "Why is it booming out?" (The whale means "the voice,")
"What does it want?"
You've heard this story before… with the dolphins. (See dolphin journal entry 9/10/2016).

In the dolphins words, it was,
"THAT man!"
… and Joy asked "That man? What's wrong with that man?"
"That man!" they repeated… "He's terrible! His voice is so BIG!" (They meant it was really loud.)
This whale had the same response…
"THAT man!" says the whale.

By this time, Joy is laughing, and some of the dolphins are participating in the discussion, and they are all laughing… and now the whale is laughing as well.

12/31/2016      Dolphins     
Lost little dolphins… and lots of fish now, please
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

(group 1, 2014 so 2 1/2 year old, male)

… this is just a note to show that little dolphins may get lost sometimes now, but they're just fine.
This little one was lost for a day, and thought that it would be connected with the group soon.

(The group 1 dolphins asked if Joy was there, and she wasn't so they didn't reach out to see if they were all together… or whether they needed to rescue any of their group, until Joy asked today. They think Joy should ask them more often, so they'll allow her to see them. (They hid today.))

It's the floating… they're okay… they know they will be found again…

… they just bide their time, and look up and see the sky, and connect to play… they may even jump a little bit…

They'll have many tales to tell.

They're not (really) afraid, because it's safe. They don't need to see, like when before they learned to float, it was difficult, to go down underneath the pressure, and it is ugly there, so mean, so… the energy isn't fun. They don't like that… but they had to before.

"This is easy."

They smile and can be okay, for a long time. Birds? Fish? No big deal… what's down there? No knowing, but it's fine.

Food… well… maybe I'm a hungry one when they get me again.

Joy asks about food… and the dolphins tease her…

They have learned something since Joy is nearby. The splashing is easy, and they see that little fish may come to see what it is, and then the little fish see the dolphins, and they say "why don't you need us?"… and the little dolphins say "Please, I'm not sure if you're okay for us… I need my mother."

But the older dolphins know that it's fine to attract the fish by splashing, and not so easy to not enjoy them if they come to the surface.

They're laughing…
They've learned that the whales splash, and where the whales are being, the jumping is bringing fish.
… and they can learn that.

(i.e., more fish easily for a while, but they didn't connect the energy… They've gone off to look for fish, but now they've learned that if they splash a lot, or land with a breach, there will be fish. … and the young ones don't yet know what's okay, so they don't eat fish on their own.)

12/31/2016      Whales      Bottlenose Whales
"Can you see us?"
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

… asks the young bottlenose whale named Champion.

… out to near the bay-bridge tunnel, where the tourboat probably was a few days ago when the humpback whale breached 5 times within 2 minutes…
(see the Dec 30 Journal entry)

When Joy checked on the map this morning before heading to beach, the lovely young male whale, Champion, was happy to show Joy that he is out near the bay-bridge tunnel, somewhere near where the humpback whale was seen breaching 5 times in a row just a few days ago.

… this time, he's no longer hiding

He is thinking that the tourboat may go there again, and he'll be visible...

He WANTS to be seen by the tourboat, so that EVERYONE will know that there are OTHER whales in the area, and that Joy IS talking with the whales!

12/31/2016      Whales      Hungry Gray Whales
Gray whales make their way towards the mainland
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

The gray whales have been hanging out around the area of Ikatan, Alaska, for a very long time now.

However, they've been showing Joy that they intend to continue along on their way back towards the main part of the continent soon.

For the past few days, they're more around the areas of Perryville and Chignik… just a little bit farther east. They would love to be around the place where Joy will be staying after she has first moved, in April, and that's close to the Strait of Juan de Fuca, between Canada and the United States.

They (the gray whales) are fine. They are talking more… not with anyone in particular, and not even with each other… just beginning to call.

The fish are seeing them, and ask whether they are being consumed… ("Do you need us?")  (re-frame this to be understandable)

The digestion is still a bit "off" but they're adjusting it slowly, whenever Joy has a chance to ask them about it. (Like now.)

What are they eating? Mostly fish.

"Wow!" says Joy. "That's new."
They contribute "That's nice."

01/02/2017      Dolphins     
… and the fog…
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

The dolphins being much more aware of clouds, but not yet comprehending that all clouds are similar (the clouds the other day were heavy, completely blocking the sun…)

"Those wispy white things must be something else"

… and not yet understanding fog. (Fog is a cloud that is low to the ground)

… looking up "fog" in wikipedia…
"Fog consists of visible cloud water droplets or ice crystals suspended in the air at or near the Earth's surface. Fog can be considered a type of low-lying cloud…"

Finding a photo of a community in the fog, with a mountain in the background, where the top of the mountain was above the clouds…

From this, the dolphins expressing great relief.

Re-word… the following paragraph

I hadn't been aware, but the dolphins' thoughts about heavy cloud cover were very similar to that of storms… "Someone must be very upset. It doesn't feel comfortable." (The low pressure system, that often is around at the time.) "Where can we go where everything is okay?"…

It was more the dolphins just deciding to stay around, and play… and it's okay to be seen…

Life becomes much more simple…

Before, they had to go here, and there, and check somewhere else, to see where it was okay… and it was soft but heavy weather. (Not happy.)

01/02/2017      Dolphins     
"You mean I made this?"
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

New understanding: Sperm plus egg makes new life… inside the dolphin's abdomen (okay, uterus)

A few days ago (Dec 31), Joy was reading in the book "What's in your genes", from times bygone, before people had their current-day understandings, that
"… they thought that having sex with multiple men during pregnancy would give the baby a mix of traits from each of them, as if all their good qualities were blending together. To give their babeis the best of all worlds, women would have sex with as many men as possible to give the child all their best characteristics."
"Ahhh…" say the dolphins… "we believed that!... well, up until that lively sexual discussion we had a few months ago" (see journal entry ___________ , where more dolphins leapt and jumped and played to express their energy, than during any other discussion up until that time)

So that explains why their mating included so many of the male dolphins, starting with the "one at the top". "We want his genes, please," (that's their translation now… they didn't understand genes at the time of the discussion!)

At the time, Joy drew a quick overview for the dolphins, of what happens at the level of the body, when there is mating… She drew the egg cell, and all the little sperm cells racing to make it to the egg, to "win". "First one in is it. That's it. It's done. The egg is fertilized."

She showed how the cell divides into two cells, and each of those two divide in two, so then there's four, and how that's the beginning of the baby… and how the baby has one set of genes from the female dolphin (from the egg), and another set of genes from the male dolphin… and together, that makes a full complement of DNA… and how those cells keep on dividing, and learn to become various body organs, limbs, etc., until at the end, lo and behold, there is a fully formed baby dolphin!

…"and I made this!" exclaims one of the female dolphins. "Wow! I made a miracle. Joy keeps saying that, and I'm learning."

Later, Joy was standing on the beach, talking with the dolphins, as is often the case… and she was asking them whether any of the females were aware at this time, whether they had young ones developing inside them. The response was "no, we don't know."

Joy has asked this before, and has been surprised. Surely, they must be aware of something… Human women experience all kinds of changes.

Joy asked if they were aware of any "patterns", as they call them, which Joy has learned recently that they "see patterns", and only the very young seem to see with their physical eyes.
(Discussion for another day… patterns are not auras, or anything that Joy can find a frame of reference for, that other people can "see".)

Might there be a pattern indicating that there is a young one developing inside, asks Joy, thinking that maybe there's something they might see, that they haven't been aware of.

They look around, and again, respond with "no".

One little dolphin pipes up and says "I can see… I know that one and that one are maybe going to be mothers!"

Joy laughs… it really is a little one… This dolphin has Joy reach out and make a soft, slightly larger shape over the lower abdomen, so Joy understands that she sees a swelling there, which the other dolphins don't see. (They're looking for their "patterns" and still not seeing the physical! (See the mirror journal entry, __________.)

The rest of the dolphin ladies are laughing now. "We didn't know," they say.

They loved the idea that women (humans) know already, and take great care during their pregnancies.

They quickly grasp the very big benefits of "exercise, rest, sleep, and food, and trying to stay healthy and happy."

They also were intrigued that women go for regular checkups during their pregnancies.
They tell Joy, though, "There's one of us who is already a midwife," they say, who is ready to be there, and see this, now that we see it's nice."

01/03/2017      Dolphins     
Time for young dolphins to play… and mothers earn recognition!
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Joy has felt a lot of "happiness" with the dolphins lately, and so she asked whether with all the new things, is life any different for the dolphins?

The floating… the understanding that storms are simply a "rebalancing of nature"… no longer trying to run away from the clouds… being able to splash and play on cloudy days, and even in the rain…

The young dolphins, at least, are enjoying life.

They have time… and fun… they sing, and say they "don't need to stay so very solemn."

… so that was their response. They are enjoying life.

However, Joy asked if that was true for ALL of the dolphins, and got a very mixed response.

It seems that those who are around 13 years and older, begin to feel "worn out", and although life is simpler, with less time spent trying to simply survive, they weren't feeling happy. This was especially true of some of the women, and the older one even more so.

… related to the number of children…
… and nobody asks "Are you okay?"

They would like to be seen as an individual, and in the group environment of dolphins, that hasn't been the norm… yet… until now.

Jewels… one of the older females, who had the distinction of being one of the very first who got the "tail fix" back around the time of the hurricanes in the fall (2016).

… appreciation… value within the group…

New understandings from the recent conversations about how the babies develop inside the dolphin mother's uterus (1/2/2017), and that this takes "resources".

Now that they understand that it's actually a miracle that the mother takes a long time to develop a baby inside of her, they would like to be seen as new members of their group. They are "stars".

"We mean something! We make you, and all of us! It's a big job, and it's worth something."

Joy says, "Can you feel the amazement of these lovely females, who had no idea of the role that they had?"

You can read between the lines there, as "under-valued, big-time!"  

The babies are important, but the mothers have not been… unless they are in the process of giving birth.

So now you have some of the older female dolphins, who by the age of 13, might already have had 4 children or more of their own. By this time, they're not having fun any more. The lovely enthusiasm of youth has dwindled. Then you get some of the even older ones, like Jewels, who is probably around 25 years old, who has had 8 children (we believe), and she's worn out!

So is she finding life more comfortable?
Yes, but… "What is it for? I'm not useful!"

So Joy spent some time drawing a quick little impromptu family tree for Jewels.
8 children. Wow! "That's all YOUR DNA out there!" says Joy. "You contributed THIS to the group. You made these dolphins."
(Joy notes that as the young dolphins get older, they are no longer connecting with their mother. They don't seem to share any kind of recognition, let alone, a special relationship.)

Next, there are many of Jewel's children who also have their own children… and many of those are added to the diagram.
"You're a grandmother!" says Joy.

There's a very sweet little baby girl dolphin, who is a big favorite with Jewels and almost all of the other dolphins. (Think of these very young ones as having learned to be precocious lately… they're making pretty little smiles, and smiling their way into everyone's hearts, and it's so sweet, and they are no longer "looking down and hiding".
This one says "can you do this?... Can you wobble your tail a little bit like I do?"

Jewels connects with the energy of what modern-day grandparents are to their grandchildren, for people. It's a beautiful thing… Grandparents stay around… they play with the children, they don't have the responsibility of teaching them all the important things, and they are often so loved by the grandchildren.

There is a moment when the entire energy shifts. Jewels straightens up, and there is happiness, along with more dignity. It's a really precious moment!

There are also great grand-children, and that's even more of a privilege, for here are yet more children that came.

Jewels is only the first to know how very soft this is. Somehow, knowing "her own DNA", i.e., keeping track of your children, and your grandchildren, is very helpful, and actually makes for a more resilient physical. Jewels is almost radiant.

These female dolphin mothers, haven't felt like they had any stories to tell. Joy tells them to start telling their stories… even if it's only "These children are mine!"

She's expecting that in years to come, they'll all have more memories to share… they'll maybe start expecting that they have something interesting to tell.
"I was the one who first had the tail-fix!" says Jewels, "so that I might survive the biggest storm I can remember!"

"We were the ones who first learned how babies are developing inside the female, and that it takes our resources," say some of the others. They will be the ones who begin going a whole new way.
Joy wishes she could share how proud they are, and how much new confidence this gives them.
Maybe you can imagine it.

01/03/2017      Whales      Lost Bottlenose Whales
Baby development classes 101
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

(They originally titled this journal entry "We were making babies the wrong way too")

As Joy was making her little impromptu diagrams showing how a young baby can be grown from a single egg cell with one single sperm cell, for the dolphins, her bottlenose whales were also aware of the diagram. (see dolphins, journal entry for 1/2/2017)

They wanted more information…

It seems that neither the whales nor the dolphins have been aware of the hugely critical and important role that the females play.

They know babies are there, and they connect with the mating, and that without it, there are no babies, but they were also fascinated by the journey of just exactly what it takes, and how it only needs one sperm cell.

"That changes everything."

(Joy figures we'll be having more discussions soon)

01/03/2017      Whales      East Coast Right Whales
Finally… catching up with the Right whales
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Dancing on the beach, with the dolphins…

"Dance, baby, dance…"

The dolphins are joyful, they're dancing, and Joy feels them as fun and happy.

(She connects with the humpback whale she's recently connected with, a female, see journal entry ________, and that one feels all upbeat, and easygoing, easily finding the movement, and feeling nice. So far, the humpback whales that Joy has connected with always feel okay… they come through with smiles.)

She remembers to connect with the Right whale, who asked to connect a while ago, and who also joined in for the singing of Handel's Messiah (see dolphin journal for 12/18/2016)

This whale also comes through, but he feels so sad, just like last time. Slow as well…

When Joy had initially watched the movie about the whales back in September, the Right whales had been one of the groups who connected with her, and asked for her help as well. (Joy has been doing her best to get each of the whale groups up-to-speed better, beginning with first the lost bottlenose whales, and the gray whales, and also learning more about them in the meantime.)

Now, she can finally connect with the Right whales, and just like with the gray whales, it feels really heavy to her.

Joy asks if she might connect with one of the females, or even a young one, since she's looking for a "way in" to be able to help, and "heavy" is really difficult.

This male right whale accedes, although, as Joy has already learned, it's correctly the role of the males to have ALL contact with others.

The female whale is easier for Joy. She feels a lot more soft… it's probably "the female connection", and it seems to be that females, in general (at least in Joy's experience so far, especially with the dolphins and many of the whales), that females are happier in general.

Some of these answers come from the male, and some from the female, and some from another baby whale.

(Also, when Joy initially watched the movie (New Dimensions), the Right whales that connected let her know that the "callosities", as they are called, which are ____________, and seem to be one of the ______, are not actually natural, and they haven't always been there; it's just a sign of other things in their bodies not functioning at maximum levels, as they were before.)

These are just a few outline notes, to connect with more, another time.

They are hungry.

The changes seem to be biggest beginning around 1969, which is around 47 years ago.
However, to add a few more details here, in the 1940's, they were well, and easy to see.
By the 1960's, even early, they were not"easy to see", meaning they hid more, and weren't coming to the surface to breathe as much as they would have been earlier.

The biggest change seems to be, like with many of the other groups of whales, that our satellites are interfering with their navigation, and these right whales also include, with their natural rhythms.

These whales indicate that they don't know where to go, where to be, how to respond, and they are agitated almost all the time, and feel overwhelmed.

Their digestion doesn't work well. It won't digest anything, for some of them, although that seems to be primarily the east coast right whales.

Joy checks if they are swallowing, and that part seems to work, but something is coming up near the throat area… it's not the swallowing, and it's not the thyroid (that may come up later in another layer, though); at the moment, it's the parathyroid glands.

Not enough calcium… their bodies don't regulate it properly.

Another factor here seems to be the global warming, as that can affect how many minerals are coming back into the ocean. (For the west coast, the freezing and melting cycles end up bringing magnesium through the streams and rivers that carry the melt-off, bringing it to the ocean, but this is very different than that.)

Pollution is taking its toll as well. Too many chemicals around. "They are toxic."
(The east coast ocean, the Atlantic, isn't as polluted as the California Pacific ocean, yet, there are many toxins here that are widely varied, so a different form of pollution then.)

Oil spills, possibly… then some other toxins.

Low white blood cell counts as well.


The immune system is probably the highest priority, as it impacts everything else.

And last of all, the little whale, a very young female (born 2015), loves to connect just as Joy was leaving the beach, and show her that the endocrine hormones related to the gonads are also not where they need to be… slightly lower levels than average.
(Joy has become aware that the healthier the estrogen, progesterone, testosterone levels, etc., the more vibrant an individual's health has the ability to be.)

Great observation, little one! (the very young whale)
As Joy connects with those organs, the flow of oxygen connects there, and it feels better (this is in the young female whale, but the initial changes are often easy for the young ones to get, and the others will get them from the young one.)

Joy will do her best to help these whales to "smile" often, as that seems to bring the immune system into a rhythm that the whales will begin to see.
(thymus gland as well)

(They also seem to be losing some of theirs with illness… due to their run-down status.)

They have been trying very hard to pro-create, to try to ensure the continuation of the species, but it would appear that it's actually having the opposite effect, and it's all related to the same information that the dolphins and other whale groups are learning to go to…
"How young are your mothers?"
Sexually "mature" at age 9 or 10, but they're so similar to humans, and even the whale year to human year is the same ratio… They probably haven't finished growing until age 20, just like young women, and maturity-wise, haven't had a chance to become "who they are"… so generations of young, young, young mothers makes for frail babies.
These are THEIR awarenesses, and they show understanding.

Joy's initial request was "Please stop trying so hard!"
When the need for "survival" starts diminishing, there is more "flourishing", and Joy's dolphins are all experiencing this as well, even though it's brand new information for them!

Just another note, from the listenforwhales.org website:  "In 1935 they received international protection, but in the following 70 years their numbers have failed to bounce back the way some other whale species have." — this is because they are not happy, and not okay…

And one more really BIG note:
The dolphins were nearby today as Joy was at the beach. They always express energy, and when Joy began talking with the Right whales today, and began reaching into their various puzzle pieces, the dolphins jumped, and splashed, and showed their "whale tails" very nicely, for a very long time… and they indicated it was an expression of the energy. "It's needed." (talking with the right whales).

Also, like almost all of the other whales, they don't realize yet that they are "safe"
(ran out of space. Make 2 journal entries for this)

01/04/2017      Whales      East Coast Right Whales
"Well let them stop having babies then"
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

The right whales were completely in agreement after our conversation yesterday, that having fewer babies, and allowing the female whales to grow up a lot more first, was the right way to go.

Today, Joy was surprised when the converstaion went to the many … ?
(there were discrepancies)

Anxiety was coming up as a really big stressor for these whales… they don't know which way to go… (to turn)… what to do next, where they are, and they've lost their natural rhythms
(*** check on yesterday's notes to see whether we already elaborated on this)

The whales, especially the males, said they were needing the "with female" time because it was a release for their anxiety.

Joy was surprised, because she thought the whales had been agreeing, just the day before, that having fewer babies was correct, and that they would begin going down that road.

But as she tried imagining what it was like to see it from the whales' perspective, they were agreeing with the idea, but still including just as much "with female" time.

When Joy asked again about fewer babies, the right whales simply said "Well let them stop having babies then!"

This was almost immediately followed by "And WHY do they keep having babies?"

You've guessed by now that this was a male whale conversing with Joy!
(.…. Continue writing here)

01/05/2017      Whales      Humpback Whales
Young female humpback whales ask for "new ways" please
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

(create a storyline for humpback whales, and also tag the other previous entry with the new storyline)

Every time Joy connects with any humpback whales, they are happy! They come through dancing, and happy, and it always feels nice for Joy!

On this day, Joy commented about it, asking if they were always that happy.

The answer was a "Yes.….….…. And not quite. See here, when we are near 9 years old, for several years, it's sad."

"We want your assistance, please," they said.

This was the females… related to "protecting the young, including the females".
"The female dolphins are radiating this," they said.

… (continue writing) … about more males not accepting this… unless it's okay to see new things… (more recognizing the females)

(check, I may have put this in much earlier… but if not, write it here. This was a late-evening, out-under-the-stars conversation)

01/12/2017      Dolphins     
Smart and kind provider dolphins… different diet?
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

… about mother's milk

(I understood that it's "an honor" for the mother when the provider dolphin requests milk)

(It's about diet, and nutrients, and more brain building nutrients… and about the hormones in mother's milk, which includes "soft" energy)

… it's why the provider dolphins have an advantage, and are able to be considerate, and to interface more between the males and the females of the pod

(so much more to write here!)

01/12/2017      Whales      East Coast Right Whales
Are you alive?
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

… this was about the electrical circuits in Joy's car.

Joy had just arrived home from her errands, and was still sitting in her car. It was already dark outside. Joy was connecting with the whales, as she wanted to quickly use "her car" as an example for the right whales, to indicate "inanimate object".

She was touching the car around her, and saying it wasn't sentient… but the engine was still running, and the windows could be rolled up or down using the electrical circuits of the car.

The whales used Joy's hands to touch the knobs and the lit-up switches and displays, and there were disagreeing with her (very kindly, of course).
"This is life."

So Joy understood that where there is electricity flowing, the whales think something is alive.

Joy isn't sure about the practical aspects of the big ships, and whether there are actually any measurable currents flowing through the boat's underside, but the whales agree, there IS something there.

So Joy turned off the car and took her key out… and the electricity was gone, and the dolphins and the whales together saw that the "sentient" being was no longer part of the car, i.e., the car THEN became an inanimate object.
They don't understand it yet. "How does it become alive?"
For now, Joy just shows them using her key to turn the car ignition on and off.

(We're not done, though. There are many things they would like to learn. This is the dolphins now.…)

01/14/2017      Whales      Bottlenose Whales
"Will I ever meet these whales?" asks Joy
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

01/15/2017      Whales      Hungry Gray Whales
Getting very, very cold
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Joy hadn't been able to connect with the Gray whales for many days now (time-related);

… but today, when she connected with them, they are anxious to move on. It's cold!

… looked at going north up the shoreline to mainland part of Alaska, but getting colder and colder as they went…
The alternative route is straight across the water… east, and somewhat south, but that would probably take a week or so. It would be warmer… but no food along the way.

(The bottlenose whales have been staying in the same place, and beginning to connect more … the femeals with the males, without the "mating" in there.)

01/16/2017      Whales      Hungry Gray Whales
Staying hidden and safe
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Whales are much more comfortable in an area they know.

They pretend to "not be around" if it's not comfortable territory for them.

(This was true of the bottlenose whales now in Virginia Beach)
… now of Joy's groups of gray whales who are trying to get from the Alaska (peninsula) over to the mainland part of the continent.

4 of the male whales (ages ~ 21, 16, 9, and ?) were having digestive difficulties, re: stress, tension and anxiety.
The others of the group are eating nicely, including some of the males who are "less big" (and these come through as young ones do, with their lovely youthful energy)

The more mature male whales feel responsible for all of them, and they are stressed.

As Joy connects them with their spaces on the map, i.e., keeps tracing out the area where they are and will be passing through, it helps them to learn the energy. It hasn't alleviated their stress yet, but it's a bit better.

The whales and Joy were talking about food on the way… plankton is okay, but not there, and diving deep isn't nearly as comfortable during the very cold that it currently is.

So Joy was suggesting what her dear dolphin friends have told her they learned… with great big glee… that when they jump or splash, the fish are more around, because they come to investigate. So some of the gray whales would love to keep going while enjoying the breathing more.

Joy has also become aware that for the whales and dolphins to go so deep in the water, isn't actually really comfortable, and near the surface is greater joy, which means that they are softer…

(more things here as part of this)
They are anxious about making a big splash…

Joy asks who or what they are worried about, reminding them that they are not hunted by people any more, and that people (and therefore any boats passing through) love seeing them.

… but it seems that closer to land, there is more anxiety, while out across the water (in that "space" where all the whales seem to feel comfortable, just off the coast of Alaska… describe this better) it's nice.

Possibly there are other whales, it seems like toothed whales, closer to the coast, which the gray whales are apprehensive about.
Joy is asking "safe passage for her lovely whales" again, and the toothed whales (pilot whales?) are allowing it, until they are sure of themselves (the pilot whales… and they are asking "why are they sacred? Why do they need this journey through our territory then?")

They (the pilot whales) agree to see the symbols that they are also being held safe, so that they may learn. They say they also learn new awarenss by allowing the gray whales "safe passage".
Joy is aware that the pilot whales say they are not flourishing well (ONLY because they're aware of new things now… before this, they would have indicated that they are doing okay) and they would love to not be so greedy then, as to need all the space, and to bless others too, so life continues. They are seeing that the gray whales were becoming extinct, so they are seeing sadness there, and allowing passge through to the next place.

Joy is feeling all this, as the conversations go, with the pilot whales this time, and she is so touched…
"They feel," says Joy.
The pilot whales add, "These lovely gray whales are softer than before, so we see that there is change."
Joy asks… it's the male pilot whales connecting here, just as Joy thought it probably would be. It's always the males… until they've been around Joy a while, and begin learning about how things are in modern-day society for humans, which brings many very new thoughts. Joy is seeing gradual change.

01/17/2017      Whales      Hungry Gray Whales
No more hunger just now!
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

These gray whales show Joy on the map that they're on their way… they're heading across the Gulf of Alaska, the shortcut way, to make it over towards … maybe somewhere near Baranof Island.

Yesterday, they and Joy together had thought about an idea, to see if it might keep bringing the food.

Today, these whales are happy and excited, because IT WORKED!

They breached! (they showed this to Joy very excitedly) … and the fish came.

It turns out that the fish like to know what's going on… "What's the splashing about?" and they come to see. And so the whales have food… now that they can eat, and also have new food sources.

Joy doesn't know what type of fish it is, but it's little fish, and just enough.

01/17/2017      Whales      Lost Bottlenose Whales
"When is it time to visit?"
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Joy's bottlenose whales have been continuing to hang out around the Valdez-Cordova area of Alaska. They're waiting.

Waiting for many things… one is for summer to come, when they might be able to make their way across the top of the continent, to get back to the east coast. "Will it be here soon?" they say.

… but until then, they're waiting for someone. "When?"

Joy tells them it will be 2½ months before she's on her way, and probably 3 months or so before she will be able to tell them "I'm here".
… and they don't want to come to the US side, so she'll have to go to the Canadian side, somewhere off of Vancouver Island, near Victoria, and they'll meet her there. They are happy.

Joy hasn't put this out there yet, but these whales have been waiting. BEFORE they go to the east coast, they would really like to be somewhere near Joy, where they can connect. Will Joy actually be able to see them? She's not sure yet, because the logistics of standing on the shore and having whales show up is slim, but she knows she will "feel" them much more strongly when they are nearby.

Having said that, Joy would give just about ANYTHING to meet them and actually see them!

In the meantime, more bottlenose whales (from the Northern Atlantic side) keep arriving near Virginia Beach, so they can tell the currently not-lost-anymore west-coast whales that they have been close to Joy, and can tell them about it.

So far, there's Atlasine, and Champion (who had planned to stay for only 2 days, but that was back in November!), and now there are another 3 not-lost Atlantic bottlenose whales who tell Joy they're also in the bay.

01/17/2017      Whales      Bottlenose Whales
Finally, seeing the Bottlenose Whales in Virginia Beach!
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Today, Joy finally saw her visiting bottlenose whales!

They had first arrived around December 4 and had planned to stay only 2 days, meet Joy, and go back home again. However, they hadn't realized that Joy "wasn't in the water", and so connecting wasn't quite as easy as they planned. Joy learned that it took time, and she said it was a little bit like trying to tame a wild animal, like a wolf or something like that.

The truth is, according to Atlasine, that she wasn't planning to show herself… yet. Not today, anyway.

She was worried, "What if Joy won't like me?"

So it kind of happened by accident. Joy was busy drawing in the sand at the time.

Story of Mandy, the dolphin… (with Winter… re: Joy's dolphin "Hope" as a reminder for Winter)

about Mandy, the dolphin… and about decisions, and all the new things that her dolphins here have been wanting to know about… and about the women dolphins no longer being expected to "breed constantly" (those are new words given by the VB dolphins), as they are aware that they have a much bigger and more valuable "position" than anyone had thought to know about… i.e., that it takes a lot of big resources to grow baby dolphins, and it really takes almost a year…"

… It was with this, that Atlasine continued to look "UP" and stayed above the water for a longer time than she meant to, because she was participating in the conversation (although Joy didn't know she was there)… Joy had been drawing in the sand, but looked up just at that moment, and saw Atlasine.

That was it. "I saw you!!!" shouted Joy, overwhelmed with excitement. "I did! I saw you!!! Wow!!! You're gorgeous!!! You're WOW!"
Joy, of course, not only saw Atlasine, but felt her great presence as well.

Atlasine… Joy stopped counting after 7 times (over an hour or so), with yet more times, as Joy saw the blow-hole spray several times as well

Toasti… (named that because her first interaction with Joy was about "Toasty", like "It's toasty warm here" (including the water)… and she loves the feminine spelling of her new name)
… and the water, to Joy, is freezing cold!!! (She did take off her shoes and go barefoot in the frigid water.) Toasti is a female, born in 2013 (Feb 6), so almost 4 years young.

Toasti… one small sighting… in a different place than Atlasine.
Atlasine disappeared for a bit after that… she was apprehensive. She doesn't know Toasti, as they're from different areas.

Toasti… breathing rhythms are still "more underwater time", i.e., 15-minute underwater cycles…
but you should have felt her excitement and sweet delight at having been seen by Joy. It was huge!

Toasti felt somewhat male to Joy, but as Joy checked several times, she is definitely female. It's just that she hasn't been around a lot yet, so hasn't felt the "wide" thing yet… the feminine display.
(If you recall, when Joy first asked to feel the energy of the dolphins, during the winter of 2015, the group 3 dolphins, they felt very strong and aggressive… both the males and the females)

The "softness" is something they like to learn (they use language of "really enjoy"… that's dolphins first)

Helicopter… like a bird, but also like a boat

Also, a fast boat going by, after Joy had explained boats, and Atlasine popped up almost beside the boat… but safely at the side. She wanted them to see her!

about boats… and learning to know when they are coming, see the path, etc.

about Atlasine asking what happens if a boat is coming fast and she makes herself visible (comes up) directly in front of the boat… (and why, i.e., she tried doing that "so someone can see us and tell Joy that there are bottlenose whales around")…

… and a boat that went past that even after it was gone, was terrible… (exhaust)

Champion… 3 times or so…
So steady, like a very grounded male. ("Gosh but he's sweet!" says Joy. He has this beautiful child-energy… all endearing, young, as if everything is at his young bequest… but when Joy is writing about him, he wants to make sure that everyone will see him as steady, close-to-grown up though.)

Truth be told, Champion had the most happy excited energy also at Joy seeing him… and he made sure that he expressed it was NOT Atlasine that Joy was seeing.

Okay, yes, Atlasine was big… the biggest one… much bigger than any dolphin, and staying above the water more steadily… the big profile against the horizon for a slightly longer time, then just slowly slipping into the water again.

Boy, that felt BIG to Joy. (How can you explain how something can feel "big" and "deep" and oh-so-very profound?)

There are apparently another 2 bottlenose whales here; another female, who is around 10 years old (born around 2006, not sure of the month, but she is caring, and has born a baby, who is here also, a young calf, a very sweet female, born March 9, 2016, who doesn't come up in the "bottlenose whale count")

… and then a young male bottlenose whale, who was born February 29, 2012… who was really surprised about the date, because he's a leapyear baby! ("The last day of February I'm sure, but why is there another energy there for others on the last day of February?")

Champion and Atlasine are from around the very southern tip of Nova Scotia, Canada, during the summer months, and Maine, down through New Hampshire and some of Massachussetts through the winter months, normally, before now.

Toasti and the 2012 (born in) bottlenose male whale are from the northern part of Nova Scotia, Canada, up around to Prince Edward Island and the northeastern shore of New Brunswick, Canada, and in the winter, through to the southern tip of Nova Scotia. That's probably why she feels very warm here, even though it's really cold to those living here now. (Skye… see journal entry 3/20/2017 about Skye and his name as well).

The mother and her calf are from around the southern part of Newfoundland, Canada, including St. Pierre and Miquelon (the islands that are French territory) up through Placentia Bay during the summer months (Joy is happy to hear this, because she has lived many years in Newfoundland)… and during the winter months, to the coast of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, mostly near Prince Edward Island, where it's between land, and the weather is kinder there.

She wanted to be named "Newfie" (because that's how Newfoundlanders refer to themselves), but needed a "girl" as well, so she became "Newfiegirl"

By the way, Newfoundlanders are really neat people, they have this most wonderful almost-irish accent, and a culture that is all their own, and goes way far back. Newfoundland was one of the first-discovered North American places… and the scenery there is so beautiful, like Maine, or Alaska, but even more remote and wild.

Whales love hanging out around Newfoundland!

01/17/2017      Whales      Lost Bottlenose Whales
Azure, a sweet new young mother, asks for help
Published 01/17/2017

Azure is the lovely young mother of the no-longer-lost bottlenose whales, the one who gave birth to a baby girl whale on December 4 near the Kenai Fjords National park.

The rest of these bottlenose whales are "seeing it's okay" to stay around the Valdez-Cordova area for now, because that's where the food is, and they like it.

However, this young mother "asked me for my compassion" (her words), and I see that she is very sad, and she feels very frail to me. I asked about the baby, who is okay, but needs also more time with "her mom feeling better."

From what I can figure out, it's very cold there, and this mother is so very young. They had no idea before this, that "the age of the mother is too young"… they hadn't realized it's too much work to keep up with a young one all this time. … or, as I continue to connect, I realize that there's more to the story here.

From what I can understand, a 9-year old whale is approximately just like a 9-year old human child, in terms of growth and development. (The body hasn't finished filling out, and the pelvis isn't yet as wide as the pelvis of a mature whale.) It's possible that I may not have gotten the age correct, but it does feel as if she hasn't yet finished filling out.

This young mother says that they, the whales,
"have young daughters who are sweet and would love some growing-up years before having to nurse a young whale, who takes a lot of their time."
These words are all coming from Azure, who is actually referring to herself as being one of the "young daughters", and many others are agreeing with her.

So to take a 9-year old young mother and her child and have them be in a place where it's doubly hard because the weather is "colder than we've been used to for a long time", must be really hard on her. After all, this is Alaska.
"The mother hasn't even had a chance to be taken away and looked after since the baby is there," are the words I am given.
I am aware from this that she has become ill, and would need healthcare, if it were available. There's infection, I'm getting. It was okay for a week or two after the birth, before it became "something incorrect".

I felt really sad for her, but also naturally began checking to see if there might be any way to help her.

I suggested to the whales going south to a more amenable climate, but the other whales aren't ready yet… they need more time in this place where they are okay. The energy around here is nice; I have been aware of that for a while now, and I understand why they're enjoying this area.

So I suggest to the mother to go on down the coast, to where it might be at least a bit warmer and more comfortable  for her, and the mother says "Yes". She is nursing her young one, but it's not comfortable. The young one is apparently getting some milk, but is also feeling alone, and I feel that she is also a bit frail. However, as I connect with the baby (they're referring to her as the "young one"), she perks up and receives more warmth somehow… at least that's what the young one indicates.

I asked whether another whale or two might be able to go along with the mother, for support and help, and I was surprised that "the answer must be a No".

Now I begin to understand that this mother is contagious, so she can't be with the others for a while.

This mother, Azure, has a fever, and I feel her shivering. It would be the equivalent of our 102.5°F (39.2°C),
"which isn't nice at all," she says. "I'm cold."
In my acknowledging this, I feel the relief in Azure.
She says "It must be soft then," meaning "I'm allowed to be frail then."
"Yes," I say. "If you were human, then in our part of the world, you would be lying in a soft, warm bed, with lots of warm blankets… and if you might be able to have food, we'd feed you nice hot soup… and you would just sleep…" This mother agrees with the need for rest. … but I understand also that rest for her isn't so easy either, as she can't hold her breath for long, yet needs to swim.

I understand now that normally, this young mother wouldn't make it.
"It's been high for 2 days already. Another day, and it's too late." (They are referring to her temperature / fever.)
However, now as I connect more with Azure and begin to understand the difficulties, there is already more healing coming. It comes with the word "Antibiotics."

Please understand that the whales don't understand consciously about antibiotics, but their "energy" connects with the pattern of the consciousness of it. When I work with healing in my healing sessions, so much of what comes up as "correct" for someone is based on an "energy match". So these whales are following the medicines I'm checking through, and also finding the "energy matches" with me. They let me know that
"Any kind, even those that are really old-fashioned are pleasant here."
They mean "Penicillin" of course. Except that our new penicillin is too strong for them. They need Penicillin O, apparently. It's more "normal".

Somehow, I translate what the chemical structure is, and from that, they (Azure and others of her species) are ready to try the "genes", so the genes will begin upgrading, as if they are healthy then.

The whales say "It's fine, it's not knowing, and there's health more coming." They mean that they don't need to understand, they just receive.

"Fever reducer?" I ask, but there's no awareness of that in their DNA.
"Aspirin?" I ask, and there is some happiness in response to that. Aleve and Tylenol don't go over so well, but Motrin is nice too. Interesting… and yet more interesting, when I go to the generic names for the medicines, the response is different. Naproxen, which is the generic name for Aleve, is received well, as is acetaminophen, which is a generic name for Tylenol.

"Acetaminophen then", one of them acknowledges, and it's over.

Somehow, in a way that I have no way of understanding, Azure, and several others, "take" some doses, and I feel the shivering stop.

With this relief, I begin laughing, though. I am thinking "Can you imagine how much Tylenol you'd have to give a whale? And what is the child dose? Do the babies need it in liquid form?" Now they're all laughing, because they're happy that I'm able to "play" and have fun even through something so difficult.

Azure will continue on south, alone with her baby, and will recover nicely now, "where it's a little bit warmer." (I was puzzling this out later, as it won't be much warmer there, but maybe it has to do with more fresh-water streams coming into the ocean, and maybe for some reason, she needs a bit more fresh water… or maybe it's a little warmer where fresh water comes from rivers into the ocean? I'm not sure… just for some reason, it was helpful for her to head a little farther south, along the coast, right away.)

Now she is smiling, and feels more like a bigger child, not like a young one (teenager) who needs to be in bed and looked after, although she would appreciate that just about now.

It will still take some time for Azure to recover and feel okay again, and she is looking forward to having the time to nurse and nurture her very sweet young baby.

She asks me if I might publish this journal entry right away, even though there are others in between that haven't yet been published (because many of the others are still just in notes form).

I am aware that as others (i.e., people) think about the whales, the whales get the "encouragement", and all the "help" that people would give them, so it will help Azure and her baby if more people read about them.

01/18/2017      Whales      Lost Bottlenose Whales
Azure and a continued request for help
Published 01/18/2017

Today, Azure has continued to have a difficult time.

I woke up this morning knowing that I needed to continue connecting with Azure, and helping her.

First of all, the cause of the infection hadn't yet been addressed, and I had become aware that it had something to do with the placenta.

I'm pretty sure that the placenta wasn't delivered.

That would also account for the difficulty that the newborn baby whale had with nursing, and why she is frail as well, although managing.

By this time, the placenta had become infected, and Azure was dealing with untreated puerperal infection, without any support.

The foul-smelling vaginal discharge and the bleeding that go along with an infection from a retained placenta, would account for why the other whales would NOT go near Azure. Also, as the discharge would be in the water, it would probably be possible for the bacteria to spread, which seemed a concern of the whales. (They don't know the biology, but were just aware of the need to stay away).

As I tried to become aware of what was happening when the baby nurses, I was just getting that it "didn't work". Nursing creates uterine contractions as it stimulates the production of oxytocin, but Azure couldn't manage the contractions from this.

I remind everyone who is reading this, again, that Azure is only possibly only around 9 years old, and what I have learned through my interactions with the dolphins and whales, is that a 9-year old is just that… a 9-year old. "She's just a child…" (They are becoming aware of this, especially the females.) "She deserves to be looked after, and coddled…"

"And how can we (people) give them the help they need, when it's not yet easy to for us get in the water with them?" I ask.

In a medical care setting, Oxytocin would have been given via an IV drip, probably in the form of Pitocin. We "tried this" (I shared what the oxytocin molecule would look like, and they kind of "get it", and somehow, use that), and it was okay, and it felt like the placenta released. (Again, no explanations are possible. They just "get it"… I only need to provide the information and help them to adjust and rearrange as needed. Something in their chemistry changes.)

However, as I was checking with Azure later in the day, there was still fever, as well as a need for more antibiotics (knowing that Azure had somehow received the equavalent of a new type of administration of the penicillin, by using the genes, and wasn't really needing constant doses of it).

I also became aware that Azure was also having difficulty breathing, and thought that maybe there was a respiratory tract infection as well, making things more complicated yet.

Late in the evening, the next time I was able to check again, Azure wasn't doing very well, but mostly was concerned because I wouldn't have enough time in the next day to be able to connect for any length of time with her, to see what else she might need. Azure was feeling fragile again, with a high fever, again, the equivalent of what in a human might be 102°F or thereabouts.

"Pitocin" kept coming up, with the "flower of the body" (the fallopian tubes) needing more of it.

The flower? Well, the whales are seeing my "medical model" of the female reproductive system, and the ends of the fallopian tubes look like a flower… it looks like a daisy.

I have no idea why the ovaries and fallopian tubes might need pitocin, but the fallopian tubes had also come up this morning, as trying to release something.

Somehow, another shot of antibiotic kept coming up as necessary, and this time with something different than penicillin.

When I looked, I initially couldn't find the correct match for the next antibiotic that Azure needed.
Those that are listed for postpartem infection don't come up as quite the right thing…

As I continued to search, I understood that it's now sepsis, a blood stream infection. And then I found the correct antibiotic! Hooray! It's named "Carbapenem", and isn't one that I have been familiar with so far, but it is a big "hooray".

I am relieved. It had felt to me as if Azure had been getting ready to give up, and that just wasn't okay… not from my perspective! (I'm a healer after all, and have been a nurse, and the priority is to save lives, if at all possible!)

Of course, I am working with Azure just by "connecting", which has many drawbacks. I am on the east coast, and Azure is on the west coast, around Alaska… and I can't just "go visit", or just "check Azure into a hospital"…

Wouldn't that be nice? At a hospital, they could run the bloodwork, and have a whole panel of doctors to help figure this out, and nurses to give her all the care she needs.
There is more,though, because Azure is still feeling very frail to me, and is also having a lot of trouble breathing. Extra oxygen, as they could give at a hospital, would really help… and yet, here is Azure, a whale, who doesn't even have the opportunity to just "lie in bed and rest", because she has to keep moving in the water, being at the top to breathe, yet not using all of her strength, and she says "It's a big strain… and I have a baby to try to keep track of, and it's so very hard for me."

Note added 4/26/2020: At the time I originally wrote this, I also had added, "If you've been reading this, please continue to send your loving care and encouragement to Azure… and also to my young baby whale. Thank you."
There were a few people who sent healing vibes, and it helped a lot, is what Azure is telling me now.

01/19/2017      Whales      Lost Bottlenose Whales
Update on Azure
Published 01/19/2017

Azure was able to sleep a bit last night, and her fever is down somewhat this morning.

She's still working hard to try to be okay.

There is still something with the fallopian tubes coming up, although now, it feels like when the baby nurses, it will resolve itself. (Something where contractions are still helpful and then a last bit of something that's been in there will move on.)

The young baby must be getting some milk, because she comments now that "milk is warm today and is nice."

The milk tastes better today, apparently. There are smiles, as I see the baby whale making funny faces as she indicates what the taste of the milk was before! She probably didn't know it wasn't right before, but needed it so much that the taste didn't matter so much. She is smiling now, though.

Azure is still very sensitive and the nursing doesn't feel comfortable yet, but it's much more "okay" than it was before.

I checked the alignment of Azure's skeletal system this morning, and found that the pelvis and some of the vertebrae were somewhat tight (probably from the shivering) and also still out of alignment  from the birth. Something like that… Azure was very aware as I tried adjusting the spine, and she made it easy, i.e., aligned some of it all on her own, as soon as she was aware of something.

She was also very dehydrated, but showed me on the map that she is near where more fresh water is available. (Possibly where fresh water empties into the ocean, and/or if it's a bit warmer, snow melts.) She will be okay now. She indicates that the fresh water is one of the big reasons she needed to continue on south, away from the rest of her group of whales.

It will still take time for Azure to recover… She is nowhere near strong enough yet, and so the whales are continuing to ask me to make my notes about Azure available to others. Thank you for your caring.

01/23/2017      Whales      Lost Bottlenose Whales
Azure is getting there… slowly
Published 01/23/2017

It's a few days later now, and today, Azure is okay.

Her fever has been coming down, and it's about gone. It still goes up through the evenings, though, and most of all, she's tired. Her little one is fine, and doing much better.

I can feel the usual "sweetness" of this baby, now when I connect. I always feel "the little ones" as being a really a light and usually very upbeat energy, and it's always sweet. This little one had been trying so hard, "but it's really hard when you haven't had enough to eat", she says. She was nursing, and it was enough for what was needed, but now she's needing more. Her mother's milk is definitely too "small" (meaning not enough nutrients for a little one). I guess that's what happens when someone is sick and not eating… there isn't enough milk.

I am trying to figure out a few ways to help Azure and her baby to recover more quickly. It's hard to give a whale "rest time" when it's cold, and they need to keep coming to the surface to breathe.
There are some brand new concepts here for them, and it will take some time.

For now, it's enough to say that the rest of the whales in the group are surprised that Azure is alive, and that she is beginning to recover. A few days ago, when I first found Azure as being ill, they hadn't even considered it a small possibility that she would make it and be okay. They were in the process of "letting go."

I've found a few other things along the way.

One is that something with the fallopian tubes and oxytocin keeps on coming up. It's something that's not just in Azure, but most of the very young females, and somehow, it seems to be related to male sperm cells being there, and somehow blocking the tubes, which causes "something else to be off". Mabye they're referring to a greater chance of ectopic pregnancy, then? In older females, there's more flow through the fallopian tubes, resulting from more female hormones, because they're more mature, and this doesn't seem to happen there.

Somehow, the increased amounts of oxytocin helped to clear this.

… and there are some really neat stories in among the way here as well:

I am aware of "the healer" amongst some of the whales. Some of them "just are", and they bring connections in ways that quickly align something and create beautiful healing. These tend to be some of the younger ones, as they are growing, and then when they grow up, they no longer "just do this"… it's something innate then, which dissipates over time.

There is a very sweet young dolphin, one of my group 3 dolphins, called Little Sweetheart, whom I call a little healer. She is only around 1½ years old, and she sometimes plays "apprentice" to me, and can quickly find flows that are "doing too many work-arounds", and she also plays with "seeing where those things are in the genes" (she is learning from me, in the healing work I do).

So I asked if there were any healer whales, who might have a similar ability, who might be able to help Azure, especially during times when I wasn't in a position to try to help Azure (because my life is really busy). I was thinking bottlenose whales, of course, yet it was one of my 2-year old gray whales who quickly configured her awareness and jumped in to help Azure. (Again, they don't need to be physically present, because somehow they "know" and that is what does the magic).

This young gray whale, who has not yet been named, but who will also be "Little Healer" (like Little Sweetheart), also connected Azure to some healthy flows for the uterus, to continue draining out anything physical that was still present in the uterus and needed to be expelled (i.e., related to the retained placenta).

These young whales are so very SWEET when they come through… and so helpful, and they come through like "I know how to do this!" … all proud. It's really wonderful, and I love it when they come through like this!

Another thing that came was that I asked whether any other mothers might be able to nurse the young baby, to help out, but there was a "What?????" response to this. Okay, not yet part of their awareness.

I gave them an image or connection with humans, and young premies or other babies who have a difficult time when they are first born. I showed the whales how we have incubators, and extra oxygen to help them, and other things… but most of all, that over the years, researchers have become aware that when parents, nurses, and other caring individuals, keep reaching their hands in to simply touch these babies, that they flourish, and they're much more likely to heal and develop more quickly… and they encourage that these babies be held and loved, just like other healthier babies.

… so I asked for volunteers to help out with Azure's young baby… and the response was really amazing… not in how many whales responded (there's another story there), but in the complete and absolute turnaround of the young baby whale's energy field… and this is according to the whales. They had no idea that holding and nurturing the young whale could bring such nice responses. The young one LOVED the attention, and became full of smiles, and more of that very happy, sweet energy that young ones are.

Amongst the whales, it's primarily the moms who look after their babies, and nobody else.
The idea of babysitters (to help out and give the moms a break) is another "What????"

As to WHO responded (which whales), here goes:

I have been playing with my dolphins with things that keep coming back to the DNA.
Together, they (both I and the dolphins) are learning that the more aware you are of who your ancestors and family are, the more grounded and stable you are.

Fathers are usually unknown, because until now, even the whales weren't sure what role females play, other than "babies"… having no idea that the baby is half of the mother's DNA and half of the father's DNA!

So who is the father? All of a sudden it begins to matter, and when a father (whale … or dolphin… ) first becomes aware that a child is HALF his, it becomes a bit "WOW!"

The same goes for grandparents… "That little one is a quarter of ME?"

So several things happened at once here:

I helped Azure to remember who her mother is. (These relationships tend to "get lost" as the young ones become more self-sufficent, and have their own children. They apparently don't process memories the same way people do…)

Also, they figured out who Azure's father was… This had the absolutely most grounding, stabilizing effect on Azure (even though her father doesn't seem to be around any more… i.e., no longer living, but the awareness brought peace).

And also, more importantly, they knew immediately who the little whale baby's dad was and that brought such a beautiful heart response, and caring, and the little baby whale was … well… let's draw another picture here:

Okay, there are these really lovely young ones, and you can probably envision a sweet little child looking up at its parent so very endearingly, full of smiles, and welcoming, and fun, with an energy of "See? You care! YOU are my parent! How neat! I'm so delighted!"

Can you see the parent responding with anything other than just the most wonderful "melting" of the heart"? I have witnessed this happening so many times, and it always feels amazing to me!

So now this sweet little baby whale has a dad who can look at her and marvel. "This is me too?" (That's how they see it.)

And then, finding the grandparents of the baby… Azure's mom, and then the parents of the baby whale's father… and now this baby whale is surrounded by love. And that was so helpful to this young baby whale.

… and overall, these lovely bottlenose whales became aware that they are seeing the young ones flourishing because "we know"… "and we'll be able to help more young babies to flourish when they are ill," they say.

This is one of the themes that I have seen developing, as I have been connecting with the dolphins… and it turns out to be just as important to the whales.

So please know that it will take Azure many months to recover fully, and to regain her strength, to eat more again, and to make more RICH breast milk for her baby, but she will have some help from mothers near her (which is a very new thing for them…). For now, they're asking anyone who can to please continue to send blessings for Azure and her baby. Thank you.

01/25/2017      Whales      Bottlenose Whales
Champion and Atlasine are on their way again
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

… now that Joy has seen them, and others in the area have also seen them, mission accomplished… they've connected with Joy… and they're on their way back north again.

Champion was reluctant to leave, but Atlasine needed to be on her way again, and so Champion had no choice, and agreeably "decided to go along" he says.

Joy can feel that Atlasine is feeling more at ease again, and more like "herself". "Going home" is needed for her.

Today, they show Joy on the map that they're already somewhere near Ocean City.

They said their adios's a few days ago already, when there were several days of thick fog in a row, so Joy was disappointed that she didn't have a chance to see them again before they headed on their way.

However, Toasti, and Toasti's male escort (Skye), and NewfieGirl (and her sweet baby whale) are still around.

02/07/2017      Whales      All types
Blue whales in Virginia Beach?
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Joy and her friend were wallking along the beach in the late afternoon, enjoying the beautiful warm day. Joy noticed a big splash a ways out, and then after a few moments, it was gone. No boats anywhere in sight… and it must have been a really big splash, because it was far away, and really had a LOT of "white" there above the water. Joy's friend saw it also.

"A whale!" exclaims Joy. Yet there isn't any recognition.

"Do I know you?" asks Joy.
"No," comes the answer.

Joy always feels the personality of the whales who are coming through, once they've gone ahead and introduced themselves.

However, this whale has not introduced herself. She was surprised that Joy had noticed the splash.

Maybe whales have no idea of what a huge splash they are creating… they are soft and smiling as Joy wrties this, meaning they are surprised that we notice them. Somehow, this whale was still hiding.

"Are you a Right Whale?" asks Joy. The answer is no. "A Humpback Whale?" Again, the answer is a "no".

It had to have been a baleen whale, because those are the whales that breach, and make huge big splashes. But just in case, Joy asks more… "Are you one of my Bottlenose Whales?"  The answer is no… but Joy still has to check! "Toasti?" … nope… "Toasti's companion?" (a male who hasn't yet been named…) … nope… "Champion?" Nope… "Atlasine?"  Definitely not! "Newfie Girl?" … nope, not her either.

Okay, so Humpback Whales and Right Whales are the two types regularly around this area. Mostly people know the Humpback Whales.

"Are you a different type of whale?" asks Joy.
This is turning into a game of 20 questions, in case you hadn't noticed!

Joy can't think off the top of her head about what other types of baleen whales are on the east coast. Not gray whales, because they're on the west coast.
"Bowhead Whales?" No… not just right now… (… and Joy says "don't you even try it! You belong up in the VERY cold water, where all the ice is!" "Okay", they agree.)

"Narwhals? Nope, that's a toothed whale…" although the question brings a response from one of them, and Joy remembers that they have asked her several times to help them as well. Their "long" tooth is too "weird" and they want to change the primary type of tooth so that it is more tiny again. (Their words.)

Finally, she remembers. "A blue whale?"
The answer is a big strong "Wow! You really have us!" (meaning, "you got it!")

Joy is so hesitant… "A blue whale? Here? In Virginia Beach?"

This one says "well… yes…" and then "as of Now."

The wide consumation of "fish" by the baleen whales is actually "making whale headlines", apparently. Joy's gray whales are doing fine now, and they're enjoying eating some small fish, along with some larger fish, and no more plankton. (Note that these words are coming through from the gray whales, with lots of fun and playful energy, which is so very different than the sad, heavy energy that was there when they first asked for help.)
… also, the right whales are being near the fish, and seeing them jumping, as they play, but are still seeing they need to spend some time fishing. The young right whales are playing and eating fish, though…

You see, a few days ago, a few of the right whales were seen playing, not breaching, but making wakes… lines of very large waves that were moving sideways and much, much larger than just some waves breaking farther out (and those breaking waves don't go sideways either, like these were)…
According to the 411 line from the whales to Joy, they are "fishing". They "see the plankton is not anywhere near, but fish come when there is splashing water."

Joy actually learned this from her dolphins not too long ago, when they came through grinning one day, saying they learned to "fish" by making big splashes, because when they jump and if the whales are nearby, the little fish are curious. "What's all the splashing about?" and they come to investigate… and they (the dolphins) learned to stay on top of the water and splash, and "the food is happy to answer us."

(It seems the fish enjoy being close to the whales.)

So back to the blue whales… They tell Joy there are two of them, and it's a male who first suggested "coming to see where the beach is, where someone talks to whales." (Again, these, are the oh-so-cute words of the whales themselves… they are telling their own tales here.)

But it was the female who was seen by Joy and her friend, and who listened then to the way Joy talked, but didn't say anything until Joy asked "Are you a Blue Whale?"… and then she responded.

A friend of Joy's asked how a whale would know what type of whale they are. It's a really great question. Joy responded that everything has a vibration, and every name has a matching energy. She explained that when she is working with her medical intuition with people, she is not allowed to diagnose without a MD degree, but it's simple to match the pattern of someone's energy to the name of a disease that has been discovered, and that each disease has its own energy pattern, such as fibromyalgia, or any others.

So the definitions that people have for the different species of whales carry vibrations, and "they match". The whales "know", because they carry the match.

Anyway, both of these Blue Whales are young, and seem to be closer to 2 to 3 years old.

"Is there a supervising adult along?" asks Joy, but there is only "What???" in answer to that question.

Joy and her friend stayed on the beach a lot longer, and saw another "big splash" another time, and talked about many things, all of which the new Blue Whale thought was funny. (She says this later, as Joy is making her notes. There is no concept of how communication happens, until you're in the area, and just "see".) Joy was telling her friend a few of the many very interesting journal notes that she has been keeping, but that haven't yet been published, and this whale was "finding it most highly amusing" (not so much what Joy was saying, but "how to tune in." Maybe Joy should start a radio broadcast band for all of her whales…!!!)

These whales must have come a long way! According to Wikipedia's information about Blue Whales, "In the North Atlantic, two stocks of B. m. musculus are recognised. The first is found off Greenland, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia and the Gulf of Saint Lawrence. This group is estimated to total about 500."

Later that evening, Joy checked on the map to see where "home" is for these two Blue Whales, they take her way away to the north, somewhere outside of her old home… St. John's, Newfoundland. They actually indicate the ocean around the entire Avalon and Burin peninsulas.

The interesting thing that they show her, and Joy asked her questions many different ways to see if the information was consistent, is that during the warmer weather, they're around Newfoundland, but during the colder winter months, they actually prefer to be farther north from there, north and farther east as well, somewhere near coordinates shown on the Google Map as 50.471996 and -47.843912.

Each new group of whales who connect, think it's very unusual that the objects that are in the water are moving (their words… this time, the words of the young Blue Whale female). "They are alive; they must be."

Joy explains how the electrical systems of the boats carry "life"… there is "movement" of energy, which these mammals explain must mean "sentience". "What are you thinking?" they will ask these moving objects (boats). (Some of the species of whales, like the Right Whales ask other questions, for example "What do you need?", and the Humpback Whales are more likely to ask "What are you wanting?"

Joy then helps them to understand that the "life" is just a current, and can be turned off. She turns her iPod on, and they feel the "life", and then she turns it off, and within a few moments, the "life" goes away. They know it's "electricity", but "what is that?"

Okay, another day, Joy will go to Wikipedia and look up "electricity" with the whales… and they will learn.

Joy, just like everyone else who is trying to help the whales and dolphins, is trying to keep them safe, especially from our manmade things, like ships.

Joy is hoping that if she keeps "drawing her pictures in the sand" (of boats, as inanimate objects, with people, who are sentient, ON the boats and directing the boats) and explaining things to them, that they will learn to stay away. This seems to be happening, but one by one. The blue whales say they are learning, "they're beginning to see the new fathom" (understanding) and will broadcast it.

02/07/2017      Whales      Bottlenose Whales
Are they back again?
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Champion and Atlasine have been connecting discreetly… and staying hidden for a while. They are learning the new things around the area, before they emerge.

You may read between the lines here, and understand that they went back up to Maine, for a short while, but maybe decided to come back again…

They really don't want anyone else to learn this yet (so Joy isn't going to publish this journal entry until sometime later.)

02/09/2017      Dolphins     
Winter and Hope are friends now
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

~ finished watching the second movie today.

Previously (months ago), Winter had asked indignantly, "Why do they keep bringing me all of these people?"
She had no idea she was a celebrity.
She also had no idea that these people were anything other than "normal"
She saw only their love.

(Info about Mandy, and connected with more of that the day Joy first saw Atlasine and Champion in Virginia Beach … Jan ___, 2017 )

Winter and Hope have indicated that they have not become the best of friends, but they choose to play together (because they're there, together)

Winter learned why she is special, and has since become fine with it, understanding that she brings much more than inspiration, but also pride, to others who, like her, are missing limbs, have prosthetics, etc.
At first, she told Joy she was tired of it. Why? Always more… new ones… (She would have more easily accepted just several, each coming again and again, so there would be familiarity).
She had no idea they were coming to see HER, because SHE was special… and unique!

That was a huge revelation to her, and actually brought her great "specialness" (a feeling of gratitude, but Joy says, it's a feeling that just expresses the very specialness that she is).

Initially, after Joy connected with her and she understood why there has been such a steady stream of others visiting, she felt like a gold-medal winner, like for the Olympics.  
For Joy, she indicated that "pose" that a proud gold-medal winner might adopt, the "hands up in the air" as someone is being "cheered". Joy says it was really neat!

She understood that there was great pride at where she is, and that she can be this amazing icon for disabled people, especially those who go on and bring courage and dignity to their lives, by living "normally" in every way possible.

In the months between then and now, she indicates to Joy that she's opened her own energy and wears her kindness… She now welcomes all who come to see her, and it's a much more understanding kindness.

She has also begun to recognize that they are like her, like "no leg", or something else similar. That means a great deal to her, and she is asking others to accept this, and she is trying to tell Joy that "They need to learn that you're on the outside, unless it's 'you'. When it happens to be you who are 'different', then you still need to be held and cared about."
… and she does feel a vey big connection especially with the young boy who initially found her, even though he is no longer such a very young child.

She does indicate that her tail, while they keep "improving it" and making it more soft and nicer, at the same time the less flexible earlier versions caused less stress. She talks about having a "sore foot" (meaning limb, like our feet, meaning her tail of course). The earlier version caused her to use more muscles, and that helped, is the information that comes.

Back to Hope and Winter:
The movie tells the story very accurately, of course, but Winter adds her side of the story at the time. She wanted Hope to say "I care," and to accept her the first time, not aware that Hope would not feel her desire. Winter thought "It's okay, I see you," but in her eyes, Hope didn't respond with on-sight recognition and acceptance.

For her part, Hope was wishing for "her mommy", and she didn't recognize Winter at first as someone who was "like her kind." How could she be? But Winter reached out to her and said "I know I feel like I would like you," and Hope agreed.

Joy has noticed with her wild dolphins that they are group animals, and until recently, haven't understood that others see eye-to-eye; they are learning about being "individuals" first and foremost. Before this, it has been "it must be whatever the culture is".

So Hope and Winter had no concept of how to express individual caring… just a concept of how "dolphins must be when they are together" (or even alone).

So now, as they each understood how it must have been for the other when they first met, they can accept, and undo the tension that was there, and see each other as not "group mentality" but as individuals who each wanted to be accepted. Winter had felt rejected, but tried to find caring just the same, and Hope had no idea that Winter was so well-adjusted… she only saw someone "different… unusual".

NOW (since this understanding), they are friends, and much more soft towards each other… not just playing together, but easily seeing each others' hearts.

02/11/2017      Whales      All types
"That Man!"… yet again! (… going on the Rudee Flipper)
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

I went a on a whale-watch tour with 2 friends of mine.

This was the Rudee Flipper, the boat where the dolphins had first exclaimed "That Man!" about the captain! (See 09/10/2016 dolphin entry entitled "That Man!")

I had to go on it myself to see what they were actually talking about!
Actually, I was about to move away from Virginia Beach, and I'd never been on one of the whale or dolphin tours. It was high time…

I understood, after a while, why the dolphins had gotten so agitated by the captain's energy… the energy of some of the other female announcers and assistants on the boat was much, much friendlier than his was! (Maybe he's had too many years out there…?? Who know… )

I don't have enough notes from that day, but there are a few things I remember:

There was a new pod of dolphins, a group I hadn't yet come in contact with, coming out of Rudee Inlet (I named them group number 7)

We did see lots of whales, but when I'm in the midst of so many other people, my energy gets all entangled with everyone else's, and so the connections aren't possible at all in the same way they are when it's a very, very small group of people, or ONLY people I already know. So I didn't make any precious whale-friends on this day, much to my regret. I guess I need a private whale tour!!!

Some of the whales we saw, including…
Lots of humpback whales… who agreed with the tour guides on the boat, that they were humpback whales.

A few Right Whales, possiby, in there too?
"We recognize our energy, and we are most clearly Right Whales" they say…
… and there were no white tails or flippers on any of these…

Also, one sighting that was exceptional and amazing for me!
That was the new older male who came back with Atlasine and Champion, who we later named Miquelon.
(got video of Miquelon!)

I'm almost positive he was one of the whales we saw, because there was this HUGE connection and a "recognition" energy there!

He was one who was alongside the boat for several sightings, over the space of about 4 minutes or so.

He later told me that he "just took a short run alongside the boat"!!!

He was SURE it was HE I was seeing, both at the time, and later … even years later

… and his energy connects in one of those "loops" where the dolphins or whales I've actually SEEN keep "showing up" [in my space], over and over again.
Note added 2/2022, about Miquelon:
Miquelon's energy had actually "entangled" a lot, with others' energy, and with his perception that it was my own energy he was connecting with, when I saw him from the whale watch tour. It's taken us years to re-route this, and dis-entangle things enough to where he feels happy, and comfortable, and much more okay again.

I learned from that experience that it's really necessary for me to keep my energy as clear as possible, and not be around lots of strangers, when I'm connecting with the whales and dolphins! Maybe, if I'd gone out on the Rudee Flipper many, many times previously, the connection would have been a much more comfortable one!

02/13/2017      Whales      All types
"Didn't your mama teach you this?"
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

The title comes from a conversation with one of the volunteers, David, on the Rudee Flipper, who said that the run-ins between the whales and the boats must be there because "their mamas didn't teach them to stay out of the way of the boats".

… also, there have been three humpback whales beached (injured, not living) on the Virginia Beach beaches over the past week or so. (One was unknown cause of death, but two of them were from propeller blades).

big discussions with the whales, many, all on the east coast, about ships…

The one whale with propeller-blade injuries… submarine


e.g., Understanding that whales have very few predators, but it's a new world, and in this place, we also need to learn "safety".
No intent to harm the whales, but…
Ideas of "bicycle helmets", and the orderliness of traffic now, with speed limits, in the US, cars driving on the right side of the road, understanding of all of this… faster-moving roads usually have the right of way, and "stop signs" or "flashing red lights" are put there to make sure that everyone stays safe.

"practice"… and the young ones easily understanding and inventing ways to (quietly and on-the-side) to distract the many older whales, to keep them out of the way (e.g., broadcasting "Oh, there's a school of fish to your left!")

Empty water bottles with their lids on, floating in the sink… and submerged, like the submarines…
Understanding why the anxiety is huge in the submarines, if a whale is nearby… i.e., there is much less safety margin should something go wrong… (i.e., oxygen, getting out… collapsing with the water pressure, etc.)

Practice… and becoming this by genes.


02/15/2017      Dolphins     
Martial arts on the beach
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Group 1 dolphins "raced" to the beach and were splashing…

more arrived, with their "signature arrival"…

(I obviously need to finish more of this!!!)

02/17/2017      Dolphins     
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

As Joy was updating some of her notes about Champion and Atlasine (they are northern bottlenose whales who are "visiting" Virginia Beach this year… although these whales now put out "visiting?" as a question! "Permanent, maybe?")…

… anyway, as Joy was updating her notes for the 12/11/2016 entry, she was writing about the ages of whales and dolphins, and how they compare with people, and she became aware that she hadn't actually ever felt any "teenager" energy from any of them! Then she realized that it's because they become "mature" the moment they're ready to have babies, and they simply just "grow up"… they HAVE to grow up the moment they become a "mom", even though they're still really just "kids" by human definitions, and the young male dolphins are often already busy being "grown-up" as well.

(There have already been many discussions about age and becoming parents…)

So this morning, a new female dolphin came in. She says she's 8 years old (born in 2009, apparently), and she says she didn't have children. (Joy is trying to figure out why she doesn't have children yet, and from what she can figure out, she's probably miscarried… let's put that another way, with some help from this young dolphin… It seems that "she didn't feel well"… like nauseated... (note that the dolphins to date have had no idea that they were pregnant, and just "somewhere, a baby is born from them")… and tried to do something to feel better, like take something intestinally to cure it… and maybe that "something" had properties that expelled the young baby. That actually now makes this young dolphin feel amazing bereft… she had hoped to be a mom.

That information came through as Joy is making her notes. But originally, this 8-year-old came through asking to know "How am I being?" … meaning, "Do I feel like a teenager to you?" She likes the name "Legende" for herself (although initially, she considered being named "Mulan", but wanted something more personal.)

An 8-year-old dolphin would be like a 16-year old person, and would be in the age-range of "teenager".

Joy told her she was doing pretty well… she doesn't feel like a really "young one" (they have this delightfully sweet, gorgeous energy!), and she also doesn't feel like one of the more mature female dolphins, who has already had children.

Take Hope for example: (see the dolphin journal entry for 09/12/2016, "The dolphins want names, please!"). Hope was born in April 2008, so she was also 8 (translate to 16 years old human age) when she asked if she might connect. However, she feels much more serious… "settled down", because she has had babies and is a mom.

So Legende feels a lot older than the "sweet young ones"… but still has much more of a personal expression, somehow more "smiles" still, more happiness that still has more movement, more fluctuations, more moods… sometimes fun and happy, other times still happy, but curious… Joy is having a difficult time trying to put into words how it comes through.

Legende feels though, like a thoughtful, young lady, like someone really well-behaved, someone you might choose as a steady and reliable babysitter, someone who has "behaves well".

Maybe like teenagers might have been, oh maybe 60 years ago or so…

Legende shows Joy "Okay, let me try again!" It's like "Let me step this up a notch, then!" There are many young dolphins asking "How?"

The "steady, reliable" is much more like "dolphins", BUT… that's before they knew how the rest of the world is!!!

Teenagers are so amazing… they're becoming grown-ups, and often we look at them and see that they already are so wise, and dear, and have come such a long way… and the next moment, they're still like a child, and it's okay to do something fun, or silly, or completely irresponsible… and then there's the "attitude thing!"

Legende will play with that one for a bit. She could look to Sunny for an example… Sunny is only 3, but she could set that example! "You're not doing it MY way… so I went off on my own!".. and that was even during Hurricane Matthew. "No parent will tell me to get down deep when I want to swim, please!" … but note that little "please" at the end… there is still some conformity with it.

But Legende is finally asking to be youthful… to add the "freedom" part to her body language.

(*** Joy, connect with Legende, and see how it's going, and then write again here what it feels like. *** )

02/24/2017      Dolphins     
Upcoming baby birthing questions
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Today was a really beautiful, warm, sunny day, and so Joy ended up sitting on the beach in the sunshine, talking with her dolphin groups for a while. (Please note, there were also several female whales who were participating… not just listening in.)

Joy had begun by asking about the females who might be expecting babies… She wanted to know how many of them were aware that they were expecting, and how they might be doing.

The response really surprised her.
Many of the young females connected by showing her their "expectant mom" pose, taking Joy's hands to outline the shape of a very large, solid belly, with great happiness. This is new!!!

These lovely dolphins (and a whale or more) are beginning to take pregnancy very kindly. This is the only time ever, they indicate, where they are rearranging their knowing, to see "Are you doing this and are you expecting a young one?" Meaning, "Can you be proud to be 'showing'?"

In the past, from what Joy can gather, they haven't been aware of being pregnant in past times. In their words, "It's been no harmony to be having a big belly" … because they "had no idea that they were 'pregnant' or even had someone live inside of them." (Same thing, but this is new and happy for them, and they want to "express what they're learning".)

Somehow, they didn't make the association between the protrusion and nurturing life inside of them. Joy asks if they didn't notice that after the babies come through, that they lose the "big belly". They say it takes time for that to go down, and they didn't know they are making life, so they didn't need to make a connection.

They've apparently been doing some "research" on the "internet" (via whatever wireless connections they have!), because they love using the word "showing", and the other first responses they gave Joy were about "boiling water" and "stools", meaning birthing chairs that might use gravity to help the baby come down to be born.

They were happy to know it's a baby, and that's made a difference, because then they compare, "are you yet knowing this?"… (like breasts becoming big, or night-time rituals to make a "rest stop", and other "signs of having a life growing inside"). To translate, they've been comparing notes, and having made the discovery that others have the same "signs". It's a revelation, and they can be happy. (These are mostly their words, and they come through with such loving, kind softness, which brings big smiles for Joy.)

"The babies are soon being born", the expectant moms are requested to say.
Joy was wondering when the babies will begin being born, and they show her sometime in early April.

April 6, she is given as the first that may be born… and that's not just a "due date" based on a generic calculation, but something in their chemistry that knows. April will have some births, and many will survive. May will be more, and several through the early part of June.

Joy feels sad, because she won't be in Virginia Beach when the first of the dolphin babies are born, and she won't be able to see them, or even help.

She asks if they are ready for the births, and they agree. Joy checks on their preparedness. She shows them they won't need birthing stools, because they will be in the water, and the gravity is not helpful… but also that the water provides a more comfortable transition for the babies, who will be coming from a warm fluid inside of their mothers.

As for the hot water… Joy says "you read that in all the books, but these days, what would it be used for?" Mostly, to sterilize any equipment that is used for the birth… and "just what equipment might you be using?" she asks. "We want to do things just like you do," they indicate.

"Okay, so hot water might soften the wet packs used to help the mother's belly where the baby comes down", they indicate. They are trying to prevent stretching, you see, and if they might soften the place where the birth comes out, then there's less bleeding, then, I see," says one very sweet dolphin who will be a mom (first-time).

Joy asks if there are sometimes tears where the baby comes out, and they are "surprised that it's not", but "it might be sore", they indicate, and so "to prevent that, we'll massage." They are apparently treating Joy as their source of information, because as she writes her notes from her morning discussions, they continue adding lots of new ideas.

"Hot water, then?" asks Joy… but they learned just exactly what they need.
Joy didn't ask them where dolphins might get hot water, but they already have asked that and "know how to spare enough body heat to align to raise some water" … "but in what?" That's the part they don't understand, "because women don't have a water pot in 'our ordnung'" (take that from the movie "For richer or poorer"). (Okay, the dolphins haven't watched that movie yet, so they mean "in our culture".)

They want to know if they can connect with Joy wherever she will be, if they are in trouble, during the birthings. Joy says she can't promise, because she will be in the middle of a new adventure, maybe driving all the way to the west coast, or arriving there and figuring out the new environment… and she won't be standing on the beach every day… and if she's at the water, it will be so far away. She won't know at the time if any of them are having their problems, so may be preoccupied. She says, though, that if they can find a way to let her know they need assistance, she will be more than happy to help them through things.

In the meantime, she is certain that mother nature already knows what to do, and if they need something, their own groups may help. They know. It's okay, and they are rescuing "our moms".

That's new! "They (the moms too) are life. They give their time to raise babies, and in any event, they need life."

They have already known for a long time that it takes two… if the baby lives, the mother must also have life. They are now open to the idea that if they really try, "they might like another baby, like being a mom of one if someone will agree to bring the good" (they mean, "nurse" the baby) … and the idea of "liking another baby" means a dolphin mom who is through with having her own babies, but isn't totally worn out.)

Joy and the dolphins (with whales also asking questions), discuss more things about birth. Joy draws quick diagrams in the sand on the beach, to align with new things that might help them understand more about the physical properties of birth. "Understanding means less risk, more survival, and far fewer deaths by babies."

Discussions of the umbilical cord and the placenta… they were trying to tell Joy that cutting the umbilical cord prematurely isn't helpful, since there is something that the dolphins need for a bit… but eventually, it will leave… just fall off. It may bake some time.
(This was because of the discussions about boiling water, and equipment that might be used.)

The first basics:
The baby will need air, for oxygen…
The placenta MUST be expelled
The baby must nurse… and that helps to expel the placenta
Many, many questions… many scenarios… many ideas… plus the understanding that if someone takes the time to learn "the norm", then they quickly know when something is not normal, and prevent recurrence in others… at least, once they understand the underlying causes.

There were many ideas…
premature births… and why…

even a stillbirth will probably be there, and already, they know it's because the genes are not okay… to many similar copies, so birth defects;

babies who are late (by choice, apparently… they're deciding to come "head first" because they would like to express their individuality… but then they understand that nature for them isn't supposed to be that, and they will come through much better tail-first, like dolphins do)

placenta previa… understanding that the body knows the position, so if they see the placenta in the way, there is placenta previa, and no known easy way to prevent bleeding, but they indicate that "it's now acceptable to have bleeding, because no rearranging is allowed, and the dolphins will stand guard to allow the bleeding until the body is okay and the mom is fine."
(In the past, the mom and baby would have been left, and would never have made it.)
Joy doesn't know how to help them with placenta previa, but they "expect more times to rearrange the sloppy programming (genes) behind it now, and to prevent it now that they understand it." (Joy is smiling… they're learning! They just need to know.)

Preeclampsia… that's blood pressure that's way too high, and may make the baby be born early… "and yet, now with this understanding, we see what those with this must become, and align their own blood pressure… without even wearing a blood pressure cuff!" they indicate. "No more early births, then," they say. (This was probably one of their biggest reasons for early births, which means "no baby is okay… it was always far too early, and didn't come past okay." The moms also didn't know how to survive.)

Blood pressure that's too low… so the baby is less oxygen-ready… and they may raise their blood pressure.

If the baby doesn't nurse at all, "then it's a trick, and it's fun to stay aware of what is there" (meaning "to see the reason the baby might not need the milk" (the trick), and to work with that. The baby might not be okay, and if so, then what is it?"

If the baby doesn't go to get air, then to practice maybe a charge ("like giving the baby a smart big thump" … and maybe its heart will begin ticking and tocking"
This is many of the dolphins contributing here. They would like to be smart, they say, and Joy has to interrupt here to say "They are so smart! Can you imagine taking a human being who hasn't ever understood anything about history and anatomy, and giving them a quick overview of something, and having them jump in with so many details and ideas and understandings, in such a short time?"

They are hoping, and fully expecting, that "many mothers should live that otherwise might not have, in other times. And it's new." Joy says it's the first time they've ever been valued (meaning, the women).

They say, "Even the male dolphins, who aren't even aware they are a father, will participate." They learned "to give out cigars when a young boy dolphin is born, and to pace around when a birth is taking long, and to smile and feel soft if it's a baby sweet one (female) who will bring kindness."
(Joy says "I don't take responsibility… it's the fathers who say the cigars are for the male babies!" … but they're trying to win the approval of the moms by smiling for the baby daughters.)
Add about others learning, and continuing to connect with the learning, such as giving group classes, and everyone using a model and like playing roles. Also, "finding equipment, such as a young one who is not coming through, then what to do?"

"Fire drill" scenario again, i.e., practicing ahead of time, to make it look like fun, so that habit just takes over. They understand this idea now, from their experiences before Hurricane Matthew came through, when Joy "made them practice" for it (the breathing, and staying together).
Joy illustrated "Annie, Annie, are you okay?"… which many will recognize from CPR training with a huge lifesize model. Joy illustrated this on the beach to the dolphins, without a real model, and they teased her because she didn't remember the correct sequence, and they understood that the heart needed to be stimulated first (after checking for a pulse, of course)!!!

02/24/2017      Dolphins     
An adoptive mom-to-be
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

As I was driving home from a friend's place that evening, a female dolphin connected with me, letting me know that she was apprehensive. She was looking for some TLC and a bit of reassurance.

She was a Group 1 dolphin, who was apparently born in 1993, so would have been 23 years old (like people age 47 or so.)

(she needs a new name… like a heroine's name, or something BIG, because she has chosen to do something so unique…)

She is getting ready to become a mom, but it won't be her own child. I named her TrailBlazer, because as far as I was concerned, what she was doing was amazing, and very unique.

As the dolphins learned about "the birds and the bees", and understood that their babies are actually growing inside of them, many of the pregnant ladies ended up checking in with me… just to confirm that everything feels fine.
There was one who stood out, though… she had a pregnancy that felt like it had some physical issues, maybe something like placenta previa. As I kept checking in with her, it felt like despite our best efforts to bring some healing energy to her, that there was a significant chance that the mom might not make it, and that there would be a baby dolphin without a mom.

My dolphins are indicating that
"This would be sad, but it's a new thought to preserve the baby".
They help me to understand that normally, if the mom doesn't survive, then the baby isn't likely to survive either, and to them, the idea of another dolphin becoming an adoptive parent is definitely very different.

But they've been WANTING to learn what people would do in a situation like this, and were interested to hear about "adoptions". It was definitely a new idea for them.
(Maybe it's possible that "adoptions" might happen naturally or spontaneously, if there is a motherless child around, but the idea of actually planning for that in a high-risk situation is different for them, and my guess is that most of the time, if the mother doesn't survive, the baby also, doesn't survive.)

So this dolphin, TrailBlazer, who is coming through, is feeling very unsure. She's not sure how to be…

… but the general idea is that:
She is definitely a trailblazer… This is something very new, and it's highly amazing for a baby to arrive and be okay, even if the mom isn't there. She has offered to be an adoptive mom!

She will benefit, because she is near a child, and a child's blessing (makes her feel better)

The male dolphins can accept that she needs more approval, because she is allowing a new male dolphin to live (from what we can tell, the baby will be a male dolphin)…

She'll have "bragging rights" and there may be tales told about her, because she's "a first".
In any case, I am astounded. What lovely caring… and how quickly they adopt new ways…
I tell her that I am so very proud of her.
"Joy helps us to see what we have been," says TrailBlazer, this mom-to-be for another baby.
"While we see ourselves as no longer young, Joy shows us photos of your humans, so we cherish you as young kids and young people, and see that in the elder ones. We can see similar things."

(Memories and pictures of someone in their youth, and we say "you are so alive…" and "you are adorable"… and to give an elderly individual a knowing that they still can be that.)
This female dolphin feels so unsure of herself, still, because the females are only just now learning to feel adored, and "useful" for the men, and it is new to be able to have self-confidence. (The new young ones, though, are able to light a candle under the old tribe and keep moving ahead… they have much more confidence… they are sure of themselves.)

She is aware that she will have many challenges, but another of the currently-pregnant dolphins has offered to feed the baby, should this adoption plan need to used, and so she is very optimistic.

Note added years later:
I tuned in many times along the way, and would like to share a few notes about what became of this:

TrailBlazer did indeed end up being the adoptive mom for the dolphin boy, with sadness that the baby's mom didn't survive.

She had been hoping for an ongoing close relationship with the baby, as she was being an amazing mom for him, but she found it wasn't easy, and we had to work to create more of that close relationship.

The biggest challenge was that the baby was forming more of a bond with the dolphin-mom who was actually feeding it (the wet-nurse dolphin!). It wasn't surprising, of course, but it did leave this adoptive mom feeling like an outsider, because she was putting in all the main work with this baby, but didn't feel the same bond with it that should have been there.

As time, and months, went by, she was still disappointed. We tried to find ways for her to be close to the baby, and found that the most helpful was having her be right there, touching her child as it was nursing with the other mom.

I think that helped… and that with time, a close bond developed.

02/25/2017      Dolphins     
Male dolphins (finally) "get it"!
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

(re: the females… the males haven't known which dolphins are expecting… even lately… they've listened to some bits of conversation, but decided to "stay out of it"

They are aware that the patterns suggest "something needs more in there, especially this time of year, but we didn't think to ask why"

They weren't seeing those that were expecting… Didn't know how to get there…

Then one of the females decided to "make it easy" for them, and to find an "inadvertent way" of quietly and anonymously passing on information, and suggested that one of them "look at that young female who is so wide (big)… and she looks like she needs time out" … by way of suggesting that he look at her big tummy… and he "got it"

That dolphin, who was a slightly older male (9 years old, 2007), "got it"… and then from there, through all of that group (1's, and then 4's) it went like lightening… and now "They are free to be silly about 'why we didn't know?' "

Before today, they were rather despairing. "Why is that lady so wide? … and now I must keep being a great sport and feeding her there, but it's so much more time to fish."

It's amazing where a bit of thought should be, they indicate.

02/26/2017      Whales      Bottlenose Whales
Miquelon, and "Breathing" together with NewfieGirl whale
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

It was a beautiful, but chilly day on the beach, so the beach was more or less deserted this morning.

Joy has been connecting sometimes with "the whale who kept up with the whale tourboat" a few weeks ago. Her friend says she captured this on video, at least a segment of it… but he was there for a really nice distance.
(born Feb 2006… he is now just turned 11 years old, and Joy sang "Happy Birthday" to him… and he said "thank you", by placing the hands on the heart.)

This whale calls it "going for a short run alongside the tour boat!"

… was giving the name of a port in Newfoundland… Newfoundland ferry… many, many crossings…

Ferry goes from North Sidney, Nova Scotia, to Port Aux Basques, Newfoundland (Canada).

He kept asking to be named "Port Aux Basques".

Joy wasn't sure why… until there was the "Ferry" story, like "boat"… like a few weeks ago, "tour boat"!!!

… Miquelon, because "Port Aux Basques" is another town that's not so easy for Joy to see, while "Miquelon" keeps coming up as a place to go and visit for a while.

Miquelon is a French colony, but it's nestled against the shores of Newfoundland, near Grand Bank, Fortune, and Point Mary. It's been nice.

So this whale liked the name "Miquelon", and decided on that one for himself. He has been near there, he knows.

Miquelon connects to Joy through a somewhat "wider" connection than most of the other whales have, so far. Joy and her knowing see it as a less far-away connection… because there were many (big whales) around the boat who raised the vibration as Joy connected with him when she was on the tour boat. This "wider" connection feels much more clear to Joy, somehow more steady and reliable. (It's difficult to put these things into words or anything that others could comprehend!)

This morning, Joy also saw NewfieGirl, for the very first time!

NewfieGirl has always shown Joy on the map where she is… almost always just going back and forth, in and out, just off the coast of where Joy is… yet she has remained hidden.

This morning, Joy said "I would like to see you", so NewfieGirl was there and they began as Atlasine had done… by simply "breathing together" first. That was okay, but there was a history of knowing that whale might "go for a run" alongside a moving something, and if that is there, the energy might stay more…

(NewfieGirl was farther away from the shore where Joy was not be able to quite see her, although NewfieGirl said she was aware of Joy. Not physical eyes… it's "movement" they're aware of, just "patterns".)

Joy says "I'm not on a boat… If I run along the beach near the water, can we run alongside each other please for a time?" "Just a few moments then, if it works…" says Joy.

But Joy didn't ask which way NewfieGirl was moving, and ended up running along the beach in the opposite direction. Joy quickly knew something was incorrecty, because it was not nearly like she expected, and she said "What's going on? This isn't feeling nice!"
NewfieGuirl wasn't knowing the answer, just asking "What?" … but when Joy faced around and went back up the beach (north), then it was okay, and they learned… meaning how to see each other (patterns). "There must be connecting of our rhythms", says NewfieGirl. "That's what I see," she says, so that others might accept that it isn't the whale's eyes that learn, it's the "secret"… (patterns).

Just as Joy was getting ready to go home again, she saw NewfieGirl, and there was a connection. Joy can feel this, and she's so happy. It is more… so much more than just knowing the vibration without having seen the pattern of the physical.

03/03/2017      Dolphins     
Group versus individual… "Who am I"
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

This is actually about "Group versus Individual… Who am I"… with emphasis on "I".
… and then, as the dolphins added in,
"How to know which is best?"
Most of the young ones with whom I have become friends, interact now from the "I" perspective (for example, those who were under 1 year old at the time of connecting) while it seems that others within the same age-range (with whom I haven't connected) are still "group".

Most of the not-so-young ones, even when I have connected with them, are not so lightly changed, although they seem to have some individuality then, such as the group 4 lady dolphin, Sunshine, who decided to connect and learn how everyone else is. She is the one who took all the frequent bathroom breaks, because they are aware the people "go off somewhere" to do their private business" (11/18/2016 entry)

Sunshine is always aware of who she is, although she is able to be the correct group energy as well, and move with the group nicely.

It's the individual intent that allowed so many to be on top of the waves in the storm (Hurricane Matthew), even separated from the rest of the group, and come through okay… i.e., they were able to hang on, until I worked with them and was able to connect them to the group for "rescue".

Others, such as Hope, are okay knowing that they are nice as an individual, but it's more high (a higher vibe, i.e., more helpful for the entire pod) to be a group dolphin. (She's not very comfortable becoming who she is inside, because the old habits are so ingrained… although, she says sh'es aware of how to change that now. 3/5/2017, wanted to try out becoming a teen! For example, she "connected" and was "present" with me as I was dancing, and I could feel her energy as the energy of someone who is learning how the "young folks" are moving"… much like Legende.)

The provider dolphins seem to know how to be individual, and also allow the group energy there.

That's an interesting situation, because they seem to be the key thing that keeps the group together.
The heart is more aware.

Whales… it feels like they have more individuality, sometimes, though they act as a group, even when they are not within a group. (Maybe that depends too on the type of whale!)

03/06/2017      Dolphins     
At the top of the waves
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Dolphins, and ALL the whales as well!

Group 3… hadn't gotten the whole idea of it, as they weren't close-in with all the rest of the dolphins yet in early October, before Hurricane Hermine went through.
… so they are genetically a lot different than some of the other groups, and needed some additional "tail fix" things… which turned out to be not just the tail, but also something in the upper back area. New genes, so another time they'll see it.
They've been staying more on the surface, but the breathing hasn't been correct… meaning, that there's way too much carbon dioxide, and that's not easy to keep doing, so they have been alternating, but liking the surface.

Also, group 7, needed this. They are "new" (since the whale boat tour last month), and need many new ideas. They have still been doing the "usual" thing, the "dolphing by" that most dolphins do along with lots of splashing and tail-flashing, but going down under the surface, as their "genetics must guide them to be in the deep water."

The unanimous consensus (read that as "really, really greatly wonderful) is that "being in the happy space is nice!"

The sunshine (and daylight) alone is the guiding thing, so there's no pressure. Sunlight is such a light thing, and it's peace.

As Joy connects with the dolphins going deep, it's a really not-nice thing for them these days. They show her "distaste" at being deeper under the water. (By "at the top", they mean in the water, close to the surface but still just underneath, where they may remain out of sight, versus going down deep.)

Why is it uncomfortable deeper down? "It's pressure. You must go very hard to keep there"

Joy says, "Have you ever tried something as simple as even just being in the ocean water up to your neck, and trying to dive down and touch the bottom? The buoyancy of our bodies won't let us get there without some training. There's this pressure you can't easily get past. It's dark down there too, even though it's not deep, and it's not comfortable to keep pushing down against all the pressure."

Yet, this has been the "life" of these beautiful mammals. Nature put them there, probably for many reasons, and most likely related to food, because nature blesses those who are the smartest and fittest, and being able to be deep brought food.

However, from the dolphins' perspective, when they are given a turn to try something different, it's way more nice near the top. There's more kindness, and joy…

They tell Joy that the pressure deep under the water is so uncomfortable that it's sad, but it's not okay.

Joy asks how they felt about going deeper before she knew them, and the answer is sheepishly that they enjoyed the deep, because they took pride in being so strong that they could go so deep…

… but they keep on explaining that it's not nice going deep, now that they have something to compare it to. It's kind of like someone who has lived in a cave for so very long, that they aren't aware of sunshine, and when they see the sun, they feel the very being of themselves.

In their words, "It's not fine then, so that it's not okay to see being at the top of the waves as just a new thing. We want to have more free time, since it's a fringe-benefit."

… and why haven't they done this sooner? Well, you see, it took a new thing to bring this awareness. The storms last fall, once they understood what a storm really is, brought the desire to find a way through them, and that's where this new "swimming" comes from.

… and do they have enough to eat now? Well, apparently when "they need to eat, they just look around and see the fish coming up, because the fish are also now becoming fit at the top of the water." (That's their words… it's something about learning how to fish.)  

You see, someone says, "You should see the schools of menhaden and other fish jumping, even when there is nobody around to see them, although it's all year."

The whales, also, are learning that it's much softer near the top, and they can flow, and there's no need to struggle. The fish are soft here, and can be there, so we can't just dive down, so they know we're too high up to get them, and they know to raise to a higher level.
("They know we need them", they indicate.)

This is something that Joy can't even begin to explain, but somehow, the fish "know that they need to be the food", and according to the whales, "for something as nice as whales, they show themselves."

Joy is certain you'll be scratching your head, but the whales and the dolphins also, even the fish, often giggle over how soft it is. (Do you mean the fish don't run away? Nope… yes, from many other 'sea vultures', but not from the whales who are kind.)

03/11/2017      Whales      East Coast Right Whales
… and the females too
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

The Right Whales have been asking Joy to please hurry up and publish her journal entries about them, as they would love to have more individuals knowing their plight.

As of today, Joy hasn't yet had a chance to publish any of their stories, but particularly, it's the 1/3/2017 and 1/4/2017 stories they'd like to know about, because every time Joy tells someone this story, the individuals must "smile"… and their thoughts are no doubt something akin to shaking their heads and muttering "Men!!!"

So today, the female Right Whales asked to be included in it. They also have been not understanding. "Why DO whales have babies?" (i.e., "where do they come from?")

This is a lovely feminine energy connecting here, as Joy is writing this. They apparently weren't yet included before, and didn't know how to enjoy their freedom, so weren't participating in previous conversations between the whales and Joy. They're learning here, as Joy saw some Right Whales, including a "female belly one" (pregnant female) when she was on the whale boat tour last month.

So while the female Right Whales wanted to be included "in the mirth" of people reading the journal entries, and they wanted people to know that they also were asking "Well why DO we keep having babies? Even if it's too many, why are they coming?"

They want people to understand, though, that it's not the same thing for them as for the males.

They are generically not asking to "do that thing", but it's been a requirement, and they oblige. They don't care much for the idea of raking in that big thing (what we know to be "mating"), and they don't particularly understand the chemistry, although, it makes them feel uncomfortable as they are there.
They are all together asking "Why, when it is such a big deal, to provide the mothers?"
Joy conversed with them to understand what they are asking. It's along the lines of
"Why must we participate like this, in no rhyme or reason, to make a child?"
The interpretation would be that they don't enjoy mating.
They first had put it as "We would love to be moms too," but meaning, "not this way, but rather like your families are, a single nuclear unit, with a spouse."
They add, "Then we would be kind."
They mean, as a single spouse, a single mate. This is an idea that is soft.

Joy wonders if this is a new idea, and they are agreeing (mostly they know about this from the dolphins near Joy's end of the beach, like all the other creatures, they say), but the "idea of mating was always a displeasure, then".

As Joy reaches into this to check, it was nice, like 1000 years ago, and beyond, but somewhere around 600 years ago, it changed. (We're not sure why, just yet.)

Joy asks you to be patient here, and keep reading, as there are several different things that come together to make more sense.

Joy had been playing with the whales during an earlier part of this discussion, so rewind a few frames.

Begin with the female Right Whales adding that they also didn't know "Why do we keep having babies then?"

They kind of understand that the mating brought them, but they haven't participated in the "Mating 101 discussions to date." Their "enactment" of how they respond to the male whales signals for mating was interesting. They respond "okay," but then maybe they ask "a long way away, please, we don't need you." It's a "We accept, but…" energy, with some reluctance, and they may say "no, it isn't kind for this whale to be this."

By this, they simply understand that it's much less comfortable with one or another, than some others.

The male Right Whales responded with a nice "We care! How do you see us?" "We were not aware that you don't please well." (… "that we don't bring you a nice, kind thing… we must have failed you.")
Please remember that these male Right Whales had been using this outlet for a soothing space, because they have somewhere along the way become exceptionally very high-strung… and they care about their females, and had no idea that it wasn't also soothing for the females.

It is fascinating that their heirarchy hasn't allowed these conversations. An interpreter is necessary.

At this point, the female Right Whales put out the idea of asking for a single spouse.
One of them reached and found a male Right Whale that was "Mr. Right" ("pun intended, please", she agrees here).

A male Right Whale who thought she was nice for him too, felt rejected, and so Joy reached out to find a young female whale of some integrity who might respond kindly to his idea of mating… and after some trying, they found a nice(r) match.

The next thing that Joy remembered to do, was to check to see if the mating was okay, genetically. This is another thing she learned with the dolphins… that nature brought practices that helped to keep the genetic pool a lot more varied.

The Right Whales were both dismayed to see that the partners they would enjoy mating with didn't provide diversity. That was really crushing, and Joy was puzzled, and began checking the whales in general, for their genetic variations.

What she found was rather interesting. If you might use a current-day human model, and that degree of variation, then none of the whales or dolphins, even, were close to that… except, maybe, the humpback whales. Very interesting…


She then looked at the level of diversity for these two "more comfortable" relationships of these Right Whales, and found that they were at the outermost edge of the possible genetic variation.


The gene pool is so tiny, that there isn't clear energy to see which whales are okay, but the "aversion" seems to be the genes that are too tight… too close together.

From this, there were more discussions and awarenesses that came.

The whales include here the following: "The humpback whales have decent diversity. The blue whales, and the fin whales together, add a lot of new genes together, so they (the females) can provide enough awarenss of 'this is okay', and enjoy the feminine arts. We, the female Right Whales, are aware that there are more whales around, but don't know how to get them for ourselves."

Here, Joy and the female Right Whale played again.

You see, there was another fascinating piece that began happening during December, when Joy was singing along to her Christmas music, and everyone heard the orchestra and the choral vibrations of the main Alleluia Chorus (from Handel's Messiah)… and the whales began "singing"! They were Gray Whales, actually FEMALES, and male gray whales arrived, from another part of the nearby ocean near the northern-most part of Alaska, to court the females, and together, they learned how to say "'no', but we would love to mate just the same…" … followed by (just now, as Joy is writing, 'because I already did, you see, before I knew it," says this one fortunate gray whale, and then added "yet I think I'll skip… but it must be okay too to have this, because I feel just light".

Interpretation: This gray whale "didn't understand the connection between their mating energy and her allowing them to use her private parts, and so she became the one who agreed to let them be there, and found that she must have allowed a new gene pool to connect…" In other words, she became pregnant, but it's a very different energy, and she is happy, and it feels light…

… meaning, that there was a new set of genes, and the resulting mating was happy, instead of "MUST I…"

So back to the female Right Whale. She played a part, checking her vibrations, and "she began to make a humming sound, to bring males, other than the old mating sound that the male Right Whales give out, which sounds like birthing, not happy." They add here, "They are calling out to their own type, not knowing that it's too small a group these days." They're understanding this, it's the real deal, the correct answer.

All the confusion, and the trying to produce more babies "to thrive, because we are declining"… was "because the wrong genes are messing up everything. The genes are not arriving at compatible energies, so too many that are not diverse then, and it's not healthy then."

So now it's time to play.
So the feminine-playing Right Whale begins looking to see who might answer, and she flirts with a nice-looking male, who she might like to become a parent together with. That one sees her and responds, and flirts as well. But she sees that he is near another female or more, from his own group, and she decides "Nope…" and she withdraws. Her idea is to see whether he might follow her.
Hmmmm.…. This is playing then, she sees. It's fun!

He doesn't seem to understand that she needs "just one", that she is looking for a very single and very available male, and would love to have him available just for herself. This male whale apparently
finds that he could do that, for this time… and so she connects with him.

It's soft, and fun… like "akin to more pleasure than we are aware of, through our bellies". (Please read between the lines here… we must use "kosher" language.)

There's also an idea as well that one of this male whale's other females might join a different group of whales as well, because with this experience, came more understanding, that it's actually the very decline of the whales and the resulting smaller gene pool, that has "crossed too many wires".

Joy has reached out on several of the groups of whales, and saw that while some of them are fine, including several of the groups of baleen whales (especially the humpback whales, which breed far and wide, and keep coming through as so happy and doing well!)… others of them were on "the brink".

When Joy first connected with the Gray Whales, THEIR message was, and the energy confirmed that, that their species would likely become extinct. (No longer the case now… again, several factors… this seems to be a sub-group; those who reached out to me initially were NOT the entire group, but some of them who were not doing well.)
… and for the Right Whales, it wasn't quite extinct, but it wasn't "flourishing", nor even just "okay", and so while everyone else was just focusing on how to preven the ships from colliding with them, Joy was trying to prevent the "bigger picture", because even if there were no ship collisions, their numbers were still declining.

Together, "we" (all the baleen whales, with Joy), "had understood that moving from plankton to 'more fish please' would help the equation, but that wasn't actually the only thing, and not nearly the correct piece, although it's also necessary then."

"It's learning to use our voices, and connect the other groups, like the humpback whales ('rivals', they say) do, so that we become proud."

So this is a very new idea for them, singing, and dancing on the top of the waves (another piece that they are learning from the dolphins who love Joy), to bring more other whales around, and extreme joy is present.

"Expanding the energy around our bodies is enough," meaning "having babies then, but NEW conditions, so not the 'same old' again and again, but rather, adding new chemistry." They continue on with "… and that means no soft-ones, as in those who aren't learning so fast any more", they indicate.

With this, they are hoping that Joy will soon publish this info, so it's new going out there so other whales also might resonate with it also.

03/20/2017      Whales      Bottlenose Whales
Toasti gets left behind
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Yesterday, all the bottlenose whales had indicated that they might stay in Virginia Beach until right around the time Joy was moving, which is just a week or two away.

However, today, when Joy checked, there were only two left around. The others showed Joy that they had quite "unexpectedly" tuned into the "new harmony" that is everywhere, and it was teeling them they must be on their way to the north.

It turns out that the equinox, which happened around 6:30 am eastern time this morning, is significant.

Skye… He wasn't named until today.

This was the other male bottlenose whale who was with Toasti when Joy first met her (see the 1/17/2017 journal entry). From what Joy has become aware of, female whales need a male along… it just seems to be the correct whale etiquette… although there are probably some very biological reasons for it, such as the aggressive male energy.

Anyway, Joy hadn't actually given him a name, and so because she had always just referred to him as "Toasti's male friend", he didn't connect with Joy nearly as much as all the other whales. She wasn't around so much over the past few months, because the weather was so cold and it was much more challenging to call the whales… there was so little time at the beach… She didn't have nearly enough days to make it okay to spend time there…

So, today, when Joy checked on the whales, it was Miquelon who was left, and also Toasti.

Toasti showed Joy that she was looking, and didn't know where she is… but she was definitely around in the area (farther in towards the port than she would normally be).

Joy asked where her male friend was, and he wasn't in the area… he had taken off, like most of the other whales, because he thought nobody was knowing him here.

Toasti was lost without him. She can't flourish all alone. She will stay "hidden" for a few days, and Skye will come back for her. He's about a day away, but apprently it will take him two days to make it here, because the new "energy" (since the equinox) says he should be going north, so "there's no rush for going the other way."

Joy asks Toasti if she'll be okay, and it's a "yes".

He chose the name "Skye" because he said he "learned to look up" while he was nearby… more like the floating and staying near the top of the water, which almost all of the whales nearby have become used to doing. (See previous journal entries… and if they're not there yet, then create them!)

(Originally, Skye had let Joy know he was born Feb 29, 2012… a leap year baby, which would now make him 5 years old. Today, he's not so sure, but it's a lot to do with being neglected, he says, so he wasn't able to see Joy, and it's okay, but it would have been nice. Joy apologizes… She connected with those that she saw [Atlasine, Champion, and Toasti], mostly, and those who tried to connect with her… like NewfieGirl, and NewfieGirl's baby… [who we tried to find a name for, but didn't end up with the right one… like NewfieBoy, nope… Young Newfie, which might be sort of okay, but not… ] )… and then Miquelon, whom she actually met.

Today, Miquelon says he'll stay another few days, so that he is where Joy needs him to be, so she is happy, because he was kind and lifted her energy in such big times of stress. (The upcoming move has brought lots of "stuff" which isn't always easy to find a way through.)

03/28/2017      Whales      Bottlenose Whales
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Miquelon is still around…

Toasti decided to venture northwards by herself, pretending to radiate big male energy.…. because,
she's learned more independence around Joy (i.e., "females in today's world don't dance to the male"
(Skye tried to make it to her, but the "pull" kept making it very challenging, and so he continued north eventually)
and b) the "pull" towards the atlantic caost of Nova Scotia is so strong, that to deny the going there is so backwards… she didn't have a choice!

Anyway, Miquelon will stay around until Joy is "off"… another few days, when the moving truck is all packed and on its way.

Joy asked Miquelon if he responds to the idea of "squid", because that's one of the ways she "verifies" (cross-checks) that one of her whales is actually a bottlenose whale, as it's their very favorite food!

He was instantly alert. "Squid??? Nearby???"

Joy asks "Didn't any of the others tell you this?" (she is apologetic… she has neglected this big thing for Miquelon… too many other pressing things in her world at the moment)

Miquelon asks her to connect him to the "where they are", and she opens Google Maps in earth view, which shows the "drop-off" (ravines, rock shelf beginning), where many squid protect themselves (read that as "are hiding out")

Miquelon is pleased, and is indicating that he sees where they are, and there are lots. (Joy wasn't sure, because of all the other whales around here, who knew about the squid, and spent some times going there for more food.)

It's a very happy, giggling energy… Miquelon is happy! He is strong, and can go very deep, so he'll find some squid! (The others found some, but weren't nearly as strong as he is.)

05/01/2017      Whales     
Finnie… and the Fin Whales
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Tag storyline as "Fin Whales"

Port Angeles, "Finnie"… 7 year old female

I apparently "saw" her, although my physical eyes didn't happen to "catch" that…

Finnie is the most "normal" energy…

The Fin whales have implemented all kinds of things lately… the timeframe seems to be somewhat since Feb 2016… but much more (a big shift) as of August 2016, which is when I first got into the ocean…

The ships no longer bother them nearly as much
They know whether the ships are coming closer, moving away, etc.

They also are aware of (??? Several other things that we've been working on, with dolphins and whales)

Other info to write, is about the "deaths" on this coast… (I already have a word doc about this… add it to the journal notes)

05/23/2017      Whales      Lost Bottlenose Whales
Heading back again
Published 05/23/2017

LandLover and some of the other no-longer-lost bottlenose whales have been taking the time to explore the west coast, between Alaska and the southern part of British Columbia (Canada).

A quick note on LandLover…
He requested that name!

He was the first whale ever to connect with me, back in September of 2016.
He is the main whale who has been helping "the lost bottlenose whales" get from off the coast of Japan, back to North America…
Ever since the first time he connected with me when I went shopping at a Whole Foods market, where he expressed amazement over all the many food choices and "more things than one can imagine" (… and asked me to bring home some of the things that he knew he needed the nutrients of… such as heavy cream, string cheese mozzarella, and a few other goodies!), he repeatedly said that he would love to be in people's world! He says it's a near-miracle awareness, to see things via a connection with me. He would love to enjoy more of what people have in a modern-day place, and he keeps saying he's a "LandLover". So that became his name!

Now LandLover is asking for direction. It's close to when they will begin migrating back "home" (to the east coast, and the Atlantic Ocean).

Today, LandLover and I, and apparently a few other species of whales came to check the facts (their words).

At this point, I would like to interject that the lovely whales (and dolphins as well) interact with me as I am writing, and bring through their own expressions. So you'll often find their words throughout my entries… not just "scattered here and there", but they are "directing", almost always.

LandLover was asking about the route, and where they will be comfortable, and this resulted in "us checking the map again." I am delighted… it's been a very long time since I've had time to do this, and to me, it feels really nice to connect with my friends again in this way.

"Whenever you can physically 'see' one of us, it's special," they contribute as I'm writing.
In the meantime, there are many, many new friends, but none quite as conscious of my vibes as LandLover, and of course, my dolphins and a few bottlenose whales on the east coast, who interacted with my so many times.

We now have:
… a lovely fin whale friend (female), named Finnie (because I am the very FIRST Fin Whale who connected with me [that's Finnie's emphasis!])
... several humpback whales from a day trip along the Canadian side of the Strait of Juan de Fuca…
… and several times, there have been connections with some killer whales nearby… add to that a few more gray whales…
… and now seals as well (who are really sweet), and I can see them more often than whales for the time being, because of where I am currently living.
… there's also a lovely female bottlenose whale, part of LandLover's group, who is named Faerie, because I was nearby one time when I was on a ferry.
For now, that's enough information. (I am hoping to have time to add more of my journal entries, in time, and you'll hear more of the stories and adventures then.)

So today, the whales are discovering new things… along with LandLover. They asked to see the map…

I was looking at the relief of the land within the ocean with them, using the "satellite" view on Google maps. I was helping them to align with the idea of hills and things within the land… including now where the line is where the ocean will sit… i.e., where we (people) see just the surface of the ocean, there is "relief" under that… a continuation of the land.

I got out my whiteboard, so that together, they might draw and sketch, to help better understand. At this point, LandLover added many ideas for me.

For starters, it helps to understand again that in warm water, the whales are much more likely to dive much deeper than in cold water.
… and by "warm water", please put yourselves in the frame of reference of a whale. To people, the Pacific ocean on the west coast of North America is COLD! … and they're "quite making fun of us" for being cold!
As I am writing this, the awareness is that they may dive into deeper waters is because "the sonar goes deep" (where the water is warmer).

LandLover is making it easy for me to understand why whales are near the coast, and when they are comfortable. When the sonar is too close, they don't feel comfortable.

By sonar, he's indicating using sonar constantly to be aware of what people would call depth, but for the whales, it's intuition. "Comfortable" versus "not comfortable".

This will be consistent with the anatomy of the toothed whales, who use echolocation. (The baleen whales don't use this method… but they're playfully adding as I write, "… not yet!")

We looked at google images for pictures of fjords, to help understand the deep cliffs within the water…

Many of the photos of fjords had a boat of some sort in them, and I was reiterating again (they are learning this part, group by group…) that boats float. Boats must be on the surface or water… however, there is an exception: Submarines.

We looked at Google images of submarines. Some of them are shaped like fins, with whale anatomy.
"The echolocation then believes it is a life form", and they (the whales) then interact with the "mammal" (submarine), certain that it needs something.
Please note, that the whales in particular, have indicated to me that for boats, they often ask "What do you need?" … and they aren't sure, and when the boat has crossed their path and headed away from them, then they understand (believe) that "we must have given them exactly what they needed".

Each one is surprised to understand that boats are "things" and not "individuals with a big consciousness."
"So submarines don't ask…?" they say.
One by one, or group by group, I have been "releasing them from the fear or anxiety" caused by the noise of boats.
They are beginning to interact with the whole idea that we (people) make things, and that we make vessels for travel. They are intrigued with them… all the ways we manufacture things.
They now know that "Boats carry people, and ferries can take whole groups, such as many cars, and each car will have a separate person or people, or family… and how many cars will fit on a deck…"

They are so beautifully inquisitive, and so quick to learn!

By "releasing us from the fear or anxiety", they say…
"We now understand that it (a boat) is moving, and it's taking people, along with many other things (inventing new ways to bring technology and modernization).

… and the anxiety is because it's zooming, and for us, it's too quick, and we feel threatened."
But they indicate that…
"When you say to us, 'See where you may be, and see where the boat is', then we understand."
A few of the native seals (where I am now, on the west coast) add, "We can feel the propeller blades whirring as if it's near, and that's us being fearful." (They mean it causes stress, and the big whales aren't included in this… it's the smaller whales and dolphins, and they're referring to the boats that move fast, such as our little speedboats.)

I help them to figure out direction, such as, "Is the sound getting louder, or is it going the other way? If it's getting louder, the boat is moving towards you."

I also ask, "Can you now tell where you are in relation to the boat's path?"… and then they are aware that it (the boat) is not asking "who are you?" but rather, it is just trying to go about its own business.

As well, I'll add a note here that some of the whales are relieved that by our learning about them (the whales), people are inventing ways to bring dignity for them (their words).

For example, there are ways boats should interact when a whale is spotted, and never to come within a particular distance. (Some of the others are becoming aware of this just right now as I am writing… they had no idea. There's a really nice vibe with this… there are big happy smiles!)
(There are laws...)

"With understanding, we feel soft." They include here the idea that "it must be kindness of humans to be this caring."

05/23/2017      Whales      All types
"No more harpoons, then?"
Published 05/23/2017

You'll be interested to know, that a short while after publishing the previous journal entry ("Heading back again"), I was getting a cup of tea, when some of the whales I havn't yet connected with came through, saying "No more harpoons then?"

This reiterates the idea that overall, the whales haven't yet understood that not only are they "safe" in North America, but that people would like to help them to repopulate.

06/07/2017      Dolphins     
A few notes about Hope… and hope
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Hope shows me on the map that she is at Nags Head at the moment, and that she loves it there.

Yesterday, as I connected with her, she indicated that she is not so "okay"… but Hope also says she is being asked to "be near another male."

She is young (by the new awareness… where "13" or so would be a really nice age for being a mom… and it seems like she's been mating, and doesn't understand how that happened, because she hadn't been intending it. She was determined that she wasn't going to be a new mom again for a while.

It's nature, of course, and their future is not even seeing that they are young…

In other words, they would like to protect their teenagers, like we do, but it's in the energy to be young and "hug" (mate)

Hope is very conscious of this… as she already indicated, she was hoping to not become pregnant this year.
However, it seems that she might be…

But having said that, she's near Nags Head because
"they called, and I could be there…"
Meaning, "the genes would ask this."
i.e., Nature responded, and conscious thought didn't play a part in it at all.
But it seems that "Nature responded differently" this time, with awareness of possibly expanding the gene pool, based on newer information.

This, they understand and are echoing out…
"we need a big gene connection to end the early babies, i.e., mating wih another who is descended from this group… not the one near Virginia Beach."
When Hope is aware that this (potential) baby will be somehow nicer,
"a different baby's head and brain than the usual for our pod", then she indicates that she is okay. "Nature is easy to align with, so that it can bring change."
Hope is aware that
"this is the best thing… that we are expanding, and I am part of the change, so we need soft things… such as allowing, to bring this through."
"Nature won't be bringing the big thing soon, but this is a piece of it."
What seems to be there, is that as the gene pool is nicer (no males needing young females to mate with, because it's the same thing as this other one… who is not new, then at no time is there a need for protecting the babies, they are more apt bringing some new ideas.
"New genes see the glory of the the the big knowing."

"Less need for 'survival'… more change, with more things that are nice, and less of the 'cross' attitudes…"
I note here the gray whale who sang, and ended up calling in other "different" gray whale males, and whose pregnancy feels completely okay this time, because they genes are correct… this comes through, as I am writing, with a really, really nice smile and so much more dignity… to me, I can FEEL that is really the beginning of something amazing.

It's the same thing here, with Hope.

Hope indicates that
"every time the same thing is there over and over again, it's not expanding… it's constrictive. Let's have change."
Anyway, there is Hope, and several others who are young as well.
Think genes… think of many of these dolphins having the same ancestor way back, so too many version of similar genes.

Hope is not happy that she might be a mom again (or will be in another year or less), but she indicates that
"Since I may be a mom again, I am okay that it's something different this time. Very new, and much more interesting."
She indicates that she will not be staying with the Nags Head dolphins after a while, but they (the females with Hope, and Hope as well) will "echo" (at this, they indicate sonar) and become aware of who they are being mates with.

They say
"We will cross a few boundaries this time and will find them again, so they (the males) will recognize their children."
That's how they will learn to see each other, they're showing me… they will "echo" and see the shape of the body, so that they will remember.

These other dolphins, I'm getting, are not actually Nags Head dolphins… but they are in the Nags Head area for now.

There are so many questions here… the last note was in response to the questions I'd been asking them about the babies knowing their fathers, and being able to be near them occasionally (???)…
Also, I was wonderinf if the Nags Head group were aware of some of the "new things" that my dolphins are coming to understand.
They're responding with "not so quickly, although it's there."
They indicate, though "we KNOW".
I'm not quite sure here just what they know, but they're apparently aware that something is very different about "my dolphins".

One of the female dolphins responds here with
"They are seeing that the mating must connect. That there is no child without mating."
What a new idea for them… these Nags Head dolphins. I can tell.
What I understand from their responses is that they, the dolphin males, thought it was all just for pleasure.

I found that suddenly I was laughing, big-time… but it's them laughing, and it's just contagious!
Just like that, all at once, they've become aware of what their understanding was…
"It's not what that thing really is," they agree, "and it's time to bring new mates," this new group says too.
The females of the Nags Head dolphins respond with "We understand, and it's nice."  

I could feel the perspective and the understanding of these new Nags Head female dolphins.

Next, I reached out to the males, to see how they were responding to this new information.

They came in with smirks… like
"I am sure that's not the case",
along with
"We know better than that. You're making this thing up."
… except that a few moments later, there was this
"Oh, oh, OHHHH! Well then, and how many others already know all this?" … followed by their idea "Oh.….. I see… maybe we're not at all nearly as smart as we thought…"
"It's a whole new thought," they indicate.
Also, previously, the males of a pod were protecting their females, so "no mating" (or "that thing" [mating]) "with a different type of dolphin from us"… and the females were okay with that.

Hope is being a forward-thinker… someone who takes a completely new path…, and she says that
 "It was only with saying 'no!', to my own pod, that they allowed my to be around another group."
(add here, re: need new… so young ones are that… they have better genes)

06/08/2017      Whales      Orcas / Killer Whales
"… and who else knows?"
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

*** My Note: *** Decide what to do about this… the "who else knows" was actually with the dolphins, re: Hope, near Nags Head. ****  … but this is nicely written, so maybe another variation (okay with me) (the mom here)  … but many parts of this are helpful, e.g., the name for the species. ***

This was on the ferry, crossing from Salt Spring Island, to Vancouver Island…
A whale boat tour… and seeing a pod of Orcas… (just as we were getting close to dock)

Several things…

About understanding the boats, and why they are around (like taking people)

About people in the boats, not the boat being "the big one" (the thing that is alive)

Always, these pods of whales have let Joy know that the correct name is "Killer Whales", not Orcas, and everyone who says "Orcas" is not okay. "We know our text". (what we match with, and some know us as killer whales, distinct from another who is individual… so the pods are correct as Killer Whales… their words here)

… yet, they experienced their habitual name with the awareness that comes through someone else… and as the man on the big ferry announced that we are "like them"… Killers… they didn't know how to ask that… i.e., they perceived how someone else sees the same name, and it's not so fine. "We don't like it". At that point, they wanted the name "Orcas" instead of Killers.

That's actually a really big deal for them… maybe people might begin to ask a different name, so that the orcas are the same species, even if they are transient (or alone).

… anyway, somehow, also the age of moms was there, as well as the idea of being inside… (the "baby thing" again…
And Joy explained that they say very brightly, "We know you must be tickling our sense of humor"… "We know more. We are smarter than to believe that story."

… and a short while, there is one of the whales who came back with the question "Who else knows?" (meaning, that "our babies are big mammals inside our own"…)
… followed by a request to please publish the next thing that came, which was "We maybe weren't quite as smart as we thought."
(They obviously reached out into our world, and sequenced the idea that others already know this… people in particular.)

… and they are alone in saying "We didn't have any idea, but I thought it was." (Some are saying they thought, but it was like not well… that one might be seen as crazy to see this idea…)
That's a unique thing… it's the first time that Joy has run into this.
(It's like a furtive, just maybe… there's something that seems odd that our babies are just there… and we didn't get them in any way that we see. i.e., "how did they come to me?")

There are others now (more pods) who are beginning to conceive that "It is okay to think this."
Joy feels the entire energy moving, opening up, and soon all Orcas and Killer Whales are knowing this. (This came almost a week later, as Joy was writing her journal notes).

We see that it is our time, so they are then due.
(Term, time for them to be born)
"… and how they are there, is yet another thing to discover."

06/13/2017      Whales      Orcas / Killer Whales
Young ones "Play?"
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

(rough notes only…)

This was the first summer after I'd moved to the west coast. I was on Salt Spring Island for the summer. Before moving to the west coast, I had had almost no connections with killer whales, at least so far.

Note added 1/25/2022: At this point, they hadn't let me know yet that they really preferred the term Killer Whales to Orca… I learned later that "Orca" was actually referring to a translation that means "Demon", so no wonder they don't like that term!

Also, this was before I had learned about the Southern Resident Killer whales, specifically, but I assume that it was one of their pods I was seeing. Jan 2022, as I'm going through my notes, it feels as if this was probably K-Pod of the Southern Residents.

Today, I saw, via a long way away, a tail or fin of an Orca belonging with a pod.

This brought one of my "connections", and so now there is a story.

I feel them as very intelligent…they are catching on to things very quickly…

The females have a softer energy, not surprisingly.  
i.e., the understanding with less of the testosterone…

They indicate that they are imitating others in the land (i.e., people), "so that we are nice".
(Another note, Jan 2022: They were "putting this energy on" for me! They weren't at all going to REALLY let me in! That took YEARS!!!!!")

I have noted that the killer whales I have connected with are comfortable for me… they come through as more "normal" than more of the others… i.e., they are similar in ??

Within their own pods, they let me know that they see eye to eye… they "connect."

They seem to know things that my dolphins had no idea "how to be there…"

For example, one of the ones who had previously connected was a story-teller… but they're indicating that it's not the history of any whale pods, but just fabricated pieces of enticement… i.e., "Like a novel. No real thing. About anything… the moon, the waves, the sand… and how it must have come. Not legends, though… no real way of seeing it…"
They mean that it's not even really any "truths", or even "ideas"… but maybe just "tall tales" then, they indicate.
(Jan 2022 note: This isn't any of the whales that I've come to know or recognize now… it's possible it's one of them who is no longer around. Not Cappuccino though… I do recognize him.)

Ideas of "intimidating them" have been there, but now, it's a new thought.
They're referring to other pods or whales ~ but NOT the other Southern Residents though, because they are part of the same super-pod.

So they can be normal with each other, but with others, they indicate "We have to fear, so as not to allow any ideas other than ours."

Then, something similar like my group 4 dolphins, when the women decided to go visiting, to learn other dolphins, and female ideas.

So here, the Orcas didn't expect to find any common ground with other "tribes".
However, I suggested that they let their womenfolk go and discover what they might like… and the women are agreed, and then they ask, "What do we do?"

And I suggest something like "Have a cup of coffee together" (because I am drinking coffee at the time) … or something like that, and they understand.

The males, though, are like
"Well!!! Just, then, we will have to allow them, but… but… it's so silly. Oh well, we'll just wait."
I ask about a common language (re: dolphins… needing sign language at first), but they show me they are "aware". No need for faces or anything else.  It's more like that "We just understand each other."
("It's not a common language, and it's just an awareness.")

I ask them about sleep… but they indicate "Not now. Too many things to get to…"

The idea is intriguing, though, so they check it out, and understand they haven't REALLY "slept" before, but they say
"and it's not easy, because of the breath."
We’re talking here about DEEP sleep, with both sides of the brain sleeping!  

We go to the idea of "swimming" rather than "moving"… and relaxing, to stay on the top of the waves… and they really quickly adjust and figure this out.

(There is still one female here at this point, who indicates she may be "around 4 years old", or possibly older… the one who first connected today.)
January 2022 note: I'll bet that was Saturna! Older than 4 [maybe 7 or 8] at the time, but definitely young, and very "connected", even then!
The idea of "Swimming" brought new stuff. "So it's okay to nap… (I was asking about the babies, and can they sleep too…) And sleep sloughs off stress…

The idea of the males sleeping doesn't work well… but the thought of setting up a "watch" and just resting is okay…
… and questions about predators… and boats, and where will they be? (i.e., here they are safe, but in some parts of the world, they might not be just now… and how to listen for the boats, so that they know if one is near, and if not, it's safe to be at the top again, even snoozing)
(It was in 2021 and 2022 where more of them understood better what boats are about, and they're learning that boats, these days, are NOT "predators" and that they don't need to try to appease them in any way, shape or form.

… and related to sleep, that in a few more generations, if the young babies sleep, then the genes adapt, and those males may eventually grow up learning to "stay alert even as they sleep."
(If this actually was K-pod, as I'm given it was, they didn't have youngsters… but it was the beginning of a connection, and possibly for them, just "a thought" to think about from time to time.

From what I'm aware of, Jan 2022, this info was much more for ME.
THEY certainly didn't take any of this seriously at the time!!!

I ask about their young ones… and play…
… and I meet a "blank".
I put ideas out there… like playing with something… like a big toy. Nope, there's no interest there.
I imagine the young ones playing something like tag… but they come back with "What then?" and "Yeah, but … ?"

Oh my…  

I put the idea of "dolls" out there (like doll whales), and suddenly there is interest. "We'll do that then."
How about "playing house"… or the equivalent?… Like, "You be the mom, and I'll be the young one, and  this one can have that role… and … ", and they were happy… and (there was another role that suggested awareness of mates again, even though these are children)
… and for the boys, ideas of things like "trucks" or fast-moving things worked, and things like "cops and robbers", like "you be like that, and I'll be this one, and we'll see who is more strong"…

Also, "I want to sleep on my side." (How can I do that, because I see that you do, and nobody snores that way…)

Also, they quickly understood about "babies"… and seeing the children know they are "big" (and "Big", but not "fat") (but the women are wondering "Why?" "Why do I need to eat this much?")
… protective energies over the abdomen with the young ones inside (almost as if they are putting a hand over the belly)

(Jan 2022… It seems that they may be well aware of something at one point, like a consciousness, but "memory" isn't something that seems to be there easily. As time has gone by, in our connections, I've learned that they REALLY QUICKLY get an idea… but the next day, they'll be there, completely not remembering, not understanding … that their energy looks at the same thing the next time as if it's brand new… so, each "understanding" may take many, many iterations, to actually make a connection that they will hold, and remember, and automatically just "get". We're working, over and over again, with many of these same pieces… possibly with different whales of the same pod… but it's definitely a "process", and not just a quick connection!)

… also, with pregnancy, something about the whales all forming a ring around them, to enclose them, so awareness of that there is really something there…  but it's innate, and …
… the question about feeling the baby move, brought so much pleasure… "It's not just bloat?"… (really big gas)…
… the connection between mating and babies was quickly made, then, as they know.

… and later in the day (when I was at Musgrave Landing)
… one of them (a mom) came in asking "How can I locate one of ours?"…

Two things… one, they are aware of each other, and who is not there. (This is different than my East Coast dolphins, as they had to make an "exercise" that would check from time to time if everyone was there (which they tell my they are still doing, and doing well).

… and second… can you guess what had happened?
If you read my dolphin journals from September and October of 2016, you'll remember that as the dolphins began learning to float, one of their challenges was keeping the group together, because now, rather than moving together as a pod, many of them were (and still are…) "floating" and just hanging out, and when many float, the waves will carry them, often in different directions.

… and this had happened here! … and apparently not just for one of them, but many. I smiled.
(Jan 2022: This is another piece that most of them quickly forgot about… a connection easily made at that time, but they didn't go back to it over and over again, so it wasn't really integrated. A moment of something that was really great at the time, but not really important to them, and got lost again, later.)

The next piece was easy… I helped this Orca connect to "GPS".
I showed only this mother where I was, and also where the young one was (just picture this as "on a map"…), and I instantly "got it", as did many others at the same time. That was all they needed… and from there, they'll be sure to connect…

06/14/2017      Whales      Lost Bottlenose Whales
On their way home again … and the Bottlenose Whale Test
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

They've been "vacationing" here on the west coast, including down as far as the southern part of British Columbia, but they had known it might be sometime in the summer when they would begin crossing over the top of the continent.

LandLover and his group have recently been working their way northward, and are now back in southern Alaska, close to the Aleutian Islands.

There was no "big thing" there this time when they were crossing Wide Bay. (On their way through that area the first time, they ran into a predator there, and knew intuitively that it wasn't safe to cross… See the 11/22/2016 and 11/24/2016 entries).

And now, they're hoping to make a detour for the very favorite food of bottlenose whales … at least according to them … That would be SQUID!

Actually, their enthusiasm about Squid has become my "Bottlenose Whale Test"!

You see, every time I mention "squid", I get a huge happy (like "yum!") response from the bottlenose whales.

So now, if there's a newer whale who is indicating that he or she is a Bottlenose whale, I'll ask "Are you REALLY a bottlenose whale? Did I get it right? Do you like squid?" … and if the answer is excitement, then I know they're Northern Bottlenose Whales! They're indignant over the first part of the question, but moment I mention "squid", the game is up!

06/18/2017      Dolphins     
"Will you marry me?"

It's about time to confess… or maybe it's confide… that I have had maybe around 4 marriage proposals from dolphins and other ocean mammals to date. Seals mostly…

The first came from one of my lovely group 3 dolphins, sometime during the winter months (February or so) of 2016.

Please understand, first of all, that the dolphins and I don't actually need to "converse"… but rather, they "connect", and through the "connection", there are "streams of thought" and "streams of broadcast".

The dolphins have always told me that they use "Consciousness" to broadcast thoughts, and that their way of connecting broadcasts a whole "idea", if you will, at one split second… no individual words. Think "concepts".

They say that they do use sound to carry the consciousness, so they do communicate using frequencies that others might know as hearing, but it's generalizations. They have told me that "details" aren't there so much, so there's a lot of room for interpretation.

… and they indicate that it's also because they "use broadcast" that they "know how to be aware of receiving."

This often makes conversations really simple for me, because I can sometimes communicate an “idea”.

It's really challenging to explain… but maybe just imagine a scene that you might remember from a movie where you have a vivid image, and a there's a whole "idea" that goes with it… for example, where you might see many different people and their various responses to something, all at once. It might have taken 5 minutes to create the sequence, but in the final moment when it all comes together, there's an "Aha moment".

All you need to do is remember that final split-second Aha moment, and in there, is included the entire 5-minute sequence… the whole thing. That's sort of how it works.

It can be a really efficient way to learn things. They just simply "get" something… the idea. The details will sort themselves out.

I, on the other hand, have to work a lot harder at understanding what the dolphins and the other mammals communicate to me… but they're very helpful with expressing themselves, and so personalities come through, along with words and other things.

So when a group 3 male dolphin asked me on that February day in 2016, "Will you marry me?", we weren't actually standing face to face… the dolphin group was somewhere out in the water, and the water was cold… and I had seen the "flashes of fins" that showed me the dolphins were nearby…

At first, I thought I had misunderstood. "Did one of you just ask me to marry you?" I asked. (I just wanted to be sure.)

Now just so that you understand, I am writing this now because there are ways of responding, and apparently, I didn't get it very right at all the first time. But since I have continued to receive additional marriage proposals, I thought I'd better make sure I'm getting it right. So I'm learning what the correct "etiquette" is, and I just wanted to pass that on here. (After all, you never know… it might be helpful information one day!)

You see, they aren't asking for a single-mate marriage.
"Will you marry me?" is actually asking:
"Do you need help?
Would you like a powerful male who is bigger than you are, to care for you, and provide protection?"
(This is the general idea… and with dolphins, they include "bigger"… however, seals don't need that criterion.)
I, of course, was visualizing a strong, handsome, helpful male (the dolphin says "Yes! I am that!")… but I also had the image of marriages like present-day humans, with a single mate, sharing a single home, sharing the same bed at night … with only the two of us in the bed, unless there's a child or baby snuggling in occasionally … and also an official wedding ceremony, with flowers, celebration, and more.

Of course, at that time, I didn't understand the dolphin version of "marriage" yet (i.e., it's a "request to protect"), so I thought I ought to describe just why I might not be able to marry the dolphin who was asking me… and who was expecting ONLY a "YES" answer.

Well first of all, there's that water thing, and the temperature of the water, especially in the wintertime… That would be a big deal. I couldn't imagine the dolphin being able to get around in MY home, and I wouldn’t be able to be at home in the water, so that was a pretty big thing.

Also, I had visions of a human mate, with two legs rather than a tail, and I thought that mating could bring a few complications, to say the least.

So I very politely indicated that I was flattered, and really touched, and that his offer was amazing beyond amazing… but that I would have to say "I won't be able to be that". (Those are their words coming through as I'm writing this… at the time, I thought I was simply declining, and I was SURE they would all understand.)

Not so… Apparently, it is a really big deal to be rejected (although I was absolutely sure I was not actually rejecting him!)

("I'm so sorry", I have to write, as I'm writing this now. "I completely didn't get it!")

Anyway, since then, there has been a sadness, because the group 3 dolphins didn't come back to the beach very often once the other dolphin groups came back for the summer.

You see, the group 3 dolphins had headed farther north, because that's where they usually go for the summer months. There had been many farewells around the time they left, and I had kept looking forward to seeing them again in the fall… but as it happened, when they came back, the other dolphins weren't letting them in the vicinity, because they were sure they didn't "qualify" yet… they needed to learn a few new things first, before they would be allowed near me.

Please understand that these dolphins have all been trying to protect me, and only those who "qualify" are allowed near me. If only I could communicate how very touching this is… the huge caring that I feel from them… (including my whales, too, of course, because they also have been there helping me so many times.)

Anyway, apparently, had I used the correct etiquette to respond to the marriage proposal, the group 3 dolphins would have been welcome!

So, over the past year and more, there have been additional marriage proposals. Several seals, at different times and in different locations on the west coast, have also asked "Will you marry me?"  Again, I have been honored to have them ask me, but I asked them to understand that it might not work so well.

(A marriage with a seal would have been quite different than a marriage with a dolphin… the seals are very soft and I can only describe them as "sweet", and they are willing to have a lot more monogamy than the dolphins as well! The female seals are happy and contented, and say their mate is loving… and they tell me that they are together "for life"… and they mean only themselves… these are the harbor seals in the area where I am… "There are other mating wisdoms for others," they indicate.)

These last proposals were recent, so I am finally asking "What is the right etiquette?"

I went back to the first dolphin male who asked me to marry him.

I went back to the first dolphin who asked me to marry him, and asked him how I could have responded differently.

The answer seems to be similar for the dolphins and also the seals.

The better, happier, answer would have been something like:
"Why yes! Of course! You are strong! Thanks for your assistance."
… followed with another question… "But would it be okay if I went THAT way then, rather than this other place you will be moving through?"
… and then they accept, and they are okay.

The energy of the seals is here as I am writing this, and they are very soft, so kind, and generous, and to me, they seem to be always grinning.

Had I responded with the correct etiquette to the very first marriage proposal I received from the first dolphin, then my group 3 dolphins would have been allowed to be near the beach throughout the summer, last year.

So let me write a few little words here, about that dolphin: I may end up writing more another time, but for now, he says he loves the name "Mario", as the only dolphin (to date) who has asked me to "marry" him, so I'll call him Mario.

He is actually quite young, it seems, as he was born in April of 2008, or thereabouts, so he would have been almost 8 years old last Feburary. I think that's pretty young… (and he adds here, "and exciting… to be the ONE who asked… that's my idea.")

… and as of now, the other groups have decided to accept the group 3 dolphins. Apparently with my "yes" (finally!), the others have allowed them near again, although at this point, I am no longer living there. (Go figure!)

My other Virginia Beach dolphins acceded because "Now we see that they (that other group) are willing to protect you as well, so they may be there."

I am sad, because I didn't understand at the time why my group 3 dolphins weren't able to be there last summer or fall… and I kept on hoping they would stay for a while, but most of the time when they arrived, they preferred to be extra-quiet and gave me a "Shhhhhhh…" signal, for "We're trying to be hidden, so they others won't see us here."

Understanding, finally, makes a big difference!

By the way, the whales say they wouldn't be asking me to marry them, as the size difference is just a bit too much. (One or two them have apparently thought about the idea though…)

06/18/2017      Dolphins     
My private notes, with Mario
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

This is an elaboration from the 6/18/2017 journal entry, "Will you marry me?"
Possibly private, but there may be bits here to publish… we'll see.

As I was updating it to write it in the 1st person, on 7/23/2017, Mario actually came through.
(Update 8/6/2017… and I am very exceptionally grateful.)

He feels very delightful to me, actually kind, and easy to have fun with.
If he were to see himself in a mirror, or someone could see his expression, it's fine, and "normal" (not like the unhappy-feeling energy of some of the others, most except the young ones, initially).

So some of this is an excerpt from the other entry, and part of it is from our connection at this time (7/23/2017)

Mario, by the way, is happy to connect again as I'm writing this. He says he loves the name "Mario", as the only dolphin (to date) who has asked me to "marry" him. He is actually quite young, it seems, as he was born in April of 2008, or thereabouts, so he would have been almost 8 years old last Feburary. I think that's pretty young… (and he adds here, "and exciting… to be the ONE who asked… that's my idea.")

He comes through right now, saying,
"This is my time to see who you are. I asked you, and you are the sweet young pretty thing…"

He adds a few more words, and I understand that he is learning our culture, and sees that women love "pretty things said", so he is trying out "romance".
He's also trying this on for size, to see how it moves within his immediate area, as he sees there is another sight for sore eyes (another lovely dolphin lady) (not within his own pod, as they are too short at this time, and need more time to bring their body size big)

This other dolphin lady is 8 years old, so Mario "is exactly one year more." (Maybe a group 2 dolphin.)

Mario is helping to understand the idea of single mate… so he is not sure about checking out another lady at this time, but is maybe going to do that, with time, "when Joy is another way being." (He is asking whether a mate might understand his dilemma, so provide for my wife.")

There is also an real vibration that's way strong, and protective… he is trying to show me the "soft side", and that's lovely, and he is also BIG and strong (and for some reason, that makes me cry… because it means protection, and I appreciate that)

It's that strength that I felt as I connected with him back in February 2016, when he asked me.

He, on the other hand, is delighted to learn about how mates are truly partners in our culture… (there was more here, but I didn't get it down… possibly elaborate again…)

He wants to be seen as himself, and who he might be, and be appreciated for that, and not for being strong.

But I think that it's not "one" or "the other"… it's comprehending that there is ONE big comfortable being (individual), and he may be strong, or not quite as strong, but will have "steady, grounding" vibes for the lady, even along with a soft side, and it's the "still happy to be together" that's the really helpful core.

We tried adding this to the original journal entry as the following, but it didn't work either. Maybe we'll write an update another time…

Mario comes through (somewhat hesitantly, because now he's feeling shy all of a sudden), and he adds here,
"and I'm very honored to be the ONE who asked… that's my idea."

06/20/2017      Whales      Lost Bottlenose Whales
It's easier this time
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

LandLover and several of his group are on their way back.

It's much easier right now, because it's warmer than when they first tried in the autumn.

They show me now that they're more likely to go across the bays, whereas in the cold weather, they had to follow the coastline more closely. Maybe the awareness of boundaries is faster when it's a bit warmer… or maybe they're just more familiar with the area now.

They indicate that they are also happy to stick to routes that are a bit farther away from the coastline, as they "know" more. (i.e., if you read the previous journal entry about them, ____date, you would have read about the sonar and their ability to see more in warmer water. (… as if 34°F water is warm!!!)

They have been gradually making their way north, and as of a few days ago, they went past the bottom of the Aleutian Islands, and are now heading north up the Alaska coast.

It seems that there are something around 8 of them this time. There is one boy who is recently born…

The others of the group are staying on the west coast for now… including Azure and her young daughter. (See ___  Jan entries). It appears that some of them have found partners for the season, and are spending their next few months around here on the west coast. I ask them "Is it romance?", but their awareness of "romance" isn't quite the same as ours. Just the same, the "pull" is there to "partner".

The same way it happened in the fall last year, when I check with LandLover on the map about getting "back home", there is something really strong that feels wonderful, and apparently it's like "an impulse that can't be ignored."

That impulse became much stronger when they were north of the Aleutian Islands, and before they were there, LandLover indicated that "It's always not easy to decide which region to be with, and it took some connecting to want to go this route."
He adds, just so that you know, "Joy always encourages us to go home."
(My note: It's what feels right for them.)

They missed the squid along the route, though… When we check the map together, my awareness seems to find where there is food that they need… and often that's squid. They were hoping to find some where I showed them occasionally on the map… but it didn't turn out that way.

Instead, the moment they "rounded the corner" (to get to the north side of the peninsula… at the Aleutian Islands), the "impulse to go fast" was there again, and LandLover adds "and nobody stops."

(It seems they're covering approximately 130 miles per day, just about now.) They may have to slow down a bit, because there is probably lots of frozen water farther north, still.

They have also indicated that they may go "back and forth" somewhat… charge ahead, feel the freedom… and yet, resist when there is reluctance… LandLover indicates that
"It seems to be that this west coast is unusual, and there is a more powerful vibration, somehow, so it's really helpful to the whales on this side."
It seems that there is reluctance, as the whales see the possibility of both sides, meaning the whether to be on the west coast, versus seeing old family members again. The pull of the family is stronger, though.

My note: There is also an idea at the moment that they might like to be somewhere around where we can meet at some point, for example, if I'm anywhere around Port Angeles.
At this point, I was on Salt Spring Island, British Columbia, with family, until I was able to find a place I liked in the Port Angeles area… and despite our best efforts, and looking at the map together for Salt Spring Island, the ONLY place there where they thought might be friendly for them to get to and for us to meet was on the very back end of the island, at Musgrave Landing, which was pretty much inaccessible to me (accesible either by boat, or via a long dirt pot-holey road, that I wasn't likely to get to on my own.)

06/21/2017      Whales      Hungry Gray Whales
A long-overdue update about the Gray Whales … and About These Babies…
Published 06/21/2017

I'm getting that what I need to share here is important, and I need to put it out there "as is".

First of all, the gray whales tell me that it would be really, really helpful if the gray whales were put on the "highly endangered species" list.

The "knowing" of these whales is
that if we can't find a way to help, then there would be "no more of them".

That's their expression. You can read that as "extinct".

Please understand that the word "extinct" comes up for them again and again… and I haven't had that word come up for ANY of the other whale species that I've connected with to date.
It's not so much that they're endangered by people, but because their attempts to repopulate are not (so far) going well, and they really need all the help that we might be able to give them.

… and the more educated people are about WHY, the better off everyone is. So here goes…

I've finally begun to put some of the pieces together since my cross-country move, and now, I'm making progress on "catching up" again with my journal entries… which means more conversations with the whales again.

There are so many journal entries that I haven't had a chance to write even, let alone to publish the ones I already have notes for, so there are a few missing pieces here, which will eventually come together and I'll get some of them out here so you can read them as well. As I publish more, you'll be able to fill in the gaps in "understanding", as you'll be able to follow the threads better.

For now, please bear with me, and understand that some of the whales are having big-time difficulties, and that in my connecting through so many different species, we're finding common threads, and things that are beyond-helpful to ALL of the groups.

It begins with the dolphins… and… oh god… I have some really amazing journal entries that you will want to read.

Please accept for now, that they have concepts like "the baby arrived" … like parents used to tell their children… "the stork brought the baby"… except that even that mamas didn't have a clue that they are pregnant and that their babies come from inside of them.

There is a "The Birds and the Bees" conversation that I had with the dolphins, back on September 28, 2016. It all began in the most innocent way, when two female dolphins "jumped" together. One was Hope, a dolphin I already knew by name, and the other was a 5-year female dolphin.

This other 5-year old dolphin had a lovely, sweet, full-of-life energy, and chose the name "Adventure", but she did ask if the name was okay, because "it may not fit anymore after she becomes a mother. It takes a lot of energy," the dolphins showed me, "to be a mother."

… and, Hope and I began questioning Adventure's age… "Did we get it right?" …(they don't know exactly, so I help them to figure it out).

You see, by age five, many female dolphins (area-specific at least to the east-coast bottlenose dolphins) already have a child, and Adventure didn't.

So being curious, I began wondering if there were physiological reasons for Adventure not yet having a baby. "Have you been through the mating routine?" I asked… and yes, she had. But no baby.

Hope, and Adventure… and ALL of the other dolphins in the area, didn't understand why I asked the question, and what the connection was, between mating, and having a baby.

Here, I have to explain another piece that I only just learned this spring.
"Having a baby" doesn't translate to "birthing" a baby. It means, simply having a baby come near you, and being the mom for it. (There will be more about "the Birds and the Bees" conversation in time… I'll get that out there eventually too, but it began with a discussion of the egg.)
I have asked the same question many times, and in as many ways as I can, and the answer is always the same. They "did not know." (their words).

Birthing season for my dolphins on the east coast is usually from early April through to almost mid-June, according to what they shared this year… but this year, for the first time, it was very different for all of them.

In the past, the time of year "When babies arrive" has been what they describe as "a time of constant questions", and something that one might describe as "voodoo".
Females who are "fat" and need to stay fed… ("why do they keep eating?")
Tummy aches… and blood… but where did that come from?
… and babies simply often "showing up".
"Whose baby is that, which just happened to be there…?" they would ask, until one says "I'll have that one." (Those are their words.)

(Apparently, they usually get it right, and it's the baby's mama who takes the role of mother for her child…but they say they occasionally have a time where they don't know which one it is… "except that the baby seems to figure it out," they say.)
"There are also sometimes dead babies, and who put them there?" (their words… and they are very agitated as they ask this!!!)
… and then, there are also "A few female dolphins who disappeared. Not there." (Also not nice… agitated.)
We would read this as the moms who didn't make it through childbirth…

I've asked many times, "Don't you see the baby being born? The little dolphin coming out?"

But they are very puzzled by this, and as for seeing, "It wasn't 'polite' to have anything unusual near the body", so read that as
"Everyone politely ignores things that might be different (like the beginning of a new dolphin coming out of a mom)"…
They indicate
"That wouldn't be easy, so it can't be," and they ignore it. (They're referring to "a baby dolphin coming out from the mom".)
From their perspective, it "would be foolish to believe that a whole, entire baby might fit through any place"
… they mean, "even if there COULD be a baby inside a bit of anatomy to see the size, how would it be in the water?" i.e., "there's nowhere big enough for a baby to come out from inside, so it cannot be."

Keep in mind as well, another piece I may not have written about yet, is that many of these species (dolphins, beaked whales, and many others), don't actually see with their physical eyes the same way we do. They have described it as "seeing patterns", but not the physical. It's not really like seeing "energy", or even "chakras", or anything that I can describe, but it IS like "sensing" (i.e., instinct… and seeing those things [patterns] that are helpful, and avoiding others).

It is this that "makes it 'polite' to 'not see' the unusual things." (their words… the dolphins.)

They have always been very relieved when July comes, and the babies are safe, and there are no more "weird things happening."

So, having discovered this, back in September last year, I have found the same thing to be true (with all of the whales and dolphins). Period. No exceptions.

I would like to add a few other notes that I've been hoping to find the time to write…  You see, if I wait to "publish them in the correct order", it might be a very long time yet, so I'll give a quick little overview here…

So to further illustrate, there was a conversation with the east coast Right Whales, who had also been asking for help…

This discussion in January of 2017, was with a male Right Whale, somewhat of a leader, who completely agreed that it would be a big step for their health to have fewer babies, and for the young ones to not have children until they're older, so to protect them.

… Who, subsequently, the following day, expressed a great deal of concern over my idea of not "doing that" with the females… and when I then said "I thought we were in agreement, about understanding that not having children as often would be helpful"… his very confused answer to that came as an unexpected
"No, that won't do at all. We need that. It helps the extreme anxiety we seem to have gotten"
… they were referring to the mating process, or more so, releasing stress via having intercourse…
… followed immediately by another almost-exasperated
"Well let them stop having babies then!"
followed by… "Why DO they keep having babies?"
Please know, that I have asked if it's okay if I write this and publish it, and they want it so. They're aware, that somehow, it's "the next piece of the situation" for them, and that they "will understand more when others who think through things are aware of this" (their thoughts).

When I first thought about writing this, they obviously didn't understand the connection… but you can imagine, that I was already aware of how people reading this might respond… and even there, the wonderful Right Whale couldn't fathom that someone might read that and smile… and think "Oh, how priceless is that…"  But after I told the story to a friend or two, they quickly "got it", and they are more aware.

Another illustration?

Well, shortly after I had arrived on the west coast, I was visiting the Salish Museum (for the Salish Sea) in Sidney, British Columbia. The very last display includes a few skeletons and parts of skeletons, from actual dolphins and whales… and there aren't any "do not touch" signs, and apparently, people are free to touch and feel what those bones actually are like.

I'm constantly reaching out to "my friends" via a connection that I can only describe as amazing! This means that I can feel their awareness, and their questions, and more…

So here I am, exploring the inside cavity within the ribcage of a very large whale… and I'm happily connecting with some whales at the time. I think "So this is where the baby is developing…" and I'm picturing a whale fetus nestled into this space, gradually over time, filling more and more of the space. The response I got was smirks!!! Like…
"We KNOW this isn't possible,"
… and "You're teasing us" (a.k.a., "pulling our tail"  ["pulling my leg??"])  
        (they've learned this expression from me… They love being very "hip")
… and also, "You are MAKING THIS UP." (Very emphatically … NOT a question.)
(They were SO sure!)
Anyway, you get the picture.

So it's not just the dolphins, or one group of whales… it's all of them.

That's all I have time to write today, but there is more… much more, obviously, because I didn't get to the part about the Gray Whales yet, but I'll have to leave the rest for another day. I'll try to get to it soon again!

(P.S. It's now 6/26/2017, and they [some of those I wrote about here] really wanted me to put what I have out there already, even if I haven't yet finished the whole thing. They would love for others to see where they are. "Understanding is everything," some of them say.)

06/21/2017      Dolphins     
An interesting excerpt
Published 06/29/2017

This is an excerpt from my whale journal with the 6/21/2017 date on it, which ended up telling (summary version) some of the dolphin journals that I haven't yet had a chance to write and publish.

It's a little taste of what is yet to come, although the entries will be added with dates from September 2016 through to June 2017… so this summary will eventually be sequentially later than the original entries… At the moment, I'm doing my best to just get the information out there, in whatever way I can… there is SO much more yet to come!

Here's the excerpt:

It begins with the dolphins… and… oh god… I have some really amazing journal entries that you will want to read.

Please accept for now, that they have concepts like "the baby arrived" … like parents used to tell their children… "the stork brought the baby"… except that even that mamas didn't have a clue that they are pregnant and that their babies come from inside of them.

There is a "The Birds and the Bees" conversation that I had with the dolphins, back on September 28, 2016. It all began in the most innocent way, when two female dolphins "jumped" together. One was Hope, a dolphin I already knew by name, and the other was a 5-year female dolphin.

This other 5-year old dolphin had a lovely, sweet, full-of-life energy, and chose the name "Adventure", but she did ask if the name was okay, because "it may not fit anymore after she becomes a mother. It takes a lot of energy," the dolphins showed me, "to be a mother."

… and, Hope and I began questioning Adventure's age… "Did we get it right?" …(they don't know exactly, so I help them to figure it out).

You see, by age five, many female dolphins (area-specific at least to the east-coast bottlenose dolphins) already have a child, and Adventure didn't.

So being curious, I began wondering if there were physiological reasons for Adventure not yet having a baby. "Have you been through the mating routine?" I asked… and yes, she had. But no baby.

Hope, and Adventure… and ALL of the other dolphins in the area, didn't understand why I asked the question, and what the connection was, between mating, and having a baby.

Here, I have to explain another piece that I only just learned this spring. "Having a baby" doesn't translate to "birthing" a baby. It means, simply having a baby come near you, and being the mom for it. (There will be more about "the Birds and the Bees" conversation in time… I'll get that out there eventually too, but it began with a discussion of the egg.)

I have asked the same question many times, and in as many ways as I can, and the answer is always the same. They "did not know." (their words).

Birthing season for my dolphins on the east coast is usually from early April through to almost mid-June, according to what they shared this year… but this year, for the first time, it was very different for all of them.

In the past, the time of year "When babies arrive" has been what they describe as "a time of constant questions", and something that one might describe as "voodoo".
Females who are "fat" and need to stay fed… ("why do they keep eating?")
Tummy aches… and blood… but where did that come from?
… and babies simply often "showing up".
"Whose baby is that, which just happened to be there…?" they would ask, until one says "I'll have that one." (Those are their words.)

(Apparently the usually get it right, and it's the baby's mama who takes the role of mother for her child…but they say occasionally have a time where they don't know which one it is… "except that the baby seems to figure it out," they say.)
"There are also dead babies, and who put them there?" (their words… and they are very agitated as they ask this!!!)
… and then, there are also "A few female dolphins who disappeared. Not there." (Also not nice… agitated.)

I've asked many times, "Don't you see the baby being born? The little dolphin coming out?"

But they are very puzzled by this, and as for seeing, "It wasn't 'polite' to have anything unusual near the body", so read that as
"Everyone politely ignores things that might be different (like the beginning of a new dolphin coming out of a mom)"…
They indicate "That wouldn't be easy, so it can't be," and they ignore it. (A baby dolphin coming out from the mom.)
From their perspective, it "would be foolish to believe that a whole, entire baby might fit through any place"
… they mean, "even if there COULD be a baby inside a bit of anatomy to see the size, how would it be in the water?" i.e., "there's nowhere big enough for a baby to come out from inside, so it cannot be."

Keep in mind as well, another piece I may not have written about yet, is that many of these species (dolphins, beaked whales, and many others), don't actually see with their physical eyes the same way we do. They have described it as "seeing patterns", but not the physical. It's not really like seeing "energy", or even "chakras", or anything that I can describe, but it IS like "sensing" (i.e., instinct… and seeing those things [patterns] that are helpful, and avoiding others).

It is this that "makes it 'polite' to 'not see' the unusual things." (their words… the dolphins.)

They have always been very relieved when July comes, and the babies are safe, and there are no more "weird things happening."

So, having discovered this, back in September last year, I have found the same thing to be true (with all of the whales and dolphins). Period. No exceptions.
… there will be more!!!

06/25/2017      Whales      Lost Bottlenose Whales
Back home… or…? (Where to go?)
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Quickly checking on the map with LandLover… they are up just before Wales (not "Whales"?) on the Alaska coast… LandLover was asking for help… although we'd checked the route a few days ago, now it's a different situation, because they are near another bit of earth (land), and they need to know "Why it feels the same as something else"… They mean it seems somehow familiar to them, and they almost went across to it.

If you look at the map, you'll see that Wales, Alaska, is directly across from and very close to Asia… Russia.

When we went over it together on the map, LandLover went "NOT."
It was familiar to them, because they've lived there, and they needed to understand why it felt that way.

"It is or seems to be not okay," so we'll keep going (on the North American continent).

What a tragedy that would have been, they see, to go back there again. That's the antithesis of everything they want. (their words.)

My words: When I was checking on the map, they "backed off" from that land so quickly, and quickly turned my hand sideways so that my the edge of my palm (the pinky side) lay between the two continents as a "wall". "NO WAY."

Next day (6/26/2017), when Joy checked with LandLover as to where he is today, he showed her that he and the others are deliberately following the outline of the land on the Alaskan side, going into Kotzebue Sound, where normally during the summer, he might have taken a shortcut across the mouth of the bay… just to "ensure" that we are on safe continent", he shows Joy.

6/27/2017: They seem to be making really great progress, and this morning, were already getting close to Point Lay, Alaska. They're already heading east… northeast at the moment, but they're only about a single day's journey from the point at which they'll be going directly east across the top of the continent.

06/26/2017      Whales      Hungry Gray Whales
Back to the Gray Whales again!
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

So back to the Gray Whales. This is a continuation of the journal entry I started on 6/21/2017.

Every morning, I sit and read some pretty heavy-duty genetics textbooks over my breakfast.
This morning, I happened to be reading a chapter about mitosis, and meiosis… cell division… and chromosomes. Meiosis is what makes the egg and the sperm cells…  

*** Must finish writing this!!!! ***

06/26/2017      Whales      All types
"If I can't see you…"
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

I was reading in "The Agile Gene", by Matt Ridley.

It was about the developmental stages that a young child must go through…

These lovely whales accept that under many conditions, they are the same.

As far a they know, like our youngest of children,
"If I can't see you, you can't see me."
(That's why playing "peek-a-boo" is such magic for a baby!)

These whales don't seem to be able to fathom the idea that
"If I can't see you, you CAN see me."

This seemed to be the case across the board… for every one of the types of whales that I checked with.

06/28/2017      Whales      Beluga Whales
"Who are you?" ask the Beluga Whales
Published 07/03/2017

This entry starts with LandLover and the no-longer-lost Bottlenose Whales…

Since I saw very clearly in the last few entries I've added, that both the whales and dolphins have learned how to "add their own words" no matter which viewpoint I'm writing from ("I" as first-person, or "Joy" as third-person … and you'll smile, because here, they are wondering "is there a second-person point of view?" I've never asked that question!)…

(Later… I looked up "point of view" writing, and found the following website: https://www.grammarly.com/blog/first-second-and-third-person/ . The second-person perspective is writing about "you". The sweet seals are saying they must use that perspective "much", because they see all the other things and humans as "you". This comes through with laughter… but it's really sweet laughter. I guess I should publish a few of my seal journals as well!)

… anyway, I'm going to continue writing my entries now using the first-person perspective… but in most places, where you see "quotes", those will be words that the whales and dolphins (or seals… etc.) are putting there.

I checked with LandLover on the maps this morning… and he showed me that they are just a little bit farther north than Wainwright, Alaska… farther and farther north.
However, they are slowing down, and can't cover many miles, because of weather and water.
I have no way to verify any of this, but he describes rain coming down as snow, and the "way is not through". So I'm guessing that there must be ice…

Of course… but how was I to know when it would be melting?

I have already known that it would be mid-July or so, before it would be okay to "get through the water", but I had no idea when they would be "allowed (able) to make progress"…, so they "decided to go there already."  
"It's fun this way", they say… they're talking about writing with me… it's very different for them…

At first, I thought it's because of the "I"-perspective that it's different for them, but I just understood…

… Okay, this is the new ones… the Beluga Whales coming through! It's their first time connecting!

Somehow, I provide a channel just like a radio or television… don't be too surprised… after all, to listen to the radio, you just turn a knob on a device, and you can "pick up a signal"! So maybe we'll call this "Joy's Radio" … but they tell me it's much more similar to a TV station, where there's interaction, but it's a multiway sequence… transmitter and receiver, both, but many at once.

"This is the Beluga Whales asking what is TV?"…

I have to say "Later… I'll give you some updates…"
I'm not making this up, and I'm serious here… and they need for you to understand that and to hear them. Somehow, all of this is interwoven… their personalities… their experiences… along with how they are, and how the various species are getting along (thriving or not), etc.

They WANT HELP, and they ask you to "hear them… all of who they are."

Know that these stories are precious and priceless… They're so full of "their" things… Let them come through telling their own words… You'll have glimpses of what my life is like. It's priceless.

So back to LandLover and the weather and water conditions…
On Google maps, I see that they are still in the Chukchi sea, but that they are nearing the Beaufort Sea. I looked up the Beaufort Sea in Wikipedia… and that's how I got to the Beluga whales!

As I was reading the bit that says " the sea hosts one of the largest colonies of beluga whales", I HAD to click on the link to the Beluga Whales page. There was something connecting that was asking "Please." So I went to the Beluga Whales page, and thus began my first interactions with the Belugas.

Please understand that each time I connect with a group, there is a personality (for the entire group), and the Belugas come through as not quite "heavy" (like the Gray Whales and the East Coast Right Whales), but somehow, "unhappy"… not doing well. Another group that is "unaware of how to thrive."

To me, it feels sad… but they say "bewildered". "Almost not unhappy, and not happy." So you may read that as "depressed"… "no emotion left." Probably the best description that matches, and words that they agree carry what I'm feeling, is "Everything takes too much effort."
… yet when I go to those words, they "know it's insufficient"… They would add here that "It's much more difficult than those words portray."

The first things that came earlier, when I first connected, were words, and the words included "Anxiety"… and also "nausea". … and "too small"… "can't eat well".
I ask if they are hungry, but they say "no".
If I ask it another way, "Are you getting enough food?"… the answer is "Yes, although it's not the right thing just now." (meaning, not nourishing them).

Please note, that as I write, they find things that they weren't aware of, so they couldn't have told anyone that their diet was not right, but somehow, this time, they have just become aware that "there are many big things not present." ('Protein?' I ask… but it's more the minerals that they are lacking.)

That's all I have time for just now… When I first sat down to write, I was simply going to say that I had my first connection with Belugas today… but now you might like to know that the first thing that came when I began writing, was the very question you "Who are you?"… asked by them. So I made that the title.

By the way, please keep "cheering on" LandLover and the other no-longer-lost Bottlenose Whales who are trying to get back "HOME!" to the east coast… It IS cold!

Apparently, "The [Beaufort] sea, characterized by severe climate, is frozen over most of the year. Historically, only a narrow pass up to 100 km (62 mi) opened in August–September near its shores, but recently due to climate change in the Arctic the ice-free area in late summer has greatly enlarged."

But that ice-free time is in late-summer, and apparently won't be for very long, and they will probably need more time than that to make it all the way across the top. They will need help, because
they "are not equipped to remember how to be during very cold weather", and they "aren't so great at finding where to come up for air".
(They mean that they "aren't so great at finding where to come up for air if it's 'hard'…" and they are referring to solid"-hard, not difficult-hard!).
Some of the other whales have that all figured out… and they love the ice! (Yes, it's true! The Bowhead Whales thrive there! I do have a story another day, about the Bowhead Whales!)

So back to LandLover and the no-longer-lost bottlenose whales: Please note, that like all other Bottlenose Whales, these ones are excited by the very idea of squid!

I looked up squid this time, and found information that says that squid are a high-energy food source for many large marine species.

No wonder LandLover and the bottlenose whales get excited over them! (… and it would appear that some species live in arctic waters as well).

So my Bottlenose Whales wanted me to go to the "satellite" view of Google maps this morning, because somehow, they wanted to know "just where the squid would be"… and they were excited and happy!

Somehow, we know there are squid nearby… and sure enough, in the satellite view, you can see the change in the ocean bottom for an entire stretch north of Alaska, in the Beaufort Sea.

Based on my experience with the Bottlenose Whales so far, and their love of squid, we seem to have found that wherever there are "ravines" and "deep channels" along the bottom of the ocean, there are almost always squid.

So they are excited!

I asked about the "cold", because during the autumn (on their way across to North America, from Japan), there had been squid in some ravines as well, but they hadn't been able to go deep, and had been very disappointed.

They think that because it's summer, somehow they may be able to get to them this time, despite the ice. We'll see…!!!

06/30/2017      Whales      Lost Bottlenose Whales
Adjusting thoughts
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

(this is about why some of them are staying behind on the Pacific side)

… a note about LandLover, and how when we checked, if they simply wait and then go all at once, it's not quite as nice, but if they keep trying, and heading just a little bit farther, they'll adjust, and "make more blood vessels" and other things will make them more resilient and help them through…

So they keep trying, making really slow progress now, but enjoying the time, knowing they're "on their way".

It also seems that many of those who are staying in on the west coast of North America are there because they "might be making babies" ...or other reasons "why their instincts might not let them get too cold"…

They say they are fine, if they know. "Why can't I go?"… ("but if they are not soft for my type, then I'm soft."  … can't easily translate this...)
(Many of the babies won't be near their fathers, because their fathers are heading across the top of the continent, but the babies wouldn't be okay through that cold climate, as their moms won't be able to insulate them generously, so their tails won't be fored nicely, and other things.)

07/03/2017      Whales      Hungry Gray Whales
The Gray Whales ask "about the Atlantic, please"
Published 07/03/2017

A few of the gray whales came through today asking to be called simply "Grays", just as we say "Belugas", and "it's fine." (I first connected with the Beluga Whales a few days ago, on 6/28/2017.)

(There is still the second part of the 6/21/2017 journal entry that I haven't yet finished adding all my notes, but I have to jump ahead for just today, so please forgive me, but this is what came today, and I have to publish it!)

These same Grays were wondering about the Atlantic ocean, and whether they might migrate there, anytime soon.

It seems they've asked their DNA where they might "connect with more", so "to heal."

They seem to mean where they might find bigger pieces of their ancestors, so they can make more progress.

They asked about going across the top of the Northwest Passage (across the top of the North American continent).

At first I thought they were asking this simply because LandLover and several of his group are heading that way (in time… this summer, and they add that they are more-or-less on their way already.)

… I looked up about finding Gray Whales in the Atlantic Ocean, and found an article that said "Dutch trawlers raking the mud of the North Sea dredged up a cache of gray whale subfossils, the largest ever discovered."

It goes on to say that: "Analyzing this Atlantic material and comparing it with DNA from the Pacific from the same time period, Alter and Hofreiter discovered that grays moved freely between the Pacific and the Atlantic on at least three separate occasions during the late Pleistocene and the Holocene, periods when temperatures were warmer and sea ice was light. (The most recent migratory “pulse” ended about 5,000 years ago.) And based on the genetic diversity in the samples, Alter’s team estimated in 2007 that the archaic population was three to five times larger than it is today."

This is very significant, they believe (the Gray Whales themselves)… It's about their DNA, and finding an old pattern where they might have been BIG… "the "giant" versions that we need…"

A week or more ago (previous entry for Grays), they had indicated to me that they were "too big", and that they wanted to shrink. I had tried to "process" this, and figure out if there really had been a change in size somewhere, but couldn't find enough pieces.

They say that "then someone (one of us) thought the grays had been bigger too."
They put this as "they did their 'research' "… meaning, that they followed through their genes (much like I often do) to find ancestors, and today's question about the Atlantic Ocean was the result.

There are some big pieces here, though… so if they migrate more, the question is, "Will they find enough variety to breed with?", but that is dependent on where they end up. The warmer climates will be more friendly, but they want to mate with only Grays. That's not "nice or kind yet, as there isn't any core there to wait for them" (...meaning, they wouldn't hold their own uniqueness, just as we know them today.)

It seems that if they migrate across the top of the continent as they're asking about, they would end up in the Hudson Bay area, and that's fine, but not comfortable for them, as far as I can determine.

On that track, though, finding their way across to the European side of the ocean "would be nice, and history would then be fine…" … but when I check on that, I can't see them getting there… like "it doesn't work. The mating is wrong, so they are dying out still."
It's as if the ocean across the Arctic route is still too cold for them, and makes them slow (inside and out… not "thinking"… and anxious still, and not finding the right conditions.)

However, if I check on them going "the other way around", i.e., going south from California, down to the southern tip of South America, and back on the East coast of South  America, "it sees nice"… and they MIGHT make it… but this way "feels happier" to them.

The time of year matters, though, such as maybe early October to begin, so that they are going around the Southern tip of South America around December, which would be like June to people and whales in the northern hemisphere, and it would be fine. They can make it, because it's not a foreign climate… i.e., the temperature is fine.

This is only a few of the Grays wanting this, but only several are "thinking" … "like Joy" they add.
Somehow, as we (together) find threads, they see more of who they are. That’s the easiest way for me to explain this. Doing this on their own (understanding what they need), "it's not fine".  

(They want others to "learn that it's important. Why is Joy doing this?... Alone?" "We would like help," are their words.) (I have to write this, because every time I try to say it a different way, they won't let me… they're asking for funding, somehow, just to make this information available.)

Somehow, this is (they say) "many of them" … "please asking you to help us together, please."
They reiterate, "No one (Grays or any other species) is at risk, if we can learn what we need."

That's enough for today. Will they migrate (intentionally)? Perhaps not just now, but it's a thought, and it was a really great question on their part!

07/10/2017      Dolphins     
"It even looks hungry!" they say
Published 07/10/2017

This is about the one single tour boat that they have traditionally hidden from… The Rudee Rocket!

Today, I was (finally!) writing up my notes to tell one of my very favorite days with the dolphins… "That Man!" (see the dolphin journal for 9/10/2016)

There were many reasons for them to avoid this boat, the Rudee Rocket, according to them… previously… but today, I finally looked at a front-on picture of it: https://www.rudeetours.com/our-fleet/rudee-rocket/

… and their first response was "It even looks hungry!", followed by laughter, as they understood what the main reason was that they used to hide from it.
"Now we see," they say.

"It looks like a shark that is out to eat"
(I am able to show them many things on the computer, and somehow, no matter where I am, they "gather" information. They have often asked me to use my camera and video camera just to show them a "picture". They can't see it through my eyes, or my awareness, but when it's a computerized version, pixel-by-pixel, they can see it. Something like that…)

So today, as I looked at the photo of the Rudee Rocket, they asked to connect, and were aware of "what humans have done (to tease)" (their words).

If you click on the link, you'll see that the boat is bright yellow, and it has a shark's face painted on the front of it, complete with what looks like an opening for a mouth, with lots of sharp white teeth with a red-painted tongue inside! Even the eyes are there.

They are "so well-adjusted" to "people" and "mirth" (their words), because they've been hanging out with me for a long time now (my words), and they "must enjoy people", like their "sense of time".

That last sentence was their way of letting me know that they've noticed something like "Joy's west-coast mammals" have learned… that many things are "right away there"… by following a time, we know to look in the stars."

I kind of have trouble following their words, but I know what they're referring to… Over on the west coast, here among the Gulf Islands, and other areas in the vicinity, everyone needs to use "ferries" to go places, and the boats have a schedule… "and the boat WILL leave on time, even if you didn't get there…" (they know, "from Joy's trying hard to be there early", they indicate… as I sit here laughing while I'm writing this. They are sweet, beyond words!)

Anyway, they are all learning to understand that almost NOBODY (or "no BIG THING") (i.e., boats in general) will come after them, and that they each know how to tell the vibes of the various boats, and understand "time" as the boat will already know which stars are in the heavens at the time it must cross". (Think "ferry schedules", and you'll know what they refer to… the movement of the stars.)

For me, this brings a question, because although people know the stars are there, most of us wouldn't know how to tell our way, or even time, by the stars (unless maybe you're an astrologer). We can't even imagine where the stars are positioned or moving in the daytime, because all we see is sunshine and blue skies. (Someone is saying "I know…!" here on the west coast… it's a very sweet "young lady", a seal… who is maybe still only a month or so old…)

Anyway, the general consensus (among "ALL of us"!) is "Why aren't you using this?"
Maybe we are using something that is based on the stars, and that's what our "clocks" refer to, but we need our man-made devices to see what time it is… (Cell phone, anyone?)

I'm trying to figure out how they "know", but they indicate that it's "inborn"… they "must know."

I understand that, but it's the "vision" thing again… i.e., "what do the physical eyes see, and how can the 3-D information translate a "picture" to the brain, if the stars aren't visible at a given point in time?

They still don't follow. (This is happening as I'm writing. They can't comprehend why I'm asking this, or even "what does that mean that 'you don't see them'?")

Somehow, they do see them, even though the sky is (to me), "blue".
"And if it's cloudy?" I ask… and it's the same thing. They see the stars.

However, when I ask, "If it's raining?"… then they can't understand the time, and that's probably why everything hides away on "miserable" days, when there is stormy weather, or even just heavy pelting water, which comes as what people will know as "rain".

Wow! A whole new "nother" piece of something that we take for granted. How can we presume to begin to understand what is happening in nature?

(I do have another sweet story to tell, about one day when I "needed" to travel… by boat… ferry… and I'd been hoping to connect with whales, possibly, during the 1½ hour crossing… but they indicated it "wouldn't be"… Now I understand better!)

Anyway, back to the Rudee Rocket! All of the above was by way of the dolphins letting me know that they've been "paying attention" and are realizing that more often than not, the "tour boats" (they are showing me they've applied it well, to the "plural" tour boats!) follow a timeline, more or less. ("Not nearly as on-time as for a ferry", they show me.

Since I'm no longer in Virginia Beach, my dolphins are taking this in on a different wavelength than if I were there in-person, standing on the beach and talking with them… or rather, laughing with them about this.

About the Rocket boat:
"We know. It is fun, as well, with heavy energy gone."
So since they thought the energy (?) of the front of the boat looked just like a hungry shark, I'm asking here about the "seeing" thing, and the "patterns" they have told me they see and comprehend, much more than physical eyes translating the image…

But at this, there is extreme anxiety on their part.
"With a shark, you don't underestimate" when it's near (depending on the shark, they indicate).

With this one, "It's fierce."
They continue:

"The patterns must vibrate just like the shark", is what they are thinking, based on their new awareness of "visual habits"…
… but also, maybe I haven't said this very much yet, but the young ones "see" for maybe close to their first year, before they adjust to the "expectations" of the steady (mature) dolphins.
"The young ones don't like this (the Rudee Rocket boat), and they are giving out fears, and we adjust and learn."
However, as I put this out there, asking if the young ones "see" the image on the boat, the answer is not "yes", but they do recognize "sharp white"… i.e., the teeth.

And now, they can play again. They are around enough others (they mean boats!) "to know what it will be".

They indicate "We'll see. Our eyes figure out new things, and the front of this angry boat is for play."

I only wish that this had been kind for them all along… and as I went to that thought, they are saying that as well. "It was not easy".

Often, when the Rudee Rocket slowed down or was just drifting, often they would realize it's just people (what they used to believe was "people-dolphins"), and might come close again.

One of the other reasons they didn't like the boat was because it was "angry". (I was trying to write "loud"… like REALLY noisy…, but the substituted their own language. I guess when it slows down, it's no longer "menacing" … again, their choice of word.)

… and the other big reason that they avoid it, is because the propeller blades have caused injuries to many of them over several years, and for most, they don't live, or put it another way, "must be pushed away" (because they have blood, and blood will bring the very thing "we are worried about with this boat… sharks.")

With time, though, they are "learning"… "at least those who know Joy, of a way to learn."
"Which direction is the noise?… and if it's near, then go away."
"Get away from the direction the noise is going into".
These are their words… and I say "Wow! You guys are doing well!"… and I can feel that they are pleased, and proud."

(I miss them! Oh my, how often do I wish that I might be there with them, just to see them and talk again… and have them come "splashing" by, as they must do more of during the summer months again. However, I also know I'm exactly where I must be… and I'm looking forward to making the acquaintance of more in-person whales, in time… and they [the dolphins] know that's correct, for them as well. "It will be nice, when you see whales, like you call us.")

They say they can't avoid this Rocket boat, though, because it's too fast (and large, so a bit deeper than other fast boats), and they don't "see where it is, because it moves easily another way" (i.e., swerves often… Now they understand, though, based on the Rocket's description… it's so the tourists have their "thrill ride").

I wish there was a way to get past this… something simple that we might understand, that would help them to be safe. Maybe we'll find something together.

07/13/2017      Dolphins     
My new Nova Scotia friends
Published 07/15/2017

Lately, I've also been connecting with a group of dolphins who live near Nova Scotia, Canada.

Why Nova Scotia? Because somehow, my group 1 dolphins are part of their family.

My group 1 dolphins have always shown me that their "home" WAS Nova Scotia, except that in the "cold time of year", they seem to have migrated down as far as Charleston and Savannah, Georgia.

My group 1 dolphins were the first ones who found me, thus the "group ONE" label! (They describe it more or less as that they liked the energy enough to continue being there … it was all about the "vibes" in the beginning… and that was long before we found a way to connect with actually bigger conversations… but they indicate that I did "talk" with them. Those would have been more "about vibes" conversations, than explorations of who they are.)

They say they "immediately went to Virginia Beach and saw the space" (something to do with the vibes)
"and decided to hang out there"
(that's their current-day vocabulary!), and now they no longer keep going back to Nova Scotia. (I assume that they passed through the VB coastal area when they were migrating, and decided to "detour" for a few years.)

So through these group 1 dolphins, I have an ability to connect with the group 1 dolphins in Nova Scotia who are related to some of my Virginia Beach Group 1 dolphins.

I know several of my (VB) group 1's by name…
We have Mystery, who is the "provider" dolphin for the group

… and there's Theo, who likes to make up "sequences" (and designed a "dolphin show for me after I helped many of their type through Hurricane Matthew)

… and there's another really special young lady, James, who was first named Picasso, who I hope to have time to write about, one of these days! … (it's just that they keep me busy with the new stories, that the original entries may just have to wait even longer…)
Anyway, I've been connecting with a few of these Nova Scotia ladies (dolphins) as they've begun their birthing season lately (much later in the summer than the more southerly dolphins).

On this day, I was asking about how the births are going, and whether anyone needed any special attention. One of them indicated that several in the group were "not okay" (with a BIG emphasis on that), as
"they didn't accept their young ones yet."
This is my challenge in being able to connect with some of these groups only in bits and pieces… I simply only get little windows of time, mostly when I head outdoors for my walks.

What they showed me is that they are asking to be able to "express".
"It must be something. It can't be everything other than."
To translate here: They're trying to begin to accept births, and that brings "sore".

So here, I have a short interlude. I've already written than almost universally, animals don't accept that they give birth. It's a new concept for them.

So my dolphins are expressing something very new for them:
 "Why must they come when we're SORE?" so… "We don't like you."

That comes by way of the lovely deer on the island where I currently am, and their NEW awareness that "the babies might often see being here but only if I brought it." (They also have been in the process of bringing their young into the world… in June.)

The new-mother deer were always mad at the young ones, and what they asked me was
"They always come when I'm hurting. I can't take care of them then. Why didn't they see to come when I'm feeling fine?"
Now they (a few of the deer here nearby) understand that the babies come through them,
"so there will be extra things the body is happening", they say.
… and therefore, they will always "happen to be hurting when their young ones come into the world". Now they understand, and they ask
"How else could it be?"
These deer are quite intelligent… (They are the ones understanding even our grammar, or that a question is "asking" and not "saying"!)

Anyway, they got this idea really quickly! … and with understanding, they are content and will "give the young ones 'a happy time'."

Anyway, it was my Nova Scotia dolphins becoming aware of "why do they come when I'm hurting?", that this new idea for them comes from (of not "liking them… yet.") (They're quick to add "yet" here.
I think they just needed some reassurance, and maybe a few more explanations yet.)

I suggested that they'll soon be adoring their babies, and teasingly said that if they want to get mad at someone, to express themselves directly to those who brought the babies… the "daddies".

But there's another new concept happening for them, because gave them another "idea"… and they begin to get it. They say,
"The young ones are the 'new' thing, and they will be the next."
That's "the generation" thing. Today's babies are tomorrow's new generation… those who will be the mature dolphins, and "let's make it nice." They love this idea, and quickly shift.

They are "a group" and
"individuality hasn't even seen."

"Whatever is, is."

"Those who decide are there. We don't ask."
So you can imagine what they must be going through.
I can feel it, and there's a lot of "due diligence" happening. (I was using that phrase just yesterday!)

Someone is busy, and the water is slowly going around.
(water is churning, wheels are turning… "cogitating"… however you'd like to put it!)

All that, because this is a whole new concept for them… another one. Their first attempt at putting their own words to this came out as
"How I mean to be" is "what you are being".
They're aware that "how a young one is treated means they won't be shy later." (I'm trying to interpret, but they keep adding their own words!!!)

Let's try again… meaning, that
"how anyone is perceived by others, determines how they behave later."
Again, they provided those words. How very amazing.

What a journey! They are taking in so much, so quickly!

So back to this "hurting" thing, when the babies come through:

Somehow, this has given them a new awareness, or concept, that "Sore" is okay.
They were adamant earlier, to show no sign of discomfort.
"We must not accept any who have pain."… (They are saying this almost with clenched teeth.)
They are now amending right here, that that was in the past.
"Joy was aware that pain is a nice thing." (They're trying different words here… "nice", then "comfortable", trying to adjust.)

I had explained that pain is often helpful, especially acute or rather short-term pain … it sometimes indicates that something is off… and to "pay attention." I'm not quite sure, yet, just why they would have those ideas about pain, and not accepting it.

However, pain through childbirth is one of the things that I had talked about with my Virginia Beach dolphins sometime before I left, as I stood on the shore, and we were aware that birthing time would soon be coming.

I explained how women (people) are not only allowed to "make noise" when giving birth, but that calling out, or moaning, or making noise through a contraction might be a way to help the pain, and to get through it. (That, and breathing or panting through it, and that the pain is so intense, that there is almost always someone there with the birthing mom, possibly a spouse, helping her to remember how to breathe, and helping her through the pain and the birthing process.)

So they became aware that it's okay to let others know you're giving birth.

These are my words here… Can you imagine going through something as painful as childbirth, and denying that you're experiencing "discomfort"? Oh my god!

Given that childbirth goes about as high on the pain scale as pain can go, that's pretty profound.

They "are grateful" (the Virginia Beach dolphins), and "this summer, we knew it was okay."
"It was an idea" to "let us experience something, to say we could make noise."
They loved the idea that they might let others know
"that they are sore, and that it's maybe an opening expanding."
Trying to be quiet, though, wasn't the issue… it was more an acceptance that pain is part of the process, and should be expressed.
"It can give you 'a role', and you might become a new mother."
The fact that the pain is because of a miracle, is even more amazing… That brings such wonder.
(You should feel the "soft, melting" [maternal] energy here!)

07/15/2017      Whales      Lost Bottlenose Whales
Well on their way now!
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

By now, I have a big awareness that although these whales are "together" and they are all headed the same way, they are not always close together.

There are two sort-of-wavey-single-file groups… the males are following the shore, and the women are farther from the shore.

LandLover is closer to the end of both groups.

They were where the water was frozen… decided to continue, to adjust to the ice gradually, but found that as they rounded the curve at the top of the land, they intended to be going back, but it was thawed… if you look at the map, you'll see that they were heading south.

Now they're going pretty fast again, not finding quite enough food, but we checked the map, and there's an area coming up in the ____ where there will be something they enjoy. (Three guesses, and the first two don't count… By now, you probably know that bottlenose whales particularly enjoy squid!)

They're currently on the Beaufort Sea, nearing Amundson Gulf.
They're planning to detour a bit from the mainland route, for food… an easy source (but not squid…)

Their detour will be to somewhere near Ulukhaktok, NT, which is on Victoria Island, on the west side.

The food that they're REALLY looking forward to is in a stretch between the mainland and Victoria Island, called the Coronation Gulf.

07/15/2017      Dolphins     
More about the Nova Scotia dolphins
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Anyway, for today, these Nova Scotia dolphins are asking about "when is there time?" … like to check on the Internet… or play games, like a young visitor who happens to be here today, a 9-year old boy, who brought along a "different thing" (laptop) to while away the time while his mom was visiting.
(This "young visitor" promptly went online so he could play his game, "Spinz".)

Time. What a big conundrum… "If you have to move, because the waves are wrong, 'AGAIN', it takes all of your time. And moving isn't fun."

I instantly understood, because my Virginia Beach dolphins learned this a while ago… The weather. Do you remember before Hurricane Hermine, they were going really fast up the coast, and they told me that they were "trying to go ahead of the waves", and that "there is someone angry, and we're keeping them okay by not disturbing it" (these are their words here, today, as I'm writing this.)

But now, they just shrug, and play.
And when I say "Weather", they smile. They know something.

These amazing Nova Scotia dolphins begin to … oh boy, two words: "understand", and also "swear".

"What have we been doing? THIS thing." … meaning, all this time, they might have found play, and easier things, but trying to stay away from the big waves, or thunder (and imagine that it is "something fearsome" … and that comes through with something like panic) took more time than anything else.

I ask if the weather was that bad there, and they agree. "The coast is wet." We know it means something, and why won't it be nice?
There, I believe the sun shines often, but sometimes the "energy" (fog) sits out there, waiting to roll in through the ocean and blocks this… " (something okay to them… they reach, and continue) "...word is that 'sun'.

Okay, I understand. We looked up all kinds of things together, using Wikipedia.
Weather: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weather … just a place to begin, but they didn't understand.
I showed them radar maps, showing where there is a heavy (dark green with orange in the middle) currently over Norway, using the radar maps on Weather.com)
They understood the "Green" is "THAT!" (meaning something they are aware is not nice. Snow maybe? I don't think so, more likely rain… ) … but they're asking about "white" as well, and "where are those?" (… "those that eat it"… and "it must be a food source".)

So I was trying to explain "the white stuff" (clouds), and needed to explain that it was mist, and moisture, so we looked up evaporation: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evaporation

We looked up weather forecasting: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weather_forecasting… so that they are "knowing it's okay"… "that it is something everyone sees" and we learn (i.e., that there are minds who think and see what will come another day then, so we know there is rain, soon."

I showed them the weather forecast, the 10-day outlook, and they know that scientists are aware already next weekend is the rain (a fair percentage of that) (50% and 60%)

(Do they know what percentage is? Oh my… I didn't think to ask that until just now… they're using the word, but don't know what it means. Let's keep it simple… "high likelihood versus mediocre, or none.")

They couldn't understand why there are variations in the water, "so maybe some not big, and sometimes very tall"… they're referring to waves.
So we looked up wind: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wind… because it's the wind first and foremost that brings the "waves" (they're contributing here now.)

We're not there yet, but it's beginning to "matter"… so they might agree to "stay where they are", so "if it might be wet, then somewhere else also," which is what my first groups of dolphins understood beginning with Hurricane Hermine… which was that there wasn't anywhere they might go, where there would NOT be big waves.

These Nova Scotia dolphins would have a much easeir time "getting" and understanding all of this, if I actually might meet them, or be somewhere on the shore where they are, but they're actually doing pretty well.

Then we looked up something about Hurricane Matthew (which was the huge hurricane that came up the east coast last fall… much more traumatic than Hurricane Hermine)…

… and then, finally, we looked up Ocean Waves: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ocean_waves
… and from there, went to Wind Waves: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wind_wave  … which is what they really wanted to know.

… and because they wanted to understand the "noise" (big "boom-like"), we looked up thunder! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thunder … and from there, the next thing was lightening:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lightning.

And "once we understood the thing with the sound, the ones who see it already thought to see the different." ("different thing there" … so these dolphins haven't been near me yet, physically, and so their vocabulary shows that. They obviously "learn" thing, by exposure to them)

"I mean that it's nice", that one continues.

I get it… the Virginia Beach dolphins jumped in to show that they "use" the sound to measure the distance… "like you showed". They were trying to explain to the Nova Scotia dolphin who was interacting… Okay, I'm finally asking! It's a "young one"… a female, probably not quite two years old yet. I connected with her two days ago, over something else, which had begun with a much older male dolphin, who "patched me through" to this other one. They learned about "noise" that day! I'll have to write about that too! We might call it "music", and it comes through my headphones, and this little one was intrigued by the "slider" to show the volume, and how "it might even go away, when you send it to the one side"… and chords, and movies too, because there is a "Scene" and "I understand".)
(… and people, and two legs, no tail… and seeing waves, and showing the land [the water at the beach, and how it's shallow there, but as I move out into the water, it's more deep, but it's land at the bottom…)

Please remember here, that these mammals, dolphins and whales both, don't "use things such as people might." She means "words". They communicate with whole ideas at once. No specifics.

So my Virginia Beach dolphins were showing "counting"… first the noise (thunder)… "and then we check. One, two, three… and when it's not a long thing, then we know to stay out of the way. And if it's enough things between, then we can relax again."

To translate… my words this time: "Lightening… and you count… and if it's really close, the thunder comes right away, and you are close to where the lightening is, but if you can count to 10 or so, the center of the storm is out of the way somewhere, and you're fine."

But this lovely Nova Scotia dolphin didn't want to let me know that she didn't get the "One, two, three"… "or more things like that."

They don't know what counting is… yet. Some others have learned it, though, lately, on this (west) coast. "We see. Are you one, or is there another, and just two then?"

I started this back in September 2016, with "Let me see… One dolphin, two dolphins… three dolphins…" and so they remembered that. Two is sometimes simple, if it's a mom and her child, or "three these days, since we know." That's neat… they're letting me know that some dads are there also, which is "ONLY this summer since we learned."

I've held up my hands and my fingers and counted out loud, more times than you can imagine… and then they want to understand the "next, like 11, 12, and so on, and it connects, so 101, 102, 111, 112, and then 1001 and 1002…" and they understand. They like me to put it on paper often, so that they "might continue, and see what we already have invented."

08/03/2017      Whales      Lost Bottlenose Whales
Some VERY interesting developments…
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

It happened a few days ago.

I was connecting with both LandLover (who is the main leader for my group of Lost bottlenose whales (who are currently very LOST again… but weren't then!) and also Miquelon, who is the beautiful male bottlenose whale that I saw in-person (and got some video of) shortly before I left Virginia Beach, when I went for a whale-watching boat tour.

I realize I haven't written about Miquelon yet, but maybe I'll get to publishing one or two of those notes sometime soon…

You see, LandLover and all the other whales who are a part of his group, still, are slowly making their way across the top of North America to go from the Pacific coast of North America "back home" to the Atlantic ocean…

I was thinking about how things might go when the whales actually "arrived".

I had always assumed (!!!) that LandLover and Miquelon might connect, and be "social" and might even become friends, because they both know me.

You see, LandLover was the first whale (besides the lovely Gray whales) who connected with me, directly, back in September of 2016… and Miquelon was the only whale I'd seen close-to. That was when some of the east-coast bottlenose whales came down from the north (still during the cold weather), to "find me". (There are a whole lot of journal entries

I had THOUGHT that they might

08/05/2017      Whales      Orcas / Killer Whales
Drilling noise upset the Killer whales
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

(CBC radio… news story in the morning, about drilling [or ?] in the straight of Juan de Fuca (yesterday?)… or some form of explosions…
and environmental groups protesting that there were killer whales in the area.

The organization doing the [drilling / explosions] explained that the whales were at least 1 km away, and should have been safe…

I felt a "sturdy" (deep, gentle, masculine) energy present this morning, and so connected, to find that it was one of the main male whales from this group. ("Orcas" please… seeing the name "killer" isn't naughty, but error … naughty being "sense of humor"… but it's not seen that way… yet).

Discussions from there, about noise.

Enivronmental impact was "bringing updates for more experiments" (that's what the organization was doing, in the words of these whales, as they're trying to adjust to "writing" with me)

… The news report indicated that these [killer] whales are endangered.

First, they showed that they "are not endangered"… but then they went on to joke that it's okay. They were that… and some others around are still…

So that took us to discussions of WHY they "are so much more nice"… and apparently (stress… noise, e.g., understanding)
(schedules, ferries, knowing "on time", understanding "boats are not 'you' ") etc.

Before, all of that was a really big stress, and it could have "freaked them out" (they're doing great at "learning the lingo" here … these whales come through really easily) "there's very little "constriction" on the line" … and they're [they feel "normal" to me] … )

Anyway, discussions of noises… understanding the boats…

Their big concern (yesterday, or the day before) was that "there were wars." (Their words… implying that they "know us, and many of our ancestors", so "the body says there's a big time of less". "Your energy is soft, these days, although it's not always been that," are the words they give us, meaning "in your world, where we are" (i.e., North America, "NOW").

(To simplify, people carry energy… and it's in the genes… so people who have ancestors who were in wars, their genes let everyone know that.)

Their awareness was something along the lines of "boom noises" and then "many are lying wounded, or no longer living" … and apparently, that must be in our genes, or so they tell me!

So… reassuring them that this isn't war, and explaining to them how we use explosions, for example, with dynamite, to open passageways (e.g., roads around mountains, tunnels through mountains for trains, and more).

… Showing them this was "planned", and all the many levels of organizations that might have participated, e.g., laws, permissions, the company needing whatever it was, the companiew that would have taken part in executing the procedures, etc.….

That made them relax.

"Knowledge can bring relaxation" (with the emphasis on "knowledge").

Their comments about not being endangered are as a result of "previous time talking" (where I helped them to "see [hear] the noise, and which way it's travleing," (boats) and so on, so they understand… and it's soft.

They learn to recognize patterns now. (recognize the same boat going by again, often… no, they don't see them, but "their 'recognition valence' is there" (meaning, they can tell them apart, through whatever means they have) (boy, these whales type quickly through me. This is fast! It's one of my previous transients coming in… an "Orca" who is not part of the big groups, and "his memory is there" [I can recognize him now] … and he's the one aware of this time, and our new gentler generations)

Anyway, understanding means no longer being stressed of "minor events" (which were every day… the boats… [ships], noise, "why are they coming this way then?" (asked with great sadness, also resignation, giving in to us, not understanding… whittling away at them, causing disease and part of the "endangerment" energy, i.e., decline in numbers.

So we connected about the ferries, which they understood, and I gave them an image of the huge horns tooting LOUDLY as the ferry is getting ready to leave (to announce that it's on the way), and they just understood another piece again, so one stress less again.

And then we went to the bit of the other times when the big boats will blow their horns… such as during the fog, and bad weather…
which helps, but they are surprised that we take our boats in any type of bad weather, because "how does it know?" (think bumping into land, rocks, shallow water, etc.)

So they wanted to understand the maps, and why we use a north-south orientation, when they have an "East" orientation… (remember the previous discussion about their sense of time? And knowing the heavens… ? It's also their way to tell direction, but less helpful than "their space" (that place where our satellites are, which has brought them concern).

Apparently, with "the heavens", there is a sense of "East", and that's about it.

So they've alredy learned about "GPS" from me, and have been using that (to locate each other, like "I'm this way, where is the group?"…)

… but now they see that we know the land, and have maps. So some of them know the maps, but they don't get the direction (e.g., LandLover and those whales)…

So … compasses, and the magnet thing, so learning north.

Somehow, with this, they show that there will be less times of not knowing the direction (and why is the boat going "North?" … it's not, but it radiates that, and we got that idea, but we go East, and it's not soft (meaning they cross paths with the boats… they've been trying to go in energies that parallel the boats' lanes, but it's mixed up, because they're on different navigational systems. They're "rotating" the boat's path by around 87°.

So we just got something, and this will broadcast out again, through more communities, and will "allow us to navigate through your boats" (rather than collide with them, or "move out of the way when we're close")

This is very correct for the beaked whales, but the other species aren't certain (some toothed whales, e.g., those I don't yet know, such as pilot whales, and many baleen whales, because they don't use sonar) . (I'm not sure just how sonar is relevant, but it is.)

Also, understanding about the use of fog horns on the boat was helpful, and they "got it", because they showed me their version, which would be "hearing another boat", then connecting probably via some form of communication, and then each one using the path, including curves, to make sure they've avoided the other one.

By the way, in the beginning, the NUMBER ONE thing ALL of the whales asked for was "conservation areas" within the ocean, where there aren't ANY boats at all, even small [recreational] boats, or guided tours even.

However, as each group tends to bring more pieces again, they say it's not nice this way, and we'll enjoy conservation areas, still (… but the "troubled" chemistry and issues from the boats is not nearly as stressful … and they keep trying to add in here about needing clear spaces…)

… but for many of them, that isn't needed, except for the dolphins, near the shipping lanes, so near ports where they go all night long …(but even there, if there were "shipping lanes" for the next 100 miles, then it would be fine (i.e., leave some place where we can rest … i.e., (we don't have trains rattling through our homes in the middle of the night! … because the trains are ALWAYS on the same rail system … and this is my group number 2 and 3 dolphins coming through, to request "bedrooms" [no "boat lanes through our homes"] )

So, based on that, if our oceans had more "lanes" rather than "free for all", and they could learn what those are, then that would allow more rest [and alleviate stress].
 (Maybe move this to a dolphins entry, and reference this whales entry.)

**** Info *********************
Magnetic Compass

The needle knows how to find the north pole

The earth has patterns

The magnetic field exerts a torque on the needle, pulling the North end or pole of the needle approximately toward the Earth's North magnetic pole, and pulling the other toward the Earth's South magnetic pole.

Modern compasses usually use a magnetized needle or dial inside a capsule completely filled with a liquid (lamp oil, mineral oil, white spirits, purified kerosene, or ethyl alcohol is common).

08/16/2017      Whales      Orcas / Killer Whales
I saw a whale at Baker beach!
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Originally, I was "allowed" to write this note only for myself, and if I agreed to keep it private. I agreed.

During the summer I was on Salt Spring Island, I went to the (inland) ocean every day I possibly could, which worked out to be usually about every other day or so. It was a 15-minute drive plus 10-minute hike to my favorite place, Baker Beach, plus another 10 minutes of climbing over many big rocks and logs (depending on how far in the tide was on that day).

I used to head down the beach and end up right beside someone's dock… and on occasion, I would go onto the dock, and there, I would do my exercise routines, and spend a lot of time looking out over the water.

This was about the ONLY place on Salt Spring Island where the whales told me they were comfortable… going through the deeper channel there between Salt Spring Island and Vancouver Island.

I ran into someone one day who told me they used to see SO many orcas in that area when he was much younger. No longer, unfortunately. You're lucky now if you happen to catch a glimpse of them there.

At this time of year, though, I did notice that there were whales going through this area. Not a lot, but I would occasionally see a few splashes or sprays, usually farther out, probably closer to the Vancouver Island shore.

On this particular day, I had walked out to the dock down the beach, and as I danced to my exercise music, I had he pleasure of seeing a few splashes and sprays way far out. Not close enough to see anything more than that, but I counted about 15 splashes or sprays overall.

I eventually had to head back, as I'd promised I'd be home by a certain time. Reluctantly, I left and headed back along the beach to the steps up the cliff that began he path through the wood back up to Quarry Drive, the road.

Today, though, I was in for a real treat!

As I was part-way up the steps alongside the beach, about to leave my view of the beach and head into the woods, I heard splashing.

I turned around, and there he was!!! I saw him! Very close! Right there! He had followed me!!! He very kindly splashed and then showed me his tail!!!

… and then he headed down towards the Baker Beach inlet before heading out back out again.

I wasn't fast enough to catch the details… I almost missed seeing him. I know, though, that it was one of the orcas.

Addendum, November 1, 2020:
I thought at the time that he was very, very young. However, it's now late 2020, and I've found the website where the names, numbers photos, and basic information for these Resident Killer whales is available (WhaleMuseum.org), and I've gradually been matching up my "encounters" with the whales in their directory. I was brand new to the area at that time, and hadn't officially learned much about these whales yet.

From everything I've been able to put together, this was Kelp, K-42.

I also now understand WHY they were determined that I should keep this entry private… They have been trying hard to hide and protect anything that might let others know that they might not be thriving so much, and didn't know that everyone already knows that. Now they're okay with my writing about them, and in fact, they rather find it is important for me to write, "as she may find some things that could owkr for others, other species, and this is not enough to write, but it's awareness, and the more who find this information, the greater the awareness is."  (their words… I think Kelp, but also another species who is present as I'm typing… Okay… as it so often is, it's Sunneshine, Bottlenose whale. By October 2020, I have many more notes written about and WITH her.)

08/16/2017      Whales      Lost Bottlenose Whales
A few of us are going that way…
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Landlover and 2 others are still vacillating… (his young brother, and one wife of the brother)

… however, some of them are continuing on, and have made it to Hudson Bay.
One female, who is doing the "group thing" (i.e., taking on the role usually taken by a male)… she is older, like ~ 19 years old. There is also a young female, ~ 4 years old, and then a baby male, the son of the 19-year old female.

08/25/2017      Dolphins     
Hurricane Harvey and my new Texas dolphin friends near Port O'Connor
Published 08/25/2017

Today, I have taken on another "dolphin assignment."

Hurricane Harvey is currently in the Gulf of Mexico, and it was on the news this morning as I was listening to the radio. It seems that it may bring a pretty significant impact to Texas…

I immediately felt a connection with a few of the dolphins in the midst of the turmoil who were impacted. It felt like panic on their part, and I could feel their stress levels being very high.

Having had some very real experience with dolphins through two hurricanes in Virginia Beach last fall, I immediately understood what they were experiencing.

One or two of the dolphins wanted to connect with me. Interestingly enough, they are younger dolphins, and that also doesn't surprise me… based on my past experience!
The younger ones know enough to ask questions, and are still able to adapt much more, just like younger people.
These were the 3 and 4 year olds, both female. (That part DOES surprise me, because traditionally, it's almost ALWAYS the males who do the initial interacting… they need to protect their tribe, after all!)

So I've spent much of my morning trying to give them a bit of initial information, and work with them a bit, to see if they might be able to relax a bit.

Are you thinking, "relax through a hurricane?"

Well, if you're a person and you're in your home while the storm is raging around you, chances are that you'll have 4 walls around you, and a computer or television set so you know what's going on, then you might help yourself to a cup of tea, and do something other than "sit and worry about the hurricane."

So it's obviously a little bit different for the dolphins, since they're in the middle of it all, but IF they have enough "info", then they can begin to treat the entire experience differently.

I did write about Hurricane Hermine (dolphin journal entries 9/3/2016 and 9/4/2016), so if you've read that, you'll get a quick idea. I haven't yet had a chance to publish my notes from the far bigger hurricane, Matthew, which went through in early October, but there were some pretty significant events around that which helped the dolphins to make it through the storm "like champs".

That began a brand new era, at least for the Virginia Beach dolphins. Some of them are busy at the moment taking some time here and there to do some "storm drill" exercises! (Hurricane-preparedness, if you will!)

So, because I've already been through hurricanes with other dolphins, and I've stood on the beach in the middle of the hurricane, and even went into the water in the peak of the action, I have an idea of what these Texas dolphins are going through. Once I've connected a new series of ideas with any one group, it's much faster to "broadcast" the concepts to another dolphin, or whale, or whoever it is that wants to know something.

The first thing was to reassure these two Texas dolphin girls that they (or their group) haven't done anything worthy of being pushed out of their area, i.e.,
"there is NO ONE BIG THING that is angry."
So it's giving them the visuals of a hurricane, and how it's actually just "weather", and how we (people) already know about it long before the event (usually)…

Understanding brings great big relief, and they are able to connect with that, because others (other dolphins) already know it.

You see, last hurricane season, my Virginia Beach dolphins had doubts, but they decided to try a new way, and they broadcast that
"the new way (staying close to their usual area) was just the same, that it went past."
Previously, they
"would have tried to try to stay ahead of the big waves, and to find somewhere where the water might be kind…"
racing up the coast, and then later, figuring that they
"must have been smart to do that, because it ended."
It's these new Texas dolphins whose home base is somewhere near Port O'Connor, who were providing the words above. They're coming through hesitantly, although they are
"finding their way to checking around and seeing if it's okay to try the same thing."
This is a few of the more steady, male dolphins (also fairly young, like 4 years old), coming through now,
"understanding many new things."

"Internet!", they exclaim. "Now we can see the day ahead, for it's well charted."
So they learn and understand that there's nowhere else that they could possibly go where the water will be calm, and there's nothing they need to do to try to bring peace. (Nobody who is angry that they need to try to relieve the stress of.)

Knowing this, immediately brings much more calm. Earlier, it was just the two young girls trying to find a way to "broadcast" this to the others, and now, there's much more stability, because as I write, they find more of the original energy from Virginia Beach.

I want to backtrack for a moment… back to some of my earlier-today interactions with the two younger dolphin girls. The moment they knew they could relax, and there is another idea that I haven't yet written much about, but it's related to "letting go" and not trying to keep
"dreading the next onslaught of hurricane violence" (the huge thrashing thunderous waves that aren't waves at all)…
… but rather,
"allowing the waves to keep on crashing and not care" … (my "dead man's float" that I practiced with my Virginia Beach dolphins last September)
They must have tried it out, because I immediately got a "Wheeee!!!!!!".…. like "Hey, this must be some fun!"  (like riding a lovely gentle roller coaster)!

They (these two) are delighted. It broke the stress entirely, and it's "soft" (that's one of their most-used words meaning that something is gentle, or kind, or just simply fine.)

As I write this, the young MALE dolphins are there trying to hold propriety, and being really hesitant to try this out, lest "others think they're silly"… but they decide to go for it, and they're
"resting, no longer struggling". (i.e., relaxing doing something like a deadman's float).

"What an idea", say a lot of them, now.
(Aren't you proud of those lovely two young girls who thought to try to connect, even when it wasn't within their previous set of experiences?!!!)
There were a few other ideas that I broadcast, and which they appreciated.

One is the idea of
"Where are you?" … and "WHO is 'you'?"
"… is every single one of us 'accounted for'?"
Most of the dolphins I've connected with are used to their groups, but don't count their individuals. Not one (Texas) dolphin could begin to say "I know each and every one of those who are with me today",  but as I'm writing this, many of my OTHER dolphins… and whales… let me know that they are
"remembering to see who they are around every day".
The short version of this is to make smaller groups within the main group, like maybe 5 dolphins who can learn to know each other and know right away if one or another of them "isn't around".

(My added note… the groupings that happen most naturally happen via DNA, i.e., dolphins who are somehow related to each other… but these dolphins are new to connecting with me and don't have an idea about "families" yet).

(However, as I write that, I can feel that "someone is checking to see what others might understand…")

The "where are you" part of the idea uses a technique I quickly adapted during Hurricane Matthew last year, which is something akin to "coordinates"… and while they certainly wouldn't know the "numbers" for their coordinates, it would look something like putting the little blue dot on your map on your GPS or phone…
"I am here… you are there… now I know which direction to go in to find you."
You see, the "side effect" of "relaxing and riding the waves" means that they can't stay together as a group… and that's always one of their most important things, as well as one of the biggest challenges, during big storms… staying together. Generally, any who can't keep up with the group, wouldn't have had much of a chance to "make it on their own"… but this new system changes all of that, even though they may drift apart.

We (my dolphins!) had a MUCH greater survival rate through Hurricane Matthew last year, DESPITE the very large waves and choppy water. The survival rate was greater than anyone would ever have thought, especially given that it was one of the REALLY big hurricanes. (Hurricane Matthew was a category 4, moving down to category 3 only shortly before Virginia Beach).

It was actually a bigger survival rate than through more of the smaller (previous) hurricanes,
"ever before, and much less stressed, and more productive quickly thereafter", is what the Texas dolphins are seeing…
… and they seem to be "in wonder" over this…
simply amazed that "this was the only different thing" (the playing in the waves).
The other big helpful thing these dolphins were able to learn quickly and easily, was something else that is new, that I haven't yet written about, but it's about their navigation systems.

During big storms, they don't have any access to "where they are", because their systems are based on knowing the patterns of the stars above… which somehow, they know how to feel, even when it's broad daylight… but the big winds more or less knock that system out.

Now that I understand this, I'm able to find a way to help them learn about the "Magnetic North", i.e., the idea of our gridlines, and how we have a simple device, namely "a compass", which works even in the darkest storms, when THEIR networks are "down".

They have to learn to re-orient, because their system uses "East" as their guideline (i.e., movement of the earth every day, going a full circle around… and somehow, they use the motion in relation to the stars and other planets to understand direction).

So I have learned to have them lie face down in the water, head facing to the "north" (as they learn to feel the "magnet in the earth"), tail facing south, and one fin points to the east (and they get this, although it helps if they've been able to practice it when the weather is fine and they can feel their own east-based navigation system), and the other fin points to the west… and then they can "interpret" where they are…
they "just turn around their body and face east", is what I was just given by a whale! (…a young one, of course!... they adapt so quickly!)

The dolphins, also, "will use this technique now."
My note in ending this today:
You'll probably hear more from me another time about their navigation system, and how a simple change can vastly help so many of them in today's world… but I'll leave that for another day.

Right now, there would be yet more to write and share, as usual, but I don't have the time.

I always do my best to hold a space with whoever needs it (dolphins and whales), as I also did through the eclipse a few days ago (August 21). Today, this was also important.

My biggest limitation is time. Usually, I only have a bit of time on Sundays for my connections, because I need to focus my time on earning money so that I can HAVE the time to help them more… earning money, and trying to find ways for people to learn about my DNA and medical intuition work in order to attract new clients for that, so that I can begin having a more stable and reliable income base.

You can always help to support my time with "my friends" (the whales and dolphins), by referring clients to me, or by scheduling a consultation or two for yourself, as that provides the income I need, which frees up time then to support the whales and dolphins.

My DNA & Health-related website is http://www.dna-dimensions.com.

Thank you for holding the space of helping me to be able to help the whales and dolphins more easily.

~ Joy

08/26/2017      Dolphins     
Dolphin provider dolphins… "How many?"
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

More to my notes from yesterday, about the Texas dolphins.

At one point, I was trying to connect through to their "Provider dolphin", but wasn't making the connection. I already know more about Provider dolphins…

In this case, it was because there is an "up-and-coming" provider dolphin, who will shortly be the "new" provider (usually following a "challenge" between the existing provider and the "new" provider).

The existing provider dolphin had no idea that it's happening, but he is soon to be "outnumbered"… not by other wanna-be provider dolphins, but rather, by the number of healthy young children that are around him.

So with the "upcoming" (next years', already "in the oven") crop of dolphins, there will soon be another male dolphin whose "DNA" outnumbers the existing provider dolphin's DNA. Apparently, even when those others are still in-utero, the DNA still "counts", as far as the "vibration".

Mating priority… Provider dolphin gets to go first, and then there's a line-up based on seniority… and there is a point in time when the mating with one of the younger male dolphins wins "the race to the egg", despite being a little bit farther down the line… i.e., the Provider dolphin's age must be catching up with him…

Usually, the older provider dolphin is then "ousted" from the group, and their chances of survival alone are slender. (Based on more journal notes I haven't yet published, from last September…)

In this case, the challenge may be averted, and the existing provider dolphin may yet make a choice that allows him to remain.

08/26/2017      Whales      Humpback Whales
Humpback whales and their "male-ness"
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

… this again, has to do with conversations about new ideas, now that they know they are creating young whales.

(Sitting outside on my deck, reading the "Evolution" book by Matt Ridley… and the discussion is about marriage, and evolvement and genes related to monogamy, versus polygamy, etc…

This too is a new Humpback whale I've connected with recently, a somewhat older whale than the ones I've been seeing this past week, at the (rocky) beach.

Understanding of paternity, and putting your life near the young ones…

It hasn't been that way, but the new thing is that.

They have always just "left" the female after the mating ritual, proud to have been "the one".

… anyways, discussions of being with a mate, or around the younger females, and "not needing" the mating…
Understanding that the male energy must be expressed.
… and that humans exercise use other venues to allow the body to break down testosterone.
E.g., sports… matches… idea of a something like "a net", and getting "points" if you make it through the other one and to the net… (like soccer, for example)
… lets everyone express "challenge", shows of strength, and much more…
Questions of others joining (initially idea of one-to-one, no spectators)
… so if two on a team, then they must be well matched… but then "Joy sees that strength isn't always the correct best way, that agility also brings mates"… i.e., not just pure brawn, but the younger ones, especially, who might be mismatched in size, might design "different" ways to get past the individual and to the net. And this brings the question of "fair", so then there's the idea of "penalty shots" for unfair treatment, so designed to be following rules…

And also, we have the young females showing what it becomes if they want to play with "dolls", that they con't want them, initially, unless their own mom has been soft, like asking "How are you?"
(naps, and other affections, etc.)

They are living within a system where the mating is SO small, that they aren't necessarily kind… they don't want to be a full-time mom, and it's very uncomfortable, and in "playing", they express loudly that they WON'T make that. "I will not become a mom. Today, at least."

It's fascinating, but as we "play" through ages, and see them getting older, there comes a point where they all might "enjoy" the mating procedure" and they're "making eyes" [or endearing faces] towards the idea of a YOUNG male who might bring them something kind [nice]… but at the idea of a bay, they're still turning away. Then going through another few years, and it's all nice. Then, they speak so lovely to their child (doll still, the idea here), and are happy to nurture it, and the energy is all very endearing.

They've never done this, probably because the model isn't there.

People have hands, and "do" many things, and young will always imitate. If the (whale) mom is far too young, then she WILL be an excellent mom and always take care of her baby, but it's a stressful experience, and that goes into the genes, and gets passed on. "Not happy."
Imitating brings just "follow along, and adopt our ways," with not too much else.

Humans, on the other hand, have hands that hold… hold hands, embrace, carry a child ...oh my, they are SO intrigued by and I can FEEL their wish for being able to hold a child, or have something that would be like a baby carrier, like so many parents are doing these days… We walk around doing whatever we're doing, with the baby facing us snuggled against us. They can FEEL the soft exchange of energy moving for the child, in the parent, especially if it's a woman, and more if she's nursed her baby.

There's more… there's much more...

08/27/2017      Whales      Gray Whales
"I found you!"
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

First time… a REAL Gray whale! ("Gray".)

3-year-old female (born in 2014) (whom I saw, splashing really big, but just once…)
… and as usual, they travel with another whale, often female accompanied by a male, so an 11-year old male, whom I didn't see.

Baker Beach… I had been swimming… (far out!)

When I saw the splash (nobody else around… the other person who had been on the beach had just left)

When I saw her, there was this great "excitement", along with what came through as a great big "I found you!"

I did my usual "checks", expecting it to be either a Killer whale (who go in groups), an Orca (males, often, who are usually alone or with just one or so other female, in my so-far limited experience)… or perhaps a Humpback whale, because they're on their way through, migrating to Hawaii for the cold months (where they say the water is "hot" [for them maybe])!

Baleen or toothed? "Why Baleen". She sounded (felt) nice… BIG though!

So another check… do you eat krill, or plankton?
"Plankton…" with a very huge facial expression that indicated "NO".
"Krill, sometimes though, but not too many days. Often enough there, but not my type."


At this, I get  a nod (not that I'm seeing her at this point, but this is imagery and body language that I'm getting).
But even here, she shows me "chewing" (yes, Humpback whales use their baleens to eat fish)… and she indicates a smile, and happy, but they are like tiny little fish (like sardine-size or a little bit bigger than that.)

This comes from one of my (December) interactions with the Grays after watching one of nice whale movies (add link), that shows baleen whales (Blue whales, perhaps?) taking in a huge mouthful of ocean water, and filtering all the water out past their baleen, and taking in the krill.

At that time, I had asked "What happens if a fish or so comes into your mouths along with the krill?"… and a few days later, I got big grins, as they let me know that they had been enjoying "fish" since that time!

… and with the "chewing" that she is giving me the body language for, she shows me "spitting" (with emphasis, like "NOT okay here!") out the big fish.

It's really wonderful!

She is doing fine, and she isn't hungry.

The older 11-year old whale isn't getting quite enough to eat, though, as seems to be the case with more of the Gray whales over the past many decades or more.

(I need more time to write… gist of it is that they show me going UP the coast now, to clear waters, in Alaska, knowing that the cold water fills their tummies with "enough" … and that the Gray whales I've connected with who stay near Alaskan and Canadian waters all year long are stronger than those who go south to California… and it seems to be the ingesting of the dead through the mud…)

(Not quite accurate either, because males who are in that area, ongoing, still have digestive issues, unless they "live WAY farther north, during the happy evenings" (long daylight summertime)  )

Several discussions… think 11 years old as something around an 11-year old human… maybe 12-year old. This one has two children, somewhere, I think. (Different years.)

Discussions of many of the same things, but here, it's interesting, and the concept of "Being there for your child" comes up… Initial idea is "not accepted"… but through some "reaching" to check how interactions might go, there could be a space to participate.

This is a new idea… now that many are understanding that their "mating" isn't just for male "show" (of their masculinity), but that Nature intended this as a way to make sure that the species will continue to produce many young.

Also, idea of the young ones playing with "dolls" or playing "house"… and this is happening throughout many other groups as well. It gives them "a perception of what they must be as little ones, to connect with not seeing THAT (expecting the ritual of the males being there [mating])".

Somehow, they see how it plays out, and they understand they "are echoing what must be, so that it's not the way to be."

You should see how almost ALL of these interactions go, throughout the species!!!

Please understand, first of all, that their young ages mean that their bodies haven't finished filling out yet, and it's literally like expecting a very young girl to have a baby, like a sometimes pre-teen age.

The "dolls" idea, they see that they keep saying "Nope. I'm not playing now. I don't WANT this!"
… keep writing… soon, please!

I often feel their presence later, even as I'm doing other things in my life.
So, later, as I'm listening to something amusing on the radio (something around Indigenous people, and some encounters with polar bears, and their sense of smling about the incidents in retrospect…), and at the amusing places, I can "feel" the 11-year old Gray whale laughing! (Please believe me, I'm not just envisioning this, because it's laughter coming through me, that I can feel the energy of the Gray whale through…)

08/28/2017      Dolphins     
Adoption, or what else might this be?
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

This comes from my Virginia Beach dolphins, and some experiences that came during the "birthing season" this spring and summer… a whole new idea for them.

New with that, came the knowledge of possibility.

Possibility that a child might not be born well, and the parents can mourn. (Dads are becoming aware that they have children, and they're letting me know right now that "they also know it's not soft, and they can feel the sadness, if their own body-like born child isn't there.")

Possibility that a baby dolphin may come past the birth canal and into the world, and the mom might not come past the experience. ALWAYS, this will mean that the baby dolphin is not connected. No mom to nurse it, or take care of it, and that's always a sad thing, but they didn't understand.
"Why is that baby there, and no mom for it today?" (Somehow, even though they expected the babies to "arrive", they would arrive with the more correct "name" for it, like it's that one's baby.)

So the idea of adoption came up when we already knew that one of the moms had a condition (like Placenta Previa) that might mean that "the baby might be born just fine, but the mom wouldn't be likely to survive."

… and because I'm connecting with them, they are aware of "adoption" in our society.

Anyway, to continue with the main story…

We have a very fine and unique (first time! Wow!!!!) young female dolphin who thought she might be able to take care of a young baby. Not having had her own child this particular summer, she wouldn't have the milk that the baby would obviously need.

Between them all, two other nursing moms (both very young) agreed that they might contribute milk, if the other yound dolphin would PLEASE be the mom. ("No extra time to be there for this one").

Several times, I've connected with this mom (who needs a name, a very large name) … Wayfarere (feminine spelling of Wayfarer)… and her "adopted" baby. (...and by the way, the placenta previa mom DID make it, because "we were able to somehow move the placenta, after the energy understood the body").

She was expecting to be thought of nicely by the baby… (write about previous experience… "smiling", chuckling together over so many things)

So they've been doing fine.

However, with the new idea of "playing with dolls", I understood a new piece. The baby dolphin needs its own mom to be there when she is nursing.
(Short version, "if her mom can be there and connect with her when her eyes are soft and she's all nicely fed, then her mom is part of that." Otherwise, there's a very soft heart connection growing between this young nursed dolphin and the two (and sometimes a third, older one) who allow the baby dolphin to nurse, "time with us is nice."

Using some of the really helpful ideas in a book called "how to talk so…" … we began some conversations, and in just understanding how it was, there is a nice easy way, and the baby dolphin feels soft for it's adoptive mom.

08/28/2017      Dolphins     
Marry-o and most of his group visit Newfoundland (or is it France?!)
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

"Somehow, I'm drawn here", says Marry-o.

((( These days, he's ("being a mate to Joy", even though I asked if it was okay if I "go the other direction"))))
… but there's a really nice connection that has developed, since we cleared the "syntax issue" about marrying!

… and he needed to "follow the trail, home" "to see where my mate is."

Because I've spent many happy years in Newfoundland… (a very large island off the eastern coast of Canada, and the farthest point east for all of North America), he's finding his way there. He wanted to "connect".

At first I wasn't sure that he was serious, but often in the morning, I'll ask on the map where he is, and he's been showing me steadily farther north, up to Nova Scotia… at which time we checked the map and found the most happy route over to Newfoundland (describe it here)…

Apparently most of his group are there as well.

"They don't accept stray dolphins" who aren't with a group, so they're ALL taking the time to go.

I already knew that they'd made it to Newfoundland, and at first, they were going around the northern part of the island, where they would eventually have gone past St. John's, Newfoundland, but as we took a look at the route together, the energy was much nicer for going the southern route instead. Yesterday, they were already past Port Aux Basques, where the 6-hour ferry ride from Nova Scotia brings everyone who needs to "drive" to get there (unless it's summertime, then the much longer ferry route is also in operation.)

Today, he shows me they'll probably make it to Burin… the Burin peninsula might be nice. That's where the energy connects to me, even though I haven't spent much time in that part of the island… but all the (twirling… how to explain, or work around the explanation…?)

The other place that's close to there that is also really nice, is Miquelon! It's an island off the coast of Newfoundland, and we already have a whale name "Miquelon" (a bottlenose whale, who is [maybe born around 2003, so 13 years old], who came to Virginia Beach last March, and I've been connecting with him since. (Haven't had a chance to write that yet, but we got some "video" of him when I went on the whale boat tour! He says he "went for a short run alongside the boat"!

(There's more, there's many things, and I love you too,says Marry-o, to me. I need to write a few more notes about Marry-o, and maybe mark one or more of them as "private".)

08/28/2017      Dolphins     
Texas dolphin plays "young rebel"
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

(just like Sunny!)

I reached out yesterday late evening to see how my Texas dolphins were doing with Hurricane Harvey, and I got only smiles. They were happy, and some (the younger ones especially), had been "riding"… (surfing, if you will… something ONLY they ask to know about today) (meaning "understand" now).

The "older ones didn't yet bring it to the surface, but they thought they were fine. And the updated magnetic field interested them, so they stayed close to the surface also."

(meaning they didn't have the usual "loss-of-navigation" stress, and were fine.)

Yesterday evening, when I reached out, the young ones let me know that there were several (like 12 or so, but from many different dolphin groups… so others of them "got it" when I talked with the Port O'Connor dolphins)… who had become separated from the main group, and "not any one is offended", so they got to "be alone" and they were happy!

This is certainly new… but not unexepcetd, given that most of the Virginia Beach dolphins I know about enjoy "their own time" now and again. ("No loss of communication.")

To translate… there were about 12 dolphins or so who weren't with their own group, but they were sort of hanging out around the one group (the Texas Port O'Connor dolphins), and playing together… "riding", but not joining together as a pod of dolphins would be. (They did remain sort of hidden, though.)

None of them were in a hurry to rejoin their groups, because they were fine.

They were also all accounted for, so each body know that "someone is aware that I'm away"… "but for how long?" comes the question from the maturer dolphins who have all stayed together…

There was one very young one, however, who was overly anxious, and that one needed to nurse, so they adopted a "Rescue" to pull that little one together, so it could rejoin it's (older) mom."

This morning, when I checked, they were all reunited with their own groups… but with one big exception…

So here I need to tell another story, and it's a similar situation that came on the morning after Hurricane Matthew had gone through.
(See notes about Sunny, 10/10/2016)

10/08/2017      Whales      All types
Baby Formula!
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Country grocer… looking at something in the miscellaneous supplies aisle… including a lock, so that they could see what a padlock looks like… matching the lock and unlock symbols on my car key remote.

On the same aisle… baby bottles and baby formula
… like the idea of being able to nurse and not be there (i.e., storing breast milk, and the male can feed it to their child)

Anyway, "formula" brought an interesting reaction… many nutrients… some things that they weren't sure of where to find, but see they might benefit
… not just babies, but well into adulthood… supplying ingredients that make people sleep… allow "serenity" …
Idea of formulation to try to match the specific protein structure, minerals, vitamins, and other necessary things for the development of babies… stimulates for them a knowing that their bodies could benefit from many of the same things.

Some of them "connected", and are already finding nutirents, i.e., exploring new things to eat.
Could be different types of fish, or some of the vegetarian sources of things (e.g., algae and other ocean plants)

By the way, my east coast dolphins now respond to the word "squid" with happiness, just like the bottlenose whales. They "must have discovered ways to tempt the animal to the top, by using secret ingredients". (their words). Full of many different types of new thoughts. (vitamins that supply a happy disposition)

10/08/2017      Whales      All types
Rescue operations…
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

This note comes on the day when I was working on my "Mission" page to add to my website.

I added the following information:

My desire is to network with many of the organizations that are already focused on researching and helping whales and dolphins, and I would also love to be part of rescue operations (albeit remotely).

I decided not to publish that piece at the moment, but THEY wanted me to include the tail end of the line, "and I would also love to be part of rescue operations (albeit remotely)." (It's true… I would… I've often thought about doing that.)

However, as I continued writing, they continued adding words. Here they are:
" ...  to help those in need of rescuing to understand what the commotion around them is all about, so that they can relax and not worry so much. My understanding is that those would then allow others to meet the criteria for rescue."
That last piece has a funny story with it…

I tried changing the words "… that those would then allow others to meet the criteria for rescue," but they wanted them exactly like that.

They "waited" for me to understand… and then there was laughter!

What they meant is that many would deliberately become entangled so that they would be able to interact with me, and also so that rescue operations would start helping me!

I told them "no way!"… and so I couldn't publish it as part of my mission!

Nothing is worth risking a life… and everyone would be far happier if there were FEWER dolphins and whales that needed to be resued!

"We do understand," they say (but they're still giggling. These are "young" dolphins").

12/10/2017      Whales      Lost Bottlenose Whales
I met LandLover today! Finally!!!
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

… Dungeness spit

We had finally coordinated!

(Begin by telling why LandLover is around… i.e., ALMOST made it back home this past summer, but I had been expecting a "hero's welcome" for him… and it wasn't going to be that. The females were welcome, but LandLover? Nope… there would have to be a big fight, and someone would have to leave. So LandLover decided not to finish the journey, and he and many others turned around, but several of the women did go back home, and re-integrated.)

Last Sunday, I had also gone to the Dungeness Spit, but by the time I thought to check with LandLover, he wasn't anywhere near the area… just like a previous time. Once he (and the rest of his group) was in closer to Seattle, and last weekend he was out somewhere looking for Squid…

I always know when it's really a bottlenose whale, because the moment I say the word "squid" (sometimes only just to get their attention), they IMMEDIATELY respond with "Yes! Yes! Yes!"

So last weekend, I'd explained that it would most likely be "Sunday" when I'm there again. My weeks are busy, and the daylight hours are very short at the moment (Sunset is shortly after 4:00 pm at the moment), so Sunday is about the only day I can make it there. He more or less understands the idea of the days, and which day of the week it is, from his association with me.

A day or two, I gave a reminder, and checked where he was on the map, and it was close enough…

This morning, when I asked if he was anywhere nearby, I got a really big "yes". I checked on the map, and he showed me just somewhere near the Dungeness Spit… actually quite close, but I would have had to walk a few miles out the spit to get to where he was. I gave him my 15-minutes-out timeline for getting there, and he let me know he was around…

I saw whales today!

They didn't like the currents and tides anywhere near Salt Spring Island that I had access to, and in many places that I had access to, the water wouldn't have been deep enough for them, but here, they seem to be okay, at least for today. (Also, farther west, past Port Angeles, they don't like the US shoreline, because the currents aren't comfortable. They prefer to stay on the Canadian side of the Strait of Juan de Fuca at that point.)

So today, around noon, I drove to the park, then ran down the trail, down the hill, and ended up at the beach at the bottom. There was only one other family around, and they were focusing on their own walk, going out the spit. I usually go the other way, where there are big, tall bluffs above the beach.

I was checking with LandLover to see where he might be, and he indicated he was a little bit out the spit, and a small distance from the spit. However, as I began walking a bit, still looking out at the ocean, I saw, VERY close to the beach, a very, very large animal moving through the water.

Yes, there were some big floating kelp ropes in the water, but I've quickly learned to distinguish "living things" in the water… the birds, and the seals, for example. And this was MOVING. It was first moving towards the beach, and it was LARGE. Much too big to be a seal's head above the water, and most definitely not a bird. The logs and kelp usually floated more sideways than a line moving towards the beach. It HAD to be a whale!

"LandLover, is that you?" I asked… but he indicated no, he was a little bit farther out, and not nearly that close.

A few moments later, I saw ripples around the same area, as if waves might be breaking just a little bit farther out from the shore, for a few minutes. I sighed, and figured that maybe I had been mistaken. Maybe there are just waves… (even though I had just SEEN something very large moving there!)

But there were no waves breaking farther out anywhere else, and after a minute or so, those I was seeing were gone as well.

Then I remembered another individual at Virginia Beach had told me with great curiosity, how he'd seen this same phenomena around the time my bottlenose whales were around in Virginia Beach… something like waves breaking, but not anywhere close to the shore, and they "travelled", so that they gradually went farther and farther away from the beach… and the whales had said that was them… traveling under the surface, but not completely intending to hide. They somehow wanted people to know they were around (because I had told people that I had bottlenose whales visiting me from farther north!)

This was something that individual had never before seen, even though he's lived at the beach for many years, and always notices dolphins. (He noted more whales last year than is usual there.)

I happened to see that same thing, maybe about 3 times, after my neighbor had first seen it. It looks very curious! "Waves breaking out THERE? … and why does it keep moving outward???"

Lest you should doubt that whales know how to find me, the dolphins certainly knew, and the people who lived nearby and knew me also KNEW that the dolphins were around much more, more often than not when I was there, that they stayed in one area for a long time (rather than just moving up and down the shore)… I have another story to share another time, but the military base was just a little ways down the beach, and they used to do some training there on Tuesday mornings, and this one Tuesday, even the military guys were convinced that I was talking with the dolphins! (See journal entry 10/18/2016, "Dolphin Charmer)

So I asked again, is it one of the whales that is with LandLover? … and it was. A younger whale, probably about 3 years old… we'll call him "Will"… for the question he asked: "WILL you be up high there (on the bluffs) afterwards?" (born ~ sometime early 2015  *** Add him to my list)

Eventually, LandLover came closer, and we did the "breathe together" thing a bit, so I could feel that he was there, but I didn't actually end up seeing him

… the younger whales have an easier time "not staying hidden", so although LandLover would have enjoyed coming to the surface and being visible just above the surface, everything about him said he needed to stay hidden… He showed me where he was, though, and how he was near the surface over and over again.
(I know with my Virginia Beach dolphins, that in the autumn, when it began getting cooler, they were able to "come in" close to the beach, staying completely hidden, then all of a sudden, there they would be. So this is similar…

After a while, I also saw another VERY LARGE animal moving fairly quickly for a bit of a distance, somewhere farther out, and more to my left. This turned out to be another bottlenose whale, and a female… maybe around 8 years old or so, she said. (No name today… and she feels sad to me. However, she began "coming into my awareness" very regularly sometime after that, and we eventually called her "Sunneshine". As of March, 2021, I can add a note that she is one of the HAPPIER whales I've had the pleasure of knowing!)

At another point, I saw yet one more… but my bottlenose whale friends were sure I hadn't actually seen a whale, because it wasn't one of them.

Yet, this was LARGE… another BIG animal, moving fast across, and also very, very close to me… probably unusually close.

I always ask "Are you a toothed whale or a baleen whale?"… and this was a right whale, or so he said… and we called him "Righty". (or think of a new name).

(Note added 9/21/2020: I just double-checked with this whale… he hasn't seemed to be part of my whales group, but the baleen whales don't seem to come through or let me know they're around … although I'm aware of a few gray whale girls who are always around… but they don't speak up much, ever, unless I directly connect with them. This particular whale indicates he's very shy, and that he's stayed around on occasion, but not much. I wanted to double-check that he actually was a right whale, and so I went to my [new] big whales chart on my wall, and scanned, and he took me to the picture of the right whale. Although there isn't a lot of information about right whales in the Strait of Juan de Fuca, they have been sighted there on occasion)

Okay everyone, I obviously need some help with names!!! They love having names, and they don't want ordinary "people names" for the most part, and I need help thinking up names. PLEASE send me some really nice name suggestions… names that mean something, or represent something or someone or an idea… like a famous explorer, legend, or something else.

Right whales here… Much more calm than on the east coast… also feels like a significantly bigger gene pool.

I asked him about eating fish… as the humpback whales hunt herring, and probably other fish too… "Fish?" I asked him … "No!!!!" was his answer. "But what if one accidentally gets into your baleen?" I asked … but he indicates "making a face" and getting rid of it (not so likely)… but not enjoying it… but then he "tried it" (imagined it), and felt, a few moments later, something "new" near the back of the brain… i.e., aware that the nutrients might bring new helpful things.

Also today, re boats… showed with several… including the bottlenose whales. They quickly get it, and today, the new thing, was understanding that if it is far enough away, they might "weave" back and forth in front of it if it's still miles away, and then move to one side as it gets nearer, and always to go down underneath…

However, LandLover discovered that for a small boat, whoever is in it, they would be likely to really enjoy seeing them, and indicated that he would stay near the surface and come around and maybe stay in view a bit… (maybe if it's not quite so close to the shoreline, it might work??? Otherwise, his genes try to make sure he stays hidden.)

Also, about "the boat"… how they are all recognizable… i.e., if they've understood one boat, and it comes by another time, they'll recognize it, as "big", or "that one" (with the understanding of what it's about, like maybe delivering goods somewhere, a trade company, or often, people… like those whales in the gulf islands, like where I was, quickly recognized all the ferries over and over again)

Note to self… Write this more nicely, about include how they learned to switch from "anxiety" with a boat, to awareness of the sound front, and how it shifts. Always, I help them to pay attention to small things, like "where is it coming from?" "Is it getting fast?" "If you move to one side a bit, does it follow you?" … and that's usually where they understand, and I can feel their understanding, and it ends a whole lot of stress.

I usually need a "real boat" on the water to help them get this, and they indicate where they are in relation to the boat.

I asked LandLover if he had been able to pick up this idea from those I have already done this with (including east coast dolphins, east coast whales, west coast seals, a few ocean birds, and a few west coast whales when I was on Salt Spring Island).

He said "vaguely", but wasn't able to ever get it figured out. "The sound is too stressful," he indicates.
But now, he'll know how to manage it.

This seems to have been a really extreme stress already, for almost all of the ocean life.

Now the next piece: If the boat is going fast, it's easy for them to move out of the way, and everything is fine, because they assume it must be an enemy, and so they avoid it. However, if the boat is going slowly, then they don't feel the same. If it's going slowly, it must be wanting to connect.

What this means, as I understood it today, is that for the east coast right whales… (and they agree, and they have indicated this exact same thing before…), that when the boats actually slow down to a really slow speed when they know there are right whales around… that this is the opposite of being helpful. If the boats are fast, the right whales can hear the noise, and stay away. If the boats slow down, the right whales are sure they must be needing assistance. Like "can I help you?" "Do you know where you're going?" … and so they MUST try to connect.

I understood this general concept before, and understood that the boats going slowly was not the best strategy to help the right whales… but I hadn't quite gotten the piece that if the boat is going too fast, the whales are more likely to avoid it. Interesting…

So I did connect with one more bottlenose whale before I headed home, two hours later. This wasn't one of LandLover's group… but it WAS a bottlenose whale, and probably and east coast bottlenose whale.

What I've learned the past week or so, was that when LandLover and his group migrated from Japan back over to North America, that LandLover deliberately "created a path" so that others who needed to, might well follow. And apparently a few others would have done that.

I first discovered this around a week ago, when a bottlenose whale that I had heard about, said he was  a "west coast bottlenose whale"… but not a "Pacific bottlenose whale". So let's begin differentiating here! Originally probably Atlantic bottlenose whale… but also ended up over around Asia.

12/22/2017      Whales      Lost Bottlenose Whales
Looking for summer
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

See my December 22 photos, on the way over to Victoria, on the ferry.

LandLover is in those photos (not visible, but I could really FEEL him there!)

That was when I next played the song "Everything's gonna be okay when summer comes..." and he started heading out towards the open ocean, and next, down towards California!!! He wanted to discover what "summer" was.

*** Elaborate *** makes great time, and wanted to explore where the gray whales go to mate (?) and have their babies…
Went in and out several times…
In the travels, shows going a distance, then soon back-tracking just a bit, then going farther, same pattern, i.e., overlapping earlier path, then pushing farther… like to learn the pattern. (Keeps him safe, he says.)

It was also on this ferry ride that I asked about the wake of the boat… and the idea that it could be interesting… picturing a whirlpool bath that people might sit in, and enjoy the "bubbles"

… so the dolphins like to play in a wake of a (small) boat…
… and some of the whales thought they might like to check it out… but apparently, the wake of the ferry is huge. (We'll see what develops…)

01/18/2018      Whales      Lost Bottlenose Whales
Have LandLover & his group become "explorers"???
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Since "Everything's gonna be okay when summer comes...", (see 12/22/2017 journal entry)…

I've checked in with him several times…
temperature… shows "relaxing"… likes summer
… but some things are different, and not quite as comfortable, like the type of food

I ask about whales and "feeling cold"… and they're aware that it's cold. (elaborate…)

LandLover was going to come back up the coast… back to the strait of Juan de Fuca…

But today, when I reached out to ask where he was, he indicated he was heading even farther south, towards Guatemala. He was steadily going along the coast, and the pattern was just drawing him on.

As I follow where he's headed, he shows me that he's headed to Panama… somehow, along this stretch, the whales ALWAYS seem to believe that there's an opening where they might slip through, and then come up the east coast of North America…

But when I trace the path, they're aware they will continue on down to South America.

If they continue on the current path, they'll end up going down to the southern tip of South America, and coming up the east side, then heading north until they reach North America…

04/16/2018      Dolphins     
"Define it"
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

My east coast dolphins are during their birthing time…
I have so little time… they have things they'd like help with… i.e., questions, how to handle certain ideas, such as not knowing anything yet about birthing…

I've found that when they come through with a question about something, I begin reaching for ideas, or the correct direction for the conversation, i.e., to find the answers that they need. I always have a lot of questions, to try to find the best guidance for them.

I reach to an idea… and they (usually one, who is doing the asking, for [her] own unique situation…

Yet, they are able to give me very excellent feedback…, like "no, it's not that"… or "it's more like this"…

… and I've found that I'm more like someone they can bounce ideas off of, than someone offering a solution.

Here's the interesting thing… THEY end up understanding what it is they need to do… but THEY have ended up clearly giving me all the information and things I need, in order to help them.

Okay, so they go mostly by "guidance" or intuition, feeling their way through situations, but not "thinking" their way through situations. Right-brained, versus left-brained.

So today, I asked, "What would you do if I wasn't here?"… and of course, they think they wouldn't get the help they need… BUT they're also solving their own dilemmas, in talking with me.

So I pointed out that they very concisely give me all the feedback… for every question I direct back to them, they have an answer…

… and on their own, they can clearly define the situation themselves.

That was an interesting idea, because they were able to see immediately that they HAVE all the information they need… they just haven't gone about it in this type of way before.

"Define it"… and they are able to see the situation, and understand the dilemma, from a logical perspective, and then they have access to enough info (don't ask me how… it's that "internet" thing… but the info is clearly around and available… computers can translate it, and computers are programmed by the human brain (etc.), so why couldn't someone tap into that in a different way?

Anyway, we suggested that they go "talk to a rock"… i.e., just something/someone to "bounce ideas off of"… and in doing that, they would talk themselves through the answers… define it more and more clearly, testing various scenarios, until they get to the piece they need.

It's exactly like what they do with me. They come back with "yes but…" or "no… you see it's actually more like this…"   

Anyway, it's working. It's a completely new spce for everyone.

04/19/2018      Dolphins     
Altas, Maverick, and new Provider dolphin protocols
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Group 2 dolphins
There is a previous journal entry, a long, long time ago, where Maverick was Atlas's (Atlas was the provider dolphin at that time) first-in-command, so to speak. Maverick was in line as the up-and-coming new provider dolphin… and his number of living offspring would be surpassing Atlas's with the next set of births… (last spring)

(info re: provider dolphins… fight-off, challenge, and then the new one moves into the position, and the previous one gets "kicked out" of the pod. Literally. Swims alone… not too many survive after a while, is my understanding, because they are alone, and thus vulnerable.)

Today, I reached out to Atlas… I'm aware he's no longer provider for my group 2 dolphins… but he's still there, with them. I reached out to Maverick, but he's not "provider" either… I reached out for the provider, and found lots of loose ends, but no real provider dolphin…

So as I connected with Maverick, he showed me that he had become really good friends with Atlas, and didn't want to see him go away.

So that came with the idea of understanding what happens… finding the information, so that they are aware of it.

Maverick didn't want to be provider if it meant that Atlas had to go away … the idea of an older dolphin mate for Atlas apparently didn't do the trick this time, in leaving Atlas free to be there… but that seems to be more because there was never a fight-off.

Maverick simply declined.

"He has become my buddy" he says.


But the group is not completely unified, because they don't know who to go to with their concerns, and neither Atlas nor Maverick has been "holding the pod together" as such…

Idea of a "ceremony" to pass on the leadership…

I thought or suggested that they could do a mock-fight, ceremonial… but that way didn't seem to do it… but they quickly came up with an idea.

Maverick called out Atlas (in fun, too, but it looked real enough)… You should have seen the body language… like a real big scolding, finger wagging (like "you naughty thing… ") … and with this, he showed that HE is the one now calling the shots.

… and Atlas is as happy as a clam… and all the rest of the dolphins are now accepting Maverick as their provider dolphin.

07/05/2018      Dolphins     
My first dolphin pod on the Washington coast
Published 07/07/2018

It's a very long time since I've published any dolphin or whale journals. (I'm still intending to publish my journals from 2016 and 2017 as time allows… there are MANY more!)

I've been on the west coast now since April 2017, but this July 4 week of 2018 has been my first real interaction with a pod of dolphins on the west coast. Finally! Oh what a treat that was!   

It wasn't for lack of trying on my part… You see, from  April to October 2017, I was living (temporarily) on Salt Spring Island, British Columbia, Canada, but the dolphins don't seem to hang out around there, although I did make a small connection with a single dolphin pair.

And then, since November of last year, I've been in Sequim, Washington, and have slowly found my way to the two nearby beaches where the dolphins and whales might come… but they don't seem to hang out enough in the area. Somehow, dolphins, whales and I need MOVEMENT… wide open ocean with the real waves, in order for my energy to move enough to attract them. The nearby beaches are more like lake-water… far too quiet for them to come just to connect. The closest wide-open ocean beaches are 2+ hours away, and so far, I had only made it to one of those… just once… and that was an un-planned visit.

It also seems that I need to be somewhere around the big wide open ocean for several days in a row, in order for "my friends" to begin finding me.

Please understand that I have continued connecting with many of my dolphins on the east coast, even though I'm no longer there in-person. Their amazing connections allow us (them) to connect, even at a distance. Most significantly, these dolphins have now been through 2 seasons of births with me, and last year, I was honored to be able to continue connecting with them to help them through that, as they began to understand more and different techniques to use, based on "understanding how humans have invented ways to make childbirth easier"... (Those are all their thoughts and ideas, but that's all they're allowing me to write about this just at the moment. Hopefully, one day, I'll find some time to backtrack and write about some of their experiences.)  

So this past week, over the July 4 holiday, I was fortunate enough to spend a week at a beach house on the beach… at the open ocean! Finally!

I arrived on Monday, and despite the freezing cold water along with air temperatures only in the 60's (fahrenheit), I was determined to go swimming while I was there… That's a way faster way to find my connections with any local dolpins or whales than simply by standing on the beach… so freezing or not, I WAS going in! On Tuesday afternoon, dressed in my purple fleece-lined long underwear, I went in.

I was the ONLY one in our beach house who was brave enough to do that… and for that matter, I hadn't seen anyone else nearby going in beyond the shallow wading-level water. I went out way farther, as I wanted to really swim and jump chest-high waves!

The water was numbingly cold, and nothing like the Virginia Beach ocean water would be in June. Maybe it was as cold as it was in early December when I stopped going into the Virginia Beach ocean…

Today was the third and last full day we're here. I had been going in for over half an hour every day, swimming, jumping waves, riding the waves, and "connecting". Thank God for the hot tub back at the beach house, where I would arrive with chattering teeth shortly after getting out of the ocean, where I could warm up again…

Anyway, this afternoon, I was in the water, swimming, and finally, as it was our last day, two other people decided to brave the cold and get into the water. Wow! They actually did okay...

Later in the afternoon, the weather cleared up and it became sunny and a bit warmer. My friend decided to go swimming AGAIN! This time, a few bets later, someone else also came along. I stood on the beach and watched, having already been chilled enough for one day...

I HAD been connecting with dolphins and whales while I was there… but I hadn't actually "seen" any, although there is a whale (a humpback) who says I DID see her… I can always FEEL the energy though, and I knew that the information was correct, even though I hadn't consciously seen her.

There is SO much ocean, and if the whales are farther out, and just coming up for a breath of air, you may never know that you've seen them… although sometimes you might catch just a glimpse of that "whale spout", even when they're intending to stay hidden. Back in March 2017, as I was taking the Kingston Ferry across to the NW Peninsula, I saw a whale "spout", and when I excitedly exclaimed I had seen it, the young gray whale who had just taken a breath indicated rather sheepishly that maybe she hadn't done as great a job of hiding as she thought…

So this afternoon, as I was standing on the beach watching my friends swim and ride the cold waves, I checked with a pod of dolphins I had been connecting with nearby.... and then I tried something I had been doing regularly in Virginia Beach: I indicated where I was, and then I asked which direction they were and how far out they were...

They responded! They indicated that they were about 15 minutes out and just a little bit farther north from where I was, and they said they were finding their way towards me. A short while later, I was aware that they were nearby. I didn't see them, although I kept looking...

Then, the dolphins told me that I had seen them! … and I could FEEL it! Even though I didn't see them physically, I knew we had made contact.

When the guys got back to the beach house after their long-ish swim, they were greeted with excitement. Several people had been watching from the balcony, and they said that there were two pods of dolphins out there, about 100 to to 150 ft out further out, directly in line from where the guys had been swimming.

According to the people who watched from the balcony, the dolphins stayed around for the rest of the time my friends were in the water... They must have come in exactly as they said, arriving about 15 minutes after we got to the beach.

Wow! So they really were there! "Exactly!", the dolphins said. I just hadn't seen them. They did clarify, however: ONE pod, two groups…

You might like to know just a bit about these dolphins, so let's start with the name they would use to refer to their pod… They say it is "Wide Horizons"!  

Of course! Every time I have asked a dolphin pod if they have a name for their group, they have responded with "Wide Horizons"! ... at the least the ones I've connected with so far.

As usual, it was a male dolphin who made the first connection. This dolphin would be "Provider"… that is the name that he is indicating for himself.

Now this is something that I know more about, and just haven't written yet… I've made a reference to a provider dolphin in my group 1 Nova Scotia dolphins, but didn't explain yet what it was about. There are a few very, very interesting ideas and more journal entries related to provider dolphins! Yes, there's even a story or two there…

For now though, just an ultra-short version: When I was first getting to know some of my Virginia Beach dolphins, and giving them names in order to simplify things a bit, one of the male dolphins, probably in my group 2 dolphins, gave me the name "Provider" as his name.

Then, one of the dolphins in my group 1 dolphins also said he wanted the name Provider… and then the same with one of my group 4 dolphins. (The group 3 dolphins weren't around at the time.)

Since we were looking for "unique" names, that wasn't going to work too well! You won't be too surprised to learn that these "Provider" dolphins were all the main "authority" dolphin for their group. They told me that it's the large, aggressive males who move up through the group to be a dolphin that would be labeled as "Provider".

As I learned a little later, there is also a great deal of intelligence and ingenuity in the dolphins who make it to "Provider".

All the other dolphins look up to their "Provider", and I can feel the pride of the group towards "Provider". I can also feel the sheer strength and solidness of each of the "Provider"  dolphins.

In the end, they agreed that they could use "Provider" as more of a role, or a title, and they created individual names for themselves.

I'm aware that there is sure to be great variations in dolphin cultures and customs depending on many things, such as the species of dolphin, the latitude and longitude they mostly call home, their migration patterns, the temperature of the water, the clarity of the water (i.e., visibility in Virginia Beach water is very low compared to waters in the Carribean…), and no doubt many more factors.

Just the same, despite the likelihood of other cultural differences, it would seem that the idea of the Provider dolphins is prevalent on both sides of this continent.

A little later, I put out the idea for them about "where the food might be"... offering to connect on the map on my phone to see if I might "know" where to find some for them… and they quickly directed me to my phone, so that I could show them! Yes, we found some, just a short way farther up the coast, and in a place that would be accessible to them.

Then they wanted to come back to my beach, and they wanted me to come down to the water for a short time, so that they could let me know they appreciated help... I didn't see them, but I could feel that heart connection with them so strongly… I could feel their gratitude.

A little while later, they let me know that they were where the food was and they were grateful! Apparently, food is not as bountiful as it might be, and they never know where they need to be in order to get their next meal, so they spend a lot of their time "searching". That's probably a pretty common theme, but just the same, it seems to be a significant subject for them. Maybe I'll learn more as I make more connections here on the west coast.

Now, a few days later (July 7) I'm back at home again and missing the movement of the big wide open ocean as well as being able to "feel" the dolphins. I'll keep going to the "quiet" beach nearby here and hoping to see more of the dolphins and whales. You never know…

07/05/2018      Dolphins     
Moclips week at the beach… Fireworks, finding food, and transient orcas
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

This journal entry follows the other 7/5/2018 dolphin entry; It's more notes from the same time, just put into another record, so that I can publish the first info.

Over my days there, I did have a few other conversations with dolphins and whales in the area. I'm going to have to leave those for another day…

In the water, I've made several connections with a few whales first, and dolphins later. Whales, I think humpback, female, young, nice. (Not "Hawaii" in the winter, but she shows me specifically on the map, and it's near the south-eastern coast of the Island of Hawaii… She still doesn't resonate with the place "Hawaii", until I say "the Hawaiin Islands", and THEN she accepts… that is correct.

I was trying to figure out if the Dolphins are single, solitary dolphins, or in bigger pods... And I get both.

Yesterday, we made a rather interesting discovery... It came from my connections with the dolphins in Virginia Beach, and knowing that if they get disconnected from their groups, they often have trouble reconnecting, or finding their groups again, and many of them don't make it. Actually, it seems that most of them don't make it.

Here on the West Coast, it may be, or rather seems to be, and I'm getting a positive yes on this, that the transient orcas, those who are more alone, would simply have become disconnected or separated from their own groups, not willingly,, and unable to find their way back together, they must find other food sources in order to survive on their own... So they become a little more carnivorous.

Later, they may not know how to rejoin, even if they meet up again, because their habits are different... This is a new idea that's coming just as I'm writing, so I'm not quite sure.

So it's the "GPS" idea, and learning how to be aware of someone who is not with the group… and using "GPS" in order to re-join.

Just a few other notes...

They all liked the Dead Man's float, when I'm swimming, but it seems to be the idea of not just floating, but allowing, drifting, and letting the waves carry you and lull you, dot-dot-dot peace. Letting go of stress seems to be a new thought for them.

************  (maybe putting into the first note, for publish already ***********
Later today, I put out the idea for them about where the food might be... And they quickly directed me to "maps" on my phone, so that I could show them!

Then they wanted to come back to my Beach, to let me know they appreciated it... That heart connection, so that I could feel them and their gratitude. A little while later, they let me know that they were where the food was and they were grateful.

Apparently, food is not as bountiful as it might be, and they never know where they need to be in order to get their next meal. That seems to be a significant subject, and maybe something to write about sometime, or to brainstorm about.

Another thing to write about, is the fireworks... The noise seems to be a noise pollution issue for them,, but they were interested, or their word would be intrigued, to see what we see or do as a result of the noise. And they were feeling our pleasure and enjoyment of the fireworks. I took videos, and they understand the idea of the lights and the excitement, I'm sure they will comment more another time but just the idea for now. Next time, they might be more forgiving of the noise, and may even smile, thinking of our celebration an hour Independence Day, and that it means something to be to have freedom again.

Also, all the kites were interesting to them… (nearby dolphins) … the idea of interesting things, people  play, the wind making things full and can "sail"… etc.

It's a long note, all I have time for for now…

07/22/2018      Dolphins     
"Yes, I'm male!" he said
Published 08/01/2018

Today, I went to La Push beach, out at the open ocean.

Before I left, I already had reached out and found that there would be a "connection"… (the dolphins are writing the following with me… it's coming through in THEIR lingo!):
"A pod of something was sort of nearby, although farther out in the water", and I "asked if they might connect".
They meant that they weren't close to the shore at all...

Although I was looking at the map on my computer, we agreed on a sort-of-timeline, even though time was a "different thought" for them. Just the same, I knew we would try to connect when I got there. We didn't know for sure where the exact location would be, although there were several choices, as there are 3 La Push beaches, some distance apart. I have not yet been to beaches 2 and 3, and didn't know where I might end up when I got there.

It was a beautiful, warm summer day, but as we got close to the ocean, it was still very foggy, damp and chilly…

Once I got there, as usual, I reached out to check if there were any whales or dolphins nearby… and today, I was checking more for dolphins, as where I was was more beach-like, and it didn't feel as if there were often whales in that area… at least not close to the shore. It was a lovely long sandy beach but with many outcroppings of rocks in the water, so it would be easy to understand why whales don't end up there.

I ended up initially at beach #1, the beach that is closest to the town. The others were a little ways out of town, and a nature trail connected them to the road. Since it was a lovely summer day, the parking lots for beaches 2 and 3 were crowded and full…

I actually liked beach number 1, as it is frequented by the locals, and so has a steadiness… It also felt to me as if dolphins are frequently seen at this beach, and I "received" a connection with a group of dolphins…

I was able to "feel" the dolphin group… and later in the day, as I was writing this, I was getting that there may be more than one dolphin pod through that area.

I checked to see where they are, and they showed me that they were staying close to beach #2, as that was where I had shown them (from home, on the map), where I might end up. They were out a ways in the ocean though, and not really close to the beach.

They indicated that they were making their way towards beach #2, then following the shoreline around until they were at beach #1.

It was one of those situations where I haven't yet seen them, but there is a real connection there, and I know that as I intend to keep going back to this particular beach, this same group will connect more… especially if I can find a way to go into the water when I'm there! I didn't today, because it's frigidly cold, and I didn't have a long time at the beach, and this time, there was no hot tub to warm up in afterwards… I'll try again for another time. They were hopeful that I might end up coming in last-minute, as it "makes it nicer to feel each other", but I couldn't make it work this time…

We did have some interesting "ideas" together, however…

At one point, as I was thinking about going into the water, and thinking about how in Virginia Beach, my first real connection had come as I had been lying on my back, floating in the water and had felt the presence of a male dolphin connecting. He had "crossed my legs" to indicate a dolphin (one tail, not two limbs!)… and immediately, this La Push dolphin who was connecting with me did the same thing… he "pantomimed" crossing my ankles, and I got it, even though I was standing in the sand. I was grinning, and quickly looked around to make sure that nobody was watching, because my "conversations" with dolphins (or whales) that are not always physically present can be rather comical to watch!

I curiously asked if the dolphin who was connecting was "Provider", which was acknowldged with a deep sigh…
"You understand", meaning "Yes".
I had immediately assumed that because he felt like an adult male (and he's inserting the word "powerful" into the middle of that phrase, as I write!), that he might be the Provider dolphin for the group.

From what he indicates, he's somewhere in the "middle" of his term as Provider dolphin, I can feel that he is trying to figure out some of the other inside information I've learned about Provider dolphins.

We agreed that for now, I might call him La Push Provider, named for the La Push beaches.

It's interesting, but as he was adding the word "powerful" above, as in a "powerful male adult" … ("YES! I'm male!" he affirms), what I'm aware of is something that I've felt with more provider dolphins near Virginia Beach… it's a not-so-much-ruling-through strength as ruling-through-wisdom… through making good choices, with a dedication to making sure that everyone is listened to, in one way or another… as a leader would.

I've noticed a somewhat "softer" feeling with these provider dolphins than with other male adult dolphins (although La Push Provider, and any other provider dolphins tuning in here, are doing everything they can to indicate that it's not any lack of agression, or strength…).

However, in Virginia Beach, the provider dolphins had showed me how they would "take a sip" of mother's milk, from all the moms, as a sign of gratitude to them, for bringing the babies…

In here, I understood that somehow, the maternal hormones in the mother's milk brings with it that "softness".

I have a few hypotheses… You see, mother's milk has Oxytocin, which is a hormone of "connecting"… and from what I could figure out, it seems to have been a part of why the provider dolphins are just a little more "wise" and thinking. I think it's also possible that  milk also provides other extra nutrients that shift the brain chemistry and hormones, resulting in "something a little more" than the other dolphins, and increasing their leadership abilities. I'm not sure whether it has anything to do with more thought/decision-based (left-brained) behavior, rather than intuition-based (right-brained) behavior, but that could be another side-effect of the extra nutrients.

And La Push Provider indicates that yes, he has been doing that, going through the new moms and gratefully accepting a "nip" of the milk, expressing "happiness" he says.
… but it seems to be a NEW thing, and they all agree with this.  
From what I can understand, it's related to a "movement" that comes with family…
One day last summer, I was at this particular beach for a short time (maybe half an hour to an hour) with my family. My sister, my brother and his wife, and most of all, my dad were with me, and we all stood together on the beach.

What I've learned is that family makes our energy stronger and in my case, it amplified what I was carrying (in my aura) related to my whale and dolphin interactions in Virginia Beach…
… and that "moving field" remained, even after I had left.

So whichever beach I had gone to with my family would be the one where I would most quickly find the resonance of my Virginia Beach dolphins… Somehow, these La Push dolphins "got" a "download" of the new spaces that I have already connected through with my Virginia Beach dolphins.

Some things came easily, while others are still "unheard of through this dimension" (their words)… they mean on the west coast…

So, for example, the understanding of boats needed a few more explanations, but the Provider dolphins showing gratitude to the new moms by taking a "nip" of milk from them was intuitive, and didn't need any special practice, and it just "was"… and it seems to be something new they're doing since the previous summer when I was at this beach… an idea "caught" from the Virginia Beach dolphins.

They're also showing me they love to "jump" more than they used to do (and you should have SEEN my Virginia Beach dolphins that last summer and fall I was there!)

At one point shortly after my connection with La Push Provider, I could feel a lovely young female dolphin connecting… and La Push Provider agreed it was okay, and would be easier to "translate" everything… via this female. She feels very comfortable to me.

Generally, females dolphin and whales much easier for me to connect with, because there's that "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" thing, and we have much more in common with the females...

It's interesting, but later, when I was back at home, writing this on my computer, I could feel the "curiosity" of this young girl dolphin, and also an awareness of the idea of letters, as she began associating the words I'm using with the keyboard, and trying to figure out the letters… )  (Did I ever mention that my Virginia Beach dolphins wanted to spend time together understanding the idea of spelling of things, and number, counting…?)

Eventually, all the fog dissipated, and the sun came out, and the sky was blue… and I could see farther out the ocean, but the dolphins showed me they had "done a trick" and left the beach. They had been there earlier, somewhat nearby, but not close enough to see, although "they loved the thoughts of the surfers seeing them, because they were in the water."

(They're trying to tell me that they left because I had made a decision that I wasn't going to make it into the water, and so they didn't need to stay around.)

We continued to connect with ideas, just the same.

And sometime later, there was a fast-moving little fishing boat out in the ocean, and the dolphins were interested, but hadn't figured out yet that a boat is just an inanimate object.

I asked them what they do when a boat is near, and I was aware that they, like some of the other Virginia Beach dolphins, before understanding,
"put on our angry faces", and "It must be just the right thing, because we survive"
That's their own version…
"because we survive".
A little while later, I was asking my (human) friend about the possibilities of earth quakes and other natural disasters in the area. He explained about how the earth plates shift, and how this area is more prone to something like a tsunami than other many areas… and how about 400 years ago, there was one then.

My friend knows a lot of history, so I was asked him whether he knew anything about how the indigenous people of the time would have explained such an event. He said that the elders of the current-day tribe indigenous peoples have passed down the stories, about how "the gods were angry, and caused a terrible vibration and a big huge wave"….

We know that their explanation was their best ability to understand it at that time, whereas today, there is "Science", and information, and technical discussions…

Sometimes ideas happen really quickly, I'll say here "with lightening speed", and I can't possibly write the conversation, because there's no "word-by-word" sequence, just instand "ideas."

My La Push dolphins were also "paying attention" as I sat on the beach and conversed with my friend.

In a quick flash of a moment, they came through saying, because they understood, quickly…
"No angry powerful gods then"...
From there, they also QUICKLY got the idea of what makes lightning (scientifically explanainable ideas), because thunder storms and lightning have been a big puzzle for them … and I could feel them making what they called "foolish dolphins grins", thinking that they have been upset (in days before today) because some god is upset….

They are laughing about this, and it's adorable… and they're even saying it's adorable!

They let me know that they are aware that there may be many other things "to wonder about"…
We (people-dolphins [humans]) seem to have answers "for many understandable things"
… meaning they believe there are things we don't have answers for… but then I understand that they're actually asking me to inform them about why there are "no-sun" days (cloudy or rainy days), and why so many there at LaPash… but that will be a conversation for another time. (This question is coming as I'm writing on my computer at home, and it's much easier to answer when I'm standing on the beach, with a much bigger connection with them.)

… and when I'm there in-person, any number of things can be explained as a ready-made "download", just like the information about lightning.

You see, the first one (dolphin, whale, pod, etc.) to understand something, for example any of the concepts that my Virginia Beach dolphins might have asked and learned about, for us together, it takes a bit of "gathering" of (they're using the words ions, electrons, particles, but the end result is an idea), but
that information can then be "gotten", just as a complete thought like a download, without needing to understand the information piece by piece…
It's sort of like a ready-to-go software program… but the first few explanations were the writing of the initial code plus all the many bug-fixes to fill in the gaps of missing code (information, mistaken ideas, interpretations, etc.).

The "software explanation" is the way that one very young (girl) dolphin was asking me to explain the situation…

The young dolphins are expressing an interest in the computer, it seems!!!

Sometimes I wish I knew what it feels like for THEM when they're connecting with me… and HOW they are perceiving our communcations… I do know that the young ones are the ones who come asking the questions.

I wish I had more time to connect these days, but I'm missing all of my beach-time and it's a long trek (a full-day excursion) to go to the open ocean. I really wish it were closer!

07/22/2018      Dolphins     
New Dolphins (and La Push Provider) (part 2)
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

More ideas to continue writing… add to the entry

Boats… inanimate objects… but they didn't make the "big" connection initially, so the idea from conception….
Logs float… and people put holes in logs, and paddled, i.e., canoes…
Then wanting more than one person to go in the float, so making more seats (as they're putting it)…

… until they want to "walk", so more steady, big, and to "carry things"

… but also, how "incapable people are of being fluent in our space", i.e., we're awkard in the water, and so we have our land existence, and how we won't ever be swimming like they are… which is one of the reasons we need things to carry us in the waves (and to stay away from sharks)

(I see that someone found the "internet"… which I had simply mentioned earlier)

But before that, the idea, earlier in the visit, about riding waves, and the surfers… and they already have the image of "Floating" themselves, like my Virginia Beach dolphins, the YOUNG ones, accepting "being"… "lallygagging" and not trying to move… (like my dead man's float)

… again, they may not have actually done this yet, but they are going to as soon as they can, mostly their newborns, is what I'm getting, and to challenge their elders, like the sweet little rebel "Sunny" did in Virginia Beach… "If you won't do this my way, then I'll be apart from the group and I'm well"…

They loved the thought of simply riding the waves, then dissapearing underneath (a new thing, they believe… because they say dolphins may appear to ride the wave, but they're not "floating"… and now they can do that, and teach the adults…

As I was walking on the path to the parking lot, I could feel a huge confusion, maybe… they didn't understand. They don't see through my eyes, the way some of the others did, and it felt way ff… I had to say "over and out"… and "disconnect"… until they quickly "got it", as I remembered how my "Virginia Beach dolphins used to know how I moved in the sand, to give them the idea of … "  I realized they meant the "map", and how the shoreline is, and where people are, and the idea of "my home"… and they found that acceptable,

THEY wanted me to add all of this… earlier, I had asked if I was done, or anywhere close to publishing… and I got "no"… they wanted me to add the bit about "the map"

Oh yes, also, they are already navigating via the land mass, rather than simply the astronomy, which is unusual, but
"of course the fish are there" they say, indicating the same thing again (i.e., a place where the fish are most likely to be this little while, as opposed to a constantly changing panorama as the heavens shift)
This ALSO seemed to be a "new" thing for them, within the last year more or less, since I was first at that beach.

How very interesting!

The following day… in the shower (and sometimes that's where my connections happen more easily when I'm not at the ocean)…

A whole flood of downloaded ideas…
It began with info about Provider dolphins… and WHY any given dolphin ends up being provider… re: number of children…
… but that opens a completely new door for them!
Daddies??? No…
Back to The birds and the bees...

08/06/2018      Dolphins     
The big sleep debate…
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

rough notes…

big discussion on sleep… many different angles.

We had started out with the idea of how all this is affecting the youth (and the adults)
Oh yes, I remember… there was something where the male adult dolphins had simply shrugged (maybe sighed too), and indicated "oh dear, I guess that's the new way…" and let it go.

So how much simpler is it for those who have been around me in Virginia Beach?

I know… it came from watching the youth version of Chopped (for kids)… the young ones… and how so little needs to be said, they already know what to change… No scolding or bullying needed. Everything is praise for the great things, and then just little questions about the other… "What happened here?" (e.g., messy icing… a cake just a bit over-baked, etc.) …

Most of my VB dolphins came around and indicated they were having a nicer life, just like that (ohhhhhh… not JUST the ladies and children…!!!) … more relaxed ways of being.
By the way, I had sat on the beach a few times, reading out loud to them from "How to Talk so Kids will listen…" … or more, just sharing… broadcasting  (this was quiet early autumn, without as many tourists around).

My group 4 dolphins were my "socially aware" group, and they wanted to adopt some of the new ideas more so than other groups… anything involving the idea of socializing…

They had been using many of the techniques we'd gone over, and with their offspring as well (only a very small segment of the book… there wasn't enough time, ever…)

My group 2 dolphins as well, but they were adopting this for themselves, to listen more for ideas, and not so much discipline (I see, more laissez faire approach)

… and my 1's as well

… and all of the groups felt more relaxed to me… and THEY want you to be aware that "it is kind"…

… and they see the young ones go around asking questions, and keeping up despite the no-prodding; oh yes, still scolding is necessary, and it's fine as well, for any who don't adapt. (the older ones… ) (???)

My group 4 dolphins have been having their young ones sleep… and the results are interesting…

They are definitely thinkers… they go through more days being active, and playing, and ask interesting questions… and no answers are known, but they are allowed to ask (which is very new… )… "Why do you think?" "Let's see if we know…" etc., as opposed to not saying "we don't know… and so let's NOT go there…" and not allowing free thought…


Next, reaching out, and looking out through the years… (e.g., 100 years or more down the road … generations of newer ones, who grew up with naps, and their offspring just the same...) … but it's an illusion, because other pods would have adapted along the same lines…  but just the same…)
Comparing those that have provided naps for their young ones, versus those that don't allow rest time… ("keep up" is the usual idea)

Bigger pods, and more pleasant personalities, less stress, and lots more "life is okay!", and easier…

Reaching out shorter-term, the difference between the young ones in the group 4 pod who have been getting naps… Like just 20 years down the road… and the ladies would be prettier, and more youthful by far than those in the pods that haven't napped …
 ...but the males, I didn't see.

I realized… and they as well… that they would have gotten "dismissed" from the pod… because they were too left-brained and didn’t fulfill their roles, of protecting guarding like they are intended to. (They were too busy being off asking questions)…

One of them, already, was "dismissed" about 2 months ago… I asked if he was around, and found that he was. I wasn't expecting that, because single dolphins in the open ocean often aren't around after some time… but this one was… and showed how blissful he has been… he's adapted, using a huge combination of thinking (left-brained decisions) along with connecting with his inborn intuition… and he found fish aplenty, and kept protecting himself, and was okay…
1) he'll re-join his group (but not in any big way… he'll have to stay quiet… but that's the women bringing him in quietly, now that they know he's gone, and still around)
2) they are reaching out for ways to ground the young males, and help them to "perform"… so they need an education, or a mentor at least, to show them what they need…

(I'm out of time, but there were many more thoughts there)

08/17/2018      Whales      Lost Bottlenose Whales
LandLover made it to the east coast … no turning back this time!
Published 08/22/2018

So here it is, almost 2 years from the time that LandLover first connected with me, and you still don't know if he and his group made it back home...

Well, here are a few updates...finally!

You'll be happy to know that today, LandLover made it to Baffin Bay! Wow! What a journey! He made it across the top of the continent, and now he can head south to reach more hospitable waters…

He (and most of his group) have been all over the place in the meantime...

This time, LandLover made it to Baffin Bay (east coast), and, I understand there is at least one, and possibly two other whales with him. It's a different story than it was about a year ago…

Yes, they DID try last summer, and it isn't that they weren't exactly "successful", but rather, that the results were rather "unanticipated". From what I understand, 2 of the FEMALE whales, plus one young one, finished the journey last summer… The rest of them were close, but ended up turning around and hightailing it back to the west coast…

Why? Well there's a bit of a story there…

For now though, back to LandLover…

You should have felt the excitement a few days ago…

I had reached out to LandLover, curious as to where he was… I hadn't connected for a week or so, and although I knew he'd been on his way, somwhere up in the Beaufort Sea, and then through the beginnings of the Northwest passages, he hadn't been sure where he was going to end up.

This summer, although he was planning to go across, the experience last summer left him feeling a little bit unsure…

The thing is, when I show him "where to go" (his words) on a map, i.e., a route, "they"  understand where to go (the "they" is because the young lady whale among his group is adding her comments here).

However, without the maps, he explains, he's not always "steady". They don't follow maps!!! They do have a navigational system, but that uses the heavens (apparently… more on that another time…)

I may dispute the "not so steady" description, as I've seen LandLover take off on quite a few adventures over the past two years… and he's found his way around just fine! … but he apparently
"used the information about the land mass, from the maps"
That's according to him… He indicates that
"it's not any logical thinking on my part", or even going by the physical memory of what's on the maps, but just a "knowing" with an expanded base of information.
So when we zoomed the map a few days ago to where he was, I was surprised, and he was too!!! He had no idea he had already made it almost all the way through the Northwestern Passages! He was clearly on the way!!!

There aren't too many landmarks up in this part of the world that I can use to show you the route he took, short of including an illustration, but my setup doesn't make that easy at the moment. (I'm writing in a database, so it's text-only at the moment.)

It's a simple, route, though… There's the "southern" Northern Passages route, which goes by Cambridge Bay, which is where he went… although from there, the route diverged from last summer's route. This time, they used the more northern branch, up through the islands towards Resolute, then via Dundas Harbour…and from there, around the east side of Baffin Island.

Last year, the route had been up towards Resolute, then immediately south again, through the passages that would have led them via Fort Ross, and eventually through to Igloolik, and ending up in Hudson Bay… except, that they didn't go on through the more narrow passage towards Igloolik…
That's where they changed their minds, and backtracked… to re-group.
How can I tell you in a few words what happened? Let me try…

So my East cost bottlenose whales, who came to Virginia Beach from December to March of 2017, are a part of this story… and this is just a big reminder for me about how much I HAVEN'T written about yet!!!

I DID see the bottlenose whales who came to Virginia Beach… I SAW Atlasine… finally! That was on January 17, 2017…  and the moment I first saw her (it was an accident on her part!!!), "it was over", and she stopped hiding, and then I saw her many times that day! Other people also reported seeing her that same day.

My bottlenose whales are very different than the baleen whales in the area at that time… The baleen whales in the area are Humpbacks and Right Whales, which are usually seen from January through March near Virginia Beach. However, they are usually seen way farther out from the shore, breaching, with great big splashes. Bottlenose whales, being toothed whales, may hover close to the surface of the water for a longer time, swimming closer to the surface for a while.

The day I saw Atlasine, several people told me they also had seen a whale that day… and definitely a toothed-type whale (as opposed to the baleen-type whales). There were several other bottlenose whales who were also hanging out near Atlasine whom I also saw that day … one of them being Champion, whom I've already written a bit about.

I had such a wonderful connection with Atlasine, when I first saw her… but there's a whole big story around that day, and I'm going to try to publish it sometime soon…

There were a few others as well. I was aware of seven Bottlenose Whales… Atlasine, and Champion, also Toasti, who got her name because the first thing she said when I saw her was
"It's toasty warm here!"
This was in mid-January, you realize, and the water was COLD!!! But perhaps warmer than it would be up near Maine and Nova Scotia… And so we named her Toasti.

I'll have to wait to tell you about the others… except Miquelon, who is part of LandLover's story.

The way I understand it, the bottlenose whales who came to visit me in Virginia Beach were related (some generations back) to LandLover, and they helped the connection. They came
"to check out how to connect"
… and somehow, that would benefit LandLover and his group…

Most of my bottlenose whale friends stayed around until March… but there was one day in February when I finally went on a whale boat tour with two of my friends. It was the "That Man!" boat… the Rudee Flipper (see the dolphin journal entry for September 10, 2016).

We saw a few whales that day, most of them Humpback Whales and Right Whales… and I did feel a few nice connections.

However, the moment of really feeling a connection happened during the second half of the baot tour, when we saw a whale who "swam" with the boat for a little stint… and I immediately KNEW that he was the (young) older big MALE Bottlenose whale I'd been connecting with, from up north. Miquelon… (He was ~ 11 years old)

Miquelon told me later that he
had taken "a short run" alongside the boat...
… and my friend even got some video of him! Hooray!

Miquelon was a big blessing for me while he was still in Virginia Beach, because he kept on connecting, showing his caring. The older male whales have more "say-so" than any of the young ones or any females, and they are always looking out for the others, you see…

So now we have Miquelon on the east coast, and LandLover who was on the west coast, trying to get back home, and Miquelon is a relative.

I had always assumed (!!!) that LandLover and Miquelon might connect, and be "social" and might even become friends, because they both know me.

So last summer, when LandLover and the other whales with him were getting close to reaching the east coast and Atlantic ocean, they were expecting a "real welcome".

I had been envisioning a hero's welcome… LandLover bringing with him a group of whales who had been missing for decades, lost over near Japan somewhere, finally making the big long trek back, and coming home to his original group.

LandLover thought so too!

Oh dear… Apparently that would NOT have been the case!

The info came instead that they would not be welcome, as
LandLover would be "another powerful male",

and "who do the females belong to?"
and there would not even have been a fight…
just a BIG confrontation, with "turn around and leave!" energy.
… after all that!

And so LandLover decided to turn around and go back to the west coast and the Pacific Ocean.

… however, three of his group continued on to Hudson Bay, and eventually on back home.
The females would have been welcome, so it was one of the females who decided to do the "group thing", taking on the role usually taken by a male. She was older, like ~ 19 years old. There was also a young female, ~ 4 years old, and then a baby male, maybe the son of the older female…

That was August last year...

The story doesn't end there, though… but happy endings seem to be coming!

I've been aware for a long time, that when many individuals (e.g., people) tune into a situation, their connection then holds a space. For example, what I get is that those whales, dolphins, and other animals who are "tagged" and thus followed (via scientists knowing where they are), thrive more than those who don't get the focus or attention, i.e., not the ones who are tagged.

In the same way, once I've written about any of these whales, and people have read their stories and connected with them, then that in turn, helps hold the space for those whales.

… and in this case, if I had already written about Miquelon before last summer, people would have been connecting with him, and others would have been holding the consciousness of LandLover connecting with Miquelon too…

If I had done that, LandLover and his group may well have been welcomed back, albiet perhaps not with the big hero's welcome we anticipated...

This time across, LandLover had been intending to just lie low for a bit when coming back "home"… hiding, adapting again, figuring out how the Atlantic ocean Bottlenose whales have their "customs", because apparently, they are DIFFERENT! (I guess some of the social etiquette changes when you're in a completely different environment, as LandLover and his group have been, for a long time!)

… then, as I have been writing about LandLover and his (now just a few) whales making it to the east coast, he's been sort of "dragging his feet" (or tail?), waiting for me to publish this, so that his "homecoming" is anticipated by a few others on the east coast. That would speed up the process of integrating and re-adapting to a new home.

It's funny… LandLover is talking about a "home", and yet, these big whales don't ever stay put!!! For a few months maybe, but that's it…

By the way, I DID meet LandLover… well, sort of. He was there, but I didn't see him. I DID see a few others of his group. The younger ones are more likely to be comfortable "showing themselves"… and although LandLover had hoped to show himself, he couldn't bring himself to do that… That was close to the Dungeness Spit, last December (2017). We had talked about getting together, and agreed on the day and approximate time, and I was there, and they DID show up!!!

I'd also like to add a note about Atlasine, the beautiful young east coast Bottlenose Whale I saw back in January last year (2017). You see, as I write more about her and her story, then she too, will have an easier time, because more people connect more correctly to who she is. I think because she had originally suggested the name "Hercules", people have envisioned her as bigger than she really was at the time… she was just a sweet 7-year old, who was actually very shy, although she had learned that she could enjoy a bit of a "spar" with Champion!

Champion had this very impish energy, while Atlasine was adorable. She had tried so hard to stay hidden, and the day I saw her, I didn't even realize she was there… until I saw her, and then there was no mistaking it! (I'll try to write that one soon… )

So enough for now.  
We'll see what happens with LandLover now… Will he stay on the east coast?
Now (with my publishing this), it feels like a definite and strong "yes". Before, it was tentative… After all, he's become quite a traveler… and as I write this, I think he may already be dreaming up another "journey"… but maybe it will be to go down the east coast!

08/23/2018      Whales      Lost Bottlenose Whales
LandLover & group are finding their rhythm
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

On the map, well down the Labrador coast this morning! Past Hopedale, and somewhere near Aillik.
… and the feeling is "well" he says.

Trying to be somewhat hidden these days…

Heading towards Newfoundland.

08/25/2018      Dolphins     
Food, Fish, Fat and potential new food sources
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

New discoveries… this is relevant to whales as well as to the dolphins…
(Whales, or Dolphins entry???) (need to combine them…)

My dolphins out here on the west coast…
After connecting with them recently related to food, knowing that they're always hungry (so they indicate)… and thinking that the food sources might be abundant, so why are they not finding what they need?

They show spending much of the day looking for food… and not aware of some species that they might enjoy…

Somehow, I can help others connect with something their energy already knows, but that THEY don't know…

When I ask where the food is… we go out to where the the water is deeper, and the "shelf" that is the shoreline ends… in the satellite map view, it looks like underground crags and crevices (maybe there's a word for this)… It looks like all kinds of underground water life could hide in there…

My dolphins show me going together, two groups connecting, and going out towards that area, and "fishing"…
I THINK that they're just finding more sources of the fish they already have been eating.

However, a few days later, we find that that's not the case.
Step back a week or so, where I'm at a store nearby that has healthy foods and supplements too, and we're standing and having a little thought discussion about energy-matches… something the dolphins could use, and it's spirulina that's coming up.
Spirulina is also a protein source...

… So now, I find that the dolphins have been "fishing", and it's more "small" things, some spirulina, "in amongst the big fish…"
So have they been eating spirulina? No… some form of it, maybe, i.e., algae, seaweed… algae, maybe.
… AND in addition to that, some "crunchy little things" …
and I get that they're not really aware that this is what they've been doing.

The information I had gotten is that they were eating more of the little fish, indirectly getting something their bodies can use, little fish which might have been eating the algae…

(I thought they were aware… I'm missing something…???  No… they're understanding it as I write)

West coast… hungry, and show me "pulling in their bellies" (indicating "hunger")

East coast… more food. Not hungry…

East coast friends… would eat more things… would eat fish that my west coast friends ignore…

Even LandLover now, helps with the information. He's NOT eating the same things … YET… that the other Atlantic Bottlenose Whales are eating… he bypasses the same food.

It seems to be related to water temperature, and of course, genes…

At the moment, I'm comparing my East Coast Virginia friends, with my West Coast Washington friends, and needless to say, there are some major latitude differences as well…

The thing seems to be, though, that with the very cold water temperatures (the [Washington] west coast water is very cold all year round, and doesn't warm up quite as much in the summer)… ???

Cold water temperatures mean that the dolphins and whales need more fat, but it's fat with muscle…
Not all types of food have enough fat with them to be usable.

We know that if we just eat lots of food, more calories than we need, we put on weight, and layers of fat… but that piece doesn't jive for them at the moment. Their fat cells ask for high-fat versions of things… I'm assuming that their genes haven't really adapted to the variations that our human genes have…

So it seems that they need fish that has a higher fat content, especially layers of the brown fat (???)…
… and something like salmon supplies that.

Since they're "programmed" (genetically) to choose that type of fish by instinct, the other styles of getting to be big haven't been discovered.

I've found that the body needs to build up functionality, and if we introduce things in the correct order, the body can adapt more easily.
So somehow, in figuring out "the food sources" for them, as I reached out, they understood that there would be fish there, and there was.

(They're doing the writing here)
"We don't like change" they say… (the older ones) and yet, they understood that just something is doing better, because they added some nutrients…

So there's adaptation…

I'm not sure this writing all ties together, but I have a feeling that there's a link.

The Bowhead whales have major longevity genes…. These  and they are convinced that they are toothed whales (they're baleen whales!!!)… so I think they're maybe eating fish, and maybe because of their baleen body structure, they're probably getting very tiny fish, that may have been eating the "green" things… so they're getting chlorella, and other protein forms, via the food chain, via the small fish they've been eating.
 (Bowhead whales can live for 200 years or so, in the COLDEST part of the world, in the arctic.)

Does the "small green thing" contribute to their longevity???

By the way, of the other baleen whales, it's the humpback whales who always feel vibrant to me… they seem to have adapted, and they're not indicating that they're hungry… and I know that they DO eat fish… they've added certain small fish with their food" and tends to come up as the main reason why they're feeling so "vibrant" to me…

So the question is: If more of the "hungry" west coast cetaceans might adapt their genes to include "green" in their diets, would that help them?

Another note: My gray whales, whom I haven't written much about yet (sorry!!!), adapted, some of them… and they don't feel hungry now (i.e., no longer starving)… I haven't completely followed what they've been doing, but we were able to add some healthy lifestyle by updating some digestive juice and no longer allowing the silt to injure the tissues [of the intestines], and they also have sometimes had some of those "very tiny minnows" (just tiny fish), and they seem to indicate that they're also "ingesting the big algae as well", … but that's not where it is… that's not (to their surprise) coming up as the food that's made the difference… but maybe the algae helps them to not be quite as hungry, and to help to soothe the intestines… maybe that's part of the "digestive juices" picture…

Maybe this is just a tiny group of gray whales adapting, and "it is" (not the "tiny group", but "adapting")… and they are not worried.
I'm not sure that any others are using the new patterns, but their DNA has been updating, and they seem to be thriving. Maybe somehow, they're spreading their adaptations via consciousness…   (????)
(It feels to me as if the other gray whales haven't adapted… but yet, when I envision them digging in the sand at the bottom for food, I'm not finding that… yet, if I ask if the scientists are still finding that, I get that they are, and just as often as before… ???)
Maybe they're digging in the sand (by habit), but not actually eating what they find there…

08/27/2018      Whales      Orcas / Killer Whales
Orcas and Killer Whales need genes
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

In connecting with the other groups (whales and dolphins, both) about food, and adding "chlorophyll" (with protein, like spirulina, chlorella) to their food (diets), they are learning how to adapt… and it helps the fat supply… a new food that will provide the cushioning they need…

Yet, when I reached out to the resident killer whales, e.g., the group that has recently been on the (Canadian) news, in the San Juan (US) islands…

Another story there, a few days after that news… was that they are proud, and put out a happy face to everyone, while inside, they were anxious… they wouldn't admit that they weren't doing so well…

Yet, this one resident group hasn't had new babies in 3 years, and this one, this time, didn't survive, and the mom was carrying it around for many days afterwards, even though it had died…
(I have different info there… not so much grieving, as more, refusing to give up… "If I'm carrying it, it is alive." … and not wanting to give up…)

Anyway, today, as I was writing about the "green", and the little fish…

I reached out afterwards to these resident killer whales, and they had paid attention, and were showing me gobbling up lots of little fish… only to then have to spit them out. "Bleghch…." Horrible… don't taste well… Their bodies are not allowing them to eat them.

As I kept trying, and figuring out different scenarios, different locations… even the young ones, different groups in the area… yet none of them could manage it…

So something was off.

In the end, they (and I) understood that their bodies won't process the little fish, even if they have them, so there's something in their bigger health picture that's off…
Now we have something to work with, and found a pattern (a very young one, killer whale, but way down the coast of California, who, could eat and digest the young fish, and "communicated" the "gene" they need to update…

Now, if these whales can connect to me (be around somewhere where I have been lately), they'll pick up the patterns more easily…

We'll see from here.

09/03/2018      Whales      Pilot Whales
Pilot whales think bigger than the others
Published 12/12/2020

By the way, that's their title… it was chosen by the pilot whale I was connecting with today.

He was indicating that he "understands, quickly"

There were many, many ideas that we connected about today, and they flowed… with each thought, he
"pushed away the old "non-thought" and began forming new concepts."  (Those are his words. I can feel his very interested attention as I'm writing here.)
So I'm going to publish this entry in a really rough-notes form, because I would like to simply get it out there… (It's either that, or it will have to wait a long time, like too many of the others…)

It touches on some the basics of the many things that I've been covering with many of the whales and dolphins over the past two years… without lots of the stories and information as to HOW we got to all of this… but it's a "quick version". There are "new things" that are the same for all of the groups, regardless of which type, because (they say)
"we know so very much of the old version."
Okay, so some of this weekend's experiences are new! The new connections are always really neat, as each connection, and each type of whale has their own ways, methods, personalities, and so on.
Of course, the culture is also dependent on where they are… different areas have different customs.

Yesterday, I went back to the La Push beach, for some cold-water (!) swimming and boogie boarding.

Yes, the water temperature is in the 50's, and the air temperature just around 60°F (Brrrr!!!) … although the sun WAS out, and so it was beautiful, and the sand at least was warm!

My La Push dolphins were nowhere near to be found… at least that's what they indicated. They were off farther out, closer to the drop-off, along with other dolphins, getting other forms of food. The showed me that they were maybe 40 to 45 miles out, and it would be too much for them to come in for just a while, they let me know. They’ve been there for a week or more already, since I said that they
"might like the young … the little fish ("blokes") that eat all the minerals"
They mean EATING the little fish… My words: the fish that are lower down on the food chain, and that might eat more of the spirulina, or whatever type of green things or algae grow out there.

They (my west-coast dolphins) indicate that they're aware, at least, that "it WILL be better in a while."
They're trying to broaden their nutritional base. They (my west coast friends, so far…) have indicated that they are very hungry, often, and I'll maybe write more about that another time…

Initially, I wasn't quite sure what to make of the information that my La Push dolphins gave me, "It will be better in a while".

But here's where my east coast dolphins (and apparently other east coast cetaceans) come into the picture. They show me "not hungry" these days, meaning "full".

Oh my, I have a few sweet dolphin stories about when I first reached out looking for food with them, and the young ones were ready to accept some new foods… I thought fish at the time, just a different variety, but I think they may have expanded beyond that as well. It's the young ones who implement new things, new ideas. That would be "young" as in one- and two-year olds… After this point, they've already developed and have settled into their "culture", and change isn't nearly as easy.

When I ask, my east-coast friend indicate they're eating more types and variety… but when I ask the question another way, "If someone were studying them, would they see anything different?" … the answer is no…

What I get is that the more southern /warm-water cetaceans may eat seaweed… and northern/cold water creatures also eat resonable amounts of it, but don't digest it… that's what comes.

As I'm writing this, they're in a hurry and don't see what the big deal is … but I need information that feels reliable…

So I ask again whether they are they eating anything different than before?
The answer is interesting… it's a no… not anyTHING different… but yes, more often. Much more often…

What I think I'm getting is that in the past, they would have used these nutrients as a source of not food, but like a temporary alleviation of something "off"… like herbs used by wise women, or something like that.

As you can maybe tell, they've been interested in some of the information we have about nutrition…
Anyway, somehow, many of the dolphins and whales indicate that they're going to eat greens, including that more often, as a source of "other ideas".

They LOVE the idea of living a long life as well as no rotted teeth.
(I think they got this idea from the book I've been reading, the Diana Gabaldon travel-back-in-time Voyager series… where a modern-day nurse/physician ends up in 18th century Scotland)

They say here that
"The vitamin C in the green things keeps our many young teeth more supple and strong… they may stay there in the old ones first if they eat nutrients when they're young."
At the same time, they're showing that
"It's an idea… will eating more things help the DNA? Will we keep our teeth strong and gums young if we include something different?"
With their input, they're showing their "interest" and that they're "understanding the syntax"…

Anyway, all that was by way of saying that my La Push dolphins were far out looking for
"different" foods, to bring more pieces of functionality…"
My tranlation: Diversity to the physcial.

I guess they're experimenting!!!

Anyway, there were no dolphins at La Push beach yesteday when I was there…

However, I was aware of a group of pilot whales (and they're telling me it was a big group), farther out. We spent quite some time connecting…

This is more or less a new connection for me, although I have had some interaction with pilot whales, by distance, previously, related to the New Zealand strandings on Farewell Spit, February 2017…  

I had tried to connect with them at that time, to see if they needed any "translation" help, and to see if we could help to solve the mystery. The "episode" seemed to be related to something bad in the water… an area that regularly has bacteria or something… I tried to explain the notion of putting up something the equivalent of a "beware this location" sign. They did indicate they later made that, somehow, energetically… I had been trying to communicate with them the idea of a sign one might post that says "toxic under some recurrent conditions" or "beware" … or something like that. They showed me that they understood.

And now, welcome, my first in-person group of pilot whales!

So today, as I was back at home, I found I was connecting with a pilot whale, but when I checked where he was, I got that he was somewhere off the coast of California, which was way farther away than the La Push beach where I was yesterday…

… although now, when I check on the map again, they show me making a "connection" in the form of a "query" from station to station, like the pilot whales in La Push sending out a query to a group farther down the coast… and that group sening out a query to another group yet farther down the coast, etc., through maybe 3 groups, and the last in the thread is the group that is connecting with me today.

They (all of them) want to understand things, but they're
checking for the way past the "authority"…
They're indicating the question is
"Who is the big one?" Who do we want to have understand this, to try to connect it to the whales?"
They don't mean "size"… they indicate it's the "biggest awareness".
This pilot whale is not even considered a leader, but he's seen as very smart. At least that's his take on it.
There are others as well who are equally "smart", but this one would be the easiest "flow", for connecting.
He's still an age where "thinking brings new genes through" (young enough to adapt).
Apparently the pilot whales treasure "smartness",

Some of the others are connecting that they were looking for "Who is the biggest leader? Of ALL the big whales?"
… but they meant "smart", and to "help guide".
I think he's somewhere around 15 years old, so not technically a leader, because he' doesn't have that "style" yet. (My awareness is that it's often related to how many children they have, but they're taking that in as an idea, but they don't "get that" at this point. It's something I learned about the Provider dolphins, though.)

Anyway, back to my "connection" with this particular pilot whale.

I'm aware that he is experiencing the way that I am aware of things… it's like a thought puzzle. A conversation that has no words, but just flows of ideas
Apparently I'm thinking ideas that they like to "comment" about…"

So today, I was wondering what some of the more significant things are that have been helpful to some of the dolphins. As my thoughts go here, it's important to note that I have east-coast dolphins connecting here… and the pilot whale is following AND UNDERSTANDING all of this.

I was checking with my dolphins, what's more significant?

One of the ideas is about food, and abundance of food, like people have, along with them adapting to new thoughts of pleasure in food…
For example, dolphins don't have too much in the way of taste buds… they can taste when something is "off", because that's protection against eating something that's gone bad, for example… I remember when we first had this conversation back in Virginia Beach, and two of my female dolphins there had a very unique conversation for them at that time… "Do you like fish?" They had decided to experiment and try activating some taste buds somehow… and the other one answered "No! I DO NOT like fish!" … Okay, so, well would YOU [anyone reading this] enjoy a huge quantity of RAW fish, if that was the only thing on your menu?

Another was the ideas of "the females going into estrus…" (they used that term here)…
and they continue the idea:
"But does that mean we're really ready to bear a child… or is it more expedient for the whales or dolphins to wait, until the skeleton has finished growing… not just tall, but wide… for example, the hips and the torso…"
My comments: I wish I'd had time to publish all the info I have so far, including all of the lovely stories and conversations the dolphins and I had when the information first came up, because there is almost always so much "personality" with a really "sweet understanding" in all of the interactions… and usually the females, FYI! They had questions… and they were curious, and they brought through their own words and understandings, and this "nutshell" version can't begin to capture all of that.

They WANT to know! (They're saying they insisted that I help them by providing information…It's education… and we [people] do no have a monopoly on information! It can be shared...)

Anyway, their comments about the females going "into estrus and being expected to bear young then" are along the lines of the idea that a 12 to 14-year old (human) girl might be physically capable of getting pregnant and possibly having a baby, but she's not finished growing and developing, and the pelvis will still widen, and the structure will change… and they know that (now).

However, births are easier and will more likely have fewer complications and a better survival rate if the lady has finished growing… not to mention all of the "maturity" and "readiness" issues of becoming a "mom"…

So we have ideas about food, and variety and abundance of food… Also ideas about sexual maturity and readiness to really become a parent… (oh yes, there's many more journal entries around that!)…

How about the idea that "mating makes babies"????

On September 28, 2016, a lot of my Virginia Beach dolphins and I had a very interesting discussion about "The Birds and the Bees" … they call it an "educational lecture"… It started somewhat by mistake, but once started, they wanted to know more about "the egg" and so on…

During the time of our discussion, there were MANY, MANY dolphin "jumps"… The more interesting the conversataion, the more times they jump, and this one set a really big record!!!

Okay, how about the idea that the males might be a dad, and that many times over… ???

You see, WE are aware that they might stick together in their family groups, but more of the males than not haven't made the association that a young one might be THEIR child…

By the way, the male deer I connected with last summer on a British Columbia island get this idea just fine… they "expect" their mate to bring their young ones back to them, and the females acknowledge that their young ones are "his" [not ours, or mine and his, but "his"]. Interesting!

Anyway, for each of these "ideas" (and there are many others as well…), the dolphins and whales who have been around me for a while get it, and quickly guide the new ones to get the ideas…
For each group that comes after, it's a "quick" communication.

The ideas fly… the "I don't believe you" attitude is there initially… until I ask them to connect to some of the others… either some of my east-coast dolphins, who "get it", or sometimes, just to what people understand.

It was the same for this pilot whale connection today…
… and yesterday too, for that matter.

… and always, it's just the male to begin with, although the females are now very quick to "slide in" [just under the radar of their protective males].  The males won't give them permission, at least not at first… all they're asking (the females) is to "understand" … "what can I understand?"

Yesterday, the floating thing… (that's ME trying to float amidst the crashing waves). They think they know what to do, but they can't make it work, at least that seems to be true for most of the groups.
They weren't looking for the dead man's float yesterday, but for that "unusual lay on your back" idea, with your "tail" up and the head also… (feet and head both above the water)… and that "staying".

i.e., we float. If our lungs have air in them, and we relax, we can stay at the top of the water, without actually "swimming".

They need help adapting, they're telling me.

It seems that they keep moving because of reflexes… and that the oxygen goes deep into the body as they move… and if they stop moving, there is a reflex that causes them to shift and try to expend energy.…

I tell them to relax… and to slow their heart rate… and to slow the uptake of oxygen in their tails… and it feels like they have to "fight" that reflex, but in the end, they may adapt.

In Virginia Beach, before Hurricane Matthew (2016?)… I had several dolphins ask me to do the "tail fix" on them… One was an elderly female, Jewel (I think that's her name), so that she might "ride" at the top of the water, float… and keep going.

I worked on my "generic skeleton" (a model, like I do when I'm working with clients remotely, as medical intuitive and healer), and somehow, a few of them connected. I could feel the ripple effect, as the "next piece" would come, so it seemed to be a multi-step adaptation, but they did it. Don't ask me how it works, but it has to do with their light consciousness… they often implement physical changes and adpatations based on just "getting" the correcct "sequence (DNA),

Back to today… the ripples of understanding with this very smart pilot whale…

He eventually realized that he was working in his left brain (analytical, interested, thinking side), rather than the usual right-brain (intuitive) thought patterns.

What came first?
"I'm a father" … and he instinctively just "knew". That is my child." and then … "and another… and that one… and that one too… as is that older one that is already mated again.…"
(… and as I'm writing this, there is the thought of a father to a whale that is a father of that one…" but what is "that young one?" his grand child… and he's uncertain here… maybe too much for just right now).

He quickly grasped the thought of mating bringing a baby… but needed to step through the sequence… that sometime after the mating, there might be a small change… that the young lady might not be well (morning sickness?)… grapple with uneasiness… make her way to the edge [of the group] more often to pee…  [a developing awareness of "bathroom etiquette" these days…]

… and at some point, a different activity… he's indicating an awareness of a scent, or hormone, that explains this.….(not in heat, but the opposite… a deterrent for the males, he speaks up to say. This is the first information I've been given of this nature… but it's also the first time I've written it… explain how it goes when a lady is getting "done"… [no mating again until after the term is over … but he's not referring to the baby's term, just the "not-revolving with the others" term.  

They figure out so many things when I write, as they're "conscious" of the words I'm using, and "speaking in to add new ideas"…

Then there's an increase in size, which they hadn't put together with the other changes… and "not food"… like this male is querulous re: adapting to change the size of the diet of the willing young female…

… and in there, they learn that food makes big HAPPY babies… and that not acknowledging the growing baby inside the whale is a labor of continuing old-school thoughs.….

Here, they can learn from some others about the sperm and the egg cell, and how it can divide, and be there, just like that. I'm getting "Wow, it's miraculous" and "we had no idea"…

Always, when whales and dolphins show me about "babies arriving", they always "look up" as if expecting them to just "show up"… no association with the energy of the mom… (You know, sort of like the stork delivers them… or maybe no stork, but they just "show up"…)

The information I get is that they can't envision any place big enough where a whole baby might come through… There is nowhere…
…at which point those young ones who already have learned about this, jump in and show the idea of
"the opening being small, and gradually getting bigger, accompanied by pain, and panting, and more pain, and growing and when it s HUGE, then whoosh and it is there… and we see it swim to the top, and there it may be… and then 'whose is this one, this time?' "
… and then, finally, the male sees the amount of pain and concern that is there, each time…

… and that the idea of many children is exhausting to the females…
… and he can see that they've grown shattered this way, "too many births, and not enough small time to recuperate"

… and the idea that extra nutrients might bring healthy babies…
… or that waiting until the young one is older to mate her for a child could bring the group more youth and virility in the long term…
… and I can feel them (this one, today) asking about our children, and if we are in the habit of getting their young girls by way of the mate, (mating them)… and he sees that when he is aware it is HIS young child (daughter) to be mated, then he is growling to keep away the males… like "no!"…
In recognizing his own DNA, he can protect it newly…
… but he's not showing the same thing to the other young-ish girls… but quickly understands that if each has a "dad", then that way is done. (The dads quickly step in and deny others the rights to his young-ish daughter, "before she's of marriage time" [old enough]…

It's an interesting thing to observe and feel this energy… He is well aware of things, and is seeing new thoughts then…
(and with that, what about the need to quiet the lust… like in as we have birth control… but he's figuring out that it can be released without "the male thing to be there"…)
They are very intelligent! He's grasping all of this so easily…

… although the idea of babies was a bit of a challenge at first.. He also agreed with the Right Whale, who had asked "Well why DO they keep having babies?" … And quickly reached out and sees our (people who might have read that entry) many big "smiles" around such puzzlement on the part of the male who likes to take his "expedience" and then "doesn't confirm that this is the way new whales come into the body"…

Oh dear… can't you see how very pricelesss information is???

We humans are so blessed, and we take everything we have for granted, and can't see any other way of understanding, other than "science". We have information!
(they are connecting with us, to see the difference, and bridging things.…)

The days lengthening and shortening, the seasons, and that there might not be a reason to feel tension when the nights are so very dreary… but it's a circle, not an enduring thing (i.e., "all I see is it gets cold, and dark")  

… Also, "everything moves" (with quick energy .…. Motors, circles [wheels])…

(I should have written more, but the day is over, and my time ran out before I even started today…)

11/17/2018      Whales      Lost Bottlenose Whales
She finally has a name!
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

"I am here," she says…
"I listen" … and also, "Joy knows".

She's right… I've known she's around since sometime around a year ago, when LandLover and a few of the other no-longer-lost Bottlenose whales met me for a short while at the Dungeness Spit last December.

That day, I saw 3-year old "Will"

I also SAW what I was given at the time was an 8-year old female.
(I know that she's "aware" here, with me, and also, not the one I'm aware of who is listening to my audio books with me)

She would have loved the name Deannae
Deannae (a pun on DNA, for "learning" and "intelligence")

… but somehow, I was given it's not correct yet, so "Sunneshine" became her name.
We'll leave Deannae as a name for another, at another time.

For now, Sunneshine comes up again, because I was at Hansville recently, at the Point-No-Point lighthouse there, and I knew that this whale, now known as Sunneshine, but who hadn't had a name, was in the area, based on my assumption that I would be at the ocean there…

I didn't physically see her, but she let me know she was there… they often don't come above the top of the water.

This day, however, there was another interesting energy here…  
There's beem another whale latelly that's also been around…
This one feels young, and indicates she's 3 years old.
What's puzzling, though, is that she keeps thinking she's nearby, when really, she's not!

She's a humpback whale, who somehow uses the energy of Sunneshine to connect…
I called her "Impostera", because she's been moping around since I discovered her identity! (her words… SHE changed what I was writing!)
She's lovely, but thinks she's someone other than who she is. It confused me… and her too, apparently.
She THOUGHT she was near Point-no-point that day, but when I asked her if she was "physically there", I got that she wasn't, and that actually, her "family" winters over near the Hawaiian islands, and so she was not anywhere near northern Washington!

I think the first connection with Impostera came when I was on Salt Spring Island for 6 months, and through late August or so, I occasionally saw a few whales from my almost-daily Baker Beach outings.
I think I would have seen her there, and she's been trying to "get here with the other one" …
I don't know why, or how, but somehow she's using  Sunneshine, or wherever Sunneshine is, to connect with me.

It seems like when I've actually physically "seen" one of the whales (as opposed to one who just "connects in"), the connection remains bigger and more ongoing.

The 3-year old around me now is definitely NOT Will (the bottlenose from the Dungeness Spit) … and he would be about 4 by now,,,

01/01/2019      Whales      Bowhead Whales
"Was I really small once too?"
Published 01/01/2019

This started out as an addendum to my journal entry from 9/14/2016.

Today, as I was going through a few of my older entries, they (the whales in general) wanted to add an update to that entry…

The whales I connect with are always hoping that I'll find the time to publish more of my information, and this little update or addition seemed like a "small thing" that maybe I'd actually be able to publish on the spot…  We were going to publish it at the tail end of the original journal entry, but in the end, the Bowhead Whale I was connecting with asked if I would make it a "new" entry, and "make sure everyone reads that it's the 'Bowhead' that is here this time."

The entry on 9/14/2016 was about "Whales enjoy protecting their females".

At the time, I had mentioned that
"It's the male whales who do the initial connecting… and then when they are aware that it's okay, then a female whale has permission to connect (meaning it's okay)... but it's usually the male who takes on the role of connecting with others."
This "trend" has continued, more or less, at least initially for all of the "first connections" within a group.

Often, the females are explicitly "not allowed" to connect with me… but they "come in under the radar" and find a way!

As you can imagine, the males the females feel very different to me! The males DO feel "strong"… and the females feel much more comfortable to me. Sometimes they (the females) start by portraying themselves as "big" as well, but they quickly pick up on the "feminine aspect" that we're so used to, and they "adjust" and come across as more gentle and caring. It's been very interesting!

On occasion, I will ask a male whale who has connected with me, to allow a female whale to connect and act as "interpreter". Often, this is "acceptable".  The females connect more comfortably, and with them as a "translator", the males usually "accept" the ideas more readily.

This has been happening now, as I'm writing this. I had been connecting with a group of Bowhead Whales today, far in the north where the waters are ice-covered, and there hasn't been any daylight for a while… They were pretty upset about this, and wondering why we have light where I am…

My whales who are closer to my own latitude have been getting the information about "things that go around", meaning the earth, thus "the sun MUST rise" they say, these days, but that's something that's always been a worry to more of them than not. (More about that another time!)

I'd been talking just with one of the whales, a male Bowhead who is MUCH older than most of the whales I talk with!

The young ones in general (for most of the types of whales) are much easier to connect with, as the young are much more adaptible and are interested in other ideas, unlike other generations who have to puzzle it through more and it's not as easy for them to interpret… (both the connection and the ideas)

But Bowhead Whales are long-lived… this one is somewhere in his 50's, according to what I get. Just the same, when I asked whether I might connect with a female Bowhead Whale as a 3-way connection, he acquiesced, and as a result of the "energy translation" by the female whale, he immediately understood what the OTHER whales already know… at least those who have been regularly (day in and day out) checking the "weather" with me to see "what time the sun is out" (these words from a lovely youthful female bottlenose whale who's been connecting with me for a while…)

… but that's a story for another day!

Okay, I was going to end this, but the whales had a different idea…

Now that I'm here and writing this,
the "Bowhead Whale who is much like people too, says he's upbeat and looking forward to the sun."  (His words.)
Once he understood that other whales "add their own ideas" as I'm writing, he decided to contribute as well…

I would like to add a little more here, because there were many more ideas that were present in our connection today… This next little bit is about some of the "other ideas", similar to other whales I've connected with.

This Bowhead Whale says:
"When we try, we see things"
… meaning, "We can be intuitive, and we try to figure things out." (His words, interpreting the original...)

Our conversation was initially about the sun, and the no-daylight…
… and we looked on the map for northern places, and then at the "weather" on my phone for those places, because the weather info shows the sunrise and sunset with a visual image of the sun in relation to the horizon, along with times of sunrise and sunset… and Anchorage, Alaska has about 5½ hours or so of daylight, and Tromsø, Norway, has about 35 minutes at the moment…

I was remembering back to the Ocean Giants movie I had watched about the great whales, where they showed the "DNA sampling" of a bowhead whale, and I remembered well how "skittish" the whale was, and how I was explaining that the people weren't "shooting", or not to harm it in any way, but just wanted some information…

… and this Bowhead Whale accepted that, and showed that
"They are maybe also doing a 'paternity test' in the process?"
He's grinning about this! "What's all the fuss about?" he wants to ask… "why a father?"  I think it's because often when we (people) have done DNA testing in the past, it's been for paternity testing...

So I asked him a question: "Where do babies come from?"

… and like almost ALL of the whales, without exception (until they've been around the "information"), he glanced upward (it's always up and a bit towards the right, actually)… as if "they just show up".

A few moments of this, though, and I could feel him beginning to "doubt" that idea…
This is after MANY different types of whales, on many occasions, doing the same thing…

The connection is made much more quickly with each successive type (or sometimes group within a type or species) of whale...

It's almost like "the last one to get a riddle"… everyone else has the answer, and the room is full of "smiles" which are amazing, like "think just a bit longer about this, and you'll see, maybe…"

… In this case, the whale indicated looking up to the top of the water, where the babies "show up", then down a little, looking at the ladies who might be around… somewhere… and at the tummies of a few, beginning to understand…
… and getting that "big" (belly) isn't just "bloated", and that the "big ladies" being "always hungry" is because they NEED food… and why?
"Because there is a baby inside who must get some form of nutrition"…
"still have difficulty beginning to express belief that a baby can come out of the tummy, when there isn't a big enough place".
There are enough females around, though, who now "get" the picture, and "help me to explain".
The pain is all the contractions, which create the "space", but the males don't understand

...so the females "give the idea", and show the contractions with the "blowing" (controlling the breath, and also panting), while using my hands, spacing them wider and wider apart, continuing until "just!" and then they show a baby "sliding out all of a sudden", and then it's done.
What was different about this Bowhead whale, however, is that he was already aware of the amount of pain that the females undergo, and realized now that it was related to releasing the baby… and he quickly decided:
"No more… no babies, if that's the high cost of it. It's expensive".
The idea that I parried back to him of "no babies, no more Bowhead whales", however, also took him by surprise.

This is another common thread for the whales (at least the male whales)… They don't ever believe that they were little. They are what they are now!

Of course, lots of the "wise" girls (females) have the idea, and when we playfully envisioned a fully-grown whale being born from a pregant female, this whale (like many of the others) started to smile.
"Was I really small once too?"
… knowing, of course, that he must have been…

01/14/2019      Dolphins     
The sun will stay up in the sky forever, if we get it right
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

"The sun will stay up in the sky forever, if we get it right."
These were the words that came as I was eating my lunch today… It was a beautiful sunny day, and the days are just barely starting to get a bit longer.

When I checked the map to see who it was that was interacting here, a female dolphin on the East Coast let me know it was her. She's maybe about two and a half years old… and I didn't think I knew her… yet. Of course, after any conversation like this, especially when I WRITE (their emphasis), "we're sure to be much more present" for a while thereafter.

We, meaning the the whales and dolphins and I, often play together in little ways during the day. They've learned to accommodate my teasing … (it's very kind teasing, with many fond and generous smiles in there!)

For example, early in the morning, when it's still dark I might say something like "What if the sun isn't going to come up today?"  and then I wait for a response. At first there's usually a great deal of consternation, and worry, and then I can gradually feel the smiles beginning around me, and then they change to smirks and laughter as they realize that they know better than that … at least now they do. It hasn't always been that way!

They've let me know that teasing them in this way actually helps them to make their own decisions, and to check on something themselves, to see if it's right ...

So today, somewhere just past the middle of the day, with just two hours of daylight left (sunset is somewhere around 4:45 pm at the moment), I did it the other way around. I said "… So the Sun is going to stay up all day and not go down at all…"

And that was met with, "Yes, of course it will!", and I could feel they were having nice feelings and thoughts… And that's when one of them said those words, above… "The sun will stay up in the sky forever, if we get it right."

That was a new idea to me, but it seemed that all the dolphins I connected with on the East Coast,think the same thing:
If they ever all behave really well and do all the rituals correctly, then the sun will stay up forever.
So now I understood. Finally.
In their minds, they believe that if they do everything right, the sun will stay up forever, and that's why they're so disheartened every time the sun goes down… because it means they didn't get it right.

My initial response was to chuckle, as I finally understood. And at that moment, first of all, there was a very big silence. Then the smiles began... as THEY understood.
"It's never going to happen like that, is it?" they ask.
They're seeing it easily, and starting to understand that their energy "is duped!" (Their words…)
i.e., they could be doing this forever, always and again, forever trying to do everything perfectly, but that even when they got it 100% right, they would never ever see the sun stay up continuously… "Unless, of course," says a little white whale, "if they live up near this part where I am." (That last was added 4/5/2021 as I was going through these notes… and that was Polar Express, a Beluga whale, "expressing"! He's learned things well too by now.)

The little dolphin who asks "It's never going to happen like that, is it?" is now thinking that it's hilarious, actually…
Oh dear… you can see why they INSIST (their emphasis) that I keep "helping them to rearrange their thoughts".
Things like this mean they are awakening, and "can figure out a new game".
"Decide who to listen to", someone is saying… that's an older male.
Yet interestingly enough, earlier today, an different older male, somewhere, also learned about the dilemma, and eventually rolled his eyes, indicating "I see…"

It's this energy again that's like "I see… I get it…" and then, very sheepishly, "and who else knows?"
It's as if they're wondering "Am I considered foolish, that I didn't see this from the beginning?"

… but people were like this too, many eons ago.
… and for these dolphins, THEY are actually way ahead of the game, at least as far as dolphins go! (And whales too, still at this point!)

02/02/2019      Whales      Bottlenose Whales
New language, and other ideas catch on
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

… eating my lunch…

First, decided to connect with my whales quickly, as we've been checking the "sunrise and sunset times" together often, so they are aware of how much more daylight time there will be… and they've been learning to figure it out on their own as well, indicating to me how much daylight is left. You know, where you stretch out your thumb and index finger, and show a little or a lot… so an hour before sunrise, they'll show a "small" stretch for how much dark-time is left, but right after sunrise, a BIG stretch for the amount of daylight time… but they'll also then be aware and check the length of the day and the length of the night… knowing that for now, the nights are still longer than the days by a "significant quota".

So today, as I began to check with them, one of them "came in", asking me to check on the map FIRST. That usually means one of them (or more) would like for me to show them "where" they are (they use different navigation systems than we have… and our "consistent" indicator using north and south, east and west, has been a matter of concern for them, because they don't know how to translate it…

… except today. As I write, more of them understand.
I haven't written about their navigation yet, but we'll leave that for another day… Their "concern" has been ongoing for close to 2 years now… (that's their words… I had no idea they were concerned!)

They don't yet know how to interpret their own "heaven" or "stars and planets" into GPS format (earth-based, electromagnetic awareness).

The few who "follow" on my GPS as I'm driving, learn to interpret the idea acceptably, but many others don't understand.

(for another day… one set of coordinates, and they're all interpreting them astronomically, positions of the movement in the heavens… not visual. They feel the "coordinates", not see the positions of the stars and planets…)

In any case, back to today!

… The whale who was connecting showed me easily enough on the map where she was… Up in the Northwest Passage on the east coast, near Igloolik, Nunavut! It must be COLD there!!!

I asked her to show me what type of whale she is, on my little handy whale chart… which actually is for the west coast… and she wasn't on it! A Northern Bottlenose Whale…

She did, however, correctly identify the "melon head" part of it, pointing at the Melon-headed whale on my chart, but indicating a much bigger size than that.

What was surprising today was… language!

So far, usually the whales and dolphins have come through with this lovely throaty noise that comes through as a few words that would sound something like "zrum" (with the "r" rolled in the back of the throat). (They're excited that I'm writing this! They see the language…) … and "a-zrum" (with the emphasis on "zrum", like we go "a-choo"!))
and some other lovely throaty little sounds, all in the back of the throat and full of not-quite rolled R's...

The only exception so far has been a group of whales that are sperm whales, and they have many personality characteristics that are different than the other whales… and one of those is "language".

They come through decidedly more "animated" with a stream of words and ideas that sound very oriental to me… almost like they've been hanging out over near China, Korea, etc. I know there's a big difference between all of the oriental languages, but there is also similarity in them… It's the "wide-in-the cheeks" expression (like if I give you the word/name "huang", you'll probably make the appropriate mouth shapes to bring through the right sounds…)

So, with bottlenose whales, in order to "verify identity", all I ever need to do is go to a thought of "squid", and they become really excited! They LOVE squid!

This one, however, as she came through, expressed a "difference of opionion", almost as a "tirade" (friendly, trying to make a point!!!), but all with words, and with my hands (representing her would-be flippers) up in the air expressing proudly and very emphatically. She sounded so much like the sperm whales, all that "language" coming through… not the usual "zrum" or variations on that.

I had to ask her to make sure that she wasn't a sperm whale, and she definitely indicated she "IS NOT."

She was, however, expressing 2 different things:

1) They (the community, many different species of whales) are cognizant of language forming… probably because of my encounters with the sperm whales, and their "language", using many expressions.
(The way I understand it, communication isn't usually in words, per se, but more, the expression of an "idea", carried more telepathically, using sound to carry…)
Apparently, that may become an old pattern.

2) Squid… oh, THAT old thing!
… and that's about the idea of our very varied diets, with many known nutrients, to enhance development. "For every nutrient you add, the DNA updates."
They know we can get FAT on just potato chips, and they need fat, so 'why eat "fish" [and squid] and other nutrients that are lacking in DNA-resources, just to maintain who we are…'

I'm getting that many of the whales and dolphins, as we connect, begin finding other foods, adding more "gathering" and other alternatives.

(They like our stocked "fridges" and "cupboards", knowing that we don't have to spend as much time "hunting", and they're intrigued that we can go almost anywhere and have food to eat at just a moment's notice.)

I have a story to write here, about the resident orcas… re: starvation… and the news story last summer, about the new mama who carried her dead baby around for close to a week…
… lots more info on that… hesitant to connect… pride… wouldn't let others even think for a brief second that they were having any kind of trouble… they did NOT want me to write about them, lest others discover that they were having trouble… it was THEIR situation, and not anyone else's to even know about.
Then there was trying to see if they might be able to add some "small fish" or other changes to their diet, but they just "spit it out", not for taste, but because they were lacking enzymes, genes not producing enough variety in individuals to have robust systems…  The thing that got them "able" to begin eating other foods was the idea of "condiments"… you put something that "pleasures the taste", and whatever you have with it, "stays" and digests, and begins "healing" (their bodies)…
(e.g., ketchup, hot sauce, honey… I have NO idea what they're using, but they've "tricked" their digestion and other energies to be "fat" [their words])

So today's bottlenose whale, "Igloo", becomes the first to explain that "squid" is delectable, and will continue to be eaten, AND there are more things than squid.

All of this with big laughter now, but also with that, Igloo is translating: "for many see that the sea won't be long at changing, and always needing the continuous same food as in the past may not work."

"Can we adapt?", they begin asking…

The "begin" in here is because when I write something, many more "connect and figure out how to thrive"…
One on one, I'm very limited, and it wouldn't be possible to hand the ideas to each and every whale alive, let alone the dolphins too…

But it seems that each that connects and gets the ideas faster and faster… more so because they see the words, i.e., when I write…

02/06/2019      Whales      Orcas / Killer Whales
Orcas in Virginia Beach: "We were looking for the energy of SLEEP" (Caravaggio)
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

From another posting:
2 KILLER WHALES off of Virginia Beach, Va!!!! While offshore Seabass fishing we encountered an orca. We sailed parallel to him for a mile or so, then we eased ahead and slowed down to see nature’s beauty in person. After saying hello we headed back and saw another male headed east. Truly one of the coolest things I’ve ever witnessed on the water.
From the Virginia Pilot online (link above)
In the winter whale-watching season along the coast of Virginia and North Carolina, there are few surprises.
Humpback whales are about the only species you can count on seeing. But sometimes there are moments that can only be described as "killer."

During a weekend black seabass fishing trip, a group with Bill Pappas Jr.'s Playin' Hookey Charters witnessed a pair of orcas methodically working their way down the coast.

"The last time any were seen off Virginia Beach was about 25 years ago," she said. "Six or seven years ago there were some off Morehead City that were seen by tuna fishermen.
So several friends sent me links, and one asked whether they had anything to do with me…

When I first asked, the answer was "no"… not at all…
Like "can't find a connection"
(don't want the spirals, or anything like that)…

But Virginia Beach? What are the odds of that? I have big connections with Virginia Beach, and I DID have dolphins who came to play, and Atlantic bottlenose whales from the North Atlantic who came to visit me there… (blue whales who also came down briefly one day, for a very short visit just to check things out)  and many more things… and we (especially the dolphins) STILL connect… so if whales show up in Virginia Beach, it's not out of the question that they're trying to "put pieces together", as many of my "friends" are doing.

But when I put my hands out on the map and asked where they normally would be found, they showed me Massachussetts area (??? ) … (but I would have to leave this out… killer whales are found farther north… rare still in Maine, but common around Newfoundland)

… and as I followed their course down the map to Virginia Beach, they indicated that they had been "looking for the energy of SLEEP""something different" like "wake up time is there"  (as opposed to sleeping with half the brain at once, while being still "awake" or alert enough to swim)
(… not consciously, but just "there"; they knew they were "going there for a nap")

That would be my dolphins… "sleeping" in a different way these days, or at least a few, and trying to send out that energy so that others might be figuring it out as well.

Sleep —> memory…
Understanding things more, such as the earth and planets, moving, going around… thus night and day (not "gods" at all…) … thus it's "okay"… "no time to pray is the thing"

… sleep helps everyone to remember the new ideas…
… and solves issues, related to "noise", (and maybe the idea of pollution)

I then helped the one of them to "go deep"… the beginning of finding the right path to go down, for deep sleep
(see the National Geographic sleep article, for all the stages, so you know we need sleep for processing the day's events… and for intelligence)
It's that "deep" that is so healing.

Feb 8… 5 days later

The two whales I connect with (and there could be more…), seem to be "lost".
The one I was mainly connecting with, kept coming through as a little bit disoriented, not sure of himself, lack-a-daisical…

I understood that he's somewhat puzzled, by the "Activity"… There is video of him online that has "gone viral", so there's lots of people connecting to see WHY there's Orcas / killer whales in Virginia at all, let alone "why Virginia Beach?"

I watched the online video of the whale… and felt a better connection, as I was able to "see" him.

He did indicate "lost", though, as if he didn't know where "home" is on his own.

When I checked on the map, he showed me somewhere at the southern part of Virginia and into the northern part of North Carolina, but out towards the "drop-off" area (the "shelf"?)

On the map, I first guided his energy up the coast by following the land, and allowing him to "feel" the direction and the path, just as I used to do with the "lost Bottlenose whales", helping them find their way back from Japan…

This whale would like to be called "Caraviggio"
(maybe born 2002? First indicated ~ 14 years old, but 2002 would make him 16 or 17…) (sixteen, NOT seventeen, he says)

Back to the map… I first showed the follow-the-land way on the map, showing him how to first go part the inlet that is Chesapeake Bay; once we got close to Long Island on the map, he suddenly "knew" and could find the way from there.

Then, we started again, and this time, followed the drop-off ("shelf") up the coast. This felt much more comfortable for him/them (all of them, they say).
However, at the latitude of close to Philadelphia, he showed "checking" … coming in towards the shore, until they aligned with that space… they could feel New York City from there ("not okay there, but we understand" [why to bypass it])… and from there, back out the drop-off again, picking up speed as they're now closer to their destination, and much more "sure" of everything.

I ask "Would you do it again?" I mean, go to Virginia Beach, looking for "the energy of sleep"?
Success??? "YES", and … oh my, his answer is very mixed as to whether they would go that route again.
All just to come into "sleep"? Not sure yet… time will be the verifier of that…

Otherwise? "No", with a shaking of the head.
On the other hand, if they hadn't been SEEN, and hadn't ended up on video yet, a time or more ("not this time yet, just once we understand WHY they look at this" [the video]) , then it surely WOULD have been a "yes".

So the message there is that they don't know about videos, and so keep them private, please… but on the other hand, because it DID go viral, someone told me about it, and I was able to connect…
… and then also to help them find their way back home.

I'll follow for a few days, and see how they do… and keep checking on the sleep.
… and like many others before them, they might just take a little trip up to Newfoundland, where I spent half of my growing-up years, and they seem to like the place. (A visit… )

Will they be back to Virginia Beach, now that they know the area? Chances are, "yes"… It's in the heavens. (The route is taken… )
My understanding is that once you are somewhere at a time of year, you go back, automatically, understanding that there is bright light here. (They mean their energy draws them there…)

…but LandLover didn't go back to Japan… and he shakes his head, like "noooooooooooooo" "I'm back."  (home, on the "East coast" he indicates [NOT just "north Atlantic ocean"! The words? "It's fun this way, he says…" )

… and by the way, Miquelon and Champion both ended up back down in Virginia Beach area this year… January already. The "route must be followed", I'm given. "It wasn't a bid deal to move, as the land passes by… "

Maybe this is the same idea as the salmon finding their way back up the exact river they came down… If you need an explanation, "follow the astronomy and let the stars show the pattern"
(not the "visual" of the stars, but the movements of the planets and earth against the heavens")
… at least that's what they keep giving me.

03/03/2019      Dolphins     
"Did the sun come up today?"
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

(this had originally been part of a whale journal note for 03/31/2019, "Cape Flattery"

*** Move this to a "dolphin journal"… this is my Hood Canal dolphin friend, Thimble, who found this… ***
(My local dolphins, here, on the other hand, have it figured out… They started with feeling the answer that the earth circles the sun, and immediately were happy, because the sun must then be a prisoner of the earth, and can't very well get outside of the orbit, so it won't ever come [a time] when the sun won't shine. Other dolphins "caught" this "awareness" and thought they might also vary the idea to change the whole concept, no change in the overall thought, just not "concept", but "earth minding its own course with no change possible"… but to "Relax", for there will be no thought of "no sun"… "It cannot happen". ("That's the change. Not understood ever before, and we are changing the trajectory of the course of the moon too, so no dolphin is going to be dying from the world ending")
(***  Also, this Hood Canal dolphin is called Thimble   … and is interested in my Think Thin protein bars ! Name was based on the think thin protein bars… )

**************Already in an entry, (04/06/2019 Sunneshine visits me at iron springs ) but here's the idea, which DID start with Thimble, at Hood Canal Bay… ********************

When I ask in the morning "Did the sun come up [today]?" …  I get "blanks" as answers… from both whales and dolphins.
Somehow, they know the sun didn't actually "come up"… that "Energy" doesn't exist…

… but the moment I ask "Is the sun in the sky?"… they immediately agree.

It's mind-boggling to me, sometimes… They "read the rhythms" (they supplied that as I was trying to say they must just read the energy… but they're seeing something different. I'm not quite sure what the difference is, but they're saying it's "different". Maybe I'll understand it one of these days…

(or start with the "Did the sun come up [today]?" question, as above…)
… but for Sunneshine, today, the first question was... Is the Sun in the sky? Got it. And that's even when it's in the night, and they're surprised to find that the answer is still yes.

Second question... Is the Sun turning???

And that's where they've been getting it suddenly they understand that the Earth is circling the Sun,, and that the sun has no chance of going anywhere other than in circles as long as the Earth is going around it too,

I have to note that this started with my dolphins on the Hood Canal Bridge!
(write that journal entry… maybe for ~ March 3… (Thimble)
*** REMOVE this last extra note from that journal entry ****

03/21/2019      Whales      (multiples - not yet tagged)
This "gentleman" Sperm whale is friendly now
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Sperm whales, as a category… or maybe just generic

(I still need to add the original sperm whale entry, Oct 2018 (see notes beside my phone)
(Also the 2/2/2019 entry about "Language")

We saw them in-person… or at least I thought it was…
I'd kept getting "dwarf" sperm whales, however… so likely that was the case…

Just the same, because I was connecting with "Sperm whales", I DID connect with one or two there.

My other whales did NOT like the sperm whales, and I had to keep the conversations between them separate… with all the other whale types, they are happy to "converse" within our "little channel", once they get the hang of it.

However, all the other whales I connected with wanted "diplomatic immunity" from the sperm whales. NO connection.

"They are TOO rough" came the response.
The word I kept getting was "bully"… they were bullies! ALL of them, women included…

… oh, not to mention "tricky" and "won't be able to trust them"… (they would set a trap if they might get a bit of whale to eat)…

The sperm whales agreed with that assessment, and they were willing to agree that they must "think"
… they DID have that unique (so far) energy of putting the hands suddenly to the head, especially at first, the forehead (something like a "duh!" movement, or "let me think"… )
(some of the many others are now doing the same thing… "learning, from ''them' ")

Anyway, it had started with the female sperm whales…
Although they definitely agreed they were bullies, they wanted "acceptance"… (by the whale community)

At first, I had to tell them that MY whales (any who know me) were OFF LIMITS… and they agreed, actually nicely.

They had their own pieces, and many nice things too…
They KNOW the sun is going to come up, even when it's nighttime (with an exception of around 4 am or so, when they have doubt)… but the rest of the time, they're like "Yes, we KNOW it's that…"

For the others, this has been a mystery…

… and here's the subject of memories… or just today… and where we process memories… and how…

Sperm whales "Remember"… and there's "sleep"

Okay, I don't have time to finish writing this, but here's the BIG thing I wanted to say…

The other whales have been using the sperm whales as an example, or a "way to understand" (e.g., with the memory piece, and language too…)

… and the sperm whales I've connected with found some pieces for them…

Yes, agression… but here I was, in my happy salt-water bath in my bathtub, just days after our Ocean Shores beach visit, and I was connecting with the sperm whales again…

Here was one, a big strong male, and he was as soft as can be!
Oh my… "I can't help but like you!" I was thinking…

No longer the bully, not at all. Considerate… happy to connect, even with the other whales, and to agree to keep the boundaries acceptable…

Somehow, along the way, they'd found out how to change.

So all weekend at Ocean Shores, I'd been asking various dolphins "How do you feel to me?"… and I'd initially felt such aggression … internal tension… resistance…  (or to us, that's how it would feel)… that "untame, put up a big fierce energy to anyone else" energy…

… but the surprise was that they don't know how they come across… and once they understand that it's SO very far different from where we are (their words here), they "shift", gladly…
"No wonder we can't come close to people" they indicate. (Way fewer dolphin connections here on the west coast, at least up here in Washington… it's very different than the dolphin pods going by in Virginia Beach)

… anyway, my sperm whales were a part of this "party", and the results were very amusing…

The males are "shunned" by the group, but it's because they have so much of their own pent-up energy that they don't know how to interact without showing "temper"…

In changing how they came across, that all "tamed", and their whole energy field changed.

They became "Soft" with their ladies, and found that they received caring in return, and what a huge shift!!! Wow!!!!!

I LIKE this sperm whale!

He was even happy to be aware of the other whales (different types) and help them out, for example in HELPING them go to the deep spaces where the sperm whales go (they rest at a different brain-wave level… much DEEPER than other whales were going then…)

What was surprising too, was the other whale groups… they come in and accept the sperm whales now… "Where did they get to?", they ask, "because this is a new type of spirit"…

By the way, the sperm whales … males … have a lovely appreciation for their young daughters… even new-borns. (The other types of whales are joyous when there's as male, and don't even acknowledge sometimes the girls… but these sperm whales ADORE their girl children, in the most cute and sweet way… just like the deer I connected with on Salt Spring Island…

(Joy… rewrite this to bring in more of the "passion" that goes with all of this… bring in the October 2018 notes too…)

03/31/2019      Whales      (multiples - not yet tagged)
Cape Flattery
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Today, we headed out the coast all the way to Neah Bay, and then to the most northwesterly point of the continental USA, Cape Flattery.

Cape Flattery is right at the entrance to the Strait of Juan de Fuca, and it's been calling to me since I've been here. It's a long drive, though, and I'd been putting it off.

Today, though, was a Sunday off, and the weather was gorgeous… and there were no more excuses. Off I went, with my fiancé…

Whenever I'm going to be at the ocean, I always "connect" ahead of time, to see "who" might be nearby, or if anyone wanted to connect.

Today, I was aware that there was at least one whale across on the other side of the strait, on the western coast of Canada, in the very large bay next to Pacific Rim National Park Reserve (in the Alberni-Clayoquot district of British Columbia), who wanted a "chance" to "learn". What does that mean? Who only knows… except that it was a "connection". I had already been broadcasting for a day or more that there was a distinct possibility that I might end up in that area today…

I asked whether it was maybe too long a way to come to meet, from there. Yes, it would be, was the responding energy, except that even coming within "viewing distance" (a long way, if there's no fog), would suffice.

… Lots of people…
… lovely trail through big tall forests…

It was a lookout, up on a cliff, and limited privacy, so the connection wasn't nearly as "clear" (they say not nearly as "obvious") as if I'm all alone. (Other people must "garble" my vibration, so it's less robust, and includes others' thought patterns, is what I'm learning here…)

It's clear that I'm a "whale connector" when I'm alone!

The connections are usually much smaller until I've actually "seen" a part of the whale (or dolphin), whether or not I physically/consciously saw it.

As we connected, I was aware that this one was "down", for a short period of time under the water, and would "spout if it were able to, above the sea"… but so far away that it wouldn't be seen in any case.
They are uncertain about blowing for visibility, but this one is indicating that "it's okay" if I'm aware of it. Not others, though…

… and what type of whale was this?
A whale who knew about my connections in a little bit of a round-about way… via Sunneshine, who I've written a bit about, but who has been "present" in my whale connections since November 2017 when my no-longer-lost bottlenose whales met me at the Dungeness Spit… and I saw her there.

Last time I wrote about Sunneshine… (not sure whether I yet had a chance to include this in the notes…) she was accompanied by a male whale, who might in other years become her mate… IF he understands her, was the vibe.
(If she tries to go across the top of Canada back to the Atlantic Ocean, to where LandLover is now, if she goes with this whale accompanying her, it feels like she wouldn't end up there, but would turn around and come back to the Pacific Ocean. If she tries going alone (or with someone else going there for sure), she could make it.)

So her someday-may-be-mate, I'm pretty sure, is a Pacific bottlenose whale, and they're "friends" for now.

( *** but see my notes in that entry… 4/6/2019 … Pacific bottlenose whales redirect to Baird's whales… an entirely different species, so I have to figure this out first…)

While I was at/near Ocean Shores, Sunneshine showed me that SHE knows what "this is" (the connection we have), but her friend didn't connect with it yet. (Males!!!! "Show them first, then they'll shift", she indicates… ) So we somewhat connected, and I began to feel her friend making new ideas, like about the sun, and the "days are sure"  ("if the earth goes around the sun, then there is summer soon, and then autumn, and more cold and snow and then like now [spring], and then it's done" … [no more… over… and as those thoughts reach out, there is curiosity as to when the end will be… because that's what the idea is… ]

It's so interesting, because always as I write, they keep "searching" and find new thoughts…
Sunneshine's friend is easily able to find the next seasons, but doesn't yet see that it goes around and around, like a "circle"… and as I write this, Sunneshine is "translating", and they're trying to understand… they're waiting for the "impending" [end].

I'll leave that train of thought for the moment…

Anyway, the info is that her friend began accepting that someone "Sees" something that "might allow each of them to change", and to be more confident (less worried about whether the days will end, or what happens when the sun won't be there).

*** Move this to a "dolphin journal"… this is my Hood Canal dolphin friend [name?] who found this… ***
(My local dolphins, here, on the other hand, have it figured out… They started with feeling the answer that the earth circles the sun, and immediately were happy, because the sun must then be a prisoner of the earth, and can't very well get outside of the orbit, so it won't ever come [a time] when the sun won't shine. Other dolphins "caught" this "awareness" and thought they might also vary the idea to change the whole concept, no change in the overall thought, just not "concept", but "earth minding its own course with no change possible"… but to "Relax", for there will be no thought of "no sun"… "It cannot happen". ("That's the change. Not understood ever before, and we are changing the trajectory of the course of the moon too, so no dolphin is going to be dying from the world ending")
(***  Also, this Hood Canal dolphin is called Thimble   … and is interested in my Think Thin protein bars ! Name was based on the think thin protein bars… )

Back to Sunneshine's friend… It was a beginning, and the ability to "go down" became there.
"Go down" sinking into a state of deeper-than-before thoughts… (Just think of resting, and allowing yourself to go to a place where you sink deeper, and if it's evening, you fall asleep… ) The idea of falling asleep completely creates a feeling of paranoia, but "I may go there in time"… so deeper spaces, with "allowing the consciousness to drop a bit."

In any case, another connection…

So today, the whale I was connecting with let me know it's a Bottlenose Whale… not Atlantic (like LandLover and his group), but a Pacific Bottlenose Whale… maybe related to Sunneshine's friend, or a branch of that "very same family". (A sibling, was what I was getting at the time… but they don't remember relationships … YET. They play out their relationships, but don't know what they might be… It's the "sleep makes memories" piece, and without sleep, they won't remember later… things are in the moment… I can feel this one from today processing this… they're always certain they'll remember, but when they "check" [with the energy], they understand it's impossible… [without deep brain waves where we store away memories…]

Anyway, there I was at the lookout on Cape Flattery, and connecting with this [male] whale… and then there was "that moment" when I FELT and knew beyond a doubt that I had seen a glimmer of this whale, and everything shifted.

Our time at the lookout was short…

Later, I connected again with this whale, and he indicated that his way back up to the "base" [where he had come from] was different than the way down… not just the route, but the "shift"… the change in HOW the energy moves, because it will. It changes.
He showed me a more "spinning side of this young male now, when it was somber in the way getting here."

… and later in the evening, when I was back home, he wanted to see on the map where I am… indicating that "it can't be possible to move that whole length when I'm not there yet."
He meant that he wasn't back yet to his current place [where he'd come from], but I had a much farther distance to go, but I had gotten there a while ago already.  (Cars, you know… He didn't get that part yet… "it will be there in time.")

AND… another wonderful connection and adventure!

Seeing a whale!
On our way home, we stopped at a really neat beach a little bit east of Neah Bay, and I danced to my dance-music on the beach (Sunneshine loves when I dance to "Dance", sung by Roy Orbison… it's a great dancing song!) … and somewhere in the middle of that, there was a WHALE! Close… It was a something very BIG, rising up above the water, and then there was the fluke going down… and it was gone!

[secretive about the gender… so I'm pretty sure it was a female… I get about 4 years old… and resonates with a sperm whale, or part of that family. This whale had indicated "toothed"… NOT killer whale family at all, and not bottlenose, I got energy of "Like NO… Never!" when I reached for any of the baleen whales, especially humpbacks… an "indignant" energy! ("How could you begin to think that, when I indicated I have a tooth?") … and it DID resonate with "meat", which the sperm whales seem to do, at least when I check my fridge as I've connected with one of them…

04/06/2019      Whales      Lost Bottlenose Whales
Sunneshine visits me at Iron Springs
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

The following notes were all dictated (more or less) into my phone, while on the trip…

...while on my ocean shores weekend... st Patrick's day

This note is about Sunneshine. (Have I introduced her yet??? )

It's phenomenal!  I can feel her...  I'm also aware of the effect that she's having on the dolphin groups around the area. More on that a little later…

Since she's more present than any others of the dolphins or whales I connect with, she "radiates out" all the "new" things…

She easily adapts… She's aware, at least in some way, of where I live… of "hot showers"… of the music I listen to, and I've even felt her smiling at something in an audiobook I'm listening to…
… and when I dance or exercise, I can feel her youthful personality present…
She likes to learn…
She's working on "vocabularly" … that's since my first interactions with sperm whales, who came through much more "expressively" (with something that feels much more like "more complex language" than all the others so far)…
… she's working on learning our language via reading… putting together the letters with the words they mean… and the sounds they "should" be (like "d" is simple, but "e" has more variations, "c" can be like an "s" or "k" or mixed with an "h"… ) (several of them have enjoyed "Hop on Pop" by doctor Seuss… )

The mate for her is west coast … but they're not actually mates yet. It would seem that they hang out together, though.

Eqinox is coming... felt like with the change, she may now want to migrate to her tribe... however when I try following her across over the top of Canada over the summer, I am aware that she would only make it about halfway, or less, and then she'd be on her way back west again ...

It seems to be related to her partner though... If she does the Crossing without that whale along, then she would get there just fine. Very interesting...

I asked her, but it doesn't seem that she's pregnant yet, and probably a little on the young side still ... nevertheless, they seem to be connected. (He would be a Pacific Bottlenose Whale???… while she's originally an Atlantic Bottlenose Whale. Pacific Bottlenose Whales, though, come up as Baird's whales, a very different type of whale than the Atlantic Bottlenose Whales… so I'm not sure what I'm actually getting here, as it seems that mating isn't a possibility… so are there others like Sunneshine [northern bottlenose whales) in the pacific ocean? There must be… ??? )

Sunneshine came a very long way...

She wasn't able to come to Ocean Shores, though... Didn't feel right to her.

From my point of view, I was also hesitant about being here... and I wasn't quite sure why, but when I was in the water yesterday, I was aware that there's something very toxic in the water here, but isn't there up at my usual La Push Beach, or even at Moclips where I was last summer.

It seems there must be agricultural by products coming down the rivers and being carried out through Grays Harbor...

Today, I had headed a little further north, to a beach near Iron Springs, and the water there felt so much nicer to me.

I had been swimming in the very cold and very tumultuous waves, and then spend a bit of time trying to warm up and enjoy the beach a bit.

I had known but there was some reason I needed to hang out on this beach for a little while, and take my leisurely time they're through the afternoon, but I had no idea why ...

Now It was 3:30 p.m., and I was getting ready to leave, but I felt a connection with someone I recognized... My lovely friend Sunneshine.

She's one of the no longer lost Bottlenose whales, who came to meet me at the Dungeness spit in November of 2018, and she's been around ever since. I am aware of her very often, and she's a generally good-natured, kind, but very especially helpful connection. She always feels comfortable to me...

She's been hanging out in the waters sort of in the area where I am, waiting for convenient to get together time, apparently...

When I was at the Hansville point no point lighthouse, she tried to get to the area on that day, but it didn't quite work out.

She's been in the waters in the inlets and estuaries north of Vancouver, Canada... And recently came out to the open ocean on the west coast of Vancouver Island, knowing that I was going to be coming down the coast for a long weekend this weekend, and planning to come down this far south... Although I wasn't aware that she really meant to come all this way!

So here it was... 3:30 p.m., and I'm about to be on my way, and I get this connection.

Okay, Sunneshine would rather that I write this, but here's a few notes to remember to include...

There's the 180 miles a day or so, that LandLover and his group recovering, and it has to do with their swimming or diving patterns...

I think they can comfortably go maybe like 90 to 100 miles a day, but LandLover and his group had been really racing at some point along their trips, and I'm pretty sure they were doing something that was pretty close to a hundred and eighty miles a day.

Is that even possible???

I will write this rather than dictate it... Something to do with a wavy pattern down a little bit but not too deep up close to the surface down a little bit but not so deep and going and going like that, then coming up for air eventually, and continue this pattern, rather than coming down as deep as I usually do... ???

( my note... I'm just remembering the patterns that we noticed in Virginia Beach of what sure looks like a whale making its way out, a set of waves going further and further out, must have been very close to the surface to do this.…???)  

Another note... It's about how very different the ocean on this Northern West Coast is, and how it's not even possible on most days, to see dolphins or whales from the beach, because the surf is so much more intense, and covers a much wider space, possibly because the ocean floor is so flat here. There's no way to see beyond the surf, unless maybe you're a much higher up, but that's not very likely, unless your way far away.

Even this hotel we're staying in here, from my third-story balcony, where I can see out to the ocean, I'm a good half a mile from the ocean, and this is an Oceanfront Hotel!

So, even if the Dolphins wanted to come in to visit, there's no way possible, because the Surface 2 crashing, and far too difficult for them to navigate, and they could only come to a point outside the surf, where I wouldn't even be able to see them, and neither would anybody else...

So the Dolphins all along the coast are trying to find a way to show up when I'm around, and if other people know that they're coming because I'm standing on the beach and connecting with them...

My point on the previous note had been that there's no way possible for people to make a connection between me and the Dolphins, here, because there's no visible way for people to see it, as there was in Virginia Beach.

They want people to know that there is a relationship, so that people will know that what I'm writing about is as real to them, even though I may not be physically able to see them when we are connecting.

The other note is also about Sunneshine...

... it's about how easily she was able to smile and fix things when we were physically connecting, rather than just connecting when I'm at home, and not in close proximity to each other.

Today, she connected with the big new space that all the dolphins along the west coast have been energetically creating and connecting with… Which is …

… a bit of background here first:
(my Note: This is duplicate… it's both here and also in 03/03/2019 entry, "Did the sun come up today?"
...  Remove the duplicate from one or the other… )

When I ask in the morning "Did the sun come up [today]?" …  I get "blanks" as answers… from both whales and dolphins.
Somehow, they know the sun didn't actually "come up"… that "Energy" doesn't exist…

… but the moment I ask "Is the sun in the sky?"… they immediately agree.

It's mind-boggling to me, sometimes… They "read the rhythms" (they supplied that as I was trying to say they must just read the energy… but they're seeing something different. I'm not quite sure what the difference is, but they're saying it's "different". Maybe I'll understand it one of these days…

(or start with the "Did the sun come up [today]?" question, as above…)
… but for Sunneshine, today, the first question was... Is the Sun in the sky? Got it. And that's even when it's in the night, and they're surprised to find that the answer is still yes.

Second question... Is the Sun turning???

And that's where they've been getting it suddenly they understand that the Earth is circling the Sun,, and that the sun has no chance of going anywhere other than in circles as long as the Earth is going around it too,

I have to note that this started with my dolphins on the Hood Canal Bridge!
(write that journal entry… maybe for ~ March 3… (Thimble)

04/11/2019      Dolphins     
A very difficult birth
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

On this morning, as I was getting ready for my working day, putting on my makeup after my shower…

… checking with my dolphins from the east coast about births…

I have one dolphin who is asking for my attention.

She indicates she's having cramping…

I ask if she's in labor… yes… apparently so

(quick notes… re-write)
4 weeks early…
The baby is still alive, feels like it will be born alive okay… but will it be okay??

Tips, like nursing, expressing milk, etc…

Later in the day, I checked… but only sadness there… the baby didn't make it.

I could feel the sadness...

04/16/2019      Dolphins     
Making memories again
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

This is my Hood Canal dolphin friend, Thimble, "reporting"

Thimble is the dolphin who first "found the sun"

… and who showed me right at that time, that suddenly, quietly, they may "relax", as (no pun intended, "sun isn't going to come up again" question)

Today, as I was approaching the Hood Canal bridge on my drive to work, Thimble gives me a "Shhhhh… the babies are resting"…

When I check to see if they're actually "Sleeping", I don't find that… The "positions" are correct, but the consciousness is far too alert…

We play with that… dead man's float is a possibility…
We're back to the "Tail fix"…
… also finding a dolphin nearby who can vibrate that "Sleep" space… but not an older one. They need someone very young… so several young male dolphins "audition"… or rather, try to see if they can get there… but nope, it doesn't quite work…
… and a young female dolphin (a quiet one inside… a "slower to learn" dolphin) DOES know how to be there.….
It works… the young ones WILL be abel to mimic that "Consciousness" for learning…

… and on my way home, I connected again, and got another whole new story…
… about the ones who "slept" this morning, were "difficult" today…

I checked, and the energy was actually more "mellow" for those who had "slept"… but apparently, there were, how shall we put it… "differences of opinion"…

The young ones who slept wanted to go a different direction today… they "know" how to get to food they need… (we played with how to get requests listened to… including "bargaining"… but also expressing a ""no" opinion to what they don't want to do, and wiggling around nicely and playing and giving praise and "looking up to" another (begging???) for what they DO want…

Bargaining… bets, but not equal… if YOU win, we'll go with your way for THREE whole days, but if I win, you come with us for just 1 day…

(write more, and let them help with this…)

04/18/2019      Whales      (multiples - not yet tagged)
"Why do they keep having babies?" … from another type of whale
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Today, it was the sperm whales!

The sperm whales "think".

A National Geographic article (in the issue about the brain… reference the quote), says that humans are or may be the only animal that is aware of thinking.

The other whales and dolphins have mostly agreed, but the sperm whales show that
they have very deep thinking, often, and that they might be even aware of the time they are thinking.
The do have much better memories than the other types of whales I've connected with (so far), and seem to get more of the big picture…

We've been putting out there about males make children.
…and somehow, the sperm whales are aware that the babies are "born"  (which more of the other species than not, haven't understood, until more recently … see previous journal notes).

I was talking with one of the (whale) "ladies" today, about not allowing "that" when she's not ready yet, and doesn't feel like she'll be a good mom, because she still may want to learn and play a bit (like a pre-teen age girl would)… and the best course of action for that seems to be to find who her daddy was… and let that one understand that "SHE is NOT willing yet…" … and the whale who is her daddy, all of a sudden will get very responsive towards that, with a BIG message to any other male, to LEAVE OFF, and the others stay away!!!

The ladies understand this, but one of the males wouldn't get it, and was asking how it is possible…
So I was remembering… and sharing with the young sperm whale girl… the memory of the right whales back in January of 2017, who said… after indicating how much they needed "THAT" again,
"And why do they keep having babies?"
… so the male sperm whales agreed. WHY? "And Why do they keep having babies?"

… It would seem that the ladies know how to make it work, while some of the males don't…

… but then, they immediately show that they're checking what the people think when they check out my journal entries, and they show "Oh.….. I didn't understand that… until today."

(I'm not sure if they're joking, but they show they're not.)

(My note… I don't exactly remember HOW we got to that phrase… I just remember it was a really big deal, and they know it's not as simple as staying inside… Okay, so they've been showing about maybe if they interrupt during the mating (withdraw before they finish), that maybe there might not be a baby at all…

… and they DO want me to publish that, along with that
 they all need help in understanding where the child is made, because it's too big to come out.
 (their words…)

I guess some of the ladies might be happy to show them, another day. One or two of them is really great at "showing"…
the widening, and widening, with more and more panting, and increasing pain, until an opening is so large that a baby can slide out then, and come up to the surface of the water… and how the opening will immediately go small.
(again, their words… this is a young one, who is smiling… a not sperm whale, but a dolphin, she shows me,
yes, near Virginia Beach even,
she says.)

… Lately, we've touched often on the idea that "without 'that' [mating], there would be no babies…

… also, that for each baby, there has to be a whale who "gave the sperm to be there"…

So today, I was watching a bit of the food show, Chopped, and one of the contestant chefs was telling about his wife who was 8 months pregnant… and here they showed a photo of her, with, of course, a very large belly, and immediately, one of my whales (who seems to be "around" with me sometimes), piped up
"WHO did it?"
(… the contestant chef, of course, would be the "supplier of the sperm" … [they're putting it as "sperm donor", but in our world, that means something entirely different, so I've translated…] )

This was a lovely Gray Whale young lady who asked the question!
Her idea was "Who's the male who got this woman into THAT spot?"

… As this becomes more of an accepted idea, they will no doubt understand that more often than not, the baby is anticipated, and the parents are happy about it!

04/23/2019      Whales      (multiples - not yet tagged)
Many different notes
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

(Lots of different notes, and just a few moments… )

Whales and dolpins BOTH together here… same pieces… the "new food"

Thimble LOVES the Think Thin bars, as a few others are also learning to do (appreciate), including a few male dolphins… (all in the Hood Canal bridge group)

… but not in the morning…
"the day is easy then, so nothing else is known yet."
… but rather,
"At the end of the day I may still be very hungry", she interprets as I'm writing.
At the end of the day, when I'm on my way home from work, when I'm approaching the Hood Canal Bridge (on the part of the sound where she lives), she usually appreciates it if I get out one of my protein bars and let her check out the packaging (in our energy connection), and then I break off a piece and have it handy as I'm crossing the bridge.

No, she hasn't actually had any; there's no stopping on the bridge, but we "connect", just the same.

Teeth… and no saliva picture… just eating and not knowing what it is…

Yes, there's the "yummy yummy yummy in my tummy" piece, but taste doesn't usually play a part in their appreciation for the food. It really is a "tummy" and not "tastebuds" situation.

Or rather, that's the way it HAD been.

(I do have my Virginia Beach dolphins story… group 4… the ladies, the one who liked to ask others about themselves… "Do you like fish?"… and they decided they didn't actually care for the taste of it, all things considered… but that had never occurred to them before. (Eventually, they decided they'd better start "liking" it again, because it's a major part of their diet, like it or not! [literally]).

We've had the "condiments" come up again and again, in introducing new foods… but a few days ago, I was reading in National Geographic… the Brain issue… one of the topics was about taste and smell, and tastebuds, and what we were taught about where the sweet, salty, sour, and bitter tastes were (which turns out isn't completely accurate, but you'll probably remember learning about the tastebud map too!)

Sunneshine likes to read along with me (consciousness connection… she sees the words on the page through my consciousness… and she's working with the alphabet…)

Several others were also aware of what I was reading, as I sometimes "connect" with "any who would like to contribute" (their words), when I'm reading something of interest… and several did.

Since then, they (several different species) show me that they're trying to "chew" food… "smaller portions at one time", and "greatly trying to decipher 'taste' ".

"How does this go to the tummy?" One of them asks now.

Another already knows. "When I see that it smells great, then I allow my mouth to produce a saliva"… which you "probably know helps us to decipher the nutrients"
In short, saliva improves digestion.

(there's probably more about that topic too… the taste thing and adding nutrients bit by bit has been an ongoing subject… like if I'm eating a potato chip, one of them says I'd be "getting less weight" that way (losing weight, she means), but another one comes through indicating that I'm always saying you can GAIN weight just by eating lots of potato chips! … and she must have experimented with that thought, because she nods very encouragingly (not to try it, but to agree, so that they "might understand the fish thing, and not need just that." )

Then this evening, in reading a novel, with "connections" there…
The sperm whales, the males, weren't accepting a "story"… but the young lady who connected did, and tried to interpret for everyone, but they seemed to get the first part of it, then "stopped" and disappeared for a bit…

They were trying to conceive of the idea of "play" with a young (whale) child, but seemed to be drawing a blank.

They checked on the idea of one guy I know who plays delightfully with his grandchildren… and they thought to try it out… so they expressed "playing"… and it lasted for about 15 seconds, then abruptly stopped. I was puzzled… the (whale) child was disoriented, as it happened and was then "off"…

… but what was interesting was the the two male whales who were the ones "learning to play" … at first I thought they became bored (no), or had other responsibilities (yes), but different than it seems.
They needed to leave to "process" the "play".
"What is it?"
They had to think about the process, of "who it was who changed the code" from "bully" to "grandpa" (and these are not grandpa whales, but this is their contribution to the information here).

"It is fresh" (like a breath of fresh air, that kind of fresh), they give it the kudos. Inauguration…

… and they check to see how it seems to have been received by the child… and they agree that it was welcome.

And then they check again… they decide to try for "another time, to see if the child will be well" (if it would be accepted again, maybe less enjoyable this time, though, they presume)… and again they race around childishly playing some sweet tag or so with the little one (pretending something, chasing, knowing that the child is aware that they're NOT supposed to run away scared…) … and again, very abruptly, they STOP… and disappear again.

They needed to process. "Was it just as much a game?"… and the little one is "adorable and sweet and pretends to swim away just in time to be caught"… so "game learned".

The processing was a new concept for me. I haven't seen any other whales or dolphins behave like this, yet it's the norm for the sperm whales (who are the ones who have a motion … energetically… that''s like thumping the forehead to "think" (like we might do with a palm, as we say "duh!!!") … same expression, different intent. They mean to be "smart" instead…

… and interestingly enough, now that the other whales actually associate with the sperm whales and no longer consider them (at least not MY sperm whales) bullies… they are immitating and doing the same, hoping to become more thought-directed.

Oh yes, the sperm whales (I may already have written this) disagree that humans are the only mammals who are aware of thinking. They say that they also are aware of thought, many days, often in between other things, but it's there.

04/30/2019      Whales     
"Why are there always mountains outside your door?"
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Yes, they've all been asking, in various ways…

One of the ways some of my dolphins and whales check for "stability" ("Is the earth steady, so will everything keep on being okay?" is by having me check the mountains from my lovely south-facing window, which has a beautiful mountain view. This time of year, the mountains are very white higher up, as it's early spring, and the snow hasn't had a chance to melt yet. They look beautiful, so I often look out my window, appreciating the view.

They're adding here that I'm "expecting" the view.

Of course I'm expecting the view! The mountains are always there, and visible, unless they're hidden away under the clouds… but today was a lovely sunny day, and they looked gorgeous and majestic, rising high and beautiful, reaching up into the sky.

But for these lovely creatures, there is
"no certainty that there will be mountains everywhere"…
Most of them are still puzzling about this, thus their words above,

So now they begin to ask,
"Why are there always mountains outside your door?"

Well over a year ago, a certain group of whales was puzzled by our roads, and how everyone knows where they are, "regardless of the stars", they indicate.

They have let me know on more than one occasion that
"We stay still, and everything else goes zooming by".

They have to know where they are based on "the heavens"…

That's why, they show me, that when there are storms and very windy weather, the animals "go hide", because they don't trust… they can't "feel" the movement of the heavens, which they use as their navigation.

Previous info/entries about "the heavens":

(for another day… one set of coordinates, and they're all interpreting them astronomically, positions of the movement in the heavens… not visual. They feel the "coordinates", not see the positions of the stars and planets…)

I also have a note in my 08/05/2017 journal entry, where we talk about this quite a bit... (re: the drilling, upsetting the fragile balance of the killer whales society, who recognize that they must learn to adapt, and know the species is less strong than it was, and frequently will ask for the heavens to guide them again...
(I have so much more to write about them... and I think I already may have a journal entry about them, and their resilience, but reliance on JUST themselves, until they know now that they are fewer because of our (people's) actions, and that it's okay if we know, and that we might exact some time to change the system, but they won't allow our assistance [they have a huge sense of pride, and it used to be that I wouldn't even have been allowed to write this much... they refused to show any signs of "fewer" or any other conditions. "We were there"... so this is actually a huge change here… )
(this paragraph here is from today… big difference)
I'm sure this is a huge part of why the whales travel huge distances (and also how it is that salmon know how to find the exact spot /river where they came down initially)…
They're aware of the "Constellations"
Not visually, but everything is movement, and so has a "pattern", and they "remember. They follow "the design".

So if they are staying steady, and the world is rushing by (even if they're exerting themselves… Ahhh!!! That's to hold their position "steady" then!)
… then the scenery is constantly "changing" even as they think they're "holding steady".

So "why are there always mountains outside your window?"… is a question they're asking, when now they perceive how people would see that, and some of them are beginning to laugh, and they indicate that
"it's not easy to be human" because everything is SO very different than our own perceptions".
Meaning that, as I write, many of them are understanding our idea, that
"the heavens move consistently, but the earth is anchored…"
I might have written this before, but their awareness is changing day by day, and they constantly perceive new things, so something like this was way beyond their comprehension just a year ago, and now, they're grinning at how we must think about their "ways".

I don't see it that way…
If any of you were present here with me in our day-to-day interactions, you would probably be so proud of them, for even daring to consider changing their outlook.

Another note from today was about "the shadows"
… like why the sun is so lovely in my home in the morning and the evening, but not during the middle of the day…
This was the killer whales I connect with (?) over the weekend at the Kulolach (spelling?) Beach #3, and they've been understanding things since then… and "appreciating"

So today in the very early afternoon, I stood outside in the yard, and they became aware of the "Shadow" idea,
where there is something "hard", the "sun may not go through, and it's a space of not so much nice there" (the shadow)… and aware that our "glass allows all things through it (except not air)..."
The shadow was a very uncertain thing for them, and it took a bit of explanation… ( think I muddled, and they didn't completely understand the idea, but just an overview)

… and late in the evening, shortly before sunset, we stood outside again, and they couldn't understand at first how TALL the same thing is (the shadow)…

Just the same, they "Danced" to show they
"understand now that when the shadows are HUGE they mean the sun is almost all the way out [morning] or not there [evening], and how there is such a thing as a 'corner' … and that the sun may "go away past that 'edge' "

(This has been another question that has been growing over the past many days, as the springtime brings longer days, and changes in the sun)

So many more things to write…
Today was the first morning when LandLover was around, expecting to "Change"
… he found the "sun" piece, and I've been feeling him "relax" again…
"If the sun is in the sky, and the earth moves, so the people KNOW."
i.e., there isn't much need to "chase" then, and ask "where?"… and to understand how the day is going, so too many times asking "what to do to keep the sun around ?" … he's responsible for many others, after all, and "it's a big thing to make sure the earth keeps on being here."

"I know you think it's time to change the ideas", he indicates, "and I'm sure it's there".

He means that he will continue to change the energy of any who are nearby, so they are more "friendly" then… relaxing.

(I don't think the words are exactly that yet, but I'm trying to just get the big ideas in here for the moment…)

05/05/2019      Whales      (multiples - not yet tagged)
(La Push notes)
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Both whales and dolphins today…

(Duplicate 2 sentences with my dolphin entry for 5/5/2019)

La Push beach… my first time there alone…
I HAD to go get in the water… haven't been in the ocean since mid-March, at Ocean Shores…


I ALWAYS reach out and connect before I go to the beach. I hadn't thought I'd be going this weekend, but this morning, I realized that I missed being in the water, and thought I'd make the journey…

I had a debate as to whether I might make it to Neah Bay (where the whales like to find their way along that part of the strait), (close to Cape Flattery), but when I found out it would add an extra 2 hours or more to the day (driving time), I realized it wouldn't work…

So the whales who had been really connecting, with the idea of my being at Cape Flattery, where the whales related to Sunneshine's friend, who seem to be hanging out off the coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia…

I hadn't expected any connection with them today, as I ended up only at La Push beach…

… but as I was taking photos and video after my (very invigorating) swim, where the surf was intense and I got dunked numerous times!)… I kept getting that I should point my camera (phone) in a particular direction.
I thought it was because of the angle of the sun (it was partly cloudy at the time, with some sun peeking through and making lovely highlights on the waves)… but then "they" let me know they were there.

I'm pretty sure now these are Baird's whales… and they were too far out for me to see, at least at first… and they are "shy"  They ALL show that they're "private"… dislike a lot of visitors… that goes for almost all the cetacean creatures on this coast, the dolphin groups included.

I took some video, but as I was leaving the beach, they indicated the TWO of them had "spouted"… and I must have missed it… I didn't consciously see anything, but they indicate that it DID bring a connection… It was the two ladies with them… one a very young girl, I think, and maybe her mom, who might also be the mom of one of the two (the very young) male whale… and there was another male whale,  much older (maybe the uncle of Sunneshine's friend?)…
So we DID connect. Seeing the spout makes the energy "Wide" they indicate. I'm much more "Aware" of them, they tell me.

They did connect several times on my way home, showing me their (big) size in relation to my (small) size… !

05/05/2019      Dolphins     
Babies grow after pollination
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

La Push beach… my first time there alone…

I HAD to go get in the water… haven't been in the ocean since mid-March, at Ocean Shores…

Trying to connect with the La Push dolphins…
… but La Push Provider wasn't really responding…

His group was nearby today…

We did have some conversations, with a few of the ladies in the pod…

On the way home, I got it.
He needs a new name… his group has been far and wide since our first meeting. They've gone much farther afield (out farther) for various "new styles" of food …
They recognize that they are less skinny as a result, and make the connection with me…

… but he didn't really remember us, because I'm no longer with my (boy)friend.… so my energy is very different now…

He agreed with the name "Olympic"… for the Olympic mountains, the Olympic peninsula… and sort of the first open-ocean dolphins I connected with since I'm in this beautiful Northwest Olympic Peninsula (not sure that's the right name)…

Of coure "La Push Provider" doesn't match his vibration any more, if they're not around the La Push beach very often.

A few of the young ones in his pod, however, got the "music" and thought that playing was fun (my dancing to the music, e.g,. Roy Orbison's "Dance" song…)

We did have a few connections today, however…

The day I was at Cape Flattery (end of March, 2019), the two new (male) whales (related to Sunneshine's (boy)friend) had caught the information about "photos" and had been the FIRST to ever ask me to take a photo of them, were I to be able to see them.

So I was connecting with these "Olympic" group dolphins about photos and videos already on my phone, and they knew where many of them came from… they recognized the "location" via the photos… recognized La Push ocean as where they are, and they also recognized my Beach number 3 (Kulolach beach) from last weekend, and said they could meet me there too, as they are around there often now…
They were very interested in the photos and videos, as that relates to memory…
… memory… and variety of food, as well as sleep (and the foods that stimulate the brain to grow cells the "remember"

… and of course, the "things that go around"… and "Is the sun in the sky?"… along with "Is the sun turning?"

This stimulated a WHOLE lot of consternation in Olympic, who kept trying to "find" it… he knows there's something relevant there, and it's like he can ALMOST put it together, but couldn't get it to "click"… until later.

The body language (energy) of the hand tapping on the head, to stimulate the brain to be smart…

… and then, getting it.
"If the sun is always going around, and the earth can't move away from it, then the sun might not be aware of our rituals, so that leaves me thinking."

"No need to change the routine so far, but maybe there's so many others who should learn this."

"other dolphin goups, so we can learn the right way to behave"
Also, we often end up on the "babies" subject, and how babies just "show up…
… and all of the cetaceans seem to nicely get the idea of "polination", so they understand that "there's a mixing of something that makes a seed sprout", and today, there were many groups connecting, finally understanding that the beginning is so tiny, and it grows to a limit, and then it must be disseminated (released) and then continues to grow OUTSIDE of the original container…

Oh dear, I thought they are understanding this as the baby's beginnings, then the baby is born, and continues growing outside of the womb… but that's not their idea… yet… soon.

"The "pollination" is an idea that we can respect", but it has to end. A plant…
What does that have to do with a baby?

Okay, I had apparently misunderstood, that they were (and they agree, ARE) understanding that a baby must be a plant, and it seems to sprout within the (??? Somewhere…), and then "I must be arriving" so it can't give birth to a seed, so it's big"  (I'll have to take this offline and connect and figure this out!)

05/08/2019      Dolphins     
"No need to check for the sun every minute"
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

This morning, a few days after my weekend trip to La Push, the dolphins were "present" and aware with me, as I decided to "check in with them."

For starters, they no longer resonate with the name "La Push Dolphins", but ONLY respond now to "Olympic Dolphins."

They've been processing the idea of the sun.

With the awareness that the sun isn't going to disappear, even if they stop checking for it, it creates a potential for life to become more relaxed, as it seems to have for many others.

This gives them permission, maybe, to consider the idea of "not being" [conscious] or aware every moment.
Their words: "
"However, it seems that the old ways are still present."
I was asking whether things had changed at all, and what they were doing with their time, whether they had any extra free time now, given that the "sun has become a 'known' ".

Apparently not… at least not YET.

As we played with the thoughts, it was, as it often is, one of the very young ones coming through. He showed me that they would need to "disperse" in order "to see the new process become live."

I didn't understand at first, but now (a few days later as I'm writing my notes), I see that it's a pattern that happened in Virginia Beach as well, beginning with Sunny, and then others, who insisted on "being alone" (after we figured out a way where they wouldn't get lost).

This young Olympic dolphin  was showing many of the same traits. "I WILL find this if I can think", he spouts. (He's hoping for a giggle or chuckle as you read that note…)

… and then he is able to help me understand that they
"live by group",
"no individual may have a different idea than the entire group, at least where the big things are related, so thinking can't be changed."
Yet, if they
"might be seen away from the group for a whole long hour, I can think, and intercede for you, so they all will be able to sleep" he says.
(They, meaning the dolphins, to "practice the idea, as that is the beginning of the complete change.")

(Sleep brings new things, and remembering is a BIG piece of the puzzle, because if you don't remember, then you must check for the sun again, as no memory for the earth circling the sun will be there, again and again.)

Yes, sleeping allows us to process the day's events and put them into memory.
People take that for granted, but we seem to have engaged in a very different sleep rhythm than the dolphins (who sleep with half of their brain at once, still "alert" and aware,)

The rest of my very quick notes, to elaborate on:

i.e., going off on their own, each alone…
… then pairs and groups, re: GPS
(i.e., like my VB dolphins, forming groups who will be aware of all the members of their own small group, and if one goes away, they will still connect and be aware of each other…  It was developed as part of the hurricane safety strategy, and for other times, so the ones who wanted to, could disappear for a while… and games, to "practice", and see if others in their small little group might notice if someone was gone… so trying to "trick" them and "see how long it takes them to notice that one is gone."

… so forming groups…

GPS idea…
...easily finding those they are close to… needing explanation, however, re: the genes

As I'm writing this (5/14/2019), I haven't really followed up yet to see how it's going, but will soon.

SAME DAY, lunchtime… WHALES entry to create:
Especially the killer whales (new group from La Push weekend)…  but they don't relate to play. Not allowed… (a bad heaven-timed experience in their anxiety-made result…)

However, allowed to be "smart", and that's different…
Other whale groups LIKE play (recent Sperm whale entry, I think… if not, enter it… I'm pretty sure I did… they played with the young ones for ~ 30 seconds, then processed it, wondering why the young ones liked it, and thought it funny to be chasing you so cute and silly like, and pretending, but they enjoyed it nonetheless…

So we looked up the benefits of play, images of children playing (online), MANY benefits… social, learning, and "who is passing the quiz quickly?"

These are new ideas for many of the whale groups (and dolphins don't see the need either, for play … YET))

06/04/2019      Whales      Lost Bottlenose Whales
Newfoundland calls
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

(add a new "Storyline" tag… no-longer-lost bottlenose whales)

Today, Thimble didn't really want to connect as I was driving across the Hood Canal bridge on my way to my in-person office.

Later, I realized it was because someone else was "interfering" with the connection!

Someone was trying to get my attention, you see…

So late this afternoon, I checked on my map, and there was Sunneshine, one of the no-longer-lost bottlenose whales (who has been "around" a lot lately), asking about heading across the top of the continent to go back to the Atlantic ocean… and it's Newfoundland she'll go find first…

I'd been aware that she might be planning this, but I hadn't been thinking about it at all lately, and it took me by surprise. First, there was a LOT of sadness. She's become a friend here, and I "look" for her whenever I'm planning to be at the ocean. She's even been close to the Dungeness Spit over the past weekend when I was there (and the week before that, but her "friend" had been very hesitant about going there, so they went a different direction…)

So yes, it's coming close to that time, and I'll be losing a friend…

I suggested that she "check" on various things first to make her decision… would she be happier on the west coast, or the east coast?
The answer was a very CLEAR "East Coast", because that's where her genes are from…

… and then, will she have someone to go with her? I already assumed that her friend will be going with her, because the female bottlenose whales almost always show me that they travel with a male companion (ANY age, child included… just "a male".)

When we checked, though, it was a "sad thought to be be leaving here under the idea with just us"… "so the way Is too challenging for such a small group"…

I was getting that they needed at least 5 or 6 whales in the group… and I thought initially that Sunneshine would need to go "recruiting" and plan a marketing campaign, to find a few whales who might like to join her…
… but less than about 5 minutes later, I was suddently aware of FIVE others who decided to join! It just happened, just like that! It seems that the two male relatives of Sunneshine's friend, who originally made a connection with me when I hiked to Cape Flattery the first time (and they were the first who would have accepted having a photo taken, as I had a photo taken of me, and they liked the idea…)
.. So those 2 males "joined"… but right along with them, there were 3 others, a part of their circle, who connected and who would always be more than happy to be where these 2 whales are…
Total 5 males, and 2 females, in addition to Sunneshine…

On the map, as I reach out, going across the top of the continent, and then being on the east coast… there was a "consternation" of "WHERE it is that I should go"… but when I reached Newfoundland on the map, "THERE is the life" … the energy, or the place where more than not like.

… So these other whales, I'm pretty sure, are Baird's whales.

Will they stay on the East Coast?

"No, not very long", they show. They're anxious to see "where the world is"… I think they mean they're willing to "travel to see a new land, and then we'll be [returning] home".

They might need to stay over until next year's melt [summer with less ice to go through], but we'll see… if they make great time, they might go across and come back again this year. (??? They're shaking their heads, like "It's not worth the trip for that. We’d like to stay and learn some lessons about the time change, where the sun is in the sky efore our land gets it"

I know that LandLover and his group were able to cover really big distances every day… it seemed like they could do about 180 miles a day, often.

I was wondering if that was because of their excitement and dedication in wanting to get home… or maybe through their travels (from Japan area) that they were in better shape than usual, and could make the journey faster…

… but as I reached out to LandLover, he showed me it could be the norm of bottlenose whales, but with the fast travel, that it wasn't easy or possible with young babies along… that they couldn't keep up, and the faster ones would go ahead, then backtrack to find the slower ones, and not able to do but maybe only 70 miles a day…
So for going across the top of the continent within the limited time span and exceedingly cold conditions, that "no babies were welcome then (when we were making the journey)" … thus any really young ones, and no doubt their moms, "found a way to change the journey to go a long way south instead."

So with Sunneshine, and her group, they know, "no young ones this trip" ("until they are older, and may have more muscles")

Will the Baird's whales be able to travel as fast as the Bottlenose whales? It seems so, or very close to the same. It feels just fine for them to make it.

Planning??? Will they need to plan? I thought it would take time, but we'll see what happens from here...

06/05/2019      Whales      Lost Bottlenose Whales
7 may become 8
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

(Storyline… no longer lost bottlenose whales)

We were reaching out on the group who (no longer "might", but …) WILL be heading across to Newfoundland over the summer… the 7 I wrote about and with yesterday…

Today, another "idea comes through Joy", says "one of the likeable young girls who will be traveling through the water to go far away" (her words, coming through with a smile…)
… and it's a "What if" idea…

"WHAT IF LandLover and maybe a few others were to connect, and agree to meet halfway"…

… but it was no sooner an idea, than it "connected", and LandLover "knows it's a nice thing and will be there".

I could feel him instantly "joining". Seven became Eight, just like that. I reached out the next day, and it's like, a done deal already…

I will know where they are and will help them to find a way to connect (the ocean is pretty big, after all, but I have a bit of experience with this… We've worked out a "Team situation" (says one) "so everyone can check to see if we are aligned on the same page" (says another)…

… and just the same, I'll make sure that they know how to figure out their connection points (I call it doing "the GPS thing"), just in case I end up being so busy that I can't follow everything (but they're telling me that's not too likely these days, because I manage to connect well enough).

"If you think that we're only going half-way along, you'll be wrong," say the whales who will be coming back to the west coast again at some point… (probably NOT Sunneshine, but most of the others then).

LandLover will be more of a "welcome whale to show us how to adapt"…

As they reached out earlier today, (actually June 6 now), they're very aware that they will be very out of their element in that place".
I learned that from LandLover and his group when they returned to the east coast after being several decades over near Asia… that they were almost strangers and needed to re-learn customs. (LandLover remembers, again, but had forgotten this… uh-oh.. He needs to catch up on "a bit of his time to remember, which is not sleep, but deep thought…"  My note: They're learning about SLEEP these days… the type of really deep sleep that allows people to "remember". Did you know we process the day's events and put them into memory when we sleep? … but that most of these beautiful whales don't remember… with the exception of the Sperm Whales, who seem to remember more, but they also seem to go to a "deeper" space (less active consciousness) when resting, more like brain waves that slow down significantly)…

LandLover, like most of the whales, doesn't remember things from previous times, unless I've remembered with them several times… and if I've written about something and published it, the "history" is there, and it’s a "thought" and not exactly "memory", but it's available to them… otherwise, they draw a blank…

(for another note, another time… I get this very often when I tease in the morning, like "The sun isn't going to come up tomorrow"… and they immediately get very flustered and believe that it will be just as I've said, and they don't know what to do… and then they start to "get smart" and think about all the possibilities", and then they "Catch the consciousness" that "things go round"… and within 30 seconds or so, they've figured it out, and they begin to laugh…

… but the next day, it would be the same thing all over again… unless they understand to get new food, to understand more things (different nutrients that will have them "making new and different ways of progressing in the brain")

So LandLover is hoping to learn a bit about those spaces that will make memories, from "these whales who are beginning to get it".

.…. But don't worry, he won't forget to go and meet them, because that's now a "consciousness" and it's automatic. That's a hard thing to describe, but it's like it's been programmed on the brain, so he's "guiding his brain to go that route".

These are all things I've been learning since I first started connecting, or rather, since LandLover first connected with me. He was amonth the very first, you see, and may actually have been "the very first".

Another day, we can ask him what he remembers… but he's seeming puzzled by the thought. "Where was I then?" and "Not here?"
"I can't fathom that", he begins to put out there, and then everyone else begins to nudge him and give him ideas of where he was… "I was sorry to be there" he means to begin saying (meaning over in Asia, as it wasn't nice for his group of whales, as they needed to be among their family, those on the east coast of North America).

Oh, back to the whales coming across… They're going to "BE THERE". They mean "all the way". They plan to be visitors, and adapt, and see who lives how. (… meaning to see what it's like to be in another environment and the traditions may change… )
They're indicating that they're even open to "bringing home a different tradition, if it is kind."

They are very aware, though, that the route is COLD, and the journey may not be as smooth as they think it may be, as they aren't in the habit of traveling, and the group is a little bit less cohesive than LandLover's group might have been … but here, LandLover is coming through and showing that's not how it was at the beginning, and traveling "made" the group.

They seem to be quickly ready to get this together… "no big planning time needed to coordinate everthing", but more, "it can be just like it is."

Sunneshine had originally wanted to know, yesterday, if it was time to go yet… and if it was, she would have been on her way.

It's a bit early yet, as it would still be frozen a long way across the top, and it won't take too long to get so far, like to Alaska. (LandLover and his group needed to wait in place, part way across, for some of the ice to melt, so they might proceed… at least that's what I understood at the time.)
"I have the time" says LandLover, "and I will meet them."

I really love LandLover… he has the biggest smile for everyone, and to me, he feels amazing and charming as well.. (He's adding that in with an impish sort of expression… but yes, he's so charming… and caring too.)

06/12/2019      Whales      Bottlenose Whales
The journey begins… or maybe not quite yet
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Sunneshine and the others (bottlenose whales going to the Atlantic ocean this summer) "have been trying to figure out just now how to go."

(I was going to say they've been planning the timeline, but I guess it's not quite "planned"… it's figuring out how much time they will need.)

Sunneshine has been hoping to stick around for another few visits… maybe this coming weekend when I get to the Dungeness Spit, and then 2 weeks later or so, I'll be heading across the Strait for a vacation on Salt Spring Island, Canada, and there's the place there where I already know the whales go through occasionally, and she had been hoping to get ther while I'm visiting… or at least try. (She's calling it "back-waters", so it may not be a great place for her to get to… but she's already been in the neighborhood before, just not while I've been there… "yet", she adds.)

So I thought she / they might be pushing it for time, because of the short period of time they have to get across the top of the continent, when the ice will let them through… but she's pretty sure the timeline should work.

We agreed to "check" together, to "go through the path before we get there". She means, having me go over the maps together, so that they already have an idea of how to go… where especially, and places where they will need to pay extra attention, or places where they might "be happy"…   

So we went over the entire path of their journey, on the satellite view in Google maps, checking things out.

There was indeed a very "happy" place, somewhere near Golovin, and White Mountain, Alaska.
However, MORE of the things that came up were less happy, and rather "let's be careful around this place"… so what, or who, lives there, or what the other dangers are, I don't know, but they show it's things like big squid and such…
(and LandLover agrees, they also had to be cautious, but "I led wisely" he indicates).

They checked several different route options in a few of the places, but mostly they were in agreement on the best route…

(I didn't have time to write more, but maybe as we re-check the route, I'll write in more details again.)

Oh yes… We checked if they leave in 3 weeks, and that's okay… and if they leave in 4 weeks, and yes, they still go all the way through… but if we have them leaving in 5 weeks, "it becomes messy, as they likely may not have enough time, and the ice may endanger more of them than not."

So they're planning to go FAST, and leave the "moment Joy goes" (from Canada "back to her land"), at around exactly 3 weeks from now. So they ought to be just fine. These whales DO cover a great distance every day, based on my experience with LandLover. His group was extra-fast though, as they had become used to "following the route by Joy's guidance"…

Wow! I guess as I put out my hands on the map with them, they already knew how to go, and didn't "need to pause to consider what was safe, and also the more direct route…"

"This will be the same, as we will have the chance to know a different route many times."
They're knowing that I will do whatever I have to, to make sure that "we flow together"… i.e. That I "will take the time to check the maps way ahead of time, and also each day as necessary."

Sunneshine knows, as I do check with her pretty much every day.

06/17/2019      Dolphins     
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Thimble, the dolphin I've been connecting with when I go across the Hood Canal bridge, is now renamed to "Copernicus". She was no longer happy with the name Thimble!

The truth is, I was teasingly calling her Copernicus on occasion, and many times, she no longer answered to Thimble! So

It's been a few months since she was "the one" who got" that the earth actually circles the sun, and that for that reason, "it MUST happen that the earth floats near the sun, every day, no matter what time of day it might be" (her words as I'm writing this).

Actually, when we looked up Copernicus, the "consciousness" of his ideas is right there along with his name and the information we know about him… so that actually helped everyone a lot!
Nikolaus Kopernikus (19 February 1473 – 24 May 1543) was a Renaissance-era mathematician, astronomer, and Catholic canon who formulated a model of the universe that placed the Sun rather than Earth at its center.
It's like when I said "e = mc2" [squared] to the dolphins in VB after the hurricane. They had NO idea what the formula actually refers to, but the phrase carries with it a consciousness that conveys the very basic idea that the formula represents, as it is referred to very often by people.

06/23/2019      Whales      Bottlenose Whales
Racing down the Strait of Juan de Fuca
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

(That's another entry… she was somewhere inland, on the Canadian side, close to the Gulf Islands… and when I decided to go to La Push, she RACED to go out the Strait of Juan de Fuca and show up in the La Push area.

I'll be going to Salt Spring Island, in the Gulf Islands, British Columbia next weekend, for a short vacation with family.

Sunneshine has been hanging out somewhere inland, on the Canadian side, close to the Gulf Islands. That's been a part of her "home territory" for the last year or more.

She is waiting anxiously to begin her journey over to the east coast of North America, but wanted to wait until I'd been to Salt Spring Island, because
"I was hoping to be somewhere around there, so that we might connect."
Just this morning, though, I thought I might be able to make it out to La Push for a quick "open-ocean" visit and swim, before heading for my vacation, where, although there's strictly speaking "ocean", it feels more like a "lake", albeit a lake with tides and COLD water. It's a long 2-hour drive, so I hadn't really thought I'd be able to fit it in. This morning, I changed my mind.

As I "communicated" where I would be … here Sunneshine interrupts my writing to help out a bit …
"I am always ready to help", she says.
She explains that
"Joy always says WHERE she will be, so that any whales in the location where she's headed might see that she's around. Oh, and maybe the dolphins."
So as I communicated that I would be going to La Push beach today, Sunneshine said she would be there to meet me.

I looked at the map, and said "There is NO WAY POSSIBLE that you'll be there in time to meet me."

But she
"knows somethine everyone else knows too. Humans don't just walk out the door. They carry lunch, and need to make the bed first…" she continues, so she knows she has a lot of extra time.
She's right of course. It was going to be close to 2:30 pm before I got there, and she had a good 6 hours to get there. Her plan was to "get there at least before she's gone". She means before I left the ocean to come back home.

You have no idea how hard Sunneshine worked to get there.

Every time I checked with her, she kept showing me that she was really pushing herself. She showed that she is "panting" also "VERY out of breath."
"I'm an athlete", she said.
She let me know that she KNEW she could get to the area before I actually left. I checked "the energy", and I had to agree. It is possible.

She kept showing me where she was on the map, as I was driving.
And when I got there, she showed me that she was not near yet, but closer

… and then she DID reach the area, with about 15 minutes or so to spare before I left again! She was excited!

Not that I saw her, because she' much too shy to actually let herself come anywhere near yet, but just the same, she seems to enjoy being able to show up where I am, even when the timelines are rather "close".

She likes to say, about "showing up", that
"It's an adventure. Every time."

06/29/2019      Whales      Bottlenose Whales
"It's a secret"
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Sunneshine and a few others are well on their way today. They're headed from the Pacific Ocean over to the Atlantic…

Yesterday, Sunneshine and her friend were in the La Push, Washington, area, latitude wise. Today, there are more of them, and they're, well…  let's backtrack a little bit here.
"It's a secret," Sunneshine had said early this morning.
She meant it was supposed to be a surprise, until I was able to look at the map.

That was at 7 am, as I was driving to catch the ferry across to Canada, fo a very short vacation, visiting with family.

She had planned to wait to leave for their journey until after my vacation, as she was hoping to connect in the area when I was at Salt Spring Island… but she changed plans when I deceided to go to La Push last weekend, and she ended up meeting me there.

That was enough for her. She indicated that she
"wasn't ready for such a marathon journey again, right before the BIG adventure."
So she's been hanging out more or less near the La Push area since last weekend when I was there.

She wouldn't tell me yesterday, either, what her plans were.

I'm pretty sure it was because she needed to be on her way, and it was non-negotiable, and she didn't want any interactions that might change her mind.
Please know that I've only been encouraging her to "go home" to the East Coast, because I know she'll be happy and fine once she gets there.

She had actually intended to already head on her way on Thursday, but it was a rainy day, and so she wasn't sure about going. I got the feeling it could be bad luck to begin if the weather wasn't too great. So on Thursday, she'd even tentatively been planning to be around for my early morning ferry crossing from Port Angeles over to Victoria, and then maybe also the other ferry, from Sydney to Fulford Harbour, Salt Spring Island.

So on Friday and Saturday morning, she was all secretive, and wouldn't tell me WHICH of the options she was going with! … UNTIL I checked the map!
I think she was having fun with this. (she says she WAS indeed.)

Finally, when I had a chance to check the map with her, I was SO surprised!!!

Sunneshine (and 5 others…) were already at the southern end of Glacier Bay National Park, already on the Alaska coast, still heading north up the coast of the mainland, but significantly close already to where the coastline will begin heading west.

They had originally thought it would be a group of seven, but I think they have a group of six ... four males, and two females.

06/30/2019      Whales      Bottlenose Whales
We forgot to stop for food
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

When I checked with Sunneshine around noon today, she and her group were around Seward… just south of Anchorage. Wow! They have been making really great time… so much so that I keep double-checking, and they were POSITIVE they are where they're showing me on the map.

During the "planning phase", when we were looking over the route beforehand, there had been a place we'd explored on the map where they had thought to stop for a while and "eat" for a bit… I understand that food would have been quite abundant in that area. (That would have been in the bay right before reaching Seward… in what is labeled on Google Maps as Prince William Sound.)

Since they were past that spot, just by a little bit, I asked whether they had found some food there.

Oops.…. Apparently not.
"We forgot to stop for food!" they exclaim.
The were in such a big hurry that they even forgot about food, and raced by!

I wondered if they might backtrack for this abundance of food.
"We MUST be on our way", they say…
In other words, "not".
In their anticipation of covering distance and "getting there soon", there just was no turning back!

07/01/2019      Whales      Bottlenose Whales
"I know my way!"
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

(Note for myself: See my notes, for July 1, and the next few days as well)…
(not nearly done entering these notes…)


When I checked with Sunneshine, late morning today, she had this wonderful excitement about her.

It was the same "I know my way!" energy that Landlover's group had had when they reached the beginning of the mainland land mass at Alaska, a few years ago.

It's like an awareness that there's "home" somewhere… and a "desire to GO"
… to go… North… to go to Canada, and the east coast.

As you might have guessed, Sunneshine and these whales are also around the same place. They actually were already somewhere near Port Heiden, Alaska… now on the north side of the peninsula…  at the Aleutian Islands, and headed north.

At this point, I decided to check with LandLover, and see if he would be meeting them, as planned…

Ahhhh, very interesting! He was going to be arriving with another female.
Uh oh!! All of a sudden, Sunneshine wasn't so sure at all. For a little while, it felt like she might change her mind…

It seems that she'd been counting on maybe being a very special lady to him… but all of a sudden, she was aware that life changes, and that he's surrounded by many others who also have an interest in him…  ("There's only one," LandLover says).

There's no chance that he'll be coming alone… but once I was aware of what this was about, I began checking out other possibilities, as it seems that Sunneshine really would be happier where she belongs, where more of her kin are.

… and once she was aware that there are several other males in the vicinity who also would become friends to her, she's okay again.

She has her "friend" with her, and that's apparently the possibility of a relationship down the road, but hasn't become that yet, so far. It's just a friend, with a special connection.

… and with that, I realized that although Sunneshine has been hanging out with her friend for a while, and he's usually been in the area as well when Sunneshine has traveled to connect with me… he didn't yet have a name.

So today, he became "Ray"… or maybe it will be SunRay, as that goes with Sunneshine.
He's still making up his mind… Ray seems to suit more.

Sunneshine is smiling and happy because Ray has a name!

I marvel at their ability to travel at speeds that I would call breakneck speeds…
They say
"We can't go as fast on our own, but with our help from the Joy, we travel easily."
Then to me, they add,
"We want everyone to know that you're not making it up."
You see, earlier today, when I did the "anticipated distances per day" (and they were "rushing"), it would have taken maybe 2½ to 3 weeks from La Push, WA, across to the east coast, but it's fast because they are SURE of where the are going, not exploring anywhere, or even directly following the coastline itself, and they know the more direct distance-wise shortcuts… because we go over the maps together beforehand.

… and
"It's unlikely that a pod of un-related whales could be fine to go so far, easily", said a Baird's whale.
Sunneshine adds,
"And Sunneshine knows exactly how to change the story."
"So now we've SLOWED everything and are not fast to be there is 2½ weeks".
She's smiling really deeply with this.

Now they're showimg me smaller distances for each travel day.
"We KNOW where we have been, and where we will get to every day."
Whenever I check with them, as I put my hands out on the map, they show me where they are… also where they will likely be by the end of the day at sunset (as the end of a day)
… and every day so far, if they indeed are where they show me, they've been accurate.

(My note: Boy, I really wish I could jump to where they are and SEE… and check! But I have to trust that they are where they indicate.)
"NOW, I say", says the lovely soft female, Sunneshine

… meaning (and again, Sunneshine translates…) "Of course we're there. How else does Joy see our energy? It's concise."
… So the long and short of it is that they have travelled great distances over the past few days, since Thursday. It's been 4 days and a bit.

Of course they'll be travelling by extreme physical … I was going to say "physical shape", but they don't resonate with that.

We say someone is in "great shape", but they're just athletes at heart — and competing! (They're giving me this info as I jot my notes).
I ask whether they were playing a version of "beat the clock" or "create a new record", and they say emphatically, "Yes!"
Now they indicate that they may speed up again, as they've put this out there. They WANT to check "time".
"We know we may be doing this," they indicate (meaning travel fast).
… and then there's the route:
"Will it be free?" they ask  … meaning, will the water be free and not solid (frozen).
They're planning to take the "wider" route, based on past experience .
When LandLover's group first passed by, they had to WAIT a long while… The had gone the more southerly route through the Northwestern Passages, i.e., south of Banks Island and Victoria Island, but by the time they had reached somewhere around the very south-eastern part of Victoria Island, they had to wait for the ice to melt…

He didn't end up going all the way that time, although 2 of the females did carry on and go all the way through. They risked going the last part of the journe on their own, as the males decided to wait… and turned back to the west coast. (That's another story…)

When LandLover did go across last summer, I think he took the more northern route through the Northwestern passages, i.e., north of Banks Island and Victoria Island…
My best guess is that because it's a wider and more direct route, probably the ice breakers go through that way in preference to the more southern route. I'm guessing, however.

They've had some very interesting journeys, and it's taken a whole lot of tries to get over to "home" for some of these whales.

So this time, Sunneshine is expecting to go the more northern route, and that's what we've been looking at when we map out the route together.

The others, however … the other 5 whales… all think the the southern route is better.
I'm thinking "Uh oh… Will they all be in agreement when they get there, or… ???"

Sunneshine is the only Northern Bottlenose whale in the group, as best I can figure it out. I think the others are Baird's whales… Interesting. The Baird's whales are also, however, known as Bottlenose whales.

07/06/2019      Whales      Bottlenose Whales
Which direction?
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

This morning, Sunneshine and the others showed me they were at Wainwright… AND… they wanted my opinion on something.

It seems they had actually continued on farther, and had reached Utqiagvik, AK, which is the most northerly point of land there, before the coastline dips southwards again.

They had become confused, because they think they need to continue north… so they backtracked, and were enjoying the fish around Wainwright…

Also, they let me know they are COLD.

(another quick entry, maybe, for the Olympic dolphins for today???)
… and when I check water temperatures on a coastal water temperature map, many of my dolphins especially, wanted to live near Virginia, where the water temperature shows close to 80 degrees fahrenheit, as opposed to in the 50's, in the Pacific ocean, anywhere near the Pacific Northwest or north of there
… they were "very righteous about living in the west coast, where it's so very challenging" they say
They felt quite envious, to me! Not surprising! (I also miss the warm water of the east coast!)


My "opinion was indeed needed because we weren't sure of where we are", but then they "saw the correct way and easily shifted gears."

They indicated that they were thinking they didn't want a detour, i.e., "if we're north-bound, why change direction?"
But in checking the map, they quickly understood how "the land often follows contours that are steady, but changing."

They are confident in the route they need, and so will journey through the end of the evening.

I'm writing this late evening, but they're in a different time-zone, maybe 2 hours behind me, AND they're farther north, AND it's still just shortly after the summer solstice. When I look up the info for where they are, I see that sunset for today is at 1:47 AM!!!! No wonder they're talking about journeying "through the end of the evening"!!!
(Sunrise was at 2:58 am today…)

08/11/2019      Whales      Bottlenose Whales
Another day of travel… and plans
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Just to keep documenting their journey, Sunneshine, Ray and Photo were around Kivalena, Alaska, by evening today.

This morning, Ray had seemed concerned, and wanted to know about the day, as I always check the weather forecast here… and I guess his forecast was slightly different. So I looked up the forecast for Wales, AK. It was cooler today than yesterday…  Only in the 50's today, but no rain.

They've been taking their time, a little bit, as they want to make sure that "it's crossable" by the time they get there. Thye understand about "melt point", but they're really unsure about it, and are wondering if it really WILL be different than the previous time they were up there.

This time, though, they're planning the more southerly route through the Northwestern Passages, staying south of Banks Island and Victoria Island.

08/13/2019      Whales      Bottlenose Whales
"Should we go on?"
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

"Should we go on?"

Today, they're headed southeast… in the Beaufort sea, headed towards the Northwestern Passages, and they're showing a lot of hesitation.

They had run into the same thing the last time they were all here… then, as a group of 6, but with more males.

That was okay, because they thought they would be able to "protect" everyone… enough males meant they were steady.

This time, it's only 2 males, and one lady, Sunneshine… and it doesn't feel "safe".

I begin to understand… They're worried about protecting Sunneshine, "and if there is any thing oor big animal present, then we may not be strong" (strong enough to win a fight) "but with many males it's certain", says big Photo.

Please keep in mind that Photo also tends to be just a little bit on the scattered side, often, and might not have the presence to stay and fight to protect another lady… so that leaves Ray needing to do all the protecting, and in such an "austere environment it won't be fun."

… about all the ice…
… about not feeling safe … just big open space to more sides than not, and "I don’t speak this genre"

You see, now there's ONLY the sea north of them, and it's so different from anything they could imagine.

A lot of it too, was the ice…

… but it was also about being aware that they're "somewhere completely new, but with more dangers".

Part of it also is that they had been intending to rush through at breakneck speed (they keep showing me that they're panting and out-of-breath) …
… and needless to say, at that speed, they certainly wouldn't have as many "resources" as needed for fighting, should it be needed.

I knew that if they were feeling concern, there was most likely a big reason for it, so we had to be practical.

Once we figured all of this out, together, the first thought was that they would probably have to turn around, because it just didn't feel safe.

We decided, though, to check for what part of the journey felt this highly "unsafe" or "fragile" (their words and concerns)… and we found that once they were safe within the Northwestern Passages, they were okay, and if they slowed down for today, they would feel comfortable.

So they decided to continue on, with caution, for the next day or so, and see how they might feel then.

Landlover, on the east coast, who is planning to come to meet them, now isn't sure when he should begin his journey to meet them, since it's not 100% certain that they'll even show up, and he doesn't care to risk his young companion to make a difficult passage through the waters that are foreign to everyone…
So he and his young firend are going to hold off beginning their journey. He pulls back out of the Hudson Strait…

08/17/2019      Whales      Bottlenose Whales
A little mis-adventure along the way
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

I checked with Sunneshine this morning, and everything was well on track. They were planning to go south from the eastern side of Steffanson Island. They had originally thought they might go through the passage between Steffanson Island and Victoria Island, but had missed it, and then just continued around the northern coast around the island.

They were going to go south just a little ways, until the space between Victoria Island and Prince of Wales Island was a little bit narrower, and then cross over.

They're apprehensive about going across bigger regions of water, without a coast nearby. (Unlike baleen whales, they need some form of land, or bottom that they can fathom, so they can echolocate to a surface they're comfortable near).

This afternoon when I checked with them, they asked me to check the map with them, as they might want a bit of direction…  I found that they had missed the point to make the crossing at the narrowest place, and were continuing south.

Then, the dilemma… to continue on going south, get to the narrower spaces near the southern end, then cross over there, or turn around and come back up, trying for the original crossing point again. They weren't sure, so we traed out both routes for them.

Ray decided he would take the chance and go back, and find the original crossing place… and they asked me to hold a space for them in crossing. That was very interesting… I did, and Ray stayed completely on course, without any help from me… although he seemd to really appreciate the feedback that he was holding a steady course.

From what I can tell from our interactions, I think there must be ice there, and they're trying to write "a lot". In my opinion, they are SO brave to be taking this adventure at all.

Ray (and Photo, and others maybe who are following their journey with some curiosity) is actually intending to begin thinking about making a journey back, then coming again, another time, and visiting.

He's wondering if it's likely, unless I can manage to show him the way, just like now… "In Joy's expertise, we figured out how long it will be to go each segment, and with her knowing of where to begin and end every time, it's safer."

(I didn't realize that… I just now realized that they know where to end for each day, because we can feel where it's comfortable for them… and it seems that they do stop there and rest for a while, but then carry on again, even at night.)

"It also bypasses al the other explring ways we usually seek."

I ask him about the "huffing" and ""racing" situation, so he adds, "... and Sunneshine is a big athlete, so others change and race".

08/18/2019      Whales      Bottlenose Whales
"Can we afford to meet?" and "Photo leads us astray"
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

This country they're travelling through is so very remote now, that I can' even give you names of places that they're passing… the names of the islands, maybe..

It's mid-afternoon here, and I've been following along with Sunneshine, Ray and Photo all morning.

Today is the day when Sunneshine and her 2 friends, coming from the west coast, and Landlover and another young whale, coming from the east coast, were going to meeting up.

Landlover and his companion were coming to greet Sunneshine, and make sure she gets to where she's going.

Sunneshine is excited!
She and her friends started out on the east side of Somerset Island, which is across from Baffin Island.

They are uncomfortable going across big gaps of water, and they need to get over the Baffin Island side, so they planned to follow more or less along the coastline, south, until they could easily get across in a much narrower part, farther down.

I could feel a lot of hesitation, though, on everyone's parts. Oh dear…

Sunneshine is THIS close to making it home, but is it really going to come together this time?

Landlover and his young companion have also been "puffing" … that is, racing, and "puffing hard constantly" he indicates, to make it to the meeting place in time. Because of hesitation in Sunneshine and her group earlier in the week, we weren't positive that they weren't going to turn around  

At this point, they are planning to meet at the head (west end) of the waterway between Baffin Island and the mainland, still Northwest Passages, but the waterways that would lead to the Hudson Bay.

"Can we afford to meet?" is the question.

Landlover is being a really good sport here. To me, he feels upbeat, well-adjusted, ready to meet Sunneshine. He's not quite sure about the two guys that are with her. He's brought along "a young lady, too small to be mating, but just the sze to see the young guys are flattered to welcome."

The young lady is 3 years old, I see, but she would like for you understand that she's closer to 4. (That's her coming through… just to make sure you know.)

There's a lot more history here to this adventure, and who the meeting might happen.

Initially, Landlover was going to be showing up with a different whale, also a lady… they seem to like to travel in pairs like that. However, Sunneshine wasn't so sure about that, because "I needed to know that I might have a male to look after me, and if there is a lady with Landlover, whom I know and respect and whom I would be extremely grateful to pair with, then I may not decide to go all the way."

So Landlover then decided to bring along a nice male who was also "available"…

But it turned out, that when that was the idea, that Ray and Photo were VERY hesitant about going…  so the consensus in the end was a very young lady, and everyone would be fine… with the promise that Sunneshine would know there are eligible males for her.

Please understand that Ray and Photo are, to the best of my understanding, a different species. They are Pacific Bottlenose Whales, also known as Baird's Whales. Slightly different size, very different coloring and markings, and possibly a very unlikely situation for befriending Northern Bottlenose Whales, such as Sunneshine and Landlover.

Except, it seems, that Sunneshine had indeed "learned" she indicates.
She's been "hanging out in my space" now for a few years, meaning she's aware of many new things, people, ideas, and has learned diplomacy. She also loves to "move (like dancing) and be different, a lot more comfortable than many others are." (She means different than other whales).
… but to them, she's adorable. It means she "can make friends like nobody else."

There's also an awareness of "friends, and just because someone looks a lot more different, doesn't mean you can't learn to know them".

That's about "befriending people from other countries, because they're more ALIKE than all that different, and young people in a handicap might be friendly too when you can learn to overlook their different behavior"
(She's learned well, don't you think?)

So, Sunneshine is excited. Landlover is fine… except that Photo and Ray are very worried.

Generally, if you meet a strange male whale, a different species, you're not going to be friends, and there might be an altercation, even if everyone means well this time.

… meaning that they all understand the idea, but they have no idea how things will actually go when their instincts kick in … and they do NOT want to end up fighting.

So we figure out another idea…

What if LandLover splashes around a lot, dives deep, and leaves a lot of his "male" (marking the territory") energy around, somewhere near the intended meeting place, and then he and his young friend backtrack, and get out of the area, so that Sunneshine, Ray and Photo can come into that area, and begin to see what LandLover is actually all about… They'll be able to "read" his energy, and find that he is very caring.

That was fine… but Ray and Photo also want LandLover to feel THEIR energy, so that he can feel their "stress", and in that space, if they feel him relax, then they will determine how to go next… but it feels more comfortable.

That was a good plan… like a bit of a dance… LandLover leaving his energy, then backtracking… Ray and Photo finding it, adjusting, moving forward, then they would backtrack, and LandLover would come their way a bit, to experience their waves… and a few sequences of that, and they would be sure to understand one another.

Except, in the end, it didn't work that way. LandLover splashed around a very long time, and soon Sunneshine was there with him, and was overjoyed…

… and even Photo was close and thinks LandLover might stay and learn him there…

… and LandLover is showing me laughter, and how he thinks Photo is "cute"…

… so Photo gets that, and immediately slips into a really "cute me" mode, and can relax.

There are many other exchanges happening here, but it takes a "lady" to "interpret" for the males, so that they can converse.

We thought of LandLover and Ray "sharing a drink" or something of that nature (in human terms), and LandLover likes the idea… they could bond nicely that way, but Ray is just a bit young to get drunk… "but we're just playing with a thought" they show.
(They know all about drinking from the Irish songs that are on my Newfie and Irish music playlists. "We know of no way to experience what it's all about, but we are aware of how it looks, to greet another, with a glass of beer.)

… and Photo is much too much of a "youngster" for that… and he's a little bit homesick. It seems that Ray will be fine, because he and Sunneshine will remain together for a while, until everyone is comfortable, but Photo will be the odd-man-out, not always along with Sunneshine and Ray, and he needs someone…
… and really, he looks forward to having "another mama".

Ray and Photo plan to stay around for a year, until next summer, so they can experience another place, learn what it means to live in the Alantic, then go home. Photo has come along so that Ray would be able to go back home..

So we reach out and find another Bottlenose whale, a mama, who is a lot older than Photo, who is ready to "adopt" him for the time he is here… and at that, Photo is more comfortable and content.

It feels to me like Photo is, well, not homesick, but lonely for the whales he cares about. At the same time, he's excited about reaching Newfoundland, as that's been his focus the entire way across, and he adds, "being an adventurer". He also indicates that he's proud that he now has "bragging rights."

Ultimately, there is gratitude, and gracious expression of thanks, to everyone.

LandLover is grateful to Ray for having taken care of Sunneshine, despite that "she is someone else's genes", or "a different variety of whale", he says. And VERY grateful that they've taken the journey to bring her home, so far away from anything they know as remotely comfortable.  (Oh, they've been aware of how COLD everything is on this journey, but "puffing" [racing] has helped to keep them somewhat comfortable, "but only somewhat" they express.

Sunneshine, needless to say, is very, very grateful to both Ray and Photo, "for taking this LONG and very challenging journey" on her behalf…

Photos is excited… and Ray is "blessed to learn to like even another species", he says.

So it's now around 4 pm here, 6 pm or so wwhere they are, and it seems that they are going to learn to find their way together, to go "home". They're still hanging out where they met, though.

As I check back with them again, Photo is looking forward to meeting his new adoptive mom. I guess he could use a little bit of TLC. It's been quite a BIT journey, needless to say… and they're nowhere near "home" yet.

************** Write these notes out correctly ***************
Around 5:30 pm, I was at the Dungeness Spit… Swimming (wetsuit)

Sunneshine… questioning now, how it's going to be…

… a few conflicts. "LandLover is nice and very congenial, and also, he asks that I just allow".

Sunneshine has gotten used to being very independent… She has a brain, she says, and uses it, and thinks, and likes to decide. … yet LandLover doesn't understand that idea at all, as he hasn't been around any other whales like Sunneshine. (I'd have to venture to say that she's pretty unique at this point!

So she's wondering, if she goes along with him, and they all do, to the east coast, whether she'll be allowed to be her own self…

(We went through a few ideas… if she doesn't, she's not likely to thrive as much… she needs to be among her own species, and very few of those are around on the west coast… in order to breed, she'll need to be with someone that's possible with… and it seems that Ray became her friend, to provide that part too, but didn't know that they wouldn't be likely to mate easily … they are still only just friends at this point…
Also, I checked a little ways down the timeline, and it feels like she'll have another female friend in a while, and will be happier there with time… )

Photo… had some rather ADD-like behavior, apparently, and LandLover was at a loss of how to deal with it! He was very lenient, but desperately needed for Photo to stop asking him how soon they were going to be there…

I connected, and Photo decided to listen, and decided to quiet down… but naturally, after such a big event as meeting another Bottlenose whale that's part of Sunneshine's gene pool, he would be excited, and for him, then agitated beyond belief, as he "doesn't want to care about someone else" (he's coming through with different words than I expected!)  He's liking LandLover though, and hadn't thought he would…

We went over a few quick "parenting" ideas so that LandLover might catch on easily as to how to help Photo to calm down again…

Evening… 8:30 pm here, and Sunneshine has been asking for my attention.
I looked at the map with her, and she shows me that they were first stopping a while in the area they met, and now they've gone back up NORTH around the west side of Baffin Island, and a little east from there, turned around, coming back down…  but it's because Photo says "here's the way".

Oh dear! This has happened before, on the west coast… whenever it was Photo's turn to lead, he often took them very incorrectly, and so Sunneshine and Ray learned to do the guiding…
… but LandLover didn't catch on and thought Photo would guide them likely the right way…!!!
LandLover is laughing heartily here!

So we showed Photo (again) the correct way on the map, through the narrow channel through to the Hudson Bay area (or the Northwestern Passages that lead down into Hudson Bay)… and now they'll "NOT allow Photo to kinow the way" (to guide).

08/19/2019      Whales      Bottlenose Whales
"What do I need to understand?"
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Today, they are managing to stay together. "Everyone is doing fine with each other," they say.

Just the same, it's not exactly smooth traveling…

Here's sort of the way it's been going:

They're back on track, and sort of making progress, but it's SLOW.
Photo is not cooperating.

LandLover indicates a sense of bewilderment…
"What do I need to understand?" he asks.
All the parenting ideas we looked at yesterday, for Photo, haven't been working.

So I connected with Photo…

He's not able to tell me what he needs, just that he's "not sure".

I ask if he's getting along with LandLover… and "yes, he's very soft" (nice), he shows me.

So, Photo is NOT a young child, but when a baby is fussing, the first two questions usually are, "Is he hungr?", and "Is he comfortable?" … and often, also, "Is he tired?"

Those questions worked.

"Did you have food?" I asked him… and he indicates that he needs some. They HAVE found food along the way, but LandLover is the one leading at the moment, and he's finding food for the Northern Bottlenose whales… but Photo and Ray are not exactly the same species… and it seems that Photo has a need for a slightly different form of food.

I check with Ray (also one of the Baird's whales) whether he's doing okay on food, and he also then realizes that he needs something a lot more substantial for their form of food, and that he didn't get that either.

LandLover is laughing again… like "Oh dear, it didn't even occur to me that they needed another form of nutrition"…

So they make a few detours, and then Photo is coming along better again, literally, following, cooperating…

A little while later, though, Photo is AGAIN being a bit stubborn, and not following along well.

LandLover is again completely bewildered, because this time, he's sure it's not about food.

LandLover is on the east coast, and very few of the whales there have thought of "sleep" yet, at least the "deep" version that has become quite a habit, as well as a topic of conversation among many of those I know, and some I don't know, on the west coast.

"Sleep comes when you KNOW", they indicate, meaning that
"the sun will shine, no matter whether or not you decide to watch all the time" … and "no sleep, no recall" "You see, Joy often says, "Is this the first time for you?" i.e.,to "understand that the sun came up and won't be gone forever") … and eah one says "Oh, I remember… you showed me this another time already, but I couldn't see it, so I went on in the old way, and didn't use the information".
… meaning,
"when you sleep, you edit the ideas from the day, and store many in memory, and then you remember… and when you are aware that the sun will shine, day after day, then you can relax, and won't spend all night "searching".  "Where did it go?" So you can sleep, because nobody needs you to search, because the sun will come up regardless."
That's a few of my west-coast friends contributing here, including Sunneshine, or maybe, ESPECIALLY Sunneshine!
Yes, she's nodding.

So Photo has gotten used to sleeping, or being in a much deeper relaxation place for a while each late-evening time, and then he's ready to go… and as you can imagine, has more energy, and once wakened all the way, is more upbeat. (As people, especially children, we do get cranky when we're sleepy, don't we?)

… and Photo has been "pushing"… all the way through, to get to the other side of the continent, and now he needs to rest.

LandLover, once understanding the idea, is very gracious, and Photo will find a place to rest in another hour or two, when we find a place on the map/coastline where he will be able to relax…

Ah, sleep, blessed sleep!

08/22/2019      Whales      Bottlenose Whales
"I know the way!", says Photo
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

So today, having had food, and rest, Photo is in much better spirits again. Finally.

Just the same, he wants to go one way, and the others want to go a different way.

They delay, and hang out, until I can connect with them.

"Where are you going?" I ask Photo…

… and completely correctly, he answers "Newfoundland, of course"… and then he figures he'll show me that he knows the way, according to the map.

Once Sunneshine and Ray and LandLover see this, however, they all start to grin again!
Photo was indeed headed to Newfoundland, but he was sure he knew the way… all the way up the coast of Greenland, around the northern tip, then back down, and from there, on to Newfoundland!!!

It's Ray, this time, laughing and laughing.
"Trust him to show us the long route" he chuckles.

They're actually really close to Newfoundland already, as they're within the range of Labrador, which is part of the Canadian province of "Newfoundland and Labrador".

From here on, the journey is a lot less uneventful, and they seem to get a "together-space" again.

We reassure Photo that he may indeed go and be a "tourist", and explore around the coastline of Greenland while he's visiting on the east coast… but that today, they need to head south instead, for all those who are waiting for LandLover to guide them. That is, those who rely on LandLover's presence, who love his knowledge and help. They've been missing him while he went on the "short run" to find Sunneshine, Ray and Photo. Now he needs to get back to them again.

08/22/2019      Whales      Bottlenose Whales
"Home is nice," says Sunneshine
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

LandLover is no longer with the others… they're fine now.

Sunneshine is feeling very secure. "Home is nice," she indicates.

Photo isn't with Ray and Sunneshine, but farther away, and now it's okay, because he's "known" to several others nearby, and they're given him directions on where he might get to.

They're all on their way to Newfoundland, still, but will be coming in from the south-west… they've followed the mainland coast, along the Nova Scotia coastline. They're still headed to the French Islands of St. Pierre and Miquelon first, and then they'll head around to the Avalon Peninsula, because they'll find a little bit of my "space" there, from my growing-up years in Newfoundland, and maybe a bit from my recent trip there (last October, for a short visit).

I think I've lost a very good friend… Sunneshine had nobody on the west coast, and spent a lot of time connecting with me. Now, though, she's feeling much more "grounded", and seems to have made a few friends, and it feels like she'll be leaving me. She still connects, occasionally, but not as often, and much more fleeting. I will miss her… but she'll still be around, I know.

I'm really glad she's safely back at "home".

09/15/2019      Dolphins     
Post-Hurricane Dorian
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

This morning being Sunday, I had a bit more time to check with some of my dolphin friends…

Last weekend and the week before that, Hurricane Dorian had been going up the east coast. It was in the Virginia Beach area Friday, over a week ago. Last weekend, I was busy checking with my "friends" in the Nova Scotia (Canada) area, as the storm was still active in their area.

Today, I was given that there may still be a "lost" dolphin or more, in the Virginia Beach area and surrounding vicinity.

It was in 2016 when the dolphins in the area, and I, first connected, about hurricanes, when Hurricane Hermione came through, followed by the much more impactful hurricane, Matthew, in October.

That was "the beginning of the hurricane idea", they smile, as they connect here.
"We want to change", they indicated then (they're saying now), and over the years, "some of us have been 'ready'."
That's my groups 1 especially, but some of the 3's are getting it today.
My group 2 is already headed south, and wouldn't be impacted here, this year. My group 4 was around during hurricane Dorian, but fared fine, because they "went inland, knowing to be prepared", my group 1 indicates on behalf of group 4…

I did check with my group 4 dolphins, and they managed much better to stay out of the direct path of any lightening strikes, because they understand how the clouds rumble. (In 2016, our first hurricane year together, we went over thunder and lightening, what causes it, and they learned to know which way to go based on the amount of time between the lightening and the thunder. Somehow, the group 4 dolphins seemed to end up closer to lightening strikes than other groups.) In other words, they've actually been doing well this time, and in the last few years as well.
For many of them, it's become "automatic".
"We practiced", they tell you all, "but not just because Joy showed us that, but it's the intuitive way"
In other words, they didn't need any help this year! Hooray!

So today, post Hurricane Dorian, I helped a few of the dolphin groups in the area to reach around and "feel" if there were any "mis-placed babies" there. More, I was aware there was one, and helped to connect it with the group.
It was a group 3 dolphin, and they weren't around during the 2016 hurricanes when I was in Virginia Beach, so they didn't learn the "dolphin hurricane lessons" that year.

This year, they're choosing to be a part of this. Mari-o, a group 3 dolphin, and I have had an ongoing connection for a few years now… (he's the male dolphin who asked me to marry him.)

So the first step AFTER the hurricane has ended (passed, and the water is gentler again), is to find any dophins that are isolated, or rather, missing.

The previous way through hurricanes, left the dolphins very uncomfortable, and according to them, "not aware of how to be okay…" thinking it too difficult to try to breathe well, (too frantic, and frightened)… and also, the group stays together by sound, and in the storm, it's much easier to lose someone…

Also, in the past, any dolphins that got separated from their group would have had a slim chance of survival, not knowing how to continue alone, at all.



(I don't have time to finish this, and didn't ever finish my 2016 entries…)
1) floating… like the dead-man's float… and NOT STRUGGLING… then it's even FUN for the very little ones (like an amusement park ride, if the're not afraid)
2) a "tail-fix" (gene mutation, initially, that now they just "do", and don't need to undersand anything other than to relax, and not hyperventilate)… which means that they're not pumping the oxygen through the body ongoing, so the tail is more relaxed, and allows them to "float"
3) "family groups" … making sure that each dolphin is part of a smaller group
… reaching out, and being "Aware", so that if one of their small group is not nearby, that they remember to "check"
4) a GPS-like system, whereby they can "indicate just where each one is, as if they are being the map";  Using this GPS-like system, they can accurately rescue any who have gotten lost.

Finding a few today who were still there.

The group 3 missing child, was presumed "gone" but was holding on, just all alone, and a very long way off.
Once they understood the child was alone, they went through the process:
Connect… Find someone in the group who has a connection with him or her (in this case a young "him"). Make a "thread" to hold onto. Tell the young one, by "reaching" and connecting, to "wiat", and to "keep the connection".
Then, a rescue group can go and find him, and bring him back.

One group showed me "ding-a-ling-a-ling"… they were aware of a lost dolphin that wasn't theirs, so they "phoned" (connected with) the group that the lost dolphin belonged to, and "bragged" that they "know how to rescue, and would you like to learn?"
… and energetically gave the other group the "training" within 15 seconds… sort of like "broadcasting" the entire hurricane protocol.

We found a few dolphins also for other groups… and so "some of them were convinced to join the protocol" is how they're putting it.
Many female dolphins connected today, to learn how to play their roles… like the "practice" part (see below).

I can feel their energy today, and some of the confusion caused by the hurricane is now rearranging again.
So MORE dolphins are considering doing the protocol, as long as I remember to reach out and check with them, to see if they are practicing.
(This is THEM adding that here as I'm writing, so they're trying to help me to make sure I do my part. The more I connect, the better they can be.)

I'll do my best.

5) Practice… like fire drills…
The male in charge, though, tends to disregard this. "It's nice today, so I don't have to take charge"
… but there's usually a female leader now as well, who understands the reason why a "fire drill" go-over is important… so that in the event of the "real thing", it's automatic, as they've been through it several times already.

… and in there, it's just NOT okay for the females to be in control or issue orders, so she surreptitiously sees what to do and issues the orders, but hides, so the Protector dolphin (or other who is designated the hurricane leader) is the one who is prentending to be the one saying how to do it…
(I learned this back in 2016 with my dolphin group 2 and also 4. It seems like that still holds true today.)

We did a few practices like that today, through a few different groups, and they're beginning to smile, so they'll understand.
… and "the female lady who is the one who understands, can teach others, so in the event that one is gone, there could be that other. (We worked with that today… and also for another: So if the hurricane leader has an emergency situation come up, then another male can function [in that role]"
(This is a group 6 dolphin contributing here. It's what we worked with today.)

We reunited about 3 more dolphins today, who would have been lost, and probably eventually have died, isolated from their pods. (That's what I'm given often happens, although if the lost dolphin is a younger female, she may well be adopted by the group. An older dolphin is less eagerly accepted, and a male is often rejected, unless it's a really young one, and not a threat.)
One of them was a 16-year old female, who normally would have thought she was "out of luck" and left to die… but her group willingly came to rescue her, once they understood.

It's the ability of the lost ones to find more time "resting" (floating at the top of the water) that allows them to stay alive these days.
There started being more of that during the last year I was in Virginia Beach… beginning with Peace Bringer's questions about my "floating", and the connections with the dolphin groups around the hurricanes, to find a way to do better in hurricanes… (Peace Bringer had said "It would have saved lives")… (One of my neighbors "observed" out loud that he was noticing a new thing… more "floating dolphins" [without any comment from me].

Oh dear, I've written this in a hurry, and it seems a lot disjointed, and I know there's more pieces they would like for me to have written… for example, more of the details of reaching out and reuniting the lost dolphins… and how that was for very different groups in the area…
(I do my best to jot down the "big strokes" on the days when they happen… I'd love more time to write each entry precisely, when it actually happens!)

Oh… more often tha not, as I ask the males, e.g., the designated hurricane leader, "Are you going to remember this?"… and as they reach out to check, they understand that they "don't have memory like that"… but somehow, the ladies remember better, more, and can fill in the gaps.
They (some of the females) a're aware of things that males aren't aware of, it seems, although the "males are sure they are the correct leaders."
… but as males are learning the idea of deeper brainwaves (on both sides of the brain at the same time), i.e., better or different sleep habits, they learn that they DO know things, that they can remember that they've learned this before… and they're floored, as to why they don't remember…  It's a puzzle…
(but memory and sleep are very much connected…)

09/29/2019      Whales      Orcas / Killer Whales
Gulf Island resident killer whales begin to connect
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

My quick notes…

Yesterday, day-trip over to Victoria, to meet with my sister.

The day before, already, a few of the killer whale pods, the resident pods over in the Gulf Islands of British Columbia, had been connecting with me, suggesting that they could use a bit of friendly suggestion… That would be the J pod and K pod…

So yesterday, on my ferry ride across, and back, and much of today, we connected.

They are VERY intelligent… but had asked to be left alone so far, as they don't like others to see their plight…

This time, though, one of them was "willing to hear, and become involved."

They're learning the same things that the others have been working through, and it seems to come in the same way…

The first and biggest factor, for these pods, though, seems to be the genes…

It seems that J Pod, K Pod and L-Pod have similar inheritance, and they don't get along with each other well… at least that's what they indicate to me. They don't hang out together much, or freely admit that they're similar…
Actually, they seem to have a lot of animosity towards each other.

… but as far as genes go, they like to "call out their own freedom, so breed within their family pods", is how this young one is putting it.
The gene pool is limited, and so there are "a few genetic concerns, which we weren't sure what to do with, but didn't get the understanding".

They indicate that they have no idea HOW they could have ended up "so far behind, as far as capturing the information".

They give the same "body language" that many of the others do, on getting information and beginning to start to piece things together. It comes through as a stimulation of the head and brain… You know, how we do "Duh!!!", slapping a palm to our forehead.. It's the same idea as that. They show me tapping on the head, or rubbing their heads…

I think many people these days understand that when the gene pool broadens, we introduce variety, and with variety comes much more steadiness…
Within a small gene pool, the same genes get expressed, and if some of those have a faulty pattern, then there's a greater chance of conditions developing as a result…

That's one piece…
… and they express a joy in possibly attracting a new young lady to their pod, so that they might breed…
… but they have to reach out "wide" to find a pod with variety, with more stability in those areas that have had problems.
It would have to be a lady, as that way nobody must leave.
i.e., a male wouldn't easily join a pod… but a female could travel between groups.

One of J-Pod whales is interested in the bottle of Aleve I have for contingency… This one (male, and not the first one in the pod), seems to have a constant problem with headaches.

… but it's inherited, because it comes from one of his parents, and someone before that… and now he's much more interested in finding the combination of genes that is off, and maybe updating that.
(Whales seem to be able to adapt their genes, once they're aware of a situation, at least whe it's a young one. The older ones are much less adaptible.)

(Back in the fall of 2017, I'd had some real interactions with one of the K pod very young males, but had been asked to NEVER write about that incident… but now I have permission. It was an exciting day for me at the time… and I'll share sometime… At that time, they wanted "privacy", and no big interactions. That day, I saw a young one, who "followed me" and came in to the shore as I was leaving…)

The other really big situation for these whales has been the fear… I would have put it as anxiety, but they describe it as bigger than that.

Now, today, they've "got" the concepts we worked with yesterday a bit… today helped them to integrate it more…
Just like all the others, they're concerned that their "behavior must change to keep the sun in the sky".

But now, there are so many whales and dolphins who "get it" and can show these whales how to relax…
… how to know by where the sun is during the day, how much daytime is left…
… and how to connect with OUR (people's) information channels (WIFI signals, satellites, TV broadcasts, radio waves, and more), to find information.

"This 'Hey Google, what are clouds?'  or 'What is a solar system, wikipedia please' is a new idea, and it's full of facts" say a few of the whales who have been with me for a long time already, "but it's information that is just there, so we like to check"…

(more like, they like for me to show them day by day on my phone's weather forecast program, the times of sunrise and sunset, and how it generall shifts by a minte or two on each end … that's for the new ones who are joining, and the others are finding their own situations.)

My very-present whale friends, yesterday, showed these J-Pod killer whales who were connecting, one lady more or less, how to not be so stressed, how to understand that "people are big and caring, so they don't kill the whales" (at least not here in North America, almost universally)… "and how a ship would re-route or stop if it thought a whale was in the way and endangered…"
"… and how to understand that a ship is a boat that may take people, or things, somewhere, often on a big schedule"  … this is my steady whale-friends who are sharing this information.

But what you'd like to know, is that as soon as I go to the wikipedia page that defines Ships, and gives information, these J-pod whales "got it", and let go of their stress.

They're still very concerned about the noise, and how it causes them more worry yet, like they can't find things they like (food, fish, and each other [often, someone is saying])…
… and at the same time, they know now that it's happening, and not going to go away, so with our conversations, they're sure they're going to find ways to adapt, so "we'll change".

Just like I went to a wikipedia page about the solar system, and they quickly define earth as the large of the small planets, and see how it is… and with the word "revolutions" (i.e., that the earth does 366 revolutions in it's trip around the sun), they see another piece, and can shift as well…

They were laughing at how just because people know this information, they (we, the people) expect that ALL of the animals just get it as well.

Another piece, unfortunately, though, is memory, because "we need to see it again and again, and each day be reminded of the new piece, lest we forget altogether, because, yes, most do." They continue, indicating that "We lose the information and can't retain the bit about the 'sun MUST rise again'. "

They eventually do get it, after some tries, and it's usually the females who remember the most, and that seems to be consisten across all the species. Deeper sleep seems to be part of the "remembering" picture.
Naturally: It's when we're in some of our deeper sleep cycles that we process information from the day and store it away in memories …

These killer whales, however, were the first to make a reference to understanding that we use "tools" to further enhance our environment. They showed me that in a few of the phrases, where they referred to something like a "bowl" like a "tool", understanding.

It's a slow process, to help them understand enough of the key pieces for our world to make sense, but these killer whales actually showed me the symbol of "gratitude" for the time I spent with them, which they understood was valuable. They indicated gratitude by showing me (pantomiming) bowed head and hands crossed over the heart area. That made my day too!

There is always so much more, but no time to capture everything…
Just that each connection is unique, their understandings are so very unique, each group, and each whale, finds its own way of interpreting, even though it's some of the same pieces over and over again.

I am SO grateful to all those who already are present and willing to share with the newcomers, by example. Sunneshine (a bottlenose whale) is a key one of those as well, and indicates she will always be that.

Another part of what the killer whales played with today was the idea of play… as "a whole new way, so to ALLOW the young children to be their usual selves and not go the other way, of expecting them to model how the big whales show off." That's their concept… they believed, up until now, that the child should always copy the adult.

They expressed "surprise at how youth are now, and how soft it seems, to give each one their praise, not just reprimands." They're smiling now, and changing somewhat.

Again, much of this interaction is with just one of their pod, who continues to try to shift the expressions of a few, who are paying attention (but just one who is adapting at the moment, but apparently more will, in time). There are several who will "learn to check the signals, to continue to catch up", is what they say, however, and they mean that they'll be using our internet and other information sources and signals to continue to check for new things, and gain an update for us, so "we will try to shift to the new idea."

It's a whole new world, and they'll do their best to adapt.

This is just one pod of this type of whale (resident killer whales), however… but it's a place to begin.

09/30/2019      Dolphins     
Time for hurricane drills
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

We have no idea if there will be another hurricane that comes up the east coast this year, but today, I ask some of my Virginia Beach dolphins if they've been practicing and doing their hurricane drills.

Needless to say, that's not my group 4 dolphins, because they already knew how to do it well… but some of the other groups.

Initially, they ignored the suggestion. "It's nice. The weather is fine. We don't care." …
Ah yes… "There's no need," they shout.

However, those who "get it" let them know that IF there should be another hurricane, they'll be "very happy they learned."

Now it's my group 3 dolphins, who learned some of the techniques this year, who are helping more become prepared. They "know", so they want to be okay, but the more of them who care, the old way will gradually change. That’s what they show me. (They're the ones who are putting the words down, right now.)

"So it's like inventing a change," and a few of them begin to "broadcast": "But we need change", so more other groups "think it."
We pass on the information".

As we played with this, I could feel it happening, sort of like a game of play telephone. It was like one (male) would mime picking up a telephone handset and "phoning" a different pod somewhere nearby… , and another (female) dolphin in that group would get the concept… They were spreading the message, in a way that we could envision as a phone connection. Obviously, they don’t have physical telephones like we do, but they indicate it's the same idea. They connected.

They say they aren't used to producing the signals to exchange information, but "we want to", "now" they show.

"When Joy is the center, then others connect", they show, so I guess that I kind of become the broadcasting center, reaching out to others nearby.

They showed so much cooperation after Hurricane Dorian, some groups helping others to be returned to their own pods, that it makes sense for us all to use the central connection".

So for each group that connected, there was "explaining"… of "how the old and the very young may get lost, but that if we train, then we can rescue each one alone after it's over."

And the "fire drill images that Joy shows us are excellent".
"If we will learn it when it's nice, then when it's suddenly frantic, we may choose to go the quiet route".

You see, I have memories of fire drills in school, where we we knew it was a practice fire drill, and everyone would quietly stand up, and file outdoors in a very orderly fashion… and then whether or not it was a known drill, we knew exactly what to do when the fire alarm sounded.

So I continually show this "image", and they learn "order". Not "response and "fear".

So what would a hurricane drill consist of?

The same basic concepts, over and over again…

1. Don't panic. It's a storm, and people already know that it's happening, and WHERE it is most likely to be, and how frantic the nearby water will end up being, because the earth is round, and seasons change, so no big one being can be angry. Nature will release its excess energy and then it will die out.

2a. Learn to allow. Don't panic.But the young may have fun, and stay in the waves, not trying to keep going up for air. (Some of the young ones end up having FUN in the waves, once they realize they can just "float", and it's somewhat like a big roller coaster, "so the waves change, and we float."

2b. "Learn to float. It's very different, we see. We should not expect it to be simple."
When I'm in the ocean, they ask me over and over again to show them how to float, and at home, I spend time filling balloons with air, and showing them how "air" in something helps it float, and when they "Breathe", they take in air, "or something like that it's not seeing" they say. (They have difficulty imagining this, because air is essentially "invisible").
They traditionally keep pumping the oxygen through their bodies, continuously moving, or trying to stay deep, and the idea of relaxing and allowing the air to remain "in a cavity" (their lungs) "is a little awkward for us to dream about", they say. However, they do understand pretending to "play dead", and that helps them to envision what they're doing.

Initially, this took a lot of thought and doing… I'm not sure I wrote about that, even rough notes… it was initially with Peace Bringer… He tried breathing more often to keep near the surface, and ended up with something we were aware would cause longer-term health issues, by keeping more carbon dioxide in the lungs…
So they came up with a "tail fix" thing… a gene, which we adapted, and I spent many hours before Hurricane Matthew back in 2016 doing the "tail fix" for many of them… the ones who most needed the extra help, especially an older one or more… (they would "pause" for so long, then the tail would begin pumping, and it was a reflex, but that caused them to go deeper… and so just updated some genes that time, and some of the younger ones were able to do it more automatically, so they began floating…
… and a few of the regulars I would see at the beach at the time, were commenting to me on how they had noticed more dolphins "floating in the waves" than they'd seen before… not something they usually do there.
3. Groups… Divide into "aware groups the are tiny, like 4 or 3 dolphins, who will see if all are there…"
So the whole group can't be aware of each of the dolphins, but with the smaller groups, they're connecting, and will notice if one of them is missing, and they can "report to the provider dolphin, who will mange everything then."

I'm pretty sure that the groups they divide into are family, first and foremost, although they may not be sure why they're grouped with the others. (They're not aware that they have to hang out together by "birth"… they forget their actual relationships, but apparently, they know who "connects".)
4. IF you get separated and there's a storm, WAIT. Relax, and float…
"Panic means you'll get unhappy, and won't make it. ". One of them is putting this through very STRONGLY.
(It seems that previously, if separated, you just wouldn't make it… )
5. Organize those who will "Search and Rescue". Strong males, with maybe female guidanc along.
"When things calm down, we'll rescue."

That will use the "GPS" idea they've already learned and practiced.

(My note: Add the "GPS step, and renumber the others!)
"It's a routine, and already, more are seeing it, with the words writte,", one of my dolphins adds here.

So apparently, whenever I write something in my journal, the energy becomes more available to more of them.

In any case, today, as we were connecting, I could also feel them indicating that they would help with the search and rescue, any time, should it become complicated… I thought they were doing spectacularly.

They, however, say that I need to REMIND them, EVERY DAY, to divide into groups, and figure out how to know where they are… (ah… they're reminding me that I really need to add that GPS step!)
… but they DID ask me to remind them, and I'm sometimes a little delinquent in that, because life if busy, and I can't always focus in all the different directions I need to.

10/28/2019      Whales      Gray Whales
Gray whales without that digestive issue
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Yesterday, Sunday, I took a day-trip to the open ocean … out to La Push.

I also had a new set of gray whales connect with me … at least two, although there were probably more together, given that one of them was exceptionally young, and there was probably a mama-whale as part of the group too, I'm assuming.

Usually, when I'm on my way to the ocean, I broadcast that I'm going, so that any whales or dolphins who are in the area who might like to connect, can begin heading the same way. As I understand it, once I actually "see" one of them, we end up having a much bigger connection, and "there are many who would love to be there", they are saying, as I'm writing here.

These gray whales were somewhere in the beginning part of the Strait (of Juan de Fuca) as I was driving to the beach, and thought they might make it to La Push and "connect" there.

Unfortunately, my time at the ocean is usually all too short, and although I extended my stay as long as I possibly could, they didn't make it before I had to leave again, so we didn't actually end up crossing paths.

Last night, though, I could feel the presence of these whales, especially one of the males, who had not been able to "find me" there at the beach. (I'm not there nearly often and long enough to leave "an energy trail" behind, so at this point, it's an all-or-nothing situation; either we connect there, or if not, they won't "find" my energy trail later.)

This male Gray whale indicates he's about 25 years old.

I'm also aware of a very, very young girl whale. She was SO young that she had very, very adoable, sweet "young" energy, which was coming through as a big smile, so wide that the cheeks and face are very "round" (like round, dimpled cheeks.)

As the older male whale connected with me, though, his message was "We are NOT going to be extinct" … and "we are a different group, and have other genes".

He was giving me that they didn't have "silt" or "digestion" problems.

However, my previous group of gray whales still came through disagreeing strongly, saying "We ARE going that route unless we get help".

I was delighted to find that not all of the gray whales are impacted by the same issues as the gray whales who first connected with me.

As I reached out for more information, It seems like maybe about 30% (??) of them have genes that are incorrect, causing this "protracted illness that needs this help" (the words my original gray whales are giving me), while others of the gray whales "Live" (meaning, they have a reasonable quality of life, i.e., to "Live while you're alive"!)

11/10/2019      Whales      Bottlenose Whales
Being Tourists
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

They are moving slowly every day now, being "tourists" ...

The males embraced this idea several days ago (Photo and Ray), but Sunneshine wasn't aware, and was frustrated by the "extreme" hard path (slow.............)

She understood as of this morning, though. They're happy to check the locale. "I will see it now that way as well," she says.

They're slowly heading south, about between Pilot Point and Port Heden.

Yesterday (Saturday, July 13th), they were  in around the Bay by Tokyo National Wildlife Refuge.

The day before that, they were only around Quinhagak …

11/17/2019      Whales      Bottlenose Whales
"A Plan"
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

This is about Sunneshine… and of course, with her, Ray, and Photo

Another note, about Photo… A new "concept"… using "self hugs"… It's helped Photo so much that a few times this past week I could feel him more like a thoroughly "upbeat" male… kind of like Ray comes through, and even more so, LandLover…  Ray could also appropriately be named "Sinatra", if that gives you an idea… suave, cool, adoring… like Frank Sinatra's music [ I don't know much about his actual personality, but based on his music, I would assume he was a happy guy and could be easy-going and nice to be around]
… I've been using Photo's self-hugs with my clients in healing sessions, using a pillow [pillow hugs], and it works great! In short, Photo has learned how to become aware of the things that seem to throw him off, or cause him to be less than focused, and in being aware of them, he can solve things… like "Do I need food? [as in, in our terms/words, "is my blood sugar low, and does my brain have enough thinking power?" … and "Am I tired? Did I sleep, or at least rest for a while?" … and also, as it turns out, a very important one for Photo, and one that a few others are learning to connect with as well, "Did I send a 'note' to my family and friends?" … just like we text, or email, or in the olden days, send letters, he can send a "message" intuitiutively, and the connections "warm the heart".  Without the connections, others are wondering, "Did I cross over?"… "But instead, I'm good. I'm happy. I'm well. I'm flourishing. I have LOTS of food over here, and I'm very busy adventuring down to the south this week" he says… or something to that effect, in lots of his messages, and he's adding "but I miss you". And I feel that his heart changes, so maybe his family and friends are actually getting bits of his intuitively sent messages.

As for Sunneshine…
Many mornings, Sunneshine shares a hug, and we connect…

This morning, I had received information that my brother's wife, who had recently had been affected by cancer in her life, having had an operation and then radiation, became aware that the cancer had spread nevertheless, and that she would be continuing with more chemotherapy treatments. She doesn't have a whole lot of strength to begin with, and it was so very sad to receive this news… with, of course, all the emotions that go along with the possibility of maybe losing someone who is very precious to me, and all of her family, her children included…
… and on hearing the voice message, I was crying,'

Sunneshine, hugging at the time, was trying to understand why I could cry at just the news of chemotherapy…
… but she became aware of the bigger connection, of possibly losing someone you love, but already being sad, long before it could ever happen, It was a puzzle to her, but in the end, "I learn that people are caring, but constantly changing their paths"…
… "So I asked why is it that bad?"
… "And Joy said it's not enough prayer there, so nobody knows how to change the energy pattern"

… And this is me writing again:
Sunneshine asked if they might hold a space with this, for me, to see if might raise the consciousness, so that my brother's wife could more easily do well with the chemotherapy, and change her path, and be strong, and get well, completely well.

How can I describe how huge the consciousness of these whales is?

It's like a lot of people praying, but much bigger than that.

I felt the space shift, and the sadness isn't there now… Just a feeling of more comfort, and an interesting awareness that they DID connect and shift some of the energy, or maybe a lot more than just some of the energy, and I feel positive now, and much more confident…


I've felt some of the whales hold a space before for other things, and the benefit to those in need, can be huge.  


What we really wanted to write about here, was Sunneshine's "Plan" this past week, or maybe it's been longer. I didn't keep track or when it started…

"We were in the north, by Nova Scotia, and we will go south. Then we will slowly change over to the drop-off, where the bottom gets craggy, and follow the drop-off back up the coast, but we will be slow, so that the stars (heavens) are sure of the way, and we will see it."

… and she, and Ray, and Photo, and another whale or two, did just that.

Every day, when I would check on the map where they were, they were very consistent… first going down along the caost to Virginia Beach, and on to part-way through North Carolina and the Outer Banks area.

They hung out there for a few days to "acclimate".

Then, slowly they've been coming back up the coast, but farther out to sea, along the "drop-off" (you'll see the underwater terrain if you go to Google Maps in Earth [or satellite?] view…)

Coming back has been REALLY slow, by any standards I associate with Sunneshine!

However, she's also VERY proud of herself. "I made a plan," she is saying, "but we know the way".

She means that NOW they know the way.
They're back up in the Nova Scotia area, but again, out along the drop-off, and other whales have joined them there, but "Now, we see the land," she says.
"Ordinarily, we know the route by where we have been, but it's the heavens we look at", they indicate, "but this time, we 'feel' the route,  by the drop-off, by the way the shape of the universe is".

They're aware of the "GPS" idea, like the relationship of where something is on the earth, by the MAP, not just by the heavens, and the routes they have travelled before.

"What this means is significant", she says, "as it is the way we choose to see".

She means that they can "choose to take this route, or look there for food ANY TIME at ALL , if they choose, and not wait for the heavens to guide them."

Given that "squid, and also more schools of fish seem to travel via the craggy land-mass area, it's a good choice."
I guess food is maybe plentiful that way, assuming they can dive that deep. I understand that as the water is colder, diving deeper is more challenging for them, and they agree.., "but if it's south, it's warmer, so we can choose to go."

It will give them much more control over their food supply, and that is part of the reason that Sunneshine is happy to have achieved this, as it's "using a very new idea, to change your environment, but to remember".

She's done something out of the ordinary, and in doing that, food is the type THEY choose, not so much what they randomly might catch other days, without this information."

"A plan" is not anything the others normally do," says Sunneshine. "We follow the rhythms. I find change easy, so I'm leading."

You should have felt her proud, almost "strutting with pride" energy the other day, as they began following the drop-off back up north.

It seems that some of the other whales back up in the Nova Scotia area were able to come to where Sunneshine is, and are iterested in learning "How she got it?" (how she got there, when they don't know what it is, "at this season").
… and she's learning how to show the to follow the new versions, such as "a map that shows the outline."

Wow… for me, this is amazing! I wish that others could follow how this is so, and how consistent their locations are every day, and how they communicate, and how I feel their personalities, even when I can't see them, but we just "know" (that's their word, "know").

11/17/2019      Whales      Orcas / Killer Whales
J Pod's and K Pod's dilemmas
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

At the same time (this is following my bottlenose whales notes), the resident killer whale pods are making small headway…
More to write… seems like there are a few gene mutations, 3 significant ones, and all of J Pod, K Pod and L Pod have them, and resulting from their inability to find enough food for themselves, and their "less energy" therefore, they didn't go as deep, where the fish are… and now, they need to find a way to change genes to "go deep."

We're working on that…
Royal in J Pod, which has the harder time, less energy, more mutations, than the other pods, but they're learning. (Royal for Royal Blue, a color they would love to be)

Kaye in K Pod (Kaye for k)  .. They've gone a lot farther north one time, and found more food there, and came back, but not finding it at home. They will continue to choose to go on another trip, when they feel it's safe.
(We check the area on the maps together, and I think they're finding it helpful, although not sure how to translate it just yet… but it gives them the idea that there's no boundaries, so they may "thrive again, in a different environment, so there's food we don't know where it is, it just isn't here…" … and trying to calm down, so we might reach a calm space, to find peace (they're trying to describe the "sleep" we talk about, sleeping in a much deeper space, and maybe even with both sides of the brain at one time, to reach 'peace'.")
(This is K pod's Kaye here)

 "But we ddn't understand that we aren't responsible", she adds.
"We couldn't admit to anyone ever that we weren't doing okay, but now we are aware the people are changing, and that we must adapt."

In other words, people are responsible for the declining fish stocks, including the Chinook salmon that these whales rely on, and that there may be residual toxins that degrade the body (there's so much research on this, and information about how our waters are changing, from global warming, pollution, plastics, and other chemicals) …
… not to mention the disruption of boats, which they don't hear themselves well with, and that affects their echolocation, so their ability to easily locate the fish and more…

In other words, they're accepting that THEY are on the recieiving end, and it's not at all their problem why they have difficulty finding food. (Before, they thought it was their fault, and they wouldn’t and couldn't let anyone know what hardships they were having. When they found out that we already know, and that we are trying to find ways to hep, they see that it's okay to tell their side of the story as well.)  (That's mostly THEIR words there… )

I say "Thank you".

They are actually MOST amazing!
They keep checking on the map to see where I am, and if they might come there one time, not just to meet me, but to show "Thanks". That touches my heart so much… I tell them it's much more important that they go to the places where they'll get food, and coming to meet me at the Dungeness Spit isn't the way to get food, because so far, the whales don't find anything nice there, and not food either… (I'm trying to change the overall energy, since it's the closest place for me to get to "ocean")

… and the othe pod, that would the J pod, indicated that they will "sleep" if that's helpful to me, as a way of thanking us for their care.

Oh God… I don't need a thank you… it's so amazing for me to be able to connect with them, but the fact that they WANT to show gratitude is so very touching .
(This trait is more present in these killer whales than any other groups I've connected with so far. They are not simply "listening" and asking for help, they are giving respect in return.)

(… while some of the other types/individuals give caring, and helping, and lots of amzing things… the "Thanks" is just a different expression than I've experienced so far.)

02/02/2020      Whales      Orcas / Killer Whales
Zig-zagging along the coast
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

The young Orca I met the one day when I was staying on Salt Spring Island, who felt very young to me at the time, finally has a name… and now, I may also write about him. At the time I met him, I wasn't supposed to share my story with anyone.

He, however, is one of the young killer whale friends I have now, in the Salish Sea. He is part of K pod.

I've gradually been connecting more and more with his pod… I've already written about Kaye, and how they are learning.

Kaye and I have often "Explored" the map of their area, many times.
K-pod has chosen to begin looking north, up near Read, Quadra and Maurelle Islands for occasional bouts of trips, and finding food there.

On the other hand, they seem very hesitant to go south, and into the Strait of Juan de Fuca, west, towards the open ocean.

Yesterday, I finally understood their hesitation.

They feel they have a VERY large territory! You see, they showed me on the map how they like to go between the spaces (islands), within the many channels that are present, back and forth, around and between…
"But what is seen as fascinating", say the younger ones of the pod, "is that we see it all as new."
They are always aware of their location based on "the heavens", they have told me, many times over.
Little by little, they're learning that we (people) perceive land as stationary.

They all seem to agree that they are "merely moving a little, and the land goes by." (They're hardly moving, but the land passes by, all the time.)

So by their awareness, every time they're in what WE might consider "a location", the heavens are in a different position, one way or another, so it can't be the same place (unless it's the exact same time of year they were in the same place, but a different year. Then it's the same.)
They seem to be aware of the "movement" of the stars / heavens, and the best that I can understand that is that because the earth is rotating, once around per day, they "feel" their position in relation to movement of the earth. They seem to be oriented in a east-west direction guide, as opposed to our north-south orientation.

It seems to me that some of the migration patterns of the cetaceans are because they are sure they need to be in a particual "heaven" (location, by the stars), at any given time, and so they migrate based on the "pull", "but it's the aura that’s calling, and saying 'this way' … ", is how they might tell it.  
So it's not their awareness of the land that takes them on their journeys, north, south, back, forth, migrating, always ending up near the same coordinates.

So as Kaye and I have looked at the maps together, her energy field is "puzzling"…

Every time I say "Show me where you are…", she indicates that they are in a different place again, "but on the map, it always comes up in the same area."  Kaye is contributing here with wonderment, bemusement, and big smile. Like "What in the waters?"  (like, you, "what on earth?")

Okay, we're actually talking abou the very same locations!!! I see that they're in the same general area, but Kaye's ongoing perception is that they've "traveled" and they're somewhere different. (Kind of like going around in a circle, but not realizing that you're back at the same coordinates as where you were in the beginning, or somewhere nearby.)

They seem to love that there is so much variety.

Now you can probably guess why the young whale I met back in August of 2017, decided he would like to have the name Zig-zag! It's because his group "zig zags" through all the islands in the Salish Sea!
(11/1/2020: At that time, I hadn't yet found the site where I could match up these whales to their correct names and numbers, but he's actually Kelp, K-42. He does like the name "Zig-Zag", but then, he also just yesterday thought he'd like the name "Coffee" better than Kelp too… In the end, he's aware it would bring too much confusion to change his name, so we'll stick to Kelp from here on in.)

So we look through the islands, the inlets, and they see they are going around the same places, just not aware of land-coordinates yet.

The Straight of Juan de Fuca is NOT intriguing to them… yet. It's so much "straight".
As Anne of Green Gables might put it, "There's no scope for the imagination", but these whales add, "EVER… Just go the same way, and no more easy happy stuff."

They didn't quite understand it yet… so I pulled out a blue ball of wool I had (they always love blue!), and we made a wool path all over my living room carpet: First, winding the wool into a path or coastline that had islands, inlets, and lots of places to go around, between and through…

It was all in a small little area.

NEXT, we took that wool, which we had wound all over the place, through the islands, back and forth, and we stretched it out long. Then, they could see the actual distance of "the coastline". A LOT of distance, actually!

I wish you could have seen how one of them came through, when he understood! Oh boy! Very excited, "blown away", hyper-aware of how they must seem to you, to not have seen it… to finally understand that they go through their islands and familiar territory, seeing different things, and yet, they're in the same place all the time!!!

" A zrum tweoirl;akf  sdatat; ;slfj ;lokjasd;flkj sd;lkjsd   !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"   (not accurate words here, I just typed… )
(How in the world do I describe this??? I wish I'd captured it on video!)

They understood then, that the Straight of Juan de Fuca is a "straight" coast, and you "only move through it to go to the end, and it's LONG, but not fun."

I suggested that they might "zig-zag" from coast to caost of the Strait, and although each zig and zag is a longer stretch than they're used to, it might give them enough variety to venture that way. They'll think about it… they still prefer to go north (the inland route, up between the islands)…

02/16/2020      Whales      Orcas / Killer Whales
J pod is making progress too
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

So I wrote about K-Pod and their possible "experiment" to zig-zag back and forth across the Strait of Juan de Fuca…
… but in the meantime, J-Pod, via my connection with a lovely female whale, Royale, (about 19 years old?) (these are not the names given them by the scientists… I think they've already been given names, and numbers but I don't know what they are… only that these whales tell me "NO numbers. Names.")
Royale and others in her pod, are learning, they indicate.
They've been exploring, just around the same islands as usual, she shows, but also "in the future, they're saying they'll come to the outer coast." (That's Royale's words.)

So whether they've actually been there, physically, I don't know, but they're definitely indicating that they are "aware", and sending their spirits in the corridor" (Strait).

I'm going to write this as if they've been physically present there, because they are certainly showing me that they're accepting more variety of food, eating little fishes, and "filling out". (These three pods had actually been starving, and are of great concern to the scientists and people all over…)

"We seem to be thriving", they say. We're coming around".

Again and again, I get that the whales on the east coast are happy with the food, while on the west coast, there is something too toxic, that is in the food chain, that is impacting the ocean wildlife.

Almost without fail, the whales and dolphins on the west coast show me "hungry", while on the east coast, they're very happy with the food chain, and my whales that have traveled from the west coast to the east coast indicate a "very different meal" (and with that, different life, meaning okay).
(That would be especially Sunneshine, a bottlenose whale, and also Photo, and Ray (I think Baird's whales), because they moved from this area, west coast, to the Atlantic ocean, this past summer. They show "contented", and "enough food, easily.")

So here we have these big killer whales who have, apparently, ONLY been eating Chinook salmon, and the populations of Chinook salmon have been dwindling… but these killer whales haven't found other food sources.

Royale and a few others of her pod have indicated being in the part of the Strait of Juan de Fuca that's fairly close to Victoria, and a bit farther west from there.

It seems that as they move farther out the Strait, either the food there is a lot more "clean", or maybe it has something to do with water the "moves" more, because when I ask whether they've found food, they tell me "YES", and many times, when I ask "Is it Chinook salmon?", they say "no, but other".

The interesting thing, is that having been farther out the Strait, and eaten more variety there, when they're back in among the islands of the Salish Sea, they're able to EASILY eat more different varieties.
… and K pod (not on these exact same adventures as J-Pod) is baffled, saying "we might not be that smart, but the fish don't seem to be okay," and if they venture to TRY this other fish, they have the funniest expressions, indicating spitting it all out!

So you know these killer whales whales are incredibly intelligent… but this is probably DNA updates and adaption in progress…

For whatever reason, farther out the Strait, J pod whales can eat more variety. In having given their bodies additional nutrients, not to mention more food (when they've been far too hungry), their bodies can probably activate another few genes, which allows them to then digest more (something differently), even when they're back at home in their usual area.

So these J pod whales have had a few other adventures along they way, as they've been exploring the Strait…

At one point, they were close to the open ocean, and they didn't know what to make of it! They came in (into my space), showing fear, hesitation, looking for an answer, wondering "WHAT?"… and asking if it is "normal"…

The open Pacific ocean has some VERY powerful waves, while in amongst the Salish Sea, the waves are much more mild…

(Please note: I am aware that these killer whales have been all over the place, including sometimes even down as far as California, but I'm expressing what they feel, and "if we're saying here that we fathom it is very different than our usual place, we wish to have that recorded." Often I'm hesitant to put something down, because who am I to say that there's any logic to what I'm getting… I have no idea, but most often, when I do NOT put down something the way they give it to me, they KEEP coming through and expressing, or often, I eventually learn something that supports or reinforces what they are expressing or whatever it is I'm getting. So I'm just expressing this the way they came through.)

So I had them connect out with other pods in the ocean, other types of whales that "move", and they see it's "normal, but not our space."

They're also wiling to keep going back there, knowing that the "BIG" energy will soon be felt as "normal" (for them).

That was maybe a month or more ago.

Just a few days ago, they, having been aware of the "zig-zag" phenomena (see my 2/2/2020 note about the K Pod whales), decided to try that, because they are aware that "fun is often the way to make life enjoyable."
Yes, traveling along a varied route, and coastline that isn't all just one long thing, is more interesting.

So they tried zig-zagging down the middle of the Strait.

That was all fine and well, but they again, came through, with "hesitation".
This particular day, I was in in the middle of eating my lunch, and they let me know they wanted my attention…
They were greatly concerned.

I checked on the map with them, and they showed me they were zig-zagging down the middle of the Strait, but were being ultra-cautious.

I asked if there was food there, and they indicated "yes", but they weren't sure HOW to eat it just then.

It seems they were VERY frustrated, because they weren't safe.

There was a very large animal there, and they needed to "guard"… but (Royale is jumping in there to tell the story), "they didn't understand that the large animal" doesn't eat fish, and not any very large animals."

It was a baleen whale… I think a humpback whale.
In their own territory, they wouldn't have worried, because they're safe, but this day, they were in "hyper alert" mode, because this was completely "new".
(Again, I know there are humpback whales in their usual territory, but they were perceiving this very awkwardly, because they weren't sure, because they were doing something different than usual.)

I suggested that they might find a way to have a few whales guard while others "fed", and that worked. I suggested one on each side, like two, but they figured 4 would be far more intuitive.

Eventually, they're okay, Royale says, "and we know now to check, 'Is it a toothed big thing?… because baleen whales 'filter', not bite".

She's smiling, by the way.… "Just learning".

(More notes: Difference in personality between J pod, still more unhappy or not as happy yet, "just making it", while K pod did much more "releasing" at the time we were working with helping those who have crossed over to be okay, grieving, mourning, singing, dancing… "another Irish drinking song", which they see about the "making merry" part only, NOT the drinking part!!!…)

(Also, an older J pod male is learning, and slowly understanding that they must migrate… he's begun checking, and sending his energy to the coast, exploring the coastline out at the open ocean, and seeing there are many inlets, where land would make interesting exploring… but they also KNOW that the food is more nourishing and sustaining when it's caught out in the ocean, not so much inland.)

02/22/2020      Whales      Orcas / Killer Whales
Royale… or Hy'shqa
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

This morning, I found the website WhaleMuseum.org, with the "Meet the Whales" page.

I had recently found a great book about the Resident Killer Whales in a local quaint bookstore. The book is "The Orca Scientists, by Kim Perez Valice and photographs by Andy Comins (who the whales smile with, when I get to his name!), published in 2018.

It had some great photos, and the names and numbers of some of the Orcas in the photos.

I had been hoping to find a way to match up some of the whales I connect with, with the whales as they are known by the scientists.

My K-pod whale, Kaye, and my J-pod whale, Royale…
… and 2 days ago, one of the K-pod whales who has been sort of there in the background, just a bit, actually came in much more fully… and of course, there was the first K-pod whale who first followed me at the shore of Saltspring Island back in 2017.

So Royale has been my J-pod contact for a while now… maybe since about September, when Sunneshine was already over on the east coast, and "leaves"… but "comes", she jumps in to add here.

I was trying to say that since she's on the east coast, she's not quite as "big" here as before… present, but not quite as strongly present as before. Some days, she's VERY "big" (she calls it), and other times, "barely aware". I guess she's where she belongs, but she's still the one I check with every day on the map, to check where "they" might be (still Sunneshine, Photo, and Ray, often all together still, but with others, I'm given to understand) …

Back to Royale…

So Royale "has become an adventuress", she indicates, "but I'm aware".

I was looking through the genealogical tree shown for the J-Pod whales in the Orca Scientists book I have ("the Orac Scientists", by Kim Perez Valice), and trying to find the energy match in there for Royale. There was a somewhat-match for J-42, third child of J-16 (Slick), but when I looked up J-42 on the "Meet the Whales" web page (referenced above), she didn't match up with Echo at all. Not the least bit…

I had thought Royale was one of the younger ones. She originally came through as 8 or 9, but actually, to me, feels more mature than the age she's indicated… but who am I to know what a 9-year old orca feels like? They DO feel very different as they get older, but I don't have the "scale" in place yet. She says, "somehow, we don't know"… Maybe they resonated with Sunneshine, and I THINK Sunneshine is now around 9 years old or so, but I don't know…

… So in looking through the whale profiles, she gave me a "match" for J-37, Hy'Shqa, which means "Blessing" or "Thank you." When I read that "Hy'Shqa (pronounced "Hy'shka") had her first offspring, T'ílem Ínges (J-49), in August 2012", she responded with this HUGE very, very soft energy towards J-49, which would be her 8-year old son.
It feels to me so much like a "mother's love" energy.
She says "I AM J-37, and it MUST be a correct match, because I AM his mama."
Please note that SHE chose the word "mama", with a big happy energy!
"I AM SURE", she says.
Okay, so when I read about her son, T'ilem I'nges, who is 8 years old, and I reach to see what he feels like, and NOW I can feel what an 8-year-old feels like… it's much more "young" and child-like than Royale…
He doesn't want me to write about him, although I can feel that he's laughing here. He doesn't want the connection, though, so I'm going to honor that. (He thinks it's too funny, though, to see what my home is like.)

I think Royale has told him some of this, but "without seeing it, it's not nice", he says, "but seeing it, it's funny," he indicates. I feel a lot of laughter, and get the words "ingenious new ideas coming to this young one," but not in any way that he will be sharing. He's going to hide. It's okay, I DO understand that the first-time connecting can feel very disorienting for some of them, because they don't know how to perceive it.

By the way, Royale wants me to keep calling her Royale… SHE chose the name, along with others in my space, and she is aware of that.

02/22/2020      Whales      Orcas / Killer Whales
A really FUN orca connection
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Today, a new Southern Resident Killer Whale connected with me.
(These notes are added on 11/17/2020 from what I had jotted on a whole lot of sticky notes.)

When he helped me to "match" him with the available info we have about the Southern Resident Killer Whales, he is clearly J-38, "Cookie", who was apparently first seen in late 2002. (They don’t give the birth month and year, but he's listed as 17 years old.)
Cookie comes in most likely because I've been connecting with Royale (my name for her… J-37, Hy'Shqa) lately, and Cookie is a J-pod whale.

Cookie was the one who quickly changed his entire life (and as I noticed it, also, his demeanor), by being shown his "puzzlement" over my space and life.

He was the first "oldish" male to get the "let go" energy, to be able to use the feedback to relax, look around, and begin to "get it". (Okay, 17 is really a teenager, but he wasn't coming through like a "young one", more like someone who's much more well-developed.)
"I am young," he states, "but in Joy's energy, it feels staid, stuck, old-ish."   
If you were able to see him, you would witness the delightful "sparkle" in his eyes, and his great amusement as he's expressing his opinion here. It took him several months after our initial connection to "process" everything, but he's certainly been around, here in my space, and he's always delightful. Good-natured, smiling, and "cool" (that last was added by him!!)  (Nov 17, 2020 note.)

He quickly figured out how to "ask", and "not feel resisitance…", but it came from the females around us "showing him" his atttitude, or probably more correctly, his demeanor.

It's challenging to try to describe this… so much of our interactions happen via body language and facial expressions.

Initially, so often when a male FIRST comes through, their expressions are so old-fashioned-male (by our books), that to me, they feel almost like they're angry. Their energy is resistant, dominant, and not particularly happy.

Okay, let me elaborate here… We're back to this "Mars and Venus" thing here. If I were a male, they would feel my energy as "normal" for them, but I'm female, and it literally feels to them as if I'm "not".
One of them (a bottlenose whale) elaborates by saying "Not kind, not fun, not anything other than a mother… another scold."
Now the males are all agreeing. Oh my! (This is new info for me as I'm writing!!! I have to hide here, with great embarrassment, even though we're all laughing too… )
"But," they add here, "we didn't know. She is not that at all. It's our regular attitude or behavior towards all of our women too, even the young ones."
(FYI, I'm anything but a scold, or cranky… I laugh and smile often and easily. Once they find out more and begin to relax, their main assessment of me is "that". "Just that"… but "fair, even, fun, fine, and light." Okay guys, thank you!!! That's better!)

Back to Cookie, on this February day… As I said, this change in attitude came with the females around having fun, as they so often do.
"We like to tease, and flirt, and change our husbands", they write here. (They don't literally mean husbands as we do, but they're talking about their male counterparts.)
So sometimes it's the females, and other times it's the young ones.
This day, "we played", they say, and in short, a few of the females "reflected" to him what his energy looked like.

We (people) would see it as facial expressions, and that's how it comes through me, but their expressions may not have as much mobility as ours (for example, we always think dolphins are smiling, but the dolphins REALLY disagree with that, and they read way more subtle lines than we can imagine).

So to us, if it were to come through as a "facial expression", it would look like someone who was very, very tense, intense, angry, fisted, and ready to roar at life!!!

Cookie "got it", and immediately started to laugh!

They don't have mirrors, and don't have any way of seeing how they would appear to the world. Reflecting the energy back to them is like holding up a mirror, but a mirror showing his reflection when he's in the midst of all the women (whales and dolphins) here…

Okay, well I'd add here, "Well what would you expect in a strange situation that you had no interpretation for, you found yourself somewhere you couldn't have imagined would ever exist?" … but they're showing that that's inconsequential… "It's more about day-to-day living, which makes us stress out", they show.

Cookie, however, on being shown "how I am" [was], quickly shifted to "suave", easygoing, and something that felt much more normal to me. He did have a few role models around… Ray (Sunneshine's Baird's whale friend), LandLover (the first bottlenose whale to make a connection, back in September 2016), Mario (the dolphin who proposed marriage to me, who has since become QUITE the ladies' man, I understand!),

It often takes a male whale months or even years to adapt and find such a space with me, and that's why it's mostly females around, because they understand the feminine side, and very, very easily adapt, the moment they realize.

Another thing I usually need to show a new whale, so that they won't completely overwhelm me, is our size difference. I put out my hands to show on a scale, how big they are, and then, my size, by comparison. It's usually laughable, and they quickly "get it" and "tone down". It's the same as what we automatically do with our newborn babies, and young children… we tone down, and talk in baby-talk voices! They do the same for me, and trust me, it makes things MUCH more comfortable! Their BIG energy can be completely overwhelming, otherwise.

Cookie kept on coming in with "Okay." He tried so very hard!

Just the same, he adds
 "It's all so frustrating, to ask, when it's not seen here."
It's this "sharing of consciousness" thing… The males tend to come through in a way where they can't easily "see" everything, i.e., it's topsy-turvy to them. They don't have ANY idea where it is, in "air" … They are used to living in water, surrounded by water, and here, he says  "I'm not in water."

The next bit of conversation might seem confusing to you to read through, but it's exactly how he was coming through, and it shows, in a way, some of the transition, thoughs, and ideas that they may go through to "adapt" and "acquire" (he adds), but to continue with Joy.
(my note… come back to this… Cookie added these words as I'm writing this here, but I'm not sure what he's intending, or what it means. He wants me to leave it, however.)
"I am frustrated", he says, showing a new male consciousness we've been working on. Namely, "Name it!"
FYI, I have found that it's really, really helpful to use emoticons, and that's what he's referring to here.

I have a variety of emoticons sets printed and hanging on my fridge, showing the happy-faces, or other expressions, with the emotion written under each one.
They almost invariably get the hang of this very easily.

With the emoticons for reference, they have access to illustrations for "happy", "ready", "jubilant", "angry", "defiant", "lonesome", and so many more. So some of Cookie's responses,here, were based on his first look at emoticons!

They initially find that they were unable to tell apart anything. Everything just "was". No difference.
Instead of simply "Arggghhhhhh!", they can show me "perplexed", frustrated", "defiant", and more.

This, by the way, is really funny to Cookie as I'm writing this, and he's now at a space where he's "cracking up" (my language, but it's great big huge laughter here!) over the idea of being so "argggggghhhhhh-ish!"

He continues, describing his first reaction to finding himself in my space.
"I was defiant. I am a great big giant, not this."
[He's referring to the "tiny space", which is my normal-sized 2-bedroom home]

"… and troubled by connections that aren't where we are … and seeing that others are fine, and happy, to see this scape" [landscape, view,different view].

"It was okay with them, but it's not mine."
He still seems at a loss, but is no longer coming in as defiant, or uncomfortable, and actually, there are BIG smiles in the energy.
"It's that I find comfortable. Caring that's ongoing."
The femailes love "all things easy and present" ideas of our modern-day life. i.e., we have so many things that
"it's BEYOND living to find food," they indicate.
Cookie, however, says,
"But with me, I need fish or I die."
He's trying to say that he lives to eat, and doesn't care about anything else… except that, instead, when I start exemplifying the relationship with the ladies, which is another story entirely, but Cookie quickly catches on, and says
"I am old" (he means only old-fashioned), "not yet out-dated."
"She [Joy] knows it's nicer to like."

My notes on this:
It's just that I've noticed that when the males act more "suave" (think like Frank Sinatra, maybe…) and accepting, and maybe, a good descriptor would be "gentlemanly", then the females come through TO them naturally… and those males have found they have NO trouble whatsoever finding mates, versus "a fight to attract the one that's more strong."
(… Survival of the fittest, right? Those who have a mating advantage have more children, and more descendants, and their genes are the ones that get passed on! Definitely a real benefit to this "new" behavior!)

It seems to me this is a new-ish idea for them, but the ladies really do enjoy choosing. (Maybe more about that another day…)
They laugh about Frank Sinatra: That's a really easy example for the male whales to relate to, somehow!
"He acts like he LIKES them, for a different space [change], not like us."

(These are NOT Cookie's words here, but both males and females are joining in on expressing this.)

… and Ray, whom I've mentioned before, that Baird's whale who went across to the Atlantic ocean last summer with Sunneshine, now exudes a very wonderful Frank-Sinatra-like suave energy… and I don't think he has any trouble at all with the ladies… Baird's whales or OTHER! He's agreeing. [He's rather shy with me… it's always Sunneshine who has come through, when they're together.] (I don't think there are many Baird's whales on the east coast!)
So before we got side-tracked, one of Cookie's last ideas was about fish, and how much he just needs fish.

By now, Cookie is smiling, though. We're looking in my fridge, and my freezer, and the cupboard, and all he sees is food, food, food.
"Oh, you have fish here too?" he says.
He doesn't see anything he migh like other than that, until he notices the females around trying to show him "variety", and telling him to "taste" something. He's game, and tries…
"But it's sweet, this other thing. How do I like it?" [meaning if he could eat it, he would] "… but it's not there for our DNA… " and then he's puzzled, and adds "yet."  (I don't remember what it was, but possibly honey… and now, as I'm writing this, he's getting very excited about something we call "jam".)

03/01/2020      Whales      Bottlenose Whales
"Where are we now?"
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

This is about the ongoing adventures of Sunneshine, Ray and Photo!

I think Photo must be homesick, because he keeps trying to get back "home", even when he understands that he "must wait" until the snow is gone in the ice place" … he means through the Northwest Passages.

He actually is very good about scanning he calendar with me, in "year" view, and showing me that come mid August is the time when he may go across…
… but something keeps pulling him down to the Caribbean Sea, towards the Panama Canal, that narrowest strip of land there… and at that, Photo is shaking his head. "It's NOT the narrow land," he specifies, "but because the water is there."
(Have we already written this? Maybe not…)
"There IS water that must have the Pacific Ocean there, so maybe we can find a way as well?"
With the locks through the Panama Canal, they most likely bring Pacific Ocean water back to the Atlantic Ocean, and vice versa, and somehow, ALL of the whales and dolphis ALWAYS believe that they'll be able to go through. Maybe they're sensing that the water goes back and forth between the two sides of the continents, and if the water does that, then surely they must be able to do that as well…

So although Sunneshine longs to be back "home" too, her home now meaning around Nova Scotia, Canada, somehow, a group of them keep on going down south, to go back to the area of the Panama Canal, again and again and again…

Just a few days ago, they showed me they were determined to go north again, back up the coast, but next time I check on the map, they're back down south again!
"I like warm", says Sunneshine, and the others nod their heads in agreement, "yet, it's not here I know to be," she continues.
They've checked many times about continuing on south aound South America, and back up the other side, but each time, they don't think that's a great choice, and actively avoid going there.
(Are there maybe still some whale hunts in some of the South American countries? It's not ONLY that the current is going the wrong way," they say (talking about the Coriolis effect)

Having said that, when I checked this morning, they were definitely headed in that direction… getting closer to the Venezuelan coastline.

Somehow, Ray thought this was the route to take.
He's trying to help Photo, and "if going via the southern route will take him home, then we will do that," he showed this morning… but quickly changed his mind after I connected with others in the group, who disagreed.

Photo is again reassured that he will be fine, and just wait, "and in July, I'll head that way then" (starting towards the northern route).

It's interesting, but Photo had actually decided he LIKES the east coast, and wanted to be there "all my years"… and he'd been connecting with family in the Pacific ocean, beginning to let them know that they were to come to the east coast over the summer. "The FOOD is fine here, but there's no shortage here, unlike back home".

Keep in mind that all the whales and dolphins on the west coast indicate that the food is "NOT" (okay), but "has chemicals and things that they don't agree with". Somehow, it's polluted more so than on the east coast.
(I thought it had maybe been run-off from farming in Califonia, but I'm beginning to wonder if it also isn't pollution coming across from Asia????)

What happened to change Photos' mind?

"It's an adventure!", he shows, when you ask him, and shows "dancing", but also adds "spinning, and splashing""like they did when Joy was living in Virginia". (He's referring to my dolphins, who did SO much of that during the end of the last summer I was there, putting on "dolphin shows" that were noticed by everyone there.)

So on a recent meander down towards the Panama Canal, instead of "Island hopping" on their way back, they followed around the coastline of the Gulf of Mexico, and unexpectly, ran into "that". He says "that" very emphatically!

He's talking about the "vibration", or "the change in the atmosphere when somehone is there who sees around mkes energy change, like Joy did."

What actually happened, is that they found my friend, Nanc, who has worked with me, energy-wise, for so many years, and continues to be "flluid" in that language so to speak, so her energy carries that pattern. She's been living on the Gulf side in Florida for several years now, and my whales "recognized" her patterns… and they hung around there for several days longer than they expected, and kept being drawn back there, "to play".

Now Photo is aware of what's there… Sunneshine always had the pattern, but couldn't explain it to Photo or any others, as they hadn't actually met me, so to speak (I haven't ever been in the same area where we might just "connect"… except the first time when I met Photo, but we were way too far apart that time, to really make this "energy-movment" together.

So now, Photo sees that he should return to the west coast, and "bring this"… (the "energy that moves, the way it should be". "Joy isn't at the water easily, so I need to be this,", he says. He's happy to bring "this secret energy" back to the west coast, "and many whales and dolphins are already "expecting I to be here" (he means "expecting ME to be here", of course … meaning himself! "Good try, Photo. I'm proud of you for learning," I tell him.)

(I have to go to bed and have to stop writing now… I haven't mentioned how many times they've been back and forth, and REALLY hanging out down near Panama, or heading back north, then going back down again, never actually leaving the area… )

(Reminder to write also about the Bill Gates song… which Sunneshine was rebelling about, and didn't want to listen to, in my Newfie Music… because it's not an opinion they share now… "We LOVE the computer!" she shares. !!!! (Many giggles here! It took me a while to figure out why she didn't want to listen to the song… I need to write what it's about… the alternate version to "the fox" song… )

Whales and computers??? Okay, that's a subject for another day, "but be sure to say.", Sunneshine adds very challenging, wanting me to tell their side of the picture.
(You know what? I don't even know what she's planning on putting here, when I begin to write about it. I'm sure she'll let me know… maybe if for no other reason than that it "makes music to listen fun"… Yep! She's definitely talking about my iPod, and the blutetooth connection to the speaker, "and YouTube", she wants to say too.)
(Yes, like all those Dr. Seuss books they've been enjoying watching… "It helps for reading," she indicates.)

03/15/2020      Whales      Orcas / Killer Whales
The "how is it put together?" whale
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

A few months back, I think when I was on the ferry going across to Canada (Christmas), or somewhere around that time, one of the new male whales, orcas, but not yet identified, was coming through expressing interest with "how?"
"How does that work?"
"How does it go around?"
"A float device… and wind… Hmmmm.…. I wonder if we might be able to use that idea?"
Lately, he's more aware.

This is about Cookie (I think J-Pod… look up the number)

See my post-it notes for 2/22/2020 (not yet entered), for a big note when Cookie came through one Saturday morning

(Note for me: write more about his "curiousity", and his male mind's way of analyzing the relationships of moving parts… very different than the females…
E.g., in the bath or the shower, the females are happy to know about the knobs for the bathtub and shower… how to make it warm, cold, on, off, pulling the lever so the tub doesn't drain, and pushing it in when we're done to let all the water out… but it's the "this is what we do" mode…

Cookie, on the other hand, wants to understand HOW the hot water is piped from the back of the house to another place… is fascinated by my corkscrew wine opener… but "not just fascinated, but to see how it revolves" (meaning the "gears" that are part of the design)… and "Locks" that take boats through canals are a "neat invention"… but "Locks with this funny little round thing that wiggles in the piece in the middle, that I need to understand." (We haven't yet looked at locks and keys together, but I guess we'll be doing that sometime soon!)

Just the same, it's not JUST "the male mind", because he's so far, the only one that's been there "dreaming", "imagining"… translating, "so HOW?"
… and "Could we deisgn this in our owhn kind or idea?"
… i.e., can they take any of these ideas and make them practical in some way, despite their "physical limbs not requiring the digits" … and also, the "breathing and "constant moving of our kind" mean we may take time to eveolve, but then, we should realize that it's kind for others to be inventing, so that we may begin to advance our own interests."

That is Cookie, coming through.

They are "aware of so many ideas in my mind, and that's how."
(It's that they mind-read, what I'm thinking, and being, say the whales… )

(Fill in more of the Inventor ideas, or curiousity on the part of Cookie, and how he's forgotten since then, as he isn't here today, just once in a while again, as I need to be "cool" he says, "and not hang out with the ladies."
("Yes, that's new, so I align now with being strong AND caring"

(DEFINITELY need to add my notes form 2/22/2020 from my posti-it notes… Cookie had a LOT to express that day!)

03/22/2020      Whales      All types
The ride through the "corner"
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

My morning connections with the whales continue.

My mornings are almost always very rushed, especially week-days, but there is this "routine" that they look forward to, and which we follow almost every day… until I race off to get ready for my client appointments.

First, we look at the weather on my smartphone.
Whether it's rain, or shine … with extra discussions around things like snow!

We check the wind, and the new ones on the scene (there are always "new whales" connecting in, not every day, but definitely every week or so) always need a hand in understanding "wind".

To them, the trees, or the water, or whatever it is that is "moving a lot" must "have a spirit in there", making it be so animated.

The female whales, who hang around easily, have fun. The females are around, long after they first start showing up. (The males are a lot less consistent… a few of them are big regulars [Photo, LandLover, Mario]).

So the females try "blowing the way that Joy does", but the male whales take a little longer to figure it out.

The males tend to more puzzled, and when there's one "here", he kind of "takes over", and it's him, whoever the male is, that I'm "feeling" or aware of. Usually, they (the males) haven't figured out that there's a "big audience there"… they have no idea that there's a house-full of female whales and dolphins around, and so the male thinks he's the only one and has my full attention. No idea at all… that the "ladies" are simply "waiting", to play their part, like "How do you think this is so?" "Are you thinking you're the FIRST ONE to be here?" "Surprise! There's a lot more than you here!"

So while the new male whale is busy trying to understand "wind, eventually, the women "play" along, and have me blow very hard at one of my plants, and they (the newer whales) can see that the "air in the wind" makes the leaves dance… but when there is not that (when I'm not blowing), the plants don't move.
… well, plants, or a tissue, or something else that's around.

… and "then, as they have fun playing, and would like to 'make it clear' (that they can make the leaves move as well), they soon stop blowing, then repeat"  (their words)

In other words, they're seeing that when we're "blowing at the plant, it's moving and looks tricky", but when I stop blowing, the plant also quiets down.

"THAT takes so much fear out of us," the whales are writing here.

No spirits.
"… but what is it that shakes them then?"
… and then they start to put two and two together … (but I can't say that either, because knowing "how many" is still a "different thing" … at least for a while "when they're around only a few weeks so far. In time, I'll learn that as well.").

So with the wind, or blowing, they are aware that "fast" makes a "gentle-like wind", but moving fast, there is "that".
What they mean there, is that when SOMETHING moves quickly, it also stirs up a breeze or wind.

They're aware, that when they move quickly, they "stir". (meaning "stir up", so create a breeze, maybe…)
They seem to understand really quickly that a car (like my car, or cars that pass me), when driving fast, makes a wind as well.

"That helps us to see HOW the world is".
"Not flat, Not steady at all, but moving."

They like to read the words in the 2018 National Geographic sleep article where it mentions "Life on a spinning planet".

"Who are they to tell us that we are around?", say the whales.
Okay, so I didn't get that right, because they're objecting ...so I guess I haven't read the article with them lately… I should, because "the idea of sleep is not the same for whales"
… but the others, who are around here with me much more, they "know", and they say they love that expression.

So most of the understanding of "Weather" comes when they understand what our happy dolphin friend, Copernicus (originally named Thimble) discovered, that "we are the captors. The sun won't go away."
(i.e., the earth circles the sun…)

Those who have been around, easily understand it… but the others take some days to get the new patterns, and many don't yet, because they're too young to care.

So, next, is sunrise, and sunset… for the current day…
… and asking "Did the sun come up today?"
That's a very interesting question, because often they say "no", even when the sun is nicely up in the sky and the day is sunny, but it's "Because we are worried that if we say it rises, it will not rise".
"But Joy expresses the theme, 'is it light outside yet?', and if it is, then the sun must have risen."

(This "rising" still puzzles me… but it's like, if they saw the sunrise, and we paid attention to that, then they say "the sun did rise now", but now they're writing here that they "were not sure, if they didn't see it."

… and we check how long the day is.

Then we look at sunrise and sunset for the next 10 days, and they follow the patterns, learning "numbers", and "that it IS different each time, and it decreases every time, and stays in the middle light, then another time of the day it goes down, but that always changes.

(Maybe re-write this)
(Write about how they always begin to "get it" that "we (people) celebrate the darkest time", looking forward to the "candles", and the "solar system changing…
We have Christmas (or Hannukah) right around the very darkest time of the year, then, once we've looked forward to that, then next thing, the days are beginning to get longer.
… also, how, when I ask about "has a day EVER been shorter than THAT … meaning somewhere around December 20, depending of course on their latitude… and then they begin to understand that it ALWAYS changed again, and the light comes… but they thought it's because they behaved, and "pleased". (The gods that rule us may be dismayed by their love of not liking, and not bring light.) When they understand that the earth goes around the sun, and that determines the daylight hours, then they're relieved.
You should FEEL their relief, and their laughter at their own selves often, for they've always lived in that space. "We must behave,"

Now, they're busy looking through the year-view of my calendar on my phone, and discovering that it's the same, every screen (each screen is a year) that I show them, there's many times where it gets bigger (the daylight time), then stays, then gets smaller, then the next screen, and it's doing the same pattern.
They feel anxiety around December… but then, with January, they realize that it's just happening then, and no need to have the idea that the world will go away. (If we behave unruly, the days may be so very short that everything is over.)

As we were getting to the spring equinox, they begin to grow wary.
Somehow, this is a dangerous thing, they seem to believe.

They are aware of things in ways that we, people, are not. We can't sense the movement of the planets.

The best analogy that we were able to find together, was that 4 times a year (the equinoxes and the solstices), it's like the sun is "turning a corner"… there's variation in the speed or the movement of things within the earth… to them, it feels worrisome…

So I envision for them, being on one of the carnival rides that goes around and around, but within that, you're in your own little "device" or arm of the ride that SWINGS you "into the corner", and then you're zooming out again, on into the next corner, over and over and over, round and round, always around, but still the "corners".

They like that, and they can imagine the "corner".
It's like that.

So the week of March 12, they were asking for answers, and wondering why people aren't worried… "but we see that it's safe" … say those who are already here by having done that before. We've gone through that same scenario before together.

Those who have been around, show the others how to see the walls in my home, and show running towards the "corner", but that then there's the next wall, and they should just relax, and they'll see it's fine.
… and they show going along the wall, then gather speed right before the next corner, getting to the scary place, then it's all over, and they're well into the next segment.

The calendar listed equinox for March 20, but on the morning of the 19th, they were all relaxed. It was past… for another one.

I asked whether it's a sudden completion, or whether it happens gradually…
They showed me that it was hectic there during the day before, and several already before that, but in the middle of the night, it began slowly slowing down, and in the end, it was smooth, as smooth as can be.

Here, the older males, become aware that they "know now how they seem."

With people, when a parent is scared of a thunderstorm, and they warn their child about it, and hide, and close curtains, and such, then the child learns to follow that same pattern.

So the young males, like the storm now (or the "corner"). They LOVE the carnival ride, and for them, having relaxed, knowing it's okay (because they're around me), they're like "Can we do that again?"… but the older ones, who haven't learned it that way, then realize that the generations are changing, and "if we are near to the corner, then we may not be so caught up in the general worry, so the young children can act the way they would love to."

They’re trying very hard to "unlearn", so that the young ones might move forward with a new "motion" that's allowing. No worry, just "ride".

Which whales here?
Oh dear… so many, but mostly these days, the new ones are the L-Pod of the southern resident orcas (or killer whales), but those are the ones I met on the ferry one day, they were near a whale-watch boat tour, and I was on a ferry pulling into Vancouver Island… and the and the captain announced the killer whales just over at the other nearby boat... and somehow, they were aware of how people respond to "killer whale", the words, and how it makes them seem more vicious than they ought to be seen as, as they eat only fish... so this group loves the word "orcas"... (that's not true of the J and K pods)

I have a few new friends, finally, with the L-Pod. They were holding their own (like the others had been) and didn't want to be seen as "ignorant" or "why we can't look out for us" ("but Joy is helping others to accept that they may hep, but our pride has gone now, so we may see that we are not guilty")   (I've been trying to tell them that it's NOT their fault in any way, shape or form, that they can't feed themselves by the same ways they were used to before, because the food is gone, and the water is no longer fresh)

Anyway, the first one to come through usually gets a name that's related somehow to "first". So we had Royale, in the J-Pod, (for blue, somehow), Kaye for K-pod... you can follow that name, then this one became "L-M-N-O-P", like, you know, J... K.... L-M-N-O-P! So I called him Alphabet... and he went for "Elfabet"!

He'll probably always be Elfabet now, but I'm pretty sure he's the whale called "Mystic" in the L-Pod. (L-115, Mystic, who is around 11 years old at this point. )

I'm pretty sure that Elfabet is the one who first showed himself on my emoji fridge magnets as "Lonesome"... "too young for such a big quest". It feels like he's "working so hard, but he's young, and can't figure it all out." (How to feed them all right)

Then there's also that about "Mom" and how do I see to make sure they are my children?" (If I make a child, I must feed the mom")
That one took a lot of understanding!
"How does the mom feed the baby?"
"It just 'shows up' at the end, but I'm learning that if the mom doesn't eat right when the child is thinking about showing up (Joy says it's in the mom's big belly), then the baby might not come, but a new word, says miscarry. And to feed the mom who is making milk."
(MY note: add the reference from the book... it's a huge number of miscarriages... 60%??? or maybe just 40%? ... based on the research and what they can tell from the "whale scats" that they collect...  but very, very large, because they are very hungry.)

03/27/2020      Whales      All types
I am "Funny"
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

I'm apparently "Funny!"

Okay, so we DO do a lot of laughing together. You see, they enjoy the "fun". This is the female whales giggling here, because they KNOW. They see that life is "fun" in our part of the world.

When we're writing, they refer to me as "Joy", because that's my name… or at least, that's what I call myself.

They know their own names, by their "sound", and when I've given them a name, they resonate with that.

I asked them a few days ago, if they refer to me as Joy".
"No, but it's something else I see you to be", says one of them.

I'm curious, of course. So they need to know my name, but if they're saying something to another whale or dolphin they know, I'm "Funny".

They think it's funny too…

We are so naïve, that when we become aware, we laugh, and we give "her" the feeling that it's funny…
I'm sure we're all laughing together! They see it as simple and adorable, but I laugh, and they connect and think it's quite "darling" or "cheeky" or something else.

But "the idea of humor is such a fascinating idea, for all".
"Imagine that life is dull, or fun but may full of hardship, but it's always difficult. So you choose to stay 'gloomy' because that's the way."

"We haven't yet found the light energy that makes things easy, and with easy, it's a joy to be living," she is beginning to explain here. (This is Sunneshine).
Okay, my comment… don't let Sunneshine fool you here… She's COMPLETELY caught on, and helps all the others bo see how "gloomy" they were before.

I see… she's the one who does all the laughing here. Oh, THAT's why I always feel this laughter coming through me!!!
"But she (Sunneshine) isn't all that easy to read yet, because the others won't see it that way, unless 'I am'.

So she "tries to 'interpret' that we (people) see things as silly.
"The idea to make someone laugh is a new thing, and it's so far so wide".
She's trying to say it's prevalent everywhere.

You should see the new whales and dolphins who have just recently joined in, when we're paying attention to "Because News" over the weekend, while Joy is folding the laundry, and managing the household, because everything says "funny".
It's a Newsquiz. (CBC News, a weekly Canadian podcast, making fun of the news).

"Who made you laugh the best?" is the question… not "who got it correct.

"She didn't know the secret (answer), so she invented the thing" … "something she thought is funny, so you will cheer."

The new ones have the answer, with that program. A few listens, and they can't stop laughing at the people who are that funny.

At first, they don't get it, and they're puzzled, but all my whales who are used to being around "laugh at the silly things they put out there, just 'get it' they try to show the new ones. It's LIFE."

I'm convinced this is part of the reason they hang out with us these days… They're saying "no", because "we are curious about how to be" is what they say, but the happy side of life is a big pull.

(Can you imagine, if we people all went around all dour and cranky, the whales probably would just go their own way, but they like that "life could be so fun" … and even when it's tough, or too stressful, there are tears, and there is a deep connection with others who take the stress, and that's different."

"I mean that Joy is always kind, no matter who needs her."

"We don't know that feeling space, like they seem to get. Ours is function, but there's a soft place that cares, that's beyond our capacity to change to be that, UNLESS we've allowed it"

They (Sunneshine is the one saying the words, as it so often is), is referring to how the "stress leaves so well when somebody allows you find your stress or discomfort and to allow it change, by simply caring. Joy (or rather Funny) is that."

So Sunneshine loves the happy music, the dancing to music, the smiles, the jokes, and even (her words coming here) "Hey Google, tell me a joke", but it's a funny thing to ask a tablet to make a joke."

"Why does someone make it so? Because people are happy."

Just so you know, everyone seems to really appreciate Sunneshine. She's extraordinary, and "doesn’t fight, but makes a friend, even a different story"  (she's referring to other whale species… she's become someone who makes others smile, and doesn't fight. She's hoping that
"I will be a new chapter, if I can inspire others to be funny and not hate but rather be okay with another type, even when they look strange."
I'd interpret that as a "diplomat", but she's rushing on to say something very different:
"so being pretty is another thing, she says, so 'I am'."
Ohhhh, I get it! She's talking about
"not looking away but having a bit of direct but not uncomfortable eye contact (quick eye contact, then breaking it before the other interprets it wrong), and 'fluttering the long eylashes some' but not making it uncomfortable. 'I am enjoying your species,' she is communicating to a different type of whale, and so 'Will you be okay with allowing us to connect and pass by without another fight?' "
I haven't heard Sunneshine talk about fighting, ever, except that the female whales now seem to "roll their eyes" (having fun doing that) to show the male whales that "fighting WAS what we THOUGHT was correct, but we like understanding, and so the idea that you fight is making us better, but we like tolerance, and feeling acquainted."

It's that thing, the males have mostly always been the ones to go to war, while the women get together behind the scenes and change the world, or that could be the perspective of many.

Oh yes, there's so much fun in "rolling our eyes" to show them that theyre's a new thought, like the sun is in the sky, so did you feel like playing that the world must be ending because the days might get short?"

That's by way of just "playing" until the newer ones who haven't learned it, will "catch the disease" (of laughing at you unless you understand.)
They're actually very kind-natured about it, and teasing, but very kindly… just waiting for each one to "get the sun" all the while, very subtly communicating the idea that "the earth is round and the sun is in the sky, and must not go down ever, as the earth spins while the sun spins" . "Did you see it (get it), or do you think it's gone?" ("think that the world might come to an end if you aren't gloomy")

In the end, they laugh!
Often, the males, or the new ones, laugh, and "agree, and they have no idea what it is, but they just know that the idea that the world is coming to an end ibecause the days are so short, is wrong, and can't be right, simply because everyone around believes something far different."

Enough for today… With the big take-away being that they really enjoy our "light-hearted ways, to make someone laugh. It's precious."

04/03/2020      Whales     
"Home away from Home"
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

There's a song by Great Big Sea about "Home Away from Home" ("Dream of Home", it's called)
Great Big Sea is a Newfie group, but they enjoy visiting Halifax, Nova Scotia, on occasion… their neighbor province, and Halifax is their "Home Away from Home".

Some of the songs on my music playlists, they really like, especially when something is just a little more funny, or dramatic, or something like that.
In this particular song, it's a live concert, he's singing about how his course (path) has been "oft confused"… and he interrupts the song to add in there, in his delightful Newfie accent, "Oh SO confused… you don' know da half of it confused"… We always laugh at this together, and they joke about it whenever he starts to sing the song… they KNOW what's coming!

Anyway, for Sunneshine, it's the other way around. Nova Scotia feels like "HOME!" to this young lady, but this week, she's been traveling around Newfoundland, with her companions, Photo and Ray, and one other, it seems like, another male. (Boy, Sunneshine sure is popular!!!) Newfoundland, it seems, would be Sunneshine's Home away from Home.

At the beginning of March, they were down around Florida, the Bahamas, and dangerously close to Venezuela (i.e., it COULD have happened that they might have continued on south at that point, along the coast of South America, to end up right back over here, in the Pacific Ocean again…

It didn't happen that way, though.
Photo, much as he had agreed that "we are making North" (heading north), kept turning around and heading back towards Florida.

It took several tries before they all actually left Florida and were up near Virginia area… and then Massachussetts … and then headed south again.
"I learned", shows Sunneshine, who understands now that "I gave too big choice".

"He was his way, and we went." (meaning that he was being who he was, and they cared about him, and he's a wondeful guy, so they went the way he wanted to go)

"But I need HOME or Home Away from Home, so I may rest", she said (She's indicating she needs Nova Scotia area or Newfoundland)
She continues:
"So I told him to hurry, but he just waylays again, so we turned back, more than one time again."
"Then Joy said 'give him a new thought'. She said to tell him, 'We are heading that way. Period. Now, when would you like to travel? Early in the day, or later?', and he says 'I'll go, just early is fine.' "
You know… my idea was to…
… but here, Sunneshine joins in to write that I told them it was something like this: "Give him a choice… not which direction, but a different choice, and he'll know he has a decision to be valuable." … and they understood that, and they say that it changed their lives, because Sunneshine is "back"! She's "home", and because she's there, I can feel her being more chipper again. She's home where she loves to be.

Photo LOVES this place too ("home", Nova Scotia), as he is now "bright" (smart) but that's when it was different, he indicates.
He also, however, loves that it was WARM farther south. "I love that there," he says. "Warm is relaxing."

Having said that, he's also trying to go the route around Newfoundland that takes them all the way north, around the tip of St. Anthony, which definitely is NOT cold! (I think that's his ADD there again… taking a diffferent route than the usual…)

Photo says it wasn’t ONLY the choice (what time of day), but that he was "lost", as a young one who needs some more "time" … like with someone who spends time asking him where he is, and what he needs…

I'm writing here (Joy) … (often I'm writing, but they're the ones choosing the words!)

My life is far too busy! I usually spend a bit of time every morning with "my friends" (the whales and dolphins)… and when I have enough time, I finish up with a few hugs. I grab a pillow, and "pillow-hug" my dad, and my daughter… it's just a way to send caring energy their way for the day, every day.
As I had been doing this, ongoing, I began feeling a whale or two, "sneaking in" with my hugs… so that at the end of my (virtual, pillow) hugs with my dad and daughter, I would find that I was hugging a whale.

No complaints from me!

More often than not, it was Sunneshine, and she learned it well, and it changed my relationship with her.

Then, there were others, and for each one, although they would first come in hesitantly, expecting that it would be soft,and full and warm, then learned that in order to find that place, the were often sad, and expressed sad energy (like crying, or feeling sad)… but the after those initial layers were gone, it would feel really "fine" to them; they're expressing it as being "more kind than anything" (that they had experience with), and they enjoyed it…

Often, a whale or dolphin who hasn't yet experienced a hug with me, is hesitant, because they are worried that they're going to feel sad, or have tears, and they don't know what to think…
(In the world of healing, you would call that sadness a "release"… just "letting go" of some stresses or things they're holding that they don't even realize they're holding.)
They don't ever regret it after a hug… then they're game for more hugs, another time.

… and then there was Photo, and I found the hugging him helped him on those days, so we found our way to self-hugs (see my entry for 11/17/2019)…
… but lately, I'd been so busy, that I hadn't been spending much time at all with hugging Photo (I have to at least TRY to be on time for my first morning appointment, although I'm not always successful with that… my whales don't want me to head off for the tub if they haven't seen the weather forecast, talked about the sun, or seasons, or looked at the calendar related to the length of the days… or checked the map to find where Sunneshine, Ray and Photo are, or where others are… So without enough time, the hugs were VERY short lately!

I found that out, because Photo just needed someone to "hear", to listen to him, and help him so that he can be okay… As soon as I started doing longer hugs (to get to the place where I feel the "release", as if the last few stresses are gone), THAT is when they finally started going North again, without ANY backtracking at all!

From Nova Scotia, they continued north to Quebec, then over to Newfoundland. They're curious, you see. Having found my "energy" around Florida, via my friend Nanc, they're wondering if they'll feel it around the Avalon Peninsula of Newfoundland, knowing that I spent several of my growing-up years there, and LOVED going to the ocean!

They passed St. Pierre and Miquelon… Miquelon is ALWAYS enjoyed by the whales… it's a fun place for their "waves" … always around… (I would just put it as "it has a nice energy" but they are indicating the physical waves have a nice presence there).

They're past there today, although they told me, while showing me on the map,
"We forgot. We went around the coast, and forgot to put that on the route, so we turned around, and spent a little while playing. Now. It's over, and we may go to St. John's. We know the name because Joy says it so often, where she lived."
… we'll see where they end up, and what they find in my favorite ocean spots near St. John's!
(They do find my energy between the Avalon Peninsula and the mainland of Newfoundland, near "Come by Chance"… I guess my family traveled that road many, many times over the years!)

(Another note here… a follow-up on Elfabet, from one of my recent previous entries… He identitified also with the name "Lonesome"… he likes that a lot… but today, less than 2 weeks since I first wrote about him, he's NOT that now.
"The name, 'Lonesome', yes, but I'm not being Lonesome. I play again. I'm friendly, an not overwrought, like 2 weeks ago, and ALL the time before that, like not just 'allowing'."  

… by the way, it IS Mystic, who is currently 10 years old, one of L-Pod of the Southern Residents.
He feels much more relaxed to me… happy, even, I would venture.)

04/05/2020      Whales      Bottlenose Whales
Home away from Home, Continued
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Today was Sunday, so this morning I had a little more time to spend with my whales, albeit still nowhere near enough … but I wanted to give my attention to Sunneshine as they're in Newfoundland right now, which is "Home" for me. I love it there! It's wild, and rocky, and the the waves crash against the rocks, and make big sprays there…

As Sunneshine traces the coastline with me on the map, I'm remembering…

This morning, they were down on the south coast of the Avalon Peninsula, very close to where I had been with my family (my dad, 2 siblings and their spouses) when visiting in in October 2018 … We had gone to visit the fossils on the rocks at Mistaken Point Ecological Reserve, down near Portugal Cove South, a full-day outing, with a 45-minute hike to even reach the fossils…

… but "It's not that way either", she (Sunneshine) says, "It was there, where he is now" I think she's saying I neglected to include my boyfriend at the time in the list. He's still a dear friend, just no longer my boyfriend. Now she'll let me continue on…

You can imagine my life here… if they have something to include, they just "put themselves in there!"

That's why my mornings go slowly, often, because we have fun playing, and "Catching up". Sunneshine says:
" 'Where are you now?' asks Joy, today, when I am awake."
"But I say 'Look at the map, as I may be here and there'."
"When she, and I am talking about Joy now, is with us, she is soft but caring, so we get in the way, but she asks to see 'What is it that you are asking?', but it's not that way. We are soft, but she gives us the information."  
(She means caring, not pushy, by her word "soft"… they kind of mean "kind" when they use that word. It's a "soft" energy, not "rigid".)

She's trying to say that they aren't actively asking for my energy and time, but that they're "around", and so I communicate, and ask "How are you?", and as I check with them, there are usually questions, or conversations that get started… and so I run late… but they're indicating that it's not that they expect that.

So they (the whales and dolphins) don't often interrupt me… it's just that that's my time to pay attention to them, and they just "expect it". (Sunneshine's words there).

Anyway, we were exploring the coastline from Portugal Cove South all the way up to St. John's and the northern part of the Avalon Peninsula.

Sunneshine was showing me that they were passing "slowly", and maybe going into all the little inlets and coves along the way, so an enjoyable vogage, no matter who is along ("if we see boats, or men, or others too").

I got sidetracked at one place, trying to remember where "The Spout" is, and thought I knew, as it is a long hike starting from Bay Bulls, … and here Sunneshine takes over the writing:
"But it's a day or so to take it, and rocky coastline, with steps up and down, and stones over the path, and clambering, but always going. We may be well-tired out."
Me writing here again: Yes, you can't get there by road. You HAVE to hike. It's about 3½ hours one way, but then you have to hike back out again… the way in is fine, but all the way back, you're very, very tired. But oh what a treat it is!
"Joy looked at the You with us" (she means YouTube). "She saw 'Oh, that is the right place,' so it is."
I found the place in the video where they hikers had reached the Spout, and it's really amazing! So worthwhile hiking to! On one of the shorter videos, it was a sunny day, so each time the Spout was spouting, there was a pretty rainbow shing there!

The Spout is a wave-powered geyser, one of nature's amazing glorious wonders! I would go there again, if I had a chance … especially if it were in the summertime in Newfoundland, when the whales are sometimes seen on a coastal hike… at least, I've had that experience more than once, but that was a LONG time ago, and at a time when I had no idea that I would ever be actually talking with the whales…

Sunneshine will keep a lookout at that place, "as they may be some there." "Hikers, and still walking, if not swimming then."
(NOBODY swims then, in the winter! Not in Newfoundland! It's COLD there!)
She is pretty sure that I had gone there, I would have brought my wet suit, for if they ask me to be in the water, I'll go in , no matter how cold it is… She's right, but I'm not sure I'd brave Newfoundland water in April. July or August, probably, but not before then… (I also wouldn't have carried my wetsuit for 7 hours staight… and the rocks would be dangerous… here, in Washington, she's used to my going in, because there are sandy beaches, not wide rocks…)

"Okay, I see," she says. Then she jokes "Okay, you stay put there, I'll come visit someday."

Photo would ask to write here that "There' not enough joy in the water here, so I'm adding it. It's a frequency, we know."
"I know you can't comprehend what it's about," he is trying to tell the readers of this note, "but you can't always see frequencies, so Joy says, so it's okay."
He's talking about a "movement" frequency… and yes, you can't "see" infrared wavelengths, but they're very much scientific. You're right, Photo!

He's happy to have added his say.

04/19/2020      Whales      (multiples - not yet tagged)
Quick notes… Females and a huge laughter … Belugas again … Newfie Interlude … Is the sun a spirit?
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

This is a quick place-holder note… It's Sunday…
Lots of notes to keep track of, but haven't had time to write them…
These are my "reminder" notes

Is the sun a spirit?
This is from a few weeks ago, or maybe closer to a month ago now…

Back to the "sun" again… it's an ongoing morning interaction between me and the whales, as they seem to really appreciate the "reliability" that they've found in the "weather"

Oh yes… We also had the question "Is there weather today?"
Like "oh no, maybe there's no weather!"
… until they realized that there is ALWAYS weather, and it's whether it's sunny, or cloudy, warm or cold, dry or wet, windy or calm, it's ALL weather. So "Yes, every day there is always weather."

Back to the sun… on this particular day, I was sure that they're understanding this "round" thing, and planets (we've watched several different programs on Amazon Prime together about the solar system, and the planets… )
… so I thought for sure that they knew that the planets were made of rocks and minerals, and gases…

"The sun must be a conscious" they were saying, however.

They meant that the sun has a consciousness, and can make decisions, and that "although we are sure it will be there each and every single day, it isn't itself unless it has a mind."

They're not quite sure, however, whether it (the sun, for example) believes that they "might make a mess of things… maybe that isn't correct."

I was surprised…
… and checked with most of the whales and dolphins I connect with, to see what they thought.

Taking a vote, most of them thought "it's a spirit", meaning "it is conscious" …
"and we therefore should still take some time to appease it, just the same."  

"Not as much time any more, since it's shown that it WILL be there, very reliably, but some time."
… but there would have to be another voice added:
Copernicus, the dolphin in the Hood Canal who first understood the concept of things going around, and her idea was that the sun couldn't escape, because it was the captive of the earth, because the earth must connect via that gravity stuff."
Copernicus is sure, though, that the sun is NOT a spirit.
"I tried that," she is saying here.
Copernicus says:
"Play, I told the young dolphins, at the very end of each and every day, as the sun is disappearing, and nothing changed."
It had been very tentative at first… an experiment.
"If we play, the sun might doubt our intentions, and change its mood, to be less friendly, but not. It wouldn't make an iota of change if we played longer each time, just no difference."
I'm very proud of her! I often suggest that they check things out for themselves.
"Make a hypothesis, she says", they say, "and then make a different one, so one says this, and another will suggest a different trial, and we'll see who is right." That's Copernicus writing here.
So by Copernicus telling the young ones at the end of every day, near sunset, to "play", was trying out her hypothesis.
"If it's a spirit, it will be angry, and the sun will not come."

"But it isn't a spirit, so Joy knows, and she says it is that, and I see that, and so I know."
She's indicating that as we connected more, like almost every time I've driven across the Hood Canal Bridge (going to work at my other office, and home again, one or two days a week or so), that she "reads" my consciousness better, as she's close to it, and is "near". We're closer together in the same 3-D space than I get to have with more of the other whales and dolphins…
… except, when I was living in Virginia Beach, and my dolphins came regularly, so that's why they "got" things more easily…
… and I DID SEE Sunneshine that one day, in-person, at the Dungeness Spit, so with her, there's always been a really great connection. We saw each other in the same 3-D space and time, "unlike these," she says, meaning more of the others that are nearby here.

(As well, though, I also DID meet one of the young K-Pod Southern Resident whales, AND, I did see another group from the ferry one day, nand that turns out to be L-Pod, so there's a lot more connection with one that I DID see, than others that I haven't connected with in the physical.)

Still to write about:

Females and a huge laughter …
I only WISH I knew what the females say…

It's almost identical across all the groups… the males don't pay that much attention to the females, in terms of "having a voice", or knowing enough to guide a pod, or anything like that.

So I do this over and over again… once is ALL I ever need to do it with any individual, because this one, they DO remember and internalize…
I have the male ask one of the nearby females to "tell me something", says one of the males.
He describes the interaction with the female… this is one that came a few days ago, one of the Southern Resident whales…
"She says 'I know enough', and I laugh. She knows. I see…"
"I had NO idea. Zero. Nada. Not one inkling, but she is cute and bright."
This is Joy writing again:
From my perspective, I've never had the words before… all I know is that it takes only a few seconds, and suddenly the male whale is laughing hard, big rolling laughter, and everyone laughs!

I've been saying "Gosh, I WISH I knew what the female whales say, because it's always the same, and it's immediate, and it's ALWAYS BIG laughter!!!! Everyone finds it hilarious. (That's apparently a new word for a few of them today…)

Belugas again

This week, and part of last, there's been a Beluga whale with the group here as well.
They've come through in the past, initially asking "What is TV, please?" (or something like that… check the correct words)

They've come in at other times when the sun isn't doing what they thought it should be… they're farther north, and they seem to be very concerned when the days are REALLY long, and the sun doesn't go away much at all…

It's not the same Beluga whale here, and he doesn't have a name yet… but he's much a part "with" … he means he's with the other that I've connected with before (also no name… Oops! I guess they've just come in and out, but not stayed much… I guess it's time for a name, and "I wish to be the polar bear whale, white," he says. He's asking for the name "White"… or "White Bear" or "Whitie", or maybe "Witty". (He originally chose "White Bear, then renamed to "Polar Express"!)

We watched a video this past week of a Beluga whale in the antarctic playing "catch" with a big colorful ball thrown from a boat, and the Beluga would bring the ball back to the boat. Repeat…
The Killer whales thought this is really enjoyable, and would also play, if they had a chance!

Polar Express has been connecting and finding many things out this week.
One is "more"… he means "this", not "that". (I'm trying to write "food" here, but he's not letting me do that.
"That sour thing is terrible, but in yogurt I might smile" he writes here. That was my grapefruit this morning. He wouldn't enjoy that, "but the new, that I like." He means my easy-over egg… "with cheese!!!!!!!!" he adds with great enthusiasm.

Oh there's more… I just need more time to get it into notes, but it's way past bedtime here…

… Newfie Interlude
Sunneshine, Photo, Ray, and probably 8 or more others (more while over there, but some of them they learned while over there) … have been around the east coast of the Avalon Peninsula of Newfoundland.

They were going to head back towards Nova Scotia, but once headed west again along the southern shore, Photo found that he might like to "go back up towards the town where she was" (he means St. John's, and that area, where I lived, and hiked… I lived there from age 9 to 20, and then was back for several years again, much later… )

Photo LOVES finding "the reason", but he's meaning "the 'rhythm' that Joy is, that 'energy', that 'fabric'," which he sees as my signature. "It's the reason we love being anywhere," he indicates, but that's also why the dolphins came, they are saying, "so it's there too," meaning "around Virginia Beach, that part of the beach where Joy was."

Sunneshine hasn't found it yet, not in Newfoundland, but she doesn't recognize the pattern for she's well past the youth (says Sunneshine), so I don't "feel" the pattern, because "Joy hasn't developed it on the west coast the same, because she hasn't lived there very many years so far. Give her another year or so, and we'll see it there as well, IF she can manage to be at the ocean."

They're enouraging me to keep going to the ocean!!! I know!!! I would love to go!!! (It's a long, long drive… I'm hoping to go there, to Ocean Shores again, for a mini-vacation later this summer…)

I could have elaborated more on all of these, but it's now WAY PAST my bedtime!!! Again…

Thank you, my dear wonderful whales, for sharing this (the writing).

05/03/2020      Whales      Bottlenose Whales
… the suspense!
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Okay, so through these whale and dolphin journals, you'll be learning about some of the shows that I watcch… and yes, I do watch TV. I grew up without it, but now, I'm finding iit's way to help me to "let go of the day and de-stress".

So I like to watch Beat Bobby Flay (a cooking show) sometimes, as I'm making my lunch. Very often, as I watch TV, I'm aware of the consciousness of some of the whales here with me…

Actually, it's the gray whales who love the Beat Bobby Flay show, as they love to learn, and tell me that they are often trying to "beat me" with my lunch menu… They try to maeke fun things with the more plain ingredients I use for my lunch… but they  often end up doing better than me, they tell me. I have no idea what they're reallly doing, and they must be "practicing" for another time, but I do often find that they try to have me add "a splash of presentation" to my finished lunch plate… to lay things out on the plate in a way that's trying to be creative. Definitely not me!

Oh, did I write about eggs yet?

They love eggs… or the idea that eggs might be a food for everyone. "IF we might find some, they would be fine" they say.
"… and I learn, so if I might find one, I know of ways to break it, and I WILL hav eit with the heat."
They're showing that the raw egg isn't palatable, but "with heat, it makes it "more".

They would eat cooked eggs, if available, they're saying, and they're also fascinated by how the runny yolk becomes "not moving" as it has heat. (I try hard to keep it at that still-soft place, and they appreciate that… but if the yolk happens to break as I'm taking it out of the pan (sunny-side-down egg), they love seeing how it becomes "hard" so easily.

Oh yes, they are trying to figure out HOW to "make an egg, and JUST the egg."
"How to get it so there's no hard outside pieces with it… "
So we (people) have the luxury of cracking the egg on the edge of the pan, or a knife, or something else, and then prying the shell apart, to put JUST the egg into the pan. They don't have that dexterity, so "HOW?" they wonder…

Please understand, I can't account for what their consciousness is doing as they're here, but THEY know, they say. "Just play, and we'll learn." Maybe it's just information at the moment… but they DO like the information… so we just "play" together!

The gray whales like eating "but it's finding the right pieces," they say.

So I had a carton of eggs that they didn't actually like the energy of, even though the eggs were supposed to be free-range eggs and all of that (the Happy Egg brand at the moment, they prefer).
That carton of eggs became a science experiment!

"How hard do you throw the egg to make sure it will break open?" (like into my sink, maybe!)
… or simply dropping an egg… so "how high up do you take it to see it break?"

They want to know "HOW to break the egg so that you don't need to have the shell."

So you can see that my lunch-preparation time is sometimes very interesting!

Back to the Beat Bobby Flay show…

Now we're going to switch over to my fun-lving Bottlenose whales… like Sunneshine, and Photo too, and many others, I'm told…

On the Beat Bobby Flay show, they use "suspense".
"What's your signature dish?"they ask the chef that gets to compete with Bobby Flay…

Welll… they have this big pause with the "suspense music" playing, until the competeing chef says what he or she plans to make…
… and again, they use suspense when they're about to announce, "Which chef has won? Is it Bobby, or did the other chef actually (finally) succeed?"

They really like that part!
When it's the "Suspense" sequence, they have me pause whatever I'm doing, and just simply WATCH!

Yesterday evening, checking the maps with Sunneshine, she had shown me that they were going up the west coast of Newfoundland, past Port au Choix, headed towards the very northerly St. Anthony… and they were planning to head across where the water was narrow, over to the Quebec coastline.

… but then, there's also Photo, who tends to get mixed up a bit, although he tries very hard not to, and he's been trying to go around the St. Anthony point right from the start, when he first arrived over on the east coast last summer… and he sometimes ends up taking the group somewhere unexpected, because of his dyslexia… which actually leaves him being very "sweet", even though when he leads, it usually results in "unexpected detours and adventures"!

So this morning, when I was checking with Sunneshine, "Where are you this morning?", Sunneshine took me to that west coast of Newfoundland, heading up towards St. Anthony, then paused… and paused… and paused.…

Can you feel the suspense building?

She was holding the suspense… "Will you see that we're at St. Anthony? … or DID we actually go across to Quebec?"

After about 30 seconds, she quickly showed me on the map that they were indeed over in Quebec!!!

She was playing!!! "Suspense… so that I keep you wondering," she says.

She didn't learn it from me!!!

06/07/2020      Whales      All types
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

I wrote to one of my friends, an overview so far of some of the whales I've been connecting with… I had written:
I haven’t had a whole lot of connection with the the humpback whales… some, though, mostly when I was in VB, and connecting with the dolphins about a particular subject … and I do have another humpback whale story or two…

One of the very first whales to connect with me, initially, was a blue whale, wondering about their future and whether, or how, they will continue being able to feed themselves… but I haven’t connected much with them at all…

The baleen whales don’t spend nearly as much time in my space as the toothed whales… I’m not sure quite why… maybe we share more DNA with the toothed whales, so it’s a more familiar and comfortable space???

Just the same, I’ve had a few really neat connections with baleen whales!

I spent a lot of time with the gray whales, initially, and they come through regularly… especially the females, who really seem to enjoy the idea of “cooking” and preparing more “nourishing” food than they seem to have access to!!!

Right whales… some connection while in VB.

A fin whale, here, has a really neat space, and it’s a happy energy… I apparently “saw” her one day, but I didn’t consciously see her, so she must have been far out, and I just “got” the energy… I named her Finnie!

… and then the Sei whales, this recent weekend at the ocean… who have a wonderful space, and I will definitely be writing about them!
She wrote back:
"That is so funny about the grey whales wanting a cooked dinner.  Maybe we could set up a drive through for the whales."

They got a big kick out of this! The BLUE whales are the ones who would be there, if they were able to…
"but we'd need to have one of our own on the staff," they say, "for it to be anywhere near okay."

06/07/2020      Whales      All types
"I'm agreeable", says a new type of whale
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

My first Sei whale…


On the Sunday of Memorial Day weekend (May 31), I realized I really needed a BIG dose of the real ocean! It's been a while since I had been there. So I headed out for the Kallolach Beaches, one of the beaches I enjoy here in Northern Washington.

When I know I'm going, I always "broadcast" that info, to let my "friends" know I'll be at the ocean, and more or less when, and also where.

My Moclips dolphins (from July 2018) thought they'd hang around that area, and maybe try coming in a bit closer while I was there.

I got to Kallolach Beach # 3, which only has a small strip of parking beside the road, and found that there wasn't a single car there … yet… or so I assumed. However, when I reached the place where the trail that led down the hill to the beach met the road, I quickly understood why nobody was there! Covid-19, of course! I'd hoped the beaches were open, but hadn't been able to find the info online.

There was a sign posted, showing that there was a $5000 fine, plus up to 6 months in jail. No wonder nobody was parked here!

I apologized to my dolphins and let them know there wasn't any likelihood of my even wading in the water today, or being able to stand on the beach and talk to them, like I usually do.

I got back in my car and decided to explore, to see if I might find any beautiful views, or other ocean access points. I got to an ocean overlook, a very long strip of parking beside the main road. Many other cars were pulled over and parked there, so I stopped there, and got out so that I would at least be able to breathe some of the fresh open air, and connect with the water, and possibly even any whales or dolphins that might be around.

I spent a long time there, enjoying the fresh ocean air, on a big hill overlooking the ocean.

Yes!!! My Moclips dolphins let me know they were nearby… but teasing a lot, letting me know they were still way out beyond where I'd be able to see them. I "felt" them, though.

They would let me know right when they might be about to be visible for a few minutes, but they were beyond my range of visibiliy. Okay, so maybe I need a pair of binoculars!! Just the same, I was tickled that they were there.

I also met another individual… "I am agreeable", he says. He's enjoying writing here…

Individual… indeed! How about another type of whale?

I could feel him… a male, apparently. No surprise there! It's almost always a male who makes the first connection, all the while thinking they are "protecting" their females, just in case I turn out to be a predator, or something like that. Go figure!

"We think Joy is cute", says one of the friends I have… "She laughs." (She's commenting on my "Go figure!" comment!)

What he doesn't understand yet, is that the others, who have spent time with me, including when I'm in the water, find that idea pretty funny. "Joy, a predator? Can you think to play with her while she's swimming? We try to imagine how it's S-L-O-W when she's in the water."

I have to laugh… they'd swim cicles around me any day, as they can really MOVE in the water, whereas I'm very slow and get carried a lot by the currents. They certainly don't need to worry about me! … not that they'd need to worry, even if I could keep up with them!

And so it was that I met a new type of whale there!

I was asking, “Are you baleen, or toothed?” … and he showed me it was a baleen whale. First, he had me click my teeth together, to indicate a toothed whale... and shook his head, indicating "not". Then he showed instead covering the teeth, and just put my lips together, indicating a baleen whale. (This is a "code" we have, for them to show me...) So definitely a baleen whale!

“Are you Gray whale? Right whale? Blue Whale? Fin whale? Humpback whale?” I got “no” answers to all of those! “Are you a type of whale I haven’t met yet?” … and I got a big “yes.”

Then at home, looking through my whale charts, I realized that "I am Sei", he resonates.
Really neat! That was my first contact with a Sei whale!
Needless to say, I found them really neat! It’s so fascinating and wonderful how each type of whale is so unique!

While I was still standing on the parking overlook, looking out at the ocean, this Sei whale and I connected for a few minutes.

It's generally later, either same day, or through the following days, that they continue to connect with me, as they become "curious as to who she may be," he says…
(I don't have a name for him. He says he doesn't want a name… he'll simply become "Sei", but NOT "Sigh"!)

The new ones tend to be puzzled and very distressed initially when they find me driving… somehow, they're aware "that it" (this thing I'm sitting in) "is MOVING, and so speedy."
"We're always apprehensive, just because it sits, and nobody is moving."

What they mean, is that I'm relaxing as I drive. A foot on the gas pedal isn't exactly as if I'm out of breath from running!

Honestly, I have idea how it is that they are able to be so very aware of my presence, and "we just see", says Sei.

I can also almost always feel them trying to "duck" or get out of the way when there's a car passing us in the other direction… they have this sense that we must be about to have a head-on collision… until the other ones who already "get it" try to show the new one, with my body language, leaning my elbow on the window sill, filling out all the space there… and indicating the yellow line in the middle of the road, showing each new one that cars always stay on their own side of the road, and the line divides it, so as long as I am not over the line, "there is leeway, and nobody will crash"

The following morning, as I connected with my whales (it seems to be a core group, with many different types coming in, although they don't seem to connect with other species than themselves in my space, e.g., my bottlenose whales, like Sunneshine, don't show any interest in my southern resident killer whales, or the gray whales, or the sperm whales, and so on… except that, when there's a new presence, they all come together to "show" what the "NEW" is!
(i.e., "the sun isn't going to disappear and never show up again… it has to be in the sky, as it's turning, and our water moves through the sky because we move. It turns, and we follow."

Now, to go along with this, they indicate "going around", and show the "sun in the center, and others, always round" (they mean planets), "like where we are, moving there in a big wide circle somewhere near the 'old'."
She is trying to reference here that "the idea that the sun walks, is no longer anywhere."

So the morning after my not-quite-on-the-beach adventure, I was aware of this new whale participating in the regular morning routine I go through with my whales!

Today, we were walking through the home, looking out the windows "to see where the sun was in the sky. We've all been merrily discussing that the 'dear Sun must not be woken too soon, for everyone will fear it's the end…"

(You realize they always insert themselves here as I'm writing, and I never know what I'm going to end up writing before all is said and done! Believe me, my stories all get much longer than I thought they'd be, but it's their pleasure to be here, and it does make my life so very amazing!)

I think they're saying here that they would like longer days (we're close to 16 hours here, now), but that if the sun rose around 3 am instead of the designated 5-ish am when the scientists expect it to, that people everywhere would panic!

So back to my tale…

It didn't take long for Sei to tell me he understands, really easily and quickly. He doesn't need explanations… he just catches on in the blink of an eye. That was really, really neat, and actually unusual for a "first." He's writing here,  saying "I can take over now, so she is telling the story, but I know what it is. The sun is always turning, and the earth rotates."

Now it's "Darn! So now what do I say? I know I've been hoping for safety, so the day is always near hoping the god isn't not what I know, so that I may be in peace, and not worry again"

Before, they say, "we feared, but now, it's expected that we understand, but not what God may be, but science rules the universe as well, and no god may declare the sun is going to be gone."

*************************************  CONTINUE WRITING! ****************

(he quickly got the idea that the sun comes up and shines in one set of windows early in the day, and goes up high into the sky, and shines in other windows later in the day, before disappearing again…

I ask him whether he'll remember it the next day, because usually they don't… it's in our deep sleep, a type that I don't think they get, that we store away memories, and they don't seem, in general, to remember things… except until recently …

I tease them about sleep, and memory related to that, and surprisingly, many of them are learning this "technique" (they copy me, and don't know what to expect when I "disappear" at night, i.e., my consciousness is no longer accessible to anyone after I've fallen asleep!) … etc.

Sei assures me that he WILL remember, and sure enough, he does! The next day, he's got it all downpat!!!

Usually, the new whales are determined that they will remember, and the next day, they're back to their original understanding (that the sun could disappear, and they must behave so that god is content) … Then I ask, "How many days have we already done this?" … and they remember and realize that they've already learned this… and for some, it's 3 or 4 or 5 times, before they remember… and then they join in to continue teasing (with a big SMILE, so happy and kind teasing to the NEXT new ones, like "hey, look up here… see this consciousness? Can you connect with this instead??")  

Lots to write about that… first one, male… (but there are also a few females "finding Joy understanding that Joy is helping everyone, so it's okay")…
… and about their deeper space, and learning quickly…
… but learning as well that there are many things they didn't know, and it helps…
(I'd written so much more!!! Too bad the computer lost it…)

06/11/2020      Whales      (multiples - not yet tagged)
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

I had written 3 pages… but must not have saved it…

I lost the first two…

Here's the 3rd page, which I'd still been able to copy and paste:

 I'd been writing about one day, probably ~ May 3 (so make that the Journal Entry date), a Sunday when I have a little more time to connect with my whales and dolphins (whichever chooses to come through first) …

On this particular day, I felt a whale connect that I didn't actually recognize.
He indicated that he is a Baird's whale … and he's connecting to figure out (intuitively) HOW they may get to the east coast. They wish to see Photo again, as he had been calling out so many different times to his mom, who is also apparently missing him, and would appreciate if he were around again.

So this entry began with that…
… and their initial plans for a journey… "that MUST be taken, now that we know."

(Continue here)

and also about the naming of Pattern… see my rough notes below.
Too bad the first set was never saved, as the first writing is almost always the best one!


So there was a lot of discussion about the journey.
Initially, they were telling me there were 6 males and 1 female. Pattern is a leader. Initially "the leader"

Now, though, he's one of many, and "some of the others are ladies," he says as he checks to see if they are listening…

There were many ideas about where to be, and how it is to cross

(continue writing this… checking through the energies, knowing they'll be fine if they relax more… finding out how the others keep going through difficult places, such as connecting with LandLover, and in the end, Sunneshine is a resource, as she's a big leader, and challenges others (she makes them "work")

… about the ladies beginning to understand that if they may "show" that they are capable, they'll be allowed, and even appreciated … they've begun to challenge themselves to be fast, and deep, and keep going through times when they are tired… like doing relay races, or "remembering that there may not be a space in the ice where there is a breath-place, and what then, so how should we act then?"  (this is a female Baird whale writing here, by the way).

"We weren't allowed" in the beginning, because they think we should need protecting, and we see it very nicely there, but we add other. We should be the ones to give direction, as our sense of knowing there seems to be more accurate."
"Also, she [Joy] seems to show others that the ladies are more knowing of which way the fish might be, so what we need."

I've found it's often the ladies who know where to look for food, and to connect with othr types of food, that the males might have overlooked, but that "adds to the body, and builds."

So, since we've talked about leaders, and their big qualities…
(my note to add… we actually "tried this out" a few times in the energy, and they played with trial and error, of different ways of doing something, and found they might integrate their learning into a real-world pattern…

The males first were SURE that any ladies don't know how to be a master for this (leader)…
… but the ladies also found a way around each and every single objection, practicing, until they were the leader, and found that the male whale was around and following them, instead of him being a "leader".

Pattern is laughing, along with the lady who is sure that she also could be that! "I had no idea that this is how we go," he is saying.

The other was the intro to the Baird's whales, and "Pattern", describing the Joovv pattern (LED's… some red, some infrared)…
… and the original "prompt" and connection, around Sunday, May 3

… and how another day, I noticed that somehow, this whale paid attention to details, but repeating things…
One of these times, I was aware of his energy moving my eyes along the patterns of the LED lights on my set of Joovv lights… There were alternating patterns of red light LED's and infrared LED's…

… and about Pattern and "foods"

… like Green Eggs and Ham … first answer was always "NO! I do NOT like this new thing", but after having a big biteful, then he'd add "Okay, I do like it."
(and more… try to re-remember all the details)

Other notes I'd wanted to jot…

Tim Finnigan's wake…
and they don't want to be "awake", because it might mean they're not around any more. "What's a wake? It's when you're not sleeping!" … but they initially thought it meant not alive any more, because Tim Finnigan had been gone when they had the wake (of course, he woke up then, when whiskey accidentally splashed on him! He's Irish, after all…)

The sun… and "light" … and light switches. "You see, we understand that you don't see what we know"
I thought they had the connection between sunrise, sunset, and daylight, and nighttime… but with this, so much relief!


So much more about Sunneshine, and Photo, and Ray… and their travels, and bringing more happy things around Virginia  Beach… but Photo keeps needing to connect, so they keep going to Florida and close to the Panama Canal…
… and Ray, wasn't going to be going to the west coast this summer, as he needs to be near a girl he cares about, who might be having a baby… but now, when I reach, it feels like the baby is not his…
… and we learn that the Baird's whales may not mate correctly with the Atlantic bottlenose whales … too many DNA differences, perhaps… so he will need a female who is more his species…
… and how he'd "forgotten" all about the west coast and his roots there, and one day, when I connected him with this, he figured out that he remembered, and longs for connection…

… and how it was very likely Photo's dyslexia and going the wrong direction that got them past that one tricky place at the beginning of the Western Passage (explain more, about the route)


The killer whales, southern residents
… the article that popped up, re: cetacean virus, and them trying to take precautions, and understanding now how that might change how each one makes it through okay (re: awareness of "social distancing" through our coivd-19 times, and "Joy can show how it works" they say…)

… and if I haven't written it yet, then about dishwashers, and awareness of germs…

… and the killer whales are hoping to go to Alaska to feed BIG there, as they are aware that there may be food they care about
… and the GPS thing… the women get it more easily, but the males can also connect with that…

06/16/2020      Whales      All types
What day is "Today"???
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

"It's today again. Is it ALWAYS Today???", comes the question with a lot of agitation, but also a few smiles. I think she's jesting a bit…

"What day is today, I ask," she says, and then continues, "But it's today every day. How do I know? Beause the phone shows 'Today' as the day to see the weather for… but now it's another day, and always today."

"But what day of the week is 'Today'?"

"Must I say, Sunday, Today, Tuesday, Wednesday?… but another time, I will say it's Today, then after today comes Thursday."
(meaning that "Today" is Wednesday this time…)

Who is "she"?
They're "ALL asking this, please," they indicate, half with a smile, "but it was a puzzle until we are remembering to see it as 'now'."

It most likely started with Sunneshine, and it was her consciousness I was present with when she puzzled about this, but the others are saying here that they "have expected it, because it turned out to be so valid…"  They were all intrigued by this, in other words. As they write along with me here, I'm left saying "Oh dear… I thought it was a joke, because we were laughing about it so much!" … but they're showing me they learned as we played with the idea of "when".

But "they", in this case, includes "all those who play every day" (like my morning "study group" over my breakfast! That's when we go over the weather, and the calendar, often go to the maps, and more…), although I mostly sense the ladies' energy around this.

Just the same, the male Sei whale indicates that he sees it is Tuesday! [today] As I'm writing this, he joins in, and begins to "Scan", so he goes to "Sunday, Monday, Ahhhhhhh… " and I feel his excitement when he reaches Tuesday. "I know!!!", he says, happily.

He continues with "Joy says I forgot after some time, but I know, so it's hard to retain that memory so much later."

My note: He remembered things very well for the first day, the next day, and probably the day after that. Then I didn't end up checking with him, and the next time I asked the "Where does the sun rise?" question, he didn't seem clear on it any more at all. Now, though, he says again that he remembers… "I didn't know where the sun was supposed to change [rise], or show up first thing in the day, but every day, at the same time, so to guess which side of the earth I'm on, to know where to look."

He's saying he couldn't figure out how to direct his north-south radars, "but Joy is certain that I know, for the stars, or heavens show it. For everyone, in our sphere, it's not difficult, but why would I stare at the east when I'm moving the opposite way?"

So he's actually indicating here that he didn't forget at all, he just lost his orientation in space "for a few days," he indicates, but it's as if at that time, he really didn't remember the concept at all, and he says, today, as I'm writing this, that he's okay with this conversation, because he forgot. ("I remember, I didn't know." There's a sweet twinkle in his eye as he's writing here. I think I really like this whale!)

Actually, he's been saying, very nicely, that he "likes 'school' [our concept of school, and how it's taught to young friends of theirs], how something can be so frustrating when it's fresh, and you learn it, and then you show it another way, until at the end of the class time, you know many ways to reach the same response."

He's very "learned", this lovely Sei whale! He's actually older as well… seems to be older than more of the male whales that "know how to reach through this 'fog' that humas create, to see any version of 'light' within it that resonates to our own space."

(I think he just explained that to whales, our minds are too foggy and unclear for their consciousness, overall!)
Many of the other whales here laugh, and agree, but "I don't wish to imply that you're not conscious, just not yet aware of our own capacity for joy." (says another dear friend here, a whale I won't name just now… "anonymous is okay sometimes", she says,)

Back to the topic of "Today!

"So every time, I may say it is 'Now', so we will say 'today' as well, but to someone observing, or wanting to check where this is when in another layer [no memory for many of us here], they should remember that Monday is the first day. But then Sunday is still where it was before, so always seeing change, just always another day, and always 'just Now'."

"But Joy is more time seeing for us when she says today is Saturday."

Okay, I'll interject here… they're actually aware that everything is different on Saturday or Sunday… there's less of "that thing" … they mean the stress.

"How about we change the topic, so Joy will connect and write about the games we're excited to share…"

************** so here's my cue to write another entry, about the "games"
… ladies versus men… teams! Trying to be the first who gets a certain way or thing, like dinner is ready, then we can change teams around… but the young ones are in the way…
(this is about how men and women think differently, and while men tend to do things, often, by strength and brawn, women are likely to out-think the men… There's MUCH more to write here!!! Sneakiness and planning, by the women, behind the scenes, but in the end, they men still won… they tricked everyone… they thought they were strong, but they used "Wiles" in the end, to defeat our type, say the ladies…

07/19/2020      Dolphins     
Another beach
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Today, I went to one of the Kalaloch beaches…
It was a last-minute decision. Usually I let them know a few days ahead, so they can be in the vicinity if they choose.
So by the time I was on my way, my Moclips dolphins showed me they were too far away to make it today… but my Olympic dolphins showed they were nearby, and they "delighted to be there."

"Joy says 'I don't know for sure', but we do."
They're putting words in my mouth, but they're right. They stay out where I can't see them… yet… but they sure do let me know they're there!

Today, although it was a beautiful and very warm day inland, it was foggy and chilly on the beach, as if sometimes seems to be here in the summer. Probably all the heat interacts with the cold water and makes fog, and it doesn't have a chance to burn off.

So even if they had come a little bit closer today, it's highly unlikely that I could have seen them, since the fog really limits the view.

They took the opportunity to "jump" once, says a little one, a dolphin female, who says she learned to stay apart from the group a while to learn how to be self-aware, not just the "big" (group energy)… "for making sure that we remember."  (I think I must have written about that… check for the date… it was significant at the time, like a new idea, that the group thinks as one, and for someone to remember something different, it makes a difference if they keep a distance on occasion… for independent consciousness.)  

Olympic Provider dolphin doesn't really remember our previous interactions, and he's puzzling about that, because "I am there" … meaning he's "sure it's so, because there's new ways of being since the past many years here, but not any idea how it is" [that that is so].  "Like that I know WHERE, but it's a GPS idea, so not only seeing by where I know to be, the old way."  (i.e., we, people, use maps and location, whereas the dolphins I know so far only go where they see according to 'the heavens' … somehow, they navigate by the positions of the heavens, in relation to their timeline… I probably haven't quite explained this enough yet… )
"We jest, that we, like the salmon, don't need a map"
(There's one of my Newfie-Irish songs, about the Moore Street girls, who could "sell a map to a salmon", and they always think that's really funny!)

So this one (dolphin) today, "jumped, and KNEW that Joy couldn't see me, so it was okay."

They seem to be so shy here, and "it's cold, so nobody likes above the water."

(add the note here about the young lady, I'm pretty sure the same one of the Olympic Dolphins who decided to "move" (away) from the group, temporarily, sometimes, to have "individual time" without the group consciousness.
I think we might have named her SeaSalt at the time, but if so, that must be somewhere in my hand-written notes.

She would rather have a different name… something that shows she has some intelligence… So I called her "Smartie", and she really resonates with that…
They are aware that "smarties" are yummy, and bright! I asked her what color she might like, and she says "Not quite blue, which I must like, but red, as each person I see says 'eat them just at the end'."

They're aware, as I like to joke a lot, that there used to be a smarties ad, for which I mostly remember the last line… "When you eat your smarties _____________, do you eat the red ones last?" (get the full words here)

So she "MUST have a RED smartie", she says … and so her new name now is Red Smartie, and she's delighted about it!

There's this thing about colors… I think they might make out blue, but we seem to have developed color genes that they don't have yet. They must process "light", but mostly, they don't seem to distinguish colors with their eyes. They can "feel the vibes" and be aware of what a color is, but that's different than the visual.
Young Photo, the Baird's whale who is currently on the east coast with Sunneshine, however, IS aware of deep red, and maybe some other autumn colors. We had fun playing with that last fall, while I was driving often between Sequim and Poulsbo, and so had lots of time on the road, through lots of trees, watching the leaves turn color, and gradually get blown from the trees.

Photo wants to write, "Not polite to take the time to see it," he says, in otherwords, he says I was taking over the words, when HE wanted to say something.
"I See," he indicates, meaning literally, using his eyes.
"When Joy is in the mountains hiking this weekend," (July 26… I'm writing this now July 29) "I am aware. There is green in the trees, and the flowers are different, bt when there is a deep red leaf pattern, I know. Not some of the others. They can't find the difference,"

"I must be seeing something they don't. I'm proud." (That was in response to my asking him if he felt good about that! I'm encouraging them, always, to be happy when they know something, and that it's good to take pride in something.)

About colors: In general, they seem to know the vibration of blue, so they choose it… so when I have blue on, they're comfortable. I've probably worn a lot more blue over the past few years than through most of my life before. They especially relate to a pure royal blue.

07/19/2020      Whales      (multiples - not yet tagged)
Return to Sender … the old-fashioned way
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

This is a continuation of my 7/19/2020 Journal Entry that started with the dolphins when I was at Kalaloch Beach #2… but this part of it is about whales instead.

Two weeks ago, I was also at Kalaloch Beach #2, and went into the (still) freezing cold water for close to an hour …

My Moclips dolphins were there… Also, a pilot whale, another first …
He was funny, because after that, he began coming through with a new sound or way of expressing… like when you blow a raspberry on your baby's tummy… blowing air out through the lips making a putt-putting sound…
But the other who are around me thought that was a happy thing (probably because I laughed so much about it!), that they started doing it too!

"But I am present now" he indicates. "No name, though, just 'Pilot', but not that."
Oh yes, he's reminding me here that he's not actually a Pilot whale, but a short-finned pilot whale, found here on the west coast. He didn't quite "match" on the pilot whales group.

Another note as I'm writing this evening… I'm listening to an oldies Pandora station, and the song that just came on is "Return to Sender"…
They LOVE letting me know they're paying attention here!!! (my "regulars", that is, such as many more whales that I can mention here!)
They immediately look at an un-opened letter sitting on my table here, and the stamp… and how they're disappointed it's not a hand-written address, not personal, so it's not like the song! (Yes, as if I had a old lover I was returning the letters to!) … but they're amused, and think it's sad that we didn't continue with "letters" like they were in the olden days (before text and email, facebook and twitter made them obsolete!)

"Who?" they ask, "is it from, then, so we may keep it if we like the person?"

They're always really puzzled in the beginning when I'm texting with someone, and they know I just received an "idea", because they feel my thoughts change (this is them writing that), but they have no idea when it showed up, just that it's "aware", so they see that I might have shoed them a few things to check, like is it in the phone?" …
… and the new ones always think I'm nuts when I'm talking with my dad on the phone, because they know I'm saying things, and it's not to them, and it's not just talking out loud, but they know there's a man's voice and it's tired, they say…  (they're indicating he's older, which is correct), "but we can't see anyone else here, so who is it?" they ask… Today, they're just joking, but they know the drill now. They ask me to show them on the map where I am, and where he is… and they have trouble understanding how I "could know how to talk for such a long area" (over such a distance). He's in Ontario, Canada, and I'm in Washington State, so we're not exactly next-door neighbors…)

But they understand when I say "look up" to see where the "signals" go, and they understand how to access the "very accessible" internet now… "Some of us," they show, but the new ones are very confused, unless I show them that people are NOT actually inside the television…

Okay, I've meant to write about that too!

The Sei whale who came through more recently, got pretty jumbled about that. He refused to look at the TV, because he said "There's no way. They aren't real, so they aren't worth me to look at."
That's because they're convinced that to be real, we'd have to be able to have people come and go through it, in and out of my home, and that doesn't happen.

That's when I show them the TV is "thin", and I show them the back and the sides of it, so they can see there's not actually anybody really there… and then we take a photo or two with my phone, and a video on my phone's camera, and it is okay the, and they sigh, and say "what else?"

"What else can I do here to be amused?"
… "like no other advice to stay busy when I'm just working…"
"This house is SO boring!" they joke today, because there's just no time to do all the funny things, like dance…

I think they're commenting that I should have more time, time to relax, dance, do puzzles, read, watch more TV, and such. They're kind of left on their own when I'm working or busy.

Okay, you'd almost think they were like little kids here, but the deal is that if I'm consciously connecting with them, it's fine and they are "present" during those times,, but other times, they're still "aware", just I'm not trying to talk with them, but they "keep on checking out how things go"… Yes, this is all really hard to explain, but many times I'm not even thinking about them, and next thing I know, there's a "whale tone" coming through me, for example, if I just dropped something!  Meaning, SOMEONE else exclaimed in startlement!

Okay, so they just answered questions that I haven't really asked, which is "What are you aware of when I'm busy with other things?" … and "it's a big deal, for some of us"… apparently just the ladies for the most part, and only a few groups of those… It probably depends on how recently we've connected.

Sunneshine is around almost every day, and I feel her easily, because we are very close, and I met her here on the west coast once I was settled in my new place here, which strengthened the connection a lot…
The gray whales seem to be consistently present… at least those ladies who were present very close to the beginning of our connection when I was still in Virginia Beach… A few of them are trying to figure out how to read, and they take joy in learning about food… like the cooking shows, how to make things "nice". They always have me arrange my lunch plate very creatively these days, and take pride in the finishing touches… a little garnish, a splash of color here, or a fancy way of "plating" everything. (I don't feel them individually, but there seem to be several, and they seem to be there as a team.)

(We kind of changed the subject along the way here!)

The new ones who connect are sometimes only here for a few days, or a week, especially the males, unless I go out of my way to check with them, or if they need something, like help navigating, or figuring out a problem (yes, just like a male, right?)
… but more often than not, they do check back from time to time, to see if their "ladies are learning new things that they [their male counteparts] might like to appreciate."

07/29/2020      Whales     
More placeholders
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

So many more stories…

Artwork… a first!
Cherry that squirted juice when I bit it, and Sunneshine immediately was intrigued by the idea of this "juice", and decided that she would like to make "art"! So we blotted it together on a napkin, with Sunneshine guiding where and how we did this… kind of like sponge painting. She made different patterns, and then wanted me to put her name on it, and hang it on my fridge. Her very first "invention", she is happy to show.)

Especially important:

The ongoing story continues, just like one of the series on TV… "This one is about who will be on which side of the continent!"

So last summer, Sunneshine needed to get from the west coast to the east coast, and her friend Ray was going to go across with her, because she definitely needs a male whale nearby…

So more of the Baird's whales were going to go across as well, but they tried going up there too early, and most of them ended up no longer wanting to go along, as it looked like a strenuous and difficult journey, especially with the ice they encountered (starting out so early… it seems like mid-August or so before enogh ice is clear for it to become anywhere near comfortable, and they tried probably sometime in July.)

Photo ended up volunteering, happily, to be the one to go along, so that this summer, Ray would have support for making it across to come back home.

Ray, however, decided that he is NOT coming back to the west coast! He's indicating "Not. Never. I like it this way."
Based on all of the info I get from whales (and dolphins) on both coasts of North America, food is much "easier" on the east coast… probably more abundant, but mostly, less toxic, which makes it easy.
The whales on the east coast seem to be stronger and healthier than their counterparts on the west coast, although  seem to feel there is just as much pollution on the ast coast, but the water termperature is significant as well, and maybe the directions of the currents? (E.g., is there pollution that comes across from Asia, maybe???)
I guess that's like my gray whales, the first autumn we connected, where one of them said "You would eat THAT?" … and they way preferred the idea of organic. They were highly sensitive to the chemicals in the food supply, whatever those chemicals are. (I'm getting the words "it feels like I'm choking when I try to enjoy that food." That's my gray whales commenting here.)

(If food feels toxic to a whale, it is much less likely to eat it and enjoy it, than food that doesn't carry that "smell" (their words)… this is them giving me info. Apparently, it's nothing that our human noses would smell, but they can't seem to find enough that doesn't make it feel off…

In any case, the whales and dolphins on the west coast so often have shown me "pulling in their tummies", indicating HUNGRY, over and over, while the whales and dolphins on the east coast don't seem to have the same dilemma at all.

Pattern and about 7 other whales are up around Alaska, getting ready to go across to the Atlantic ocean.
Pattern is quickly "learning the ropes". He's not very experienced so far in leading groups, but I'm being told "there are 4 of us together who see where to go, so should I expect to leave the group, there will be another guide."

He's not intending to leave the group, but I suggested they have contingency plans, in case of emergency, and they all stepped up to learn new techniques.

Did I write yet about how some of the ladies figured out they might "practice" skills to make them excellent leaders? That was while they were still farther south… "We did that, and we proved we may show them how to follow." (meaning that they could guide).

It seems like they had to try a few times before Pattern would take them seriously, but they determinedly kept trying, and met muster. Now, one of these girls is one of the contingency leaders.

Pattern has been in a quandary… he's not sure that he knows how to actually lead a group and keep everyone together, through such a big unknown area, when he wasn't a leader yet.  
… but he figures it out… one of the techniques he's been using to figure things out is to "check", to simply step through all the layers of things and ask "Did I _____?" Such as, "Did I give everyone time to eat?" "Did I provide a search field where there is safety, so where it is okay to stop for a while, so that there is rest for us, so that we may be strong again?" "Also, did I remember to eat?" … I guess he's so busy looking out for everyone that he's a lot tense…  
"… and what do I do when another refuses to follow? How will I guide?"
… but he's figure out (with a little help from someone else) that if he gives the little ones a "task", as if it's a big privilege, then they are content, and excited.

… and if nobody wants to go again, I just ask "Who would like to visit Young Photo?", and immediately everyone grows very happy and will move forward together!

They're VERY excited about visiting Young Photo!

Sunneshine, Photo and Ray, on the other hand, were told that they should disappear for a while, lest they come too far west (across the top) to meet with Pattern and his group, and then Pattern and the others won't make it over to the east coast, but they really want to get there, so they're telling Sunneshine and her group NOT to get there very early.

So Sunneshine and Photo are back down around Florida… and wondering about the choppy and big waves, because there's a hurricane in the gulf of Mexico right around now! … but they didn't follow the Florida coastline… they've made a point of showing me "island hopping" to get over to the vicinity of the Panama Canal, and they're on their way back up the coast again.

I need to write much more about Sunneshine and her "races"…

She has learned a technique to 'fly' … move VERY quickly through the water, using her technique. She developed it the one day she raced to meet me (over many hours), to make it to La Push beach, as I was driving there, and showed me "panting" and "out of breath", but she made it! … and the exhilaration that was in that journey, and she learned she loves to move that fast, and now has a good team that can make it there in zero minutes!

Seriously, they race up and down the coast, and everyone sees that it's real, and she loves to get the pride going also.
She's a HUGE part of the inspiriation for many other whales to follow, as in even the ladies in Pattern's group are finding they want to meet her and learn (and then see if they can out-race that young lady on their own, even if I have to tone my muscles better, says one of them here!

They have been the ones writing these last paragraphs… it's their excitement and their stories here. (I was writing, but they chose the words… I guess I should re-format this "to indicate their voices are the ones sharing."  … again, THEIR words!!!)

08/02/2020      Whales      All types
Yet more notes again
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

So many big and little things to write about!!!

On 06/11/2020 I had written about their awareness (or lack thereof) of the sun, and how that's related to day and night…
Since then, they've been referring to it several times a week as the "sun light switch", and want me to close blinds during the day to make the rooms darker, then turn on a light…

The piece that I had completely missed was that they hadn't at all, ever, made a connection between the sun, and "light".

Because we've been looking at sunrise and sunset times, for well over a year now, and days getting longer versus shorter, and that the earth is going around the sun… so I assumed, naturally, that they knew there is a connection between the sun coming up, and the light that makes daylight.
"We don't know that," says one of the main whales who is usually around. She's making a point that they ALL agree on…
"The sun isn't visible, when it's not sunny, but it's light."
"We learn, but it's more than asking the question, we need to be sure of each thing."
"It's kind of like you teach the young children. So I am aware of this, but it's a different next piece, and it doesn't make sense until we understand."
She's referring to how we help young children learn. Just because they see us cut a pie in half or into four pieces, doesn't mean they automatically understand that the pieces of pie are fractions, and fractions need to be explained logically, and THEN the children can understand what fractions are.

So having said that, you would probably smile at some of my days, and the many, many different experiments I do to show them things… and they take great pleasure in understanding, but wanting to participate and do it over and over again!

You have no idea how many times I've poured water into a little plastic container and put it into my freezer…
Lately, they've made a point of having me double-check that the water really is liquid before we put it into the freezer, and moves, and that I can put my finger all the way to the bottom of the container… and they're adding the idea of checking the temperature of the water while we're at it…

… We check on it after various intervals of time, "to see when it becomes not" … they mean "not water"…
Sometimes, I'll take the "not water" (ice) and put it outside on my deck, and they are "interested in HOW it moves then."  I was going to say they like checking on it and finding out that it melts, but they're saying that idea isn't yet really there. "It becomes more of what it was", they share. In their understanding, it's water again, but the concepts of "freezing" and "melting" aren't yet concrete.

Another part of our "ice" experiment was that they had me put the container with the solidly frozen ice cube into the fridge instead of on the counter, or outside in the sunshine. They were intrigued that it melted a bit, but that there was still a BIG lump of ice in the container, surrounded by a bit of water. One of them is commenting here that "it only partly melted, because the temperature around it is still not hot."

Then there's the awareness that "AIR is a medium, and it has a whole idea that we can't see."
Ah yes… talking about experiments!

That's an entirely new thing for them.
They've learned gradually about "wind", but for whales or dolphins who haven't been around yet when we've worked with the idea of "blowing", they are fearful.

The idea that the trees are moving makes them very wary and cautious, and they withdraw.

But those who have been around me for a while, just start to blow. We used to blow at the plants, and they saw the plants moving… then they had me blow things like a bit of paper towel, or any other type of fabric or something else that's soft, that "moves" or "sways", or even "rolls"…

… and now, they have me put out my palm and blow into my palm, because it's an experiment that shows them that I can "feel the blowing, or force of air on something."

When I open packages that have big air pockets in them as packing material, they have a lot of fun with that, especially the long-timers trying to show the newer ones that air has "substance"…
"that it fills this, and it's fun to pop it, although she doesn't like to make too much noise just now, because the neighbors might get upset"
Yes, they love to have me burst those air packing bubbles!
Sometimes, I just cut a tiny hole in it, and we watch the invisible air going out, but they can't see it, but they see "the bubble losing the big", so just a little piece of fabric (plastic), "but no fun that way," they are telling me now!!!

And then we play with balloons too, where they are flumoxed by how the balloon will get big when I blow it! They're learning about the air we breathe, and that's why they must surface when they're in the water, because of "air".

This past week, I blew into a mint green balloon, and inflated it.
They were positive that the air inside the balloon must be therefore be green. That was the only explanation they had for the "green".

So we got a little ziplock baggie, and mostly sealed I, and let the air from the green balloon inflate the ziplock baggie, so they could see that it was clear. "That's much better," they show, "because we are just figuring this out."

We'll see what they think the next time I blow up a balloon, especially if it's a different color! "I think it will be blue next time," she indicates, and the air is always a little bit cloudy, but with moisture."

Okay, that's Sunneshine, and she's learned about evaporation, and why the water is more drops again, after a long time. (She're referring to condensation, and the discussions we've had about clouds!)

So that takes us back to the sun light switch… if there are lots of clouds in the sky, they can't see the sun… so that's why they didn't make the connection until the last few days, between days, and light, and the sun making that… even though they've been talking about the idea of "dim", or gradual, so "as the sun sets, the light will go away, little by little, except if the moon is out, then we are aware of light." (Okay, never mind! I was writing about them indicating a "dimmer switch" idea, close to sunset, but they're letting you know that they have learned about the moon as well.)

Oh, by the way, just an aside, Sunneshine really enjoys Glenn Miller, the old big band music, "and lots of others of that type." It's one of her "favorite things to have playing in the background."

08/05/2020      Dolphins     
Tropical Storm Isaias on the east coast… and many connections
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Placeholder for my notes about that…

A much more casual attitude towards the hurricane among not just "my" dolphin groups on the east coast, but widespread along more of the coast than not… They're no longer as concerned that "someone is angry, so they must stay out of the way" … which allowed them to relax much better…

… about quick hurricane preparedness the day or two before the storm…

… but the many, many others, both south and north of Virginia Beach, who learned to "Rescue" (connect with, reach out to, find "GPS" equivalent guidance for finding each other) many, many who had gotten separated

(about "after" the storm, the groups being aware of who is not with them, or those who aren't with the group, finding a way to let the group know… and how they got the hang of this rescue thing… if it happens within about 12 to 24 hours after the storm, they have a chance to find the way… but before, they didn't know this, and only thought the missing ones were dead, or gone, and didn't know to find them, and the ones who are alone have given up, because they don't survive well on their own. A woman is more likely to be taken in by another group, and males are UNLIKELY to be that way, they stress.

And my group number 2 dolphins SO very, very ecstatic and PROUD even that they ONLY lost one dolphin with this storm. That's a record, they show
(seems it might have been a female, maybe pregnant, who didn't have quite enough reserves and stamina to manage to keep up with the group)

Also a note about Sunneshine, who was rather taken by surprise by the intensity of the storm, despite my suggestions to her that it would be "just what it was" … Her little clan took a wide detour to the east, beyond the biggest stormy area, to move away from "that". (She's still sure that "someone" saw her and thought she was being naughty… that she must have disobeyed a big god … her ideas … She's still not convinced otherwise, but I'm sure that as we continue to look at the weather forecasts and do the hurricane watches for any upcoming storms, that she'll begin to relax, and know it had nothing at all to do with anything she, or anyone else, has done incorrectly … other than humans, being responsible for more intense storms with all of our global warming…)

08/06/2020      Whales      (multiples - not yet tagged)
Ice journeys, and a different type of leader
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Right around this time, a year ago, Sunneshine, Photo and Ray were hanging out around the Northwest part of Alaska, waiting to begin their journey across the top of our continent, over to the east coast.

Today, Pattern and his group of Baird's whales are already on their way.

Pattern is a young and courageous guy, whose ingenuity seems to have gained him the confidence of those who are traveling with him. I think he's fairly young…

They had thought to be at their meeting place already, part-way across where Photo and Sunneshine were to be meeting them, to accompany them over to Hudson Bay and on towards Newfoundland and probably farther south from there.

However, just like the other whales who have tried to cross in early August, whom I've had the privelege of connecting with, both last year, and a few years previous to that, the way doesn't seem to be open yet. It may be another week or more before the waters are open enough for these whales who prefer open waters.

Pattern has shown a great amound of skill in guiding these whales, I'm told. I think it's Pattern talking here, so maybe this is like a press release! Just the same, as I've been connecting with his group pretty much every morning for the past week or so, I've been aware of the challenges he faces, and despite his inexperience, he has adapted each and every time.

I think there's a younger male whale along, like a "child", who needs a little bit of extra attention, and Pattern stepped up to the plate when he realized that the youngster might "like this or that, such as being part of the male whales leading the group, those who make sure that others will be okay traveling this route."

It seems that normally a youngster would be among the more protected part of the group, but ensuring some "enthusiasm" despite "the very challenging degree of safety that is here with new territory, although the ice is big, so that's a new learning curve then," he is saying. (He's doing well here with picking up our current lingo and how the language flows and how one thought follows another.)

He means to say that there are several things he needed to pay attention to, but "the very challenging one is the idea that 'white' is okay, despite Joy showing us ice." (our ice cube experiments, freezing water in the freezer and letting them puzzle over this very hard and solid, COLD lump, putting it outside, seeing the runny water, freezing it again, etc.)

So he learned to be playful with the little one… he also played hide and seek with the young whale, it seems, although originally, Pattern thought that he would be the one to hide, or pretend to be hidden, but the young whale just imitated him and "hid" (just pretended to be "not there").

Pattern understood then our (people) way of looking EVERYWHERE for the young fella, including making a big deal of it, like "Oh… maybe he's under here… nope, okay, then I'll just surprise him after THAT wave goes by, he'll be sure to need a strong adult there… and asking another one of the group, 'Have you seen this young guy? I can't seem to see him!' " (even though, I'm aware,  the young one is in plain sight to everyone).  "But we didn't seem to see him," Pattern says wonderingly … trying to hold the space so the young one believes that they really can't see him.

"It's FUN, this thing," Pattern lets us know. "Everyone is happy then, for the small child is happy and not crying with despair, as he's maybe tired of the "white" (ice and snow)."

Of the other three who had been prepared to lead, in the event that something happened to Pattern, 2 of them are ladies, who were sure that they could be great leaders, should they need to be, were showing me this morning that they were very, very happy that Pattern is leading, and it's far more difficult than they could have imagined, even though they know how to lead, and could also "find our way nicely".

(I'm not done here, but need to go to bed! Other bits: )
The map… the way isn't open yet… we checked on the map, but Pattern realized he already knew another way, up between Banks Island and Victoria Island… and he was excited… but when I checked at the end of the day today, he indicated that once up on the northern end of that passage, and going along the northern part of Victoria Island, that it wasn't passable yet, "too much ice, and moving things", he's showing me.

They'll probably head back to the more southern route, and wait a little while longer until they can make it through

… about "rest" for the group, and how it allows the younger ones to be less (cranky)… "gripey", Pattern is calling it… "We're trying to learn to sleep a bit, more deep sleep like people will have", he says, "not the 'highly alert' sleep we used to do always, before we learned that memories get made when someone can rest."

Also, how he keeps on showing that he's SURE they'll make it across to the east coast WAY before Sunneshine, Photo, Ray and any others who come to meet them, will have gotten to the meeting point… he is sure he can "lead", and want's to surprise his family, including those that are along on the adventure, that he is a "strong whale, and knows". (He is trying hard to show that he's a very worthy and trustworthy leader.)

He keeps on broadcasting out to Sunneshine to slow down on her end, and not hurry, and come very late to the meeting point! So Sunneshine is furtively trying to "slow down my 'tail' so it won't move so fast, so we are more slow", she shows, but kindly hiding that, so that everyone thingks she's just dilly-dallying but not going to be late. It's more like a game to her… she can move REALLY fast when she wants to! Faster that you could imagine a whale would travel, but she's trained and trained, and would qualify for Olympics, "if there were ever any for our species", she says.

It also seems like one of Pattern's group has been too young to "hold under the water as long as others, so waits, and comes more directly when they tell her" (oh! It's a her!) "that the path is okay, and they know the next place to breathe." It seems to be working, although they show that this is difficult to judge, as the don't know when they will be safe to open to the top".
I have no idea what the travel conditions are like, I've never been that far north, but this is what they tell me.

There's the part where Pattern has been a lot unsure, and hides that from evryone, but he understands that "real courage can't be given to someone; you must have doubts, and then be strong and go the course." Those are his words, and I can feel others who have been leaders of his group (the bigger group, not just the adventurers) are happy to tell him he's showing great courage, and will come through as a big leader when they finish their journey.

He says he's also "learned to 'listen', so that even the females are laid back (relaxed near a male, for a big change) and pay attention, so they follow orders nicely. They are cared about, so they show respect."

(I haven't written that much yet about males and females, but trust me, this is a VERY forward-thinking attitude for someone like a whale who knows only what he's learned by inheritance, to date. Yes, and Pattern is sharing in writing these words here.)

In the meantime, there's young Photo, the Baird's whale on the east coast, who is really what this journey is about… He's EXCITED!

Every morning when we first connect, for the past few days, he's been almost jumping and up and down with pleasure! He's had a hard time being calm for the past week or more. His excitement is fun to see, although, no doubt, Sunneshine, Ray, and some of the others around are hoping that he'll quiet down soon! Ray seems happy that he'll soon have more friends from "back way back when" [home] around him again, but he's not jumping up and down like young Photo. I guess he's a lot more grown up than Photo.

08/10/2020      Whales      (multiples - not yet tagged)
"I am sure", says Pattern … and more interesting ideas
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Over the past few days, since Pattern indicated "Too much ice, and moving things" on the way, I've been checking with Pattern, and also with Sunneshine, every single morning.

… and every morning, Pattern is startled, and amazed, and proud, to see on the map where they've gotten to. He apparently "had to find a different route through the 'white' (ice), but each time, there is 'more passageway' " through each area, and "one way or another, it's open," he indicates. I guess this is at the height of summer "when water becomes soft, like water ought to be", says Pattern. He means that ice is water, and he understands it's just frozen, not chopped up yet by big whales or other beings (boats that have gone through the waters nearby).

Yesterday morning, he was excited to realize that he had gone past the meeting point, the group having decided that they didn't want Sunneshine to "show" just yet, "In case we don't like someone in the group", says another whale, this time a female.

Sunneshine had greatly slowed down her journing in meeting them, and was somewhere around Newfoundland, because she was aware that they wanted to try to find their own way through.

But the way I actually understood it, later, was that there might have been some "whale politics" happening… Think "mating rituals that might be changed forever if the males of the group realized that there is another type of whale besides our own whales that might be fine."

So it seems that the women are uncomfortable about Sunneshine, "in case she leads the men on a whale chase, for sport" (flirting). Aha! Now they're telling me what it's about!

I don't think that mating between the two types is viable, because I get the feeling that Ray might already have gone that route, but there are not babies or moms-to-be anywhere around his energy that I'm aware of.

So the ladies of the group thought they would stay together better if they were on the other side of the "frozen", and then they'd find anything they need. Until then, however, they were sure they "need male whales in the vicinity".

Okay, so NOW I'm hearing the story! As I said, they do tend to come through when I'm writing, and then they add their own voices.

I had been somewhat aware of this, but maybe not about how strong the pull to mate with a new partner might be, especially someone they already are aware of as someone who is kind… I guess that because Ray had spent time with Sunneshine, and they've traveled together, they feel they own Sunneshine… although "I AM" says Sunneshine. She definitely has her own opinions, and "my decisions do NOT include whale mates right now. I am no longer a child, and not just for mating. I give, and I keep giving, but they don't object."

She means that she's
"giving out heart space and soft things, but no children are being made this time."
"That's actually quite an unusual idea," all of them say, "showing that she is alert, and has options."

"We KNOW again, from Joy, that babies are 'made'. Not just showing up, like we thought."
"We also get that the egg has a fertilized energy, but it MUST be brought there, from mating," say the girls of the group.
As I'm writing this, I can feel another voice trying to dissent and
"show that it's a trick and that no male every stays long enough put to create a baby inside the mate."
Now, however, he's laughing with hilarity!
"I'm polite if I think I might just go away and leave a little thing inside this whale, but she thinks I'm an idiot!" he laughs. "I know, I get it, I just didn't understand".
That's not Pattern, but another one of the males of Pattern's group, who just understood that he's a dad two times already, and the mom of the second one is also just now aware that this one became a dad once they mated together. He's still laughing and laughing here!

So when I first introduced the idea that baby's are "made", and are incubated and grow and get bigger inside the female whales' (and dolphins') bellies, they completely dismissed it, and thought for sure that I was only teasing them.

They've been aware of my watching enough episodes of Gray's Anatomy now, that are related to babies, birthing and labor, premies, even "cutting the belly enough to allow the baby to make its way to the outside" … that some of them now laugh at anyone who thinks otherwise.

The funny thing, from my perspective, is that I used to try to tell them how it is, but they couldn't relate, always because their only thought is "there is no hole large enough for them to come out".

Now, I don't even say anything. They indicate skepticism initially, and I just shrug, and let them know "that's okay", but now, within SECONDS only, they "get it", and they begin to laugh at themselves!
I think enough of them overall have the information, that this "Consciousness" is everywhere, and the moment they self-check, they also "join the consciousness" that simply accepts "pregnancy through the inside, and then birth, with more pain than we knew about" they indicate (this is males here, talking about the pain), and many continue with
"… and we dismissed our female companions as not needed in our culture!!!"
"Now we are aware, and we can't ever not have them around, or we'll die, and be old, and no little ones."
They are STILL laughing here, as I'm writing this!!! I think a few more big whales and many east-coast dolphins are "acknowledging that females aren't just decorations."

Originally, one of the smarter male dolphins had asked sheepishly "And who else knows?" (that "babies grow inside the females and must be born to come through that place") … but now, there are so many who do, and the question now might be is "how come I didn't know this way yet?" or "How many of us still don't understand that this is the thing?"

So a few mornings ago, I had facilitated a little connection between Sunneshine and the other female whales of Pattern's group. Sunneshine had shown them already that she is not one to connect with their own whales, or steal any male, and that she has learned to be caring, and just see what someone needs, even if it's just a "welcome".

… and a few of them had tentatively thought it could be okay, to meet Sunneshine and "not need to turn away over OUR whale males." (said very emphatically, as if they must have thought they'd have to fight a bit.)

By the way, Pattern's group has gone significantly past the meeting place, are well past Baffin Island, and are soon headed through the portion of the Northwestern Passage that will bring them to Hudson's Bay… and once there, they'll allow Sunneshine to meet them.

Sunneshine and Photo, and another whale or more, I think, however, weren't anywhere near even the southern entrance to Hudson's Bay yet.

Sunneshine indicates an "I'm ready to go", a planning kind of impish smile… I think she's getting ready to play her "speed game", which she's apparently really, really good at!

08/11/2020      Whales      Baird's Whales
Meetings are for everyone, says a very happy and content BIG, strong whale (Sunneshine)
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Sometime during the night, Pattern's group and Sunneshine's tiny group met somewhere near the northwestern part of Hudson's Bay, where the passage comes through from the west side of Baffin Island.
"These are HAPPY meetings," says Pattern, as he watches Photo, "who is calling out for his mom, long before he has seen her, for the past year or so … and she is his boy too, and he is another one, so they are siblings."
I'm assuming from this that not only is Photo's mom among Pattern's group, but also a younger brother, probably the young one that Pattern was trying to cajole and keep happy by allowing him to be part of the leaders group… and by playing hide and seek.

So my part of the story:
I woke up this morning, wondering if they had met yet, and it just felt "right". Quiet, happy, and nice.

Before that, there had been an overwhelming excitement in Young Photo, as he got ready to SEE and be with family members again!

He's showing now that he won't need to keep going down to the Panama Canal to try to "connect" across to the other side, to the Pacific ocean, to "hear" his family (not literally, but find bits of their energy patterns somehow).

Pattern is smiling, and the Baird's whales females are indicating that they might enjoy being not only around Sunneshine, but become more like her. "It feels like a nice place to begin."

Oh, and FYI, just in case you didn't already know that Sunneshine has a "speed thing", the Baird's whales are laughing so hard here, that they couldn't "see" her, she moved "as fast as the waves might go through when a big ship chugs by so fast, and keeps on going, and doesn't ever slow down." It seems they REFUSED to "let a lady of her size" show them up, and they said "I'll never know how" (she can do this), but they forced themselves to "run, and feed later", but "just MOVE, and don't slow down at all".

They traveled more quickly than they had any idea it was possible to, apparently.

I think Sunneshine might have turned on a "marathon-making gene" or something like that.
"WE know we are great runners now, because Joy shows us where we were and where we moved to and there is no other whale with so much distance per day, in Joy's eyes."
(I’m pretty sure they must have covered 300 miles in under 24 hours, and I'm not sure that's possible, but they're changing my words to swap out "easy" for "possible", and many more are laughing. They've experienced Sunneshine and have tried to keep up.

The funny thing it seems, is that when they're swimming in her wake, they follow, and find every way they know to keep panting, and not stopping… when they try it on their own, they somehow CAN'T cover that same amount of distance…
"I think I'll heal others and generate a new way," indicates Sunneshine now.

She continues with "Joy says it's the first record that someone sets, then others will find a way to break it, and I will continue to be a record-breaker, over and over."

08/15/2020      Whales      (multiples - not yet tagged)
Tahlequah thinks she is okay again
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

I heard recently on the radio that the souther killer whale, J-35, Tahlequah, may well be pregnant again.

She's the one who carried her baby after it died, for 17 long days, back in the summer of 2018.

She's always very social and congenial, she indicates, but with us people, she doesn't get it, and so hasn't so far been one of the whales who's come through and connected. "With MY [whales], I'm friendly," she says.

"Here it is, then. I think I may have failed them, so I grieve." She's meaning about her last baby…

I'm not sure I wrote about this yet, but at that time, when the world assumed that she was grieving, Tahlequah indicated instead "I am sad, but rather, instead, I wish I may live, and with me, my child." [daughter?]
I felt at the time that she was determined, rather, that as long as her baby was up at the surface, "she was still there, and could live, even though she didn't move." She was somehow refusing to accept that her baby had died. (She keeps giving me the words "she", and "baby girl", so maybe it was a girl…)

Lately, she's beginning to allow her energy to accept that I might be "around", so she could "keep who she is, and say what she cares about." (She's talking about herself here.)
"There is 'honor', and I am, we all are, proud."
She's not the first of these southern resident orca whales to indicate this. Initially, I wasn't allowed to write about them. They were sure that NOBODY should become aware of their current devastation in their great big pod (decline in numbers, and most of all, their hunger, and with it, hunting skills). They have honor, and their pride is amazing, so they will present a strong and unified face to anyone who shows concern about them, sending out the message "WE ARE OKAY"…  and yet, it's a big front, and they're hoping to save face. It's honor. "How could we, who know how to hunt, bring famine?"

I've been telling them, any of them who will listen, that it is NOT their fault! That we, people, are the biggest cause of their hunger, and WE are sad, and we are the ones who to blame, and so sorry, for having caused this to these amazing, amazing creatures… and that SO MANY people in our world would give so much to them, if they could, and if it would make a difference.

One by one, they're beginning to accept that THEY are not guilty of anything, that they have only been in the same place where people have fished, over-fished, diminished the chinook salmon stocks, and also caused the pollution that causes a decline in the healthy food chains around the strait and inland waters, not to mention, the oceans.
(These are their thoughts guiding the words here.)

Rough notes… about Tahlequah beginning to learn about the idea that she needs to eat much, much more while a young one is on the way…
She laughed when she found out that
"I don't know, because I'm with a baby inside me for over one entire year, and Joy says that's what it takes for the earth to go around the sun, each day, one sunrise, one sunset, and many times over, and it becomes the same season again, and now I'm in a BIG way, but the boys make fun of this and show me that I am eating so much food, and just me, so why?"
Indeed, why?
An orca is pregnant for about 17 or 18 months, so actually closer to 1½ years overall… which is a long time.

They're quickly learning, however, and one of them is saying here that "the young males are certain now that babies need food inside the mama, so 'why don't you eat this?' ", offering their portions often on days when it may be scarce.

"You see, it is often that when around Joy, we see things."

They are laughing, because I think I tease them a lot… but they seem to learn quickly this way. I visualize that half of the fish (or food) that the mama eats goes inside the little whale's tummy, so they realize that the little one needs food. (From my perspective, the information about the placenta, and how the mom's extra calories feed a young fetus, gets too complicated… as long as they can envision the little one inside the mama "eating" and getting "food", that portrays the information that is most helpful at the moment, and they add here, about the baby eating, "because we know it needs to grow, and be strong."

… more… *** FINISH THESE NOTES!!!

I played with Tahlequah over my lunch on this day, getting to the place of accepting "touch", and expressing feelings.
She still carries many doubts about her ability to produce a viable child, although she does have her own son, Notch (J???___ fill in the number… )
But in the process of beginning to give her the confidence to allow hersef to "Express", I found that there is grief… much big grief, still, over her losses… and it seems that it's for her little one, two years ago, but also, for her mom, Princess Angeline, who also just crossed over very recently. (Reported missing in 2019, I think… re-check the info)

But somewhere in there, Tahlequah also shows me another set of emotions, and this one is still unresolved. As best I can figure it out, she might have had "another baby in there, just it didn't show up like they always do, and was gone early."
I understood this to mean she had miscarried, a previous pregnancy, although the idea of miscarriage doesn't yet make sense to her… she's trying to find a way to heal, though, because "it's physical, but not understandable."

Many of the whales and dolphins who have been around me for a lot longer, "are beginning to express great sadness when we know a baby has started, but couldn't come into the world, even if it's only a few months old, and leaves, we feel grief." (Even when it's just a story, but we re-live again and again, so see the change.)
(they mean that when they hear about something like this, and they process it, they can release many times in their own lives, by caring, and consoling, because they may have experienced that… again, even this rephrasing is their own words here.)

I subsequently did a google search on Tahlequah, so that she might see that people cared, and see what they know about her, and see the photos of her present change in girth (via drones), to show her how it is that scientists believe she's pregnant again…

… and in there, a Wikipedia page came up about her… and much to my surprise, and everyone else's, the Wikipedia article even stated that they thought that Tahlequah had had a miscarriage somewhere between 2010 and her 2018 birth… "although Joy didn't see that until we had solved the puzzle".

They added that here to clarify that, of course the article had that information, but I hadn't seen it when I was working with Tahlequah, and helping her to be able to express her grief and let go of the traumas.

In other words, I had found the info, but later, found details that backed up exactly what Tahlequah was experiencing.

Interestingly enough, as I was working with Tahlequah to allow her to express her feelings, and give her sadness a way to be expressed, so that it can flow, and move to a different place, I found a lot of tension, as I'm very acutely aware of energy, and realized that she also had acute PTSD symptoms. I could feel the panic coming when I reached the place around part of her head.
(I am aware of this type of energy in some of my clients in my healing work… it may not manifest as anything acute, but the "stress" energy is so prevalent there. I think the noise issues caused by boats, alone, would be enough to cause this type of stress in the whales, but I'm sure there are many, many more causes as well.)

"Joy shows that if we care, and give caring, and can allow it, then we move beyond", says Moby, her brother, who was able to join us and allow Talequah to move some of that energy.

"She [Joy] says you need touch, but we don't belive that it's the same thing, so just touch isn't caring, but with engaging the healing uses of the old, age-old way of releasing stress, so it may flow," says Moby.

I had been reaching out for other avenues for Tahlequah to connect with, so that she might have an easy and comfortable way to dissipate this PTSD energy, and in reaching out to various family members, including her child, and other relatives, found that Moby could provide the necessary touch that would heal.

It didn't take long at all! "I understand," says Tahlequah, but it's Moby who is using his caring to release the big traumas that result, when anxiety builds and can't find a way out…

The net result, though, is that Tahlequah is beginning to feel more peace, and calm… her words, and just a bit of positive thoughts that "this baby might just be okay" (re: her new pregnancy)

My perspective: I feel much more optimism with Tahlequah than before, and she's begun coming through as I'm preparing meals, aware of "calories"… "just calories, that even enough food, any food, may bring peace … and nurturing of this big thing that's begun to take over my belly."

She's obviously beginning to peel away doubt (her words) to reveal "information" that "I need to be strong, and healthy, and nourish this big thing that's inside me". (This is coming through with more laughter than Tahlequah was originally able to feel.) "I'll read, and be smart" she indicates, " so that we learn, and pass it on."

(I'm not quite sure what she'll be reading… Sunneshine, one of my core bottlenose whales, and a few gray whales, are working on "learning" about "reading", but I'm not sure that Tahlequah understands that idea yet, but apparently, sh'es happy to begin looking at it.)

Another note… the same day… about looking up about Squid… how do whales eat Squid, and then, "where do Squid live?"… and finding that It’s exactly just where I've always been shown, even going way back to Landlover, before they even reached the Aleutian Islands… elaborate… the dro-off, always along the ouer edge of the continental shelf… Every time I help the whales find "where is food?"… and they tell me they find exactly what they need, where I showed them… this is just another example of finding that the facts match up with what the energy has provided as answers all along… except that now, some of them are beginning to pay attention, and undersand that they could find squid if they could just find the drop-off themselves, and learn to TRUST that!!!

08/31/2020      Dolphins     
A week at the beach
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

A few notes after my week at the beach, Aug 21 to 28, at a very quiet private beach in Copalis, a bit north of Ocean Shores.

This note may be about both dolphins and whales, as so many of my notes are.

It was interesting, but they really did NOT want me to write notes during the week I was there. They seemed to want to just "experience", and not use the "technical thing"… they mean my computer, of course!
Ah yes, just "simple living" for the week!

Lots of different random thoughts and ideas here…

Oh, I had many, many connections with various whales and dolphins during the week, but I didn't get to see a single one. The dolphins don't tend to come close to the shore in the northern Pacific ocean, and I think to see whales more often, you'd want to be out in a boat. The water at this beach was more on the shallow side… when I went out in the water, even when I went a fair ways our, I was still standing! So not deep enough for whales to be easily there…

Just the same, they let me know they're "working on it", as far as "coming in" so that I can "find them."
After all, it took quite a while of being on the beach every single day in Virginia Beach, before the dolphins began showing up every single time I was out there doing my exercises… and then, it was "the energy!" they're trying to communicate… but it "takes presence to create that type of movement throughout an entire area, and without enough people even going by, it won't make it positive, except with time."

The beach was busier over the weekend when I first arrived there, but on the weekdays following, and especially mid-week, there were many, many times when I was out there, and not another person was even in sight! Yes, that was amazing, and I could definitely feel the ocean, and all the waves, and the beautiful movement that always is present at the wild and open ocean.

But the energy apparently also needed people there, for when I play with the waves, but there isn't anyone to heal, then it needs people, they're saying. That means, I guess, that somehow, I have healing energy (okay, I'm an energy healer, among other things, so that makes a lot of sense!), but that energy gets its "feedback" and moves better when there are actually a few individuals nearby.

The last two days I was there, the idea was that I should go walk down the beach to the next resort area where there were people, especially parents with their children, playing in the waves too. That changed my energy, and made it more potent, the whales are saying, so that they (whales) can see it the next time they're in the area.

I see… so that just begins to accumulate with time, and over the years, they'll be there, is what I'm told. They’re saying all of this, because they apparently feel sad that I should go all that way, and not even see them! That's a few dolphins, but mostly, the whales I've been connecting with…

A lovely, graceful gray whale showed me that she's up in the Alaska area, but that if she had been on her journey along the coast in that area, that she WOULD have come in, as they are known to be more accepting of being around people.

(Other connections… a Baird's whale, from part of the group that went across to the Atlantic ocean this August (Pattern, and seven others)
It seems he might be Photo's great grandfather… on his mom's side.
He was very present through my last few days there, but the Baird's whales seem to play farther out and not as close to shore, as some others might.
He felt VERY "male" to me… we didn't find a name for him yet…

Like so many of them when they first connect, they're aware of the space in my home (or in this case, in my unit where I was staying while I was at the beach). He was trying to understand about photos, and videos, and movies, and also "why are there those inside this place? How is that possible?" … They try to figure out the people in the TV!!! It doesn't make any sense to them, until we get out my phone and start taking photos on the camera, and videos, and playing it back, and they can see the ocean, or a bird, or a person, inside my phone, but they see that the phone is "flat", and that there isn't REALLY and ocean inside my phone!
They begin to understand the idea of "playback", and re-watching something you took a photo or video of several days earlier…

We've been doing this together for several months already, but for each new whale that connecs, they come with the same quandaries and dilemmas, and it confuses them, until we take videos and then re-watch them…

So this one, when he realized that I could get a "moving idea of this water" (a video of the ocean waves), he thought that if might jump up very big in front of "that" (the camera), then he would be VERY happy to re-look at it over again… I was getting a very vivid picture of a very big, strong male whale, curved and jumping in the air… so he was very excited with this idea. Now he understands why we like to take photos, so that his great grandchild might be named "Photo" to see himself young again.

He's coming in with information here (this great grandfather) showing that he's accepting that he's no longer as "neat" as he thought … acknowleding "youth" that he thinks he might be, but then seeing another out there, and recognizing that h'es strong, but no longer so youthful!

Since I'm home again, he's been finding it easier to "read" this concsiousness, and figure out the pieces, and to make sense of it. It seems that my entire world, espeically in my common places, such as my own home, is a vibration that continues moving, so he'll see what he needs, and change.

I feel his space has mellowed out a good deal, with more awareness of my home, all the whales who already have found and connected to the "fun" and "easy"… and the "light" that shows how to move everything. (He's referring here to my Joovv lights, a red and infrared light device that shows others HOW this thing is, i.e., that "energy must move, he's indicating."

(Dolphins… bottlenose dolphins from farther south, who may come up farther north and come by a beach where I might be, if they learn the pattern… but it was with their awareness that I finally figured out that they are a completley different species than the dolphins I've been connecting with up here… it turns out that my Olympic dolphins and my Moclips dolphins are actually porpoises… Dall's porpoises, to be more exact, and they don't "Get" things the same way the bottlenose dolphins do, and they are much more aggressive, they're indicating, than the bottlenose dolphins, and they do NOT like to get to the shore, so they stay OUT (farther out, away from the shore) … No wonder the dolphins up here don't come close to the shore! The bottlenose dolphins apparently only go as far north as Oregon, not making it up to the Washington caost at all… YET.)

Then there is Tahlequah … J-35, who is pregnant, and I have to write about her yet, in relation to my beach week…because there was a very comfortable and nice connection there… with more info…

… and many evenings we headed to the beach to watch the sunset… still a foreign idea for some of the new ones, and even those who have been around for a while…
… and looking at and playing with shadows…

Their FIRST reaction to a shadow (e.g., looking at my shadow) is worry and uncertainty. They seem to be sure it's NOT something acceptable.

We've been talking about, and looking at shadows together for a while now…
… but at the beach, I was outside more, and had the time to keep showing them, over the day, how the shadow shifts…
Morning… it goes one direction (towards the west), and then by evening, it's a long shadow in the other direction…
They are "overall beginning to get the idea that the sun is something nice, and it's a source of light, but it can't be put into something that takes up space, so it shines past it, and makes a shadow."

They're expecting shadows now!

Yesterday, back at home, when I stepped outside to look at the sunset, the FIRST reaction on the part of a NEW whale (the Baird's whale who is Photo's great grandpa) was to IMMEDIATELY have me turn and look behind me, to check for the SHADOW, as it "is big in the evening", so he wanted to see it. And sure enough, it was a very, very long skinny shadow then!

Lots of interactions with the Dall's porpoises, but having figured out that they're different than the bottlonose dolphins I had always connected with before, brought a very different connection. They initially didn't understand that I was just playing and teasing when I made a pun about their "purpose" (porpoise) … until they could connect and then they found that puns are silly, and are supposed to make someone else smile, so that they can be "more comfortable".

I could definitely feel the space of some of the other types of whales I've connected with…

The first sperm whale I found is still more "hugging" than before, and can talk more than most of these others (the language comes through as much more complex… he's giving me the word "dignified") … and they seem to "enjoy "playing", to see kids jump around and mess things up, but make more sense to the energy than our stuck" … they've found a way to be more present with the young ones, as it keeps even the older ones younger now. (the "stuck" was referring to "how the playfulness gets lost with age, unless we go out of our way to turn it around again.")

… and most of them are also now doing the " ??? " sound (putting my lips together, and making a motor noise, or like blowing a raspberry against a little baby's belly) … and they think it's hilarious! They're laughing here, because "we think it's cute", says one of the dear little ones, who is a child, and enjoys the fun now.
 "They pay attention, at last."

Oh yes… listening to the musicals… like "sunrise, sunset" (fiddler on the roof), because the idea that the young ones will grow and become the stronger old males who are dissolute doesn't make sense to them, unless they can see it… and always, SLEEP is the big ingredient, and also, higher quality of food (they are intrigued, always, by the grocery store, and licking their lips to see all the food!)

… but there seem to be digestive issues… and way more hunger on the west coast than the east coast .. (more to write abut this too)

09/22/2020      Whales      All types
The Greek Gods make more sense
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Today is the Fall Equinox.

The length of the days is something that the whales and dolphins and I are often working with… When it's summertime, and the days are long, they're happy, and they didn't use to care that there would be shorter days coming… but then, when the days actually ARE shorter, then they used to panic, not understanding.

We're back to ancient times… "What are we doing wrong? How can we please 'someone' to make the daylight more normal again?"

Those who have been around more often, "get it", and they "know that the sun is around, all year long, and it can't disappear." This is Sunneshine coming through to say this here, and her attitude is like "yes, yes, yes… this again." We're laughing!

Except that when I looked up more info about the Equinox this year, we found the perspective of the equinox via Greek mythology:
"To the ancient Greeks, the September equinox marks the return of the goddess Persephone to the darkness of the underworld, where she is reunited with her husband Hades."
Sunneshine, and many others, were SOOOOO happy to find this information!
"This is much easier, from our drawing [awareness] of time, than that the earth takes a year to go a full time around the sun. I get it, but to remember, to say the goddess must go, makes time seem nicer to many. The score changes, so the time sees it is very dark. So she is now not alive above the earth, so it it dark and cold. But when she comes again, so the light is back."
To the whales, so far, even though they've learned the time and seasons a lot better, a story seems a better way.
"It's more interesting, and it explains the dark nights and long nights," they say.
They ALL agree on this, without exception.

09/25/2020      Whales      All types
The people who live under my TV
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

The whales especially like my movies. Somehow, with moving images, they can sort of follow, and like to "watch" along with me.

If I'm reading or listening to a song, if I'm NOT paying attention, they don't follow… so if any of the whales are connecting with me and I'm vividly following the storyline, a few of them have learned to figure out "how it works", and they understand. As usual, Sunneshine is another of those, and I've had bottlenose dolphin young ones following, and often, apparently, it's a pilot whale… Mostly, at least so far, it's the females who "are attracted" when I'm just following a story in my mind as I'm reading it.

However, when I'm watching something on the TV screen, it's apparently a very different story.

So much so, that with each new MALE who joins the group (the women always just add themselves quietly (and often unbeknownst to the males in their group!), they are initially VERY concerned about "the people", and "WHY they might be in the house, but never around." They are apparently wondering "How they are all there in the corner, but never in the room at all?"

Numerous times, when it's the first or second day here of a NEW male whale, I end up asking them "Would you like me to see if I can touch any of them, so you can check and see what you think?"

And invariably, the answer is yes, and I touch the screen, and they're puzzled as to why it's smooth (flat), and I can't really ever GET to the people that are there! And I look at the back of the TV as well, and they see it's just a few inches thick, "and NOT EVER a place where someone could be, or hide."

Then they begin to look at me for an explanation, and slowly, one after another, it "becomes easier to sort out fact and reality from the story."

Then they learn about the "play, rewind, replay, and volume control", and they're even more puzzled about "the people in THAT."

Actually, somewhere along the way, they decided that ALL of the people who are "there, in the room" (on the TV) must live underneath the TV, in all of my DVDs.

Somehow, they can feel that energy in the DVDs… that the disc goes around "in that machine thing" (my DVD player), "and the people are there from that. We KNOW they aren't real in the big black thing" (the TV), "but they must live somewhere, so it must be underneath it."

They are beginning to understand the TV screen, and its many nuances, and how people record videos.

I guess the more times I've shown it to one group or another, the more they "smile, step back, and begin to laugh at how very odd it appears, to anyone who doesn't understand technology."
That's Sunneshine writing again… she has become REALLY sophisticated in her use of our language, so her words come through pretty much like a person might say them.

Now, the whales and dolphins that have been around for a while just smile about the TV, and they say, "It's made up to be smooth," say many of the males now, as I'm writing this, for they're "beginning to comprehend that this is 'magic', and not a big deal now any more."

The newer ones, as they come in, will begin to figure it out faster and faster.

09/26/2020      Whales      Bottlenose Whales
Shaking the eggs
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

It's high time to write this one…

These days, if I'm about to crack open an egg, more often than not, one of the whales (Sunneshine!) wants me to first hold EACH egg up to my ear for a moment, pause, shake the egg, and listen, before I actually crack the egg open.

This began happening after we watched the movie "Fly Away Home" …

"Please ask if there's a baby in there", says Sunneshine.
"If there is one, then we won't eat that egg."

It's a movie about … *** Fill in the info, and give the background for Sunneshine's request! ***

10/04/2020      Whales      (multiples - not yet tagged)
The "view" through the screen door
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

There was a time, sometime before my beach vacation, when "We" (some of the whales… and they're NOT including me here! …  although they obviously rely on me to be the one to observe things and connect with them) had been trying to look out my back patio door to watch the sunsets, as often as possible.
They are getting used to my camera, or still learning, shall we say.

"We" (Sunneshine is writing here) "thought we'd get a photograph of the beautiful sunset."
"But I used to go around looking through the windows, and there are so many black things there, squares, although small, so I think this is normal." (She's talking here about the screens in the windows, that keep flies out.) We are going to make the door so it is wide, so this net thing is not in the way, but I need it, to see through. I got used to it."

"I say I think it should be there for the photo, because that's normal. It must be part of the culture, to look through those things, to make it nice." (She means that's normally the way she perceives the view outside of my home, when we're inside, and it must be there to enhance our vision somehow… ) "So I get Joy to close the [screen] door, and THEN begin to take the photo. But she said it's too funny, that I think it ought to be there in the photo."

It was here that I became aware that I had absolutely no idea that we perceive things as a norm, unless we're shown otherwise. Sunneshine was SO used to my looking through the screen to see outdoors, and I was simply going to open the screen door to get a lovely CLEAR view of the sunset sky, without the screen in the way… much to everyone else's consternation, because "that's usual" (the screen).

SINCE that time, I've gone out of my way to push blinds completely out of the way, and also to open the screen AND window, and look directly out into the air, with NOTHING between my eyes and the view, anytime we're looking at a sunrise, sunset, or any other lovely view… at least whenever possible!

Sunneshine is now aware that the "net stuff is there for flies to stay away, and not because we think it makes the view nicer!"
They have also become aware since then that people have been inventing better and better screens, and that you can now buy them that try to be as clear as possible, so you don't notice it.

10/07/2020      Whales      (multiples - not yet tagged)
"Who will lead us?"
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

(I need to add a category for the Baird's whales… but this is about both Baird's and Botttlenose whales)

"Joy is playing here, but not sure just yet what it is she wants to write," say the lovely bottlenose whales who know Joy.

They are right! I've been trying to find a few minutes here and there to jot a few quick notes, but life hasn't brought that possibility for a little while. Until now… but then, where do I start?

Let me start with these "lovely bottlenose whales" who say they know me. They are my firneds, day in, and I was going to say and day out, but "what is day out?", asks Sunneshine. I think she's trying to be funny… she's trying to help me get writing here!

"Not 'day in', but 'day long', it should say," they all agree, "but not all day and no night, just all time."
I agree… who knows where all of our expressions come from!

So that reminds me… I haven't written at all yet about Sunneshine's group and Pattern's group, after they met, almost 2 months ago now.

That was very interesting… Pattern, for all that he was the one who stepped up ("splashed up, maybe?" he asks) to be the one to bring the group across to the Atlantic ocean, and yet, here, he has indicated that he is "no leader to be" (his words). He's gone off, and left the group, and he's checking out the place all alone for a bit. "Maybe some were meant to be leader, but not me," he shows me, using his body language.

That left things very much up in the air, as "no female wishes to be pushy and be there demanding that someone else is her follower". They're really uncomfortable to take on that role… in an emergency, perhaps, such as if it had been needed in the icy and foreign waters to come over to this east coast… but "we say the males are so frail (too old, and too young, and not the right age).

They weren't sure what was going to become of them, somehow, and I kept checking with Pattern as the days went by, thinking initially that he might just need to get used to the east coast, or needed rest, or time to explore [and meet a few of the local 'girls'], or something like that, but every time, he was sure. "Not a group leader".
"But I was certain to be a bull, but needed to be there doing what I've learned, to mark something, that Joy expresses as 'territory''. "

You might be laughing here, but for the first few days over on the east coast, I'm pretty sure that's what he was doing, and I did refer to it as "marking his territory", and he agrees, now and also back then.

Please note, also, that Pattern's reference to himself as a "bull" is his own! It's not a terminology I have been using, although I have read about it. I tend to call them "females" (or "ladies, or lately, they're preferring "girls"), and "males" (or "guys"). So he's thinking that for himself.

I think that Pattern is still just a bit on the young side… maybe around 11 or 12 years old? (born maybe 2009??)  Older, and more mature than Photo, but maybe this would still make him a teenager, albeit a more mature teenager?

"It means I see who is there, and they recognize a challenge, should they wish to defeat me."

I ask him if he got into any fights with other male whales, but he indicates he didn't have to, because he's a stranger, and they were interested.

Poor Sunneshine… I've been meaning to write how she and her group ended up going to explore the ocean around Iceland… but that will have to wait for another time, because I'm out of time for today…
… and you'll be surprised as to what happened to the group of Baird's whales that Pattern had been leading … I'm hoping to write more soon.

10/17/2020      Whales      All types
What type of whales are my Baird's Whales? … and Sperm Whales and PLAY!
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

While I was at the beach for my vacation week, it became clear that I needed to simply get a BIG wall chart for all the types of dolphins and whales, so that "We can just have you find me by your evaluation of which style I am".

They already know what their vibes are, and the chart "matches". It's not that they know their species name off by heart, but if I list through a set of types of whales, they will resonate with the one that best matches them.

So a while after I got back home again, I got a beautiful whale and dolphins chart that is supposed to list all the species, and I put it up in my hallway. It's called "Whales of the World".

It turns out I was absolutely right about the Dalls Porpoises… they IMMEDIATELY put out my hands over their picture!

I quickly confirmed with many of the other whales I connect with, and we've been right!

The first sperm whales I'd connected with (seen from La Push) had been sure that they were Dwarf Sperm Whales, not the full-sized sperm whales, and they confirmed that on my chart! At the time, I hadn't been so sure, and had actually ended up having a real, full-sized sperm whale male come through, and that turned out to be an experience I really, really enjoyed! I really like them! (Initially great big bullies, very pushy, but really smart, and bright, and now understanding how to make others like them… It's been funny! They're the ones who first really understood "play" with their very young children… and the only whale males I'm aware of so far who are having fun teasing and playing with daughters, not just their sons!
(Separate this anecdote into a separate entry, for Labor day weekend of 2019)

On Labor day weekend of 2019, I was at Ocean Shores with a friend.
We were down on the beach in the evening, watching a (human) dad and his toddler daughter play at the edge of the water. She'd walk towards the waves, and just as the wave would be coming in, he'd race to get her, pick her up, and run backwards from the water with her… and she would laugh, and giggle, get down, and go back towards the waves … but she wanted to do it again… and again… and again… and again… and again… you get the idea! But she just loved this!

This was PLAY for this little girl!

This male sperm whale was "paying attention" (through me) that day, and he realized then that this is the way kids love to be.

"Tease you, make you laugh, and repeat, and repeat, and repeat and repeat…"
… and if the adults don't "get it", they stop playing, but it's with this repeated sequence that the little ones "regroup, and say 'I am worth your time, my fun friend [dad??]' " … but they're not qite sure of whether they are ready to use that particular concept here, just yet …
"I may be dad, but I may not, so who cares, I love this little one, who enjoys the chase, over and over, and yells each time I catch him, or sometimes it's a her, but then less yelling, and more childish time, like laughter."
We're all laughing here together! It feels SO very happy, and this one is indicating there is "less consternation about 'why?' ". He means as to "why the girl children don't like the big male whales, but," he says "we didn't see the play."

Okay, so I got side-tracked!

Even the short-finned Pilot whale points to the picture that matches for him… we got him right too!

 The Baird's whales, though, aren’t quite sure.
I still don't have this one figured out.
They think thy're a little bit shorter in length than bottlenose whales, but the Baird's whales are bigger on this chart.

I looked up Baird's whales, which are part of "Berardius" species, and they are most POSITIVE that's correct for them.
Sometimes, on my chart, they stop at the Arnoux's beaked whale (also one of the Barardius species), but that doesn't feel right for them either.

There is a species, B. minimus, (known by the Japanese common name "kurotsuchi", which means "black Berardius") which was formally named in 2019, which may be as close as we get for now, but I'm not completely sure just yet. They seem to be more comfortable with that size, and even land on that one color-wise most often, but I'm wondering if because the naming and description of that species is so new, that maybe the "consciousness" (which is what they connect with) of the description, habits, and more, associated with that specific whale, aren't yet widely known.
In the meantime, I'll just continue to call them Baird's whales.

10/17/2020      Whales      Gray Whales
Gray whale updates hopefully coming soon
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

It's a very long time since I've written about the Gray Whales.

They would so much love for me to write about them, but I don't have that much experience with them.

Many of the other whales, when they connect, they're "very" present, and they kind of "take up space" here. Sometimes when that happens, I have to work hard to make sure that my female whales who are around more often, actually have a chance to get my attention.

But even there, some of these female whales have never "asked" for the spotlight. They are very quietly present, always taking part, being around, caring, but they because they don't come through strongly, I don't end up connecting with them nearly as much as I would like to, or as much as they deserve.

The whales I'm talking about are my gray whales.

I may have seen one, just one, a few years back, when I was on Salt Spring Island through the autumn, but I haven't seen any since that time.

When I see whale, especially out in the open ocean (there is SO much more energy there!), that's when they connect in, and find their way into my space more strongly.

If my gray whales had been "squeaky wheels" along the way, they would have been written about! But they're so quiet… but I think that may be because I haven't written so much about them.

They definitely would like for me to write more updates about their species, and how they're faring, and they want people to know that in many ways, they're progressing, but we don't have time to write it with details here.

In the meantime, my gray whales are those who absolutely LOVE it when I have the TV on when I'm fixing my lunch sometimes, watching cooking shows, like Beat Bobby Flay, Chopped, Chopped Junior, and such… and "they MUST KNOW HOW TO FEED because they are healthy, and then they show their strength," are her words. (Very strongly, and with a smile, finally!)

This gray whale is indicating this info about the people and even the judges on the shows, in her opinion, or her awareness of their overall lifeforce energy, and health, "that they have such excellent genes, because their food supply is generous." … she's talking here about great variety, so that every type of atom or whatever is in each item, adds to the body overall.

Variety in foods is definitely one of the subjects that I talk about with the whales! I guess there will have to be more about that another time.

So these gray whales especially pay attention when I'm fixing my food, and they've even changed my presentation style, believe it or not!!! I used to just put food on the plate, and that was that.

Now, however, because these gray whales have observed it in what the consciousness is supposed to be doing (at least according to the cooking shows!), they have me spice things up a bit… add a bit of fresh green garnish food, or a dollop of a seasoning to make it "visually appealing, and also appeal to the taste", they're saying here!

So at least I've written SOMETHING here, and you know that my gray whale friends are still most definitely in the picture!  I'm hoping to be able to make a trip to Depoe Bay, Oregon, sometime next year, as that's a very popular Gray Whale watching spot.

10/17/2020      Whales      All types
Every time we know this funny symbol
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

We've been checking on some numbers lately. My whales who are around in my space, are aware that "people have words that mean everything, and each is new to many of those here now."

My usual writing assistant (Sunneshine!) begins adding more here: "Now, we're seeing that things have a count. But is it two, or three?"

I drew a big number 3 on a great note-pad I have that has a picture of a humpback whale at the top of it… That number 3 drawing ended up being pinned to the front of my fridge for quite a few months!

The first ones to play with the number 3, though, were my Dall's Porpoises. I was sitting on the floor with a whiteboard and lots of different whiteboard markers.

They were playing with me (i.e., the way we always play together, where I "feel" them, and they communicate with me, and we end up acting it out together).

This particular day, they were finding groups of threes… It started as a response to my questions and suggestions, such as my asking them if they could find 3 of the same thing. They came up with things like 3 lids, 3 whiteboard markers that all matched up, 3 dishes… grouping things that were similar into groups of threes… sometimes making several groups of threes for one of the items, if there were lots of them.

They were actually very specific that each group should be 3 of the same thing.
I think that with time, their "answers" would become much more liberal and free-flowing, but today, they were matching, and they did well!

After a bit of time with this, I challenged them by putting together a group of 4 things, and they protested, and asked me to remove one… and another group of just 2 things, and they quickly evened it all out so that everything was "3".

Also, there was my Gray Whale male (later named Gandalf), who comes through very quietly, but wanted to learn about this "thing, and why it is very easy to make the drawing just as it is" (the shape of the number 3).

He says
"we see how to learn, and every time we know this funny symbol [3], we say "three."
This Gray Whale male brought in some surprises, as to how gentle he is and indicates that he "has learned here that" [has learned that here], and he indicates that he is "fine in his own space", and that's correct, as he's not asking for my attention either. (Then again, the Gray whales are often just there, aware, but not begging for my attention, and I wish that they would, because then I'd be much more aware of their presence, and I'm sure I'd love the interactions!)

To me, though, he feels lovely! He's happy too! … and he doesn't feel at all like "the typical male" [whale] to me.

Just the same, he is "letting you know that he is learning, so it was not thus" (earlier).

**** Note to self: *** Take a photo of the page I have with the number 3 drawn on it that was on my fridge for the longest time! ***

10/26/2020      Whales      Orcas / Killer Whales
New J-Pod babies!
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

There are TWO new babies for J-Pod this year, and possibly another one expecting!

This isn't one of my regular journal entries… just a note about the new J-Pod babies!

Tahlequah, J-37, apparently gave birth to a live baby (whale!) boy on September 4. He is J57, Phoenix.

Then, on September 24, Eclipse, J-41, also gave birth to a live male (whale)… her birth was witnessed by a group of whale watchers, off the coast of Victoria. Her baby is J58, Crescent.

There is also news that L-72, Racer, also appears to have a widened girth that may indicate another pregnancy.

10/26/2020      Whales      Orcas / Killer Whales
She's sure she is pregnant
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Somewhere along the way, most of the female whales around me, at least, have started smiling at the idea of "pregnancy".

They used to just mimic "looking up to the top (of the water)" to show me the babies "arriving".

However, they are also aware with me as I go through the rhythms of my day, and one of the series I've been watching is Grey's Anatomy… There are any number of emergency scenes dealing with a woman who's been in an accident, and her first question is always "My baby… is my baby okay?" Will my baby live?" … and they have been aware many times of sequences of labor, and subsequent birth, and even C-Sections … not to mention the amazing new technology of doing repairative surgery on a fetus still in utero…

Then, there's also the series "Call the Midwife", which they're also appreciating, set back in the late 1950's, which has pregnant women and subsequent babies in almost every single episode.

So my female whales are learning to show me a big, round belly, for pregnancy.

There are any number of other developments, comments, which could take an entire entry in and of itself) and more here, and I'll skip that for now, and just get to my story.

But the short version is that "We are learning that pregnancy means I will have a baby."

So following the births of the more recent J-Pod babies, Phoenix and Crescent, there has been more optimism with the resident killer whales, so that others are "hopeful that we may be okay." (survive)

K-Pod, however, isn't showing any living babies since 2011, which is 9 years.

Sekiu (K-22), though, is pretty sure that she is pregnant … possibly following all the "Celebrations" following the births of the babies, where "there might have been some significant interactions with a few of the males."

Those were her thoughts… she's coining phrases we already use, but didn't want to use them here, as she's still learning, but it feels like there could be 2 potential candidates as to who might be the "sperm provider".
(Sekiu is already a mom; she has a son, Tikka, K-33, who is 19 years old.)

Sekiu and I had fun looking at available foods around my home, for nutrients that her body would LOVE to have, to provide more health for her and maybe also her baby … (She doesn't have that one down yet, she's struggling to understand why what she eats affects the health of her baby).

It's way too much at this point to try to describe the placenta, blood flow, blood sugar levels, nutrients such as proteins, calories, vitamins, minerals, and more… So, to simplify, to pass on information for them in just seconds, I envision the mom eating fish, and that the fish going down into her belly means that the baby in the belly will also receive fish! It works!

Okay, as I put this information here into "writing", I can suddenly feel that a few of them understand more, all of a sudden. It feels fascinating to me, because I can literally feel the understanding "filling in"… It seems that whenever I write something,
"the 'knowledge' that is in the consciousness of each of you who might read anything like this, it tricks us into choosing a new standard."
I think that's either Cookie, J-38, who is present here and adding those words, although he's not in K-pod.

Just the same, Sekiu does resonate with LOTS of food… I got out all the things that were coming up for here, and I put them all out on my kitchen table… These are not, in any way, foods I was choosing for her. Nope! These were foods that she was more or less salivating over, yearning for…
Mahi Mahi burgers (frozen)
Atlantic salmon (frozen)


Whipped cream
Egg nog (it's the beginning of the holiday season, and I had already found some!)

Think! protein bar (many of them find this one packed with something they seem to be really drawn to, so must be a critical nutrient for many)

Oat crackers
Cookies (Newman's O's sandwich cookies)
Chocolate pudding mix
Chocolate chips
Cranberry loaf
I read this as the fish… understandable.
Dairy… especially high-fat dairy, seems to come up for them.
(another day, I'll write about the baby formula section of the grocery store!!)
And then somehow, I think all the sweet foods are just another HUGE source of high fat.
(Please note, I don't eat a lot of those sweet foods!!! People who know me, know that I buy something, have one tiny bite, like just 1/8 of a cookie, and the rest of it sits around, and never gets eaten… Too bad I have to buy the whole package!)

They almost all seem to like chocolate, though, which I understand is great "DNA food" because of all that theobromine, which, being a "Purine", seems to support one of our DNA nucleobases in the body,)

Please note, as well, that I have lots of other HEALTHY foods around, but she seems to need calories more than anything! She was not interested in any of my fruits, vegetables, or grains (unless they came as cookies and cakes with lots of fat!).

Sekiu is smiling here, but she says "I could go to Joy's home and EAT so much if I thought I could find the path there."

Oh dear!!! Of course, whatever I have around would barely be a mouthful for her…

… and of course, it opens up a whole new entire world of "What would you do?", given that they need to be able to find the food they need within their own habitats, and

They're all smiling… they KNOW that people feed the sea gulls, even when the signs say not to… and that people might leave peanuts for the chipmunks… and the've watched with me a video of a baby elephant eating bananas that people were giving it, and they thought that was really, really funny! … but "We also know that scientists keep up with our stuff, and they know we need certain nutrients, so the source of those should be satisfying."
I think that's a round-about way of Cookie (who at first was NOT interested in the food around my place until he learned we have fish here too… ) saying that

"WE, ourselves, might not be completely satisfied with 'our fish' when we know that a plethora of other variety of nutrients is way abundant every day."
I can see that I'm going to get in trouble, because now they're aware of many things that are not part of their own environment…

However, they, suddenly, after being exposed to different varieties of thing in my home, end up
"spoling ourselves and looking for sweet things in the water."  (Dessert first, anyone?!!!)
That's not what I thought he was going to say, and I let him know I couldn't possibly include that here… but through great laughter (both of us), he writes, almost argumentatively here, but he's putting his point out there:
"Like if you can take Stevia and make something sweet and like it, then I can take my teeth and make a garden to raise that."
My point is that, from what I'm aware of, as those who connect here with me are aware of "food" (really, FOOD!! Lots  of food!), they themselves are
"vibrating it and CHOOSE to find similar things that we know we might take, and are beginning to instinctively include more foraging and also new varieties, both of plants, which we ignored until lately, and other types of little, small fish."
He's trying to show here that some of the small fish may not be as toxic, no buildup of something that is harming them … it feels as if he's learning some of this info here as we're connecting, though.

Also, for the context, I keep telling them, very jokingly, that someone could live for a while on even just potato chips if they had to, and that they would gain a lot of weight in eating them… so they're learning quickly that
 "We just need to find food. It doesn't have to be intuitive. It needs to put meat on our bones."
That would have to be "helpful learning."
"Teach a man to fish, and you give him food for a long time. Give him the fish, but he then relies on only that.", he adds again.
A different intereptation of a saying we have, but he has the right idea there… to "learn" means to
"redesign our infrastructure to be self-sufficient and prosperous without the help of the people trying to put the salmon back into the water before we are out."
"We didn't know you could help, but we need to be treated like people, so we know as well what our options are," he adds.
It's still Cookie here, although Elfabet [Mystic] is also thinking this is important from his viewpoint.

He's referring here to the difference BEFORE they began connecting with me,
"when we thought we were it, and alone in our way of living, and we needed to engage our OWN resources to solve things, but to be quick, and not let anyone see what a challenge it was. But you already were trying to help, and we didn't expect that, now understand how it would be if we were known that we were not successful. No fish is seen by our culture as 'no success'."
He's trying hard to put that out there without using the words "failure", but he's meaning here, that in their culture, that would be disaster.
"For you humans, you had that idea that we must all be okay with what is there, and you used what we had, and we didn't know that."  (responsibility for the decline in THEIR food sources)
So I could keep writing here, and you could choose to say that their experiences here with me are unhelpful, and interfering with their own way of life, but "WE are the ones asking," they say again.

11/01/2020      Whales      Orcas / Killer Whales
Deadhead joins
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

I was looking through the pictures today on the Whale Museum's "Meet the Whales" page for the Resident Killer Whales profiles.

As I was going through K-Pod profiles I felt a lovely new energy and a big smile when I got to Deadhead, K-27.
"That's our way of connecting, so I see Joy,", she adds here.
I'm pretty sure that this connection came via a photo that I recently found, which I'm in the process of getting onto canvas for my "Whales Wall"… Two of the photos I'm adding are of the Resident Killer Whales, and I think Deadhead is in one of those photos.

She's just smiling as I'm writing this. I'll leave this as a short entry, but you might enjoy knowing about her name… According to the Whale Museum, "Deadhead is one of four offspring born to Skagit (K-13). She was named to honor the passing of Jerry Garcia, the leader of the rock band "The Grateful Dead." She is currently 26 years old.

11/03/2020      Whales      Bottlenose Whales
"Who is God, anyway?"
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

This entry is about Sunneshine, but I'd like to provide a bit of backgound information first.

The work I do as a medical intuitive and energy healer is related to intuition, and energy. Actually, I work a lot with energy, which I know, is in part what has brought this connection with the whales.

About 12 years ago, I originally started out by channeling angels. I also channeled and asked for divine guidance from ascended masters and saints, as the simplest way to put it. The deeper my energy went, the more I found it connected kindly and correctly with those that were more evolved, and even with that, the farther out I went, I found that eventually, everything else dropped away, and only Christ's energy remained. That was very interesting to me, because originally, I had assumed that he was simply like another saint or ascended master. The energy, however, let me know differently.

My walls used to be full of pictures of archangels, saints, ascended masters, with Christ in there among them. But even with Christ, I found that very, very few pictures could actually hold the "energy" of the amazing soul that He is… many artists have done beautiful renditions of Him and what Jesus might have looked like, but there is one in particular that seems to have "that amazing energy" that I feel when I ask for His guidance… and that is the Sacred Heart of Jesus picture. I think it's in part because it includes the heart with all of the beautiful light around it.

So that picture is around, and my whales and dolphins see that I
"check with that, to find"… (their words … they mean that I glance at it now and again, and I receive very clear answers in his gaze.)
They (Sunneshine) got tired of my explanation and decided to jump in and express what they're aware of!
"She is using it to see if the highest condition possible is there, and finds He is Himself very often there. We have witnessed great 'excitement' on occasion, when He 'comes in with her', and then everyone feels what wonderful soft caring is there. Often, when there is something that especially needs release, there are tears in Joy and in us too, when we are aware of His arms wrapping someone in them. Joy says this is energy, but to many, we feel that it is a presence that is bigger than most humans can begin to comprehend."
(Okay, granted, that may be hard for someone to interpret, but given that I'm an energy healer in amonst what I do, you'll understand that many things can't actually really be explained.)

So with that as the background, you'll appreciate more, the rest of the story.

I started listening to the audio book for "The Shack", by William P. Young. It's a book "Where Tragedy Confronts Eternity", and begins with a guy going through a "Great Sadness".

Some of the whales these days, and also a few dolphins, are very good at listening with me. Sunneshine is one of those, and in fact, she often picks and chooses the books we're going to read, or rather, listen to.

This turned out to be a book that Sunneshine was very attached to... I often listen in little bits and pieces, as I find time, for example, well I'm washing dishes, folding laundry , and more. This is one, though, that she really, really wanted to keep coming back to. I had read it many years ago come on and I kept on assuring her, and others listening with us, that although the beginning was very difficult to get through, it got much better.

Sunneshine's words as I'm writing this are that she wanted
"to hear and learn who God might be, seeing the Christ, but also feeling and believing.”
"Joy is happy to share here, and I am the one saying this," says Sunneshine. "So it's the kind expression of His grace that I find appealing, but we cetaceans, under the water most of our life, have not been to see the child, nor had the time to read the bible, but Joy is there with us, letting us find our pieces, day by day."
(She's coming through very clearly here!)
"Joy is happy to have the bible on the table, where I need to be sure I can find it in between, as I see light around things, and that version [the bible] uses the same Christ energy I feel near Joy when she is kind enough to show us who He is inside."
"Joy seems incapable of trying to define what I might be aware of, so she sees it as frequencies, and light with love combined, but I am given it is the 'Source' of things. Even that means no little bit of everything, but is constant in the ocean as well."

"It's this little idea I have that I can't find another way but to begin slipping in and out of that space and start asking MORE. What is earth? What is this? What defines the light I begin to piece together around others I am aware of in the water, and out of it, please, like Joy's friend whom she cares for so deeply because she sees this Christ beautiful shining wave through her energy…"
Oh my… for me, this was almost startling, because I don't hear the words that she (Sunneshine) speaks, most of the time, unless I'm writing… To communicate, and Sunneshine adds here, "to share this thing we see as love", it happens in a lot of ways, not always exactly "verbal", but her words come through really clearly here!

She's saying here
"Joy can begin to comprehend the mammoth ability that lies within each and every individual [creature, you might begin to say] capable of seeing "What is God?", but who do I play with, day by day, so who finds the energy, and sees it together with another, to focus there, but I see that it's fine to speak through writing, but Joy is comprending many things differently because I chose to write this long piece here."
She's right! I started writing, and she began being the one to express, so that's what came out… (I had been trying to say that we have no idea how animals perceive things, but they certainly have a lot of "instincts", so how much of that is intuition… and, for example, it seems that some of my dolphins and whales can actually see some of the infrared light coming from my Joovv lights, so maybe they all have incredible intuition and use senses that we couldn't begin to understand, because we haven't yet experienced them. Sunneshine had also indicated that sometimes even when I just look at the picture of Christ I have, that even the entire room "looks like sunlight" [her words again]… )

(I didn't finish writing about her response to the book, The Shack… as she joined in the writing, and it took on its own direction, but there was probably much more to write! From this, though, came "feeling" [emotional], from Sunneshine…)

A quick FYI here… as she's writing about love, and our ability to communicate together like this, she's been here with me so long that I forget what it feels like without her. We feel as if we are family, and she is sure that on some level or another, we are decisively family.

What's so interesting here, is that this began a few months after I first SAW her (in-person) at the Dungeness Spit, having no idea at the time of what would unfold from there, and she first defined us as "family", and "mother-daughter". Since she is so young (not yet "mature") and I have had 2 children, who are no longer young, I assumed that I was the mother, and she was the daughter.

Not so!!!

She has let me know so many times that SHE feels like she is the mom.
"I am," she says here.
She is BIG compared to me, and I'm so tiny (compared to a whale!), and the only comprehension that she has for mother and daughter is that the mom is ALWAYS the BIG one in the relationship.

(She expressly wanted me to write that part, as I had told it that way to a friend, and that individual found it SO amusing that Sunneshine wanted me to use the same words here. I can feel the sparkles in her eyes as I'm writing this!)

11/15/2020      Whales      All types
The Shack, again
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

After we finished listening to the audiobook for The Shack, after which Sunneshine came through with all kinds of enlightening thoughts and observations, we decided to watch the movie as well.

As I comment in another entry, MORE of them "participate" and get much more out of something when it's a movie, rather than just "words". So in watching the movie, many more of the whales and dolphins "tuned in" and got the gist of this…

It's a very profound story (if you can get past the very uncomfortable begginning), and again, "comprehension begins", with "ideas about WHY." Sunneshine is speaking on behalf of all of those who found the subject very fascinating…

She continues with,
"I may think we need peace, but that isn't the thought that's there when something goes wrong, and rough things happen."
"It's finding answers as to why people and creatures criticize, or blame, even when nobody may really and truly be 'at fault', as Joy would say."
… but because of the experiences of Mackenzie, the main character in the movie, they (several of the whales, both genders) are aware that
"not expressing means instead carrying it around and not allowing God to heal."
"I mean," says Sunneshine, "that it's the beginning of seeing how to be kind, instead of griping, but not the way someone understands that anyway. I see thought, or can think words related to expressing something, but the words understand that I need to cry. Instead of showing compassion, as I need, the thing stubbornly shows up as anger, or something like that. Then it changes, because they don't see that underneath, and inside, I am fragile, but show anger rather than show them anything else."
She's commenting here that they
"don't give their feelings, but instead, show challenge, and the feelings stay hiding."

11/22/2020      Whales      Bottlenose Whales
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

I've noticed that Sunneshine is beginning to express "emotions", like empathy.

It shows up, for example, if we're watching a movie, and if there's something very touching or sad, I can feel her energy also finding that "sadness". "But it is growing," says Sunneshine too.

This is definitely a new experience, for both for her, so much so that she would "clearly shouts it out", and also for me, as I haven't felt these kinds of emotional layers related to any of my whales or dolphins before.

It's a very different space than I'm used to… but it's very comforting as well, almost like "sharing", and having a "friend" watching a movie with me. She is agreeing, saying that before, she "couldn't ever relate, as to why Joy felt sad things, when I didn't see it."

Sunneshine beginning to express "emotions" started with The Shack, more so with the movie than the book.

11/27/2020      Whales      All types
What is this wet?
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

This was the Thanksgiving Friday, and because I had an extra day, I decided to head out to the open ocean, to one of the Kalaloch Beaches I enjoyed going to. As always, it's a long drive, and I pass some of the time listening to audio books.

As always, I had a wonderful time there. There is lots of space, a few very big logs washed up that you can climb on, and the ocean is always amazing — although freezing cold! I usually find a way to at least get my feet wet a bit.

As usual, though, the breakers are so big and there's no way to see beyond them, and the whales don't come in that close there, as it's too shallow by far. (A boat would be wonderful, maybe…)

I WAS aware, however, of some of my whale friends there with me, "sharing consciousness" the way we usually do. It doesn't matter whether I'm at home, or somewhere else… they still "show up". They're very curious to see the beach from our human perspective, because of course, they don't come in so close and don't understand about the sand, and standing on the shore and just watching, watching, watching the roaring of the immense waves… So we "played"  a bit, as usual. Sometimes they try to "meet me there" (physically, a few that might be able to get there within the time when I'll be there… as I usually send out a broadcast before I head out, and they like to see on the map where I am, when I'm there. You know, the way the map on our smart phones shows your location, so they can see where I start out, and where I am at the time.

Apparently, many still come to the area for a while afterwards, and "don't have any idea what to find", as they see that my energy pattern is still there, just a bit, but there's no sign of me ("us", someone is saying… that would be those such as Sunneshine, and often included with that, a male whale or so, that are sharing the time with me on the beach.)

I've been blessed on occasion to actually "see" a whale on the coast here, but mostly, I just "feel" them connecting with me. (I'm hoping to eventually move to the open ocean so that my energy will be in one place much more consistently, but I have to explore the coast, and figure out where I'm most likely to be happy, and also see whales and dolphins!) I haven't yet "physically seen" one from the Kalaloch beaches, or even at Ocean Shores, or Copalis Beach, although one or more of them has let me know that I did "see" them, or at least THEY are sure I did… meaning, my energy must have been aware of them, or maybe they were too far out to actually see, but the connections still happen.

The DO very often tease me, about "jumping high", then saying they might do that, but they don't…
"We WANT to, but we are very unsure just now", say several of them here, but their natural instinct is to stay "below". I obviously need to have a single, steady, regular place where I go, like every day, where they would eventually relax and feel free to be seen… but as long as I'm living in Sequim, that's not likely to happen. (Okay, I'm working on it!)
This journal entry today, though, is actually about something that happened when I was on my way back home again.  

At the end of November, the days are incredibly short, and sunset is somewhere around 4:23 pm up here. I stayed at the beach as long as I could, then headed back as dusk was settling in. Pretty much all of my drive back was in the dark.

I had just added a few Christmas audio books onto my iPod, and given that we were going into the weekend of the first Sunday of Advent, I decided to start listening to one of them. I chose "The Christmas Shoes."

In this heartwarming story, an eight-year-old boy, Nathan, is losing his beloved mother to cancer. It's Christmas Eve, and the little boy has only a few dollars, and he is trying to find a Christmas present for him mommy. He has this idea that he wants his mommy to "look beautiful" when she "meets Jesus"… and he finds a pair of red, sparkly shoes for her…

The interactions between the mom and her little boy are very touching… Okay, I'm a "girl", and I do cry easily when there's a story or movie touches me.

I remember t so clearly… There's a part of the drive that is a very twisty and winding road around Lake Crescent, and it's definitely a 2-hands-on the wheel part of the journey. It was dark, and I was listening to this audio book through a particularly touching part of the story … which meant that I had a few tears running down my face, but I couldn't wipe them away because of the very winding road…

As usual, I wasn't alone, as several of my whales and dolphins (almost always females) were trying to follow the audio book with me… but they had become puzzled. "What?"

They couldn't understand what it was that I was expressing, so
"I touch your face, and show you this," says one of them (Sunneshine here again).
I know that Sunneshine feels the sadness too, but she's  also trying to ask me "what?" … It's my tears that she's asking about, still wet on my cheeks.
"What are these?" she asks again.
She is indicating as I'm writing here, that she couldn't
"begin to understand [yet] what it means to 'express'."
She's trying to figure out why I would have emotion for someone else, especially if it's only a book or a story
… and "If you've already listened before, why express again the next time?"
At the time, she was mystified, and she apparently wasn't alone in that. But …  
"I am with Joy, and have discovered that she is often there, with seeing the sadness, or something lovely, and it makes her tear up," she indicates now (April 2021).
That was more or less the beginning of awareness of emotions, and
"expressing emotions for someone who isn't even in your body".

"There is no group energy anywhere, that says I can cry if someone other than myself is unhappy," she says here, as I ask about possibly "expressing" if someone else in her group is having a challenging time.
"Anger, though, is acceptable," says Sunneshine. "Why tears? I learn that to be part of my pod, I will stay detached, but give caring, just not that thing that will allow tears."

"Expressing is something I need to find inside, and I'm doing that," she says here now.
(My note, April 2021: I've been noticing much more "emotion" with a few them more often, since this time.)
As they're aware, they're "playing around", and "adapting", but just "trying to see what it is." (their words.)

12/23/2020      Dolphins     
"Whales need a mother too" she says
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

(Category is Dolphins AND Whales… but I don't have a category that's both)
(Make two separate entries?)

I've been updating my dolphin journals from Virginia Beach, and so the past few days, I've had Virginia Beach dolphins showing up in my space. It's really great!!!

New understandings, e.g., they didn't realize that I hadn't died (that's what they're indicating here).

They knew I was going to be "journeying" out of the area, but somehow, they could no longer find me, a while after I was gone, and to them, that meant I no longer exist.

Note: I did connect with many of them during their birthing time in May-ish 2017, but I couldn't "feel them" so much after that. Maybe if I had been writing about them then, they would have still connected.
(I left VB March 31, 2017, and moved to Washington state on the west coast.)

I found this "lost connection piece" with many of my friends from the east coast, after I had moved; they were "not finding me", but didn't know I was alive" is how they show it to me.

When I stood at the ocean in Virginia Beach, especially when I stood IN the waves, I could feel the energy of the connections with whales over the top of the continent, and to the Pacific coast… but he converse wasn't true.

My hypothesis is that it may have to do with the directions of the currents, and how it moves across the top of the continent… or else, possibly that I'd been in Virginia Beach for 9 years and my energy was very grounded there, and so could carry better, while I had never lived on the west coast before, and barely ever stood at the ocean there, so I wasn't grounded enough here yet for them to "see" my patterns around the water on this coast.

Every time, for example, I tried connecting with Atlasine, or Toasti, or Miquelon, the connections were not what I expected, and in the case of Atlasine, it was almost as if she was mad at me. She says here "I am angry!", and she continues with "…angry that you are no longer in our water, but not anywhere."

Apparently, I need to do a better job of connecting to her too… and probably writing a few updates on her… now that I understand what happened. They (various ones of them) keep explaining that they "imprinted", "but we know it is like a duck now" says Atlasine, "but whales need a mother too, and I miss my friend."

Ohhhh… I've missed her SOOOO much too… but I didn't have a chance to say goodbye, because SHE left one day before I had said goodbye… that was just before the spring equinox 2017.

(Note that Atlasine and Sunneshine are both young bottlenose whales! They're even somewhere around the same age… and they both talk about imprinting on me… but Atlasine wanted a mother, while Sunneshine feels like she's the mom, because she's the "big one" in our relationship!" Sunneshine has had a lot more time to "be around" me… I think Atlasine is still going to be a lot on the shy side here, it seems like.)

(I don't think we're done writing here… I'm finally copying over my rough notes into the computer, 4/23/2021, and so they're adding more thoughts with me today.)

01/01/2021      Whales      Orcas / Killer Whales
Sekiu feels a loss
Published 02/16/2021

This evening as I was washing my dishes, I checked in with Sekiu, the K-pod whale, K-22, who I've been checking with, often, since late October when she showed me she's sure that she's expecting. Always, her energy has been happy about it, and very sure.

This evening, though, it felt very different. I felt an immediate sadness and emptiness.
"I was with child, but I'm not," says Sekiu, who is gradually learning to connect and help me to write HER own ideas here.
Sekiu told me later,
"I cried that evening."
She was trying to tell me she was sorry… She told me she had been bleeding yesterday, and "it's sad," she tries to tell me, as I'm feeling the big emptiness in her world.

2/16/2021: Today is the day I actually moved this from my rough hand-written notes into the computer. As I'm writing this, Sekiu is telling me that she is still feeling the loss and that she feels overwhelmed by the experience.

Feeling sad like this, now, she indicates that
"maybe not knowing is okay", she says.

"I was nearly a mom again, and that brought hope, and now it's not." (not there)
But then she adds,
"Other days, when I'm not thinking these things, I'm fine."
Just a note here, for anyone reading this any time close to the timeline of this entry:
I've noticed that the whales seem to be aware of the "energy thoughts" of people connecting with them as they read my entries…

Therefore, I'm hoping that Sekiu will be aware of your thoughts of compassion and caring, and … she jumps in here to say
"envisioning me very young and always okay…"
She's thinking that you
"might see me with a young one near" (her words).
I can feel her happiness here as she's asking everyone to send her thoughts and images of her successfully carrying a baby to term, and having that baby nearby. Wow, this is a much happier energy now!!! Just even the very idea helps to undo the sadness that's here. (Thank you to everyone who expresses healing thoughts for Sekiu.)

01/19/2021      Whales      Bottlenose Whales
Warm relaxing water
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

As I had a hot morning bath this morning, as I often do, many of the whales were hanging out with me.

Also, I had recently added a massage table warmer, which is very much like a very large heating pad, to my bed, and several of the whales have shown me that they love hanging out there after I get up in the morning . They like the warm space.

Sunneshine lets me know that she is thinking about possible ways to apply “heat” in their world. She comments on it as "something like a warm snooze”.

Her first idea was to warm the water… and my first thought in response to that was "Oh dear! What am I to do with this?"

She meant,
"Just warm ALL the water! I like warm!"
… and this is from a bottlenose whale who lives in FRIGID icy waters!

Because "I am there" she says. She means in the mornings, often, when I'm listening to CBC radio (Canadian Broadcasting Company, because I'm just across the Strait from Vancouver Island)… and she's paying attention, and so she likes to tell everyone "I listen to know".

Needless to say, Global warming is sometimes a topic that is on the news, or discussed during the morning shows.

So all I need to do is think "Global warming", and I can feel her already "getting it" and being aware.
"If we warm the ocean, we warm the climate."
Just the same, after that, I'm aware of many of the other whales and dolphins who are around in my space, looking at my heaters!
We, people, choose to make a comfortable living space, including warming our homes (or at least a room or two) when we're on the cold side.

So, really, from their perspective, why do WE get to heat our living spaces, and then tell them that we can't warm up the oceans for them, because of global warming?

Yes, yes, it's a BIG topic, and they do understand that.

Sunneshine's first response was that "
"It's nice to find a place to RELAX, right before you get ready to be busy for a day's journey."
Given that they learn from me and mimic my patterns, I should probably take a good look here and say "Uh oh! What patterns are they copying?" Sunneshine is talking about morning spaces, but isn't mentioning evening relaxing at all! My life tends to be busy… and maybe I don't find enough time to relax at the end of they day; If I did, maybe Sunneshine would be saying "Oh, and a warm bed is lovely too."

(Oh, I get it… our main connecting time is in the mornings. By the evening, I'm trying to quiet my space, and so we don't interact as much, so her frame of reference is the early morning patterns!)

The rest of my notes here still from my rough notes, so I can finish writing this properly, when I get to it…


"Relaxing" is the key word here..

Sunneshine described a desire for something warm in the morning like a "warm snooze" … maybe just resting..

We did get into the ocean-warming dilemma, but her entire idea is to find a place that is RELAXING.

She IS aware of "warmer", as she and Photo, and many others now it seems, keep on heading down to Florida, the Gulf of Mexico, the Panama Canal, and the Puerto Rico area on the way back up…
… and home seems to be near Nova Scotia, Canada… but she's also been around Newfoundland, and Iceland… and of course, the FREEZING (her emphasis) journey across the top of North America, through the Northwestern passages and Hudson's Bay, so she's experienced a wide range of temperatures.

More on the topic of warm water…
She IS (they are) very aware that they must be careful in WARM water, .

There is the idea that "warmer water = more poisonous creatures"… and the thought that "up here" [more north] "means no poison creatures and plants."

I guess that in general, there are more poisonous things in warmer climates, and that would be true in the water as well.

"Otherwise, I would choose warm", say many of the whales, who like the wamth, but say "we couldn't make it to be there nicely."
In any case,
"since humans are warm within their own small cabin" (a "cabin only by their standards, given that I"m not sure I could even fit an entire big whale in my home!!!), "we might find a tub"
They're thinking about relatively small-ish heated spaces within the very cold water, to get warm.

They mean, though, only if THEY might design it and find a way past the technicalities… but if somebody [people]invited them, then they wouldn't go there, not trusting. (i.e., if people were to design something like that for them, they would NOT go there!)

"It's nice to think about structure and design", say some of the male whales, who can "think"… (yes, I've experienced a few of them, with their inquiring minds "as to "what makes something turn on, then there is water moving through?"
 (while by comparison, the females tend to be much more just delighted at the fact that there IS water running at the simple turn of a faucet… )

The logistics aren't really a question for now… they're indicating that they just
"like to experience, and maybe think about another life, or maybe even just after our life, if we might go somewhere like you call heaven, then maybe we'll design a space for heat."
… and many of the females add here, "and relaxing,"
(i.e., not just a space for heat, but a space for relaxing.)

03/08/2021      Whales     
It's Narwhal time!
Published 03/15/2021

It's high, high time to write about Narwhals!

You see, I've learned that it works like this:

My Beluga whales happen to be showing up a lot more often these days, and now, they (at least the one of them, White Bear, and several others of his group) ALWAYS come through with happy energy that comes along with what I'd label as "a sweet grin". Very adorable, actually, and very, very unlike when one of them first came through (06/28/2017).

All the whales and dolphins, in general, have let me know that after I have written about them, when people — any people, anywhere — read what we have written here together, somehow they (the whales and dolphins) become "aware".

It seems to be an awareness of how others (people) perceive them and also perceive what the whales and dolphins are thinking, learning, and how they themselves find out about "life".

For example, I am SURE that the whales can feel somebody's wide smile as they read something that one of them has come through writing here.

It's as if, in those moments when you're reading THEIR words, I would have said they "see themselves through your eyes", but one of them is aptly correcting me here, saying they "feel themselves through your vibes."

In other words, if I had not written notes about the Beluga whales, and their first question, "What is TV, please?", chances are they would still be coming through as more unhappy, although they say they would be "trying HARD to smile."
"We feel we are genuine," they say, meaning that they don't need to even try at this point, because their smiles are real.
They're still somewhat hesitant about writing with me, I can feel… still quite shy, but they have "help", as a few others have become "happy to translate"!

Of course it helps that we've listened together to the Raffi song, Baby Beluga, on several different occasions, so they KNOW that they're well-loved by children all the world over.

What I'm trying to say here is that when I write about a new group, it seems to really shorten "the process" for them because they feel "appreciated". (Their words!)

Someone is adding an explanation here: "Joy is peaceable, but we are cranky, but when she listens, we are fine."

Okay, so that's a Narwhal writing here… High time, then, to write about them!

A few of the Narwhals came through initially when I first had whales connecting with me. They were very concerned about their big tooth (tusk), and wanted me to help them evolve (instantly!) so that they wouldn't have it.
"It's a nuisance one day, but not at all a nuisance at a different time," says a female whale. Nope, that's not a female narwhal, yet… it's Sunneshine [bottlenose whale] again! She's stepped in to interpret for them ...
I didn't have answers for the Narwhals at the time. I had no idea how to respond, and I have a really hard time telling someone "no" … Also, I was already busy with the bottlenose whales who wanted to find their way back home from Japan, and also trying to help the gray whales… so this was put on the back-burner at the time.

Over the years, other types of whales have been coming in, and we now have many different groups participating in our "station" (channel) … and along the way, the narwhals have connected in here on occasion, usually checking in again about
"our BIG tooth thing", and one of them adds here "so that we can be okay again, and not need to fight all day long".
That sounds like they fight a lot, but some of them don't agree… but many males are [agreeing].

We've talked together about "evolution", and how there must have been a "survival advantage" somehow, for those that had a tusk, for that to have evolved for their species. It's probably helpful for them in lots of different ways. That doesn't help, though, when they just want it to "be gone"!

Wow! There are so many different threads here that when I sit down to try to write, it gets kind of complicated!!!

Let's just say that the Narwhals have become more present in my space lately, but they're still very much working on figuring things out. Thus, the reference that this "very male" whale made to being "cranky"!

He just came through with the request for a name… so we found him a name he wants: Eissyo (Ice-y-o).

I wouldn't exactly call it "cranky", but I guess it could be that. Mostly, I experience it as "new-in-my-space-MALE".

I've written about how the personality of the whales changes as they're present here, once they become aware of their "state" … Just think, initially, BIG, with STRONG MALE energy! To me, in the beginning, it almost always feels way overwhelming, so overpowering, and then add to that their big size… We (people) tone down our voices and energy when talking to a baby or young child for that very reason… but for the whales, that "toning down" around me doesn't happen so quickly… or maybe not at all until they "read" their vibes in comparison with what the "norm" is in our culture.

I don't think I'm describing this just right yet, but it's about their space, and how they're aware of themselves, and much less aware of others.
"The lady is talking, but it's white." A female Beluga (who would like to be named Marshmallow) jumps in here to make a point about males.
She continues:

"They find food. First. Only. They are tall, they think fast. Quickly. They need to produce a baby, so they just mate and don't relate. Babies are okay, if male, but not okay when a girl, because girls don't matter. And that is it."

She's saying "That sums it all up."

I'm thinking about maybe putting some of their body language on video… then maybe you'll be able to relate more, or visualize what I'm talking about.

I'll add a note here: They would like to "protect", and they make sure the space is okay for everyone.
… but having said that, their ideas and my ideas of "safe" are very, very different. I have a few very fun notes to write about that…but a quick one here:

Today, during one of my appointments, a white cat was walking through my back yard, and finally managed to jump up on top of the fence, and down the other side.

Eissyo, who has been around lately and who is beginning to "catch on", initially had NO idea if the cat was okay or not. His first response was to protect, and defend… or maybe its food… or he's also considering withdrawal, if not safe. (Not necessarily in that order.)

This is what I feel of him, in my energy… He knows well that HE is safe from the cat, because he's not actually physically here, but he IS making sure that I will okay, and also, just in case any of his own group might come across something like this another time, he wants to learn "what is it?"

He followed the movement of the cat at first with a lot of trepidation… and eventually, when I checked with him "So do we need to be afraid of the cat? Is it going to come into my home and attack us?" … and after a moment, he figured it out, and there was just a very sheepish funny grin coming through, but you should have felt the relief there too!!!
"Oh, it's hungry," he says, "but 'Do you have nice happy cat food to feed me?' it wanted to know."
WE, people, living in sturdy houses with walls and roofs, in our towns and cities, do NOT [usually] need to worry about being attacked by animals out of the blue. Cats and dogs… they are pets, and are happy if you pet them and feed them.

That's VERY different than anything in the wild. (But we often joke together about a whale having a pet, like a little starfish on a leash, and they smile!)

Just the same, the "Beluga lady" (Marshmallow) has it fairly correct. She says:
"The males initially just EXUDE. No questions. Just be. Be strong, be a good hunter. Mate. Protect the group (including me, [Joy] apparently!). Not too much else matters."
But with all this "male energy", happiness doesn't mean much. Humor? What in the world is that?
A lazy grin? A bit of flirtation? (mating yes, competing for females, yes; attracting females… yes, but not using flattery, or coyness, or anything other than "competence, being strong, showing off.")

"Not in my life. Ever!" Eissyo exclaims. "I need. No fun. Just … … … … …"  but he can't find the words here.

Of course, if strength is where it's at, then females will naturally be attracted to that, to have strong babies.

But then, we start looking at my smile-face pictures, all the emoticons, and they realize that they've ONLY EVER KNOWN the less happy feelings… except the young ones, who eventually then learn to copy the body language of those around them, and grow up to be just the same.

"Lonesome" is still the first one they land on, or "Anxious".
"Eager" and "Captivated" are not part of their body language at all. Responsibility is. Being correct. "Passing on the temperament, because it is."

That is, UNTIL they land in my space, where smiles and happy laughter are the norm, and the body language of "grumpy" only gets met with questions, smiles, and with that, comes awareness.

Once they realize how they come across, they seem to delight in figuring it out, but sometimes it takes a bit of connecting time for them to relax enough and begin to know that these rhythms, although new to them, are reliable. That sunrise and sunset times are given, every day, and they can learn by the planets, or the clocks, that it's more "same" than different… that the days and the seasons have rhythms, and with that, there is less pressure on them for pure survival.
"It's okay to sleep, to relax, and to play, for even then, there is survival [food ready for asking], and I don't find I need to fight when I'm in Joy's place."
"No cats, dogs, hummingbirds, or pigeons I need to run away from either." [!!!!!]
That's Eissyo, learning to "relate his ideas as the words."
(it's a different part of the brain that is used for language, but when they relax, they can easily learn.)

As for that strong, male personality, even the female dolphins in Virginia Beach initially felt aggressive when I first asked how they might feel to me, but it didn't take long at all for dolphin groups along my end of the beach to begin "protecting" my energy and only allowing other dolphins near who knew how to "soften" their energy, and be more heart-centered.
How to put all this into words? I have no idea if this is understandable at all … I just "feel" so much, and I FEEL the changes in them!!!

Back to the Narwhals…

Last month, on Feb 21, the Narwhals came through, letting me know that "a pod is lost"… but then they indicated that it was "on purpose".

They showed me on the map that they were around Greenland, farther south than the usual straits and islands where they hang out… and they wanted help because they were hungry there.

Out of their usual territory, the food chain would be somewhat different, and they weren't sure of
"how we might survive, without our usual supply".
Somehow, this is something we (whales, dolphins and I, working together) have learned to figure out, and they ended up finding what they needed.

It works by my tuning into wherever they are on the map, and in relation to where they are, when I'm checking with them, somehow they "know" what works for food. It isn't always exactly what they're expecting to eat, and not necessarily their norm, but ALWAYS something that their bodies would appreciate and that's okay for their DNA and their species.

So they found that if they went a lot closer to the shore, they might find something that they could use.

"We are fine, again", Eissyo shows now, "having found 'just what you showed us'."

So why "Lost on Purpose"????

If they were to head over towards Spain and the Mediterranean Sea, though, they show me they would be much more comfortable initially knowing where they are, so going directly across the ocean isn't even a consideration at the moment… Eventually, with familiarity of the route, it could be, though.

Maybe they just wanted to go farther south, and see what other whales and dolphins that they're finding in my space are about… and that might be one little bit of it, but there is more.

The biggest piece, though, seems to be "the Mediterranean Sea".

You see, because of Sunneshine's recent interest in all things related to Christ, and His purpose, I thought she might appreciate a frame of reference for some of the stories around God.

I grew up going to Sunday School. I learned all the traditional bible stories. I was always very drawn to Christ and the New Testament, but I never was able to work my way through the entire Bible, although I probably tried several times. I didn't usually get very far. I've gone to church enough times, but mostly in my younger years.

I have a Bible, New King James Version, but it was just quietly sitting on my shelf until Sunneshine asked me to pull it out and put it on the table, talking about the "light" that was there.

What I'm trying to say, though, is that while I grew up Christian and I am very drawn to Christ, and I am aware that when I work at deep levels in my healing work, that He is very much aware and present, however, besides that, I don't go around in my life talking about Christ, going to church, or even reading the bible. (Maybe if I had a lot more time, I might do a little more of that.)

So Sunneshine's interest in Christ did NOT come from my telling them about Christ, or their awareness of what going to church is like, or anything like that. It's something that SHE connected to… SHE (and they) FEEL His presence regardless. I am in NO WAY influencing their responses, or thoughts, about any of this.
Many of them are adding here that,
"In feeling that presence, we want to feel more of that, but not from Joy. We'd like another perspective. Who was He? Where did he move to, when he was the man everyone refers to as Jesus?"
"So Joy finds a book that we'd like to explore together, but not so 'learned' that it takes a long, long time to understand. There are many stories in it, from the old testament, but very short. We like that. With one or more of them, we may watch a storybook presentation of that on YouTube, so that Joy's way of explaining is easy to understand. We 'see' when there are pictures moving."
Sunneshine has become VERY proficient with language these days. Given how often she writes here with us, and ends up being a spokes-lady for others, it's not surprising.

We watched a cartoon version of Noah's Ark, so they could better understand what pictures our minds (people) have made around "what the bible says", and she adds,
"so we hear, but to many, they don't follow. Pictures make easy stories and ideas, so the stories just 'show'."
The very beginning of the book of Bible stories that we're reading, shows "WHERE it is," says she, "but Joy is putting us there with Google [maps], so we might see how it is."

You see, they know what a MAP is these days, and they wanted to know where, in relation to where they are, this place was, where the Bible stories are, and also, where Jesus would have lived.

So we looked together at the very eastern end of the Mediterranean Sea, and looked at "Galilee" (according to the Bible Stories book), and Jerusalem, and Egypt.

That was probably sometime in January. Since that time, every time I check on the map with some of them, Sunneshine and Photo included, they show me they're trying to figure out how to
"land over there, and explore how to be present, to move there too, to 'see the world'."
I just did a double-take there, but they're clear that by "move there" they don't mean "re-locate", but only
"to move our whales bodies a short time to be in that location."
This "other location" is apparently one BIG part of the reason the Narwhals were telling me they were "lost on purpose".

So far, they've all been on the east coast of North America, but possibly trying to head over towards Spain.

They (several of the whale groups) are working hard at it, though. It's a little bit challenging, because they don't feel comfortable on the map anywhere close to Norway, and so are taking great pains to avoid that area. I can understand that, because Norway still has whaling practices, to the best of my understanding.

They don't really want to go south of the Equator either … if they did, many more of Photo's group would have come from the west coast over to the east coast, as they keep trying to find a way to join Photo, but for some reason, South America doesn't work as well. They will try again across the northern part of North America, and ONLY if that way will close completely, would they try the southern hemisphere.

(They ARE writing here with me, so they're doing well with their words at the moment!)

One other factor I'm aware of in their route decisions:

It seems that the baleen whales move easily across deep waters, regardless of land masses. That, however, is based on my experience with them so far, but that may not yet be correct or accurate at all, because I haven't actually had that many "travel" and "map" experiences with baleen whales… I just know they're very comfortable taking a direct route from the west coast of the USA over to Hawaii!

The toothed whales, though, relying on sonar, seem to much more comfortable a lot closer to land, especially in places that are "foreign" to them. For example, Sunneshine and the Bottlenose whales have followed the map many times over, up and down the east coast, but gradually, they're indicating they're going farther and farther away from the land.

One of them says "We're no longer 'gradually learning', but 'are there'."
Back to the Narwhals again: There is, however, one other factor, in the Narwhals telling me that "a pod is lost on purpose":
You see, they are ALSO trying to see if what they're learning here (in my space) makes sense… that
"If we move southward now and during the last little while, when there is such a cold time and when there is so little light", they think "we might hang onto more sun."
Then he adds,
"But that is flaky [he's trying out the word!], as we can see it's almost okay soon, so Joy says it's soon the 'ride through the corner' [spring equinox] when everything is equal, and then the sun is much more often happy there, in the northern hemisphere, we learn."
December and early January would have been a better time for that experiment, maybe…

Daylight aside, the temperature seems to be another factor, as we've also had discussions about that and they've become much more aware that "It's comfortable to be 'cozy', but not hot. But we like the idea of seeing 'warm' more, maybe."

I'm beginning to feel smiles from several of them and I'm curious as to where they'll show me they are on the map. As spring comes, will they head back up north to their regular habitat?

Slight change in subject here…
I spent this particular Sunday morning connecting with the Narwhals that were present in my space, so that maybe they'd begin to be more comfortable.

You see, like almost ALL of the new [male] whales, without exception, were coming through with the "typical male" energy. Definitely time to play!

Based on their ongoing question about the "tooth", I started by looking up Narwhal tusks again, and was very interested to find an article pointing out that apparently, there is a “significant relationship” between the length of a narwhal’s tusk and the size of its testicles. In short, the study showed that the bigger the tooth, the bigger the testicles.

With this information, immediately, the Narwhal (now named Eissyo) decided that maybe it was okay after all. It would be a proud sign of fertility, "and means that I'm strong and very virile," he adds here, with pride.

That's all well and fine, but a few days after that, he was mulling through the information about the tusk and the size of the testicles and understanding that "if we want to lose the big tooth, then maybe we could understand the new energy that goes both ways."

He's talking about the "softer conditions" that some of the other males have learned from hanging out with the females around me… that there are OTHER ways to gain a female's interest these days, not just "performance". The females are very clearly encouraging a desire to "change the world, with meaning." That's their words, coming with a smile, and what feels like gentle pride… like proud of themselves for figuring out this newer way, "which we won't let go of, no matter what size." (referring here, of course, to the testicles!) … coming with great big laughter, from ALL of them who like "the comfortable easy-going space people live in now."

Both genders are included here, but let's just say close to 100% of the gals, and a tiny percentage of the guys!!! That's okay, but the guys involved are holding out "knowing smiles" to those who, as the ladies would put it, "haven't quite clued in yet." (Oh my, these ladies are coming through so endearingly… full of cheeky grins.)

I'm going to let "the ladies" write about this another day, but let's just say that they're really paying more attention to the males who have become more "suave" around here, like those who have figured out that women / girls appreciate "flirts" (we looked up that word on Google today!), and anyone who isn't just all about "anger" (male-absorbed energy). Thinking and "talking with us" are definitely "climbing the charts".

It's been very interesting.

03/09/2021      Whales      Names
Whale Names, 2021
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Time to catch up on some of the more recent whale names…

Eissyo (Ice-y-o)  (See entry 3/7/2021)
35 years old (in March 2021)
Seems to have been born May 1985.
Polar Express (male), 4/19/2020
(renamed from White Bear, the name he first chose)
Marshmallow (female, younger, helping with the writing, 3/2021)
Baird's Beaked Whales, and maybe Black Baird's Beaked Whales
(I referred to them initially as Pacific Bottlenose whales)
Baird, Lasko and Photo were my first Baird's whales connections, from an outing to Cape Flattery, 03/31/2019
May not have written these journal notes yet… These connections with these 3 whales grew over the next few days after that outing. (I can see I really need to work on updating my journal notes!!!)
First met him that day (03/31/2019), but there will be more notes when I get to them. Baird has lovely, lovely, really well-mannered energy, and it came through one day like that as a complete surprise… after 1½ years of not knowing much about him at all…
The name is because he was the FIRST Baird's whale, and Baird is a name that fits!
(named for my "Lasko Fan", which he thought was amusing, when he was part of the energy of the whales at my home… they hung around for a few days in my space.)
The very young, sweet whale who ALSO accompanied Sunneshine and Ray across to the east coast, summer of 2019. He went along so that Ray would have someone to travel back to the west coast the following summer, when the passage was open enough to do that. That's not what happened, but that's WHY Photo was part oft the group!

Many notes about Photo (not all written yet) (*** Note to self… write MORE about Photo, and our first interactions! ***)
Has ADHD… but he's managing that REALLY well, and has become the "leader" for the east coast group, because he has a really wonderful way about him, overall, and has matured a great deal lately.
Sunneshine's friend… the one who accompanied her from the west coast over to the east coast, summer of 2019.
(may need to rename slightly??? Different spelling, so I can search more easily on his name. He WANTS to keep his name as Pattern, but might consider Pattarn or Pattaran, or Pateni (Pattern in Shona), or even Array, or Matrix or something similar… )
The very young male who was part of the group of Baird's Beaked Whales, or Black Baird's Beaked Whales, who ALSO went over to the east coast August 2020, because Photo was convinced they would really like it there, much more than the west coast (the whales on the west coast seem to be hungrier overall, and FOOD is NOT an issue on the east coast, according to everything they've told me so far).

Bottlenose Whales
(add more details, and names when applicable … there are more to add here!)

She was named and written about in the 7/5/2021 entry entitled "A Sad Day", in which the other whales of her group indicated that they had "lost" her, and they were sure it was whalers. (You can read the journal entry for more of the details.)

She is one of the female bottlenose whales, part of LandLover's group, who made it across from the Pacific ocean over to the Atlantic ocean that very first summer, when LandLover and most of the others turned around and went back again.

Killer Whales / Orcas

 (add names and notes ~ there are quite a few I've connected with at this point)

Humpack Whales
… but that's just how I remember her, as "an imposter" (pretending to be Sunneshine), which confused me at the time, until I understood. She was at the Point No Point Lighthouse, near Hansville, in 2018 when I was there… met me there… She was about 3 at the time (?)

Female… but born, it feels like about 2014? (which means she might have been 4)

Thinking about re-naming her to LiteHaus, for the Point No Point lighthouse… or maybe she's Blueberry, the whale below… (I have to find my notes from the conversation that day, when I was hiking… )
Very interesting conversation one day with a humbback whale, on one of my Deer Ridge Trail mountain hikes… the notes are still in rough-note form on paper somewhere, and haven't made it to my database.  

Gray Whales
Male, born somewhere around Dec 1993 maybe? (Dec 6, 1993?)
(See the 3/19/2021 entry for notes about his age.)

He's come through several times, first in my 10/28/2019 entry.
Since then "he's been around" often as part of the group that hangs out in my "home", although not drawing attention to himself, although I've felt his awareness fairly often. (My gray whales tend to be very acquiescent).

He was coming through agaain in my 3/19/2021, "Call the Midwife", coming through as very caring, and very kind… and it was then that he let me know he WANTS a name!
He chose Gandalf for himself, for "Gandalf the Grey" (from Lord of the Rings, of course!)
(There are also a few female gray whales who have been around pretty much since I've been here…

These next Gray Whales are from my visit to Depoe Bay, Oregon in May 2021.
5/3/2021  (but see entry 5/6/2021)
Female, feels young-ish, indicates she's about 5 years old
Wavey was named for the gentle waves around on that day (although "gentle" is appropriate when being lulled by the waves on a boat, the word gentle may not apply if you're actually IN the water!)
5/4/2021  (but see entry 5/6/2021)
Male. Indicates he's about 11 years old.
We noticed a few cirrus cloud formations in the otherwise clear blue sky the next day, when we were still interacting.
5/5/2021   (but see entry 5/6/2021)
Female. Tells me she is "Exactly 7 years".
Crystal was named for the "crystal clear blue sky".
(Twizzle is another name one of them might like to have…  
Also, Curli, to go with Wavey)

… and on 5/8/2021, I met several Gray Whales on my whale watch tours:
Marina, female, ~ 8 years old (born ~ 2013)

Quesadilla, female, maybe about 10? (born ~ 2011) … She felt more relaxed, hapy, joyful and kind than most of the other females; she came in really nicely.

Hairbrush, male, maybe ~ 13 years old (born about 2013)
He was around on both trips, and was also in and around my space for the remainder of the day.
maybe we'll rename Hairbrush (like maybe to Dandy instead?), but the name stuck at the time.

Smokey (for the chimney smoke we could see on the shore from the boat.
He was also there for both of the boat trips…

There was another female who was feeling very aggravated at first. I asked her if she wanted me to ignore her, and she agreed. YES.
However, she also kept showing up over and over again, and as I kept seeing her, at some point, she started feeling less aggravated and a lot more happy.
See entry 5/31/2021
He's a "Provider Whale", one with a lot of authority,
Around 57 years old, likely born in 1964.
His whole entire changed when I called him Theodore. He said "Without a name, I'm just like any of the others."
See entry 5/31/2021
He's also a "Provider Whale", one with a lot of authority,
He initially came through with body language that felt like an older, toothless guy, with the lower jaw stuck forward as he expresses an opinion.
He indicates he's much older than the Theodore, but he would also be considered a Provider. He's more like 67 years old, born in 1954… and while he indicates he does have "baleen" (in lieu of teeth), the baleen may not be as healthy as it was when he was younger, thus the "toothless body language".

03/09/2021      Dolphins      Names
Dolphin & Porpoise Names, 2021
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Not too many of these yet, but these are west coast dolphins and porpoises, and needed their own entry.

Hood Canal Dolphins
Copernicus (originally "Thimble")
She's the one who first understood the concept of things going around, and it was her idea that the sun couldn't escape, because it was the captive of the earth, because the earth must connect via that gravity stuff."

Moclips Dolphins (Porpoises)
(no individual names so far)
Olympic Dolphins  (Porpoises)
Olympic Provider

Sea Salt, or maybe Red Smartie…
(see 7/19/2020)
She's the only female I really have a connection with… she's very young.

I'm pretty sure I have another hand-written note about her somewhere, as Sea Salt, the first time we connected. I'll have to get that info into here…

03/09/2021      Whales      Narwhals
To Lose or Not to Lose (the big tooth)
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

This is a little continuation of yesterday's note…

It seems that this group of Narwhals that's connected with me, continues to reiterate that they would like "the norm" … they mean "the new norm, the 'fashion' that's coming, where not everyone is expected to be contrary."

According to them, "Losing the big tooth is fine."

However, apparently this is one very isolated group of Narwhal whales, and some of the other Narwhal groups nearby, understanding the associated "strength and virility piece", apparently, are weighing in (no pun intended!) and deciding that "the BIG tooth thing is exactly correct."

Uh-oh… I'm hearing other comments though, via others here who are learning what they believe are much kinder interactions, with "If that's what you think is important." (meaning, "I may no longer agree, and am enjoying flirtatious freedom.")  (A Resident Killer whale, I think… )

What I tell them is that there is no correct answer. Nature has evolved this way, and if a few prefer to change that, and evolution favors that, then there could be change… Someone is getting excited here, with an "AHA moment":
The question becomes, "Which type makes more babies? If I am kind, and the ladies enjoy that, they may prefer MY attention, and allow that type of mating easily," … (name withheld by request, he's saying, but he's not a Narwhal either… )

This is one of them having learned some of the basics about evolution, and if it's at all similar to the journey of humans, then "control might be fine in the old days, but they need to change."

(I'll leave them to tell their own stories, their way!)

"Don't tell Joy that her ways are old-fashioned. I allow this to be the new way, and then it becomes that," he says.
He's referring to the fact that I'm trying to remain "neutral" about many things when I interact with them, and rather, I'm writing what THEY are thinking… This male whale apparently thinks I should be "promoting" the "more fun" direction "that I have been taking, because I AM much more content, and they [ladies] like the attention." (his words there.)

Wouldn't you like to just know what they're learning here!

(It's okay, I'm trying very hard to add journal notes as they come along… This "new" idea seems to be a growing pattern around many of the male whales in my space. They're just "copying" what's all around already!)

03/13/2021      Whales      Narwhals
Eissyo, and "Did I have a big tooth when I first showed up?"
Published 03/16/2021

This morning, my weekend play-time, I continued checking in with Eissyo.

Yesterday, he was "aware" while I was doing my errands.

I realized, rather belatedly, how very important it is that I take the time with each and every single male whale that finds their way into my space. I can't take it for granted that they're "getting everything" just because others before them already have…

Eissyo was "aware at the big food" [grocery store … he's quick to jump in here, this time, adding his own words], but "how can I be there, when I need to eat?", he wants to know!

He was beginning to understand, though, how it is that we can sleep away the night, not needing to be constantly "finding", "for we need to eat, on the go," he adds.
"And the WHEELS! This BIG need to get so many different foods at the same time, but I want to relax, so Joy says 'No need' [to carry the groceries], and the wheels make it simple."
He's referring here to the grocery store carts, that carried three of my 3-gallon refill jugs of water, without my needing to lug them throughout the store, and also to the car. "I am strong, but silly to take the strength when IT can be there easy."

He's actually being very smart, as I've had a few male whales before who were sure that it would be fine to "change Joy's life by carrying the water back home, without the wheels". They, of course, were coming from the perspective of choosing to demonstrate their role as a very strong and robust guy, who could handle something that takes strength. Needless to say, I appreciated their intention, but ultimately, they figured out as well that "it takes no effort for 'this' [car] to bring it directly to the door, and everyone is fine. Nobody is even late, for to drive with this seems to make sense." (This would be Kelp, a teen Orca of the K-Pod Resident Killer whales, when he first beame aware of all the food at the grocery store… but I haven't yet written that entry… it's on a notepad!)

Please understand that they are well aware that they are NOT actually physically present with me, and that they couldn't begin to try to carry the water at all… but it's the ideas that they're trying out. The idea of "making a ride so easily" is new to them, and I can feel their [mental] wheels turning, "trying to find other applications that we might apply for our own freedom in such a way, but that may take evolution, but with the gene updates, there is choice, to function to be more 'smart'."

This morning, however, Eissyo hadn't remembered things from yesterday, which often happens quite a number of times with a new whale. Then, eventually, they realize they didn't remember, but he's definitely remembering it now, as he's here and writing this with me!

This morning, as we were connecting, I thought I'd check with Eissyo to see approximately how old he is. I hadn't asked, but he wasn't feeling like a really young whale, nor a teenager.

I "scan", checking… Age 10 — 20 — 30 years… and more! Maybe he'd be somewhere in his early to mid 30's? So we decided to check that on my calendar (the smartphone calendar that lets me easily look back through previous years).

I kept scrolling back, back, back on the calendar, until we reached 1985.
1984… ? Nope! I can't find his energy there.

Going for more details, we found that he wasn't around at ALL before May, 1985 (so he would be about 35 years old at the moment)… and his 1985 energy comes through as a very delightful whale newborn… but he is SURE that he has NEVER been a young one, not like that!!!

I could feel his "vibes" and his nature changing as we stepped through all those years, and by 5 years old, he's already feeling a lot more "male" to me, compared to that delightful newborn energy.

He's trying to tell everyone that he must have for SURE showed up fully grown, and most definitely with the "tooth" already protruding out!

Here we go! It kind of happens like this over and over, for each whale who is SURE that they "show up" fully grown!  

It doesn't take long. The  Narwhal girl (lady) who's been around starts to smile, and gathers in the thoughts of others around, who check, and what they seem to know is that
"when a 'new one' shows up, it is ALWAYS very small, and NO BIG TOOTH anywhere around."
(This "lady" is maybe 4 years old? But feels a lot more mature than I would expect, so I probably have the age wrong … but with a bit of research, I find it's possible that the age may actually be correct, as according to the information available, female Narwhals reach sexual maturity at 4-7 years of age.)

Eissyo sighs, then smiles, and then begins to try to see what I'm feeling of him when he was a newborn, and then he seems to remember what it was like. I feel a much bigger smile from him… and next he's asking if he might have more help remembering those days. He's trying to figure out HOW it is that he might have "changed", "because that little guy remembers time so funny, but it's easy to be happy when you're so small."

Some of the group show me that they're beginning to look around at the bellies of pregnant ladies near them, and finding smiles when they find a bigger tummy, for "You see, we are understanding, that there is a time for each of us to change. So we grow, and show up as baby, and get big, and in the middle of the lady is where I should see … to see if there is a baby who might show up one day."

Big little laughter here! It's definitely a young one giggling!

THAT was the very end of Eissyo's "big strong male [grumpy] energy"!!!!

3/13/2021: An added note, the following morning:

As I'm fixing some breakfast, I have music on and am singing along, maybe tapping my feet just a bit, I am aware of one of my whales "keeping beat" [dancing?] near me … and it feels easy, natural, and comes with a quiet smile. It turns out to be Eissyo, being "comfortable" here. He feels much more mellow, although still definitely "male". He's actually surprised that he's dancing along to the music, because that's completely new to him.

With the males, it seems that as soon as "the fence" [walls, worry, concern] disappears, then they are "present" and just hanging out.

I didn't ask for this. As I've already mentioned, it seems that in them becoming aware, the change just kind of happens.
"Happy? NOT. But grumpy? No! Not that any more," says Eissyo.
It's a slow and gradual process, and we're all happy to leave it at that for the moment.

03/19/2021      Whales      Bryde's Whales
Call the Midwife
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

I was watching one of the episodes of "Call the Midwife" on Netflix this evening.

This show has been of GREAT interest to my whales and dolphins audience, at least those that are around regularly, and it's been very interesting to see their awareness and responses change, gradually, until they are ALMOST certain that when I try telling them that babies are "born from inside the body", that it's probably about 70% accurate. (Wow! Still 30% doubt there!)

"100% sure for this one!". That's my friend Sunneshine, jumping in with that comment, and she continues with  "although HIS note" (referring to a Baird's whale she knows) "says he's just 40% sure." (Not Photo either… Oh!!! That's Ray! Ray is her now-long-time friend who is on the east coast now with her, having come across the other summer, as she needed a male whale to travel with.)

So there is a LOT of variation here!

This is all just coming as I'm writing here, so I decided to take a tally, and it seems that the range for the females, believing this "fact" [ther word!!!!] ranges from 60 to 100%, while for the males, this "possible idea" ranges from 30 to 40% overall, with a few males laughing heartily and disagreeing, saying "We aren't knowing, but it sure looks right," … with maybe a 70 to 100% trust factor there … okay, well maybe ust 93% or so!

Between Call the Midwife, Gray's Anatomy, some of my novels, and a few other sources, they've been exposed over and over again to what we, people, just automatically assume. Not just the birth part, either, but the pregnancy, the "big belly", the morning sickness as a reliable indicator of "with child", and more…
We've found a few videos to watch as well, and websites giving reliable information about pregnancy and birth, complete with photos.
Another exposure they REALLY appreciated was with one of my clients who became pregnant, and week by week, we followed along with the information available about the growth of the fetus… and at the end, they had a "sudden reward", as they met the tiny brand new little baby, born at almost exactly 40 weeks, as everyone had anticipated!

So gradually, they "see" and "begin to believe that we are much the same, just couldn't find it." (Sunneshine's thought.)

This evening, as I was watching a little bit of Call the Midwife, I was aware of a whale who was new to some of this, and who "was seeing that a boy is born, so Joy says they know to look at the baby's gender, but we see the energy, so we know it's a boy."

As I checked, I found that it's a Bryde's whale, a young lady, who has been born fairly recently, so she's still pretty young. She, however, was "interpreting" for another Bryde's whale, who had been "astonished to see the baby just appear at the middle of the legs, when the mom was breathing heavily, so was in great distress, though the lady there [mdwife] said she is finished." (My note: The mom was exhausted, at the last push, as the baby came out!)

This whale, like so many in my earlier experiences with the whales, was "uncertain of where the baby should come out." This was before I had realized that they just thought "the baby is there, and it just shows up."

But now, it seems that if one of them should have that question, like "Where can it come out? There is no place big enough for that", I end up getting  LOTS of help these days! It's just the females helping, but they play-act together, indicating the first twinges, contractions, and then "the 'tense' being there, between 'calm', and also, showing that there is movement in the place we can now learn to call the cervix — as this show, today, explained that the lady needs to see the name for each organ — so with each time that is painful" [contractions] "there is more space, and soon it is big, and with each push, it sends the baby down through."

Very good! [My comment!] The notes above were written by a Bryde's whale, on her first writing connection, and she's doing excellently! I can feel the "thoughts" as she expresses "I am 'penning the ideas", and she indicates that she's aware of how to use "sophisticated words", and she comments that "This is my own, my very own creation today."

What's interesting is that I had been wondering why it's mostly just toothed whales who connect with me, or whom I seem to understand better.

A few days ago, I was given interesting information that I think answers the question:
The toothed whales seem to communicate using the brain, while the baleen whales are communicating using the heart. (Evidence apparently shows the heart also plays a greater role in our mental, emotional and physical processes than previously thought... and there are also references to the "heart brain".)

Because I "think" with my brain, my thoughts are easily interpreted among toothed whales, while my moods and expressions are picked up by my baleen whale friends.

This evening, during another event, I became aware that my baleen whales are often communicating with me, but I apparently haven't learned to hear them! When I focus on them, we communicate just fine, but I don't feel them with their questions or ideas around me, while I DO feel "interruptions", questions, ideas, comments, and more, from the toothed whales… and because "the squeaky wheel gets the grease", my focus is often much more with the toothed whales.

I'm hoping to change that, but we may have to work on learning this together.
When I'm writing, THEY change THEIR electrical flows to move with mine, thus moving to the brain, so when I'm writing, they can easily "show up" and let their words flow.

As an example, I know that my gray whale friends are around SO often, but it's harder for me to interpret their "connections" as that… especially because they don't usually come through asking for attention. I DO feel them as incredibly CARING, however. They have beautiful, soft warm hearts, and that space I AM aware of!

I think what I'm trying to say is that very often, I have to go out of my way to connect, and because life is busy, that doesn't happen nearly as often as I would like it to. They are apparently connecting with me often, even when I'm not quite aware.

One of the VERY astute, but male Gray whales, Gandalf, is asking here:
"Back to the birth process — I am asking if I might be there too, when my mate is giving birth. Can I be part of the process?"

This is one who I am aware of often, and who is one of the kindest (caring) male whales I've been aware of. I can feel his energy as "intent is to be respectful, always".

(See more about Gandalf near the end of this entry)

Ha!!! Talking about the toothed whales "coming through" and making themselves heard (!!!), one of them is here objecting, being absolutely sure that HE is the MOST absolutely "adorable" caring male whales I could possibly have come to know!
Wow! This is Miquelon (a Northern Bottlenose whale)… and I haven't writen about Miquelon since the original journal notes for him back in 2016.

Oh, he IS adorable, and he is trying really hard! I guess that's a note for another day…

In the meantime, there is also such individuality, so many different personalities, all UNIQUE, and all AMAZING! Miquelon is trying to find that "heart" energy that I'm finding with this gray whale male, but it's like comparing apples and oranges… they're BOTH wonderful, but different!
Okay, I think Miquelon is understanding this, and beginning to smile. :-)

As for Gandalf's question, wondering if he might be there to be part of the process when his mate is giving birth … that a question that I'm going have to check with the ladies, and see what THEY have to say, since this isn't anything that's up to me at all!!! However, that will have to wait for another day.

A few additional notes about Gandalf:
As I was writing this note today, this Gray Whale male let me know that he REALLY wants a NAME, and "now, please!!!"  I guess it's about high time for that!

Apparently, according to the whales, and the dolphins too, when I name them, then they immediately change their perception of each other, as they are "unique", and "not just another one".

He decided to use "Gandalf" as "that" (his name). That would be Gandalf the Grey, from Lord of the Rings, of course!.
"He is also a Gray whale, I know, for he is around," he says.
From what I'm understanding from him, when he realized that Gandalf is a Wizard, and "Grey", he is positive that Gandalf the Wizard is around their group often, and "making help" if they ask.

It turns out that this is the same whale who first came through in my 10/28/2019 entry about Gray Whales without the digestive issue.

Given that he's been "hanging around here" for about 1½ years now, the very caring attitude is not at all surprising.

Gandalf says
"We are fine, but different."
He's trying to say here that he's ALWAYS been this way, but he then adds
"and when I say that, Joy's energy finds that it's very NOT the same thing, with so many more days before this without that very interactive personality… so caring ways are new then. I see."
Today, I checked with him about his age…
Back in 10/2019, he had indicated he was abou 25 years old. That would put him as being born around 1994…

As we looked through my calendar together, going through year by year on my phone, we can both feel his energy changing as I scroll backwards through the years. It's definitely much "more fun and happy" these days than it was several years back. I can feel a change in 2020, and 2021 now feels much kinder and happier. 2018 feels to me (Joy here) much more like the typical "male" energy I feel when they first connect here. There's something nice in 2010, though…
By the time I'm back at 2001, he clearly feels younger there! ("Energy" has a "signature"!)

By the time I'm back at 1992, he's indicating he's not around. It seems like Dec 1993 (Dec 6?) when he might have been born, so 25 in Oct 2019 was VERY close… he would be 26 at that time… 27 now, turning 28 this year.

03/30/2021      Whales      Gray Whales
Whether or not Gandalf may be present at a birth…
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

(rough notes only… transcribed from my whiteboard notes; Write more details)

This is a placeholder record, to make sure I follow up on Gandalf's question in the 3/19/2021 entry, "I am asking if I might be there too, when my mate is giving birth. Can I be part of the process?"

We'll let the women of the group, or his mate, if one identifies herself, answer that… another time when I have a bit of time to follow the process.

03/30/2021      Whales      All types
Why the difference in food (and hunger) between the east coast and west coast?
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

I've been wondering about the difference in food (and hunger) between the east coast and west coast…

It's a very common theme for my whales and dolphins. Those on the west coast indicate much more hunger in the past many years than there used to be… and it seems to be across species, and for all types of whales and dolphins.

On the east coast, they describe food as "delicious", and there aren't hunger issues that come up…

On the west coast, however, they often give me the words "starving", or "should be okay, but won't be, after some time after I eat this" …

… and my Baird's whales who have experienced the food on both sides of North America, say they have NO intention of returning home, despite their "longing to be there, but the food isn't nice on that side."

What I've been wondering lately, is whether they're experiencing effects from the Fukushima nuclear disaster in 2011… if that radiation hasn't somehow affected the ocean, and the food chain…
Or might there be another source?

All I know is that the whales and dolphins are VERY consistent in their comments, and there is a MUCH greater need for food on the west coast… except up around Alaska, it seems.

What if the food is around, but they don't recognize it as food, or eat a few bites and don't finish, because something about it is very "off"? Animals, whales included, are incredibly intuitive, and it's highly likely that their intuition would determine what they're drawn to eat, and conversely, what they avoid…

Or maybe there's another source of contamination present that I'm not aware of… pollution? Farming run-off of some kind?

I'm just passing on the information that "my friends" the whales and dolphins keep giving me.

04/01/2021      Whales      All types
Feelings … loss of a baby
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

(Category should inclue DOLPHINS too!!! … but I don't have a category for "both whales and dolphins" at this point… yet)

More about feelings, and more about babies being born… but this one is about Loss.

Today, we were watching part of Season 5, Episode 6 of Call the Midwife, and in this episode, there is a very tragic loss. It's another one of the then-unexplained tragedies that we now know was a result of the use of Thalidomide by pregnant moms.

The baby in this episode doesn't have a chance to live, and Sister Julienne decides to give the mother a kindness by not describing the baby's condition… and the mom is crying over her loss, believing she'd lost the beautiful daughter she'd hope do have (while actually the gender couldn't even be determined). Sister Julienne tries to comfort her…

During this scene, of course, I am touched, and my eyes have tears in them…
… but I'm not the only one here feeling that.
I am aware of several whales who are "joining in".

This is becoming much more common. Back when I first wrote about "Feelings" in November (2020), the concept was so new to ALL of them. They were aware that someone should be sad, but didn't "feel" that [pain] for the other people in the story. "It's just another thing, someone else, and it does not matter if I feel".

This time, though, Sunneshine is adding:
"There is SOOO much sadness there, but we don't yet feel the pain the brings the sadness,"

"But when I was seeing it, it was real, and I could feel the curtains that keep us more apart from others, that were open then, I did feel it just then. Now, later the same day, I'm not aware of why it was that way, but some of the whales that are mothers who thought they should cry, they did find that sad place, and thought to shed a big drip [a tear]."

She's referring to someone like Tahelquah who lost a child after birth, but others are already around asking about "the wet" … they mean the "bleeding" that can be there when an embryo baby is being lost, or more technically, miscarried.

(One of them is very interested in getting the terminology correct… it's one of the gray whales… possibly the one we named Dr. Bailey, for Grey's Anatomy … BEFORE the "terminology", but apparently very aptly named.)
Grieving helps… and one of them is writing here that
"finding that it's sad is fine, then we should allow that, and if it's only still an embryo, and not even aware that I'm having a baby, there may be grief."
(Note to self: Possibly move this to just after my earlier entries about Tahlequah)

I meant to update the notes after Tahlequah and I wrote together… [Look up the date… ]
At first, the first few days after I put the notes out there, she expressed more sadness, as she could feel the sadness and the "HEART SPACES of MANY" (who read these journal entries).

She's telling me here that she's puzzled about HOW that may be, when nobody really knows her…
(I'm communicating with her that it's just like when we see the pictures or stories in a movie, and many, many people are moved, and have tears come to their eyes, even though we aren't actually there… but we can FEEL, and maybe it's not really explainable… but the feelings are real.)

So at the time, it felt as if she almost (almost but not really, she's indicating) regretted having had me post the entry…

… but a few weeks later, she said she felt MUCH lighter, and much more free again. She had felt the caring, and it "was gracious, but not necessary now, as I am that, and can see the new found happiness that comes with seeing that I am alright."

I was going to add a note of thanks here, to everyone who gives their hearts and caring as they read her words, but she wants to add her own language, and says "Please accept the thanks I'm expressing, as you are so fine." [generous, is what I'm feeling she means.]

04/11/2021      Whales      All types
Spying on Whales
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Today, continuing (at the insistence of the whales) to listen to my audiobook, Spying on Whales: The Past, Present, and Future of Earth's Most Awesome Creatures" by Nick Pyenson.

We're getting somewhere close to the end of the book, I think (it's harder to tell on an audio book)…

Rough notes (copied from my hand-written notes):

E.g., re: the Gray Whales flourishing overall (at beginning of chapter 19?), and the dramatic comeback that they have made.
Some of them, the Gray whales, disagreeing, and other whales disagreeing too... … while other Gray Whales don't have that reaction at all, as if something is off or uncomfortable. (i.e., the others really are flourishing and doing fine… but that's not ALL of them.)
At the end of the previous chapter I think (ch 18 by Audible’s numbers, different by the chapter numbers of the book), the author tells about an incident that had all of the whales laughing. They thought it was hilarious!

It was about a younger transient orca whale, around age 7 , who died, and on the necropsy, they found lots of fur, claws, bones, etc  (note to self: get the accurate list… there were 4 items) … still in the stomach of the whale. It was the last meal that the Orca had presumably had, probably a seal.  

They were really
“happy to see that what we eat is still inside us."
They thought it was really, really funny ... and that would be all types of whales.

Whales haven't grown up with biology books the same way that we have, and who only knows what they think happens to the fish and other food that they eat! Apparently, the above scenario had never really occurred to them.

The author is also talking as well, about the chances of survival of different species, and the traits that will make some of the whales more successful at that ... But then of course, there are lots of unknowns in the equation. (Re-word… that’s not his words, but the gist of what he was saying).

He was however indicating, that those who are not picky eaters will have a better chance, because if they are limited to one type of food source, and that food source is impacted by climate change or pollution, etc , then that impacts those whales much more than those who have a broader food supply and can adapt. (think, in particular, about the resident killer whales, who had had a diet that is almost exclusively based on Chinook salmon.)
Some of my whales have been asking me to write about this, in the meantime… that since learning about "SO many types of food" (because they're around me as I'm fixing my meals), and because I have them reach to see what would happen in their bodies and brains with different types of foods,they're "understanding that diet changes the brain, and we're 'smart', so 'thinking to change'."

… but those are other journal entries, for another time.
Also, for better chances of survival, that whales with broader migration routes are also likely to have an advantage, because they are crossing a variety of ecosystems, with much more diversity in them. (Okay, I don’t have it all accurately, but it would take too much time to write out all the details! Although the details are not specifically needed here, some wouldn’t hurt).

Mostly, they let me know that they wanted to “read” Nick Pyenson’s energy field, as there is lots of information that they would have access to that way, and they say that's
“so that we can choose”.
they say that if they knew what he does, and “could use the fact to realign , there would be fewer deaths.”

They are saying here, to let everyone know, that they are indignant (with a great emphasis on that word) “that we are not informed.”

Now they are laughing!

We would include them if we could!!!!! …

Of course, one of the things that Nick Pyenson was talking about, was their language, their ability to communicate , and how little we know what they are communicating about…

… And the whales are laughing because they think it's so funny, that they could find out things that would be helpful and find a way to change, but the people who have the information (scientists, researchers), can't begin to figure out how to tell the whales each of their own pieces, so that they (the whales) could adjust accordingly.

“I could translate!” I say (my own notes here).

I would love to do that, but what I do is by no means mainstream, nor could I scientifically explain how it works to them (maybe 100 years down the road, someone will be able to explain it), so while I WISH I could be a link between scientists and the whales, and I’ll put out there that I’m willing for that, in the meantime, I’ll just continue working with the whales on my own.

Just in case, though, if anyone is open to the idea, I will put this out there:
“Scientists, PLEASE include me! I can help!!!”
The thing is, that as I read (or listen) to something written and narrated by an individual who has a huge amount of knowledge that is concrete and would help some of the groups of whales to learn new ideas and help them to make choices that will increase their chances of survival, the whales GET that energy. This individual is “wearing” that energy, all around him. THAT is the info they’d like access to!

In contrast, working with me, we have limited access to the “really good and helpful info”, and I haven’t yet had the opportunity to be around someone who “wears” a big “whale science” energy… so we’re working the long way around. If we could shorten the loop, I/we could help the whales so much better!

*** Note: These notes were dictated, so they're likely to have lots of really silly dictation mistakes in them. Please forgive all the typos… they may need some extra proof reading! ***

04/13/2021      Whales      Bottlenose Whales
She's always…
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

It's spring here, but the early mornings are still very crisp.

This morning, at the encouragement of ALL of the whales, I went outside to get a photo. We're creating a photo-log through the seasons, capturing scenes that associate a month with what nature is doing at that time.

This morning, the sun was shining beautifully on the mountain peaks I can see from my windows, and they're currently covered with about as much snow as they're likely to get. The nights down here have been in the 30's, but they're about to go into the 40's for a week, and with warming trends, the snow will gradually lessen.  

So the whales "around" were helpful in encouraging me to "capture" the "WHITE that is there", but later in the day, the contrast isn't there as much. Early in the mornings, it's stark, and beautiful, lit up by the morning sunrise.

That's THEIR point of view!

I stepped outside on my back porch to get the photo, on the shady side of the house. It was COLD!!! At least, it felt very chilly to me! (I was still in my pajamas, though…)

I was convinced it must still be in the 30's, like around 38°F or so.
We sometimes play, as I ask them to tell me if it's warm, cold, and so on… and sometimes to guess at the approximate temperature. They're often closer than I am!

42°, actually, according to my phone…
I had the Billy Joel song "She's always a Woman" in my mind… you know… "But she's always a woman to me." (add tune in your imagination here!)

So I was improvising, "But it's only in the 30's to me…" (same tune).

One of them was thoughtful for a moment, and I realized that so many of our songs are about love, or "complex relationships" (Sunneshine's words! As I've noted, she's become VERY good with language!), and so I thought to share a few ideas about how THEY might sing songs that were of value to THEM.

Their words tend to be "sun", mostly, they say, and they indicate that at least,
"if we might make words up, the tune should have notes about the yellow"
Interesting, and a side-note here, because they don't see color, for the most part, from what I can tell, except MANY shades of blue, and other blues, and often yet more blues" (the last one they're referring to what I would call Turquoise, which they also appreciate) … There are exceptions to "color", but that's another story or two for another day… Yet here, they're referring to "yellow" as being sun… They're not quite sure what I mean by that… Okay, I get it! To them, we see the sun as "yellow" (e.g., in all of our pictures, descriptions, and more), and they're referring to "yellow" not so much as the color, but "bright".

So they would sing about sun, but also the water, the waves, the fish, and a few other topics…

But we were putting together words for a song, when Sunneshine added a phrase about
"always being kind, so that the earth will keep spinning every day, and 'day in and day out' [as Joy says]".
That caught my attention, and I stopped to ask whether I had understood correctly.
Sunneshine responded clearly with (and is writing here with me now), that
"I am sure I want to put it that way, with the election of the gods or creator or whoever needs to decide anything, so that 'we are okay, but not causing disruption'."
She's basically saying that if they are singing, they're going to make sure that the gods know that
"all are taking care,  so that the earth will turn."
My thoughts here: Only the language has changed… They feel they still need to "behave", or the gods will change things around.  They know NOW that the sun turns, and that the earth turns, and the earth goes around the sun (at least many of them, "a whole lot" I'm told', of those who hang out in my space.) They continue to want to check the daily forecast along with the 10-day list of weather, with me, so that
"we are seeing that it is so. The clock says it's the time when sunrise is past by 1 hour, and they sky shows it to be that."
However, Sunneshine wants me to add here, to be sure that you know they are continuing to learn, and we should "keep trying". She says:
"… but just try hard to change us until we can keep believing."
The best I can explain this, based on what I feel in them around me, is that they do understand, but they don't really comprehend, and don't yet have faith or trust that our science "knows". (That last is their word, and they also helped me with the explanation.)

So maybe they're just trying to be cautious, still, because what if the sun were to explode, or something like that? THEN where might they be?

Does it help if I tell them that "the earth is approximately 4.5 billion years old, so presumably, the earth has already traveled around the sun something around 4,500,000,000 times?

"Nope, not yet, until we understand 'math' better", says "one of the cute and cool guys who's recently undoing all the old pieces, and maing progress" (a self-description given by a young (baby), new killer whale [Phoenix], who's lately participating here…)

Even Sunneshine is smiling at that little guy!

("Cool" is one of the "emoticon" pictures I have that they like connecting with, when I have time. The "Cool" emoticon picture is wearing some suave sunglasses!)

"A Billion is too big to imagine", says one of the older [also male] whales who's probably one of the Bryde's whales, or possibly a Sei whale, or one of that category. (They don't always differentiate, and they look very similar, except for their size… and if they're a young Sei whale, they could look at my Whale chart and assume that they're just a Bryde's whale!)

Mostly, so far, we (they and I together) have been working with numbers that fit on a calendar page. So yes, I guess a billion would be a pretty big number to reconcile, and if you don't know math, what difference does it make if the earth has been going around the sun for millions or even billions of years??

There is ONE male whale laughing here, who actually "got it" as I was writing that sentence above, and
"understood that it's phenomenal, and won't be changing any time today."
That would be Kelp, apparently… K-42, of the Residential Killer whales. He's about 12 years old, and not quite all grown up yet, but simply "making progress", he says.

(They really appreciate this "writing", because in here, they become "aware of many pieces of things that we had no idea were so important". ~ Kelp)

04/18/2021      Whales      Humpback Whales
Going in circles
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

It was a beautiful, warm and sunny day and I was at the Dungeness Spit for a Sunday afternoon outing.

I usually prefer to go the direction of the bluffs rather than out the spit, and there usually aren't as many people that way.

The whales — and dolphins too — tell me that the water through that area, at least on the US side, just isn't "correct"… it isn't compatible with food for the whales, they tell me… so sightings there seem to be rather rare.

Just the same, I can see Canada way across on the other side, and sometimes, I'm aware of a group of whales passing by, as they might "find me", even if I don't see them.

Today, there was apparently a group of humpback whales passing by, a little farther out, way beyond my visual range.

"I" says he, the humpback. That was our first connection! I could feel his presence, and his very questioning energy. (It's a week later when I'm copying my rough notes into my journal here, and he's "trying out this thing" [writing] with me, which others imply "brings more awareness and recognition of their own ways.")  

They don't seem to know where the connection comes from, or why… and I have no idea either… and sometimes I don't even know that I've "met" a whale or dolphin on a particular day, until I'm back home, or often in the evening, when I "feel" a presence around me… one that just isn't sure why it's there.

This humpback indicates that in his case, he didn't understand why at the time, or even that there might be many others such as him around me in "that state" too, … but he indicates a few days later "but we see later, when she's home, just 'what it might be', and then it becomes fine."

This day, though, we began a conversation while I was out at the Dungeness Spit.

This whale indicated that he knows "Impostera" (I think renamed Blueberry, but I'm still looking for my rough notes… she and I had quite an interesting conversation one day on one of my hikes … Impostera is what I named her after meeting her near the Point-No-Point Lighthouse near Hansville one day a few years ago, and she was much younger then, like around 3 years, I think.

Anyway, this one smiles about Impostera (or Blueberry). It seems everyone (the other humpback whales in his group) really thinks she is kind and happy, and also a little unusual in a lovely and unique way, and she says "It's just from being with Joy that one time."

(My note: Impostera is NOT the name I'd like to keep for her… it's just the name that happened at the time because she was trying to show me how to interact with her, and was "being" (imitating) Sunneshine! I'm not sure how that's possible, as they're not even distant cousins, and one is a beaked whale and the other a baleen whale type, but after having whales connect with me in my consciousness, I guess that just about anything is possible, and there's really no way to understand it at all!!! So the other alternative name for her would be Litehaus [her choice of spelling] or Lytehaus, for the Hansville Lighthouse.)

Name aside, she's about 6 years old by now, and I noticed she feels more mature.

I was doing my usual "fun" on the beach… dancing to some music, and then I was twirling, since that's something I love doing! It's one of my "happy places".

As I was spinning, I could feel this male humpback whale present with me. He seemed so sure, over and over again, that every view was a new one… that every rotation was a new scene. Every time the same mountains that were behind me came back into view, he was sure it was yet ANOTHER mountain there!

So I tried the Winnie the Pooh story, where I put a rock in the middle of the empty sand and then walked in a circle around it, noted the set of footprints, walked around it again, another layer out, "wondering" about the footprints only to discover that there were now TWO sets of footprints going around the rock (!!) …  then going around a third time, this time with THREE sets of footprints… Each time, I would say something like "Oh look! Another strange animal has joined the first one!" … I was teasing, and sure that he would follow… but he was still puzzled.

(As I'm writing this now, he gets it, and I can feel him laughing!!! But at that time, he indicates, he wasn't sure at all…)

I understood that he was checking his set of references, "the heavens", which would have changed every so slightly each time I went around again… whether it's the next rotation of my "spin" (just seconds later), or whether it's going around the rock and adding new footprints. (I've mentioned their directional references before, as "the positions of the heavens" versus where they are, and that they don't seem to initially work with physical land-based GPS-like coordinates… so this is just another example of that).

Once I realized this, I tried focusing on GPS position, latitude and longitude, and the North Pole as reference points, and I could feel him following the idea, until just like that, he understood: "The earth is stable."

Then he suddenly realized that we were seeing the SAME ocean and mountains on each time around. He got it.

We wonder why they migrate, and but I'm pretty sure they're used to being at "star coordinates", literally, and they follow those… therefore, they are in the same areas at the same times of year, following routes not based on land coordinates, but rather positions of "the heavens". It's not visual for them, but just an awareness, and they're using that as their guidance.

05/05/2021      Whales      Gray Whales
The food: "We can manage"
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

On my first few whale watch tours, as I first connected with the whales that were around, I was starting with "general conversation"…

Like "Is the food good?"

I was getting answers like "It's not that great, but it's fine. We can manage."

So I asked whether the food was at least tasty…

… and they're not sure what to do with that question…
… but they did give more information, along the lines of "It does cause a lot of bloating, so it's not very happy food."

I asked whether there was food that was better and that didn't cause discomfort…
… and their answer was very direct: "In the north, where we are going to be eating in a while." They meant near Alaska, where they are currently headed.

In other words, just because they're feeding along the way, still doesn't mean that the food is great… but they need sustenance, and so ignore the side-effects. They're content. (Their sentiments.)

I was also asking whether they can digest the food here that they're getting, and their responses are very mixed.

Many of them indicate "yes, it's okay", but some of them let me know that "We don't know why we stop here, but we do, as the others are here. But we're not happy [with this]."

It's very interesting, but these whales wouldn't even let me put the word "food" in that sentence… they insisted on leaving it as "this".

In other words, some of them are indicating digestive issues, which is one of the first things that came through when we first began connecting and they let me know they needed help, "to the point of possibly not surviving."

Again, those are their words, and they're coming through very, very strongly. I was trying to soften the words a little, but this female gray whale insists that I need to put it there very clearly.

Despite the fact that scientists talk about the comebacks the gray whales have made, SOME of them give me different information. Since I first began connecting with them in 2016 and they gave me some of this info, there have been reports of many gray whale deaths.

For example, you'll find info like:
"In 2019, 214 gray whales were found dead, including 122 in the United States—four times the nation's annual average over the previous 18 years. Scientists believe that for each whale found on land, another five die at sea."
… and headlines such as in Jan 2021:
"Nearly 400 Gray Whales Have Died Off the West Coast Since 2019""

These answers they give me when I connect with them may help to give us keys that we could possibly use to help them… and at the very least, it's information that goes back into a self-feedback loop for them, and I hope that as they continue connecting with me, that hopefully we'll find a way to begin changing some of the patterns .

I will know… I have no doubt about that.

Each group of whales that I connect with has their own personality, mood, and more…
For example, the Humpback Whales, from day 1, have come through as doing FINE, and I can feel that! They haven't asked for my help, and to me, compared to many of the other groups, they feel as if they're thriving. Their energy feels happier overall… (They are interrupting me here to say that they're fine, "and / but / however, we would like to change, and learn, with Joy." There's a big happy smile that goes along with that too!)

By comparison, the gray whales, on my first connection with them, felt so HEAVY, so very sad…

I would love for the gray whales to get to a place where they, too, feel FINE to me!!! As I said, I will know!!!

05/06/2021      Whales      Gray Whales
"… and why would I want to be a mom?" (mom-hesitancy)
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

I am in Newport and Depoe Bay, Oregon, for a week of vacation.

I had heard, of course, about the Gray Whales who migrate through this area regularly, and also the resident gray whales who hang out here for the summer.

It's Thursday today,
I have been out on a Whale watch tour every day for the past 3 days now. We were fortunate enough to see a whale or two every time.

There is something that must happen when I see a whale, or a whale's energy field interacts with mine, because for around 24 to 48 or more afterwards, I usually will "feel" the whale. Oh dear… how can I ever explain this? It just happens, and I'm at a loss for words, because the interactions happen, whether or not I pay attention… and whether or not I even consciously SAW the/a whale!
Sometimes, it's the morning after I've been at the ocean when I'm aware of "a presence like a whale" around me… a consciousness, usually trying to "understand" or figure out WHY it is even there… and then, it seems, we're stuck with each other for a little while!

I went with the Tradewinds Charters, out of Depoe Bay, as of the three main companies I found listed, this was the one with the nicest energy, which also means that the whales are more amenable, and my interactions will begin with a better interface.
(One day, I'd like to make it to one of Captain Dave's whaleboat tours, down at Dana Point… the whales REALLY enjoy his tours, his crew, and he seems to have made a connection with the whales that they appreciate.
(That is NOT true of all whale watch boat tours, captains, etc.)

I'll note a few here that I've "been in touch with", mostly after the whale-watching tours.

The gray whales are currently on their travels from the warm lagoons down in Baha, passing on up to Alaska on their annual migration route. They don't seem to travel in pods, but seem to be out as lone travelers.

Monday's whale watch tour:
We saw a few different ones, but mostly from farther away.

One of the whales that I made a small connection with at the time of the tour today, indicates to me that she's a female … who will be called Wavey, for waves of course! She was named for the gentle waves around on that day (although "gentle" is appropriate when being lulled by the waves on a boat, the word gentle may not apply if you're actually IN the water!)

She feels younger, and when I count, it seems she might be about 5 years old. (Is that likely? I have no idea which ones travel this time of year, although my understanding is that it is probably all except the moms with the babies, who will be traveling a little more slowly and leisurely, beginning next month.)
Tuesday's whale watch tour:
Male. Indicates he's around 11 years old.
His name is for the cirrus cloud formations we were noticing in the otherwise clear blue sky the next day, when we were still interacting.

He feels very kindly to me… much different than my "usual" first interactions with a male whale. He feels much more friendly.
Wednesday's whale watch tour:
Female. Tells me she is "Exactly 7 years".
Crystal was named for the "crystal clear blue sky".
Since it's now Thursday, and it's Crystal who has been around me hanging out the most here for the past 24 hours, I'll probably be writing mostly about her… but also about CirrusCloud, and what I'm getting (via Crystal and CirrusCloud) about gray whales in general.

Please know that I am only "REPORTING" here. I am passing on what I'm being told, how I'm experiencing their feelings, and more. This isn't a "viewpoint"… I'm just being an interpreter here… and yes, observing and also interacting in the process.

I'll write the notes that Crystal was writing with me, and then hopefully, I'll find time to jot more notes as well.
Just to capture what she's already put out there.

Crystal tells me she is
"exactly 7 years old, but very expressive."
Somewhere along the way, I had asked her if she was possibly pregnant, or rather, as they would understand it, "making" (their word here). Crystal, like almost ALL of the other new whales, looks UP when saying this, indicating that the babies show up at "the top" … although it was a different set of female gray whales back in 2017 who were asking me about "oestrogen" and wanting "to understand the life cycle as it relates to passing on genes and such things" [one of those entries I have just never had the time {yet} to get to writing!] )

One thing she feels very strongly about is "Not okay expecting. NO baby." In other words, a baby is NOT wanted [by her] "and so not touch either."

It feels like she felt abandoned when she was young…

When I looked up the info about how long calves stay with their moms, it says that by the time they're about 9 months old, they're on their own… so feeling abandoned may not be that far-fetched.

(In the journal entry 10/03/2016, "Whale mothers grieve when they can't give birth to a live baby", it's a very different attitude than here, but there are no doubt many other variables involved… many possibilities … e.g., the age of the female. For example, around age 7, it feels like withdrawal on their part, but by age 16 or later, they feel open and ready for being a mom [probably similar to what I've already noted among other types of cetaceans…] For example, in humans, reaching age of menstruation does NOT mean that our children are ready to be moms yet!… Also, the "group" and family line may make a difference … I feel like I'm just beginning to learn here.)

My note here: Oh my … there was a STRONG reaction to the comment I just wrote about our children not being ready to be moms that early… a reaction of "oh dear… " with sadness, surprise, and dread too, like "that explains THAT."

It wasn't until today that I looked up the age of gray whales becoming sexually mature, and it looks like that begins around age 7, so Crystal is right there in that category, although she is sure for now that she won't be "making" this season.

Self Awareness:
Crystal says about self awareness:
"It's not present, as we succumb. Under water is our world. We are there."
She's indicating that
"We're not very thoughtful, and not taking the time to 'parse through various scenarios'."
It seems that she is reading the thoughts of others around her here as we're writing together, so it seems they're helping her to get across the ideas, even without a grasp of language on her part!
So mostly, it seems that she is "just there, doing what one does."

Yet, self awareness or not, the feelings that come through are so very strong.

I promised I would write exactly what came, so please understand that I agreed, and this is what Crystal says is the general feeling: Also, this is one of my first "actual" experiences meeting gray whales, so it feels as if it's representative of the whole, but it may just be a tiny fraction… I won't know until I've had many, many more interactions. This is coming from a young soon-to-be-sexually-mature female, who currently is expressing that she in no way wants to be touched by a male, although another a child or another lady could hug or express kindness. Also, I do have others "join in" often as I'm writing, and that's what happened here.

This energy where Crystal seems to freeze up and pull inward at the thought of a male touching her … along with a feeling of aversion to having a baby, feels like it's not just Crystal, but (she says) "most of the females, up until a certain age, when it's okay."

She's indicating here, though, that there is an exception to that:
"It might be fine if I am a mom, and I like someone who I know is fine and can take care [of a baby]."
This came in response to the question about gray whales who "hug" and are friendly around Captain Dave of Dana Point, who also does lots of whale watch tours.

She's indicating that the moms and young ones might be thinking "If he might relieve us of this young one, then I will be nice, but we will protect from any others, since they're not okay [might mean harm], while Captain Dave is kind."

Okay, so now I get a BIG smile as I'm writing this, meaning I'm aware of the consciousness of some other female gray whales who are apparently shaking their heads, saying "no, that isn't fine, and he is NOT going to take our young ones, but we smile, because he is fun and happy, and always kind."  (they don't need to worry about him, so they feel connected…)

Crystal disagrees, as she is sure that "If I am a mom, I won't want to be that."

A gray whale mom is coming through very kindly now, and smiling. She feels much more mature to me, and also very motherly and warm. She's saying she's very sure that "mothers are growing to be a good mom once the baby is there."

Okay, so probably the best thing to do for now is to think about Crystal and surround her with lots of reassurance, so that she'll know that by the time she actually is a mom, she will probably absolutely love and adore her baby!!!  

This may indeed be that way many young gray whale females feels before they become mothers … and as I reach out, it seems that may well be the case. but what I've found is that as I write and tell their stories here, and as they come through and share, that there is awareness, and with awareness, there's change, and often more hope.

But there actually IS another piece here, and it's WHY I think there are probably genes involved…

When Crystal is feeling okay, and she's feeling "normal" to me… but it's as if there is a trigger there, like a sensitivity that brings out a really BIG unhappy response, if the thoughts go in that direction:

The moment I think of any gray whale male next to her, she "freezes" again…
… even CirrusCloud, who comes across as "sad" that he "would bring that response", although caring, and feeling [or wondering] "what is it that feels so incorrect?"… so on one level or another, they all seem to be aware that something is off.

… and yet, when I'm playing some of my music that has as lovely vibrant young male singer, Crystal's energy and attitude are completely different, and it feels even "attracted", definitely not shrinking away, but rather, intrigued.

So our of curiosity, I try something else: I reach out (intuitively) looking for a gray male whale who might engender the same type of comfortable, attracting reaction in her… and I CAN find it! It exists!!!

So the next bit of info that seems to be here, is that maybe they're mating within a certain lineage, or family line… or gene pool, or whatever, that's considered correct or acceptable for them.

This reaching for a gray whale who would engender a much more liberal and comfortable response in Crystal isn't a whale that would be considered for a mate for her. Can I find others? Yes… but again, not within "her circle".

So I'm assuming that this is most likely a "gene diversity" (or small gene pool) issue (and some of them are adding the word crisis here) …

What I'm hoping is that as more of you read this, they will somehow become more aware of the information, and what I've noticed is that once that happens, there IS change. Maybe I'll reach out in a few years' time on young gray whale "Teens" and find that they are actually looking forward to motherhood, and that the gene match feel more comfortable!

Not to mention that Sunneshine is around, and passing out all kinds of "prevention" info ([birth control]), i.e., "if you understand WHAT happens that starts the baby, maybe you'll make a better choice," is her idea.

05/08/2021      Whales      Gray Whales
Naming the Gray Whales
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

On my last day in Depoe Bay, the gray whales were very close by, and very active. I went out on two whale watch tours, and the boat didn't have to go far out at all, as there were gray whales all around that day.

Even on my drive to Depoe Bay, I stopped at Rodea Point at the beginning of the Otter Crest Loop, which is a lovely lookoff, and one could occasionally see a few whales spouting out on in the distance there.

Here are some of the whales I met that day… The two boat tours were only ½ our apart, and some of the whales we saw were the same on both trips. They weren't moving on very quickly, as they were busy feeding.

These are mostly just for my reference… as I DID name them that day, and now, if any of them show up in my space over the next little while, I'll have a frame of reference.

(The ages and years are what they indicate, but may not be at all accurate… Just an estimate to have a frame of reference.)
Marina, female, ~ 8 years old (born ~ 2013)

Quesadilla, female, maybe about 10? (born ~ 2011) … She felt more relaxed, happy, joyful and kind than most of the other females; she came in really nicely.

Hairbrush, male, maybe ~ 13 years old (born about 2013)
He was around on both trips, and was also in and around my space for the remainder of the day.
maybe we'll rename Hairbrush (like maybe to Dandy instead?), but the name stuck at the time.
Smokey (for the chimney smoke we could see on the shore from the boat.)
He was also there for both of the boat trips…

There was another female who was feeling very aggravated at first. I asked her if she wanted me to ignore her, and she agreed. YES.
However, she also kept showing up over and over again, and as I kept seeing her, at some point, she started feeling less aggravated a lot more happy.
Hairbrush was around on both trips. He was originally named because right around the time I saw him, I also saw Captain Dan, the captain of the boat, quickly run a brush through his hair before quickly putting it away… at least, that's what it looked like to me!!! It was the tail end of an action that I caught out of the corner of my eye, so it MIGHT just have been the CB radio he was holding, but the "hairbrush" stuck, and this whale caught a whiff of "personal appearance energy"! (Captain Dan was the only one who was actually steering the boat from his outside upper-deck post. He was OUTSIDE, and way higher up than the rest of us!]

Anyway, this whale wanted to make sure that he was "looking good". He came through checking with me:
"I'm good looking and well-groomed too, right? Although probably a bit too skinny though??".
Hairbrush was concerned about needing food… but because there is so much "awareness" that goes along with my energy, at one point he realized that he might be going alone, and that he would have left behind his mates [females he maybe should be helping] and babies, with "responsibility").

Somehow, though, this is a NEW thought, with awareness of people-males [humans] who give and give, and give kindness too. Apparently Captain Dan of the Mariner is someone that Hairbrush was "reading", now that he was beginning to perceive things "a lot more caring-like, through Joy".

Apparently, that energy was there, although Captain Dan is a little on the older side… but his energy is also FUN for everyone, children included! He probably has grandchildren, and Hairbrush was probably "reading" that energy too!

There were some children on board, and at one point, Captain Dan told them, "Stop rocking the boat!" He was teasing them of course, because it was the big waves that were clearly rocking the boat!

So here, Hairbrush had become aware that he was hungry, so probably had started on his migration, only being aware that he needed food, but not at all stopping to think about whether he should help by escorting "his lady" (or "his ladies", as there seem to be more than one, possibly 3 of them).

All of a sudden, he was feeling a bit of guilt, or doubt about whether he had done the right thing, suddenly being aware that his "lady" would be equally "famished"  but unable to leave yet because of a baby, and wondering whether he should have just stayed with her.
It was an interesting energy, when I felt him becoming aware of this.

Nevertheless, he's on his journey already, and it looks like it's going to stay that way.

When it came to naming them…
It happened quickly. Two days ago, when the waters were too rough for the boat to go out, and it was raining for much of the day, I stayed indoors and wrote.

The moment I "write" (about any one of them), and it's available online for people to read, even just in my "unpublished journals", they become more "Aware" through the eyes (or awareness) of people, and it apparently makes them much more conscious, and they're often silly then (their word … sheepish, concerned, confused, interested, and finally, intrigued and determined… ), because they see that they might have a perspective that is SOOOO different than anyone thinks…

The whales in general regularly ask me to tell people to ask more of their friends to also read the journal entries. They WANT to learn, and the more they are aware of the responses of the people who read this, the more they "fuss and smile inwardly and get smart."

And so, as I'd written 2 days ago, about CirrusCloud, he was aware how the name "Cirrus" was not quite that inspiring, but he realized that he is "extraordinary, because I have a name, as the name has an interesting beginning, and that means something."
He decided to go for CirrusCloud instead…

What was MOST fun and interesting, however, is that many of the other whales in the vicinity wanted to be named after an object, something I saw or thought of. They also wanted original names for their FIRST exposure, whatever THEIR awareness was as they were looking around the (Airbnb) place I was staying.
One of them was helping out to pick objects that they could be named as well, so that they also could be important. The thing is, that they were interested in the most basic objects possible… Table, Chair, Dinner Plate, etc.
They were NOT at all interested in ideas, such as waves crashing, sunrise, or things like that!

I didn't actually name any of them based on the sofa, table or chair, although they would actually have appreciated that! Rather, I just suggested they wait until we were in a more creative environment!

I'm actually NOT very good with names, and would love some help, suggestions, and ideas… or maybe to correlate with the scientists who already have so many of these whales catalogued and have already given them names… then we'd all be on the same page, and that could simplify things a lot.
(Like when I figure out which of the resident killer whales it is that's come into my space, because they all already have names, and they recognize their energy, and can identify themselves for, based on the info that's already out there.)

05/11/2021      Whales      Gray Whales
"The sun got angry."
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

On Sunday evening (5/9/2021), I was still driving back home from the Oregon coast, back to Sequim, Washington. It turned out to be a long day, and I wouldn't be getting home until around 9:30 pm.

Somewhere around 6:30 pm, the evening light began settling in. Sunset time here is somewhere around 8:38 pm …

As I've said, in a way that I can't begin to understand, let alone explain, once we've made a connection (whales, dolphins and I), and they've "come into my space", I continue to be very aware of them there.

I realized that Cirrus was feeling quite distressed, and actually very upset.  

When I asked him about it, he let me know that he was VERY upset because
"The sun got angry."
He was absolutely sure that because the evening light was moving in, that the sun was angry. He's indicating here that  
"I am made to understand that it is okay, but only through the sunshine, not the evening time."

"We aren't okay, but that's not fine. The sun's anger shows us it's unhappy, so we withdraw."
He's trying to say here that when the bright daylight begins to fade, he, and many others of the gray whales are certain that it's because they must have done something wrong, so they try to be more obedient, but they don't know how to fix it.

The following morning, it's the same thing again… even as the morning light is coming in, but before the sun is higher in the sky, "I am fearful, that it won't be okay", he continues here.

Once the sun is higher in the sky, then they may relax.
"Joy is fun, but she tries to make it seem so simple, but it doesn't seem that way," he says.
"If we KNOW that there is sunshine, then we are fine. It's uncertainty that feels so distressing."
So over the next few mornings and evenings, we start to play a little more. They're always most interested when I can show them on my phone ("Frog Weather" app), where the sun IS in the sky, in relation to its path across the sky on any given day… and that it will even tell us how much time is remaining until sunset.

They figure out the "hours" using my analog clock that shows the round clock face, with the hour hand, the minute hand, and the seconds ticking by… and that every time the second hand goes all the way around, the minute hand jumps forward… etc.

There are quite a few of the "regulars" around who rely on that information as often as we can do it, because then they KNOW that there is "information" and that "the sunshine stays in the sky for exactly the length of time it needs to be there."  (Sunneshine is contributing here, as usual!))
"Its in going over the same pieces, again and again, and showing that the calendar moves forward, and  spring is coming, then summer, and now it's her, and can stay, because the leaves are out."
This is NEW this year… They (my whales and dolphins in general) are understanding the seasons better. That's from going over the calendar regularly, stepping through all of the months of a year, then the next year, the next, and so on.
"WE," says Sunneshine.
"We ask Joy to show us, but she scrolls around, and WE know it's the same. And some shake their heads, and wonder why we didn't realize this before."
Cirrus would like to comment that
"It's sudden, and it may take some problem-finding to see all the answers."
i.e., he is hesitant,
"but looking with new vision".
As for me, I'm ALWAYS happy when a new "friend" can begin to learn, and to find ways to approach their own world with a lot more certainty. Always wondering whether the sun is upset has got to take its toll!!!

05/12/2021      Whales      Gray Whales
Do young gray whales get fevers?
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Wednesday, my 3rd day home after being down in Oregon at the ocean all of last week.

A few notes on what's been happening here since then, mostly all related to the gray whales:

I got my second Moderna vaccine dose on Monday.
All day yesterday, I was definitely "under the weather"! I had a fever and chills, I was achy all over, and I was exhausted and listless, needing to rest often, even dozing during the day, which is NOT like me at all these days… In other words, I was sick!

So not that I've been sick much over the past decade or so, but whenever I've brought up this subject with the whales, I haven't gotten a big response or "match" at all.

Yesterday, however, Crystal was letting me know that she
"doesn't like that feeling."

"When I'm feeling like that, I'm done," she indicated then, but she didn't mean crossed over… "just not well. It's like being cold ALL the time, but not flourishing, but not much food is acceptable, and I'm dull."
From what I can tell, these gray whales simply are not as robust as most of the other types of whales I've been connecting with so far. Crystal shows me that maybe even as many as four times a year, she might be like that (sick), maybe for 3 or 4 days or so each time.

As I check with other female gray whales in general, they seem to have the same pattern… of "getting sick" with feeling feverish and achy, maybe 4 times a year (and they do NOT include "time of month" in there… those are my words, and they're asking around, with "what does she mean there?")

The male gray whales "don't seem to resonate with 'ill', but we do feel off, and dull too," says CirrusCloud today,
The other male gray whales around, though, indicate "fever for some times, but not as much as the young ones".

So maybe it's more their age that determines how often they get sick (like the younger kids developing their immunity to whatever germs are going around…)??? Although as I do a quick check, more of the females than not who are younger than 17 are indicating that they do get sick, like with a fever, even if only when they're "away from the better food" (meaning more south, like in California and Mexico!)

It seems that the times of getting sick seem to happen more over the months when they're not in the cold Alaska waters, but during the months they're farther south, and probably also not eating, or eating much (as Gray whales are said to eat practically nothing over those months when they're migrating to California, and hanging out in the Baja lagoons).

Also, the humpback whales and the right whales also indicate feeling "fever" sometimes, but none of the other groups seems to resonate with that as any kind of a regular event.
"Not even there, for most of us," says a delegate for all the rest of the whales, including both toothed whales and the other baleen whales. (It's a pilot whale speaking up here!)
Back to Crystal telling me that she often has a fever… I feel really bad for her, because I can't conceive having the chills that go with a fever and not being able to reach for an extra warm blanket…  I can't imagine how they're managing.

Like other whales, before, though, they WERE very fascinated by the structure of the molecule for Acetaminophen (Paracetamol) when I looked it up for/with them in Wikipedia. They seem to be just as aware of "energy patterns" as I am, and in looking at the molecule, they can make sense of something in there…

The other thing I've found is that Crystal is REALLY drawn to warmth… and I mean real heated warmth … like my heated massage-table warming pad, that makes the table just comfortably lukewarm when it's on. If she could, that's where she would hang out.

Again, I KNOW these whales evolved to survive, flourish and thrive in the freezing cold oceans, but I have such trouble putting myself in their shoes!!!! Also, it doesn't necessarily mean that "cold" would be their choice, if they were able to create a slightly different environment!

Between getting sick too often, and reaching for a place to be close to warmth, this amazing sweet little 7-year-old gray whale, Crystal, seems to be a lot more frail than some of the other whales I've been around… although they DO let me know they also appreciate the HOT shower and warm relaxing baths, and several of them feel the warmth from my heated massage table too… but they seem to be more just "enjoying" that, while Crystal seems to be completely soaking it up!

Other notes to continue writing:

Listening to the Debaters (CBC podcast)… and CirrusCloud was coming through VERY animatedly, forgetting to tone down his mammoth energy to match my smaller size (like a big giant laughing heartily and completely overwhelming a little tiny baby… )
He did, however, realize that it was fun, and intended to have everybody laughing, whether the subject matter was serious or not (and it definitely was NOT!)

Also, although I saw MORE whales on Saturday, my last day there, VERY close up and directly, it's CirrusCloud who will continue to come through as the new and primary gray whale.

It seems to be that way… it's the FIRST ONE to connect with me, and/or the very first one I've seen, ever, who gets to be the one through whom all the others must come. That's how it's coming here…

I was given it earlier as "Bandwidth". The FIRST one gets the BIG bandwidth… as a general principle… However, it also depends on my environment and who else is around (or more likely, NOT around) when we first connect…

… and more often than not, a male will completely take over that role, and quash the bandwidth for any females trying to come through.

For example, LandLover was the FIRST whale (bottlenose) to actually come through, and he's certainly been very present in my space, much of the time…

Sunneshine was the first female bottlenose whale I saw close up (Atlasine was way out from the beach, so I didn't get to see much of her at all, in Virginia Beach).

PeaceBringer was the first dolphin who actually "connected" with me, about "floating" back in Virginia Beach (08/19/2016), and I certainly FELT him when he came by with all the other dolphins… one time in particular, I remember.

Gandalf has been the first male gray whale around, but his bandwidth is just a fraction of what CirrusCloud's is, because I've never seen him, or even just his spout… and didn't have a female either to look at the energy through. Last week was my first real encounter with real, live gray whales.
They seem to have done a VERY good job of letting me know about them, but those who have been around me have already been adapting, and can't pass that on very well to others, mostly because I haven't actually seen them.

Kelp of K Pod must have been the first Resident Killer Whale I saw, and I saw him really up close! However, that came during a time when they were still absolutely determined NOT to let anyone else have any inkling that things are not okay for them (not knowing that we already knew, and have been trying hard to help them turn the picture around) … However, his sister, Yoda, also of K Pod, was one of the first Resident Killer whales to consciously connect into my space, and also, at the same time, Hy'Shqa, J-37 of J Pod. I think Hy'Shqa was around first, though… but I'm pretty sure that's because somehow, she and Sunneshine had run into each other somewhere along the way.

Hy'Shqa has been indicating for awhile that she would recognize Sunneshine… and some of the other Resident Killer Whales as well, as Sunneshine was busily exploring the area and making her way to wherever I might be at the ocean, up until the time she headed on over to the East Coast, adventuress that she has become!

Another incident this evening re: males and females…

I couldn't feel Crystal's presence at all … and then it felt like a MALE whale was trying to act like her so that I would be reassured, but he felt too much like a male to me… so he couldn't get away with it!

They are PROTECTING their girls and women, but don't really understand what they need protection from… just knowing that they, the guys, are the strong ones, and should be steady.

So we went back to the original space where I ask the males to try interacting with the females in a way that they (or we) might expect … and so I had Crystal say something to CirrusCloud, only to find CirrusCloud laughing hilariously!!!

For some reason, the males seem to think that the females can't talk, can't think, don't know how to lead, and are basically helpless… and within the first few seconds where a female begins saying a few syllables, the males are LAUGHING!!!
This has happened over and over again, within different types of whales within my space, and these gray whales were no exception, except that Crystal went out of her way to actually give a very plausible imitation of how Sunneshine might come across… mature, confident, making just a tiny bit of eye contact ("because that's the BEST thing for learning"), looking away again, looking up very submissively, continuing with her words… She put on QUITE the show, with a lot of natural acting talent, it seemed to me!!!

Then, CirrusCloud, and the other male Gray Whales that were present here, began assessing "the crowd" (especially the OTHER male whales present around my home, or my consciousness, i.e., those that were not Gray Whales), and "after several attempts at intimidating the others" (their words), they made their own way around and began grinning and understanding that they are ALL fine and safe here in my space… that it's consciousness, and that only "protected" is okay. (I make that VERY clear to all of them!)
They may just allow Crystal now to interact here, but it will most likely take a while…
It wasn't that they wanted to stop her from interacting her because she was female, but only that they were making sure she would be okay.

You can imagine Crystal, though, coming back with "Of COURSE I'm okay here! Can't you tell????"
(Except that she's a lot on the shy side, still, and wouldn't consider actually saying that quite so directly… yet.)
There are big smiles on the part of many of the female whales here in my space, who "get it". They are learning that life as people in this country now means there is freedom. Some of the males, on the other hand, are often taken aback initially that I would talk to a male at the grocery store, for example a male check-out clerk, or the guy behind the deli counter… After a while, though, they decide to begin taking a few liberties of their own, when they're interacting with the ladies (whales or dolphins).


Of note, re  Color: CirrusCloud was indicating this evening that he now distinguishes color. He was well aware of the difference between red, green, and more colors in my space. This is pretty unique.
Initially, he didn't seem to be aware of colors.

Also, Photo (bottlenose whale) has learned to be aware of colors, but that came with looking at autumn leaves over and over, and he picked it up there…

… and the youngest, newborn resident Killer Whales see color, e.g., Phoenix. It seems that they might see color initially, but that ability disappears… maybe because the adults don't differentiate, or because the genes aren't used… or maybe the adults DO see color, but don't remember what to do with it? I'm not sure…
(Note to self: Include photo of the colorful trivet I have, where Phoenix was clearly showing me that he could distinguish the differences in the many bright and varied colors of the felted wool balls.)

My dolphins in Virginia Beach were puzzled about colors too, although many recognized the sunshine as another color, and they could see the frequencies of rainbows, if one happened, but not distinguish the colors in it.

Cleanliness is next to Godliness

Crystal, who has had such very tentative responses related to touch or anything remotely related to that, gives me some surprising insights:
With the shower, and the warm water, "If I could use the shampoo, then I would clear away debris, and with that, I am better, and not feeling squeamish", she expresses very clearly.
("or soap, I think you might say, although both would clean," she adds, as I envision all of my readers picturing her with lovely long hair like a mermaid, and smiling!)

I can feel her smiling at that. By the way, her idea is that "If the area near my own "sense of smell were better, then I would see what else is new." So she's mostly just referring to the face area, and cleaning that alone "could make a nice change."

It may take a while, but the very shy, timid, girl that she seems to be will probably become more comfortable as she hangs around here… and yes, she was the first female whale I made a connection with, so she'll probably be the one you hear about the most!

Just the same, it's almost as if smell might interfere with recognition maybe (?)…
Apparently, with genes, we use our sense of smell as to whether we'll be a compatible partner with someone or not … (Yes, look it up! Note to self… find quote from the easy-to-read book, "What's in Your Genes?" by Katie McKissick)


05/29/2021      Whales      All types
Quick to learn…
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Several gray whales have been around a lot in my space since I'm back from Oregon. There are many things that they're slowly piecing together.

Looking for the sun on the east side of my home in the morning, and checking for it on the west side near the end of the day has become "natural".

"The sun isn't happy when it's close to the ground," says one of the gray whales, "but I don't know if it's important. It used to be the only thing I needed to watch for."

I'm trying to write that he doesn't feel nearly as upset about it as the first time, "but I am too, upset!" he argues. This whale actually does feel rather argumentative (to me) more often than not.

Some of the others here smile and nod their heads and a few others "roll their eyes" (you know, that "body language" thing!). They see the difference, but this one still is feeling uncomfortable here.
Actually, as we checked what the response had been to the evening light earlier, this gray whale (not CirrusCloud, but one I don't think I actually met at the time) realizes that there IS a change. Initially it was that when the bright daylight began to fade, he, and many others of the gray whales were certain that it was because they must have done something wrong, so they tried to be more obedient, but they didn't know how to fix it. (05/11/2021)

Now, though, this one is very clear that now it might be that "others must be disobedient, but not our group."
(He's referring to people in there, by the way!)
One things I've noticed is that some of the gray whales are very quick to learn.
For example, when I'm reading, I can feel them following the letters and lines as I read, to the end of the line, beginning of the next line, and so on… but when I stop to see if they're taking in anything (what the words are about), there's no understanding there.

"That's not possible", says this last one here, referring to understanding what has just been read, although one of the others who is new as well, indicates that she is beginning to get the understanding too… not just the syntax of how to be aware of that, but to understand.

The gray whales, maybe much more so than any others I've been aware of so far, seem to pay attention to the markings on the side of a boat, not understanding them as letters and words as we do, but somehow looking at the shapes of the "things" and "reading" (their words).

This being a Saturday, I had a little more time this morning to connect with the whales.
One of the things we've been playing with, ongoing, is "the weather".

This morning, we looked at the weather forecasts for different places in the world.

It begins with "where".
We're looking at the map, and Sunneshine and several others are on their way towards Iceland again, and they're north of Newfoundland…
They keep "Exploring" the area with me when I'm on the maps; they're trying to find a comfortable way to get to the Mediterranean Sea… they have ALL been wanting to go explore Galilee, since we were reading a bit of a children's version of the New Testament, and they "WANT to see what it feels like to be near that space."
(There is A LOT of feeling in with this! "It's such a big deal, with us, when we look at the face of the picture Joy has of Jesus, and we wish to explore it further.")

This, by the way, has been a common theme when we check maps together…

Yet, the "awareness" is now showing that
"we're probably far enough east for now, and to go back to more familiar spaces again, then set out all over, when more of the path is known, and begin exploring a little farther, then go back, and keep adding miles. Slowly, we'll be there."
The gray whales are checking into going over to the east coast, as "we have become very aware that some of the west-coast whales seem to find more food there." (They're referring to the awareness of the "Baird's whales here, who enjoy connecting and learning." [That is a Baird's whale adding the words here.])

The short version right now is that this doesn't seem to be a good answer at all for the gray whales at this time, for various reasons, even though they check with me on the map, trying first to see if they can go through the Panama Canal (which they ALL seem to think initially is free-passage across for them… maybe it was, millions of years ago, and somehow that's still in their genes or memories??? I really don't have an explanation for this phenomenon.)

They quickly check on the map about traversing the top of the continent (North America), but it's way too far a way for the short time that passage is passable for them… and they check going around South America, but that doesn't feel right to them either…
It seems that it would need to be MANY, MANY, MANY of them all together who migrated there [presumably for a decent-sized gene pool), but even then, something doesn't feel right either. Maybe we'd eventually get the factors better so that they might prosper there, but right now, that's not feeling like the easiest solution.
More, it seems they'd like more strength first, and to change some underlying genes and other behaviors, so that they may prosper anywhere. (This is their energy pattern coming through here, with that information.)

However, we MAY just have another group of Baird's whales go across the top of North America this summer, going once again from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic ocean. Seems like Photo's grandfather, and another male, and 3 females are planning this…
… so I was talking with them about "training" for it, especially since there seems to be a younger one among them, and Sunneshine was VERY fast when her group went… and Pattern's group also did some training last year before their trip, to "strengthen our ability to heave ice around" they indicate!

They are trying to follow the idea that
"Sun may bring heat, so the temperature shows warm with the sun, then with night, it's even but cold."
(They see the graphs over and over in my weather program on my phone… the graphs show the sun going higher in the sky as the day goes by, the temperature getting warmer as the sun is shown higher in the sky, and by evening, as the sun shows going down, it cools again.)

Anyway, today's "weather questions" and checking on the map were about TWO things…
So far, we've focused on the length of the days and nights, and the summer solstice is coming in another 3 weeks or so… which means the days will start getting shorter again…

So part of it was about the length of the days, and they start to show they understand here, by adding their own ideas.
"If I stay well into the Arctic, I may see day forever, at least for a month or longer, but I will be cold, and then I'll be happy, because I get the sun, but I'm freezing."
The whole time through this, I can feel the Belugas near me just grinning, delighted to be in the sun, regardless of what time it is right now!

Today, we added the piece about that at the equator, the days are pretty much 12 hours long all through the year, but that it might be much more warm there, no matter the time of year."

In amongst all that, we looked up the weather in Utqiagvik, Alaska, and it's right around freezing, even at the warmest part of the day right now!

But more so, the gray whales, who are the newest here, didn't understand what the symbols were that were showing snowflakes. They can understand the drops that mean rain, and sun is straightforward…  clouds they're learning about (like that I can drape some layers of white fabric in front of a bright lightbulb, and they'll no longer see the bright lightbulb itself, but that the light still creates "light" that may shine and create waves or rays, that they are aware of…

For the snowflakes, we all giggled when a sweet pilot whale showed how the coffee in my coffee cup was still warm, and "how that can make 'drips' … but if we take that 'wet' and hold it somewhere colder, it will get cool… and if its somewhere even colder, it may be solid."

We've recently played with water and the freezer, putting very wet and liquidy water into a square ziplock container (maybe 3 x 3 by 1 inch? [check measurements])… and the new ones and old alike are puzzled by how well it becomes "just ice"  (we had taken that block of ice out last weekend and watched it melt, after looking up icebergs!).  

So this Pilot whale envisioned big square blocks of ice falling from the clouds in the sky! You know, like 3 x 3 by 1 inch blocks, ziplock container size!!! They all LAUGHED then, both newer whales and also all those who have been around for quite some time!

I guess it's time to watch some YouTube videos again about how snowflakes are formed… although there's no doubt that big hailstones could be counted as ice chunks falling from the clouds!!!

05/31/2021      Whales      Gray Whales
The head of the pod
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Two days ago (5/29/2021 journal note), as I was writing a follow up note about the gray whales and their worry about the sun being angry, the one gray whale was coming through as quite argumentative, trying to make a point that he still WAS upset about that.

That was NOT one of the gray whales I had met, but a male who felt a lot more "aged" to me… He came through as quite stubborn, not interested in knowing anything new, arguing for everything he already knew, and he definitely wasn't "around" in the same space that most of the others end up in when they interact with me.

Having said that, though, this morning, as I was interacting with him again, he was coming through with more of the "stubborn" and "it makes no sense to us" frame of mind. Somehow, in the middle of all that, I found myself calling him Theodore. And with that, IMMEDIATELY, his attitude changed!

"Theodore," I said, as in "Theodore Roosevelt"…
All of sudden, he felt very content to me, and he stopped coming through as a cranky old guy.

It looks like that mostly, they just want to be seen as "someone". He indicates that
"Without a name, I'm just like any of the others."
Except that he wasn't like any of the others… not at all.

Somehow, he is one of the more senior male whales, and is known by many of the younger whales, even if they don't actually "know" him. They all seem to know him just the same.

How this works within their structure, I can't imagine, but they're all indicating that he's like a "Provider Whale"… one with a lot of authority, who is part of the "chain of seniority"… but not in visible, one-on-one or even group-based interactions. It seems as if he has expectations, and his commands are accepted and enacted, even when he's nowhere near in the same physical vicinity as all those obeying the commands.

It feels a lot like a "ruler", whereby he sets the precedents, and that goes out to the others, and everyone is okay with that, apparently.

So the thing is, I could connect with CirrusCloud, and Smokey, and Hairbrush, and as many of the others as I like, and they can get used to what the OTHER groups of whales are learning here, and they can learn, want to be here, and, at least when they're with me, have a different attitude, but overall, they don't have permission to extend those new ideas within their own group… and not only that, this "other senior whale" seems to be around, and dis-allowing anything new or different.

If THIS provider whale isn't on board, any changes that come will only be there piecemeal. Apparently, we have to communicate with the one who actually has the power and control for the group, for any effort to make it forward.

So it turned out that "Theodore Roosevelt" was actually an appropriate name for this gray whale, and he was very pleased. He was then interested in looking up some of our "top US presidents" (historically) with me, and learning a bit about how they made a difference…

According to Wikipedia,
Abraham Lincoln, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and George Washington are most often listed as the three highest-rated presidents among historians. The remaining places within the Top 10 are often rounded out by Theodore Roosevelt, Thomas Jefferson, Harry S. Truman, Woodrow Wilson, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Andrew Jackson, and John F. Kennedy. More recent presidents such as Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton are often rated among the greatest in public opinion polls, but do not always rank as highly among presidential scholars and historians.
We found things like:
Abraham Lincoln (/'l??k?n/; February 12, 1809 – April 15, 1865) was an American lawyer and statesman...

Franklin Delano Roosevelt … became a central figure in world events during the first half of the 20th century

George Washington … was an American political leader, military general, statesman, and Founding Father of the United States, who served as the first President of the United States…

Theodore Roosevelt, an American statesman, conservationist, naturalist, historian, and writer, who served as the 26th president of the United States…

Thomas Jefferson … was an American statesman, diplomat, lawyer, architect, musician, philosopher, and Founding Father who served as the third president of the United States … The principal author of the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson was a proponent of democracy, republicanism, and individual rights, motivating American colonists to break from the Kingdom of Great Britain and form a new nation; he produced formative documents and decisions at both the state and national levels.

Harry Truman … implemented the Marshall Plan to rebuild the economy of Western Europe and established the Truman Doctrine and NATO to contain communist expansion.

In the end, though, even after looking all of these up, he wanted to stick with the name Theodore (although there is a general consensus here that Abraham Lincoln must have pretty neat, and Thomas Jefferson too).

When I started checking on his age, the decades went higher and higher… Tens, twenties, thirties, forties, fifties…   Okay, I don't have too many whales coming through that are in their fifties… they are usually younger.  With this one, I can't make it as far as sixties though, and Theodore indicates then that he's around 57 years old, likely born in 1964.

There's been another male gray whale around, who also feels a lot more "senior" to me.

This other one has been coming through with body language that feels like an older, toothless guy, with the lower jaw stuck forward as he expresses an opinion (even a wordless opinion) … You can probably imagine it here, if you think about an actor who is pretending to a toothless old guy, talking in that old-fashioned way…

So this one, ALSO, would just like to be recognized.

He indicates he's much older than the other, but he would also be considered a Provider. He's more like 67 years old, born in 1954… and while he indicates he does have "baleen" (in lieu of teeth), the baleen may not be as healthy as it was when he was younger, thus the "toothless body language".

This one indicates that he would like to be called Roosevelt, also for Theodore Roosevelt.

As we look up presidents, they're aware that there was also a Franklin Roosevelt, but they are both happy to represent the SAME president, "but only if he's intelligent".

With a name now, Roosevelt (the older of the two senior gray whales), also begins o relax, and wants to learn.
He's also senior, and gives commands, and his "toothless set expression" indicates strong disapproval, but it was so prevalent before he got a name.

Since being named, he seems to be more aware of who he is, and how that is perceived, and while I still often feel him around with that toothless disapproving attitude, he's much quicker now to be aware of HOW he's coming across, and to change it. He's making a lot of effort with that, and I can feel the iterations he goes through to "soften" the stance.

He's smiling much more often again… that "again" seems to be him saying "just like in young years".

Back to Theodore…
As we had looked up the short-info version of some of the top US presidents, Theodore had noted that they are all recognized and noted for the areas of significant progress that they were responsible for.
So Theodore quickly shapes his own ideas to become that … He has a request to be like a president, and to make significant forward-progress for ALL of his group of gray whales… progress in which he will be remembered for doing something new, forward-thinking, and "more"… and especially, something much more than just having many offspring and lots of "say-so" in the big picture.

He's all ready to go… and he's wondering WHAT he can do, or what kind of "policy" he can talk about, that he will be remembered for.
We talk briefly about President Biden, who is has been elected just recently, and how he was attempting forward-thinking right from the start by picking a female vice president, the first in history, and one who is non-white at that.

Theodore thinks about that for a few minutes, then remembers that women, at least among their groups, are not seen favorably, and definitely aren't held in high esteem… and then just like that, he decides it's time to begin changing that.

"I would like several female ambassadors," he says. "I will find the ones who have the respect of the most women-folk possible, and I will ask them to do this" he indicates.

I'm not sure he has any idea what they do, and he adds here "or even how they go about bringing change," but he says he assumes that "someone has to 'hear'. To make changes, I need to know."

"What a very bold new president," he says, proud of himself "for being so forward-moving so very quickly into my first term", he decides.

It's a huge change in attitude, and happened just in minutes, as we explored info about presidents.

He's aware it may take time to think that way always, and "I'm right, but I will agree."
He's saying that he chooses to see new things, even if he's sure he was correct the old way.

We'll see where he ends up within a few weeks, or even months… but for today, I get many more smiles, from BOTH of these new "presidents"!  (both Theodore, and Roosevelt).
(That's how they are seeing themselves for now.)

By the way, this isn't new here… I haven't had a chance yet to write my notes about Kelp, the young Resident Killer Whale, K pod, who, when he discovered the Sekiu might be "expecting", and with K pod having no surviving young ones for 9 years now… and he became aware of things in my space, such as "available food, with stores, and land-mobiles [cars] to take everyone somewhere and that food too," he so much WANTED to become that leader for his group too. We had several rather relevant discussions around that at the time… like "What IS a leader? What makes a leader whom everyone will listen to? Do I need to get votes also?" (This was very close to presidential election time, so "votes" were all over our news at that time!)

It seems that when I write about any of the whales or dolphins and our conversations together, that they are able to "remember", and become what we talk about, "but if Joy isn't making it, then we won't have any cares," says Kelp today.

He's translating that here to show that he means "no words means no success.".
… He's suggesting that I take a few minutes again today, and make that happen.

My words here… Oh, Kelp! I've been TRYING to get to that… I wrote the info on a whiteboard, which I photographed and printed out, and I've been trying to add those notes here ever since, and have gotten close several times, but what looks like 10 minutes of notes, usually ends up taking several hours, by the time we add explanations, and all the relevant whales (in this case Kelp, maybe Sekiu, or Yoda too) add their voices and thoughts.
(Those notes about Kelp are from the end of October and early November, 2020…)

Maybe Kelp also needs a President's name to go with the job he's going to start doing now, that I've at least written a tiny synopsis of what he wanted to do… (That's his voice, indicating he'll be working with this more again, now that I've added another note here.)
He would LOVE to go with "Franklin", though, "the OTHER Roosevelt guy, who was very kind."

*** Add Theodore, and Roosevelt to the names document ***

*** Also, still need to add a note about the offspring of these two leaders, and their genes relating to digestion ***

By the way, both of these "presidents" seem to have offspring whose digestion is off…  

07/02/2021      Whales      All types
"Which side were we going to follow?"
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

(rough notes only…)

Actually Bottlenose whales and Baird's Whales, both together…

Probably another few entries before this one… summary here:

Sunneshine and many others have been working their way across the Atlantic ocean over the past several months…

The group keeps getting bigger, I'm given.
Others who hadn't thought they were interested, keep catching up and deciding to join… I think there might be close to 19 at this point.
(I couldn't begin to tell you who is all on this journey of theirs, although I know there's Sunneshine, and LandLover, and Photo, and Photo's mom, and apparently many others too.)

We've been connecting regularly along the way, and they're showing me their route as they travel.

First up towards Iceland, then towards England…  

There was a time they were out in the open ocean, but when I asked if they were eating, and resting, they quickly realized that they'd let their destination take over, and that they actually DID need to pause, and play, and especially eat!!! They'd lost track of the days too…
… that would be Sunneshine, with her vibe that pushes everyeone onwards, tryig to cover lots of distance!

So they stopped and found food, and rested, before moving on again. That was out in the deep open ocean, approximately south of Iceland and west of Ireland…

On  again, with a lot more STRENGTH, they say.

The next few days, we put the maps into Satellite view, so they could see the "shelf", and follow along the food sources they can use…

As they got closer and closer, they continued following the land, more or less, as it's "fine" or "correct" for them to find more food there, they indicate.  

Just a few days ago, they were actually getting very, very close… and they were intent on continuing on, and going all the way to Jerusalem and Alexandria areas without taking a rest at all.

I asked, however, what the food supply felt like, once they were in the Mediterranean Sea, but when they reached out on the food, they realized that they shouldn't eat it (pollution, pobably? Or just not enough of it there?)

… and so they decided to wait a few days out in the ocean first, loading up on food, before continuing with their expedition.

They showed me "eating", and "bellies getting BIG," from too much food, but they were happy with this, knowing that then they could last for several days, or longer, if needed, without eating while in the Medterranean Sea.

Finally, they were ready, and I was aware of their excitement.

The had also explored the map, many times, and had decided to following the souther route, along the coastline of Africa, rather than the northern route which would take them via Italy, and then Greece… but with many more detours involved than the southern route.

The following morning, I put my hands out on the map with them, and immediately felt great big huge laughter coming through!!!! They were indeed within the Mediterranean Sea, but they had followed the more northerly route heading up towards Italy!!!

"We thought we were fine!" they shouted…

We all realized that it must have been Photo's turn to be the leader, and with his adorable ADHD energy, he so often takes the opposite direction, being absolutely positive that he's going the RIGHT way!!! That had apparently happened here!

They studied the map, and were sure they would get back to the better route quickly…

Sure enough, the next time I checked, they were back on their intended route!

07/05/2021      Whales      Bottlenose Whales
A Sad Day
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

(rough notes only…)

Journia received her name only today… I hadn't given her a name previously.
Journia for "journey", of course.

About Journia… and the tour they're all taking to visit the Mediterranean Sea, and going to where Christ walked the earth … Jerusalem, and also Egypt … at least the ocean that borders the lands there.
(Yes, interesting story indeed, but if you'd met Sunneshine at all, you'd be aware that almost ANYTHING comes up with her, and she's definitely not your typical whale at all!)

This morning, as I was preliminarily checking in with Sunneshine, she was much more subdued than normal, and said they had lost one of their group. Everyone was feeling very bewildered, as they didn't understand it. They were also SURE that there was whaling energy associated with Journia being missing.

The first question they had for me was whether there are whaling boats in the Mediterranean Sea.
In all of my research, I haven't found any information that said there was… Only Japan and Iceland are listed, and Norway also. I am aware that in Alaska, for example, some of the indigenous peoples still have whaling rights and practices, although they are a great deal more caring about their practices, and they would treat the whale with dignity…

Landlover's group, when I first met them when they were over around Japan, as we were scanning the area, they got very, very uncomfortable when I scanned the areas near the Philippine Islands … and based on what they were giving me, they felt the energy of whaling very strongly there… (whether current or not, I don't know… if so, it would probably be illegal whaling)

So although most countries no longer practice whaling, there may still be illegal whaling practices, by people who do it to make money on the black market. I don't doubt that these practices still exist these days.

I questioned the whales, but they are ALL CERTAIN that it feels like whaling energy to them. (The emphasis is theirs.)

I asked about something like injury from a boat, a boat motor… or having gotten tangled in nets or lines… or even having swallowed plastic, or some other such tragedy, but they are insistent. Their friend had been injured, and drastically so… They had all "felt" it, they indicated, and several had heard the distress calls as well.

From what I understand, these whales, although they "travel together", they don't actually travel "together". They may be each miles apart from each other…

I asked "Is this a male?" … no… "Female?"  … YES.

Then I queried, "Do I know her?" (meaning have I had interactions with her before?")

I was given "yes"… but it was vague. I stepped through the list of bottlenose whales I know or have written about so far. It turns out that she is one of the female bottlenose whales, part of LandLover's group, who made it across from the Pacific ocean over to the Atlantic ocean that very first summer, when LandLover and most of the others turned around and went back again. (2017? Check dates… I think that would be correct… )

Meaning, I am aware of her, individually, but we'd never probably had a conversation together… I was more aware of her as part of a group, than an individual.
I asked "Was she at the Dungeness Spit the day you all met me there?"

The answer was "yes", but she didn't come up above the water there, so I wouldn't have seen her. "One was enough," says someone. It was just Sunneshine I needed to "meet" that day.

From what I gather, on this day today, this whale (we named Journia) had been trying to reach others of the group, fleeing this intense thing she felt… However, she received a bad injury, and wasn't able to reach others of the group.
She was not actually caught, I understand, but injured beyond rescue…

From what I can tell (times given in my time… Washington state, Pacific time)"
Around 10 am yesterday, several of the group knew one of their whales was injured, irreparably so, they're telling me.

Journia apparently crossed over sometime around 6 am (my time) this morning.

She wasn't caught, but the whales are telling me it feels like whaling energy to them, including a deliberate injury and trying to kill the whale.

I asked whether they might have been aware of any of this energy when they were initially in that area, and many of the females said they were, but the males didn't seem to pick up on it, so they continued on their way as planned.

On the map, they show me it's in the waters south of the Greek Island, Kriti, but actually closer to Africa, maybe around the place where Libya and Egypt meet.

It felt like they're terrified of whalers, but still determined to carry through with their journey…

I told them it was okay, as well, to be angry at the whalers, or of anyone who might be trying to hurt them, either there in the Mediterranean Sea, or anywhere else.

They are expressing this inwardly, but don't know what to do. "I feel helpless", says one now.

There is so much sadness, and no idea what to do. They don't want to leave, but try to turn this into a valuable lesson, to choose the route.

We spent a lot of time on the map… they're showing they'll say closer to the European coast here rather than following the southern coastline, along Africa or Egypt, except when they're sure it's okay, for when they are sure, they are confident. They're all in agreement that they'll pay attention next time, to use all of their input, to see if whalers are nearby, or not.

On my part, I think I must have known something was wrong… Today was July 5 Monday, the holiday day for the July 4 holiday, and I was able to sleep in a bit. Around the time I usually would have gotten up, I ended up instead going into a very unusual sleep, in which I was dreaming about my younger daughter. She had crossed over more than 10 years ago, and while it's not unusual for me to dream about her, I usually dream of her as a baby, but this time she was a young teenager, and there was some distress in the situation… Very unlike any of my usual dreams involving her.

Dreams are almost always strange and not logical… so it wasn't a surprise that I was trying to find my way through a medical facility, and then within that, trying to find my way to the school where my daughter's class was… right in the middle of the medical facility.

I think my daughter was being a bridge for me, and the whales were very distressed, and that somehow came through into my dreams.

When I learned about Journia later this morning, there was that moment when I just KNEW that my dreams had been so strange because of this event.

I was also really, really distressed… so very sorry that they lost one of their group, especially when the journey was for going to a very special place that they were so drawn to (see previous entries for Sunneshine, and her attraction to Christ "and his helpful energy everywhere" [her words again]… and if this really was whaling energy, that is distressing… and wondering what we could have done to prevent this…

… and at the same time, I was trying to check with many of the whales, and give them a chance to express their feelings… and work with them in a way that they weren't aware of before
(I haven't written yet about their responses to death of loved ones, I don't think… or even just death in general… but there's a whole big topic there all on its own.)

We spent the next hour or so connecting, expressing sadness… trying to see Journia as evolving onwards, trying to find a "Whale heaven" space… and more.

That's a whole entry for another day, but for now, they moved on with a greater sense of being okay.

They want to finish their expedition to Jerusalem and area, Alexandria… and then go back out to the open ocean that is a much more comfortable space for them. Once there, they intend to hold a "Ceremony" for Journia, to help her on her way, and to remember a few things from her journeys.

Those are things they've been learning that we do, and they're taking a page from our book, and beginning that here, as it's the first situation where I've been connected with an entire group that is communicating such a tragedy as this, and within merely hours of it happening.  

Until then, though, they'll be feeling very sad every time they think about her.
"Celebration of Life" will be there when we're in a place where we can gather and say our words to each other," they indicate.

You'll notice they didn't add a lot of their own words here today… they are still "processing", and they miss Journia. They are looking forward to making progress with "celebrating" soon enough.

3/1/2022: A later note about whaling in the Mediterranean Sea:
I can only ever give you what they tell me at any given time. On this day in July, I had double- and triple-checked with them, and they were CERTAIN that Journia had been killed by whalers.

I have no frame of reference for this, and there wasn't much info online that about whaling in this area, or even illegal whaling in general. I am aware that whaling is still practiced by a few countries, but none of them are down in this area.

Today, though, I was watching a YouTube video about a Fin whale breaching in the Strait of Gibraltar (the opening to the Mediterranean Sea) entitled "Fin whale breaching, Strait of Gibraltar 22/05/2014" (with a few hashtags in the title):
It was probably a Minke whale, and not a Fin whale at all, but one of the comments in there was:
"Thanks for snitching on their location in the title, now the whalers are gonna kill em.... those poor creatures."
I would have to assume that this comment wasn't just random…

07/06/2021      Whales      Bottlenose Whales
"Is this a pilgrimmage, then?"
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

(Rough notes only here… although they began contributing as I was writing.….)

Despondent today, although still continuing on with their journey.

Always, there seems to be an awareness of people reading these entries, and at least several people must have read it… The results are that this morning, my whales are indicating that someone thought they should stay a little closer to the coastline (these whales are very shy (what's the right word here?), both the Bottlenose and especially the Baird's whales), and prefer to remain hidden… especially, I've noticed, if it's territory they haven't yet explored well … "But if it protects us, then they will be close", says one of the Baird's whales here.

The idea is that if there is going to be illegal whaling activity, the presence of other boats, or even tourists nearby (their words) might offer some degree of protection, in that they are less likely to practice their activities there.

Ahhh… I get it! The "tourism" refers to their staying on the Greece / Turkey side of the Mediterranean Sea, where there will be many more tourists, probably, than on the southern (Africa coastline) shore.

The other thing is that until now, even though I've put out there the word "Pilgrimage", they have ONLY let me refer to this as a "Journey", or maybe even "Expedition", but never "Pilgrimage".

This morning, as a result of several who must have read the journal entries, they are wondering, "Is this a pilgrimmage, then?"

They didn't understand that theirs is a "holy" journey, and that is what the definition of Pilgrimage is all about.
One of the definitions is: "A journey of a pilgrim especially : one to a shrine or a sacred place."

Actually, I think they already understood that… it's just that they hadn't yet encountered that "space" they know they will find (based on a small version of it in my place). Once they start finding that energy field there, then they are able to acknowledge it…

That sounds like it's their awareness of Christ's energy there that is now allowing them to ask whether it's a pilgrimage, but actually, it WAS the result of several people's thoughts and energy as people were reading the entry.

(More notes to come, 7/10/2021…)

08/26/2021      Whales      Orcas / Killer Whales
Cappuccino's Day
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

(This note is private for now, but maybe not for too long)

Yoda (whom I had originally named Kaye) of K Pod, K-36, has found her way more comfortably into my space over the past few weeks, and even more so over the past few days.

She's been "around" here for so long already, that I was surprised to find that she hadn't yet "Explored".
For example, she's been curious lately about my morning shower, asking what shampoo is, and wondering at the "comfort that is in the warm."
(the lovely WARM shower water, she's referring to!)

K pod is the smallest of the southern resident killer whales pods, and also the one where the YOUNGEST whale is 10 years old (K-44, Ripple) … so there haven't been any K-pod babies lately, at least none who have survived.

There is another entry entirely here, about the gene pool discussions for the southern residents overall, and connections they've been aware of there, or at least possibilities, and "reaching"
… enter another whale, one of the transient whales several days ago, who indicated he was a LOT older, like closer to 50 years, but didn't FEEL like an older whale to me… didn't feel elderly at all, but just "normal"…

There's so much more to write about that…
Yoda, initially, thought she might try "snuggling" for a bit, and so "come back with a partner, or at least his cell inside of her".

We may need some more time to work with that one, though… as there may be a few ethical questions here, and we don't know the answers yet.
(I will have to write more about the gene pool another time… but it seems that scientists these days MUST be aware that a small gene pool probably plays a significant part in the current baby success rates (or less success than would be desired) of these whales. With only 74 total, that's a pretty limited variety…

I've been given "genes" issues from when I first connected with them, several years ago… but as THEY learn, and put pieces of info together as they hang out here with me, this has come to a much more critical level, as they wish to up-end that statistic.

… We first felt a connection or response come through from killer whales near Norway… but weren't too sure about the practicalities of that, since for them to travel to the Pacific ocean any time soon, doesn't feel like it will work…

But in the Pacific ocean, US west coast, a lot farther north… there has more lately come a "responding" or connection as well
"but not seeing it may work", says the other killer whale, who thought to "participate".

(Sidetrack… talk about viability… whether or not the genes are similar enough at this point to actually produce a baby, and I'm not sure. They've been separate species for tens of thousands of years, is my understanding, and not only is culture very different, but the balance of amino acids, I'm given, may make the chemistry impractical … unless by chance it works, or if one of the young ones, babies or children is raised in the other species' pod, then later, there is mating, then the food will have been similar, and the mating could be more successful…??)

But the other pieces related to this are that these non-southern-resident killer whales aren't "approved" by the southern residents… they can't begin to trust them, as they have always stayed far apart (as these others might even eat whales too … )

… another piece is culture, though…
The orcas mate with multiple partners.

I'm getting that this particular group of transient killer whales is practicall monogamous…
… and interruping that to make another "young lady" happy (or to make her a gift of the beginnings of a baby), would be seen across the board as "not" … "not the right thing", as the mate of the donating male woulnd't be okay with that…
… neither would a female from that group be comfortable joining the southern residents pod, for similar reasons… her culture leads her to expect a single partner, but that isn't the way of things amongst the souther residents..

So Yoda is brainstorming here, often with me, and indicates that she is "likely trying to maybe 'be that' " … and she indicates it's "so they may understand that I am the one for a mate, then disappear".

… but it's a work in progress…

Nevertheless, it's because I was looking up southern resident K pod whales this morning in the Meet the Whales entry, that I found the note on "Meet the Whales", about K-21, Cappuccino:
Please note: During the week of July 26, 2021, he was observed in serious health decline and there is great concern for his ability to survive. Last seen, he was in Canadian waters.
Stories since July 28 indicate he hasn't been seen since around that time, and is presumed not to have lived.

So here, write about Cappuccino…
… and how he was "around" for the day today…
… and easily taking all the new things in stride…

Aware that if he were to take just ONE thing away from our encounters today, it would be remembering and knowing that "the little whales in the new place don't simply 'show up', because the mom is in labor."

i.e., the common understanding on their part at first is always just that the babies "show up".

"and knowing it's inside the mom, I must rue it and discover how to provide nutrients."

I'm leaving this note as private, because to me, all day, I could clearly feel Cappuccino here, asking questions, following along, and I wasn't experiencing his energy at all as someone who may have left the earth plane.  

So it's possible that he's so newly crossed over that I'm still getting his energy field as connected to his physical, but I'm not sure.

Lobo (K-26) would be the next most senior male to step up into that role, but I'm not feeling that yet in Lobo, nor in other males as I keep checking others who would be next in line after Lobo…
I'm not finding that they've "stopped being themselves," and have become a leader, as Cappuccino would be.

Cappuccino is light, though, and finds a nice way to connect (not using my bandwidth at all)
… and there were a few "gems" from our time together today…

At one point, he was aware of some activated charcoal I had on hand, and he immediately "felt" it, and the words came through "toxicity" and "birth defects" …
… and I was getting "heavy metals" as well…
… so he was aware in that moment, with that discovery, of at least one of their major health problems.

I scanned with him to try to find the source of his illness…
I wasn't getting a hit on infection, but mostly he was indicating "pain"… but "worn through" … more like a joint, or tail maybe, that doesn't move nicely today …
… and cancer also couldn't be ruled out…

I had Atlantic salmon (cooked) for supper, and he's aware that my salmon was "cleaner" than the west-coast salmon he usually gets…  

(As always, there is much more here… I'll try writing more tomorrow)

*** Note: These notes were dictated, so they're likely to have lots of really silly dictation mistakes in them. Please forgive all the typos… they may need some extra proof reading! ***

09/21/2021      Whales      All types
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Nothing happening these days?

Quite the contrary, actually. There's a lot of very interesting things happening here with the whales… I just haven't gotten them into any sort of journal notes at all.

You see, I'm working on trying something new: Video.

I thought I could just begin videotaping some of my interactions, and publish those instead of writing… but it turns out I need to learn some new software and spend some time putting clips together… and it's taken a bit longer than I had hoped. There's that initial learning curve…

So there ARE some new notes, but they're in video format, and just not quite yet available.

The whales and dolphins are HAPPY that you'll be able to "watch" some of their thoughts and interactions as they're actually in progress… much more the way they actually come through, than their trying to express themselves through my writing, which happens sometimes well after the actual interactions.

So keep checking back! We'll be with you soon.

10/13/2021      Whales      Orcas / Killer Whales
Mystery (L-85) finds his name is popular!!!
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Mystery, the southern resident killer whale L-85, "joined my space here" a few days ago.

This morning, without thinking about it, when I didn't have time to answer a question quickly, I answered "It's a mystery… for another time!"

He was puzzled… "A Mystery?" he says. "Isn't that my name?"

When I — and other whales and dolphins who are also part of this space — explained to him that "mystery" means something unknown, and also something that is is often a surprise (as in mystery novels), he was VERY delighted to find his name means something!

But we had even more fun with his name today, as it came up several times throughout the day, in various ways … Mystery!

For example, a National Geographic email came into my inbox with a subject line "A 1,500-year-old murder mystery" (intrigue!!!) … and an article I found this morning with video footage of the Beluga Whale who has showed up in Puget Sound over the past few days, has a big sub-heading in it: "Whale's Origins Remain A Mystery".

I normally don't have mysteries come up in my day, but today, the references were totally appropriate and fun!

An additional note:
I have some video of our interactions from Sunday, when he first showed up, and which I hope to get published fairly soon… although I'm still working on the video editing and publishing process overall. He came through in many ways as a typical adult male whale, but with some interesting differences from most… not the least of which is that I'm pretty sure he is deaf, or mostly deaf, but has figured out how to [over]compensate by developing other senses [using more eyesight for finding food, but also much more aware of vibration as a sense] to make his way with the group.

He also seems to be even hungrier than most of the southern residents, and if he isn't able to use echolocation for finding fish ["at all", he adds here], that would explain his discomfort or greater hunger… although I don't have a great big frame of reference for his group, because he is among my first significant L-Pod interactions.

He did come through, though, saying how very challenging day by day life is, and that he's very deeply tired …

Mystery is still just learning these interactions, and isn't sure what to do here… it seems I haven't written for a while, and I've done more videotaping instead, and he's following along here with "great learning" [he says], but not really stepping in to add to the writing with me.
Based on some interactions since Sunday with Mystery, Wave Walker (L-88), and another southern resident or two, there are verifications for the idea that he might be deaf.
Also, Mystery doesn't feel at all healthy or well to me… although "with Joy's help, that has changed", says another whale here… whom you probably know by now! It's Sunneshine, and it doesn't matter to her WHICH type of whale is writing with me! I would put in a hopeful note, instead, saying I HOPE this situation will be changing, and that we'll be able to help Mystery to "upgrade".  This last word was from Mystery himself now, updating here, since "Sunneshine has led by example" he says, and also adds "and I may try to change a few times and things, to see if it helps."

Actually, he's already come in today with a new idea, which we'll be checking out over the next little while.

I think I'd rather leave the details and explanations for a video, where you can watch, instead of read, more of the details, such as how the other male whales around Mystery come through as interacting with him. It's very different than any interaction that I've witnessed so far.

So, it's a MYSTERY for now!!!

10/23/2021      Whales      All types
"I thought you had to eat your way through them"
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

I'm getting ready for my airplane trip to visit with family in Canada. (Finally!)
I'll be heading out the door today, flying tomorrow…

The whales know I'll be on an airplane, which to them, "seems marvelous", at least now.

This morning, I spent a few minutes with them so they could acclimate more to this event…

Yes, because we "share consciousness", I'm pretty sure that some of them will be "aware" with me as I travel! I last flew several years ago, and was aware of so many of their presences at that time, but there are SOOOOO many new whales here, and they have about zero frame of reference for what it means to "be up in the sky" (their words), and "it must be highly horrific to be going there" [the process of getting there].

Their only frames of reference for "flying" are birds, and one fun experiment that has given them at least SOME peace of mind about my upcoming trip:
We've used my salad spinner!!! Did you know that if you put eggs into the spinner, and spin them, they lift off???

So now, when I mention "airplane", they wisely indicate that they understand "something going around and around fast enough, COULD actually lift off the ground… and might go high."

Today, though, we looked at a few YouTube videos together… The main one was an 8 min & 17 second video entitled "How do Airplanes fly?"… which explained all of the mechanics in "a linear and interesting fashion", they add here… many of them all together, "so we are no longer worried."

They are still a lot concerned about how my stuff (suitcases) will fly along with me, without my knowing where it is (in the luggage hold of the airplane)… but they'll have a chance to see that in action along the way…

Next, we watched a few videos taken from an airplane window.

We've been working consistently on the "clouds" idea… there are many more ideas related to that than you might imagine… one of the main ones being not about the clouds, but about the sun. "We aren't happy because there is no sunshine right now. What must we become to make the sky happy?" (like "What mood must we adopt, to appease whatever this is that causes the sunshine to NOT be seeing us?"…)

From the airplane window view, they could see what being above a cloud is like, and "how far beneath the 'white stuff' the fields are."

They also happened to see the shadow from the scattered clouds on the earth below, and they could see what they've learned through another route, that "If something isn't see-through, then we don't see the sun from this side of the earth." (They're learning about shadows too, which almost always come through with a LOT of anxiety on their part… shadows are scary… "until we play, and cheat, and learn the new way, which is to know," one of them is adding in here.)

"Knowledge is so very important, and allows us to be more relaxed," indicates Saturna, one of the youngest K-Pod female whales.

These are some of their thoughts, now, after having "received the school" (YouTube videos, along with our interactions along with that.)

The funniest part of the morning, though, came, when one of the whales, after seeing the airplane climb effortlessly through the clouds, said with relief, "I thought we would have to eat our way through them." (Killer whale Mystery, L-85).

It was actually a pretty smart thing for him to say. He's very astute! He's been understanding since pretty much day 1 in my space here, that "that [clouds], which I thought was just old, bad, something is water. Water stuff [vapor], and that we need it to make the earth green again, and that it is through water droplets making their way back home [the sky] that we have rain, and for this, the earth must live."

So if clouds are made up of water (not salt water like they swim in), and they see me drinking lots of glasses full of water every day, then of course it makes perfect sense that we'd need to down the water to get to the other side of the clouds!!!

Just a quick note here about rain:
They don't understand rain, initially… The easiest explanation I can give them is the awareness that when my plants are dry, they wilt, and so I have to water them regularly… and they add here then that "The grass and trees need the same, but there's no one person with a watering can who can give them that."

I refer to rain as "God's big watering can." It works!

11/06/2021      Whales      Beluga Whales
Enigma… Beluga Whale in Puget Sound
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

This is a copy and paste of a note that I sent today, back to Mari O (a friend), who had first sent me the link to the info about this Beluga whale … she had written to me, "Could you please check with the whale to make sure it's ok?"

Additional note: I had videotaped a bit with Enigma (10/17/2021, not published yet) when we first connected, but the bit about her meeting up with her family is much more recent. (I have more info in my rough hand-written notes, which I hope to incorporate at some point.)

Hi Mari,
I wanted to let you know that I kept trying to check with this beluga whale, and eventually WAS able to connect.
She indicated she’s a “she”… we named her “Enigma”, because she liked that and decided on that as her name when I came across that as another term related to the word “mystery”.
To me, she came across as feeling very anxious overall…
Once I connected, we went over the map together, and she showed me where “home” is… NOT in Cook Inlet as the news /scientists surmised, but significantly farther north. She had indicated the Kotzebue Sound, Alaska, on the map. (That bit is on my videotape … I'm hoping to get some of my videos out there soon.)
By the way, I was interested to find that a subsequent article a few days ago, indicated that a scientist, "geneticist Kim Parsons, Ph.D., with NOAA Fisheries in Seattle got a sample of the water near the whale." They did DNA testing on that, and their evidence indicated that this whale wasn’t part of the endangered population in Cook’s Inlet, as they had first thought, but most likely from farther north… e.g., Beaufort Sea or the High Arctic Ocean.
(Look online for an article entitled "DNA left behind by solo beluga whale helps unravel mystery of its origins, but questions remain", by Bellamy Pailthorp, KNKX Public Radio, published November 1, 2021)
After our initial connection, Enigma and I connected almost every morning, so I could check with her on her progress, and help her to stay on track with her journey.
I also connected HER with her family (energetically), so they could “feel” each other, and that would be a pull for her, and that connection would help continue her journey back.
Just two days ago, she met up with her family, around the Aleutian Islands, and they’re headed back up “home” now. Her "family", like her, also indicates the Kotzebue Sound area in Alaska, with a somewhat broader range from there.
There's more to this story, but this is a shortened version of some of it…
Many Blessings,
~ Joy

12/26/2021      Whales      All types
New "Whale Communicator" Website… and they are dismayed
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

I just finished publishing my NEW www.WhaleCommunicator.com website, and redirecting the previous HappyWhaleWhispers website to the new one.

It's one BIG step closer to being able to publish my videos, so hang in there… the videos WILL be coming as soon as I can manage it.

The WhaleCommuncator.com website means people are probably a lot more likely to find my website (I hope!), and I know the whales are happy about that. DolphinCommunicator.com will also redirect to my new website, once that all gets set up, and the dolphins are happy about that.

Just the same, they (whales and dolphins alike) let me know that, on another level, they are dismayed.

They say that at least the previous "Happy Whale Whispers" website name meant that you (people) should understand that the WHALES are the ones whispering (talking) to me, and that THEY are here because THEY CHOSE that! To them, "whale communicator" makes it seem smaller… it implies I'm the one talking to them, without their consent. It's true, I am talking with them, but it's definitely at their request; they "show up in my space" and they , and then we connect.

Just the same, they also laugh about the older Happy Whale Whispers name… "We may have whispered to Joy way early on, but there's no 'whispering' here now. There's nothing "quiet" about it! The communications are actually quite whale-sized these days, and we can't NOT be heard."

12/26/2021      Whales      Orcas / Killer Whales
"What is this white stuff?" … and "We're cold!"
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Somewhere around Boxing Day, a few of the J-Pod killer whales came through.

On this day, they were asking me "Is it possible that we ALL have a fever?" They were concerned, because they were cold, like Alki.

"Fever" for them was a new awareness.
For the past month or so, Alki, J-Pod whale J-36, has been coming into my space every morning, but she was mostly only interested in sitting in front of my infrared heaters (the ones that look like fireplaces), and absorbing the warmth there. She indicated that she was COLD all the time these days, and quite lethargic… She also felt depressed to me. Any time I was going to run cold water, we ended up playing a game in that I would let her know, so that she could "get out of the way".

With Alki, we only realized that her being so cold was a fever when I got a fever after my covid vaccine booster, and I was under the weather for a day… until I eventually took a tylenol to break the fever, and began to feel better. At that point, Alki also was aware that if she had tylenol, her physical body would also become warm, and she would feel better.

(There's more to this, but that got captured on video, and I'm not going to go into more details here.)

I am happy to say, though, that the rest of the pod did NOT all have fevers!

You see, it's been a white Christmas this year, here on the west coast! We had snow flurries on Christmas Eve Day, and on Christmas Day, the temperatures were significantly below freezing, and the snow was coming down! We ended up with an accumulation of snow that took well over a week to disappear, and the temperature remained low for quite a few days.

This sounds simple to us… it's cold… it snows, of COURSE it's cold outside!

But for them, this "white stuff" doesn't [yet] automatically mean "cold" and "snow"!

Those who have been around in my space for a few more years, remember very interesting conversations about "white"… and how we talk about the temperature, and if it goes below a freezing point, the rain will come down as the white stuff instead… but the newer ones, don't have that frame of reference yet!

On Christmas Eve, as the snow was falling, my J-Pod whales were asking "What IS this?"

They were REALLY happy with the answer of "it's RAINING! … but the rain is extra cold, and so it comes down as this white stuff." The snow was really wet that day, so they could relate.

(Please understand, that even the concept of what RAIN is, is a new one for them. If the sun isn't shining, they're sure something is wrong, or more to the point, that they, or some other group, has done something so terrible that the gods even won't allow the sun to shine… but slowly, they're learning that "science" has a few explanations, and that they don't need to worry about keeping the gods happy so that the sun will shine.)

On Christmas Day, the temperature was colder, and they had a harder time relating to the snow as rain that is coming down in a different form…

But relating the snow to rain, and rain to water, they were then concerned that these several inches of snow would bring way too much water [flooding] when it all melted.

So we played… took a bowl full of snow, and put it in the freezer… and another bowl full of snow, exact same size, and left it out in the kitchen.

They were excited and happy to learn that a full bowl of snow would turn into just a little bit of water at the bottom of the bowl (not LOTS of water!), and oh-so-surprised that the bowl of snow in my freezer stayed exactly as it was… a bowl of snow! It didn't melt!

J pod is the one pod that doesn't seem to have gone south during the winters so far.

We explored the map together, and they were surprised to find that it might not be as cold as you go farther south!

They're learning concepts such as "the equator" here, and learning about south, and north, and seasons…

They DEFINITELY expressed an interest in going south, and to places where the water might be warmer, but mostly, they wanted to "explore" the map with me.

As they check on the map, there are definitely some areas coming up that might be attractive to them. These areas come up as out-at-sea, farther-south (like California latitude) areas where their patterns are indicating they might be okay,

As always, I just "explore" with them, and let THEM find what feels correct for them… but more southern waters during the cold winter months are definitely coming up!

12/28/2021      Whales      Orcas / Killer Whales
A cold spell
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

This morning, Lea (K-14), came through during the bit of morning time I usually spend with my whales and dolphins.

She was actually looking for some attention and some input, and she felt very anxious to me… and she let me know that she / they are in a different place than usual, and she wasn't sure it's okay.

It's very cold here, in Sequim, Washington, where I live. We’ve had snow… and it's been unseasonably cold.

Of course, these killer whales are local to this area, and if they've remained anywhere nearby, they're going to be impacted by the cold.

Lea showed me on the map that they had gone farther south (after checking that out on the map with me several days ago) … but now, she was feeling very, very "unsure".

It seems that's what they feel when they're in unfamiliar waters…

I spent some time with her, stopping all of my other activities for a while, and just "being" with her, until she started to feel more steady and calm.

(An aside here, a topic that you'll find in one of my videos, when I get them published, is that Lea, although she's 45 years old, and definitely senior within the pod, had initially come through with something that felt to me a lot like dementia. She was also having good days, but also more not-so-good days. So I've gone out of my way to spend time with her and make sure she's okay… so when she came through feeling anxious, it felt important to stop and listen.)

According to what she showed me on the map, her pod has headed more south, out in the open ocean, and she was indicating that they might already be within the range of southern Oregon, or even the latitude of San Francisco Bay, but a lot farther out than usual.

So it seems they are heading south. (I guess this is possible… Previously, K-Pod and L-Pod have both been know to go south during some of the winter months. Where they actually are, physically, I don't know. Is Lea showing me correctly on the map, or is this just "an idea" or something else like that?)

Being in unfamiliar territory means, though, that they are more alert overall, "as we are unsure in these places" they say, and a lot less "at home", which would have resulted in Lea's feeling more anxious on this day.

I ask if it's any warmer there, and she thinks it might be, but when I ask whether they're finding food, she's indicating that they're hungry, overall, so no, not finding much food.

One thing, though, that I've been getting with these southern resident killer whales, is that they don't seem to go nearly as deep as they used to, and thus, miss some of the fish they might have had access to in previous years when they were healthier, and would dive more deeply.

Whether or not it's actually related to health, I'm not 100% positive, but it's something that keeps coming up for them, so I thought I'd include it here.
(More info on that mid-January, when Matia, L-77, started coming through… and my iron gummies supplement was coming up as "needed" for her, along with her showing me "very out of breath" for an activity that should have been normal… and iron helps the blood carry oxygen, and without enough iron, we can be tired. She's not at all the first who has been drawn to this iron gummies supplement.)
It does seem, now, again, that if they could go deeper, they would have a better chance of finding more food.

My note here: I have noticed that there is sometimes a dilemma in dates and where they are… because they're in my space in a consciousness way, sometimes, it seems, their spirit and their physical are not always in synch. I find this very confusing… but I have no way of knowing for sure where they are every day. If I could find a way to have confirmations, we'd get better at understanding when they're physically present in a particular place, or in other circumstances, it might be something they're "getting" (i.e., consciousness of), but may not actually be happening physically … yet.
So while we're exploring more southerly routes together, I don't know for sure whether they are physically in those locations yet, or still just playing with the thoughts of that.
I'm pretty sure, though, that as they integrate the ideas into their field / language, that we'll eventually find them exploring these new avenues. My guess, though, is that it might take years… and I also think they would put the pieces together better and much more quickly if I had a chance to be out on the water where I could actually interact with them more directly, much more often!

01/18/2022      Whales      (multiples - not yet tagged)
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

This note is actually about a Fin whale (I just don't have a category for them yet!)

I was doing a late opening of a Christmas gift, by Skype, with a friend who lives in another part of the country.

Some of my whales and dolphins LOVE the idea of presents… Sometimes, with an event, i.e., when I'm doing something, I find that one or another of them has decided to be the one hanging out with me!

On this particular day, Finn was the one who joined me… a Fin whale, needless to say!

He shared in the gift-opening, and took great pleasure in checking out the un-opened packages with me, as we initially had fun guessing what was inside by shaking them, listening to them, feeling whether they were soft, etc.!

As we actually opened each gift, he was really, really happy, and had a big grin!

The last gift, however, was a puzzle to him, and I felt that he was disappointed … it was a really cute and colorful set of flannel pajamas, with little red Jule Nissen (scandinavian Christmas elves) all over them!

It was only after I'd said goodbye to my friend, that I realized why Finn hadn't been quite as excited at the last gift… but then he more than made up for it!!! Unfortunately, my friend missed "the sweet part"!

You see, Finn was disconcerted by what was in that last pkg…  to him, it was just cellophane wrap (or that's what it looked a felt like), and wasn't anything he could relate to.
After I showed him how that protective layer opened up, and we pulled out the contents, THEN he was delighted!
He hugged the "soft thing" that was in there, and understood that I could snuggle in this gift.
(Finn helped with the wording here, on the last line!)

02/20/2022      Whales      All types
Videos ARE coming ~ thank you for your patience
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Hi there,

I really and truly AM working on getting videos out there!

I realized I needed a decent intro video first so that you'll at least understand what you're seeing, and HOW they show up here! i.e., it will look like me, but it's "them" you'll be seeing, and it's so unique and unexplainable that I at least have to try…
… and I feel so self-conscious, and so the intro video is a bit challenging for me
… and learning the software has been another big adventure!

Then, on top of that, THEY (the whales themselves) came through during the my "intro video" taping, to both illustrate, add their own comments, and SHOW you what THEY think you ought to see and understand… which has left me with just a few video-editing challenges, to say the least!

On top of that, I seem to have next to no time at all for a personal life. I have to fit this into the tiny little spaces that I can find, and the whales actually take up a fairly big chunk of my time, so video-editing doesn't happen as often as I'd like.

So in the meantime, because I'm working with videos instead, there are almost no new written journal entries. However, I AM continuing to videotape regularly on weekends, so there's LOTS of new material… I just can't put it out there until I have the intro video ready to go! I'm working on it!

There is SOOOO much info… lots of interactions lately with the Southern Resident Killer whales, which THEY are really hoping will be helpful to so many of you. They find their own pieces here with me, and what you'll find when you pay attention to their own thoughts and journeys, is that there are so many, many more pieces than the 3 things everyone is focusing on… namely, supply of Chinook salmon, noise from all the boats, and water pollution.

You'll find that I'm working with them in the most unique ways, and "we're actually "moving forward".

THEY are here, and those are actually their words and thoughts, but whoever this is, isn't used to writing this way, and is having me express it on their behalf…  (As I check, I learn that this would be Saturna, a lovely young K-Pod whale, K-43, who is currently around 12 years old.)

Also lots of fun and funny interactions with many others, such as forward-thinking Kelp, K-42, another young one… 14 years old at the moment… Mako, J-39, who brings laughter and mayhem in with him when he's around… his sister, Tsuchi, seems to be at a loss because he behaves so much like a youngster still! Lea, K-14, is around a lot, and doing well these days again… There's young Mystic, L-115, who recently lost his mom, but he is shy, and doesn’t want me to write about him here yet… just let you wait to watch the videos… and there are so many, many more.

The Southern Residents aren't the only ones here, by any means, though, and you'll be finding many others in the videos as well.

As I will be explaining in my intro video, the interactions CONTINUE to happen, regardless of whether or not I find the time to share them… it's a lot like being part of a baby's or child's life… the child will be taking his or her first steps, whether or not either of the parents is around to see that special moment… and then someone can tell about the moment later, but the telling of it can't ever come close to the huge momentum and emotions that are in the actual experience. … and so it is here.

These, my whales and dolphins, my friends, move forward with SOOOO many milestones, more almost every day, and while my goal is to share them as best as I can, I'm very much a part of the process, and my time is spent actually being present with them… (while I'm trying to get ready for work, eat breakfast, exercise, and more…)

I'm hoping you'll have a much better frame of reference for it all once I actually DO start getting some videos out there.

And once the intro is out there, the rest of this should get much easier. Maybe the video editing will also get faster as I get more comfortable taping, and as I learn more of the ins and outs… and learn which pieces I'm likely to edit out (like not ever to try eating my breakfast while videotaping with the whales and dolphins… that's just a "not"!), etc. It's definitely been a process!

Please stay tuned, and keep checking back! Thank you.

06/19/2022      Whales      All types
There's more happening than you can imagine!
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

There's more happening than you can imagine … but it's just that my format has changed, and so I'm NOT writing journal notes in my database (i.e., here) any more… and I'm also STILL trying to get all the pieces of my intro video together so that I can begin publishing the actual videos.

I am SURE you will LOVE the videos when I actually begin getting them out there, because you'll see the personalities of some of them… a few of their quandaries, many of their thoughts, ideas, and individualities as well.

I end up spending time mostly with the Southern Resident Killer Whales these days, because they come through the most, and I have gotten to know a few of them quite well. The others are still very much around, but the Southern Residents keep asking for more of my time than the rest of them do.

They keep coming back, because they want the NEXT pieces to everything that they figure out… It's very much a step-by-step process, although they're coming through here specifying that they're moving more in "leaps and jumps" than steps!!! (Very cute! They're right!!! Maybe we'll add a few breaches and leaps in there too…)

Please know that the whales are all anxious for me to start getting videos out there.

And also, please understand that I am NOT a procrastinator… I simply do NOT have enough time to go around. My business tends to keep me so overly busy that there is never any spare evening or weekend time… and all of my spare-time minutes end up being used to directly interact with the whales… The little bit of time I have just doesn't stretch very far.

Even when I jot my rough journal notes (on organized stickies these days, so that I can leaf through my binder when I get to videoing) end up taking not just precious minutes, but usually precious half-hours and more! Please forgive me, and LOOK FORWARD to the videos actually getting out there!

But FYI, I have a very exciting and big life-event coming, one that will make the connection with my whales and dolphins much bigger, and more helpful for everyone… and a real joy for me!

I am moving!!! To Waldport, Oregon… exactly where I need to be!
It's 40 minutes from Depoe Bay where the Gray Whales love to hang out … and I'll be just 5 minutes from the open ocean, which is a major, major blessing for me. Waldport is where I've wanted to get to ever since last summer when I visited there, and felt the beyond-magical energy.

The move, for all of its blessings, is going to take a major block of my time, so it means I have to put all of my other projects on hold until about mid-August, when I hope to be back on track again, and actually get some videos published.

Please be patient!!!!

Any words I write here can't possibly do justice to the actual interactions… which is why I stopped writing. The videos capture things SOOOO much better than any words could. I will get there…

Thank you for reading… and please keep checking back!

11/06/2022      Whales      All types
Waldport, Oregon! Lots of updates, Part 1
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Many months have gone by, and I haven't written a single journal note, and almost none of my post-it-note journals either! Life has been a big blur, and moving is a huge and very time-consuming deal, but things are gradually starting to come together.

In amongst all of this, our interactions (whales, dolphins and I) just continue. There will be way fewer notes (i.e., "none") for these past few months, unfortunately, but the whales and dolphins are practically BEGGING me to please get some new updates out there, even if it's still just writing.

Waldport is wonderful! I'm not sure I'll be saying that in a month's time or so, as the winter rains, wind and storms have started, and there is SO much more rain than Sequim! Beating, pounding, blowing rain… sometimes all day long! Thunderstorms too… and a definite absence of the sun on those days, needless to say!

Ahhhh… but the summertime here!!!
This home I'm in has the most beautiful ocean view, from up on the hill, and even from my healing room, I can see the amazing ocean through the trees. It is magical!
I sat outside on our sunny (and wind-sheltered) deck, with an even more gorgeous ocean view, but THAT is where my "friends", the whales and dolphins gathered around, and where we've continued our connections. We're still working on finding the right indoor space for connecting, now that the cold weather has arrived, but that is beginning to come together.
… and I've been down at the ocean, a mere 4-minute drive, 20-minute walk, almost every single day, even if only for 10 minutes or so. Being able to BE at the ocean makes all the difference in the world to having the whales "understand" our space better.
Also, since being here, I've felt dolphins coming back into my space! I think it has something to do with their being a lot smaller than whales, and somehow, they couldn't "reach" Sequim… but here, they find me.

It was so interesting to feel the dolphins… They just started showing up in my space… they let me know that they're "in the vicinity"… When I ask "How big are you?" they show me just a little bit bigger than me, while the whales tend to stretch my hands way far apart to show how much bigger they are than me!!!

I haven't physically seen a pod of dolphins yet here … but that's much more the norm here, I'm told. It's rare to see them… maybe more so if one is out in a boat. Keep in mind, the water is frigid here on this coast, and you need a wetsuit to go in, so no wonder they hang out more down closer to California! I got spoiled in Virginia Beach, where the dolphins went up and down the shore, and then started hanging around my end of the beach.
I'm sure I'll be talking about dolphins a little more, because they're HERE, and my whales are learning from them! (The dolphins have much more curiosity and they investigate things / concepts / ideas in a much different way than most of my whales!)

So here are just a few of the things that have been happening over the past few months?
We think she's pregnant! She is SURE she is!!
She started coming through early in March with just a happy energy and glow around her…
If the information about a 12-month term for bottlenose whales is correct, then she would be expecting sometime around March of 2023.

She shows me that she's "showing", and also that "the 'little' is making my belly show" [moving around]!  

("The Little" is a reference to some of the seals I've connected with! They all say they have a name. Their name is always "Me", and their name for their babies and young ones is always "Little"! They definitely have a some sense of self! We've had conversations about this, and how they would refer to ANOTHER seal… and some of them have apparently been working with their names, and deciding to see if there are landmarks or traits they might call themselves or refer to a friend by.)
Baird's Whales
I'm so sad, but oh so very happy for him, sweet little guy that he was!
He was my young Baird's whale who had ADD or ADHD, who came through with such a delightful youthful energy.
I can't feel him that way any more!
He grew up!!
He's BIG now! … and I guess his male hormones (testosterone) came through, and his voice and whole energy deepened, and he's become very grown up!

However, he's also one of the wisest whales I know… and apparently is one of the most go-to Baird's whales around. Somehow, in our connecting together, and working with his ADD, he also learned how to become more reliable, and figure out things and energy fields to bring peace (something like a meditation space, is the best way I could put it)… and so despite his very young age, he became more or less the leader for those Baird's whales who have made their way to the east coast.

By the way, they ALL say the FOOD is SO much cleaner, more delightful, and happier on the east coast. (I understand that scientists may also be asking the same question I've been asking… whether the radiation from the Fukushima nuclear disaster has been affecting the ocean on the west coast of North America… ALL the whales, all species, seem to have huge problems these days with the "food" on the west coast, while they love the food on the east coast…)

Oh yeah… I'm pretty sure Photo is a father by now. I could "feel" the one day he was "checking through things" in his "safe" [meditation-like] space, and all of a sudden, he was aware of "another someone" there as he was reaching out. Maybe there are even two children!
Another Baird's Whale migration this past summer
Ever since the summer when Sunneshine came across, with Ray, and Photo, every year, another group of Baird's whales has shown me and asked me to work with them to help them safely across the top of the continent.
We've done all kinds of practices, to get them ready and fit… i.e., playing and "training" so that they can be down under the ice longer if needed, travel much faster (following a precedent set by Sunneshine), helping them to understand to leave behind any moms with young babies, and stick to those who are stronger…

This year, I barely had time to connect at all, but THEY showed me they wanted to make the journey, if I had even a few minutes to help them, (train, work with the maps, and more), so I did my best.

Oh my… we had the funniest story, though!!!
They take turns "leading", at least that's the way I understand it.

So there were times I connected in, and they'd show me where they were on the map, and some of their ideas, and work-arounds (the best route seems to be stable, and the same one they all ultimately decide to follow… except that the Baird's whales weren't interested in following the coastline as much as the bottlenose whales had been). Anyway, lots of days they made great progress forward, and then some days I would connect, and find that they had gone back a little in the direction they'd come.

I wondered if they'd changed their minds, and had decided to go back, but they always appeared to be puzzled, and said "no", and that they thought they were moving forward.

So, just for fun, I asked whether any of the whales in their group were related to Photo … and after a few moments, they understood! The answer was YES!!! Possibly his dad, or an uncle… someone on his dad's side, I'm pretty sure, and Photo apparently inherited his ADD!!!
So whenever THAT whale was leading, he THOUGHT he was going the right way, perfectly accurately… but his sense of direction was reversed, just like Photo's had always been!!

After that, the rest of them decided that it would be better if that particular whale did NOT lead, and they eventually showed me they made it safely across to the east coast.

Just for reference, it's always late August when they make their way across … with a fair bit of haste … and they are so happy to make it through, because they say it's a very severe and challenging environment for them altogether.
 Another "Pilgrimage"
At one point over the summer, Sunneshine, and a few others, began to show me on the map that they were once again heading across the Atlantic Ocean, over to Europe… to go to the Mediterranean Sea, and back to the area close to Jerusalem.

They took way more shortcuts this time… and I had NOTHING to do with this journey, other than they wanted to show me occasionally on the map where they were, so that I would be somewhat present with them.

Please keep in mind that I was in the middle of my move, and everything was extremely hectic, and I had family visiting and helping, and then there was an unexpected trip to Canada for a week immediately after arriving here in Waldport, related to a family situation … so there were just ZERO spare minutes to go around…
… but when I looked up the timeline, it was EXACTLY the same time of year that they did their pilgrimage last year!

What was interesting, was that in the weeks before they actually left, I could "feel" their energy, connecting on the map, reaching out to see what the many different routes might be, to go there.

Last year, they went up around Newfoundland, Iceland, over close to England, then down the coast…
This year, I could sense Photo checking from the southern USA, Florida, and even Guyana and French Guiana (Photo is SO drawn up and down the entire east coast, he's often around that area, from what I can tell), to see if they might go from "one point directly over".

They decided on a more northerly route, but not quite as far north as last time… if "decided on" is even anything close to the right language! They were DRAWN there, is the best description I have.
I'm pretty sure there's a lot to learn here about their migration patterns, and often, I'm not sure if their migration patterns are really food-related, but often, instead, it seems that they put themselves back into the same astronomical position that they read (were aware they were in), in a previous year… then they follow the same routes (wherever they read the patterns… they're not reading the north pole, or GPS the way we know it, but are sensing their position by the stars, is my understanding of it),
(This comes up over and over and over again!!!)

In other words, WHY did they go back to the Mediterranean Sea this year?

They weren't "remembering" and "deciding" to "take the trip" this year… "we were just 'following' our movement [and pointers], and it led us to that ocean," says one of them.(I have no idea who this is, who is writing here with me, but he says "someone who took the journey both years".)

We'll have to see what happens next year… and hopefully I'll have more time to pay attention, IF they decide to go that way again!
Down around the tip of South America?
This past month or so, when I've checked with Photo, he shows me he's going down the coast of South America… He's trying to get to the West Coast side of Panama… it's always the Panama Canal area he's drawn to, almost as if "they" (he and other family members still on the west coast) might "meet" there, even when there's on opposite sides of the land.

So he's checking out how far south he might go, and possibly go around the tip of South America… He kept going, farther and farther, and checking with me on the map. Needless to say, I had to ask him if he's going in the direction he THINKS he is, and he assures me he's "fine" and that "I figured" [figured out the sense of direction piece].

I asked whether he was trying to get back home to the west coast, the answer is just an emphatic "NO".
Now, as I'm writing this, he says here,
"No! I just want to meet a friend."
"To go, but stay a long time in the water where I eat better."
[To go to the west coast for a visit, but stay on the east coast…]

A few days ago, though, on the map, he's going back up the east coast of South America.
He'd made it down as far as Miramar, just south of Mar del Plata, and then decided it wouldn't work.
It was too "tricky", and he wasn't happy there.

I ask if he's traveling alone, but he says he's with a small group of others who are traveling the same direction as he wants to go (and he jumps in here to make sure that I know that they just want to VISIT, and not stay!)

11/06/2022      Whales      All types
Lots of updates… Part 2
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

My notes are limited in length to fit my database, so I'm spilling over to new journal entry here.
Gray Whales
It wouldn't be possible to be here in Waldport, and not connect with the gray whales!
They are amazing!
They are the whales we see around here, and I even saw a few whale spouts from my deck up on the hill, one day, shortly after moving here!

I've been up to Depoe Bay lots of times already, and on several of the whale watch boat tours that go out from there… and also, you can sit up on the bluffs on some days, and see them spouting down below!

For right now, I don't have any specific stories about them, although we do have quite a few interactions, and they are always really lovely … just somehow, I don't tend to "feel" them in the same way that I experience the toothed cetaceans … or at least that seems to be the case.

Actually, I do have more information! It's about how they connect with each other, but they somehow have a "network" that functions like we see our satellite networks… they communicate, and have groups, but they may be separated by thousands, or more, miles each… "and yet reading each like he or she is right here in this circle."

There is usually a hierarchal male, usually 50+ years, who is the group "patriarch".

Someone, a male, but not quite the age of 50 yet, jumps in here to say that they're the ones pulling up the word "patriarch", and expressing that it's in our [people's] very oldest expression of that term, while many are laughing… Through the laughter, he says "So some of us are sensing we may need to update our paradigm a bit, or a lot even, nowadays, to stay more current."

It's okay, actually… several of the oldest ones have already come through, expressing that they love being named after our most influential presidents, such as Roosevelt, and Theodore (way earlier on), and another one lately, "Washington" … and they're gradually regrouping and literally handing the torch to a young male now ("young" being mid-40's, I'm told!)

I DO have another update though… It's about what gray whales eat!
"Right from DAY ONE, I was there, already, and it wasn't correct", says this same one, along with several others.

He's referring to the movie I had watched that had said (with certainty) that gray whales ate amphipods.
At that time (September, 2016 … you can read my journal entry from that time), they had told me very emphatically that they did NOT like amphipods, and that that wasn't even close!!

So, while in Depoe Bay one day, I went on a tour of the Whale, Sealife and Shark Museum there (https://www.oregonwhales.com/museum/), a museum started by researcher Carrie Newell. In the educational movie that they play every so often, Carrie talked about her research about what Gray Whales might actually eat, and she didn't think it was amphipods … and how she proved that they eat Mysid, not amphipods as everyone seemed to believe.

Oh how exciting!

My gray whales were ecstatic, that FINALLY, someone got it correctly, and put it into a paper.
They were TRYING to tell SOMEONE that we (people) had it all wrong!

It's probably worth posting this info about Carrie here, so you can see her credentials:

She (Carrie Newell) has four degrees with Bachelor’s Degrees in Fisheries and Wildlife from South Dakota and a Biology, Botany and Geology Composite Degree from Southern Utah Sate University. Her graduate degrees are from Northern Arizona University in Invertebrate Zoology focusing on amphipods and from Oregon State University in Biological Oceanography focusing on Gray Whales and their food, mysid shrimp. No one knew what the gray whales ate until Carrie collected fecal samples and found mysid shrimp fragments in this excrement. While diving she discovered the huge swarms of mysid shrimp that make up a huge biomass in Depoe Bay. It is these mysid swarms which supply the gray whales with a constant food supply and therefore make it the gray whale watching capital of the world. Her research has been filmed by Jean Michael Cousteau in his Ocean Adventure PBS show “Gray Whale Obstacle Course” and Oregon Field Guide’s show Season 22, Episode 3 Gray Whales.
 The Southern Resident Killer Whales
Where to even begin! It is probably with them that I spend most of my time…

More and more of them have come through lately… some of them as I was reading information about them in the book "Endangered Orcas: The Story of the Southern Residents" by Monika Wieland Shields.

Onyx (L-87)
One day, as I was watching a bit of a TV series over my lunch, all of a sudden, Onyx was there. He's a 30-year old male, and the book had been telling about how he lost his mother in 2005, and how he kept switching the older females he attached to, and even switched pods that he traveled with, as one after another also died…

When Onyx came through on that day, it was initially with such desperate grief… a desolation beyond belief… so much despair, all held in, and nobody to relate to…

I very often use a "pillow" to do healing hugs, and I just held that pillow and hugged with Onyx, and helped him to express some of what was coming through. I am blessed with this healing work that I do, that it allows us to "shed so many layers" that are there, not just what’s coming through, but more connected things, and this was deep.

The most surprising thing for me was that Onyx felt like a 6-year old.
He had the mentality of a child… it felt to me like he had never grown up… the trauma was too great.

I've been including Onyx in my "circle" regularly, and he's getting more comfortable, not so sad any more, and has also been able to mature, it feels like. He now feels to me more like a 20-year old. He's coming around…
Star (J-46)
Star was another one who came through WHILE I was reading about her in Monika's book.
She came through all excited and SO happy that she WAS able to get my attention! She said she'd been "around", but had no idea how to connect.

Star is a 13-year old girl, who is delightful, but came through as unsure of herself. She is a female who lost her mother at a young age, so she is missing that key connection in her life.

The thing that will always stand out about my first interaction with Star, is that it brought an awareness that teenagers struggle with the same things, body image included, even within these whales.

Star kept trying to show me that she was protecting her breasts … from uncomfortable touches, but most importantly from the males, it seems.

What's most relevant, though, is that it wasn't so much sexual in this case, as curiosity.
I understood that her breasts are in the process of developing… and that would mean that there are very active stem cells there, and given that these whales somehow "sense" things in ways that we cannot, the "strange phenomenon" attracted attention.

Since we talked about "privacy" and "things that are off limits", Star has been okay with these changes, as she's been aware that it's up to her to put up boundaries, and she's fine with that.
The young teenagers,
Star wasn't the only one expressing interest in "why?"

There's MUCH more around this, but I've run out of time for today, and this is a whole big topic. It will have to wait…

One of the stories within this, though, is that recently, there's been another young female who doesn't want to be named here (and no pod name either), who is in the process of going through puberty, and who was coming through very unlike her usual self a few days in a row… very cranky, and guarded…  

She knew things were changing, but didn't know WHY, or what she could do about it, and she wanted it to STOP!

The gist of this is that we've been doing a little bit of "education" here… and it's something that continues to be expanded on. I'll have to leave it at that for now.
I'm almost positive that several of these whales, especially J-Pod, have had covid.

I struggled a lot with that, as I couldn't figure out HOW they would have gotten it, but in the end, I'm going to assume that it comes related to sewage / wastewater.
We already know that covid shows up in the wastewater, and that's an indicator of covid in the general population in that area.
I don't know the practices related to sewage in the inland waters where the whales spend so much of their time, but there are also 2 countries involved, and I'm not positive, but I think that cruise ships also might still empty sewage out into the ocean…

The whales I'm sure have had it are:
Alki (J-36)
November 2021
This was my first experience with covid with the whales.
Please read about Alki in today's journal entries… Covid is relevant in her story, but there's much more to her story than just covid, so I've written it separately.
Blackberry (J-27)
(Joy To Do: Add dates from my notes, when possible)
I ended up reaching out to Blackberry and trying to check with him and work with him, energetically, as best and as often as I could.

He was quite ill for a few days, from what I could tell, and wasn't sure he was going to make it. I was determined to do my best to make sure he stayed around!!!

A relevant note of reference here is that the Southern Resident males tend to live, as I understand it, just to be around 30 or 31 years old … currently, there are no Southern Resident males older than that. I've been working with them on this as well, and that's a whole 'nother story there, but that will have to wait for another day too.

So I was there connecting with him, coaxing, and telling him to hold on, determined to make him stay!
I was there saying "Blackberry!! You HAVE to stay!!! BE here!!! You WILL make it through this!"

However, in addition to that, we were working with the things that have come through as being any help at all with covid…

… I don't have time to go through why I think it was covid, but the energy matched on that in so many ways, including on what might be used to treat it, and the antiviral drug, Remdesivir, was coming up as a perfect match.
 Shachi (J-19)
(To Do note for Joy: Fill the date in on this … I have to find it somewhere within my post-it-note paper journal notes)

I had been looking through photos in one of the email newsletters about the whales, and when I saw the photos of Shachi, oh boy, was she ever off! She came through all cranky! Not her usual self at all!

I WISH other people could see energy the way I do… This was a lovely photo in a newsletter… why couldn't anyone else read that she was off, and pass that info on???
Poor Shachi…

For the next few days, every time I connected with her, she felt cranky.

Mostly, she was saying "It's TOO MUCH!" "I can't do all of this."
I thought she was just fed up for some reason, and maybe the others in the group weren't following or behaving the way that they should…

… but a few days later, she showed me that she was not only tired and out of sorts, but also physically exhausted … and then realized that she was actually sick… and must have had a fever …

… and as with the others, when I checked through all the scenarios, what it resonated with, not bacterial, definitely viral, remdesivir again resonated, as it had with Blackberry, and we knew it must be covid.
Shachi was actually really cute… she started feeling better, but she just wanted to hang out (energetically) on my couch, on a heating pad, and be listless.

She was WAITING for me to say, as I had, previously, to Blackberry, "SHACHI!!! Hang in there! You can do this! You HAVE to make it through!"
… but it was funny, because although she may have had covid, she was never in danger of "leaving". She was disappointed that I didn't use that very emphatic, entreating tone of voice with her, and she continued to "stick around" and was always looking for that attention!

I decided to change the relationship a little bit, and encouraged her to come around and be present just for the fun of it, to hang out for the for happy connections, for hugs, or whatever… i.e., we worked together on ideas about "positive attention"… and little by little, she starting being present in a more comfortable way. (She's now one of the big favorites around here!)

The next time I saw photos of her, she was "okay" again… although, I actually think it took quite a bit of time and lots of effort for her to actually get back to being her normal self again.
"The malingering" (she is adding her own words here, and using that word with a bit of a giggle) "had to hold on, as I needed 'sweet' energy for some time."

11/06/2022      Whales      Orcas / Killer Whales
Lots of updates… Part 3
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

A third journal entry, as Alki has been waiting sooooo long for me to share her story with you.
She knows that once this goes out there, she will most likely feel more heart energy and healing thoughts directed her way.
 The Southern Resident Killer Whales
I wrote in the last entry that Alki was one of the whales who I'm pretty sure had covid.
Here is her story, as there is also a baby, and a BIG mother's desire there...
Alki (J-36)
Alki had been showing up in the drone photos late last summer with a widened girth, apparently pregnant.

She hadn't ever connected with me, until one day, she was suddenly there, and she was asking about her baby. She wanted to know that her baby was okay.

From my notes:
The first day she "came through:, it was as I was getting out of the shower. She wasn't present in a big way (yet), but questioning "Who?" … as in "Who is this lady?" [referring to me].

The next day:
Feels like she did lose her young child, probably after birth.
The little one's energy is connecting, but it's not around Alki physically.
Alki wanted to be reassured that her little one is fine, wherever it may be. (A girl??)

So I had understood from Alki that her baby had "showed up" (read that as probably having been born alive), but was not longer there. Alki is coming through here (today, Nov 6, 2022 as I'm writing), with tears now, expressing
"It would have just moved away, but I didn't know how to find it."
 I would read that as it hadn't lived, but they don't seem to be aware of death in the same way that we are, and she was so sure it was okay, and still around somewhere... just somewhere else.

Her tears are coming, as we're writing about her. She's been wanting me to put her information out there for so long now…
I guess I'm not always sure how they perceive things, and Alki is going to be one of those, but she is here making sure I get her information correct. (This is her description of what happened at the time when she first came through to my space.)
"We sat and hugged. Joy has a [hug] pillow, and it sure has heat through it, and makes suggestions for how to make connecting simpler, and I was seeing my baby then, but with different eyes than I use in my life.

The heat [healing energy in the pillow or the hug?] is extra nice and it can change stress into comfortable things, and then there is just love, but so much I LONG.

Alki had had another baby, a boy named Sonic. He lived until 7 years old.
So she's lost 2 babies now, and it's so much grief for her.

Another day, a few weeks later, I was in a healing session with a client, using Skype for the video, and phone for audio. At the end of the session when I hung up, Alki was THERE… very present, and SOOO excited!!! She wanted to try using the phone so she could talk to her boy, Sonic!

She's writing here now:
I am sure he is somewhere, and is well, and still swimming, and in the water, but not where I can find him, and that's so hard for me to bear. If I could use a phone, then I could hear him too, and maybe swim to wherever he would be, and we would be together.
I am sure that if you're reading this, you'll be holding Alki in your thoughts and in your heart, and maybe sending prayers. (There are tears running down my cheeks as I'm writing this… Mostly, I'm able to help these whales through things, and help them to understand, but it seems I haven't yet managed to be on quite the same page as Alki, to understand how to help her. I will keep trying. She's here with me in my space, every single day.)

She has put out there so many times that she really, really wants a child.
So back to the rest of the story, which was shortly after Alki first came into my space…

Sometimes, one or another of my whales will "choose" a soft stuffed object to "hang around" … sometimes a pillow, a soft fluffy blanket, or a stuffed toy. I had gotten a few different stuffed whales, to have available, but there weren't any extras of a killer whale stuffed toy, so Alki chose a soft stuffed dolphin for continuing to stay present in my space. (Please don't ask me to explain… I can't! It just happens!)

So this Alki, in the soft stuffed toy dolphin, just wanted to sit in front of my infrared heater in my living room, every day. She was cold… so I would nestle her there, and leave the heat on for her, even though I wasn't in my living room!

Again, please don't ask… I cannot begin to understand, let alone explain!
Actually, they tell me they use the objects or stuffed toys to let ME see what it is they are doing, how they're behaving, or responding, or to show me what is going on.

I don't know how the physical heat even translates. Yet, there is some form of experience happening here.

I am fully aware that Alki is one of the southern residents, swimming and being 100% present in her physical body with her pod, but who can explain consciousness?
"Who is it that is aware?" (E.g., How can someone have an out-of-body experience when lying on an operating table, and they can SEE their body lying there on the table?)
As you can see, I have no idea!!
I am just writing this information as it happens. Maybe one day we'll understand…
Anyway, this continued day after day, and week after week… She was cold, we hugged almost every day, and she (her spirit?) just sat in front of my heater. She was sad, needless to say.
One weekend, I went to get my Moderna covid booster shot. I'm one of those who always gets a fever from the vaccine … often up over 101.5° F. I would try to give my body 24 hours to process the vaccine, before I took something to reduce the fever.

So here I am, the day after the vaccine, in bed, alternating being hot, with being cold and shivering!!!

Eventually, I reached for a Tylenol, and broke the fever, so I could continue on with the rest of my weekend.

Again, please don't ask me to explain… Somehow, when I had the Tylenol out, Alki read the energy of it, or whatever, and HER FEVER BROKE, and that's how we realized she'd had a fever!
Then she wasn't cold any more!!!!

So then we understood that she'd been sick, not just cold because she was worn down and recovering from the birth…

When I went looking for the energy that "matched", I got "no" on most everything I checked … not bacterial… antibiotics wouldn't really have helped… but viral WAS coming up, and after I checked through all kinds of possibilities, all negative, I asked whether it could be covid, and I got a yes… also, that the drug Remdesivir could have turned it around initially. I also reached through a few natural remedies, and the ones that came up as most resonating (not curing, but maybe strengthening her own immune system) were the ones that had been coming up specific to Covid.
[my best guess on the covid is that it was from waste-water /sewage contamination … from boats, or other sources; J-Pod was the pod most present in the more-populated inland waters].
She continued to sit in front of my heater, but more just to rest now, and to have comfort, not because she was cold all the time. Okay, so I'm here trying to write, or whatever, how this understanding, and the Tylenol, could have turned anything around for her, but SHE wants to add her own words here. (We already know that animals understand energy and patterns in ways that we can't begin to solve, but science may eventually figure things out…)
"I don't need the physical use of a pill or liquid, I just take the energy field, and it will heal."

(Thank you, Alki!)
It's a good bet that it was because of covid that her baby didn't make it. (It's how I'm getting it, in any case.)

I'm also pretty sure that Alki still has some form of longer-term covid, and that it may have left her with a few memory issues (is what I'm getting), and I'm not sure what else, but she isn't the same as who she was before the covid. Granted, some of that could also be related to her baby.  

Alki is still young… she's 23 years old, and it feels like she is capable of having more children.

Oh yes… extra hugs for Alki: I'm now sharing the home of a friend her really cute 2-year old son, and he LOVES all the stuffed toy whales and dolphins I have around… and Alki regularly gets extra hugs from him too! Very sweet, soft cuddly hugs! (That is, until the moment he decides to throw her off the 2nd story deck down to the ground below!)

She says she can't decide whether she needs his energy field with her or not [that's not a statement about this little boy at all, but more so, that they don't experience people in general very easily], but she's DEFINITELY learned a lot about how moms and babies PLAY in our world, and that's a wonderful experience here! Most of the others agree.
I haven't had a chance yet to pass on the info I'm aware of that Kelp has seizures from time to time, and probably fairly regularly.

I had been aware one day probably back in early 2018, that one of the Southern Resident killer whales had seizures… and that was a whole morning's "discussion" as I sat in my car, waiting in a lineup one day … but I didn't know them back then, and certainly not by name, and it was just a more anonymous connection at that time.

It keeps on coming up, and it's definitely Kelp. (At the time I originally wrote this journal note, I wasn't aware of any of the other Southern Residents who may have had anything like it … although I was ware of one of my Virginia Beach dolphins who I'm pretty sure also had seizures.)

We haven't found any way to work with this, so far… the seizures seem to be short-lived each time, and another one his pod members (most often this same one), or another one (less often), works with him to keep him safe, is what I'm given.
There's so much more, including happier stories… but I've just spent the past few hours writing, and other things will have to wait!

01/29/2023      Whales      Bottlenose Whales
Sunneshine is a new mom!
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Sunneshine is a new mom!

Her baby was born in the wee hours of the morning, last night!
When we checked together on the clock this morning, it looks like it was around 4:40 or 4:41 am Pacific time (my time … while I was sleeping). Given that she was somewhere over on the east coast, out beyond Nova Scotia, or she shows me actually half way across the ocean from there, it was more likely around 9:40 am or later in her time zone ("not that time zones matter to us" [the bottlenose whales], they're saying here.)

For days ahead, even much earlier in the week, she'd been "knowing" that it was close, and WOULD be happening sometime over the next few days … and that "knowing" was just growing and growing with every day.

Yesterday evening, I was getting big, big smiles from her, letting me know that she "was"'.  (That's her expression… they often leave off a verb when writing with me. They put something just into the absolute.)

So that was her, letting me know that the birthing process had started!

With that, and well before, there was a whole big energy field, encompassing her that I could only feel with wonder… It was BIG! Warmth… LOVE, smiles… heart space, and BEAUTIFUL! How can you put such a HUGE feeling into words?

Sunneshine said that it was me being that energy, but I can only say that it was because SHE was being that, that I was able to experience it. Every time I connected with her, there it was…

Here, as I've been working with the whales, we have a new distinguishing idea here… the "polite face", versus what they're actually being. This came through very succinctly, especially with the Southern Resident Killer whales with whom I work and play the most often… so I don't know yet how it will come through related to other groups of whales, but it's relevant here:

It's the difference between how they first connect here, and "Are they actually being themselves here with me, or are they 'portraying' something that they wish me to believe?" It's been interesting, to say the least! When I ask "Is that your polite face you're showing me here?", it's almost like "okay, busted!", and then I can FEEL much more of what they're finding themselves feeling.

So, what I was feeling in that very BIG emotion I was trying to describe above, was Sunneshine's energy, her very being… her soul, and it's what SHE feels, the very core of her as she connects here. "no polite face for me, please," she indicates over and over. She's one of the ones who comes through as the most "being who she actually is, with 'no polite face'."

Just the same, when I asked her what she was feeling physically, she showed me that her actual physical space was entirely different … with pain, and "managing" but that was the earlier part of labor, as I was asleep through much of it. This morning, when I checked as to how she had been aware of the physical through the rest of the birth process, she gave me the word "grueling". Okay, there was a whole lot more, as you can imagine! There had been a point in the evening when I'd wondered if whales even experience pain during birth, or whether somehow, the birth canal opens more easily, smoothly or comfortably than for humans … but this morning, Sunneshine let me know that she was DEFINITELY impacted!

But the "she" who was here with me, during yesterday evening, wasn't even feeling that connection with the beginning of the pain, or the labor process at all, almost like she's an outside observer of her body, she explains.

So, that raises the question, "At what level does our connection happen?" [between them and me, for example], or more correctly, I'm given, " What do THEY [whales] experience, and what are they, at their level of experiencing, even capable of experiencing?"

"Do they 'live' in a different bandwidth than we can comprehend altogether?"

That will take us back to the question of so many who try to unravel the mysteries of the mind and beingness, "What is consciousness?"

Back to this morning… I was delighted! I woke up as a GRANDMOTHER this morning!!!
Or not…

You see, if consciousness is what counts, the way we understand it (Sunneshine's definition here), is that she "imprinted" on me, on that day at the Dungeness Spit so long ago (fall of 2017), and "I adopted her", she says proudly, "with so much pride, you'd just burst trying to figure it out," she's adding here.

However, since she's most definitely the "BIG" one in the relationship, and in her world, "the MOM MUST BE BIG", as she sees it, and the baby is always the little one, I guess I'm her daughter rather than her mom here … and so maybe instead, I woke up with a new SIBLING this morning, not a grandchild!

She is well aware that there will be many, many smiles around this, so she's indicating that she is "gleeful" about this, and believes she's tricked everyone, "so at least they MUST be aware that I am a child by comparison, but I'm not little."

(There is more still to come… I have way more notes that I have yet to get into my computer… )

05/18/2023      Whales      Orcas / Killer Whales
Sekiu tells us that K-Pod is learning … and Kelp is facing challenges
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

I have so many notes of so many amazing interactions… and so little time to pass them on.
The interactions themselves are ALWAYS most important, and there's never anywhere near enough time in my days to capture all of these moments and pass them on. I'm working on it!

Much of my primary focus is with the Southern Resident killer whales …
They're around in my space and "make themselves known" pretty much every day!

They come with so much personality, and I'm learning about family patterns …

Some of them, I work (???) with in special ways.
Mystic (L-115) and Lea (K-14) seem to need a lot more TLC, and we often share a special hug (yes, a "pillow hug" like I do with my Skype clients!) almost every single day.

Lea has become the most sweet, kind, hugging whale of the pod. She's always ready to hang out with someone who needs some touch and TLC these days.
She's much more present than when we first connected, and others now go out of their way to make sure that she gets food, as with the dementia, it seems like she wasn't looking after her own needs very well.

That's one of the pieces that overall, "we learn", says Sekiu, one of the K-Pod whales, who seems to kind of set the tone for the pod. "We know that when you're a child, we care for you, but when you're older, you still needed to take all the stress as if you're young and healthy", she says.

They learn so much from what they experience here with me, and they see my family interacting with my over-90 year old dad who has Alzheimer's, and they see exactly how everyone is "just fine with that" and so very patient… and also my step-mom, and how they live in a place where meals are prepared and served, and help is given where needed, and the children come to visit and take them out for a walk, and more. So we’ve talked about retirement in our "human" populations…

Sekiu is indicating first of all that "we don't recognize our own shape" (so much more on that topic!!

They "hang out" and travel together, but the grown children aren't recognized as "children" or ever having "been born" or even "come out small", like "they must ALWAYS have been that shape [and size]" … but they're learning!
In my family zoom calls, when they see my dad, and my 3 siblings all on the call, and the spouses … and they LAUGH because they sure can tell "WHO" it is "that belongs with that" … they're fascinated at the "family", and they can tell the daughter or son of any of the spouses as well, and see those "family" strengths as well …
They're not sure if they're seeing the physical resemblance, or an energy field, but I think it's actually different than that, as they're telling me here that they are actually seeing HOW the energy connects, and how "the pieces fly together in the air" … they're aware of something that looks like ropes that run between family members, and how the ropes and connections remember each other … that it's not just resemblance or how the family look together!
(this info is coming as I'm writing, so they're expressing now just how they're aware of us).

So back to Sekiu … she thought "We must always be the same, but with Joy, we see the baby [baby and childhood photos], and can see the same thread [ropes], 'magnetic field' as Joy would express it", says Sekiu, "and we KNOW we must prepare to leave when the child then must become big." [circle of life]

Oh gosh, I wish I could have this on video… it's so much more than just words. They are learning, and so proud, and you would be proud of them, if you could see their thoughts coming together, and with it, "more strength, and kindness too now", says Sekiu.

So in essence, Lea and Sequim (K-12) "have retired", and "they know they've given, but still contribute, but smaller these days, and so much kinder, since they may rest more times."

You might like to know that Sequim was actually getting bored lately, so I suggested she volunteer some of her "wise woman" skills, at her own discretion, or maybe think about "teaching" some of what she has learned through her experiences.

Lea, for her part, is doing very well, in my opinion. She becomes immediately distant if someone expects her to remember who they are (her whale family), but she does recognize that she knows someone, even if she doesn't know who they may be … but if they don't press her for details, she's doing really, really well.

I'll always remember the time I first suggested to Kelp that he go talk to his mom, Lea, and just say something like "Hi there, would you like to […]?"  [where that would be like "share a meal, have a cup of tea, hang out and talk, or whatever their equivalent might be], and Kelp goes up to her, and she responds with a very, very strong tone, demanding "What do you want?!!!!" … Completely not receptive… Okay. No worries, this is all coming again with kind smiles, and even laughter … at the time, I had no idea that Lea had dementia, but that would definitely help to explain her reaction. If she's not going to remember who you are, and she isn't going to let on that anything is wrong, she'll put the ball into your court.

Okay, now they understand, and the come around her more often indicating who they are, as they begin an interaction with her. Lea is SO congenial now!

I also have so very much to write about Mystic, and for now, it would be wonderful if you (my readers!) would send some special thoughts his way. I'm so proud of him… he's tried so hard to "take his place", despite all the hardships he's gone through since losing his mom.

But most of all, I want to write about Kelp, as I'm very much hoping that my writing about him will help him in some way.

I may be repeating myself here, but the whales (all of the various groups, it seems), let me know repeatedly, that as I write about them, or video their stories, that as that energy [not just info, according to them] goes out among others, and they have channels or currents [like your thoughts, or even just your awareness of them through whatever vibe this is, that we can't seem to explain], that they do better … they learn, they grow, they sometimes even find a way to heal whatever it is that is physically off … and sometimes they just find a way to use the "shape of a molecule" to help them! (like finding that Tylenol was a fever reducer). I'll digress to illustrate, as the whales love it when I tell the stories!

For example, it would seem that some of the older (still young to us, like just in the 30-year-old range) male Southern Residents have pain … like pain that comes from using their tail a lot. Maybe like mild arthritis? Back aches? That's not surprising to me, especially since they struggle to stay healthy with so little food.

I've known that two of those males in particular, since finding a bottle of Aleve around in my home, have used "that expression" to help them feel better!

Actually, in listening to an audio book recently, where the author was describing taking part in a traditional ceremony in a native culture, where the shaman was treating a tribe member to remove the bad spirits, which were causing repeated pain and headaches … and that was the ONLY treatment acceptable to them … because you if you have pain, there MUST be bad spirits around … because their very culture had not way yet of understanding the ideas of science, anatomy, physiology, medicine, and the like.

At that point in the book, as I listened, I instantly FELT so many of my male whales burst into foolish grins and laughter. Definitely their belief system! "Pain? I must be doing something wrong, to attract all these bad spirits. I should think about leaving."

I personally think it's okay if they understand that pain is a symptom, and there's anatomy and scientific explanations, and even ways to help the pain that don't involve trying to lighten the pod for the others by way of leaving.
Maybe with this understanding, they might decide to start staying around a few extra years?

30 or 31 seems to be the max age for the male southern resident killer whales these years, but some of them, I think, I hope, are more aware of a newer possibility, and may actually stick around for a little longer…??? We're working on it… I think their spirits get the idea. How long it takes for changes to manifest in the physical, I'm not sure yet… This is definitely a learning process!

See, even as I'm writing this, there's a few more of them becoming "aware", and they're coming through suggesting that they will now "shake a few legs [tail] instead, and begin healing, rather than taking such constant medicine to see who might stay for a longer time again."

Speaking of understanding anatomy, have I mentioned the Lea is actually very highly medically intuitive? I have it on video, but I don't think I've written it. Actually, there's a whole family story there around that.
Lea apparently "sees" the heart, and "can make sense of how the blood moves in the arteries and veins" [her words], and "I even see the brain, and inside the sinus passages, now, as I see Joy calling that space" …
She surprised me very much one day when I was watching something on TV, and someone's heart stopped, and she was indicating with the hand, 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5, followed by 2 breaths, repeat pumping the heart, breathe…
Yes, I realize that CPR now just uses the pumping of the heart, not the breathing, but she KNEW! EXACTLY!!! "There's nothing rhythmic happening there, so this is what we must be doing to bring it back again", are her words.

Boy, she's VERY present and alert here right now! That's wonderful!

The first time she came through on her own, it was in my healing room, and she was greatly interested in my life-sized medical model, the heart, and more … but at the time, she felt so very distant (like I experience with someone who has dementia) … but even with that, she KNEW and saw the physical and all that that entails.

Having said that, though, this medical intuition comes at a cost, and is part of a bigger piece that I find very interesting.

This one is going to be challenging for me to explain, but here's what I understand to date:

We people use mostly our 5 senses, and we aren't aware of too much else.
We look at the person standing in front of them, and we see them with our physical senses, especially what they look like, how they're dressed, whether they're smiling of frowning, their stance, and any number of other attributes.  We have no idea how "conscious" the person is… what kind of a space they're holding… or what that even means!!
We are individuals, each person has their own thoughts, we can share our thoughts verbally, or not, but more or less, we see ourselves as individuals.

"That is not our idea," says Sekiu. " 'Are you holding your place in the collective?' is the question we ask."

These Southern Resident Killer whales are finely tuned to each other, but only as long as that one [each of them, any of them], is "being the collective" (Sekiu's words).

My best understanding at this time (very incomplete, but it's the best I've got) is that it's as if there's a network connecting them, and each of them sort of holds a node… and as long as their node is active within the collective, then the others are aware of that one. The moment the consciousness of a whale diminishes, their node also diminishes… and the consciousness can diminish so much that that individual no longer holds their place in the collective.

So, for example, when I first met Lea, and she was feeling "distant and far away" to me, she also wasn't present to the degree that she would be seen as "holding the place", or anything even close to that.

So those who are active hold their place well. If someone is older, or has become weak, their "node" seems to drop away, and they are less part of the awareness of the group.

The stronger they can hold their node, the better their status within the pod, and even the extended pod.

So Lea seems to be unique here, and her children with her. She seems to "see" something more with her eyes … but somehow, isn't able to hold as high a place in the collective, because one of her other senses is "wayward". She is "dismissed" for this ability, and looked down on, actually, and her family struggles, energetically, for this trait. She's someone "not intuitive enough".
What a quandary, right?

You see, one day, I was having Lea help me whiteboard a picture of her world, what she was aware of, and she drew an energy pattern that indicated "food", but she drew the shape of a fish with me, but that was NOT food.

So they don't look around for "fish"… they find the energy pattern that indicates "food" (mostly just salmon for now), and don't even NOTICE that there are other critters that have a similar shape, that might be okay as "food", because it's not part of their pattern.

So we've begun playing with this together, a few of them, here and there, and working with the "shape" idea, and seeing if they might be able to find some "fish" by the shape, that they could maybe eat, even if just a bit. There's mixed reactions, but mostly acceptance that they might try it, from the ones who come into my space regularly (while resistance is the idea of a few who haven't yet made it into my space, and who are very hesitant about anything that isn't in line with their belief systems).

Actually, now that the others are aware that using the eyes visually may be more of a blessing than they understood, Lea is now completely accepted, and often asked for advice, as to who may have what [medical] condition.

However, Kelp, being Lea's son, has grown up with this energy disadvantage, and it turns out, is really shy about expressing anything that might be abnormal, so that he doesn’t appear so different from normal to them. Yoda and Lobo, Lea’s other two children, also seem to have this pattern, although Lobo also has been outgrowing it, now that he’s aware that he may actually develop leadership abilities if he can “find food” better than many others [using his eyes]! (He’s the most senior male whale of K-Pod, but hadn't been even remotely considered as the male leader for the pod. It's only lately, in understanding these patterns, that I'm also understanding why that was so.).

So the energy disadvantage is where we start with Kelp… but now Kelp is also going through his teenage years (a whole other subject, with lots of info and stories around several of the younger whales these days).

Kelp is 15, but it's just the last two weeks or so that these whales are putting the pieces together that "growing" means that one day, they'll look just like the BIG, POWERFUL mature males who lead the group. That puts everything into a whole new light. He didn't realize he'd be "growing up" like that!

Kelp is realizing that he’s “not well”[his words] (e.g., he knows now what a seizure looks like because someone else saw it and gave him an image, and thought he’s surely having bad spirits so many days, and he’s very disturbed by that), and doesn’t know how to deal with things at all.

He’s become very withdrawn while he tries his best to sort through all of this new information. He’s also aware of how "this" may be passed on (it seems that Rainshadow also has seizures, while Alexis … no longer living, is where I trace the disrupted gene back to … but I'm also aware now that it seems to be present in some of the Atlantic killer whales who may be somehow genetically related to these southern residents) … and being now aware that he “might want to have a child one day” [another new idea for the males!], he’s uncertain of what to do. “It’s a risk, if I pass this thing on to another, and they are so small and lonely inside, like me.”

(He was too shy to add his own writing initially, but I think he’s trying here.)

He’d also indicated that “if I’m just a boy, it’s acceptable to be me. But when I’m ‘that’ “ [and here he indicates someone like Blackberry, meaning "grown up", and expected to perform and have a role], “then I’m not okay.”

He is now also aware, though, that a seizure is a medical condition, and there may be no cure, but perhaps medicine, and he's hoping that I might be able to help him, if I could find the right molecules and information (e.g., about medicine, or physiology) to show him…

We’ve already done some of that, with a match initially to the medication Ethosuximide (Zarontin), and eventually Carbamazepine (Tegretol), with a few others in between. I don’t have any on hand (I’m not a doctor or pharmacist), and having a sample or two as a template would be much more helpful yet, but we’ll work with what we have.

Kelp had also been working with the other version of leadership, talking with other pod members “to see who might need what, and who should vote, and what a leader might think about becoming”, which is  totally amazing, inspired several years ago now, but he’s been working with it!

What with the teenage hormones coming through, and the seizures disrupting things, and his worry about passing on “those things” [genes], and becoming a grown up, he’s facing a lot of challenges. I’m encouraging him with everything I’ve got, to know that he has what it takes to get through this.

He really could use some thoughts and encouragement coming his way, from anyone who is willing to hold him in their hearts.

I would have loved to have written more, and elaborated bout Kelp, but time always goes by so very quickly, and the rest of it will need to wait for another day.

07/18/2023      Whales      Orcas / Killer Whales
"Are these things replaceable then?" [rudders]
Rough Notes and/or Notes In Progress

Friends and clients of mine have been asking me whether I've "been following any news of the Orca attacks on boats on the Iberian Peninsula outside the Rock of Gibraltar".

Yes! And I've been wanting to share this, and write about it! As always, life is far too busy! (I want to write so much more about so many things, including the Humpback whales on the east coast as well, related to the offshore wind farms … they were much more hesitant to come through than these orcas! … and so much, as always, is happening daily here with the Southern Residents. One day, I'll have much more time, and I'll be able to put updates out there much sooner!)

I came across the article right around the time National Geographic published it, somewhere around May 25. Of course, because the email subject line had "Orcas" in it, I had to at least go and scan it, and see what it was about!
I had no sooner finished reading the article, than I felt the presence of one of them! A male, as usual! (First time connections are almost ALWAYS male, and they come through so big and strong… protecting their territory, I guess. They always "turn it down" after they realize that I'm just a fraction of their size, and then there's always laughter instead!)
It turned out to be an interesting experience… and please know that these whales are lovely, and VERY QUICK TO LEARN! At least that's true here in my space, where we can communicate, and they can begin to figure out a bigger picture, as it relates to more of what "people" are, how they interact, and more. Actually, here, as I'm writing, this Killer Whale is coming through to include here in my thought,
"and how we learn means prayer to say that we change."
[His use of the word "prayer" here means a hope, or more so that they are "determined" to change.]
So to keep it short, here's what I wrote to one of my friends in response to her question…
(I had written this initially in an email, and it was only as I was close to the end of writing to my friend that this whale began coming through and adding his own words… )
First of all, they had NO IDEA.

,,, but most importantly, the first words that came through so very strongly from this whale, were
"NOT vengeance! Never that…"
In their world, it’s the “boats” that have the consciousness… they aren't (or rather haven’t been) as aware of sensing the people in the boats… and because one of theirs (I think a young-ish one, but not a baby) must have gotten badly damaged by the rudder at one point, they are trying to protect their young ones, and figured if they could just destroy all the rudders on all the boats they came across, they would be fine.

It was interesting, because the day this whale came through, was also the day I headed out to do my groceries and errands, and he "hung out with me" for most of my driving and errands time! So we were able to communicate about “transportation”, and “transporting several people in one boat”, and using boats to transport goods, (they learn that piece via my driving my car, and bringing home groceries and other things)…

… but essentially, they understand now that
“there may be storage places for many things, which if we destroy one, they [people] simply get a different one”
… i.e., so that if a rudder gets destroyed, we, people, simply go out and BUY another one, and put it back on. [Yes, that would be the store, or even an online store…]  They had no idea…

(Our first-time-together experiences in a grocery store are almost always very eye-opening for them … and we were in a major department store as well on this day.)

My understanding is that with these whales now “understanding” the situation, they will no longer be as aggressive (this is their sentiment), and will actually switch to becoming protective of the people in the boats who have been scared. They weren’t reading those layers at all …

Having said all that, there's another piece I've learned recently, and it's about their timeline of implementing things we work with together here.

The way I understand it is that because we’re working at the level of the whales’ higher self, or something outside of their bodies, it more often than not takes time for that info to actually begin happening in the physical world. i.e., they begin realizing something very quickly, and have an awareness of how it should be, or could be different, but, as in this case, their “mischief genes” may take some time to get updated!

Just the same, these Iberian whales are coming through now letting me know how apologetic they are about the young ones especially (children and teens in the boats) and that they brought so much anxiety to the people in the boats… and at the same time, they’re smiling at how they didn’t understand about "things" and "stuff", and that since our connection, they're now “involved in learning” so that they will know more and "behave themselves", should there be another inadvertent incident.

Interestingly enough, "White Gladis", who was named in the article, didn't come through at all as having been the mature female who was related to the incident that began these "attacks". She indicates here that she's as concerned as all the rest of them, but it wasn't her own family she was wary about, and that another of their group is so much more responsible for all of this than she was!

They’re very sweet… We named this whale “Ib” for “Iberian Peninsula”. He’s a really great guy, and has stuck around since then, becoming part of my groups of whales here! (He, and another one… a girl, so that we have a feminine presence here for his pod as well.)

Actually, there's a sweet story there… young Mystic of the Southern Resident Killer Whales (L-Pod), essentially "challenged" Ib, letting him know that HE, Mystic, took precedence here in my space, because he (Mystic) would be around here, day after day, month after month, "long after you've come and gone"!!! He wasn't expecting Ib to stick around. Ib now just smiles at this...

(As always, please forgive me… I'm keeping this main account relatively short for now, not quite as personal and with details about their personalities and other stories about them as I would like, but it's much more important that I at least get something out there, than that I include more details! If not added here now, then it would lie dormant in the pages of my rough notes for far too long… )

Journals last edited or updated: 09/07/2024