Whale Communicator Joy McEntire

Northern Right Whale

Whale & Dolphin Communicator ~ Discover whales and dolphins through their own eyes!

... an amazing journey of discovery with Whale Whisperer & Dolphin Whisperer Joy
My Mission
My mission is to provide ongoing help and support to dolphins and whales in a completely new way, based on interactions and conversations with them.
This new way provides a framework for understanding them and their needs from a completely different perspective.
Needless to say, it takes into account their social networks, their dignity, and a really big thing ... their comprehension (or need for more comprehension) of what is happening throughout their entire universe... the oceans.
Through our many interactions, they are beginning to piece together the issues that concern them.
This new way of helping and supporting them gives the dolphins and the whales a forum for continuing to learn and make adjustments based on what they learn, at their own pace, and in their own way. They are unique and deserve to have their ways expressed to those who are impacting them so greatly... people.
My goal is to continue to connect with them, and to find out from THEM what is most helpful at any given point in time... and that will always depend on any given situation.

Page last updated on 9/26/2021